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(Adso's Triat Mastery Quest)
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This log was provided by Adso.

Cordir stands and walks to the center of the chamber.

A magical spring dries up.

Cordir gestures slightly, and the ebon flames within the archways roar and dance, filling the chamber with a dark light.

Cordir says, 'One before Us seeks the Three.'.
Cordir says, 'Let him step forward.'.

Adso steps forward to the centre of the room.

Cordir gazes at Adso and smiles.
Cordir looks about the Tapestry at those assembled.

Her glance flicks over to the Loom, at all the Threads of those no longer within the Realm.

Jyslin looks at you.

Boromir ftells, 'center .. not centre :)'.

Softly, She whispers, The Triat is. Was. Will ever be.

Cordir continues softly, Its Path is one of Trial: of Perseverance, of Chaos, of Change.

Cordir says, 'In its Aspects are lessons learned, and the soul within honed.'.

Daisy gossips (in common), 'Your dispel evil *** ANNIHILATES *** Dante.'.
Daisy gossips (in common), 'Dante is DEAD!!'.
Daisy gossips (in common), 'You hear Dante's death cry.'.

Cordir hastily turns off extraneous channels.

Cordir says, 'Once came a Shadow. Mastery earned. Ordainment earned.'.

Her sapphire gaze turns to the Shadows where a tall, lithe figure stands.

Cordir beams a smile at Nyx.

Nyx smiles slightly.

Jyslin smiles remembering Nyx from her past.

Cordir says, 'Once came a Shaman. Mastery unattained. Ordainment denied.'.

For a moment, the air shimmers, and you would swear that you saw the image of an Aara ...

Her head bows once more in silence, Her thin frame visibly wracked with sorrow.

After a few seconds, Her head lifts and She speaks once more.

Cordir says, 'Now comes a third. Mastery pursued. Ordainment sought.'.
Cordir says, 'Mage-craft and warrior craft he has learned. '.
Cordir says, 'Incants and weaponry within his arsenals.'.
Cordir says, 'Now it is the self he must learn. '.

Cordir turns to face Adso.

Cordir says, 'Adso, in preperation for Ordainment, you come seeking Triat Mastery. Is this so?'.
Cordir says, 'Then I charge you Pursue your goal with diligence and honor.
Cordir says, 'Win it, and Ordainment is yours.'.

Cordir says, 'During Triat Mastery, the individual is charged to fulfil several tasks.'.
Cordir says, 'Each series of tasks is based upon an Aspect of the Triat. Wyrm, Weaver, Wyld.'.

Cordir gestures, and the image of a serpent biting its own tail appears.

Cordir says, 'The Wyrm. Growth.'.

Cordir says, 'Adso, the Wyrm demands that you seek that which is unknown and master what is learned.'.

Cordir says, 'First - Reach ADEPT rank in either Mage-Craft or Warrior-Craft by completing a Class Mastery quest.'.

Cordir says, 'Second - Map in its entirety one level 40+ zone unknown to you* at the time of this'.
Cordir says, 'quest'.

Cordir blushes.

Tranquility grins happily.

Cordir says, 'That may include an area you have not yet been able to conquer. Aid is permitted.'.

Cordir says, 'Third - Perform an act of service for a friend, for a foe, and for one unknown to'.
Cordir says, 'you at this time.'.

Cordir says, 'This act should, necessarily, be of extreme sacrifice, or involve direct personal danger overcome through wits and skill. '.

Cordir says, 'What you choose for these acts will be considered part of the trial. Choose wisely. '.

You feel weaker.

Cordir says, 'Do you accept these tasks in the name of the Wyrm?'.

You say (in common), 'i do'.

Cordir nods.

Cordir gestures, and the image of the serpent fades.

Within one arch, the flame roars, and flows out into the room.

Cordir says, 'The Wyld... force of chaos'.

Cordir says, 'The Wyld's Trial demands that you become a force of death and change within the Realm.'.

Boromir smiles slightly.

Cordir says, 'first - Cause the death of three worms - 3 dragon/Wyrm type beasts. '.

Cordir says, 'second - Cause the death of three weavers - 3 mobs specifically with weaver in description or name. '.

Cordir says, 'Third, the death of three wyld - 3 creatures of evil alignment which con as death.** '.

Cordir says, 'In all cases of the Wyld's requirements, each must be of a different type - no duplication.'.

Cordir says, 'Do you accept these tasks in the name of the Wyld?'.

You grin happily.

You say (in common), 'i do'.

Cordir says, 'To clarify, for all Wyld's requirements: '.

Cordir says, 'You may have the aid of the Chosen for one, '.

Cordir says, 'the aid of any for another, and the third must be solo. '.

Cordir says, 'Each corpse must be bagged or steaked.'.

A magical spring dries up.

You scratch your head.

Cordir says, 'Do you understand this clarification?'.

You say (in common), 'and if they don't have corpses?'.

Adso thinks of a specific weaver.

Cordir smiles wickedly.

Cordir says, 'Improvise.'.

Jyslin nods to Raist in the silence.

Cordir says, 'Thinking on your feet and discovering unforseen solutions...'.
Cordir says, 'is part of the Trial of Mastery.'.

You nod.

Cordir gestures, and the flames return to their prison within the Archway.

Cordir pauses a moment, bowing Her head.

A radiance slowly appears around Her.

Her image shifts - woman, Goddess, and a dark creature with eight legs...

Guardian, perhaps?

Cordir says, 'The Weaver's Trial demands that you give of your self and that which is most precious to you. '.

Cordir says, 'In your case, Adso, the Weaver demands your solitude. '.

Cordir says, 'First - You are required to take on an apprentice. '.
Cordir says, 'They must be a mage of no less than 10th level, and no greater than 20th. '.
Cordir says, 'Spend at least 30 hours in specific, direct training of them, teaching magecraft and survival. '.
Cordir says, 'They are your full responsibility during this time, and ever after.'.

Cordir says, 'Second - You are required to act as a shepherd. '.

Raist smiles at you.

Cordir says, 'When present in the Realm, actively protect those good or neutral individuals who are in the 10 to 20 level range. '.
Cordir says, 'Do so whenever possible during the course of your trial of Mastery. '.
Cordir says, 'Should any wolves fall before your protection, their corpses are to be dry-sacced.'.

Cordir says, 'Third - Craft a poetic or lyric work or tale, educating the Realm on the beliefs of the Triat.'.
Cordir says, 'This work shall be read aloud in public, at a time announced via notes.'.

Cordir says, 'Do you accept these tasks in the name of the Weaver?'.

Tranquility disappears into the void.

You nod.

Tranquility has returned from the void.

You say (in common), 'i do'.

Cordir nods, and Her Aspect fades somewhat, leaving the Goddess you are more familiar with.

Tranquility smiles at you.

Cordir says, 'Then I charge you with the Trial of Triat Mastery... may the Three guide your steps.'.

You bow before her.

Cordir says, 'Do you have any questions regarding the specifics of this quest?'.

Your force shield shimmers then fades away.

You say (in common), 'it seems clear enough at this time

Cordir nods.

You smile happily.

Cordir hopes you were logging....
Cordir grins evilly.

Raist giggles.

You say (in common), 'no doubt i will have questions in the future'.

Tranquility snickers softly.

(end log)