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(12:30am): Mapping, Switching, and EEEEEEVIL – Log by Samiyah.=

You gossip (in common), 'my Greetings to all'.

Corri tells you (in common), 'Hi Sami'.

You tell Corri (in common), '*smiles sleepily* I didn't think anyone would be on, this late.'.

Corri tells you (in common), 'How's the routefinding going? *grins impishly*'.

Xavian gossips (in common), 'hey Sami'.

DarkClaw gossips, 'Hello, daughter of the desert.'.

You tell Corri (in common), '*grins and blushes* He.. um.. checked the path...'.

Corri tells you (in common), 'Oh, Cresom took me out for a bracelet and I saw some new places and got hp switched - it was eventful!'.
Corri tells you (in common), 'and portobello helped me get my things back too'.

You tell Corri (in common), 'aaack! Sorry to hear that.'.

Corri tells you (in common), '*grins* Excellent, it wouldn't do for him to get lost'.
Corri tells you (in common), 'and now port and cresom just insisted i needed stuff and then vanished'.

You auction (in common), 'anyone with scores or scrolls to sell?'.

Cresom gossips (in common), 'I have one skill score what is it worth sister?'.

You gossip (in common), 'OHMYGOSH, Cresom!! Look at all those levels!!'.

Cresom gets a skill score from an egg casing.
Cresom gives you a skill score.
Cresom smiles happily.

You grin happily.

>give 1000 coins cresom
You haven't got that much gold.

You hum a few bars to an improbable song, 'There will never be another backstab'.

Cresom says (in common), 'i am 359 exp from the next level'.

You give Cresom 948 gold.

Cresom says (in common), 'it takes so long '.
Cresom throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!

You say (in common), 'that's all i have on me'.
You giggle.

Cresom says (in common), 'i owe you 1 mill'.

You say (in common), 'you can tell how worried i am about it :)'.

Cresom throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!

Cresom says (in common), 'i traded alot of stuff aroudn '.
Cresom says (in common), 'tonight '.


> l corri

Samiyah starting to feel a little drab in comparison.

Portobello says (in common), 'off we go'.

You say (in common), 'do you need helP/'.
You say (in common), 'like a dragon bane?'.

Cresom nods in recognition to you.
Cresom says (in common), 'follow porto'.

Corri says (in common), 'sure follow port'.

You now follow Cresom.
You stop following Cresom.
You say (in common), 'er..'.
You say (in common), 'i can't.'.

Portobello snickers softly.
Portobello is EEEVIL.

An Honest To Goodness Patented Totec Adventure ™ - Log by Samiyah

Log by Samiyah

The Pit
[Exits: east up]
A pit for donations dominates the room.
Naner is here.
(Dark Cyan Aura) Totec is here.

You smile happily.
You say (in common), 'I am bored.'.
You say (in common), 'Please.. have something for me to do, or help with!'.
You giggle.

Totec sits down and thinks deeply.

Totec tells you (in common), 'i have something you can help me with'.

You tell Totec (in common), 'yay!'.
You tell Totec (in common), 'what is it?'.
Totec says (in common), 'first, we need to deal with an ancient centaur'.
Totec says (in common), 'that was beating me silly'.

You say (in common), 'oops!'.

You now follow Totec.
You join Totec's group.


Totec's pierce mauls the ancient centaur.
Your backhand maims the ancient centaur.
Your reverse elbow strike MUTILATES the ancient centaur.
Your side kick MASSACRES the ancient centaur.
The ancient centaur is DEAD!!
You receive 132 experience points.
The ancient centaur has been killed! You have earned a bonus.
You receive 200 experience points.
The ancient centaur splatters blood on your armor.
You see nothing like that in the corpse.
The corpse of the ancient centaur contains:
a long, thin piece of antelope horn

Totec shows his approval by clapping his hands together.

Totec says (in common), 'ok now what?'.

You say (in common), 'what's next'.
You giggle.

Totec says (in common), 'mmmm'.
Totec says (in common), 'do you know the circus well?'.

You say (in common), 'no arch mobs, is all I ask'.
You shake your head.

Totec says (in common), 'i haven't ever been'.

You say (in common), 'no, i do not go in there.'.
You say (in common), 'Sanitarium knows it fairly well, i think'.
You say (in common), 'but it's .. its just horrible'.
You say (in common), 'and designed for mages'.

Totec nods in recognition to you.
Totec says (in common), 'no archmobs hmm hmm'.

You say (in common), 'they do the switch HP thing'.
You say (in common), 'and it kills bards dead, and we lose our lyricals'.
You say (in common), 'which is really REALLY REALLY bad'.

Totec nods in recognition to you.
Totec says (in common), 'death is just all around bad for you'.

(DUN DUN DUN!!! Cue the ominous foreshadowing music....)
(hours later....)

Totec gossips (in common), 'i think you should be able to double up on preservability lyricals'.
Totec gossips (in common), 'so i can tempt you to bad places'.

You gossip (in common), 'i would not argue with .. er, ack! What bad places?'.

Totec gossips (in common), 'lol'.
Totec gossips (in common), 'circus!'.

You gossip (in common), 'aack!'.

Totec gossips (in common), 'we need popcorn!'.
You gossip (in common), 'are you in there?'.

Totec gossips (in common), 'oh no'.
Totec gossips (in common), 'when i see "HARD!" on the area list'.
Totec gossips (in common), 'i read: do not enter unless you are a mage prepared to dark jump'.

The Pit
[Exits: east up]
A pit for donations dominates the room.
(Dark Cyan Aura) Totec is here.

You smile at him.

Totec bounces around.

Totec says (in common), 'why am i fined!'.

You say (in common), 'because mish does not like competition'.

Totec scowls.

You comfort him.

You say (in common), '.. i have 13 casts of dark and 15 jump..'.
You say (in common), 'what is the popcorn you want so much?'.

Totec rests.

You poke him in the ribs.
You say (in common), 'what is the popcorn?'.

Totec pokes himself in the ribs, looking very sheepish.

Totec says (in common), 'exclude pills!'.

You say (in common), 'oh.'.

Totec says (in common), 'well, and tasty'.

You say (in common), 'exclude is very nice'.

Totec says (in common), 'i actually just wanted it for taste'.
Totec says (in common), 'but you might like it for exclude'.

You say (in common), '.. wouldn't the coliseum be a little easier?'.

You say (in common), 'I can CAST exclude :P'.
Totec says (in common), 'besides, i am sure there are terrible, terrible things in need of deading'.

You giggle.

Corri grins wickedly at Totec.

Corri purrs contentedly in Totec's lap.
Corri waves hello to you.

You say (in common), 'Hi Corri!'.

Totec snuggles up to Corri.

Corri's knees go weak.
Corri looks at Totec.

You say (in common), 'Totec is trying to convince me to go to the Circus.'.

Totec says (in common), 'YES'.

Samiyah wrinkles her brow in thought.

You say (in common), 'I would follow Corri there...'.
You say (in common), 'I don't know about you, just yet..'.

You giggle.

Corri snickers softly.

You poke him in the ribs.

Corri says (in common), 'hear that? I'm re-spect-able'.

Totec says (in common), 'corri convince samiyah that losing lyricals is like the circle of life'.

((MORE foreshadowing…)

You shudder from the sheer thought of it.

You say (in common), 'convince me you can kill CronTor repeatedly to replace them, and sure..'.

Corri says (in common), 'isn't the goal of the circle of life to avoid it, generally?'.

Totec says (in common), 'that's true'.
Totec says (in common), 'in fact'.

You say (in common), 'would either one of you be willing to peek at every wintermeet mob and find which one has a score?'.

Totec says (in common), 'this is what i told my shrink yesterday:'.

Corri says (in common), 'I'll race totec to finding it'.
Corri grins wickedly.

You say (in common), 'someone follow me - i have a wizmark at thalos'.
You say (in common), '.. i think.'.
You giggle.
Samiyah doesn't have survey.

Corri says (in common), 'what did you tell your shrink?'.
Corri nudges Totec impatiently.

You say (in common), 'or maybe a locate might be easier...'.
You ponder the question.

Totec says (in common), '"The meaning I want to create for my existence, however brief, I wish to be more than my biological imperative and the obsession of genes to reproduce the'.

Under a Majestic Oak
[Exits: west]
The sky is cloudy and a warm southerly breeze blows.

Corri tells you (in common), '*tries to suggest totec follow her, since he isn't moving!*'.
You hear a distinct pop as Corri's portal closes up.

Corri makes a complicated-looking gesture.
Corri draws a funny looking rune on you.

Corri points at Totec accusingly.

You now follow Totec.

Totec says (in common), 'where am i going'.
You join Totec's group.

Corri says (in common), 'we're in a race'.

Okay, you will now assist Totec.

Corri says (in common), 'to see who can find the lyrical in this zone first, with peeking'.

You say (in common), 'there's no lyrical'.
You say (in common), 'it's a score'.

Corri frowns.
Corri says (in common), 'that explains why locate wasn't working'.

Totec says (in common), 'what is it on'.

You nod.

Totec says (in common), 'or are you using that bothersome troubadour'.

Corri says (in common), 'skill or spell?'.

You say (in common), 'i dunno'.

Corri says (in common), 'score on delving guard'.

Totec scowls.

You say (in common), 'i just got a 'pull' here'.

Corri says (in common), 'score on dragon mistress, on unleashed nightmare'.

Totec says (in common), 'to heck with this, let's kill a dragon priestess'.

You say (in common), 'those have been there for days'.
You say (in common), 'but i can't get to them'.

Totec says (in common), 'yeah mistress i mean'.

Corri says (in common), 'I .. er... is this going to get me burned or squished?'.

Totec says (in common), 'the unleased nightmare is in safe and doesn't wander'.

You nod.

Totec says (in common), 'no'.

You say (in common), 'that's why i don't go there'.

Totec says (in common), 'you will not get burned goodness gracious'.

Corri says (in common), 'I place myself in your hands'.

You say (in common), 'there are DRAGONS there'.

Corri grins wickedly at Totec.
Corri says (in common), 'just like old times'.

Totec says (in common), 'they are locked up'.

You say (in common), 'yes, but they might visit'.

Totec says (in common), 'no they wont!'.

Corri says (in common), '..that sounded lewd, didn't it.'.

(They travel a bit...)

A Trail in the Forest
[Exits: east south]
(Dark Cyan Aura) Totec is here.
A goblin riding a warg is here.
Corri's magical protection blocks a goblin and a warg's attack.

Corri's pierce DISEMBOWELS a goblin and a warg!
Corri's pierce MUTILATES a goblin and a warg!
Corri's pound MUTILATES a goblin and a warg.
Corri's armor deflects a goblin and a warg's attack.

Corri's kick decimates a goblin and a warg.
A goblin and a warg is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points.
You hear a goblin and a warg's death cry.
Corri gets 112 gold coins from the corpse of a goblin and a warg.
Corri splits 112 gold coins. Your share is 37 gold coins.

Corri says (in common), 'I .. er.. put on simples recently and geared up.'.
Corri says (in common), 'blame Cresom! Now i have to play!'.


You follow Totec.
Royal Chambers of the Draconians
[Exits: west]
A jeweled treasure chest is here, bolted to the floor.
(Dark Cyan Aura) Totec is here.
A human slave is here, hard at work.
A human slave is here, hard at work.
A human slave is here, hard at work.
A human slave is here, hard at work.
(Light Red Aura) A female draconian sits here, looking very important.

<641hp(705) 591ma(591) 651mv(661)(517641) 16396gp ft: none >
Totec utters the words, 'hpjioculofqras'.
Totec's thunderclap EVISCERATES a human slave!
A human slave is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points.
A human slave hits the ground ... DEAD.
Totec gets 45 gold coins from the corpse of a human slave.
Totec splits 45 gold coins. Your share is 15 gold coins.
Totec's thunderclap *** DEMOLISHES *** a human slave!
A human slave is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points.
You hear a human slave's death cry.
Totec gets 240 gold coins from the corpse of a human slave.
Totec splits 240 gold coins. Your share is 80 gold coins.
Totec's thunderclap *** DEMOLISHES *** a human slave!
A human slave is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points.
You hear a human slave's death cry.
Totec gets 2757 gold coins from the corpse of a human slave.
Totec splits 2757 gold coins. Your share is 919 gold coins.
Totec's thunderclap MASSACRES a human slave!
A human slave is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points.
You hear a human slave's death cry.
Totec gets 1656 gold coins from the corpse of a human slave.
Totec splits 1656 gold coins. Your share is 552 gold coins.
Totec's thunderclap DISEMBOWELS the Draconian Queen.
Totec's pierce wounds the Draconian Queen.
Totec's pierce mauls the Draconian Queen.
Your roundhouse punch maims the Draconian Queen.
Your back kick MUTILATES the Draconian Queen.
Totec's armor deflects the Draconian Queen's attack.
Totec's armor deflects the Draconian Queen's attack.

Corri grabs Samiyah's arm tightly, eyes scrolling with the slow gaze of the unadjusted.

You giggle.
You comfort her.

Totec says (in common), 'steak'.
Totec says (in common), 'steak'.
Totec says (in common), 'steak'.

Totec says (in common), 'steak steak'.
Totec says (in common), 'steak steak'.
Totec says (in common), 'steak steak'.
Totec says (in common), 'steak steak'.

Corri says (in common), 'when did you become a sheep dog, scorpion?'.

Totec says (in common), 'um'.
Totec says (in common), 'well'.
Totec says (in common), 'i was trying to convert some peeps to boro'.
Totec says (in common), 'and i said they could follow me like mindless sheep and i would be their Shepard'.

You giggle.
You say (in common), 'oh dear'.

Totec says (in common), 'and boro said he was the Shepard and i the sheep dog'.
Totec barks like a dog.

Corri laughs.

You say (in common), 'that sounds like trouble'.

Corri looks at Totec.

Corri says (in common), 'shouldn't your description be I pwn you, then curl up at your feet?'.

Totec says (in common), 'perhaps'.
Totec scowls.

      1. [Corri says (in common), 'or .. I pwn you, then ']

Totec says (in common), 'where is this priestess'.
Totec says (in common), 'or whatever'.

Corri says (in common), 'need me to haul out a map?'.
Corri is sure she has one .. somewhere..

You say (in common), 'Shrine of Neutrality'.
You say (in common), 'not here.'.

Totec says (in common), 'is this actually in dhraxx in the one room?'.

You say (in common), 'no, but there is an exit to Dhraxx there'.

Totec says (in common), 'NO'.
Totec says (in common), 'hey corri'.

You giggle.

Corri says (in common), 'Yeah ?'.

Totec says (in common), 'wanna take us to shrine of neutrality?'.

Corri says (in common), '.. where is it?'.

You say (in common), 'MG graveyard'.

Totec gasps in astonishment.

You say (in common), 'with DRAGONS IN IT'.

Totec says (in common), 'it does not have dragons in it'.

Corri says (in common), 'does it burn things?'.
Corri laughs.

You say (in common), 'it DOES have dragons'.
You say (in common), 'Gray dragons'.

Totec says (in common), 'but i thought you knew exclude'.

You say (in common), '.. doesn't it?'.
You say (in common), 'I do.'.

Corri says (in common), 'I don't!'.

You say (in common), 'I don't have popcorn'.
You say (in common), 'I have dragon bane'.
You say (in common), 'but i don't know what it really does'.

Totec says (in common), 'me either'.

Corri facepalm.

Totec says (in common), 'MAYBE we should try it'.

You laugh.

Corri says (in common), 'I think I was there once'.

You say (in common), 'no one knows what it does'.

Corri says (in common), 'I remember dark jumping a lot'.

Totec says (in common), 'that's because you are a mage'.
Totec says (in common), 'and that's your MO'.

Corri says (in common), 'and I remember having to portal out, make a lot of corpses so Lily wouldn't die and could get out'.
Totec says (in common), 'oh you know what'.
Totec says (in common), 'i remember that abysmal place now'.

Corri says (in common), 'yes!'.

You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
Opening a portal to Recall Room.
Recall Room
[Exits: west]

Corri says (in common), 'you don't fill me with confidence, sancho'.


You follow Totec.
Jade Avenue
[Exits: east west]
(Dark Cyan Aura) Totec is here.

Totec rests.

You say (in common), 'go get the key from the park'.

Totec says (in common), 'what key'.

You say (in common), 'or are the doors pickable?'.
You say (in common), 'to the graveyard'.

Totec says (in common), 'pickable'.

You say (in common), 'ok'.

Samiyah blushes, ducking her head and hiding her face in her hands.

Totec opens the gate.

Corri says (in common), 'you take me the nicest places'.

You follow Totec.
The South Path
[Exits: north east west]
Corri, The Past Supreme Finder, is here.
(Dark Cyan Aura) Totec is here.

> pick s
You failed.
You failed.

Totec says (in common), 'maybe not'.

You poke him in the ribs.

Totec says (in common), 'who is running this show'.

Corri says (in common), 'He used to lock me in a cell in river of despair.'.

You accuse him of a wrongdoing.

Totec says (in common), 'haha i remember that'.

You say (in common), 'how horrible!'.

Totec says (in common), 'where am i going'.

You say (in common), 'the cafe'.
You say (in common), 'in the park'.

Totec says (in common), 'where is said cafe'.

You laugh.

Park Cafe
[Exits: west]
A sexton is sitting here, drinking tea.
The maid is waiting for your order.

Your jump outer crescent kick DISEMBOWELS the sexton!
The sexton is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points.
The sexton splatters blood on your armor.
You get 12 gold coins from the corpse of the sexton.
The corpse of the sexton contains:
a key

You get a key from the corpse of the sexton.

Totec gossips (in common), 'YOU SEXTON MURDERER YOU'.

You nod.

Totec says (in common), 'let's agree that corri tanks everything until she dies'.
Totec says (in common), 'then it's your turn, sami'.

((… ALMOST….))

> c vamp priest
Your backfist decimates the priest.
Your backfist decimates the priest.
You attack and narrowly miss the priest.
You deftly move out of the way of the priest's attack.
You dodge the priest's attack.

> You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
Your vampiric touch wounds the priest.
You gain 12 hit points!

> c vamp priest
Corri's pierce devastates the priest.
Corri attacks, but comes nowhere close to the priest.
Corri's pierce devastates the priest.
Corri's pound decimates the priest.
Totec's pierce injures the priest.
Totec's pierce injures the priest.
The priest is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points.
You hear the priest's death cry.
Totec gets 240 gold coins from the corpse of the priest.
Totec splits 240 gold coins. Your share is 80 gold coins.

Totec gets a silver key from the corpse of the priest.

Totec says (in common), 'why do we want this'.

You say (in common), 'its for down, but we aren't going down, i don't think'.

Entrance to the Shrine
[Exits: east south west down]
(Dark Cyan Aura) Totec is here.
A well armed, and armored, man stands here guarding the shrine.
A well armed, and armored, man stands here guarding the shrine.
Corri arrives from below.
Corri dodges a grey warrior's attack.
Corri's armor deflects a grey warrior's attack.
Totec stands in front of you.
Totec parries a grey warrior's attack.

Totec says (in common), 'oh wow'.
Totec says (in common), 'i can go in here now'.

Corri says (in common), 'when I was little, I used to dream about this place'.

Totec says (in common), 'times have changed'.

Totec says (in common), 'ok now what'.

Corri says (in common), 'I was going to grow up and join Marisa's group'.
Corri says (in common), 'and explore the shrine of unaligned/neutrality'.
Corri says (in common), 'now i can't remember her groups name'.

Totec opens the door.
Corri frowns.

You say (in common), 'hang on'.

Corri says (in common), 'should we let sami lead?'.

You gossip (in common), 'i have to be at full mana to perform'.
You gossip (in common), 'one sec'.

Totec gossips (in common), 'what are we performing'.

You gossip (in common), 'dragon bane'.

Totec gossips (in common), 'i don't think it does anything'.

Totec gossips (in common), 'bard are a lie!'.

You gossip (in common), 'i have been told it keeps them from breathing'.
You gossip (in common), 'i dunno'.

Totec gossips (in common), 'oh really'.

> perform dragon
You perform 'dragons bane'.
You watch a glow surround your group.
You watch a glow surround your group.

Totec gossips (in common), 'we will use corri as a test subject'.

Corri feels tingly.

Corri says (in common), 'thanks Sami'.

You say (in common), 'well, SOMETHING happened'.
You shrug.

Totec says (in common), 'the ward fades from view'.

Totec says (in common), 'interesting'.

You say (in common), 'so, dragon bane sorta takes a lot of mana…'.

A Grey Hall
[Exits: north east south west]
This hall is made from dark grey stones. It is completely
silent here, and the air is still.
( 4) The corpse of a grey warrior is lying here.
(Weak magic) (Heathen) A solid grey sword lies here.
Corri, The Past Supreme Finder, is here.
(Dark Cyan Aura) Totec is here.

Corri feels all MIGHTY.

You nod in recognition to her.

You say (in common), 'you are!'.

Corri grins wide.
Corri says (in common), 'THANK YOU CRESOM!'.

You say (in common), 'keep goin!'.
You say (in common), 'i don't know how long this lasts'.

Corri says (in common), 'was the 'ward' fading your song fading?'.

You say (in common), 'maybe'.

Corri snickers softly.

You say (in common), 'i didn't see it in the spam'.

Corri says (in common), 'not long'.

You say (in common), 'ouch'.
You say (in common), 'costs 600 mana'.

A Grey Room
[Exits: north west]
This room has walls of grey stone. It is completely silent
here, and the air is still.
( 2) A steak of grey warrior catches your eye.
( 2) (Weak magic) (Heathen) A solid grey sword lies here.
(Weak magic) A scale mail sash has been left here.
Corri, The Past Supreme Finder, is here.
(Dark Cyan Aura) Totec is here.

Corri makes a complicated-looking gesture.
Corri draws a funny looking rune in the air.

Totec says (in common), 'in case i get us into a no exit'.

You say (in common), 'I am told by Someone that they do not think there are no exit rooms here, that he recalls.'.

You follow Totec.
A Grey Room
[Exits: north east west]
(Dark Cyan Aura) Totec is here.
(White Aura) The dragon mistress keeps watch over her charges.
Corri arrives from the north.

Totec shows his approval by clapping his hands together.

You say (in common), 'aha!'.

The dragon mistress wears a charm shaped like a dragon around her neck. She
is dressed in a cloak of the darkest grey which perfectly matches the scales
of her charges. She does not take kindly to being disturbed.
The dragon mistress leads a charmed life.
The dragon mistress is in perfect health.

The dragon mistress is using:
<worn around neck> (Moderate magic) the iridescent rose amulet
<worn around neck> (Moderate magic) (Heathen) a dragon charm
<held> (Token magic) a spell score

Corri makes a complicated-looking gesture.
Corri draws a funny looking rune on the dragon mistress.

Totec says (in common), 'what what!'.
Totec says (in common), 'hump day!'.

Totec utters the words, 'fuyh'.
Totec's soul rift decimates the dragon mistress.
The dragon mistress dodges Totec's attack.
The dragon mistress dodges Totec's attack.
Your jump round kick decimates the dragon mistress.
Your side kick mauls the dragon mistress.
Your jump inner crescent kick mauls the dragon mistress.
The dragon mistress *** ANNIHILATES *** Totec.
The dragon mistress DISEMBOWELS Totec.
Totec deftly moves out of the way of the dragon mistress's attack.
The dragon mistress outmaneuvers Totec's dodge attempt.
The dragon mistress *** ANNIHILATES *** Totec.

Corri utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'.
The white glow around the dragon mistress's body fades.
The dragon mistress looks more vulnerable.
The dragon mistress looks more vulnerable.

The dragon mistress utters the words, 'gurunsoqz'.
Silence envelopes you!
The dragon mistress dodges Corri's attack.
The dragon mistress dodges Corri's attack.
The dragon mistress dodges Corri's attack.
The dragon mistress's armor deflects Totec's attack.
The dragon mistress dodges Totec's attack.
The dragon mistress's armor deflects your attack.
Your ridgehand strike MUTILATES the dragon mistress.
The dragon mistress's armor deflects your attack.
The dragon mistress outmaneuvers Totec's dodge attempt.
The dragon mistress *** ANNIHILATES *** Totec.
Totec dodges the dragon mistress's attack.
Totec dodges the dragon mistress's attack.
The dragon mistress MUTILATES Totec.

Totec quaffs a fuchsia potion with gold swirls.
Totec is surrounded by a white aura.

The dragon mistress dodges Corri's attack.
The dragon mistress dodges Corri's attack.
The dragon mistress dodges Corri's attack.
The dragon mistress dodges Corri's attack.
The dragon mistress's armor deflects Totec's attack.
The dragon mistress's armor deflects Totec's attack.
Your jump side kick EVISCERATES the dragon mistress.
Your jump front kick EVISCERATES the dragon mistress.
The dragon mistress's armor deflects your attack.
Your jump inner crescent kick DISEMBOWELS the dragon mistress.
The dragon mistress wounds Totec.
The dragon mistress maims Totec.
The dragon mistress wounds Totec.
The dragon mistress devastates Totec.

Corri's kick mauls the dragon mistress.

The dragon mistress utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'.
The dragon mistress's spell does not go off.
The dragon mistress dodges Corri's attack.
The dragon mistress dodges Corri's attack.
The dragon mistress dodges Corri's attack.
The dragon mistress dodges Totec's attack.
The dragon mistress dodges Totec's attack.
Your knee strike MUTILATES the dragon mistress.
The dragon mistress's armor deflects your attack.
The dragon mistress decimates Totec.
The dragon mistress wounds Totec.
The dragon mistress devastates Totec.

Totec leaves east.
Totec has fled!

Corri's kick injures the dragon mistress.

The dragon mistress dodges Corri's attack.
The dragon mistress dodges Corri's attack.
The dragon mistress dodges Corri's attack.
Your round kick MUTILATES the dragon mistress.
The dragon mistress's armor deflects your attack.
Your backfist MUTILATES the dragon mistress.
The dragon mistress *** ANNIHILATES *** Corri.
The dragon mistress *** ANNIHILATES *** Corri.
The dragon mistress *** DEMOLISHES *** Corri.

Totec arrives from the east.

Corri gets a orange potion with greyish swirls from a saddlebag.
Corri quaffs a orange potion with greyish swirls.
Corri is surrounded by a white aura.

Totec leaves north.

The dragon mistress utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'.
The dragon mistress dodges Corri's attack.
The dragon mistress dodges Corri's attack.
Your palm heel strike MUTILATES the dragon mistress.
Your front kick EVISCERATES the dragon mistress.
The dragon mistress almost loses his footing!

Corri's kick mauls the dragon mistress.

The dragon mistress dodges Corri's attack.
The dragon mistress dodges Corri's attack.
The dragon mistress dodges Corri's attack.
Corri over-extends her attack, pulling her off-balance!
The dragon mistress's armor deflects your attack.
The dragon mistress's armor deflects your attack.
The dragon mistress's armor deflects your attack.

The dragon mistress utters the words, 'oculoaylacri'.
The dragon mistress dodges Corri's attack.
The dragon mistress's armor deflects your attack.
The dragon mistress's armor deflects your attack.
The dragon mistress EVISCERATES Corri.
Corri deftly moves out of the way of the dragon mistress's attack.
Corri deftly moves out of the way of the dragon mistress's attack.
The dragon mistress EVISCERATES Corri.

Corri's kick injures the dragon mistress.

You get a quest potion from a sack of ill-gotten loot.
The dragon mistress dodges Corri's attack.
The dragon mistress dodges Corri's attack.
The dragon mistress dodges Corri's attack.
The dragon mistress's armor deflects your attack.
The dragon mistress's armor deflects your attack.
The dragon mistress *** DEMOLISHES *** Corri.
The dragon mistress *** ANNIHILATES *** Corri.
Corri is DEAD!!
You see Corri die, eyes wide open.

<621hp(705) 155ma(591) 661mv(661)(517591) 19427gp ft: the dragon mistress >
The dragon mistress utters the words, 'diesilla barh'.
The dragon mistress's lightning bolt EVISCERATES you.
Your reverse elbow strike MUTILATES the dragon mistress.
Your ridgehand strike maims the dragon mistress.
The dragon mistress's armor deflects your attack.
The dragon mistress decimates you.
The dragon mistress *** ANNIHILATES *** you.
The dragon mistress tries to trip you!
You evade the dragon mistress's attack.

<410hp(705) 155ma(591) 661mv(661)(517591) 19427gp ft: the dragon mistress > quaff quest
You quaff a quest potion.
A warm feeling fills your body.
A warm feeling fills your body.
You are surrounded by a white aura.

<610hp(705) 155ma(591) 661mv(661)(517591) 19427gp ft: the dragon mistress >
Your jump side kick EVISCERATES the dragon mistress.
The dragon mistress's armor deflects your attack.
The dragon mistress's armor deflects your attack.
The dragon mistress EVISCERATES you.
The dragon mistress tries to trip you!
You evade the dragon mistress's attack.
You evade the dragon mistress's attack.
You evade the dragon mistress's attack.

The corpse of Corri: you can't carry that much weight.

The dragon mistress utters the words, 'diesilla barh'.
The dragon mistress's lightning bolt devastates you.
The dragon mistress's armor deflects your attack.
Your ridgehand strike maims the dragon mistress.
The dragon mistress's armor deflects your attack.
The dragon mistress's armor deflects your attack.
You twist around to lessen the impact of the dragon mistress's attack.
The dragon mistress tries to trip you!
The dragon mistress devastates you.
You evade the dragon mistress's attack.
You twist around to lessen the impact of the dragon mistress's attack.
The dragon mistress MUTILATES you.
You evade the dragon mistress's attack.

<418hp(705) 155ma(591) 661mv(661)(517591) 19427gp ft: the dragon mistress > c vamp
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
Your vampiric touch MUTILATES the dragon mistress.
You gain 29 hit points!

<447hp(705) 130ma(591) 661mv(661)(517591) 19427gp ft: the dragon mistress >
Your uppercut EVISCERATES the dragon mistress.
The dragon mistress's armor deflects your attack.
The dragon mistress MUTILATES you.
The dragon mistress decimates you.

<371hp(705) 130ma(591) 661mv(661)(517591) 19427gp ft: the dragon mistress > c flee
What is that?
The dragon mistress utters the words, 'diesilla barh'.
The dragon mistress's lightning bolt maims you.
Attempting to flee...
A Grey Room
[Exits: west]
A large grey dragon consumes the room with her massive body.
You flee from combat!
You LOSE 25 experience points!

A Grey Room
[Exits: west]
This room has walls of grey stone. It is completely silent
here, and the air is still.
A large grey dragon consumes the room with her massive body.

You gossip (in common), 'HOLY ..'.

Totec gossips (in common), 'well'.

You drop a grey sword.

Totec gossips (in common), 'that went badly'.

You get a glass of Magic Ale from a sack of ill-gotten loot.

Totec gossips (in common), 'so now what'.

You quaff a glass of Magic Ale.
A warm feeling fills your body.
You feel righteous.

<451hp(705) 193ma(591) 661mv(661)(517616) 19427gp ft: none > whoz
People near you:

> 4 players.
Elf [ Ra:30 Th:30 Ma:30 ] Corri the poky little puppy.
Gno [ Th:25 Sh:30 ] Xavian, Lost Dragonslayer
Gno [ Wa:30 Th:30 Sh:30 ] Totec, Sheep Dog of the Nexus
Hum [ Bard: 30 30 30 ] Samiyah bint Seraph, Bard of the High Order

You gossip (in common), 'i cannot lift her corpse'.

A Grey Room
[Exits: west]
This room has walls of grey stone. It is completely silent
here, and the air is still.
(Weak magic) (Heathen) A solid grey sword lies here.
A large grey dragon consumes the room with her massive body.

Corri tells the group (in common), 'heal up .. sami draws her off and we get our stuff'.

You gossip (in common), 'and i am in a room with a dragon'.

You get the coiled platinum staff from a sack of ill-gotten loot.
You hold the coiled platinum staff in your hands.
You brandish the coiled platinum staff.
A warm feeling fills your body.
Your staff blazes bright and is gone.

You get the knotted zircon wand from a sack of ill-gotten loot.

You hold the knotted zircon wand in your hands.

You zap yourself with the knotted zircon wand.
A warm feeling fills your body.

Totec says (in common), 'i got her corpse'.

You zap yourself with the knotted zircon wand.
A warm feeling fills your body.

ch totec
Totec is barely conscious.

You zap Totec with the knotted zircon wand.
You zap Totec with the knotted zircon wand.
Your wand explodes into fragments.

You say (in common), 'fol me'.

> fol self
Okay, no longer assisting anyone.
You stop following Totec.

Totec isn't following you.

Totec gossips (in common), 'corri follow self'.

Corri gossips (in common), 'should i portal to sami?'.

Totec isn't following you.

You gossip (in common), 'no'.

Totec now follows you.

You gossip (in common), 'well'.
You gossip (in common), 'ok'.
You gossip (in common), 'dragon appears non aggro'.
You gossip (in common), 'or we can come OUT'.

A Grey Room
[Exits: west]
This room has walls of grey stone. It is completely silent
here, and the air is still.
(Weak magic) (Heathen) A solid grey sword lies here.
(Dark Cyan Aura) Totec is here.
A large grey dragon consumes the room with her massive body.

Totec joins your group.

Someone says, 'Ye shall DIE!'.
The dragon mistress appears out of nowhere.
The dragon mistress fades into existence.
The dragon mistress *** ANNIHILATES *** Totec.
The dragon mistress *** ANNIHILATES *** Totec.
Totec deftly moves out of the way of the dragon mistress's attack.
Totec almost loses his footing!
The dragon mistress *** ANNIHILATES *** Totec.
Totec is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.
The dragon mistress *** ANNIHILATES *** Totec.
Totec is DEAD!!
You hear Totec's death cry.

> get corpse
The corpse of Totec: you can't carry that much weight.

<705hp(705) 256ma(591) 661mv(661)(517616) 19427gp ft: none >
The dragon mistress says, 'Ye shall DIE!'.
The dragon mistress trips you and you go down!
The dragon mistress mauls you.
The dragon mistress maims you.
The dragon mistress decimates you.
You aren't on your feet! Get UP!!!
You do all you can just to defend yourself.
The dragon mistress mauls you.
You twist around to lessen the impact of the dragon mistress's attack.
You evade the dragon mistress's attack.
The dragon mistress wounds you.

<577hp(705) 256ma(591) 661mv(661)(517616) 19427gp ft: the dragon mistress >
Totec gossips (in common), 'no no, let's kill this lady'.

<577hp(705) 256ma(591) 661mv(661)(517616) 19427gp ft: the dragon mistress >
You aren't on your feet! Get UP!!!
You graze the dragon mistress.
The dragon mistress mauls you.
The dragon mistress injures you.
The dragon mistress injures you.

<528hp(705) 256ma(591) 661mv(661)(517616) 19427gp ft: the dragon mistress > flee

The dragon mistress makes a complicated-looking gesture.
Silence envelopes you!
You aren't on your feet! Get UP!!!
The dragon mistress's armor deflects your attack.
You twist around to lessen the impact of the dragon mistress's attack.
The dragon mistress wounds you.
The dragon mistress wounds you.

<498hp(705) 256ma(591) 661mv(661)(517616) 19427gp ft: the dragon mistress > whoz
You get your feet under you and set for battle.

<498hp(705) 256ma(591) 661mv(661)(517616) 19427gp ft: the dragon mistress > c wiz
You are already fighting!

<498hp(705) 256ma(591) 661mv(661)(517616) 19427gp ft: the dragon mistress > Attempting to flee...
A Grey Room
[Exits: east west]
This place is unusually quiet...
You flee from combat!
You LOSE 25 experience points!

<498hp(705) 256ma(591) 659mv(661)(517641) 19427gp ft: none > You are already standing.

<498hp(705) 256ma(591) 659mv(661)(517641) 19427gp ft: none > You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
You draw a wizard mark rune in the air.

<498hp(705) 245ma(591) 659mv(661)(517641) 19427gp ft: none > c t

The dragon mistress arrives from the east.
You twist around to lessen the impact of the dragon mistress's attack.
The dragon mistress decimates you.
The dragon mistress EVISCERATES you.
You twist around to lessen the impact of the dragon mistress's attack.
The dragon mistress devastates you.
The dragon mistress's armor deflects your attack.
The dragon mistress's armor deflects your attack.
Your elbow strike MUTILATES the dragon mistress.
The dragon mistress devastates you.
The dragon mistress DISEMBOWELS you.
The dragon mistress devastates you.
The dragon mistress wounds you.

<225hp(705) 245ma(591) 659mv(661)(517641) 19427gp ft: the dragon mistress > You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
You failed.

<225hp(705) 210ma(591) 659mv(661)(517641) 19427gp ft: the dragon mistress >
Your spearhand strike MUTILATES the dragon mistress.
The dragon mistress's armor deflects your attack.
You evade the dragon mistress's attack.
You twist around to lessen the impact of the dragon mistress's attack.
The dragon mistress hits you.
The dragon mistress mauls you.
The dragon mistress devastates you.
You sure are BLEEDING!

<158hp(705) 210ma(591) 659mv(661)(517641) 19427gp ft: the dragon mistress > flee
Attempting to flee...
A Grey Room
[Exits: east]
A large grey dragon consumes the room with her massive body.
You flee from combat!
You LOSE 25 experience points!

<158hp(705) 210ma(591) 657mv(661)(517666) 19427gp ft: none >
Totec gossips (in common), 'or not'.

<158hp(705) 210ma(591) 657mv(661)(517666) 19427gp ft: none > c t
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
You failed.

<158hp(705) 175ma(591) 657mv(661)(517666) 19427gp ft: none >
The dragon mistress arrives from the east.

<163hp(705) 196ma(591) 661mv(661)(517666) 19427gp ft: none > c portal room
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
You lost your concentration.

<163hp(705) 180ma(591) 661mv(661)(517666) 19427gp ft: none > whoz

The dragon mistress says, 'Ye shall DIE!'.
The dragon mistress decimates you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
The dragon mistress devastates you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
You twist around to lessen the impact of the dragon mistress's attack.
The dragon mistress MUTILATES you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
The dragon mistress MUTILATES you.
You are stunned, but will probably recover.
You have been KILLED!!

This visit to the afterlife brought to you by the dragon mistress.
You LOSE 6203 experience points!
You wear the marks of a vampire's kiss as a decoration.
You wear the scent of almonds and the desert winds as a decoration.
You wear a pair of quilted cloth pantaloons on your legs.
You wear a white linen blindfold on your head.
You wear a carved adamantite ring with gold inlay on your left finger.
You wear a pair of heavy cloth slippers on your feet.
You wear (Glowing) a tribal-style necklace of lapis and opal pendants around your neck.
You wear the plain pyrite ring on your right finger.
You light a golden orb and hold it.
You wear a tunic of leaf-green leather on your body.
You wear delicate patterns of mehndi framing a scar on your hands.
You wear a heavy cloth sash about your waist.
You wear the fiery garnet bracelet around your left wrist.
You wear a pair of fur armlets on your arms.
You wear the flashy chalcedony bracelet around your right wrist.
You wear a voluminous desert robe of black linen about your body.
You wear the fiery fire opal amulet around your neck.

We're living in a material world, and you're a material... girl.
The Materialistic Lyrical has faded.

<1hp(705) 180ma(591) 661mv(661)(523869) 0gp ft: none > People near you:

You gossip (in common), 'dead'.

The white aura around your body fades.

Totec gossips (in common), 'corri i assume you got some marks?'.

You sleep.

Corri gossips (in common), 'i have sami's corpse'.
Corri gossips (in common), 'and tots, i have yours marked'.

You gossip (in common), 'totec's corpse is one room from mine'.

Corri gossips (in common), 'couldn't pick up both'.

Corri gossips (in common), 'meet at took'.

You gossip (in common), 'i couldn't pick up totec's. I'm sorry.'.

The Vortex Master grants you admittance.

The Crest of Took Hill
[Exits: north south up]
A statue of Bandobras Took stands by a small fountain.
c wiz
(Invis) Corri, The Past Supreme Finder, is here.

You draw a wizard mark rune in the air.

Corri gives you the corpse of Samiyah.

Samiyah touches her hand to her forehead, her lips, and her heart in a tribal gesture of respect.

Corri says (in common), 'going back in'.
Corri leaves north.

Corri arrives from the north.

Corri makes a complicated-looking gesture.
Corri leaves north.

Totec arrives from the north.
Totec coughs.
Totec says (in common), 'preservability lyrical?'.

Corri arrives from the north.

Samiyah averts her gaze from the nakedness.

Corri gossips (in common), 'got it'.

Corri gives the corpse of Totec to Totec.

Corri stops using a quilted cloth hat.
Corri gives a quilted cloth hat to Totec.

Totec wears a quilted cloth hat on his head.

Corri snickers softly.
Corri says (in common), 'i needed str from tots corpse to pick up mine'.

Totec tries to break dance, but nearly breaks his neck!

You say (in common), 'do you have yours?'.

Corri nods.
Corri rests.

You shiver. Brrrrrrrrr.

You say (in common), 'so. I .. uh... will not be going there again.'.

Totec says (in common), 'it's kind of like marriage. just because it's mostly a bad experience doesn't mean it always is'.

You sleep.
You gossip (in common), 'materialistic and preservability is gone'.

Totec gossips (in common), 'that means we need to pop you some lyricals :P'.

You gossip (in common), '.. if only they were popping on something other than CronTor'.

Totec gossips (in common), 'so i really don't remember her being that ridiculous'.

You gossip (in common), 'that was pretty ridiculous.'.

Totec gives you bag made from Totec hide.

You say (in common), 'aaaaack!'.

You drop bag made from Totec hide.

Samiyah hops back.

Totec snickers softly.

You say (in common), 'Haraam!'.

You say (in common), 'so.. any lyricals on locate?'.
You say (in common), 'and FYI, Corri has my phone number, in case a lyrical is ever spotted and I am offline.'.

Totec nudges Corri impatiently.
Totec says (in common), 'good to knwo'.
Totec says (in common), 'know even'.

You say (in common), 'well...'.
You say (in common), 'on the bright side...'.
You say (in common), 'she probably isn't hunting..'.

Totec says (in common), 'that is a silver lining ;)'.
Totec says (in common), 'i mean, could be worse, we could have lost it in the circus'.
Totec says (in common), 'i've died in horrible horrible places with groups'.
Totec says (in common), 'like'.
Totec says (in common), 'the center of tritons'.

You say (in common), 'I have not died in months. :('.
You sigh.

Totec says (in common), 'on the bright side, you now have a patented Totec Adventure(tm) to remember'.

Corri drops the corpse of Corri.

Totec gets the corpse of Corri.

Totec utters the words, 'watz bao'.
Totec's new bag made from Corri hide looks pretty snazzy.

Corri says (in common), 'I got everyone out one by one, so that I wouldn't wear this amulet'.
Corri points to the amulet around her neck.
Corri grins wickedly.

Totec says (in common), 'so um how big you think she was, corri?'.
Totec says (in common), 'because i bet we could have handled her with sancs and proper rescues'.

Corri says (in common), 'I did get a sanc up'.

Totec says (in common), 'i was under a hundred in about two rounds'.

Corri says (in common), 'quaffed a heal at 200 odd hp'.
Corri says (in common), 'and it never came through'.
Corri says (in common), 'even with sanc up'.
Corri says (in common), 'on the plus side... my sanc alias still works'.
Corri snickers softly.
Corri says (in common), 'on the down side... i think i used my last one'.

Totec says (in common), 'well we hurt her enough she didn't hunt for a few seconds'.
Totec says (in common), 'ah well'.
Totec says (in common), 'need to pop lyricals now'.

Corri says (in common), 'who has the heal staff these days, still aoide?'.

Corri nods in recognition to Totec.

You say (in common), 'pugilistic is on crontor'.

Corri says (in common), 'how come everyone seems to want to drag me out and get killed lately?'.
Corri grins wickedly.

You say (in common), 'i am NOT in favor of dying!'.
You say (in common), 'you will recall, I said there were DRAGONS in there.'.
You shiver. Brrrrrrrrr.

((And they spent the rest of the evening popping greyish potions to renew Corri's stock. Later, they met another bard....))

Riordan says (in common), 'you know what i think'.

Samiyah looks at you curiously, raising one eyebrow.

Riordan says (in common), 'i think the deck of longship could use some performances'.

You say (in common), 'you are a loony'.

Corri says (in common), 'he's not allowed to lead'.
Corri snickers softly.

You say (in common), 'Oh, Corri..'.
You say (in common), 'before I go..'.
You point proudly at yourself.

Corri says (in common), 'm?'.
Corri looks at you.
Corri grins.

Samiyah blushes, ducking her head and hiding her face in her hands.

You grin happily.

Corri says (in common), '..can I sniff you?'.

You blink.

Samiyah extends her right wrist.

You say (in common), 'if you wish.'.

Corri leans closer and sniffs.
Corri smiles happily.
Corri says (in common), 'he was right'.
Corri grins wickedly.
Corri waves happily.

You wave.

Fare thee well!