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(Kaldred's Triat Mastery Quest)
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This log is from Cordir's point of view. 10/30/01

The Storytelling Amphitheater
[Exits: west]
( 4) A can of Frank and beans sits here. It has an interesting label.
( 2) A jar of pickled elf ears sits here.
( 5) A package of bird brains sits here.
( 5) A bag of gnome nuts sits here.
(Moderate magic) The curious topaz amulet lies here.
(Moderate magic) The burnt scroll lies here.
(Moderate magic) The flayed skin scroll lies here.
( 3) A delicious magic mushroom is here.
(Dark Cyan Aura) Tien is here.
Ebonie is here.
Tranquility is here.
Rigel is here.
(Dark Cyan Aura) Solaron is resting here.
Palin is here.
Drystan is here.
(Light Blue Aura) Gregar is here.
Noctus is here.
(Light Blue Aura) Aslan is resting here.

You say, 'greetings'.

Solaron is wearing his pimp...er...ceremonial gear, Lady Cordir.

Cordir glances around the chamber, waiting for everyone to calm.
Cordir waits.

Rigel is ready.

Katana gets a jar of pickled elf ears.
Katana gets a jar of pickled elf ears.

Kaldred gasps in astonishment.
Palin nods.
Drystan drinks water from a magical spring.

Solaron says (in common), 'Gathered Chosen...'.

Tranquility nods in recognition to you.

Solaron says (in common), 'The Fateful Hour is here, let us quiet.'.

Kaldred rests.
Bancor rests.

Solaron says (in common), 'Please refrain from unneeded spells, etc.'.

Katrana gets settled in, places her weapon beside her, and pays attention.

Tranquility grins at Solaron.

You say, 'Thank you for sharing with us this Hour.'.

You say, 'before anything else, I believe Kaldred has a Petition to state.'.

Kaldred nods.

Cordir turns to face Kaldred.

Kaldred stands up.

Kain arrives from the west.

Cordir gestures for Kaldred to speak before those assembled.

Kain looks around.
Aslan looks around.

Kaldred says (in common), 'Well, after consulting quite a few people, being approached by quite a few as well, i have decided to undertake the Triat Master quest'.

Kaleyah listens as the crickets chirp peacefully.

Kain leaves west.

You ponder the question.

Kaldred says (in common), 'Under Cordir if she'd be so kind as to grant me the opportunity to try.'.

Katrana nods.

You say, 'Because Triat Mastery is a very complex, ritualized event..'.
You say, 'It requires a formal petition, Kaldred..'.
You say, 'I am sorry that I did not make that clear.'.
You say, 'It is customary for a Petitioner to approach one who is a Triat Mastery'.
You say, 'pardon, a Triat Master...'.

Kaldred says (in common), 'Ah ha.. Now they tell me. *Grins*'.

You say, 'and ask them, in the name of the Three, to petition Them for a quest.'.
You say, 'Would you like to do so at this time?'.

Kaldred nods in recognition to you.
You nod in recognition to him.

Cordir is silent a moment, giving Kaldred a moment to gather his thoughts.

Kaldred gathers.

Cordir hides a smile behind a slight cough.

Tranquility tries not to giggle and fails, giggling gleefully.

Kaleyah gets a package of bird brains.

Cordir takes out a small slate, and marks another tick, making five total.

Gregar scowls at Tranquility.

Kaleyah eats a package of bird brains.

Cordir glances at Solaron meaningfully.

Kaleyah gets a bag of gnome nuts.
Kaleyah eats a bag of gnome nuts.

Ebonie snuggles up to Kaldred.

Katrana smiles when she hears the word 'rift'

Solaron sniffs sadly at the way you are treating him.
Solaron bows deeply.

Ebonie purrs contentedly in Kaldred's lap.

Kaleyah checks her sundial.

Ebonie giggles at herself, she must be nervous or something.

Kaleyah gets a can of Frank and beans.
Kaleyah eats a can of Frank and beans.

Kaldred walks over to Cordir and bows before her.
Kaldred compiles himself.

You smile at him.

It is 3am on Ozymandiut the 6th, the month of the Dawning, in the year 2499.

TFC started up at Tue Oct 30 11:51:47 2001
The system time is Tue Oct 30 19:32:20 2001

33 players.
Elf [ Th:20 Ra:30 Ma:30 ] Valo Yagyu, Warden of the Black Conclave
Hel [    Th: 6 Ma:15    ] TeWhareMate: * TheWearingofTupper * {TupperWare}
Elf [       Cl: 3       ] Soveriegn,
Gno [    Cl:30 Wa:30    ] Noctus(Assistant Ambassador) *Tranquility* *Fate*
Hum [ Th:12 Ma:15 Ra: 9 ] Darkstarr, Black Panther Brigade General *TIGER*
Elf [       Ma:17       ] FisRad, plop plop, fizz fizz
Hum [       Wa: 8       ] Longshanks the Boy
Elf [    Ra:30 Ma:30    ] Kaldred, Favored of Fate
Elf [ Wa:30 Th:25 Ma:30 ] Mael, the Patriarch of the Coven
Elf [     Dreamguide    ] Legolas I Dream, You Dream, Everyone Dreams!
Elf [    Wa:14 Cl:15    ] Rigel Fated Husband of Clue, KOSB, KGB
Elf [    Cl:26 Wa:25    ] Solaron, Wyldling of Wisdom.   -Fate-
Hum [    Ra: 7 Ma:15    ] Bancor,Apprentice of Fate -=[Chosen]=-
Gno [    Sh:27 Wa:23    ] Katrana, Bladed Adept of Fate
Hum [ Th:11 Ma:24 Wa:25 ] Palin D'henoke: Weaver's Fated Apprentice *Taoi*
Aar [       Sh: 8       ] Drystan.
Dwa [       Cl: 3       ] Pheonix will pay handsomely for luck items.
Elf [    Wa:23 Cl:24    ] Tien Shinhan, Dawn Bringer of Virtue.  *Fate*
Hlf [       Cl:19       ] Aslan Tsarran, Student Tigeress of Fate, *Talyn*
Elf [    Ma:14 Ra:15    ] Blystur Tiger reborn
Aar [    Wa:11 Sh:30    ] Gregar the handy-dandy bag machine *tiger-fate*
Hel [       Ra: 9       ] Ethoril the Half-Elf
Gia [       Sh:12       ] Katana Thorn giant of the dark
Hum [    Cl:15 Ra:13    ] Abe: G2 in training. (Tiger) 13B(F)20/11B20
Min [       Ma: 9       ] Spyder the Minotaur
Hum [    Ma:11 Ra: 9    ] Ebonie the Patient.    *Fate*
Elf [   Veldrin Kyorl   ] Kain, Malla Jabbuk Elg'selvatar d'lil Veldrin.
Hel [    Wa: 6 Ma:25    ] Doza, Valiant Mage flies alongside the *Tigers*
Hum [     Ambassador    ] Cordir the penitent, teacher of the young (-gossip_
Aar [    Th:20 Sh:21    ] Tranquility Handmaiden to Cordir. *Fate*Noctus*
Hel [       Wa: 2       ] Cherrie the Half-Elf Maiden
Hel [    Cl:18 Wa:16    ] Kaleyah Wraithverge Salemonte, Dark Specter *dt* twin
Dwa [    Wa:20 Cl:21    ] Wylin, Teacher of Wisdom, (You better get some!)

Kaleyah watches as a turtle passes Kaldred.

Kaldred says (in common), 'M'lady, after deep contemplation and consideration, if I could be so blessed by the Triat and yourself as to receive a quest, i am willing to accept the c'.
Kaldred says (in common), 'challenge and try with my fullest conviction to attain the goals set for me.'.

You ponder the question.

Kaldred's a little confused and surprised here.. Give him a break! :P.

You say, 'Are you _quite_ certain?'.

Kaldred pokes Kaleyah in the ribs.

Kaldred says (in common), 'I am M'lady.'.

Cordir nods slowly.
Cordir closes her eyes, listening to a distant Trio of voices.

You nod.

Kaleyah eats a package of gnome nuts.

You say, 'Kaldred, your petition has been heard... and answered.'.
You say, 'Please kneel.'.

Kaldred kneels.

Cordir surveys those present.
You say, 'The core foundation of those who serve Fate is a belief in the Triat. '.

Kaldred nods.

You say, 'Some serve by daily example.'.

Cordir gestures and the image of the Weaver's Theologian shimmers in the air... then fades.
Cordir smiles sadly, missing him.

You say, 'Others serve through daily devotion.'.

Cordir nods to her Acolyte.. her Handmaiden... her Blade...

Noctus nods in recognition to you.
Solaron bows deeply.
Tranquility curtseys gracefully for you.

You say, 'and then there are those who make the ultimate offering of faith.'.
You say, 'Triat Masters.'.

You smile at Noctus.

You say, 'Noctus...'.

Cordir gestures and the lithe, spare form of her Shadow appears, then swiftly vanishes.
You say, 'and Nyx...'.

Aslan looks around.

Noctus smiles happily.

You say, '.. both of whom gained Mastery during this second Age.'.
You say, 'Simply undertaking the task is a noble offering to the Three.'.

Cordir turns to Noctus.

You say, 'Blade, would you name those of the First Age who obtained or attempted Mastery?'.

Noctus says (in common), 'Most certainly My Lady'.

Noctus says (in common), 'There was Typhon'.
Noctus says (in common), 'A legendary Shaman takes up the path of the thief while denied food or water for three Ascensions'.

Noctus says (in common), 'Ivarr'.
Noctus says (in common), 'A learned Mage travels the depth of the world, fighting mighty foes'.

Noctus says (in common), 'Pestis'.
Noctus says (in common), 'A wicked elven priestess revels in the Wyld's demands, and spreads plague as she travels.'.

You nod.

Noctus says (in common), 'One who is not remembered by his name any more'.
Noctus says (in common), 'And ofcourse Lady Cordir herself'.
Noctus bows before you.

You smile happily.

Kaldred smiles happily.

You curtsey to your audience.

Kaldred bows before you.
Katrana smiles happily.

Noctus says (in common), 'There were also a couple that tried'.
Noctus says (in common), 'But failed'.
Noctus says (in common), 'Huey was one of them'.

You nod.

Noctus says (in common), 'He was unable to stay his hand from the dance of death'.

Cordir glances around, remembering the Shaman's recent visit to her garden.

You thank Noctus heartily.
You say, 'Thank you, Blade.'.

Noctus bows deeply and steps back.

Cordir turns to her Handmaiden.

You say, 'Tranquility... would you name those who have attempted Mastery in the second age?'.

Tranquility smiles happily.
Tranquility curtseys gracefully for you.
Tranquility says (in common), 'Gregar was one to seek Mastery'.

Gregar stares at the ground.

Noctus hugs Gregar.

Tranquility says (in common), 'Denied the power of flight, he persisisted and almost succeeded'.
Tranquility says (in common), 'To help another, he took wing'.
Tranquility says (in common), 'and in doing so, failed the Mastery'.

Tranquility says (in common), 'Adso was one to seek Mastery'.
Tranquility says (in common), 'He immorted without completing the rite. To this day, I know not what was finished'.

Tranquility says (in common), 'And Noctus, thank you for mentioning the Lady'.
Tranquility grins wickedly at you.
Tranquility says (in common), 'She adores forgetting to state herself as one'.
Tranquility curtseys gracefully for you.

Noctus nods in recognition to Tranquility.

Solaron shakes his head.

Gregar smirks.

You cough.
Your cheeks are burning.

Tranquility sits again.

You say, 'A Triat Mastery quest tests the physical, mental, and spiritual essence of the individual. Far, far beyond the rigors of any other test... Triat Mastery demands the impossible be achieved. One who completes and obtains Triat Master is a step beyond the achievements of the rest of the Realm. Tasks and great sacrifices are demanded in the name of the Three. Kaldred, are you ready to hear the Triat's demands?'.

Kaldred says (in common), 'I am My lady'.

You say, 'Before hearing Their will, it is right that you be purified and blessed... to prepare you for the tasks at hand.'.

Kaldred nods.

Cordir turns to Her Handmaiden.

Tranquility urges Kaldred to his feet.
Tranquility urges Kaldred forward to stand alone.

Kaldred stands.
Kaldred stands forward of his original position.

Tranquility pulls a pouch of sand from a pocket, and draws a circle around Kaldred.

Tranquility says (in common), 'Kaldred, please extend your hand'.

Kaldred extends his right hand.

Tranquility pulls a silver pin from her hair and pierces the index finger of his right hand, holding it over the sand.

Kaldred winces. Ouch!

Tranquility says (in common), 'I am sorry'.

Kaldred sniffs sadly at the way Tranquility is treating him.
Kaldred grins wickedly.

Tranquility releases Kaldred's hand.

Clue arrives from the west.

Tranquility chants (in old-common), "the purification rite is begun."

Tranquility places a candle at the north head of the circle.

Noctus utters the words: 'Minor flamestrike' A small flame lights the candle.

Tranquility chants (in old-common), "By Fire, rebirth and renewal, you are cleansed."

Tranquility places a black Weaver orchid to the east, plucking a petal first.

Tranquility crushes the petals beneath her feet releasing a soothing fragrance.

Tranquility chants (in old-common), "By Incense, past and future, you are cleansed."

Tranquility places a black Wyrm lily to the south, plucking a petal first.

Tranquility chants (in old-common), "By water, moon and tides, you are cleansed."

Tranquility places a black Wyld rose to the west, plucking several petals first.

Tranquility chants (in old-common), "By earth, comfort and stability, you are cleansed."

Tranquility moves to the north cusp.

Tranquility utters the words, 'cloak of protection'.

Tranquility drops the petals towards the flame, they are consumed before they fall a handspan.

Tranquility looks at Kaldred with a tired, but happy smile.

Tranquility says (in old-common), "The purification is complete, Triat guide you.

Kaldred beams a smile at Tranquility.

Tranquility says (in old-common), "Do not break the circle, my friend. It binds thee.

Kaldred nods in recognition to Tranquility.

Tranquility curtseys gracefully to Kaldred.

Tsumemasa arrives from the west.

Kaldred bows before Tranquility.

Solaron stands.

Kaldred smiles happily.

Tsumemasa bows deeply.

Tranquility steps back into her place, leaning against Noctus for support.

Solaron steps forward, gesturing to Noctus and Tien.

Tien stands up.

Noctus joins hands with Solaron and Tien.

Solaron says (in common), 'By the Power of the Three, with Three united, we Bless you in the name of the Wyld, the Weaver, and the Wyrm.'. 
Solaron utters the words, 'bless'.

Noctus utters the words:'fido'.

Dashiva arrives from the west.

Solaron bows deeply.

Tien utters the words, 'bless'.

Dashiva leaves west.

Kaldred bows before Solaron, Noctus, and Tien.

Tien bows deeply.

You tell Tranquility, 'damn, my people kick ass.'.
Tranquility tells you (in common), '*big grin*'.

Solaron steps back.
Solaron rests.

Tien rests.

You smile happily.

Cordir takes a step forward, her eyes glowing softly with an intense indigo light.

You say, 'Kaldred, In the name of the Wyrm, you are bid traverse the threads of knowledge. '.
You say, 'Three tasks, with three parts each.'.

Kaldred nods.

You say, 'First, traverse and record for your brothers and sisters of Fate, these three lands: Isirra, Sahaguin City, and the Dream Realm.'.

You say, 'Second, increase your knowledge of the arcane. Seek out and record the properties of three times twenty-five rare artifacts unknown to the records of the of the Chosen.'.

Kaldred nods in recognition to you.

You say, 'Third, perform three acts of service. '.

You say, 'One shall be for a friend, another for a foe, and a third for a stranger.'.

Valo arrives from the west.
Valo utters the words, 'silence'.
Silence envelopes you!

You say, 'Be prepared to detail these acts and how they glorify the Triat.'.

Katrana makes a complicated-looking gesture.
This locale has been cleansed from unnatural influences.

Kaldred nods in recognition to Katrana.
Solaron bows before Katrana.
Katrana rests.

You say, 'Valo, please do not interrupt.'.

Kaldred tells you (in common), 'He should be punished for that.'.

Noctus says (in common), 'Valo act like an adult or leave please'.

Solaron murmurs 'Ever does the Adversary play...'

You say, 'Be prepared to detail these acts and how they glorify the Triat.'.

Tranquility beams a smile at Solaron.

You say, 'Kaldred, do you accept these tasks in the name of the Wyrm?'.

Valo says (in common), 'I will not interrupt your little thing Noctus, I apologize '.
Valo nods in recognition to Noctus.
Valo says (in common), 'carry on'.

Kaldred says (in common), 'I do, M'lady'.

You nod in recognition to him.

Cordir waits for silence before continuing.
Cordir turns to Valo to see if there will be any further interruption.
Cordir arches an eyebrow inquisitively.
You nod.

You say, 'Kaldred, in the name of the Wyld, you are bid spin the dance of death and change.'.
You say, 'Three shall you find and overcome. Three only, but three who shall challenge you to your utmost.'.
You say, 'First, a creature of fire and earth.. the Balrog of the Master's Tower'.
You say, 'Second, a creature of etherealness, the Dreammaster of the Realm
of Dreams.'.
You say, 'Third, a creature of cold and chaotic evil, the Jester of the Keep.'.
You say, 'On this task, you may have the aid of three plus three individuals for each target.'.

Valo winces. Ouch!

Kaldred scratches his head.

You say, 'Proof must be provided in the form of a steak or bag, held until the quest's completion. '.

Kaldred nods.

You say, 'Should the proof be lost, it must be re-obtained.'.

Gregar's eyes take on an insane gleefu look.

You say, 'Kaldred, do you accept these tasks in the name of the Wyld?'.

Volkov arrives from the west.

Kaldred says (in common), 'I do, and shall strive for them with all my heart, and being.'.

You nod.

Valo grins evilly.

Cordir takes a deep breath.
Cordir grins ever-so-slightly-evilly.

Ebonie giggles.

Kaldred smirks at your saying.

You say, 'It is said... with perhaps reasonable cause...'.

Cordir makes a slight gesture of concession with another evil smile.

You say, 'that the Weaver's Challenge is the hardest of the three in Triat Mastery. '.

Solaron mutters something under his breath.

Katrana hides a smile.

You say, 'Rather than a simple task to perform, the Weaver demands the sacrifice of whatever is held most dear.'.

Noctus nods in recognition to you.

You say, 'IN times past, she has required the shadows of stealth of a thief...'.
You say, 'The murderous rage of the world's most deadly shamanic killer...'.
You say, 'the voice of a bard...'.
You say, 'The protective strength of a Blade...'.

Cordir pauses for a cruel moment...

Valo says (in common), 'stouthbound'.
Valo grins to himself. What IS he thinking about...?!

Cordir looks into Kaldred's eyes, to see what he believes that sacrifice might be.

Kaldred pauses for a moment, and thinks.

Volkov says (in minotaur), 'just k self'.

You say, 'Well, you're wrong.'.

You say, 'Volkov, please be silent, or leave.'.

Valo rests.
Valo kneels down and begins chanting, drawing power from Lord Nash.
Valo stands up.

You say, 'Kaldred... in your case.. The Weaver demands an offering from your heart.'.

Solaron tells you (in common), 'What I wouldn't give for Noctus and I to both have our spells and Goddess right now.'.

You say, 'She requires the sacrifice of your intimacy. Specifically... The abstinence of physical intimacy, be it lover's kiss, a reassuring hug, or the touch of a hand. The abstinence of emotional intimacy, be it joyful laughter, angry growl or mischievous smile. The abstinence of spiritual intimacy, walking alone and without fellows of faith until such time as your trial is complete.'.

Gregar winces. Ouch!
Ebonie gasps in astonishment.
Katrana gasps in astonishment.
Rigel whistles appreciatively.

Kaldred comforts the ladies..

You say, 'the abstinence of verbal intimacy...'.

Tsumemasa blinks.

Tranquility closes her eyes in understanding.

Kaleyah snickers softly.

You say, 'denied the ability to speak in private, one on one. ( no tells )'.

You say, 'and lastly, The abstinence of romantic intimacy. The presence of the one you love greatest in your heart - '.

Valo says (in common), 'they sought comfort from you Kaldred, not to you.'.
Volkov looks at Kaldred.
Valo rolls his eyes at Kaldred.

You say, 'whomever that soul may be - is also forbidden.'.

Kaldred nods slowly.

You say, 'Please speak to me the name of that soul.'.

You say, 'Valo, please leave.'.

Valo says (in common), 'I will say no more kaldred'.

Tranquility tells you (in common), 'he is not staying. He comes in, does something, then leaves.'.

Valo nods.
Valo leaves west.

Tranquility tells you (in common), '*smirk* What a jerk'.

Volkov utters the words, 'cloak of protection'.

Rigel tells you (in common), 'Perhaps it would be better if he told you directly'.
Rigel tells you (in common), 'Rather than make that person a target'.

You say, 'Allow me to clarify'.
You say, 'You have not accepted the Trial as of yet.'.
You say, 'A TELL is not yet forbidden.'.

You smile happily.

Volkov drinks water from a water skin.
Volkov drinks water from a water skin.
Volkov leaves west.

You say, 'So please speak that name privately.'.

Kaldred nods in recognition to you.

Kaldred tells you (in common), 'As one that I feel intimate with?'.

(Folks take a moment to drink and eat)

Solaron mutters something under his breath.
Solaron says (in common), 'Please desist from drinking and filling etc.'.

Kaldred tells you (in common), 'That was what you sought, yes?'.

You tell Kaldred, 'The character on TFC that you are emotionally closest to.'.
You tell Kaldred, 'whether romantically or not.'.

Cordir gazes at Kaldred and silent communication flows between the two of them.

Kaldred tells you (in common), 'Well, i would have to say, through my various stages, and my experiences, that person would be XXXXX. XXXXX is my closest friend.'.

You nod in recognition to him.

You say, 'The Name has been given.'.
You say, 'Kaldred, do you accept this sacrifice in the name of the Weaver?'.

Gregar steps in briefly.

Cordir arches an eyebrow inquisitively.

Kaldred raises an eyebrow at Gregar.

Gregar embraces kaldred and whispers *may the triat guide you, luck brtoher*

Kaldred hugs Gregar.

Tranquility smiles happily.
Kaldred smiles happily.
Noctus beams a smile at Gregar.
Katrana smiles happily.
Tsumemasa beams a smile at Gregar.

Kaldred says (in common), 'I accept, M'lady'.

You nod.

Tranquility beams a smile at Kaldred.

You say, 'Then, Kaldred, when you feel yourself read..'.
You say, 'ready...'.
You say, 'you may begin your Trial of Triat Mastery by noting your title as "Kaldred, Triat Initiate"'.
You say, 'From that moment, you are bound by all strictures of the Trial.'.

Kaldred nods in recognition to you.

You say, 'And you can expect that you will be tested...'.

Kaldred nods.

You say, 'May the Three guide and bless your way.'.

You bow before him.

Cordir takes a step back, releasing a long, ragged breath.

Kaldred bows before you.

Cordir closes Her eyes briefly, and the radiant glow fades from them.

Tranquility steps forward offering a kerchief and a supportive shoulder.

You smile at her.
You say, 'Thank you, Tranquility.'.

Tranquility smiles happily.
Tranquility says (in common), 'My pleasure, Lady'.

Cordir gratefully accepts the swan's assistance over to a bench.

Noctus says (in common), 'Wait one second please Kaldred'.

Solaron says (in common), 'Now, eat and drink.'.

Tranquility tells you (in common), 'might I suggest an intermission for food and whatnot?'.

Kaldred nods.
Katrana stands up.

(lots of eating and drinking)

You say, 'The Oath has not yet been taken up.'.
You say, 'Perhaps refreshment is in order.'.

You tell Lanfear, 'haul butt up to the amphitheater'.

(more eating)

Noctus says (in common), 'Someone needs to offer you some support before you accept the quest'.

Rigel says (in common), 'Apologies all, I must leave'.

Lanfear tells you (in common), '*yawn* *stetch*'.

Rigel kisses Clue.
Clue hugs Rigel.

Clue says (in common), 'Be Well, my Husband'.

Gregar says (in common), ''scuse me!'.

Rigel smiles happily.

Solaron gathers the chosen in a group hug!

Rigel leaves west.

Gregar burps loudly.

Kaleyah returns to her previous position and sits quietly.

Katrana says (in common), 'group hug!'.
Katrana giggles.

Tranquility hugs Lanfear.

Lanfear curtseys gracefully.
Palin licks Lanfear.

The Storytelling Amphitheater
[Exits: west]
You are in a small amphitheater. Several rows of curved marble benches
curl comfortably around a raised dais. The high ceiling and polished
stone walls are shaped to reflect the voice of the speaker at the dais,
letting them be heard throughout the room. An open archway to the west
leads out into a small courtyard.
(Token magic) A magical spring flows from the ground here.
(Invis) Lanfear is here.
Ebonie is here.
(Light Green Aura) Tsumemasa is here.
Bancor is resting here.
Clue is resting here.
(Light Blue Aura) Gregar is resting here.
(Dark Cyan Aura) Tien is resting here.
(Dark Red Aura) Katana is here.
(Dark Red Aura) Kaleyah is resting here.
Kaldred is here.
Noctus is here.
(Dark Cyan Aura) Solaron is here.
Katrana is here.
Tranquility is here.
Palin is resting here.
Drystan is resting here.

Lanfear curtseys gracefully for you.
Ebonie curtseys gracefully.

Kaleyah looks to Kaldred for signs of reaction.

Lanfear is so excited that she cheers just for the hell of it.

Katrana hugs Kaldred.

You say, 'Kaldred, I suggest you use your last TELL in a while to discuss the Oaths given.'.

Cordir smiles wickedly.

Ebonie giggles.

Kaldred nods in recognition to you.

Katrana says (in common), 'Good Luck Kaldred'.
Katrana smiles happily.

Lanfear hugs you!!
Lanfear smiles happily.

Kaldred says (in common), 'Thank you everyone :)'.

Drystan smiles happily.

Ebonie giggles.
Tsumemasa smiles happily.

Noctus hugs Lanfear.

Katana blinks.

Palin says (in common), 'May the Three guid you Kaldred, Brother'.

Kaleyah thinks, "That's not a tell"

Lanfear hugs Kaldred.
Tripper hugs Gregar.

Spyder arrives from the west.

Clue says (in common), 'may the Three guide and sustain you, Kaldred'.

Gregar says (in common), 'afk 20 secs'.

Tranquility says (in common), 'He is not bound until he begins'.

Kaldred nods.

You nod.

Spyder bows before you.

Katrana smiles happily.
Katrana nods.

Ebonie is afk.

You say, 'Hello, Spyder'.

Spyder says (in common), 'Hello'.

Tranquility says (in common), 'He will change his title when the time arrives. Only he knows when that will be'.

(there is idle chatter for a while as Kaldred asks some questions about his quest, and new folk arrive, others depart. there's a lot of bouncing on laps, and general high spirits)

Kaldred hugs Lanfear.

Solaron nods.
Katrana nods.

Trevor arrives from the west.
Trevor bows deeply.

Palin says (in common), 'I must be going now'.

Kaldred nods.

You smile at him.

Kaldred says (in common), 'Be well Brother :)'.
Clue says (in old-common), 'Be Well, Palin'.

You smile at him.
Katrana bounces onto Solaron's lap.

Tien says (in elven), 'im sorry.. but i've got to get going too'.

Gregar says (in common), 'back'.

Solaron nods in recognition to Tien.
Solaron waves goodbye to Tien.
Katrana waves goodbye to Tien.
Clue hugs Tien.

Noctus waves goodbye to Tien.
Noctus waves goodbye to Palin.

Clue says (in old-common), 'Be Well, Tien'.

Solaron bounces onto Katrana's lap.
Solaron grins happily.

Tien says (in elven), 'same to all of you'.

Katrana pokes Solaron in the ribs.
Katrana giggles.

Tien waves happily.

Solaron oofs.

Palin licks you.

Lanfear grins wickedly.

Solaron winks at Palin.

Lanfear licks her lips and smiles.

Katana chuckles, evidently amused.

Palin leaves west.

Tien utters the words, 'sanctuary'. Tien is surrounded by a white aura.

Bancor says (in common), 'who is doing that?'.

Lanfear grins wickedly at Kaldred.

Tien leaves west.

Kaldred grins wickedly.

Katana utters the words, 'phosphate'.

Clue says (in old-common), 'doing what?'.

Bancor says (in common), 'licking me'.

Solaron says (in common), 'Was Palin.'.
Solaron nods in recognition to Kaldred.

Gregar sneaks up and grabs clue...
Gregar says (in common), 'Look! I finally got a clue!!!'.

Clue grins impishly.

Tsumemasa rolls his eyes.

Gregar starts cheearing and loses hold of the clue.

Katrana throws a snowball at Solaron.
Solaron dodges, and it hits Cordir.

You say, 'perhaps while Kaldred and I are speaking..'.
You say, 'we could return to the Hour.'.

Solaron says (in common), 'Oh, of course.'.

Katrana smiles happily.

Lanfear looks at Kaldred.

You say, 'I believe that Gregar had something he wished to share.'.

Lanfear looks at you.

Kaleyah nods.
Gregar nods.

Solaron says (in common), 'You ruffians in the back calm down. That means
you, Kat and Ty.'.

Lanfear smiles at you.

Katrana gets back into her, "I am paying attention pose"
Katrana rolls her eyes.

Tranquility gasps in astonishment.

Gregar says (in common), 'not terribly important, but certainly I would
enjoy sharing a story'.

Solaron nods sagely to himself.

Lanfear snickers with Solaron about their shared secret.

Tranquility baps Solaron with her wing. Oops! Did they fall over?

( Gregar tells his tale )

Kaldred takes a breath, and steps forward for his last comments.

Lanfear muttsers 'rift' .. *SHAZAMMMM* Lanfear's hair has exploded.

Cordir raises a hand, bidding Kaldred pause.

Lanfear coughs.
Ebonie giggles.
Lanfear combs her hair, how dashing!

(an uninvited, unwelcome guest and Cordir have an unpleasant chat for a moment via tells.)

Tranquility laughs.

Bancor chuckles, evidently amused.

Lanfear grunts to herself.
Lanfear pokes Gregar in the ribs.

Kaldred stops in his tracks...in a rather odd shape.

Gregar beams a smile at Lanfear.

Cordir turns at gazes at Gavin levelly, absolute disgust and rage in her eyes.

Kaldred scratches his head.
Drystan raises an eyebrow.
Tsumemasa raises an eyebrow.
Bancor blinks.

You say, 'Ooops.'.
You say, 'didn't realize he was invis.'.
Cordir turns at gazes at SOMEONE levelly, absolute disgust and rage in her eyes.

Kaldred chuckles, evidently amused.
Lanfear snickers softly.
Clue comforts you.
Lanfear looks at Kaldred.
Katana chuckles, evidently amused.
Lanfear licks her lips and smiles.
Ebonie raises an eyebrow.
Noctus comforts you.

Kaldred says (in common), 'Silly, silly woman. *Tickle Lanfear*'.

Lanfear raises an eyebrow.

Kaldred says (in common), 'I've not said it yet! '.
Kaldred bounces onto Lanfear's lap.
Kaldred purrs contentedly in Lanfear's lap.

Lanfear says (in common), 'all the better!'.

Kaldred says (in common), 'Em, mark me Lan?'.

You say, 'I would ask that anyone who was not of the Chosen, step out of the chamber.'.
You say, 'The giving of the quest was public.'.

Katrana says (in common), 'better get it all out then'.
Katrana laughs.

Gregar bows before you.

Kaleyah arrives from the west.
Kaleyah rests.

Katana stands up.

Kaleyah bows deeply.

You say, 'the Acceptance of it, is a sacred thing, and private.'.

Noctus utters the words, 'sanctuary'. Tsumemasa is surrounded by a white aura.

Gregar says (in common), 'thank you for allowing me old friends'.

Tsumemasa bows deeply.

Kaldred nods.

You say, 'Gregar, you were Of the chosen.'.

Noctus utters the words, 'sanctuary'. Katana is surrounded by a white aura.

Katana waves happily.

Kaldred bows before Lanfear.

You say, 'and you may stay.'.

Gregar raises an eyebrow.
Gregar bows before you.

Kaleyah stands up.
Katana leaves west.

You say, 'All others, I would ask to please depart.'.

Kaleyah utters the words, 'link'. Kaleyah winks at Kaldred.
Kaleyah rests.
Kaleyah stands up.
Kaleyah nods.
Kaleyah leaves west.

Tsumemasa leaves west.

Drystan stands up.
Drystan smiles happily.
Drystan bows deeply.

Ebonie waves goodbye to Drystan.

Drystan leaves west.

Lanfear waves happily.

Lanfear looks around.

Solaron leans closer to Katrana as Kaldred readies himself.

Lanfear smiles happily.

Katrana blushes as she sees Solaron here.

Lanfear leans on Kaldred.

( Cordir continues to ask the uninvited person to depart. They continue to refuse. )

Kaldred beams a smile at Lanfear.
Lanfear beams a smile at Kaldred.

Kaldred says (in common), 'I'd like to say, firstly..'.

You say, 'a moment, yet, Kaldred'.

Clue leans on where Rigel would be, were he here.

Kaldred nods in recognition to you.

Lanfear laughs.

Cordir waits.

Lanfear beams a smile at Clue.

Noctus hugs Tranquility.

Gregar offers clue a wing to lean on.
Clue beams a smile at Gregar.

Tranquility smiles at you.

Lanfear juggles (Sealed) the Inviolate Oath of a Vestal.
Lanfear blinks, stunned by what she just said.

Tranquility beams a smile at Lanfear.

Noctus beams a smile at Lanfear.

You say, 'careful, or you'll be wearing it, dear'.

Katrana says (in common), 'keep that thing far away'.

Ebonie giggles.
Katrana smirks.

Noctus says (in common), 'The log can be found on the intranet'.
Noctus says (in common), 'For those who wants to see it'.

Tranquility giggles.
Solaron snickers softly.

Lanfear juggles a set of handcuffs.
Lanfear snickers softly.
Lanfear says (in common), 'much better :P'.

Katrana says (in common), 'the handcuffs I will take'.
Katrana laughs.
Katrana covers her mouth.

Tranquility snickers softly.
Tranquility shakes her head.

Lanfear grins to herself. What IS she thinking about...?!

( the person finally leaves )

Tranquility snuggles up to Noctus.

Lanfear hugs Katrana.

Cordir waits.

Katrana laughs.
Katrana hugs Lanfear.

You nod.

The Storytelling Amphitheater
[Exits: west]
You are in a small amphitheater. Several rows of curved marble benches
curl comfortably around a raised dais. The high ceiling and polished
stone walls are shaped to reflect the voice of the speaker at the dais,
letting them be heard throughout the room. An open archway to the west
leads out into a small courtyard.
Ebonie is resting here.
(Dark Cyan Aura) Solaron is resting here.
Bancor is here.
Lanfear is here.
Clue is here.
(Light Blue Aura) Gregar is here.
Kaldred is here.
Noctus is here.
Katrana is resting here.
Tranquility is here.

Cordir walks slowly around the circle of sand that binds Kaldred.

Lanfear looks at the circle.
Lanfear sits down and thinks deeply.

You say, 'Kaldred, you have been granted time to consider the choice before you.'.
You say, 'What have you wrought?'.

whois kaldred
1 player.
Elf [ Ra:30 Ma:30 ] Kaldred, Favored of Fate

Cordir waits for Kaldred's response.

Kaldred blushes.

Lanfear grins wickedly at Kaldred.

Kaldred says (in common), 'My appologies.'.
Kaldred says (in common), 'I have considered the quest deeply. And i have questioned to the point, that i have a full understanding of it.'.

Cordir nods several times at the 'questioned to the point...'

Lanfear snickers softly.
Tranquility snickers softly.

Paython bows before you.

Kaldred grins wickedly.
Bancor chuckles, evidently amused.

You say, 'please excuse us, Paython.'.

Gregar smirks.

Kaldred says (in common), 'Better safe, than sorry ;)'.
Kaldred grins wickedly.

Paython says (in elven), 'sorry'.
Paython utters the words, 'word of recall'.
Paython invokes recall magic.
Paython is wrested from the room!

You nod.

Kaldred winces. Ouch!

Tranquility is checking on him.

Lanfear thinks you will be sorry.. sometimes.. no matter how safe :P.
Lanfear sighs at herself. What a sorry sight.

Kaldred says (in common), 'Before formally accepting and beginning the quest, if I may be permitted, i would like to say a couple, short things.'.

Paython arrives from the west.
Paython says (in elven), 'yes im ok'.
Paython says (in elven), 'thanks '.
Paython leaves west.

Kaldred bows before you.

Lanfear chuckles, evidently amused.
Katrana smiles happily.

Kaldred looks at Lanfear.
Kaldred grins wickedly at Lanfear.

Ebonie looks at Kaldred.

Lanfear raises an eyebrow.
Katrana raises an eyebrow.

(Cordir is harassed further by the unwelcome person)

Kaldred checks on Cordir once more.

Cordir wrenches her attention away from the scolding tones of a child.

Kaldred grins wickedly.

Lanfear smiles at you.

You nod.
You say, 'please continue, Kaldred.'.

Kaldred nods in recognition to you.

Lanfear looks at Kaldred.

You nod in recognition to her.

Kaldred says (in common), 'Firstly, I cannot say enough, how much of a privilage it is to be one of such a great following.. '.

You nod in recognition to her.

Lanfear shows her approval by clapping her hands together.

You smile at him.

Ebonie shows her approval by clapping her hands together.

Lanfear says (in common), 'hear hear!'.

Kaldred says (in common), 'Even through our troubles, we have stuck together, and have been here for one another. '.

Noctus beams a smile at Kaldred.
Bancor is so excited that he cheers just for the hell of it.
Lanfear smiles happily.
Tranquility grins wickedly.
Tranquility laughs.
Ebonie agrees with Kaldred 100%.
Tranquility beams a smile at Kaldred.

Kaldred says (in common), 'Tonight is a perfect example why i am proud to be a member of fate. I thank you brothers and sisters for your support, and attendance.'.

Lanfear beams a smile at Noctus.
Katrana smiles happily.

Kaldred says (in common), 'It is with my utmost pride, that i now take up this quest. '.
Kaldred says (in common), 'Noctus, before making it official, i would ask a favor of you, my friend.'.
Kaldred says (in common), 'Noctus, before making it official, i would ask a favor of you, my friend.'.
Kaldred blushes.

Noctus grins wickedly.

Kaldred says (in common), 'Whoopsie :)'.

Bancor laughs.
Tranquility smiles happily.

Katrana says (in common), 'oh I thought it was deja'vu'.
Katrana blushes.

Noctus says (in common), 'I would be honored to provide it'.

Lanfear snickers softly.

Kaldred says (in common), 'If you wouldn't mind please post a note on my behalf, stating my limitations of private communication?'.

Lanfear thinks the Storytelling Amphitheater's accoustics are all wrong.

Tranquility snickers softly.

Noctus says (in common), 'I will do so'.

Tranquility pats Lanfear on her back.
Gregar smirks at Lanfear's saying.

Kaldred's goofy side comes out.
Kaldred says (in common), 'one last lick'.
Kaldred smirks.

Katrana laughs.

Kaldred grabs lanfear and licks her :P.

Tranquility snickers softly.
Noctus laughs.

Lanfear grins wickedly.
Lanfear hugs Kaldred.

Kaldred smiles happily.
Kaldred hugs Lanfear.

Kaldred nods solemnly.

Lanfear whispers GOOOD luck... youll need it :P.
Lanfear hugs Kaldred.
Lanfear smiles happily.

Kaldred says (in common), 'It is time. I present my formal acceptance of the quest, beginning now.'.

Solaron nods in recognition to Kaldred.
Lanfear claps at Kaldred's performance.
Tranquility shows her approval by clapping her hands together.
Bancor enthusiastically cheers Kaldred to victory.

Katrana smiles happily.

Lanfear says (in common), 'one last hug?'.
Lanfear winks suggestively.

Gregar says (in old-common), 'luck to you kaldred'.

Clue enthusiastically cheers Kaldred to victory.
Ebonie enthusiastically cheers Kaldred to victory.

whois kaldred
1 player.
Elf [ Ra:30 Ma:30 ] Kaldred, Triat Initiate

Katrana nods.
Lanfear beams a smile at Kaldred.

Cordir notes Kaldred's title, and steps forward.

Katrana says (in common), 'May the Triat help you and guide you Kaldred'.

Solaron nods.

Lanfear nods in recognition to Katrana.

Cordir kneels down, and with her hand, parts the sand, breaking the circle.
Cordir rises gracefully to her feet and nods.

Ebonie smiles happily.

Noctus bows deeply to show his respect for the Triat Mastery Questor.

You say, 'Hunt well. Seek well. Grow well.'.

Katrana smiles happily.

Lanfear nods.

Katrana curtseys gracefully.

Lanfear says (in common), 'Good huntings, Kaldred'.

Tranquility says (in common), 'Be well Kaldred. We all support you.'.
Tranquility says (in common), 'But you know this already'.
Tranquility smiles happily.

Katrana smiles happily.
Katrana nods.

Gregar says (in old-common), 'may attain that which I was unable to'.

Ebonie says (in common), 'At least, you'd better'.
Ebonie grins wickedly.

Tranquility hugs Gregar.
Gregar beams a smile at Tranquility.

Kaldred says (in common), 'Thank you everyone. I'll begin the actual
questing, in the morning.. '.

Katrana smiles happily.
Katrana nods.

Tranquility nods.
Tranquility says (in common), 'Understood'.

Lanfear thinks it IS morning.

Tranquility says (in common), 'The hour.....is late'.

Katrana giggles.

Noctus nods in recognition to Lanfear.
Katrana nods.
Bancor nods.

Kaldred says (in common), 'But for now..... Bedtime for Bonzo!'.

Solaron yawns.

Tranquility beams a smile at Gregar.

Solaron wakes up.

Tranquility snickers softly.

Bancor chuckles, evidently amused.

Solaron says (in common), 'Is it morning already?'.

You smile happily.

Solaron says (in common), 'I'm still tired.'.

Ebonie chuckles at her own joke, since none of you would.

31 players.
Hum [    Wa:30 Cl:30    ] Rath, Wicked Judge of the Black Conclave
Ogr [       Sh: 2       ] Soloman the Ogre
Hum [    Cl:25 Wa:15    ] Justi, Priestess of the Black Conclave.
Hum [ Th:19 Wa:30 Ma:30 ] Gabriel, Wizard of the Black Conclave.
Hum [ Wa:30 Th:30 Ma:30 ] Maldobar, Dark Minion of the Arch-Lich.
Elf [    Wa:15 Ma:30    ] Azeworai The PsYcHO in your (DREAMS) that runs rampant
Hum [    Wa:30 Cl:30    ] Craige the Destroyer, Grand Sentinel of the Conclave
Hel [    Th: 6 Ma:15    ] TeWhareMate: * TheWearingofTupper * {TupperWare}
Hum [    Wa:28 Cl:30    ] Armalag says, "Follow your Dreams (aka Tamar)."
Elf [  Lesser  Goddess  ] Tamar, only a messenger
Gno [    Cl:30 Wa:30    ] Noctus(Assistant Ambassador) *Tranquility* *Fate*
Elf [    Ma:25 Ra:25    ] Lanfear: IN XTC!  *FATE* *CHOSEN*
Hel [    Wa:17 Ma:18    ] Kirth Wisdom is the best weapon.
Gia [       Sh:14       ] Tsumemasa, of the Circle of Faces [SAYA]
Hum [    Wa:28 Cl:30    ] Clue(Mrs Rigel) Weaver Priestess, favored of Fate
Elf [    Ra:30 Ma:30    ] Kaldred, Triat Initiate
Elf [ Wa:30 Th:25 Ma:30 ] Mael, the Patriarch of the Coven
Elf [    Cl:26 Wa:25    ] Solaron, Wyldling of Wisdom.   -Fate-
Hum [    Ra: 7 Ma:15    ] Bancor,Apprentice of Fate -=[Chosen]=-
Gno [    Sh:27 Wa:23    ] Katrana, Bladed Shamanic Adept of Fate
Aar [       Sh: 8       ] Drystan.
Aar [    Wa:11 Sh:30    ] Gregar the handy-dandy bag machine *tiger-fate*
Gia [       Sh:12       ] Katana Thorn giant of the dark
Hum [    Cl:16 Ra:13    ] Abe: G2 in training. (Tiger) 13B(F)20/11B20
Hum [    Ma:11 Ra: 9    ] Ebonie the Patient.    *Fate*
Hum [     Ambassador    ] [Cordir the penitent, teacher of the young (-gossip_
Aar [    Th:20 Sh:21    ] Tranquility Handmaiden to Cordir. *Fate*Noctus*
Hel [    Cl:18 Wa:16    ] Kaleyah Wraithverge Salemonte, Darkling Apostle *twin
Dwa [    Wa:20 Cl:21    ] Wylin, Teacher of Wisdom, (You better get some!) 

who fate
9 players.
Gno [    Cl:30 Wa:30    ] Noctus(Assistant Ambassador) *Tranquility* *Fate*
Elf [    Ma:25 Ra:25    ] Lanfear: IN XTC!  *FATE* *CHOSEN*
Hum [    Wa:28 Cl:30    ] Clue(Mrs Rigel) Weaver Priestess, favored of Fate
Elf [    Cl:26 Wa:25    ] Solaron, Wyldling of Wisdom.   -Fate-
Hum [    Ra: 7 Ma:15    ] Bancor,Apprentice of Fate -=[Chosen]=-
Gno [    Sh:27 Wa:23    ] Katrana, Bladed Shamanic Adept of Fate
Aar [    Wa:11 Sh:30    ] Gregar the handy-dandy bag machine *tiger-fate*
Hum [    Ma:11 Ra: 9    ] Ebonie the Patient.    *Fate*
Aar [    Th:20 Sh:21    ] Tranquility Handmaiden to Cordir. *Fate*Noctus*

Kaldred says (in common), 'Goodnight, and thanks again all :)'.

(end scene)