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The Prodigal Daughter – log by Jamilla

You tell Seraph (in halfling), 'Hello'.

Seraph nods in recognition to you.
Seraph says, 'how are you?'.

You say (in halfling), 'I am ok..yourself'.

Seraph says, 'fine thank you'.

You say (in halfling), 'How is Sammi'.

Seraph says, 'ok heart brokem but ok'.

You say (in halfling), 'heart broken'.

Seraph folds his hands behind his back.

You say (in halfling), 'about me'.

Seraph nods.

You say (in halfling), 'I tell her I am ok'.

Seraph says, 'are you really?'.

You nod.
You say (in halfling), 'I will be better when Venom Returns'.

Seraph says, 'it seems you think i forsakened you?'.

You say (in halfling), 'I can feel him still'.
You nod.

Seraph says, 'how so have I?'.

You say (in halfling), 'How can you play the role of all mighty god while you let the elders do what they do'.

Seraph says, 'the elders have paid for their sins'.

You say (in halfling), 'I was punished everyday until Venom saved me'.
You say (in halfling), 'They will pay forever if i can get my hands or fangs on them'.

Seraph says, 'did he really save you?'.

You say (in halfling), 'Look at me'.
You say (in halfling), 'I grow everyday...i am not supressed anymore'.

Seraph says, 'think of this for a moment'.
Seraph says, 'you say venom helped you. I will disagree'.
Seraph says, 'i will say Samiyah helped you escape'.

You say (in halfling), 'how is that'.

Seraph says, 'and my reason for that is she was drawn to you she was drawn back to the desert and if she had not gone back venom would never have found it and you'.

You say (in halfling), 'maybe so but he made the effort to get me out'.
You say (in halfling), 'he made me what i am '.
You say (in halfling), 'It was under his wing i grew'.

Seraph says, 'maybe maybe not'.

You say (in halfling), 'I have no resent for anybody anymore'.

Seraph says, 'i am your your way'.

Jamilla tears a elf out of her backpack and slams him to the ground.
Jamilla's razor teeth slice through their wet skin without resistance, penetrating deep into the flesh of their neck
Jamilla's fangs cut through the thin blood vessels and permit them to spill their precious liquid.
Jamilla's prey slumps lifeless to the floor as she wipes the blood from her face.

You say (in halfling), 'this is your way'.
You say (in halfling), 'what need do you have for a kindred'.

Seraph says, 'are we any different?'.

You say (in halfling), 'I feed on blood '.
You say (in halfling), 'the life force of others'.

Seraph waves his hand over the corpse and pulls his soul.

The elf's soul floats around the room before being absorbed into seraph

Seraph says, 'we are no different'.

You say (in halfling), 'So how are we the same'.

Seraph says, 'as far as the elders they will pay the price'.
Seraph says, 'you need life. i need life'.

You say (in halfling), 'I want to deliver this justice'.

Seraph says, 'you can everyday'.

You say (in halfling), 'For all my people..with Sammi at my side'.

Seraph says, 'for i have opened the sands now and cursed them for their ways'.
Seraph says, 'they will die everyday and comeback to life only to die again they will remember each death and live with it'.

You say (in halfling), 'I will ensure they will pay'.

Seraph smiles happily.
Seraph says, 'i'm sure you will'.
Seraph says, 'you and samiyah, side by side'.

You say (in halfling), 'I will drink from them all..forever'.

Seraph walks around the room looking at the walls.

You say (in halfling), 'I dream of a day when i can stand by Sammi'.

Seraph says, 'with that aura it will not happen'.

You say (in halfling), 'cuz of you'.
You say (in halfling), 'DC has no problem'.

Seraph nods
Seraph says, 'dc is a fool'.

Seraph says, 'jamilla, you are mine. I created you just like samiyah'.

You ftell, 'Sammi and how i should be with her'.

You say (in halfling), 'All do respect if you speak of DC like that agin we will be done'.

Seraph says, 'that is your choice'.
Seraph says, 'but think about it for a moment'.
Seraph says, 'does DC have control?'.

You say (in halfling), 'I will think about it..but as long as I am Lost and even after DC will allways hold a place with me'.
You say (in halfling), 'Of what'.
You say (in halfling), 'the realm'.

Seraph says, 'she does not control her people'.
Seraph says, 'they walk all over her'.
Seraph says, 'deep in your heart, you know i am the one to stand with, give your faith to'.

You say (in halfling), 'I will give it some thought'.
You say (in halfling), 'Please tell Sammi that I am looking for her'.

Seraph nods.