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==Words Between Men==
(Log by Venom)

You ftell, 'Are we alone here Belgarion?'.

Belgarion ftells, 'yes'.

You ftell, 'Good. I have been told to avoid you at all costs, but I will say one thing between the men. You have every reason to hate me, this is something I know well.'.

Belgarion ftells, 'yes'.

You ftell, 'When my levels come, you may very well attempt to kill me even.'.

Belgarion ftells, 'yes'.

You ftell, 'So, that being said. I want you to know that I wouldn't blame you if you did.'.

Belgarion ftells, ‘I would think not'.

You ftell, 'Regardless, the women don't understand how we think. In short, do what you must.'.

Belgarion ftells, ‘I had all kinds of plans. All kinds of things I was going to say. But when I saw you here they all escaped me. I have nothing to say to you'.

You ftell, 'We are men, not boys. Let your whip do the talking if it helps old boy.'.

Belgarion ftells, 'you know what you did was wrong. And I have made sure that DarkClaw knows how I feel'.

You ftell, 'Don't be petty with rights and wrongs... I did what the moment called for, wrong is an opinion. You see it as wrong, act thusly.'.

==Regaining The Journal==
(Log by Sami)

Seraph tells you, 'Do not forget your journal. I expect you to get it back.'

You pray, 'Yes, Sahib!'
You pray, 'I still have your light-compass..'

You get a ball of bright blue light from a saddlebag.

You stop using a golden orb.
You light a ball of bright blue light and hold it.

Samiyah closes her eyes and follows the nudge in her mind from the ball of light.
Samiyah frowns.

Samiyah tilts her head to one side, trying to sense to destination.

(She goes to...)

A Private Room in the Adventurer's Inn
[Exits: west]
The gypsy deftly shuffles intricately painted cards in her hands.

You close the door.

> l bethany peek
Storm-blue eyes with a sparkle of mirth and mystery meet yours over a black
laced veil. The woman before you is garbed in gypsy style, wearing
jewel-colored silks and gauzes. Silver hoops gleam in her ears, and a
crescent moon is tattooed in blue ink between her arched brows. Perhaps
she can really tell your FORTUNE. One thing's for sure, though...she
definitely looks the part.
Bethany has a special twinkle in her eye.
Bethany is in perfect health.

Bethany is using:
<worn around neck> (Weak magic) (Glowing) a delicate silver chain with a pendant
<worn on body> a midnight blue bodice
<worn on head> a black lace veil
<worn about waist> (Moderate magic) a beaded and belled hip scarf
<held> a deck of Tarot cards

You peek at the inventory:
a thin black leather notebook

You say (in common), 'AHA!'.
You say (in common), 'You are a thief, as well as a liar!'.
You say (in common), 'I want my journal back!'.

Samiyah wrinkles her brow in thought.

> fortune
Bethany slips a card from the deck and lays it on the table.
Bethany says, 'The Ten of Cups. Fulfillment, the prize at the end of your'.
Bethany says, 'journeys. Happiness and joy. Truly a good omen.'.

You blink.
You smile happily.
You say (in common), 'well, that's nice... I like that omen'.

> zap bethany
You zap Bethany with the harmonic agate wand.
Bethany looks more vulnerable.
Bethany looks more vulnerable.
Bethany is revealed!
Bethany slowly falls back to earth.

(Some fleeing, some preparing, and kicking later...)

Ghazkull tells you (in elven), 'how does the hunting go?'.

Bethany makes a complicated-looking gesture.
Your front kick DISEMBOWELS Bethany.
Bethany's armor deflects your attack.
Your roundhouse punch DISEMBOWELS Bethany.
Bethany is DEAD!!
You receive 200 experience points.
You hear Bethany's death cry.
You get 19965 gold coins from the corpse of Bethany.
The corpse of Bethany contains:
a midnight blue bodice
(Moderate magic) a beaded and belled hip scarf

You get the corpse of Bethany.

Room of Records
[Exits: east]
You drop the corpse of Bethany.
> l in corpse
The corpse of Bethany contains:
a deck of Tarot cards
(Weak magic) (Glowing) a delicate silver chain with a pendant
a midnight blue bodice
(Moderate magic) a beaded and belled hip scarf
a black lace veil
a thin black leather notebook
(Token magic) a spell score
(Artifact magic) the silvery crystal sphere

You get a thin black leather notebook from the corpse of Bethany.

You ftell, 'I have my journal back, sahib'.
You ftell, 'i have just defeated the witch that stole it!'.

The Hall of the High Order
[Exits: north]
(Blue Aura) A hand-lettered open book rests upon a black iron pedestal.
(Invis 71) (Intense Dark Blue Aura) [GS] Seraph is here.

You tell Ghazkull (in common), 'I have just now this instant regained it'.

You gossip (in common), 'would anyone like a sphere of sanity?'.

DarkClaw gossips, '*teasing* You have no intention of losing yours?'.

You gossip (in common), 'According to some, I already have.'.

Samiyah touches her hand to her forehead, her lips, and her heart in a tribal gesture of respect.

DarkClaw gossips, 'Perhaps. I guess it depends on the individual's definition of sanity.'.
DarkClaw gossips, 'Some believe I lost mine long ago by seeking out Dalamar's kiss. *shrug*'.

You tell DarkClaw (in common), 'see.. that makes it sound like kisses are REALLY a bad idea..'.

DarkClaw tells you, '*chuckles softly* They are not. Well...let me rephrase. They CAN be...*sigh* It's complicated. And I have just crawled out of my coffin.'.

Seraph ftells, 'gratz did the ball lead you to it?'.

You ftell, 'yes, Sahib! Straight to it! The witch of the Inn had it. She must have stolen it from me when I challenged her the first time'.

Seraph ftells, 'good give me the book'.

You ftell, 'yes, Sahib'.

> sac notebook
Seraph accepts the sacrifice you carry.
Seraph gives you a gold coin for your sacrifice.

== Confessions ==

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, '*softly* Do you trust Ghaz?'.

Samiyah tells Ghazkull (in common), '*voice carefully composed* I am sorry I missed your question earlier.. Yes - I found my journal. Sahib has it safely now.'.

Ghazkull tells Samiyah (in elven), '*grins warmly* I am so pleased, Sami!'.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), ‘*bites lip* Cresom told me I was not to trust any boys at all except him and Sahib. I asked him about Ghazkull and Cresom said he did to know Ghazkull well enough to say... but... yes.. I think so. Yes. I trust Ghazkull. Why did You ask, Sayyida?'.

Ghazkull tells Samiyah (in elven), 'where did you find it!? was it at the bottom of a bag? that's where I usually find lost things'.

Samiyah tells Ghazkull (in common), 'No! The gypsy fortune teller stole it when I fought her the first time! But Sahib made an enchantment that would lead to it like a compass.'.

Ghazkull tells Samiyah (in elven), 'well it is returned now, that is the main thing *smile*'.

Samiyah tells Ghazkull (in common), ‘It lead right to her and I was fighting her when you asked. I think Venom will have difficulty obtaining it from Sahib that is for sure!'.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, 'Trust is very important with intimacy. If you have trust with your...partner...then generally the experience is pleasant.'.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), ‘Oh. Well.. I am not to be married so.. I am just .. just not... I won’t think about it anymore. '.

Ghazkull tells Samiyah (in elven), '*smiles* I was actually inquiring about your mob mastery quest at the time, I will admit'.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, '*carefully* I think you should, Sami. It is part of who you are. *sigh* But then you shouldn't listen to me. I obviously make mistakes in that regard.'.

Samiyah tells Ghazkull (in common), 'OH! *grins shyly* I got it! Late, late last night. Cresom encouraged me to try one last time.. and I succeeded!'.

Ghazkull tells Samiyah (in elven), 'congrats!'.

Samiyah tells Ghazkull (in common), '*softly, hesitantly*.. I was acting poorly recently.. and I wish to apologize for any offense I may have given...'.

Ghazkull tells Samiyah (in elven), ‘It’s okay, you didn't offend me at all, I needed to assist my sister with something was all *smiles awkwardly*'.

Samiyah tells Ghazkull (in common), '*noting your awkward smile and assuming the worst* .. I am sorry. I will not . I won’t.. I .. um..'.

Ghazkull tells Samiyah (in elven), ‘It’s been resolved, for now...'.

Samiyah tells Ghazkull (in common), '(misunderstanding ) Oh. Resolved then? Yes. Um. Resolved. I. Um. Yes.'.

Ghazkull tells Samiyah (in elven), 'the situation with my sister, I mean'.

You auction (in common), 'Seeking a brave adventurer to fetch an object from the circus'.

Lins auctions (in common), 'you found... yourself!'.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), ‘You and Belgarion seemed very happy last night... is something wrong?'.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, 'We are...mending. It will take time.'.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), ‘..*bites lip* .. was something broken?'.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, 'It was...and still is, of a sort. *sighs heavily* I...cheated on Belg.'.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), ‘Er.. is that like ruffling? Were you playing a game and peeked at his cards?'.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, '*meets your gaze again, fully, willing you to understand* I had sex with another man, Sami...behind his back.'.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), ‘*YOU DID WHAT?!?!?!??'.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, '*winces and nods slowly, averting her gaze once more* Thus the reason why I said you should not speak to me about intimacies. I am a poor role model.'.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), ‘Did.. did someone ravish you? Or threaten you to it?! '.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, 'He...it...*blows out a forced breath* It's complicated. I'm not sure I even understand. The only way I know how to explain it is how I told Belg. Belgarion is my Earth...my grounding and support, my constant. Venom ...was...my Fire...that scorching flame that fascinates you...and tempts you to touch, KNOWING you'll get burned.'.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), ‘* gasps in utter shock and horror, her tone loud and sharp* YOU ... With VENOM?!?!? Sayyida!! The shame of it!! In the tribe you would be torn apart by camels whipped in opposite directions! How could you!?'.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, '*winces and clears her throat* *softly* I am not of the desert, Sami.'.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), ‘*still shocked, almost dazed* No.. it is clear you are not...'.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, 'It was a mistake.. it’s over.’.

Ghazkull arrives from the west.

Sami glances at you as you pass by, her face pinched and pale with resolve, shifting her gaze quickly to the floor.

Ghazkull looks concerned at what can be seen of your expression.
Ghazkull leaves up.

==The Chastisement of Belgarion==
(Log by Wish)

The Coral Cave

[Exits: south]

You tell Belgarion, 'Your title, Belgarion...I find it...disrespectful'.

Belgarion tells you (in common), ‘Is it?'.

You tell Belgarion, 'I assume it refers to the latest happenings with DarkClaw and Venom?'.

Belgarion tells you (in common), 'yes. I am not sure how it is disrespectful though'.

You tell Belgarion, 'I see. I understand your feelings of betrayal. I understand you were wronged. And you are certainly correct to express your feelings to Star.'.

Belgarion tells you (in common), 'yes'.

You tell Belgarion, 'But to publicly put her betrayal on display...for all to see. It is uncouth. Has she not apologized?'.

Belgarion tells you (in common), 'but true none the less'.

You tell Belgarion, 'Has she not done what you have asked to make amends?'.

Belgarion tells you (in common), 'no she hasn’t'.

You tell Belgarion, 'Perhaps you ask too much then...for a mortal.'.

Belgarion tells you (in common), 'and if you can get over something like this with just an apology then good for you but I cannot. She must prove to me she’s sorry and that it will not happen again'.

You tell Belgarion, 'I am not saying you should. But publicly rubbing her bad decision in her face is disrespectful. It is a private matter. And it should remain private.'.

Belgarion tells you (in common), 'Most people put their affections of whatever sort in their titles. None are reprimanded for it'.

You tell Belgarion, 'This is not a formal reprimand. This is an observation from one who considers Star a true friend. This is from one who does not wish to see you both sullied by public airing of your difficulties. It is beneath you. Both of you.'.

Belgarion tells you (in common), 'very few actually know what the title I have embodies'.

You tell Belgarion, 'Do not pretend to be naive, Bel. We both know you are not. Anyone with eyes and ears knows.'.

Belgarion tells you (in common), ‘I haven’t been here at all. I came back to all this. To me no one truly knows what’s going on other than those that can get infos. NO ONE other than Teva has made mention to me about all this'.

Samiyah auctions (in common), 'Seeking a brave adventurer to fetch an object from the circus'.

Lins auctions (in common), 'you found... yourself!'.

You tell Belgarion, 'I see. So every Level 20 thief? None of those around. And was not there an accidental gossip that precipitated certain happenings?'.

Belgarion tells you (in common), 'how would I know? I haven’t been here. I just told you that'.

You tell Belgarion, 'I am Star's friend..Lost's friend. I have honored them both with my title this week.'.

Belgarion tells you (in common), ‘I see this'.

You tell Belgarion, 'If I perceive either to be disrespected, as I do now, I will speak up. You may agree, or disagree with my observation. Your choice. '.

Belgarion tells you (in common), 'and lets go back a sec'.

You tell Belgarion, 'as you wish'.

Belgarion tells you (in common), 'you said not to make this public knowledge of my feelings. Did you say the same to Star when she was doing this and it was going out on public channels?'.

You tell Belgarion, 'I would have, had I been present. In fact, I did offer my council to her after the fact. Would you like to know what it was?'.

Belgarion tells you (in common), ‘I would yes'.

You tell Belgarion, 'I told her that it was a mistake, but that cheating was often a symptom of a deeper issue in the relationship that needed to be addressed and resolved. And I said that allowing her actions to be known publicly was a bad thing'.

Belgarion tells you (in common), 'the issue is that Sabella came back and reintroduced her to her past'.

You tell Belgarion, 'Perhaps...or perhaps there is something more.'.

Belgarion tells you (in common), 'maybe she has never said or done anything like this until she came back. But Wish, you know I have the deepest respect for you and I have had that respect before you immorted'.

You tell Belgarion, 'DarkClaw's reaction to Sabella's return...and her subsequent actions...if Star were completely satisfied with her life don't you think she would have found the will to resist?'.

Belgarion tells you (in common), 'to a degree yes. Another issue is the fact she made Venom Kindred. He has some control over her now. I do not pretend to understand how this Kindred works. I truly have no idea'.

You tell Belgarion, 'Sabella is easily resisted, you know that. And Venom...power, over DarkClaw? Doubtful.'.

Belgarion tells you (in common), 'not because of the respect I have for you. But I am just going by what I was told'.

You tell Belgarion, 'Sometimes, one must read between the lines, Bel. Look for the deeper truth. Speak to DarkClaw, but don't assume she is telling the truth...to herself. Venom, Sabella...they are mortals. They have no REAL power over Star...Only what SHE gives them. As for your title, it is your choice. Take the high road. Look for the deeper truth and be rewarded for it.'.

Belgarion tells you (in common), ‘I will do so'.

### [Samiyah says (in common), 'The two of you would have been torn apart by camels whipped in opposite directions.']

Belgarion tells you (in common), ‘I will change my title out if respect for you'.

You tell Belgarion, 'I am pleased to hear that. It is my respect for you that caused me to speak my mind on this. *bow*'.

Belgarion tells you (in common), 'bow'.

### [Somewhere, Venom grins evilly, his elongated fangs glistening.]

### [Somewhere, Ghazkull spits on the vacated patch of floor, muttering something under his breath]

== Outburst ==
The Pit
[Exits: east up]
A pit for donations dominates the room
(Invis) (Dark Purple Aura) Venom is here.
(Dark Cyan Aura) Lins is here.

Samiyah gasps.
Samiyah frowns at Venom.

Venom grins evilly, his elongated fangs glistening.

Samiyah says (in common), ‘The two of you would have been torn apart by camels whipped in the opposite direction.’.

Lins frowns at what Samiyah did.

Venom says (in common), ‘That wouldn't be enough to tear me apart.’.

Samiyah adds sharply, ‘And Sahib has my journal so you can just stop your looking for it!’

Venom says (in common), ‘I have no need of your journal. I will learn what I need without it.’.
Venom grins evilly, his elongated fangs glistening.

Venom leaves east.

== The Tearing of Words and Lashing Out ==
Western Avenue
[Exits: north east west]
You stand on the marble walkway that makes up Western Avenue.
Although many feet have crossed this ground the marble is not worn in the least. Wish's temple is to the north.
The sky is cloudy and a warm southerly breeze blows.

The sound of parchment being torn into pieces is loud outside the Coral Cave.

Samiyah tears the parchment again and again.

Ghazkull blinks and turns his head towards the cave, listening intently.

Samiyah mutters softly, "Sahib was right. Deceitful, false trickery people, all of them"

### [Venom group-tells (in common), 'I will do to her as I please, damaged or not... you can't have her.']

Samiyah takes off her shoe and throws it at the clam shell.

Ghazkull arrives from the east.

Samiyah says (in common), 'I was stupid Stupid STUPID to trust either of you!!'.
Samiyah glares at the doorway, shaking.

Ghazkull unsure what is going on, merely observes.

Samiyah startles at your arrival, one shoe in hand, feet bare, veil askew.
Samiyah looks immediately embarrassed and fixes her veil, scurrying over to grab her shoe.

Ghazkull notices the bedraggled state of you and carefully avoids looking directly at you.

Samiyah says (in common), '.. I am sorry I did not mean to be so loud'.
Samiyah blushes.

Ghazkull shrugs, 'you were not overly loud, I heard something bounce so I came to investigate.

Samiyah stammers as she hops about off balance trying to put on her shoe: "I am angry with Wish and with .. well.. I am angry."

Ghazkull offers his arm in support.
Ghazkull says (in elven), 'angry with Sa...Sah...'.
Ghazkull says (in elven), 'lord Wish?'.

Samiyah starts to take your offered arm and then snatches back her hand as if burned, goes further off balance and falls to the marble floor in an undignified heap.

Ghazkull blinks as you snatch your arm away.

Samiyah says (in common), 'Sahib Wish. Yes. He is a lying trickster and he said I could trust him and he was not known for lies and then HE LIED!'.

Samiyah tries to regain some modicum of composure while sitting on the floor.

Ghazkull says softly, 'lied about what?'

Samiyah says (in common), 'And she was telling me that my thought was fine and I should follow it and then I learn she .. she....'.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'She being?'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'She did the most haraam thing so I cannot trust her either!'.
Samiyah covers her face and bursts into tears.

Ghazkull moves to comfort you, then remembers himself and draws away slightly.
Ghazkull murmurs, 'Sami, you must get up, it is not safe here'

Samiyah says (in common), 'I don't care! Who is going to hurt me? Venom? He should be torn apart by camels! And I couldn’t help but say something to him when She told me so now Sahib will be displeased.
It is just all awful!'.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'you will get no argument from me there and I assume the She you mentioned is my Sister?'.

Samiyah nods at Ghazkull.

Ghazkull nods.

Samiyah says (in common), '..yes. She told me a bad thing'.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'that is why I had to leave you the other day'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'that was the reason she did not want to give me advice on... on.. a .. matter.'.

Samiyah stares at her one bare foot.

Ghazkull looks around for the lost shoe.

Samiyah blinks, realizing she still holds her shoe, and slips it on.

Ghazkull snickers softly.

Samiyah blushes.
Samiyah says (in common), '... I will not be like that. Like her... and do such haraam things, even if she and Sahib said it was just because I am a woman'.

Samiyah again hides her face in her hands.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'how much did she tell you?'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'all about the fire and burning and cheating'.
Samiyah sighs and stares at the floor, wiping her eyes.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'when did you last sleep?'.
Ghazkull says (in elven), 'proper sleep'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'Last night.. after I killed Cromick.’ She adds crossly, ‘*I* know to eat and sleep...'.

Ghazkull nods.
Ghazkull blinks.

Samiyah glances sidelong at you.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'That was uncalled for. Excuse me.’.
Ghazkull leaves east.

==A Needed Apology ==
The Pit
[Exits: east up]
A pit for donations dominates the room.

Grand Entrance
[Exits: east down]
(Invis) (Dark Purple Aura) Ghazkull is here.

Ghazkull mutters something about the temple.

Samiyah says (in common), '.. you are right. That was cruel and not true and I apologize.'.

Ghazkull says (in elven), ‘It's okay, it was true, before the witches cauldron'.

Samiyah reaches out tentatively and touches your arm. Barely. "I am sorry for my words."

Ghazkull smiles at you.
Ghazkull says (in elven), ‘It's okay, things are a little strained at the moment is all. So.'.

Samiyah says softly, "I am.. embarrassed about something.. and angry at Wish and your Lady and .. It was wrong to take it out on you."

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'will you tell me why you are angry with Lord Wish? As it was your anger at him that drew me to you up there'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'It is complicated but... Tross was hurt I would not do a thing - something simple to her - but very, very horrible and (she stumbles on the word) abomination to me.. so .. she is a friend and was hurt.. so I did the abomination to make it right. And she gave it to Wish and – I knew she might .. but being friends was more important. He offered it back to me for a price.’.

Ghazkull listens carefully.

Samiyah says (in common), 'I paid the price. And then he said he would do a trickery and not return it to me, but to Tross - and then steal it right back. Wish .. used to yell and yell about how Sahib could not be trusted and he could. Well.. HE can't'.

Ghazkull sits down and thinks deeply.

Samiyah says (in common), 'so I wrote about it as I usually do, but he has forbidden me to send him messages. So I tore it to pieces .. and threw my shoe'.

Ghazkull wonders if he can help somehow.

Samiyah shrugs.
Samiyah says (in common), '.. make people be honest?'.

Ghazkull says (in elven), ‘If I could do that the world would be a very boring place'.

Samiyah stares at her clasped hands, carefully not looking at you.
Samiyah nods.
Samiyah says (in common), 'perhaps. But it would hurt less.'.

Ghazkull chuckles, evidently amused.
Ghazkull says (in elven), 'that's true'.

Venom arrives from the east.
Venom leaves down.

Samiyah throws her other shoe after the departing figure.

Ghazkull glares down the stairs.

Samiyah says (in common), ‘It seems we agree on that topic!'.

You tell Venom (in common), '(a thrown shoe clatters down the stairs behind you)'.
Venom tells you (in common), '(zooom)'.

Ghazkull nods.

Samiyah stares at her hands and says in a low whisper, "I have been behaving badly because I had a thought and it frightened me."

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'oh?'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'A haraam thought that is forbidden. About you. And Sahib heard it as I thought it and your Lady DarkClaw.. I asked advice of..'.

Ghazkull blinks.
Ghazkull says (in elven), 'about me?'.

Samiyah blushes darkly and nods. "You."

Ghazkull sits down and thinks deeply.

Samiyah says (in common), 'I tried to blame it on the bond or on anything but .. It is my fault and I will try not to .. to shame myself .. by thinking of it again. And I am sorry I have been a stammering ninny .. I just.. it.. I am sorry.'.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'a lot of things to do with me would be considered ha. haar.. haraam *stumbling over the unfamiliar word* to Seraph. You do not have to apologize for a thought, Sami. Thinking is not doing'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'that is part of the awfulness. He was not angry. He said it was because I am a woman.'.

Ghazkull raises an eyebrow.

Samiyah says (in common), 'He told me I should. But I won't. I do not want to.. to.. to become one who would do such things.'.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'I do not know what to tell you, I do not know what the thought is and if it causes you as much discomfort as it appears to, I do not think I want to.'.

Samiyah bites her lip hard and then confesses: "I wondered .. when you were looking at where I had bit my lip and bled.. what it would be like to have it kissed away. By you.'.

Ghazkull blinks.
Ghazkull says (in elven), 'I.. ah..'.

Samiyah stares at her clasped hands. "I am sorry. It was wrong to think it and I will never speak it again."

Samiyah bows in the desert style, touching fingertips to forehead, lips and heart.
Samiyah leaves east.

== The Confessional ==

Seraph has granted you the ability to see him when he is invis.

You ftell, '*voice of frustration and upset* Hello Sahib'.

Seraph ftells, 'what’s wrong?'.

You ftell, 'I am sorry. I spoke words to Venom. But after She told me I was so.. so.. horrified and angry I blurted it out'.

Seraph ftells, 'what was said?'.

You ftell, 'by me? or by Her?'.

Seraph ftells, 'venom'.

You ftell, 'Oh. He just laughed and said camels couldn't tear him apart and he did not need to get my journal.’

You ftell, ‘I .. Sahib why would you say it would be okay to kiss Ghazkull when kissing just leads to cheating and hurting others and .. they would be torn apart by camels whipped in opposite directions back home'.

Seraph ftells, 'why would I say that?'.
Seraph ftells, 'because back home is back home its small and enclosed'.

You ftell, 'You said I should kiss him .. but such things clearly lead to doing bad things such as DarkClaw has done. So I will do no such kissing. I do not want to be ... like that...'.

Seraph ftells, 'then that’s your choice'.

Samiyah enters the temple and immediately walks over, sitting on the floor by Your throne and resting her head on your knee.

The log is missing a piece here. In summary:

Seraph tells Samiyah that this world is not the desert; that they are not home any more, and the rules and expectations are different. That the behaviors that would result in one being torn apart at home, are not necessarily considered bad here. That she is a grown woman – she has grown much since leaving the desert, and there is yet more for her to learn, in different aspects of life – and can make her own choices.

He then takes the notebook which she sacrificed him earlier, and places it on the arm of his throne. He murmurs an incantation, and the letters and words rise up, floating out of the book into the air. He tells Samiyah to rise and extend her hand. She instantly does so, standing obediently before him. He draws out a small bit of her soul, causing her knees to buckle with the surprise of it. She grabs at the arm of his throne as he causes the shimmering words to enter the glowing orb of her soul. He returns that bit of her spirit to her, explaining that she will no longer need to write everything down; that her thoughts and songs are stored within the bit of her soul that he has changed, never to be lost again. He then lays his hand on the notebook, filling it with the history and details of how to properly raise goats, and returns it to her. She giggles and explains that Venom has said he no longer needs the journal. Seraph expresses his disbelief, and tells her to go ahead and let their enemies know she has the journal again.

Seraph says, “We will have a lot of goat herders, should they try.”

He then indicates his need to depart, other matters taking him from the Hall.

(Sent via email: )
Samiyah prays, 'Sahib, before you go meet with the Elders ... I wrote a poem about Wish, to help me work through how it felt to know of his trickeries. And I was going to give it to him, because the words are of him. But he does not like my words, AND he had ordered me not to send any more messages in bottles. So I was going to get a nice box to put it in... but then I realized he said no messages at all, and that You might not want me to give him any poems, even if they were not a gift, they were hard and not kind.. So - I did as you say, and thought before I did.. I remembered it is forbidden, and tried to be Good and not disobey. So instead of giving him the poem, I stood outside his temple and I tore it into pieces instead. I promise, I did not throw them in his cave. But I did throw my shoe at his door, I was so angry. (I didn't leave my shoe there, I promise.. But Ghazkull heard me, and came and we spoke of many things, and eventually I made him angry because I was ashamed of my thoughts, and embarrassed and upset about Wish and DarkClaw and Venom, and he left, but since then we have spoken, and I explained my thought, and then I had to leave.. ) But all of that aside -- What should I do with the pieces of the poem?'

==Without Words==

(Samiyah leaves the temple, and passes by Venom in the Guild.)

Samiyah shoots Venom a wordless glare, as if by the intensity of it she would know what she wishes to know.

Venom glances back, casually indifferent, yet with a twinkling eye of mischief.

Samiyah mutters curses under her breath in a tone that holds an undercurrent of fear and anger and worry.

Venom grins with seemingly unwarranted satisfaction.

Samiyah purses her lips tightly and makes a wholly feminine wordless exclamation of frustration and glares.

Samiyah slides a slender black notebook, the pages covered in a flowing script, into a bag formed of the feathered hide of an angel.

A sneer paints Venom’s face, but does not completely hide a look of aggravation in his eyes.

Samiyah folds her arms over her chest, raising her chin and giving him a narrow glare of pure, willful defiance.

Venom whips his head away to ignore her in complete disgust.

Samiyah chuckles very softly at your reaction and makes a two handed, universal gesture of ‘come get it.’

Venom ignores the invitation completely, shooting her a grin and wink.

Samiyah colors slightly at the undertones of the grin and wink, now worried that you might have thought it a different sort of invitation, to her horror. She scowls and glares, one hand furtively checking the position of her veil.

Venom calmly breathes in her fear, a pride swelling in his chest: his plans far more evil than could be predicted.

Samiyah bites her lip as a thought occurs to her, and she glances you up and down, a shrinking virginal fear in her brown eyes. She breathes and visibly dismisses the worried thought with a superstitious tribal gesture to ward off the evil eye.

Venom growls lightly, perhaps in anger, perhaps something else.

Samiyah instinctively shifts her weight to her back foot, retreating a smidge, then realizes she has done so and frowns, resuming her prior posture.

Venom makes a mental note on your behavior, furthering his plans.

Samiyah visibly attempts to dispel any lingering unease and simply watches you, as if she expects some gross misdeed against an unsuspecting innocent at any moment, looking much like a waif attempting patrol duty.

Venom eyeballs you with a scrutinizing glare as though seeking more weakness. His eyes see a strong desert bard, his mind seeing a nervous virgin.

Samiyah bites her lip, the nervous gesture now familiar, and mutters softly to herself, words in her native tongue, not liking the keenness of your return scrutiny.

Venom says (in common), ‘Have no fear, sand-goat. Your price for meddling will not be physically painful. But I swear on the graves of the Sahib Salam, you will pay from the heart.’.

Samiyah’s knees nearly buckle as she retreats, face as pale as dusky skin allows, eyes wide with shock, surprise, confusion at that name. Her hand rises unconsciously to her cheek, as if remembering a long ago blow.

An echoing laughter can be heard in the distance as she retreats.

==A Brick of the Wall==
(Log by Wish)

Cordir: hello Immortals

Wish: hello Cordir

You tell Cordir, '*smile*'.

DarkClaw: Good afternoon, Cordir.

Wish: unfortunately, I have to go soon...*sniff*

DarkClaw: :-( Have a good rest of the day, Wish.

Cordir tells you, '*pauses, then returns the smile*'.
Cordir tells you, 'Hello, Wish. I hope you are well?'.

You tell Cordir, 'Hello, Cordir. I am quite well!'.

Cordir fades into existence, wreathed in ebon flame and sable shadow.

You bow before her.

You tell Cordir, 'How are you doing today?'.

You smile happily.

Cordir pauses. "I am ... " She tilts her head to the side, self-examining. "Nervous."

Wish observes Cordir more carefully...notes her slight, involuntary motions.

You smile happily.

Wish waves a hand, causing all of the fish of the reef to stop, turn towards Cordir, and blow bubbles.

You say, 'I can understand your nervousness. You still have two more Geasa! Who knows what to expect?'.

Cordir flinches back, with a startled, "ack!" One waved hand causes the first several fish to explode messily.

Wish looks slightly distraught as he realizes what just happened to his favorite clown fish...he had even named it "Smitty".

Cordir frowns and looks at the floating fishy bits with dismay. She murmurs an apology.

You say, 'Wow, you are nervous.'.

Cordir says, '... yes. I.. walls are.. comforting. Safe.'.

Wish looks around at Coral Cave, in agreement.

You say, 'Yes, Cordir, they are. Remember...one brick at a time.'.

Cordir says, 'I have been practicing .. not.. being mentally braced.. if that makes sense.'.

You nod in recognition to her.
You say, 'It does. '.

Cordir says, 'spent hours walking through N'Kai'.

Wish looks quite surprised.

You say, 'A difficult task, I am sure.'.

Cordir says, 'It is a powerful reminder of who I was before walls.'.

You say, 'I have always liked that place'.

Cordir turns her face away and breathes a whisper, her fisted hand pressed against her chest. "I miss him."

Wish starts to put a hand on Cordir's shoulder in comfort...but hesitates...a mere inch away.
Wish lets the heat of his hand show Cordir his closeness.

You say, 'I know, Cordir. The loss of someone so dear...so loved. It never goes away.'.

Cordir shifts her weight slightly so that your hand makes contact.
Cordir bows her head and nods.

You say, 'But without the pain, there is no true memory at all. '.

Cordir turns to face you, shifting away from your hand, but eyes meeting yours. She says it again: "I miss him. And it hurts."

You nod in recognition to her.
You say, 'Tell me, Cordir. What do you miss most?'.

Wish waves a hand creating a bench from the glittering sand.

You say, 'Sit if you would like'.

Cordir says, '... the knowing... in my bones.. that no matter aught else.. we had each other. Unspoken, unable to take that step .. but acknowledged.'.

You say, 'As if you were part of each other...as if you shared common breath...common body... common mind.'.

Wish looks sad, understanding...yet not pretending to fully relate.

Cordir nods simply, trembling with rigidly withheld emotion.
Cordir says abruptly, "I .. I can't..."

You say, 'Have you thought what he might say to you...were he here now? '.

Cordir says, 'He..'.
Cordir says, 'He would say nothing.'.
Cordir says, 'He would say NOTHING.'.

Cordir flees.
Cordir has left the game.

Wish waves a hand forming the bits of fish floating around into a new fish...slightly smaller...slightly duller in color. But alive.

You say, 'And you, I shall name..."Tad"'.
You say, 'Be well, Coral Cave'.

Fare thee well!

==Venomous ==
(Log by DarkClaw)

### Venom: Entered Game

Venom ftells, 'Greetings, Lost Ones.'.

You ftell, 'Good evening, Venom. How're you this evening?'.

Venom ftells, 'I am well, and you?'.

You ftell, 'Well enough, thank you. You haven't been your usual pushy self lately and it concerns me.'.

Venom ftells, 'I have been doing something far more devious... watching.'.

You ftell, '*raises a brow* Watching what?...Or whom?'.

Venom ftells, 'You'.

You ftell, 'Indeed...I'm not sure how exciting that will be.'.

Venom ftells, 'So far it's been rather disappointing'.

You ftell, 'What is it you are expe...hoping to witness?'.

Venom ftells, 'I was hoping the vampire queen in you would take control and you would impose your will upon those who deviate from what you desire'.

You ftell, '...I see. Perhaps I've had others' wills imposed enough on me that I don't wish to do it to others.'.

Venom ftells, 'Your tone bears the ring of a pacifist, hardly suited for a Chaotic evil goddess and Kindred'.

You ftell, 'Sorry to disappoint you. Good reason for you to find someone else to pleasure yourself with.'.

Venom ftells, 'pfft. Spare me the melodramatics Madam, you and I haven't had our fill yet. This phase of weakness will pass and you will be mine again, perhaps more discreetly.'.

You ftell, '*raises the other brow and folds her arms over her chest in challenge* Awful confident in yourself.'.

Venom ftells, 'When the hand kissing is done and the dust settles, the pleasure I take from you will be tenfold. Knowing that we must not be caught'.

You ftell, '*wavers a bit at the thought of that much pleasure, her stance immediately tensing, eyes flaring wide for a moment* You are full of yourself.'.

Venom ftells, '*yawning deep, taking the chance to stretch and display his physique* Soon you will be full of me too...'.

==Sand Dreams==
(Log by venom)

New graves
[Exits: south west]
The tombs in this section seem somewhat more recent. Rotting zombie
warriors groan and wail with blank stares. You hear sounds of digging
off a bit to the south.
(Weak magic) A splint mail helm has been left here.
(Dark Purple Aura) Venom is here.

You hear a soft whisper in the desert tongue.

You ftell, 'Pardon me for a moment Madam... Something is in the air...'.
You ftell, 'I must go quickly to the desert'.

DarkClaw ftells, '*mockingly* If you insist.'.

At a Trail Marker
[Exits: north east south west]
Endlessly shifting sands stretch out in all directions. The Southern
Mountains reach across the northern horizon, close enough that the journey to
their base almost seems possible. In the otherwise unchanging landscape there is
something different here. Stuck deep into the sand are several poles or
sticks. Sand has shifted and piled around them, but the poles themselves are
anchored securely in the ground.
The sky is cloudy and a warm southerly breeze blows.

The sounds.. voices.. seem to grow stronger. They are masculine in tone.

> You pray, 'dispel'.
Your force shield shimmers then fades away.
You feel weaker.
The detect magic wears off.
You no longer see invisible objects.

You yell (in ogre), 'I remove all my magical spells and barriers, ghosts of the sands... I surrender to you'.

You sleep.

The winds and sand of the Veil scour you, and carried in them is an eerie voice.
A dream comes to you, of a powerful Pharaoh, sleeping in the Pyramid nearby.
You see his rise to power, decimating the memory of his weak older brother.
His own demise comes, his tomb is built. In it, he awaits: His senses still keen.
Over the centuries, awareness comes: His brother has not succumbed to rot and turned to dust!
You sense impotent rage, unable to break the barrier of sand and wind.
A discordant note of echoing song breaks through the wind's howl.
The Veil itself seems.. thinner.
You sense a gloating awareness from the younger brother. Soon it will fall.
An image of potent sigils of warning upon a tomb door flash into your mind.
Clear as the scream of a hawk comes the thought: *THEY MUST DIE!*

You are awakened, abruptly, painfully.

You wake and stand up.
You shudder from the sheer thought of it.

Venom stumbles about dazed...

Climbing in the Southern Mountains
[Exits: west up]
The sky is cloudy and a warm southerly breeze blows.

You say (in common), 'what the...'.
You say (in common), 'I must scribe this, perhaps the whore will know what this means...'.

You get some crumpled papers from a backpack.
You get a long black quill from a saddlebag.

Venom scribbles his memories as clearly as he remembers them.

You put a long black quill in a saddlebag.
You put some crumpled papers in an egg casing.

Someone says (in common), 'Stay out of the desert, Al-Shaitan. There is nothing for you there.'.

You say (in common), 'That is not for you to say.'.

You ftell, 'An interesting dream has come to me Madam. I believe great magicks and powers are at work in the dessert. It is as I suspected... the desert magic is strong.'.

DarkClaw ftells, 'What did the dream show you?'.

You ftell, 'In my dream there was music, weakening the veil.'.

DarkClaw ftells, '*blink* ...A bard?'.

You ftell, 'Oh my god THATS IT! The fucking bard has the power to lift the veil! She must not know of this!'.

DarkClaw ftells, 'If you speak of Sami...she won't do it for you.'.

You ftell, 'I doubt she even knows. There was something else.. Something evil and powerful'.

DarkClaw ftells, 'Beyond the veil?'.

You ftell, 'Yes - Locked in a tomb, covered in runes. Something still lives beyond the veil, and it is not fucking happy.'.

DarkClaw ftells, 'I would advise against unleashing it.'.

You ftell, 'Noted.'.

You ftell, '(yeah right)'.
DarkClaw ftells, '(*snicker*)'.

You ftell, 'Future plans, step one.. release that thing'.

DarkClaw ftells, '*sighs and shakes her head* You don't know what that would do, Venom. To you...to everyone else...to the realm.'.

You ftell, 'Why do I need to know what that would do'.

DarkClaw ftells, 'I suppose if perhaps you wish your existence over...you may not need to.'.

You ftell, 'I doubt such a thing is possible'.

DarkClaw ftells, 'HA! Someday your cockiness will get the best of you.'.

You ftell, 'minor set back'.
You ftell, '*shrug*'.

DarkClaw ftells, 'Fine. Have it your way.'.

==Second Best==
(Log by DarkClaw)

Venom arrives from the west.
Venom sleeps.

You ftell, '*watches your sleeping form, shifting restlessly*'.

Venom ftells, '*slumbers deeply, groaning, eyes flickering... dreaming of something*'.
Venom wakes and stands up.

You ftell, '*takes an involuntary step towards you, your throaty groan awakening her hunger*'.

Venom glances at you hovering over him.
Venom says (in common), 'Madam...?'.

DarkClaw stills at your awakening, fingers curling into fists and nails digging into her palms. her breath hitching.

Venom cooly steps toward you, 'What are you thinking Star?'

DarkClaw starts at you using her given name, eyes widening a fraction, then suddenly lifts her head towards the ceiling and snarls angrily.

Venom smiles evilly, seeing the reaction he was going for, 'No Madam, we are far from done with each other.'
Venom leaves west.

You ftell, '*roars* GET BACK IN HERE!'.

Venom ftells, '*Feels the mighty pull of the blood bond, helpless to resist the powerful command*'.
Venom arrives from the west.
Venom growls.
Venom says (in common), 'WHAT!'.

DarkClaw stalks towards you, her expression fierce...hungry...Without hesitation a hand whooshes out and grabs onto your vest and she thrusts you against the doorway, following suit'.

Venom gasps, the wind knocked from his lungs.

DarkClaw forces her body against yours, her hand moving to your hair and yanking your head aside roughly, fangs sinking into your throat as she writhes against you.

Venom winces. Ouch!
Venom jerks and spasms hard against your bite, his hands pulling the pain in, forcing you to continue.

DarkClaw's lips latch onto your neck, pushing hard against your flesh, willing the blood to flow faster, fingers tightening even more in your hair.

Venom squeezes your body hard against his, unwilling to give in, grinding himself into you until his strength leaves him entirely.

DarkClaw pulls back abruptly, eyes glowing brighter than you've been allowed to see before, speaking in a clenched growl and leaving the wounds open.

You say, 'If the only part of you I can have is your blood....than I shall have it! Get out.'.

DarkClaw releases you.

Venom faints, falling into a heap on the ground.
Venom sleeps.

DarkClaw snarls at your prone form and whips the mists about her, disappearing from the temple.

==The Discovery==
(Log By Wish)

Wish: hello immortals

Cordir: *quietly* hello, Wish.

You tell Cordir, '*smile* '.

Cordir tells you, '*hesitantly returns it*'.

You tell Cordir, '*makes a funny face at Cordir, twisting his facial features and going cross eyed*'.

Cordir tells you, '*ponders a moment, tilting her head to one side to regard you*'.

Western Avenue
[Exits: north east west]
You stand on the marble walkway that makes up Western Avenue.
Although many feet have crossed this ground the marble is not worn
in the least. Wish's temple is to the north.
The sky is cloudy and a cold northern gust blows.

Wish: *a quiet growl* There appear to be scuff marks on the outside of my temple door.

Cordir: there seemed to be some caterwauling earlier.

Wish looks north at the door to his Temple.
Wish examines it carefully, his fingers rubbing the soft wood.

Wish: *growl* There are shoe marks on my door.

DarkClaw: *blink* Shoe or boot?

Wish: An entire foot print...definitely a shoe.
Wish: A bit dainty in fact.

DarkClaw: So a woman's.

Wish: I...am at a loss.
Wish: Who would throw a shoe at my....ohhhhhhh
Wish: *growl*

Cordir: what's wrong, Wish?

Wish waves a hand, instantly cleaning the scuff marks from the door to Coral Cave.

Cordir: I'm sorry I was distracted for a moment.
Cordir: the caterwauling?

Wish: Can you describe the caterwauling, please?

Cordir: *shrug* general yelling in the temple. I wasn't paying attention. Mortals tend to make a ruckus fairly often. Ghazkull seemed to be involved
somewhat, which is the only reason I noticed whatsoever. There seemed to be a bit of shoe throwing going on. Your temple, the stairway, into the guild... I
think we might be facing an epidemic of business for cobblers.

Wish: Well, I don't think I need Alchemy to figure out who it was.

Cordir fades into existence, wreathed in ebon flame and sable shadow.
Cordir arches an eyebrow inquisitively.

You bow before her.

Wish points to the door.

Cordir glances at the clam shell.

You frown. What's bothering you?

You say, 'I am pretty sure it was Samiyah.'.
You say, 'But I will find out for sure.'.

Cordir says, 'As I said: I really wasn't paying much attention'.

You nod in recognition to her.
Cordir says, 'I heard Ghazkull's voice and glanced and saw him, but that's all I was really paying attention to.'.

You say, 'Well, I know the two of them have some sort of connection. '.
You say, 'Was the caterwauling like this'.

Cordir arches an eyebrow inquisitively.

Wish does his best attempt to make the desert tribe woman high yipping sound.

Cordir covers her ears.
Cordir says, 'No.'.

Small flowers nearby noticeably wilt.

Cordir says, 'It was garbled yelling at a very high volume.'.
Cordir says, 'I couldn't make heads or tails of it, really.'.

You say, 'When I find out who has done this, I will have strong words with them.'.
You say, 'This is simply uncalled for.'.

Cordir says, 'as well you should. I mean. Shoe throwing. What's next.. littering?'.

You frown. What's bothering you?

Wish shivers with some recent memory.

You say, 'I think I need a bath.'.

Cordir says, 'oh. wait. this is the one who already did littering. The trash in your cave?'.

You nod in recognition to her.

Wish says through gritted teeth..."Pirates rum bottle."

It begins to rain. Quite a downpour, really.

Wish starts to get very wet.

Amazingly enough, none of the water seems to hit Cordir and do inappropriate things to her dress.

Wish looks down at himself, his clothes dripping with water.

You say, 'hmmm...well, luckily for me both Elves and Squishies love water.'.

Cordir murmurs, 'Much more fun than odd faces.'

You giggle.

Thunder and lightning crash in the sky.

Wish lifts his head up into the sky, filling his mouth with a bit of water.

Cordir folds her dry arms impassively, watching you.

Wish squirts a little in Cordir's general direction.
Wish is disappointed, as it is way off the mark.

You say, 'I think I shall first speak with Ghazkull'.

Cordir gestures, much like she did earlier, with the fish, but manages to take out the remaining flowers instead of you.

You say, 'If he was in the area, he probably has some idea what happened.'.

Cordir nods.
Cordir says, 'He was here.'.
Cordir gestures where we are standing.

You say, 'I can't imagine him ever doing such a thing, or making such a horrible sound.'.

Cordir says, 'and a huddled pile of noisy laundry was about .. there. '.
Cordir gestures over where you are standing.

Wish looks down at his feet...and there on the ground, right between his feet...is a small, purple bead.

Cordir raises an eyebrow.
Cordir says, 'Evidence of the crime?'.

Wish bends down and picks it up, holding it to his left eye, and squinting with his right.

You say, 'Naw, its nothing...just a bead.'.

Wish tosses it idly over his shoulder.

An acrid smell comes from nearby.

Cordir blinks.

Cordir gestures, and the torrential rain tapers off.

You smile happily.

Cordir clasps her hands before her, studying them.
Cordir says haltingly, 'I am.. embarrassed about earlier.'

You say, 'I believe I shall retire to my Cave to ponder this mystery.'.

Cordir says, 'oh.'.
Cordir says, 'Yes.'.
Cordir says, 'Sounds good.'.

You say, 'Care to join me?'.

Cordir shifts as if to leave, but at your invitation, hesitates.

Wish bows, gesturing politely at the open clam shell.

Cordir leaves north.

==A Visit Between Friends==
(log by Wish)

The Coral Cave
[Exits: south]
Glittering white sand covers the floor of this room, curling in tiny swirls
across the room as if by some unseen current. The cave appears to have
naturally grown within the center of a massive coral formation, and you are
unable to detect any sign of intentional construction. The coral walls pulse
with life, as sea creatures dart in and out of tiny crevices, and colorful
coral fronds sway to and fro like leaves in the wind. Sunlight gently streams
into the room through cracks in the coral ceiling, bathing everything in an
eerie bluish cast. Some magical force must be at work here, since you appear to
be completely underwater, and yet able to breathe without difficulty. The
only exit is to the south, through a small carved out of the coral wall.
(Intense Light Cyan Aura) Cordir is here.

Cordir drops a lovely piece of driftwood.

You say, 'No need to explain anything, Cordir. Really.'.

Cordir sits on the driftwood, so as not to get sand on her dress.

You say, 'You certainly owe me none.'.

Cordir looks throughout the cave, her eyes scanning everything except you.

Cordir says, '.. I feel somewhat like a hermit crab.'.

You smile at her.

Cordir looks at you.

Wish ponders, putting a finger to his chin...

Cordir arches an eyebrow inquisitively.

You say, 'Let's put aside our last earlier conversation for now'.
You say, 'rest on it..'.

Cordir nods.
Cordir says, 'I will say I am sorry that I fled.'.

You say, 'Apology accepted, though it is not necessary.'.
You say, 'One brick at a time, Cordir.'.

Cordir nods, gazing about restlessly.

You say, 'I have a problem, I need your advice on.'.

Cordir says, 'What's that, Wish?'.

You say, 'A Following problem.'.
You say, 'it would seem...mine is diminishing!'.

Cordir says, 'oh dear.'.

You say, 'I log on...they don't'.
You say, 'Which is in contrast to Magi!'.

Cordir flinches as she is reminded of the Magi's leader.

You say, 'oh, sorry'.

Wish looks sheepish at his insensitivity;.

You say, 'Anyways, there are so few these days...I believe I am starting to relate to that sort of pain!'.

Cordir nods.

You say, 'Any suggestions you might have would be quite welcome.'.

Cordir says, 'visibility.'.
Cordir says, 'Lurking is overrated.'.
Cordir says, 'people don't have interest in a god that they can't tell is around.'.

You say, 'I am currently 3rd.'.
You say, 'Probably behind Star and...not sure who is 2nd'.

You say, 'oddly, there appears to be no 2nd'.
You say, 'i am 3rd, star is 1st, and nobody is 2nd.'.
You say, 'odd'.

Cordir nods.

Look Driftwood:
This lovely bit of silvery-grey water-weathered wood has been carved by the
force of the water itself into the shape of a wave, with sinuous curves
that beg to be touched.

Cordir says, 'Are you having second thoughts?'.

You say, 'I'm am so sorry, excuse my rudeness!'.

You say, 'Is the driftwood a gift?'.

You say, 'For Coral Cave?'.

Cordir says, 'if you wish it to be.'.

Wish smiles brightly.

You say, 'Indeed I do!'.

Cordir says, 'though it won't last long, I'm afraid.'.

You say, 'But the memory shall'.

Cordir pauses a moment, tilting her head to one side, and thinks.

You say, 'no, I have no regrets'.
You say, 'very much'.
You say, 'I enjoy having a following...such that it is.'.
You say, 'I was as bored as bored could be as a mortal'.

Cordir nods.

You say, '25000 LQ points...should say it all'.

Cordir giggles.
Cordir nods.

You say, '17,000,000 in gold'.

You say, 'and I just gave it all away'.
You say, 'because I didn't care about it'.

Cordir frowns.

You nod.

Cordir eats a hunk of driftwood.
Cordir eats a piece of driftwood.

You giggle.

Cordir has created an enormous boulder!

You clap your hands together.

Cordir arches an eyebrow inquisitively.

Wish eyes the boulder...not quite sure what to make of it.

Cordir gets an enormous boulder.

Cordir envelops the room with flame!

Cordir drops a lovely piece of pale driftwood.

Cordir nods.

A piece of driftwood lies here, carved by the waves themselves.

== Discovering The Culprit ==
(Log by Wish)

You tell Seraph, 'I would have words with you, if you please, Seraph.'.

Seraph tells you, 'come over'.

The Hall of the High Order
[Exits: north]
(Blue Aura) A hand-lettered open book rests upon a black iron pedestal.
(Invis 71) (Intense Dark Blue Aura) Seraph is here.

You bow deeply.

Seraph sits upon his throne of bones.

You frown. What's bothering you?

You say, 'Do you not even return a common courtesy, Seraph?'.
You say, 'Enemies we may be, but even enemies should show some respect.'.

Seraph says, 'sit where ever you want'.

Wish says through gritted teeth, "I was referring to a bow in greeting."
Wish waves a hand, creating a small, plain wooden chair.

Seraph says, 'what is it you want?'.

You say, 'No matter. I suppose such manners are above your station.'.

You say, 'I want to know this:'.

Odie arrives from the north.
Odie barks like a dog.
Odie rests.

Seraph says, 'give me a minute odie'.

You bow before him.

You say, 'I want to know, Seraph, was it one of your followers who tossed shoes at my temple door? Leaving a number of scuff marks and a noticeable

Odie bows before you.
Odie says (in common), 'wasnt me i have hooves'.

You nod in recognition to Odie.

Seraph says, 'shoes?'.

You say, 'That is what I summize, yes, based on the evidence.'.

Odie says (in common), 'ya i think Sirka was testing the durability of his running shoes at Wish temple door'.

You say, 'Specifically, a great big shoe mark on the door.'.

Seraph says, 'now why wish would someone leave shoes at your door'.

Seraph says, 'odie leave a minute'.

Odie stands up.
Odie leaves north.

You say, 'I did not say shoes were left at my door. I said it appears they were thrown at my door. With some force.'.
You say, 'In addition, I have it on good authority that there was a commotion....quite a commotion, in the general area of Coral Cave.'.
You say, 'So, I ask again: was it one of yours?'.

Seraph says, 'either way if one of my people was at your door, throwing shoes is the last thing they would do'.

You say, 'That is not a yes or no answer.'.

Seraph says, 'no it wasn't'.

You say, 'Seraph, for someone to come to my Temple, and purposefully deface its front door, is a great offence, would yo not agree?'.

Seraph says, 'i agree'.

Samiyah arrives from the north.
Samiyah blinks.
Samiyah leaves north.

Samiyah ftells, 'hello, all'.
Samiyah ftells, 'why is Wish in Sahib's Hall?'.

Odie ftells, 'blaming someone for throwing shoes at his temple door'.

Samiyah ftells, '.. oh.'.
Samiyah ftells, 'Um.'.
Samiyah ftells, 'well.'.

Odie ftells, 'wasn't this cow!!'.

Chico ftells, ':/'.

Samiyah ftells, 'is sahib there?'.
Samiyah ftells, 'I did not - and do not - see Him.'.

Someone ftells, 'you know something of this Samiyah?'.

Odie ftells, 'i think hes watching Sirka'.

Samiyah ftells, 'Yes, Sahib.'.
Samiyah ftells, 'I threw my shoe at his door.'.

Odie ftells, 'oh noez!! YOUR IN TROUBLE!'.

Wish glances back through the door Samiyah just left.

You say, 'If one of my followers were to toss shoes at your Temple door, leaving visible marks, would you not also be offended?'.

Seraph says, 'why is it every time something goes wrong you guys look at me'.

Seraph closes the door.

Seraph utters the words, 'summon'.
Samiyah arrives suddenly.

Seraph says, 'explain'.

You say, 'I have accused you of nothing, Seraph.'.
You say, 'I have merely asked a question.'.
You say, 'And I continue to await an answer...patiently.'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'I .. er...'.

Seraph says, '1 minute wish seems Samiyah has something to say'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'I wrote a poem... as I told you in my prayer, Sahib..'.

Wish regards Samiyah, coldly.

Samiyah says (in common), 'except he would think it trash, so I tore it up. And the more I thought about his trickery, the angrier I got. My poems are not trash and I did not deserve trickery.'.

Seraph taps his fingers on the arm of his throne.

You say, 'Samiyah. First of all, do you recall that I apologized for calling your first poem to me "Trash"?'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'Sahib Wish told me that he was not known for lies. That he was one worthy of trust. Many months ago, he told me this. And he did trickery. '.

Seraph says, 'how?'.

Wish rests comfortably in the small wooden chair...relaxed...yet poised.

Samiyah gives you a calling card.
You see the following inscription:
Your words were clear: you want it back?

Seraph creates a black iron feather on a leather cord out of thin air!

Samiyah says (in common), 'His words: He asked if I wanted .. the shell.. back. We spoke of it, right then and there, Sahib.'.

Seraph closes the door.
Seraph locks the door.

Samiyah gives you a calling card.
You see the following inscription:
My soul's been heavy at its lack

Seraph taps his fingers on the arm of his throne.

You say, 'Let me know when you are finished...with your...confession, is it?'.

Samiyah gives you a calling card.
You see the following inscription:
Your price you named, to cause a rift

Seraph says, 'so it seems wish'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'I threw my shoe at his door. I am not trying to pretend I did not. He played trickery on me.'.

You say, 'Shoes...plural.'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'No, I threw the other one at Venom. I only threw one at your door.'.

You laugh.

Samiyah gets a calling card from bag made from white angel hide.

Samiyah gives you a calling card.
You see the following inscription:
But Sahib knew - confession swift

Samiyah gives you a calling card.
You see the following inscription:
I trusted that your word was good

Samiyah gives you a calling card.
You see the following inscription:
You once assured me that I could

Samiyah gives you a calling card.
You see the following inscription:
And after price required paid

Samiyah gives you a calling card.
You see the following inscription:
I learned it was just trick'ry played

Samiyah gives you a calling card.
You see the following inscription:
Your every intent just a lie

Samiyah gives you a calling card.
You see the following inscription:
And so, Sahib, I ask you: Why?

Wish looks at Samiyah, not sure to expect more calling cards.

Seraph says, 'my question is Samiyah why? Why do you go out your way to play with wish'.

Samiyah hands the last scrap of paper to Wish, and then turns and kneels before the throne.
Samiyah says (in common), 'I would not have, but for the trickery.'.

You say, 'Wait a moment. Trickery...indeed, it was played.'.

Seraph taps his fingers on the arm of his throne.

You say, 'However, my word I kept'.

Samiyah glances at Wish. "You had told me you were trustworthy."

You say, 'And it was you, not I, who initiated discussion of your hide bag.'.

Samiyah says, carefully keeping her voice from raising, but its intensity does not dim: "You offered it BACK."
Samiyah says (in common), 'You said, 'Do you want it returned?' Only LATER did you say, 'To Tross. You.. lied.'.

You say, 'I believe I was amply clear, prior to you agreeing to my bargain. I said I would give it back to tross.'.

Samiyah says stubbornly, 'You offered it back. You knew I wanted it.'.

You say, 'Indeed, I did.'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'You sought to cause trouble where there needed be none.'.

You say, 'But I never said I would give it to you. I sought to cause trouble?? '.

Samiyah says (in common), '..I do not ... like you.. any more. And I do not trust you any more. And you can see the back of my shoe for all I can care.'.

Wish laughs heartily.
Wish turns to face Seraph.

Seraph taps his fingers on the arm of his throne.

You say, 'Let me explain one last thing, Seraph. Not that I need explain my actions to you.'.

Samiyah says (in common), '.. and a discourtesy done to your door, is not a discourtesy done to your person.'.

Seraph says, 'samiyah let wish speak'.


Seraph says, 'SAMIYAH ENOUGH'.

Samiyah bows her head.
Samiyah drops to her knees, head pressed to the floor, in abject humility and supplication.

Wish says quietly, through gritted teeth, "Control your follower, Seraph."

Seraph says, 'please wish speak'.

You say, 'Ask yourself this, Seraph. I have been quiet in my Coral Cave, since my transformation. I have seen your follower, Samiyah, come to my door numerous times...glancing at it wistfully, and moving on. She knows of my need for her flesh, to complete my Alchemy. She is fully aware of it. And yet, one day, out of the blue, she just happens to drop her hide bag...her corpse dried, right in front of my follower. One of my most dedicated followers, I might add. A young, impressionable boy. Without a father, without a home. Only Alchemy.'.

Seraph nods.

You say, 'This, Samiyah did purposefully, as she made clear to my follower. Did she think my follower would simply never tell me he had obtained the key to my salvation? No, not even this ignorant, superstitious, impetuous desert woman could be so stupid.'.

A quiet murmur rises up in very unintelligible fashion from Samiyah's face, still pressed against the stones of the floor.
Samiyah glares at you from over her veil, her almond eyes narrowed.

You say, 'So, her corpse, in my hands...my salvation from this Elven shell...she then asks for it back...'.

Clear, this time. "LIE."

Samiyah prays, 'Sahib, I did NOT ask for it back. HE OFFERED.'

You say, 'I asked if you wanted it back.'.
You say, 'That is not the same thing.'.
You say, 'Did I play trickery on you, Samiyah?'.
You say, 'I most certainly did.'.

Samiyah puts her nose back on the floor, murmuring words in the desert tongue.

Samiyah pray, 'She is cussing Wish out for being a filthy haraam liar, in desert tongue, under her breath, to herself, but your ears catch it.'


You tell Venom (in common), '*glare*'.

Venom tells you (in common), '*icily returns your glare, a hint of curiosity slips through*'.

Venom tells you (in common), 'When was the last time you visited the desert, Bard?'.

Venom tells you (in common), '*casually picks his finger nails with his dagger* Oh, by the way... Sarcon lives.'.

You tell Venom (in common), '*startled, a sharp intake of breath, and she claps her hands over her mouth to keep from replying*'.

Venom tells you (in common), 'Oh, did you think my research into your culture was idle chat? Sorry, Bardling... but each day I learn more... and my plan to end your meddling is coming together'.

You tell Venom (in common), '*glances your way, obviously under extreme duress and distraction at the moment, but glares nonetheless in your direction.*'.

Venom tells you (in common), '*dusts his fingers upon his vest and gives them a gentle blow with his lips* Oh, and I intend to free him...'.

Seraph says, 'did her corpse fix you?'.

You say, 'However, you allowing your corpse to come into my hands...was that not trickery of it's own?'.
You say, 'Because either you are up to no good...or you are dumber than a frog who wanders onto your tribal sands.'.

Samiyah glares at you from over her veil, her almond eyes narrowed.

You say, 'I have yet to employ my Alchemy.'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'permissiontospeaksahibplease?'.

Seraph says, 'no'.

Samiyah grits her teeth and remains silent, head to the floor.

You say, 'Now, to bring this to a close.'.
You say, 'I care not that Samiyah does not trust me.'.

Seraph says, 'being a elf suits you wish'.

You say, 'We are enemies..You and I, Seraph, Alchemy and High Order...'.

Seraph nods in recognition to you.

You say, 'She lost my trust...the day she turned to take your side.'.

Another murmur in the desert tongue, slipping past fingers pressed over her mouth.

Samiyah prays, ' You hear: "I have been His since I was born."'.

You say, 'Any actions she takes...especially ones so blatantly meant to influence me, I regard with suspicion...as would you, were our positions

Wish looking down at Samiyah, fairly spitting the words out, "And Coral Cave is my home! Strike it, and you strike me...and ALL OF ALCHEMY!"

You say, 'I expect no apology. I need no apology.'.
You say, 'But know this, Seraph: her actions are disrespect of the highest order.'.

Seraph says, 'i will deal with her'.

You say, 'And if you allow you followers to remove all semblance of courtesy from our interactions...it will be bad for everyone.'.
You say, 'Thank you. I would appreciate that.'.

Wish stands up from his chair, letting it vanish into the ether.

Seraph says, 'samiyah anything to say that's not rude?'.

Wish holds his hand up quickly, cutting short any possible response.

Samiyah sits up, still kneeling, and looks over at Wish for a long moment. "I told you why I gave it to her. You can pretend now I didn't. But I did We talked about choices and friendship and bridges. And you said you would not laugh.'.

You say, 'did I laugh?'.
You frown. What's bothering you?

Seraph says, 'ok enough'.

Samiyah turns her back on Wish, facing Seraph once more.
Samiyah murmurs, 'Yes, Sahib.'

You say, 'I will leave you now. Control her, Seraph. Before she harms everyone.'.

Seraph says, 'wish as you know of late i have not left my hall or interacted with other immortals'.

Wish pauses before heading off into the ether.

You nod in recognition to him.
You say, 'This I have observed.'.

Seraph says, 'and I'm going to keep that way'.

Wish says sarcastically, "Our loss, I suppose."

Seraph says, 'no'.

Wish bows shortly.

Seraph says, 'its best that way'.

You say, 'May the light of Lord Nash shine upon you both.'.

Seraph nods in recognition to you.

Wish waves his hand and disappears, his Elven body slipping into the ether as if through the leaves of a forest.

Seraph taps his fingers on the arm of his throne.
Seraph says, 'dear one, stay away from him and his home'.

Samiyah nods.
Samiyah says (in common), 'Yes, Sahib.'.

==Under Each Other's Skin ==
(Log by DarkClaw)

You ftell, '*sighs in contentment and grins at her newly-improved mood*'.

Venom ftells, '*upper lips curling in disdain*'.

You ftell, 'My my...I think someone is having a bad night.'.

Venom ftells, '*blatantly ignores...*'.

You ftell, 'Cat got your tongue, Venom? Or would that be...Vampire Queen? *grins smugly*'.

Venom ftells, '* flippantly snapping* Too bad you can't have what you REALLY want, my tongue will be for OTHER cats.'.

You ftell, '*sobers immediately, her eyes darkening and an angry hiss escaping*'.

Venom ftells, '*rubbing his neck* Blood can be sucked from any neck, I have something better to be sucked from me.. perhaps Evie will be on later.'.

You ftell, '*snarls jealously* Evie wouldn't have you..'.

Venom ftells, '*grins, fangedly* Perhaps she will have no choice.'.

You ftell, '*eyes narrow lethally* You force yourself on her and you'll wish you hadn't.'.

Venom ftells, '*upper lip stiffens in defiance* Unlike YOU, I get what I want!'.

You ftell, '*calmly* It's not really yours if it isn't given freely.'.

Venom ftells, '*quips a smart alec tone* It's all the same for the last 30 seconds... No... No I think I will wait and deny you something much worse, or do something you don't approve of. Since you seem to be so quick to discard me. Two can lie just as easy as one in the game of "I don't need you"'.

You ftell, '*softly* I never said I didn't need you. Not even to Belg.'.

Venom ftells, 'Ahh.. so my attention is just the easiest card to sacrifice. You poor foolish girl. You made a decision with your mind and heart and your ass can't cash'.

You ftell, '...I kept you close, Venom...it has to be enough.'.

Venom ftells, 'It most certainly does not HAVE to be. We have other options that YOU don't want to face. But like I said, your ass will not be able to cash this foolish promise. Eventually you will heat up again, and when you are unsated long enough, I will be your way out again. You see... The truth is, you have not solved the original problem: Your lust. You merely avoid it. When next you lose control, I will be there, pulling both your hair, and your strings.'.

You ftell, '*closes her eyes tightly and says nothing in response*'.

You ftell, '(Fucking score 2029 Venom: 2 DC)'.
Venom ftells, '(zing!)'.
Venom ftells, '(stabbing truth!)'.
You ftell, '(No shit)'.

== A Patron For Lore, Not Flesh ==

The Coral Cave
[Exits: south]

Venom tells Sabella (in halfling), 'Greetings.'.

Sabella tells Venom (in common), 'Hello.'.
Sabella tells Venom (in common), '.. was there something you need?'.

Venom tells Sabella (in halfling), 'I would like to talk with you when you're done whatever it is you're doing with that corpse.'.

Sabella tells Venom (in common), '..corpse?'.

Venom tells Sabella (in common), 'Of Sabella'.

Entrance to Temple Courtyard
[Exits: west up]
Venom is here.

Venom nods.

Sabella gives the corpse of Sabella to Venom.
Sabella snaps, 'eat me.'.

Venom chuckles, evidently amused.

Sabella's smirk is a little angry.

Venom says (in common), 'If Samiyah hadn't ruined my butcher, I might.'.

Venom says (in common), 'Have you pondered a cost?'.

Sabella says (in common), 'Yes. But it's one of anger and revenge and not calm thinking. So I haven't settled on it yet.'.

Venom says (in common), 'I see. I have followed your advice: A dream came to me'.

Sabella arches one eyebrow, the expression wickedly inquisitive.

Venom says (in common), 'A pharaoh'.

Sabella nods.

Venom says (in common), 'His brother, lives. A song, weakening the veil'.

Sabella carefully turns a shudder into a stretch that is entirely distracting.

Venom says (in common), 'A tome, warded... sigils.. something behind it, powerful and angry'.

Venom gets some crumpled papers from an egg casing.
Venom shows you the papers where he scribbled what he could remember of the dream.

Sabella's eyes flicker quickly across the page and she nods.

Venom puts some crumpled papers in an egg casing.

Venom says (in common), 'I believe Sarcon lives.'.

Sabella asks carefully, 'You expect me to be surprised that something happened when you followed my advice?

Venom laughs.
Venom says (in common), 'I expect little these days...'.

Sabella runs a hand through uncharacteristically tousled hair, briefly revealing a yellowing bruise that covers one cheek, before her locks tumbles back to hide it.

Venom sits down and thinks deeply.
Venom attempts to hide noticing the bruise, not wanting to make you uncomfortable.

Sabella says (in common), 'so you dreamt of the Pharaoh beneath the Sands..'.

Venom says (in common), 'I have some more questions, if you have time between patrons.'.

Sabella says (in common), 'I do. He is not present this evening, it seems.'.

Sabella murmurs to herself, 'Much to my chagrin..'

Venom nods.
Venom says (in common), 'I want you to translate a few words if that is possible.'.

You blink.
Sabella says (in common), 'I can make the attempt. Though your tab is growing, and thus, my price.'.

Venom nods.
Venom says (in common), 'I understand'.

Venom says (in common), '"bint"'.

Sabella says (in common), daughter of.

Venom says (in common), 'and "ukhayyatun"'.

Sabella says (in common), sister of.

Venom says (in common), 'I see.'.

Sabella frowns.
Sabella says (in common), 'it is usually one or the other. Women of the tribe are required to identify themselves in association with a male of some standing. To cling to two.. a bit.. '.

Sabella makes a gesture of scorn.

Venom says (in common), 'As though she is needy?'.

Sabella nods in recognition to Venom
Sabella says (in common), 'Yes. Insecure.'.

Venom nods.
Venom says (in common), 'That's exactly the case'.

Venom says (in common), 'Also, what do you know of the relationship between music and the veil?'.

Sabella says (in common), 'Well, if you say that my "kinswoman" is a bard.. There has never been a bard that I know of, among those people. It would be outside the experience of the sun-priests or the Pharaohs. Their magic simply wouldn't recognize it...and perhaps the reverse as well.'.

Venom says (in common), 'In my dream, a song made the veil weak'.

Sabella says (in common), 'The Veil is designed to keep out mages, priests, shamans.'.

Venom says (in common), 'But not bards...'.

Sabella says (in common), 'such a thing does not exist in our.. *she corrects herself sharply* those.. lands... '.

Venom says (in common), 'And thus it would be impossible for them to plan on how to keep them out - Unaware of their magical song'.

Sabella's diction sharpens to utter razor crispness, not a trace of accent in it as she answers.
Sabella says (in common), 'Just so.'.

Venom says (in common), 'I am beginning to see... I must now answer for myself, how much does the Bard know of this...'.

Sabella shrugs slightly, the movement causing pleasant jiggles.

Venom says (in common), 'One last thing. In my dream, a voice from the tomb said, 'THEY MUST DIE.

Sabella waits for a question.

Venom says (in common), 'Any guesses? Sarcon I suppose?'.

Sabella says (in common), 'My thought would be Scyrah. "They" - his brother and his whelp.'.

Venom says (in common), 'ahh. I hadn't seen it that way'.

Sabella says (in common), 'Or it could be the two beneath the sand, for the villagers that forgot them.'.

Sabella's voice is odd as she says:
Sabella says (in common), 'Immortal creatures tend to be so petty and spiteful sometimes.'.

Venom says (in common), 'What was the name again of Sarcon's little helper?'.

Sabella says (in common), 'his son?'.

Venom says (in common), 'yes'.

Sabella says (in common), 'Jahine.'.

Venom says (in common), 'Right...'.

Sabella glances at you again, her eyes sliding down to the fresh marks on your neck.

Venom pops the collar of his shirt up with a sneer.
Venom says (in common), 'She seems to think she can take the blood, but pass on the meat.'.

Sabella's brow slowly rises.
Sabella rakes a hand through her hair again. She starts to speak, but then stops, with an abrupt shrug. "She's no concern of mine any more."
Sabella takes hold of the coiled, barbed whip at her side, closing fingertips around the barbs until they cut into flesh.

Venom pauses, rather shocked for a moment, 'Such a direct change in the winds... May I ask what has happened?'

Sabella debates a long moment.

Sabella says (in common), '..I may be a whore... and worse.. but there is still a code that I live by. Rules. Things one simply does and does not do. One's word is sacred. Trust when given is sacrosanct. You do not rise from your lover's bed, still wet from his pleasures, and kiss your husband and tell him to trust you. '.

Venom says (in common), 'Turning yourself from her is a high price for a mistake... What with your history...'.

Sabella says (in common), 'She used me like a whore.'.

Venom throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!
Venom pats Sabella on her back.
Venom says (in common), 'You should be used to that'.

Sabella says (in common), 'You aren't as old as you think that you are, if you can make that mistake about me. One does not use a friend in that fashion. Ergo. We are not friends. We are not lovers. We are not playtoys. We are nothing.'.

Venom snips sharply, 'I am old enough to know a whore should understand forgiveness, you may want some where you're heading'

Sabella's hand closes more fully on the whip, cutting into her palm. Blood trickles down between her fingers.

Venom's nostrils begin to flare slowly at the sight of blood.

Sabella says (in common), 'She lied to him in my presence, and used me as a distraction to do so. I will not be used as a tool to lie to one's lover. What I do, I do in the open. The clients I serve.. consent is important. You take away consent, you take away the most sacred of trusts.'.

Venom says (in common), 'She is lost, a friend who help her find her way, though I am beginning to wonder if you aren't as lost as her.'.

Sabella says (in common), 'I'm damned, I'm not lost. A subtle difference.'.
Sabella grinds her hand on the barbs, unaware of it's affect on you as the blood continues to run.

Venom's single red eye begins to glow slightly.
Venom says (in common), 'Confused on the nature of forgiveness, when your time to face the end comes, you may want some.'.

Sabella's laugh is soft and musical, not scornful. 'Oh. Venom. I do not forget. I do not forgive. And I have died .. many.. many times.'

Venom speaks through clenched fangs, 'You may yet again if you do not remove the BLOOD from my sight!'

Sabella blinks, and glances down at her hand. "Oh."

Venom stalks toward you, seeming not to even notice.

Sabella stands her ground, watching you approach. "Recall what I said about consent, Venom, and have a care."

Venom's eyes snap up to meet yours, one still a soft glowing red, 'Madam, my views on consent are somewhat biased.. But all the same, put it away!'.

Sabella bends at the waist and tears a bit of the hem from her dress and wraps it around her palm.

Sabella glances at you sidelong. 'Thirsty?'

Venom grins longingly at the firm sight before him.
Venom nods.
Venom says (in common), 'I am rather drained, DC took a chunk out of me, literally'.

Sabella glances down at the floor a moment, and collects herself, murmuring in a tone of self-reproach. "I.. You belong to Star. No."

Venom rushes quickly into and grasps you firmly by the throat, 'I grow tired of your insistence on my ownership, whore!'

Sabella does not startle at your grasp but looks you dead in the eye. "I do not consent, Venom."

Venom shoves you back forcefully, 'I would not drink of your used and abused blood, regardless...'
Venom spits.

Venom says (in common), 'Enough with the games... you toy with me like a plaything.'.

Sabella catches herself on the railing of the staircase and snarls softly.

Sabella says (in common), 'You forget yourself, Venom. You owe me a debt. And that debt is climbing higher with every question and every discourtesy.'.

Venom says (in common), 'Keep your blood and curved body to yourself, settle on your price and begone.'.

Sabella says (in common), 'I don't recall offering you either.'.

Venom says (in common), 'Glancing at me sidelong while bent in such fashion, inquiring of my thirst... you are a fang-tease. I knew you were a trouble maker... I knew it.'.

Sabella says (in common), 'Did I think it? Certainly. It would hurt her. And I am angry with her. But .. ' She sighs. 'I am not Star and I. Do. Not. Do. That. Shit.'.

Venom says (in common), 'Yes, while I understand controlling the urge to seduce a man must be hard for you...'.

Sabella chuckles and admits honestly, '... sometimes..'

Venom says (in common), 'I am not interested in you beyond what you know of the veil. I have richer blood on my mind'.

Sabella says (in common), 'I am not your type, Venom. Nor you, mine. '.

Venom says (in common), 'I need one last thing, before you rake me over the coals on this "price"'.

Sabella arches one eyebrow, the expression wickedly inquisitive.

Venom whispers in a hushed tone, 'I need a female name from your tribe, a common one.'

Sabella blinks and says, 'Why?'.

Venom says (in common), 'This should be kept as confidential as any patron's requests in the bedroom.'.

Sabella says (in common), '.. you are not a Patron.'.

Venom says (in common), 'This is still a business relationship, as I AM paying you.'.

Sabella says (in common), 'Jamilla. It means 'beautiful..
Sabella's tone is particularly bitter.

Venom says (in common), 'Thank you.'.

Sabella's nod is precise and measured.

Venom says (in common), 'I am near ascension, I should practice my skills.'.

Sabella says (in common), 'Good bye, Venom.'.

Venom bows a calculated bow, showing every air of etiquette and respect.

Sabella drops into a curtsey, her head bowed.

Venom leaves west.

Sabella leans against the railing, shaking.
Sabella lowers herself to sit on the top stair, dry eyed, staring out into nothing.

== Rebuilding ==
(Log by DarkClaw)

Base of the Oak
[Exits: west up]
A gnarled ancient oak towers above the ground here. Several thousand
years old and glowing with a soft white aura its width is that of at least
four men standing side by side. You feel the presence of a great peace
here, and of powerful spirits. A tombstone lies here next to an
unblemished sardonyx altar.
The sky is cloudy and a warm southerly breeze blows.
(Glowing) The altar glows brightly beside the tombstone.
(Blue Aura) The tombstone of the Dark Mother lies here, surrounded by flowers.
(Invis) (Dark Purple Aura) Belgarion, The Past Grand Finder, is here.
(White Aura) Ybarra's shade floats dimly before you.
A small black cat sits here purring next to the old man.
(White Aura) An old man sits in the corner smiling to himself.

#### Belgarion: Entered Game

You ftell, 'Hello, love.'.

Belgarion ftells, 'hello - How are you'.

You ftell, '*short* Fine. You?'.

Belgarion ftells, 'hmm'.

Belsambar gossips (in common), 'Ahhh...finally claiming your birthright, Nephew?'.

Belgarion ftells, 'not too bad my dear. Whats wrong?'.

You ftell, 'Nothing, just...dealing with unpleasantries.'.

Belgarion ftells, 'i see'.

You ftell, 'Did you hear your uncle?'.

Belgarion ftells, 'no i didn't'.

You ftell, 'He said, "Ahh...finally claiming your birthright, Nephew?"'.

Belgarion ftells, 'wasnt paying attention i guess. Oh heh. My new title. I figured it was time'.

Belgarion arrives from the west.
Belgarion grins evilly at you.

You grin evilly at him.
You hug him.

You give Belgarion a long and passionate kiss.

Belgarion hugs you.
Belgarion gives you a long and passionate kiss.

Belgarion says (in common), 'shouldn't have told me your hiding spot'.
Belgarion winks suggestively.

Base of the Oak
[Exits: west up]

You blink at what he said.

You say, 'I...forgot I was here.'.

Belgarion laughs.
Belgarion says (in common), 'so whats the problem'.
Belgarion rests.

You say, 'Been too busy...talking on ftell.'.

Belgarion chuckles, evidently amused.
Belgarion nods.
Belgarion nods.

You say, 'Well, arguing.'.
You sigh.

Belgarion says (in common), 'let me guess: someone is not happy about the new situation? If you would rather be alone i don't mind'.

You say, 'Correct.'.
You shake your head.

You say, 'No, I want you here.'.
You smile at him.

Belgarion smiles happily.
Belgarion says (in common), 'and is he giving you a hard time?'.

You shrug.
You say, 'We're just arguing.'.
You say, 'Nothing to worry about.'.

Belgarion nods.

You say, 'I can handle him.'.

Belgarion says (in common), 'good i hope so'.

You say, 'Were you able to calm down Wish?'.

Belgarion chuckles, evidently amused.
Belgarion says (in common), 'i was'.
Belgarion winks suggestively.

You say, 'Good. He's no longer mad at you, then?'.

Belgarion shakes his head.

DarkClaw breathes a sigh of relief'.

You say, 'Good. The last thing we need is problems with our allies.'.

Belgarion says (in common), 'he knows me and knows that i speak my mind so he didn't take my short curt answers to bad'.
Belgarion chuckles, evidently amused.

You chuckle.

Belgarion says (in common), 'but no we understand each other'.

You say, 'I think it'll be alright.'.

Belgarion says (in common), 'one thing he said was that i shouldn't have that in my title its a private thing. I countered - and it might sound mean but i had to say it - I said " and did you talk to DC when she was doing what she was on open channels. No. I said, "Did you reprimand her?"'.
Belgarion says (in common), 'no'.

You wince. Ouch!
DarkClaw sighs and lowers her head.

Belgarion says (in common), 'he said well i would have had i been here'.
Belgarion chuckles, evidently amused.
Belgarion says (in common), 'i said and there's my problem - i was not here either. He told me to talk to you though'.

DarkClaw scuffs at the ground beneath her feet. "About?"

Belgarion says (in common), 'he thinks there's a deeper issue'.

You say, 'He said the same to me.'.

Belgarion says (in common), 'and do you think there is?'.

You say, 'I honestly don't know...I hadn't considered it.'.

Belgarion nods.
Belgarion says (in common), 'i said as much the same to him'.

>l ybarra
She floats before you, eyes smiling. She is beauty and she drifts before
you. Her smile warms you, and you know peace. She appears dark, and yet
the taint of strands of light run through her... she opens her arms and
offers peace.

DarkClaw looks to Ybarra, then looks back to you, a reverent tone to her voice, "She's beautiful, isn't she?"

Belgarion nods.
Belgarion says (in common), 'She is. I have met her before'.

Belgarion grins evilly at the spirit of Ybarra.
The spirit of Ybarra grins at Belgarion.

You say, 'She approves of you.'.

Belgarion smiles happily.
Belgarion says (in common), 'thats good to know. I would prefer to have approval then the opposite'.

You grin evilly.
You say, 'I've never felt her scorn. Not sure I'd want to.'.

Belgarion says (in common), 'oh she didn't attack'.
Belgarion chuckles, evidently amused.
Belgarion shrugs.

You say, 'And Lestat isn't here.'.

You grin evilly.

Belgarion chuckles, evidently amused.
Belgarion nods.
Belgarion nods.

You say, 'Would you like to go someplace else?'.

Belgarion shrugs.
Belgarion says (in common), 'no big rush for me'.
Belgarion chuckles, evidently amused.

You chuckle.
You nuzzle his neck softly.

Belgarion says (in common), 'would you like to stay here my love?'.

You say, 'I was thinking we could be productive.'.
You say, 'Maybe golding or randoming till you have to leave.'.

You shrug.

Belgarion chuckles, evidently amused.

You now follow Belgarion.

Belgarion says (in common), 'are you trying to get rid of me??'.

You say, 'Unless you'd rather not.'.
You say, 'No. I was going to follow you.'.

Belgarion laughs.
Belgarion nods.