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Presents, Invises, and Giddiyaps - Log by Sami

3 players.
Hum [ Bard: 30 30 30 ] Samiyah, bound by blood and oath.
Elf [ Cl:14 Wa:11 ] Kin is unwritten
Aar [ Bard: 13 13 9 ] Ethran is Lost because Natilena is mean.

You tell Ethran (in common), '... Nati is mean?'.

You tell Kin (in common), 'Hullo there'.

Ethran tells you (in common), 'She can be, yup!'.

Kin tells you (in common), 'who is this!??!'.

You tell Ethran (in common), 'uhoh'.

You tell Kin (in common), 'Samiyah!'.

Kin tells you (in common), 'OMG'.

You tell Kin (in common), '?'.

Kin tells you (in common), 'wendell'.

The Office of the TFC Housing Authority
[Exits: west]
(Dark Purple Aura) Kin is here.
(White Aura) Wendell waits patiently while you decide where to live.

You smile happily.
You say (in common), 'Hullo'.

Kin gives you bag made from red-billed gull hide.

You say (in common), 'ooh'.

Kin looks at you.

You put the flayed skin scroll in bag made from emaciated, feral black cat hide.
You put the rolled scroll in bag made from emaciated, feral black cat hide.
You put a skill score in bag made from emaciated, feral black cat hide.
You put a spell score in bag made from emaciated, feral black cat hide.
You put a spell score in bag made from emaciated, feral black cat hide.
You put the printed scroll in bag made from emaciated, feral black cat hide.
You put the wax scroll in bag made from emaciated, feral black cat hide.
You put a skill score in bag made from emaciated, feral black cat hide.
You put a skill score in bag made from emaciated, feral black cat hide.
You put a spell score in bag made from emaciated, feral black cat hide.
You put the torn scroll in bag made from emaciated, feral black cat hide.
You put the fried scroll in bag made from emaciated, feral black cat hide.
You put the folded scroll in bag made from emaciated, feral black cat hide.

You gasp in astonishment.

You say (in common), 'er,'.
You say (in common), 'those weren't all for me I don't think'.
You say (in common), 'mybad'.

Kin says (in common), 'they are all for you'.

You say (in common), 'ooh!'.
You say (in common), 'thank you!'.

You give bag made from red-billed gull hide to Kin.

> cast 150 'improved invis' kin
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
Kin fades out of existence.

Someone thanks you heartily.

Someone utters the words, 'hiqahz abyzqh'.
Someone utters the words, 'hiqahz abyzqh'.
Someone utters the words, 'hiqahz abyzqh'.

Someone says (in common), 'cron tor is hogging the lyricals'.

Someone utters the words, 'hiqahz abyzqh'.
Someone utters the words, 'hiqahz abyzqh'.
Someone utters the words, 'hiqahz abyzqh'.
Someone utters the words, 'hiqahz abyzqh'.
Someone utters the words, 'hiqahz abyzqh'.

Wendell says, 'I don't help those I can't see.'.

Cresom arrives from the west.

Cresom bows before someone.
Someone bounces onto Cresom's lap.

Cresom smiles happily.

Someone says (in common), 'YOU CAN SEE ME!?!?!'.

Someone gasps in astonishment.

You nod.
You say (in common), 'he's pesky that way'.

Cresom snickers softly.

You say (in common), 'and no, i cannot see you'.
You say (in common), 'but cresom can'.

You say (in common), '(crontor is pesky)'.

Ethran tells you (in common), 'Could I get a ride to Riverhold?'.

Someone says (in common), 'Im looking for a pirahna'.

You tell Ethran (in common), 'of course'.

You say (in common), 'the one with the helm?'.

Someone says (in common), 'He has an adamantite helmet'.
Someone nods.

You say (in common), 'not jungle and not cymraeg'.
You say (in common), 'that leaves Dream Realm'.

Someone says (in common), 'yeah i tried'.

You say (in common), 'brb'.

Someone says (in common), 'Aw'.

The Office of the TFC Housing Authority
[Exits: west]
Several comfy chairs sit around a small table, on it a large book describing
each of the cities in the world that have listed vacancies for adventurers
seeking homes or places to retire. Flipping through it, you recognize many
as places you have visited, and several as good candidates for a place to
call home. Looking around, you see the real estate agent waiting to assist
you in your move, and motion him over so that you can begin the paperwork
that surely must accompany something as complicated as relocating to another
(Dark Cyan Aura) Cresom is here.
(White Aura) Wendell waits patiently while you decide where to live.

Someone says (in common), 'How do you know these things!?'.
Someone pokes you in the ribs.

Someone snickers softly.
Someone says (in common), 'your already ontop of it'.
Someone snickers softly.

You say (in common), 'because you are person #3 looking for it'.

Someone says (in common), 'Im person #1'.

You say (in common), 'and the other two asked me as well.'.
You say (in common), 'You are the third to mention it.'.
Someone says (in common), '#2 and #3 are trying to be shifty and take it from me'.

You say (in common), 'But until I have my lyricals back..'.
You say (in common), 'I don't think going into Dream Realm is a good idea'.

Samiyah scuffs her foot on the floor, looking embarrassed at such weakness.

Someone says (in common), 'know how to pop the spider shaped mourning star cresom?'.

Cresom says (in common), 'i don't know how '.

You say (in common), 'The Eldest does.'.

Cresom says (in common), 'only 3 people i know '.
Cresom says (in common), 'Nich Belsam and Portobello'.

Wellington arrives from the east.

Someone frowns at what Wellington did.

Wellington gasps in astonishment.

Wellington does not like high level invis.
Wellington will hide.

Someone nods in recognition to Wellington.

Your spell does not go off.
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
You lost your concentration.

> cast 150 'improved invis' Wellington
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
Wellington fades out of existence.

Someone says (in common), 'the mud is disappearing'.
Someone says (in common), 'no one can see anyone'.

Someone just got better at hiding.

You say (in common), 'go vis, brother'.

Kin appears out of nowhere.

> c 'improved invis' kin
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
Kin fades out of existence.

Someone bounces around.

> c 'improved invis' cresom
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
Cresom fades out of existence.

Someone bounces onto your lap.

You say (in common), 'AACK!'.

Samiyah hops back.

Someone bounces onto your lap.

Samiyah raises a hand in a kung-fu chop. "Don't make me fu you."

You say (in common), 'Now, un-bounce.'.

Someone says (in common), 'No.'.

YOu frown. What's bothering you?

Someone says (in common), 'I am invisible!'.

Samiyah steps back quickly.

You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
You fade out of existence.

Someone snickers with you about your shared secret.

Someone climbs onto Samiyah's shoulders.

### [Somewhere, Kin climbs onto Samiyah's shoulders]

You say (in common), 'AACK!'.
You say (in common), 'STOP THAT'.

Someone holds on tight by clasping her hair.

Someone says (in common), 'Giddyup!'.
Someone says (in common), 'Giddyup!'.

Someone spanks!

Samiyah shakes her head wildly, braids and bells and charms flying everywhere.

You growl. Grrrrrrrrrr...

You say (in common), 'OFF.'.

Someone says (in common), 'Only gotta hold on for 8 seconds!'.

Samiyah utters the words, 'fireball'

Someone dies.

Someone drools on himself.

Someone is going to grab some xp!

You say (in common), 'why are you wasting my invis?'.

Kin appears out of nowhere.

You say (in common), 'you should be exp'ing'.

> c 'improved invis' kin
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
Kin fades out of existence.

You say (in common), 'there's a fresh one'.

Someone bows deeply.

You say (in common), 'it lasts 8 minutes'.

Guild Hall
[Exits: north east south west]
(Dark Purple Aura) Sparhawk is resting here.

> c 'improved invis' sparhawk
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
Sparhawk fades out of existence.

Someone gossips (in common), 'So sagan, Willing to kill Cron'Tor?'.
Someone gossips (in common), 'hes in dream realm next to the pirahna :P'.

Someone gossips (in common), 'Sounds scary'.
Sagan gossips (in common), 'Heh'.

Kin gossips (in common), 'Zing!'.

Belsambar Wasn't Fibbing - Log by DarkClaw

### Samiyah: Entered Game

Samiyah gossips (in common), 'Greetings, Sayyida'.

You gossip, 'Hello, Sami. :-)'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), '*knocks*'.

You tell Samiyah, 'Come in.'.

Samiyah arrives from the north.

Samiyah bows deeply.
Samiyah says (in common), 'Hello, Sayyida'.

You say, 'Good afternoon, Sami.'.

Samiyah gestures at the floor by the waterfall. "May I sit?"

You smile at her.
You say, 'Of course.'.

Samiyah bows before you.
Samiyah smiles at you.

Samiyah settles upon the floor, trailing her fingertips through the water.
Samiyah glances at you sidelong, worrying at her lower lip with her teeth.

DarkClaw's gaze shifts to watch your fingers play. "Comforting, isn't it?"

Samiyah nods.
Samiyah says (in common), 'it is'.

DarkClaw raises her eyes to your face again. "It seems you have questions or concerns."

Samiyah says (in common), '.. Belsambar told me a thing a few days ago and I am wondering if he was teasing - making a joke - or not. And though you are a Goddess... with Corri gone, you are the only woman I can ask.'.

DarkClaw chuckles and rolls her eyes quickly. "It is hard saying with him. What did he say to you?"

Samiyah studies the water, not meeting your gaze.

Samiyah says (in common), 'I asked if he needed anything. He started to say something, but stopped and Sparhawk started giggling and staring at the sky the way he does. I asked what... and Sparhawk said "blocks." Well even I could tell he was speaking false'.

You nod in recognition to her.

Samiyah says (in common), 'So I asked Bels later and he said the word he didn't use before, though it was one I had not ever heard - So I asked him to explain. This is the part I don't know if it is truth or not. It is an intimacies ...he said.. where the mouth....'.
Samiyah coughs.

DarkClaw grins slowly, listening.

Samiyah says (in common), 'gives pleasure... Not to another's mouth... but to...'.
Samiyah gestures in the general direction of her belt.

You say, 'To the sexual organ.'.

Samiyah nods.
Samiyah says (in common), 'Was he speaking truth? Or making things up?'.

You say, 'That is correct. He was actually being honest with you.'.

Samiyah's eyes get very big as she ponders this.
Samiyah says quietly, "...oh."

You say, 'It can be done to either the man or woman.'.
You say, 'And can be highly pleasurable.'.

Samiyah says (in common), '...oh.'.
Samiyah says (in common), 'well.'.
Samiyah says (in common), 'That's... umm...'.

Samiyah blushes.

You say, 'Haram to you, I'm sure. Is that the correct word?'.

Samiyah nods.

You say, 'It is perfectly common among others.'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'Seraph told me there were many things I was taught were wrong - haram - that are not'.

You nod in recognition to her.
You say, 'What you refer to.... Is also a way to seek pleasure without having to worry about becoming pregnant with child.'.

Samiyah says (in common), '..can vampires have mortal children?!'.

You say, 'The general rule is no...but there are ways around it.'.

Samiyah turns away from the waterfall, looking at you at an angle. "What ways?"

DarkClaw shrugs casually. "Spells...I had a child."

Samiyah blinks.
Samiyah says (in common), 'You did?'.

You nod in recognition to her.

Samiyah looks curious but does not pry.

DarkClaw's eyes look away in thought, but not before you notice a hint of sadness. "He disappeared long, long ago."

Samiyah makes a soft sound of concern, her hand starting to reach out instinctively, before she draws it back.

Samiyah asks quietly, "What was his name?"

DarkClaw looks back to you, a strained smile on her lips. "Argoth."

Samiyah says (in common), 'A fine name.'.

You say, 'Thank you.'.

DarkClaw opens her mouth as if to say more, but closes it and refrains.

Samiyah asks tentatively, "Have I met his father?"

DarkClaw's features darken and tension radiates from her form. "No...and I hope you never do."

Samiyah draws away a fraction, making a conciliatory gesture with one hand. She ducks her head and murmurs, "Forgive me for asking ."

Samiyah says (in common), 'I did not mean to anger You.'.

DarkClaw blinks and clears her throat, forcing the anger back within. "It was not you, Sami. I was..."

You say, '...raped, by a demon. The anger was not towards you.'.

Samiyah's face goes stark pale, and her jaw drops in horrified surprise. "lady.. I am so sorry... "

DarkClaw shakes her head slowly and waves a dismissive hand. "It was a long time ago."

You say, 'Few know that it even happened.'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'None will hear it from my lips.'.

You smile at her.
You say, 'Thank you.'.

Samiyah bows deeply.

You say, 'I bear no hatred or ill feelings towards my son because of it.'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'is there a way to prevent children .. if one were to .. lay.. with a mortal?'.

You say, 'Yes, there are ways.'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'spells? I have not ever found a score for that purpose...'.

You say, 'Spells, yes...and it is also said that quinine prevents pregnancy. There is also a...'.
You cough.
You say, 'Method...that the male can use, to lessen the possibility. But it is not guaranteed.'.

Samiyah listens, trying earnestly not to blush, only learn.

You say, 'When a man and woman reach peak pleasure, they emit fluids. The male's possesses his "seed"...which is that what gets a woman pregnant.'.

Samiyah blinks.
Samiyah says (in common), 'It isn’t simply the will of the Gods, then?'.

You shake your head.
You say, 'No, not at all. The Gods can play a part in it, yes, if they choose...'.

Samiyah ponders this revelation.

DarkClaw clears her throat. "As I was saying, though...if the man pulls out of the woman before his fluids release, the chances of pregnancy are less."

You say, 'But it cannot be counted on.'.

                                    • Left in for humor's sake ******************

You tell Samiyah, '(Dear Gods, are they really having this convo? LOL)'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), '(it is totally Bels fault! that's my story and I am sticking to it)'.

DarkClaw studies you, gauging your reaction to the last bit she said.

Samiyah shifts uncomfortably under your direct gaze. "..there is much I do not know, that most women beyond the Veil know."

Samiyah says (in common), 'Thank you for speaking so honestly with me.'.

You smile at her.
You say, 'I am sure there is a lot that startles you.'.

You chuckle.
You say, 'That is different from that which you know.'.

Samiyah nods.
Samiyah says (in common), '..my thoughts have turned in very ..new .. directions of late. It is a struggle to know for myself what is right or wrong.'.

You nod in recognition to her.
You say, 'And each person has differing opinions of wrong or right as well.'.

Samiyah nods in recognition to you.
Samiyah says (in common), '..though with as little as I see Wind, and as little as we have had physical closeness... it is not a matter that is of pressing need..'.

Samiyah murmurs to herself, unaware she speaks aloud, "..and thinking of a thing is not doing.."

You say, 'You have a good heart, Sami. Even should you choose wrong, the importance is that you learn from your mistakes when you do. Ghaz will return for you...in time. Have faith.'.

Samiyah smiles happily.
Samiyah nods in recognition to you.
Samiyah says (in common), 'I do.'.

Samiyah asks quietly, "Is it wrong to ..imagine.. such things with people other than those you love?"

You shake your head.

You say, 'No, not at all. At least not in my opinion.'.
You say, 'I have some things I need to tend to.'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'oh. Of course Sayyida. I have taken up much do your time'.

Samiyah bows deeply.

You smile happily.

You say, 'See you soon, Sami.'.

Samiyah waves happily.

Samiyah makes a complicated-looking gesture.
Samiyah fades out of existence.

Samiyah leaves north.

(Much later)

Samiyah tells Sparhawk (in common), 'please give my regards to your Sayyida and express my thanks for Her words of wisdom today, if you would...'.

Sparhawk tells Samiyah (in common), 'I shall'.