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The Nature of a Charm

(Log by Sami)

Samiyah tells Nicholai (in common), '*hesitantly* .. Hello..?'.

Nicholai tells Samiyah (in common), ‘yes?'.

Samiyah tells Nicholai (in common), 'May I speak with you a few moments or is now a bad time..?'.

Nicholai says (in common), 'what do you need?'.

Samiyah blinks.
Samiyah gasps, startled, not having seen anyone approach.

(Invis) (Hide) (Dark Purple Aura) Nicholai is here.

>l nicholai
Before you stands a Sorcerer clad in black. Around his neck hangs a pentagram softly shedding a red aura. Chills run up your spine as you meet the gaze of his sapphire blue eyes shining with intelligence and a hint of insanity. The fresh blood on his lips contrasts his pale complexion, while the fangs barely showing through his evil grin warns you to stay away.
Nicholai has a special twinkle in his eye.
Nicholai is in perfect health.

Samiyah says (in common), ‘You are a.. um ... Vampire, yes?'.

Nicholai says (in common), 'for some time now'.

Samiyah says (in common), ‘and a mage?'.

Nicholai nods.

Samiyah says (in common), ‘Can you tell me how to break a Charm Person spell? Is there a ritual to it?'.

Nicholai sits down and thinks deeply.
Nicholai says (in common), 'it is just control of the mind. If you can "shock" that mind into realizing it is under another control, it will break.'.

Samiyah says (in common), ‘and is it different if the person who did the Charm is a vampire?'.

Nicholai says (in common), 'That I'm not too sure, being both vampire and mage, I have no experience charming one without the other'.

Samiyah pauses a moment and thinks.
Samiyah says (in common), ‘what sorts of things would create a shock?'.

Nicholai says (in common), 'the easiest is pain'.

Samiyah shivers uncomfortably.

Nicholai says (in common), 'but it could be a memory'.

Samiyah says hesitantly, “I do not like to hurt people.”

Nicholai says (in common), 'it is difficult to convince someone to hurt someone they love, a strong memory may break it.'.

Samiyah says (in common), ‘what sorts of spell components would be needed to do it magically? A spell to counter the Charm.'.

Nicholai says (in common), 'a high level dispel potion may work, if you get the affected to drink it. Dispel, usually. But not always.'.

Samiyah says (in common), ‘hmmm'.

Nicholai says (in common), 'perhaps unfettering the charmer, but that is just a thought'.

Samiyah says (in common), ‘I was thinking about having the affected person bathe ritually to remove outside influence'.

Nicholai says (in common), 'if you break their control, the mind will awaken'.

Samiyah says (in common), ‘then smudge them... then salt them... as salt is a purifying substance...'.

Nicholai says (in common), 'perhaps'.

Samiyah says (in common), ‘then perhaps do the same of their clothes to make sure no charm has been sewn into them'.

Samiyah says (in common), ‘and then .. yes.. Unfetter seems like a good idea..'.

Nicholai says (in common), 'the basic mechanics of the spell is that it works directly on their mind. It is an illusion'.

Samiyah pauses a moment and thinks.
Samiyah says (in common), ‘Is there anything specific to vampire charms? Like garlic or holy water?'.

Nicholai says (in common), 'no, just power of the will'.

Samiyah says (in common), ‘I have a very powerful Dispel Magic'.

Samiyah pauses a moment and thinks.
Samiyah asks awkwardly, "Is there any substance that repels vampires?"

Nicholai sits down and thinks deeply.
Nicholai says (in common), 'I tend to avoid crowds, but that just might be a personality trait. Sunlight is effective, if you consider that a substance'.

Samiyah says (in common), ‘hmm. So perhaps the best time to break a vampire Charm is at Noon.'.

Nicholai says (in common), 'but like most things, a resistance can be built up. If this is a very old vampire, sunlight may just be a mild annoyance.'.

Samiyah shakes her head and says, ‘well.. it is complicated... I do not know his form of magic. It is nothing like a bard's, or the magic of the desert.’
Samiyah pauses and adds, ‘Thank you for speaking with me! I will take your advice and add the unfetter'.

Nicholai nods.
Nicholai says (in common), 'Just remember, if you are only trying to wake the charmed, you need to take measures to prevent it from happening again. Otherwise they will be re-charmed'.

Samiyah says (in common), ‘oooh. How should I do that?'.

Nicholai says (in common), 'well... Killing the charmer is one way. Or training the affected's mind to resist it'.

Samiyah chews on her lower lip contemplatively. "I cannot kill him."
Samiyah says (in common), ‘How do you train their mind?'.

Nicholai says (in common), 'focus, awareness, concentration'.

Samiyah says (in common), ‘this person has no god to help them... no followers to give support'.

Nicholai says (in common), 'you can only be charmed if you let yourself, even if only unconsciously. They need to either be very strong (confident), or very afraid'.

Samiyah pauses a moment and thinks.
Samiyah says (in common), ‘Hmm. I will have to work on that. I think she is just somewhat .. bored and lonely so that left her vulnerable.'.

Nicholai says (in common), 'that is far too common. Desperation, fear of being alone...'.

Samiyah nods.
Samiyah says (in common), ‘Perhaps I can get her to join a following so she has people to help watch out for her'.

Nicholai says (in common), 'strength in numbers, until she has enough strength in herself'.

Samiyah nods.
Samiyah thanks Nicholai heartily.

Nicholai nods.
Nicholai says (in common), 'take care'.
Nicholai bows.

Nicholai utters the words, 'Safhar'
The air shimmers as Nicholai creates a portal here.

The Nature of a Bond

(Log by Sami)

Samiyah tells Nicholai (in common), '*nervously* May I bother you with one more question?'.

Nicholai tells Samiyah (in common), ‘sure'.

Samiyah tells Nicholai (in common), '.. when a new vampire is made.. and the first person who's blood they drink .. does NOT feed them straight from flesh but from a cup, does that prevent any bond or connection that might otherwise be there?'.

Venom arrives from the east.
Venom leaves east.

Nicholai tells Samiyah (in common), ‘if the blood is fresh it should still be strong. But like anything that is detached, it loses potency over time.'.

Samiyah tells Nicholai (in common), 'it is more the bond between victim and vampire that I am curious about'.

Nicholai tells Samiyah (in common), ‘That is usually more like a bond between hunter and prey'.

Samiyah tells Nicholai (in common), 'I have been told there usually is one but I did not experience one --though the vampire says I smell like pastry'.

Nicholai tells Samiyah (in common), ‘pastry? hmm... with frosting?'.

Samiyah tells Nicholai (in common), '*ponder* He did not specify and he said it was a bad analogy but it was better than the other one that made me cry. Something he wanted to eat every meal, a thing craved and needed. He has a special flower that helps him to keep the wantings from getting too strong to resist when we spend time together. ‘ She adds firmly, ‘Friends do not bite friends, that is our rule.'.

Nicholai tells Samiyah (in common), ‘well...that depends on your level of friendship'.

Samiyah tells Nicholai (in common), 'but everyone keeps speaking of a bond and he drank my blood from a cup so .. I think we do not have one as everyone expects'.

Nicholai tells Samiyah (in common), ‘It sounds to me like you still have a bond.. just not the type you are thinking of'.

Samiyah tells Nicholai (in common), 'Just... friends.. as we were before, then?'.

Nicholai tells Samiyah (in common), ‘all things are connected. Bonds change, flow, evolve. Maybe stronger than before, but still a bond.'.

Samiyah tells Nicholai (in common), 'Hmm. Thank you, Nicholai.'.

Nicholai tells Samiyah (in common), ‘you are welcome'.

The Nature of Blood

(Log by Sami)

Samiyah tells Nicholai (in common), 'OH'.
Samiyah tells Nicholai (in common), 'one last question'.

Nicholai tells Samiyah (in common), ‘yes'.

Samiyah tells Nicholai (in common), 'when we spoke earlier... I did not smell like pastry to YOU, did I?'.

Nicholai tells Samiyah (in common), ‘Not to me, but you do have an alluring aroma - - and I'm not overly fond of pastry'.

Samiyah tells Nicholai (in common), '...oh.. um... what did it smell like? A type of food? And more so than most people or just like everyone else?'.

Nicholai tells Samiyah (in common), ‘no, different. But my years have tempered my hungers. Hard to describe, but definitely not unpleasant.'.

Samiyah tells Nicholai (in common), 'Oh.. so maybe it is not that mine was the first blood but that I just smell good to vampires?'.

Nicholai tells Samiyah (in common), ‘I cannot speak for all vampires, perhaps just personal preference.'.

Samiyah mutters softly in frustration and irritation, the words in the desert tongue but Venom’s name is among them.

Venom utters the words, 'comprehend'
Venom says (in common), ‘Excuse me sand-goat?'.

Samiyah gasps, startled.
Samiyah takes a half-step back in surprise
Samiyah says (in common), ‘I was not talking TO you. . .'.

Venom glides around behind you and snarls, ‘Then there is no need to talk ABOUT me...'.

Samiyah glares and turns slightly to keep you in view.
Samiyah folds her arms defensively, then blushes as she realizes she has spoken aloud.
Samiyah remains silent.

Venom licks his fangs, winks, and departs.
Venom leaves east.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), 'Are there other vampires than Yourself and Venom and Nicholai?'.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, ‘Ghazkull, of course....and Rufus, though he is rarely nearby. The Lord Khore, when he graces us with his presence. Tyran is also a chyld of mine.'.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), '*ponder* thank You, Sayyida. Did You make Nicholai?'.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, ‘I did not. I only introduced him to the ways of the Kindred.'.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), '..*half to herself*.. maybe that is it..'.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, ‘Maybe what is it?'.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), 'Oh! *blushes* *asks hesitantly* .. what do I smell like to you?'.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, ‘*blinks at your rather strange inquiry* You smell like wind, and sand, and a warm desert rain...*more softly* Until I taste the scent of your blood.'.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), '*hesitantly* ... what does my blood smell like? The same as others? or different..?'.

Samiyah gets a small but sharp knife from a saddlebag and runs the blade along her wrist just barely enough to draw blood.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, ‘*leans towards you closer, nostrils flaring at the wrist that was just slit, reaching a hand down and lifting your arm gently and slowly*'.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), '*whispered* Just smell, no biting. What does it smell like?'.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, ‘*meets your gaze, lowering her head and inhaling the scent of your blood deeply, her eyes closing*'.

Venom arrives from the east.
Venom raises an eyebrow.
Venom says (in common), 'You're bleeding... you might not want to do that.'.

Samiyah blinks and covers her wrist in surprise with the other hand.

Samiyah says (in common), ‘How…’
Samiyah frowns. What’s bothering her?

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, ‘*whispers, "Rich...and sweet...so very sweet...like the smell of a warm chocolate cake as it comes from the oven. Tempting, making you crave it almost desperately."'.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), 'Does everyone smell like chocolate cake?'.

Venom grins evilly, his elongated fangs glistening.

Samiyah puts her arm behind her back where you cannot see it.

Venom says (in common), 'What exactly are you doing, desert goat?'.

Samiyah frowns. What’s bothering her?
Samiyah binds her wrist quickly with a bit of cloth.

Venom stares intently at the blood stain forming, his mouth slowly opening.

Samiyah flees.

Ceremonial Room
[Exits: east]

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, ‘Well, they are all tempting, but some more so than others. Elven blood is the sweetest of the mortals'.'.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), '..and me? I am trying to learn if vampires in general think I smell different or just your bloodline..'.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), '*brightens* Oh! So elves smell more .. er... delicious?'.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, ‘Yes, exactly.'.

Samiyah glances about nervously.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), '*breathes a sigh of mingled confusion and relief* Okay... thank You Sayyida... Er… do ALL vampires crave elves? Or just yours?'.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, ‘*frowns, brows furrowing* I naturally assumed all did, but I've never questioned it.'.

Samiyah tells Nicholai (in common), 'does any race smell better to you, um ... food wise? Ghazkull says I smell like pastry and DarkClaw says my blood (you may sense she has cut herself recently) smells like chocolate cake'.

Nicholai tells Samiyah (in common), ‘well...it really depends on how hungry I am. But ogres tend to smell bad even in the direst of starvation'.

You tell someone (in common), 'I am trying to figure out if I smell extra-foody to vampires the Sayyida made than from other Vampires. Would it be very strange to ask you to sniff - but *not* lick or bite or drink - my blood?.. or rude? I do not want to be rude...'.

Nicholai says (in common), 'I don't have the overwhelming urge to devour you, if that is what you are asking, but I have come to regard feeding as a necessity, and can go long periods without'.

Samiyah says (in common), ‘Aaack!!'.
Samiyah nearly jumps out of her skin.
Samiyah accuses, “You are very sneaky!”

Nicholai nods.

Samiyah swallows hard and unwraps a linen bandage from her arm.
The cut is barely clotted - still fresh.

Nicholai licks you.
Nicholai sits down and thinks deeply.

Samiyah says (in common), ‘NO'.
Samiyah says (in common), ‘I said no licking!'.
Samiyah jumps back.

Venom tells Samiyah (in common), ‘Your blood is pure... try not to leave it laying around lest I develop a desire for it...'.

Nicholai says (in common), 'you don't quite get a full flavor from a sniff'.

Samiyah shivers uncomfortably.
Samiyah says (in common), ‘.. what is it like? Cake or pastry?'.

Nicholai says (in common), 'you taste of human... with a hint of adrenaline'.

Samiyah sighs in relief. "So nothing... extra or fancy or tasty."
Samiyah re-wraps her arm.

Nicholai says (in common), 'not to me'.

Samiyah says (in common), ‘Then perhaps it... well... Sayyida says elves smell better but that I am like warm cake. The Foul one - not the Betrayer, the other Foul one - says I smell pure. And Ghazkull says pastry'.

Nicholai says (in common), 'purity is...relative. Perhaps, they have a particular liking for you and it may have to do with more than your blood'.

Samiyah says (in common), ‘The Foul One does not like me at all'.

Nicholai says (in common), 'the foul tend to not like much at all, hence the foulness'.

Samiyah giggles.
Samiyah claps her hands over her veiled mouth to silence the giggles.

Samiyah bows deeply.
Samiyah says (in common), ‘thank you'.

Nicholai nods.
Nicholai says (in common), 'be well.'.

Nicholai utters the words, 'Safhar'
The air shimmers as Nicholai creates a portal here.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), 'Is Rufus a vampire you made?'.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, ‘He is.'.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), 'Is he an elf?'.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, ‘He is elf AND immortal...now.'.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), 'and is *stumbles over the name* Tyran an elf?'.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, ‘No...Tyran is Human...and deeply troubled.'.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), 'Hm. I shall think on this more.'.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, ‘Think of what, Sami? Why are you so curious all of a sudden about my kind?'.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), 'Elf vampires You made think I smell like pastry or like pure... so I am wondering if it has to do with the race *and* bloodline of the vampire'.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, ‘...Pure what?'.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), 'I don’t know. He just said "pure"'.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, ‘Strange.'.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), 'I want to understand everything I can about vampires and bonds and charms.'.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, ‘*blinks* The bond can understand, because of Ghaz...but charms?'.

Venom grins evilly, his elongated fangs glistening.
Venom has left the game.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), 'Ghazkull says pastry, you say "cake" and your other vampire says "pure" and Nicholai says just plain old human, but you did not make Nicholai AND he is human. So elf vampires *you* made think I smell tasty.'. *she blatantly avoids answering the other part of your question*'.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, ‘It would be interesting to find out why that is so. But you have yet to enlighten me on where charms come into all of this.'.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), '.. *hesitantly* ... I would rather not speak of that.'.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, ‘*raises a brow in surprise* Fair enough...but you DO know that I can watch you and find out what you're up to if I choose...'.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), '*bows* Yes, Sayyida... I know that you could..'.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, ‘And if I thought it was endangering you, I would. Are you embarking on something dangerous, Sami?'.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), '*falls into troubled silence rather than answer*'.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, ‘*sighs and slumps just a bit* Don't make me do something you will be angry with me for, Sami.'.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), '*blinks in surprise* …Sayyida.. *she frowns and stops speaking for a long moment, then answers the Immortal:* It’s Venom. He charms people. I need to know how that works so I can stop him if he charms a High Order, or a friend - like Tross or Corri - or if he tries charming me, because I am always getting in his way. '.

The Ritual

(Log by Sami)

Ceremonial Room
[Exits: east]
(Dark Purple Aura) Venom is here.

> l venom
Your gaze pans the height and breadth of what seems at first glance
to be a regular elven adventurer when your eyes catch some rather
odd details. His clothing and equipment are immaculately clean and
rather polished, discretely bearing the runes of magical enchantment.
Something is also a bit different in his posture, he stands very
stout and proper as though a high classed mannerism were natural.
His eyes are unsettling, one is solid black, the other is red.
His grin is both evil and wicked, bearing long fangs ready to rip
into their next victim.
Venom is in perfect health.

Venom looks at you.
Venom says (in common), 'I don't suppose that wand is a magical charming device?'.

Samiyah doesn't say a word, but her expression is one of intensity: She is UP to something.

[Exits: north east south west]

Scrye gossips (in common), 'oh, I am so stupid!'.

Sirka gossips (in common), 'that's what evils are!'.

Mnaramenth gossips (in elven), '??'.

Evie gossips (in common), 'How so?'.

Scrye gossips (in common), 'I forgot food.'.
Scrye gossips (in common), 'I need a ranger slave.'.

Mnaramenth gossips (in elven), 'that's what portal is for young padawan'.

You gossip (in common), '*Frown*'.

Venom gossips (in common), 'Yes, a ranger slave is handy...'.

Evie gossips (in common), ':-D'.

Hum [ Bard: 30 30 29 ] Samiyah seeks Sycora.

Sycora has entered the game.

You say (in common), 'Hello, Sycora!'.
You say (in common), 'I was looking for you.'.

Sycora says (in elven), 'here I am'.
Sycora smiles happily.

You say (in common), 'Would you like to try and get rid of that spell on you?'.

Sycora says (in elven), 'sure'.

You nod.
You say (in common), 'follow me, then.'.

You tell Sycora (in common), 'baths.'.

The Baths
[Exits: north]

Sycora arrives from the north.

You smile happily.
You say (in common), 'So the first step , I am told, of any magical ritual is purification.'.
You say (in common), 'so I would like you to take your clothing off and scrub yourself clean.'.

Samiyah points at one of the steaming pools.

Sycora raises an eyebrow.

You say (in common), 'I have a robe for you to wear when you are done.'.

Samiyah turns her back.

You say (in common), 'please pile all of your equipment right there. '.

Samiyah points to a spot near the pool.

You say (in common), 'it will need to be purified, too.'.

Sycora stops using the glow of love.
Sycora stops using a knife.
Sycora stops using a grey steel catseye ring.
Sycora stops using a black leather swordsman's belt.
Sycora stops using a finely crafted rapier.
Sycora stops using a pair of spiked knuckles.
Sycora stops using the mantle of an ancient octopus.
Sycora stops using a reinforced leather cap.
Sycora stops using Nydia's Mark of Honor.
Sycora stops using braided Tasloi hide.
Sycora stops using the rainbow fire opal bracelet.
Sycora stops using a pair of quilted cloth tights.
Sycora stops using the odd spinel ring.
Sycora stops using a quilted cloth evening gown.
Sycora stops using the Mark of Khan.
Sycora stops using an animal hide bracer.
Sycora stops using a pair of studded leather shoes.

Samiyah turns her head so she does not see the other woman disrobe.

You say (in common), 'Scrub very carefully - we want to remove any trace of anything that the Foul One might have put on you.'.

Samiyah takes a handful of gritty desert sand and forms a perfect circle near the pool.

You get some gritty sand from a saddlebag.
You drop some gritty sand.

Samiyah takes a handful of salt from a sack of salt and forms a second circle around the first.

Sycora lays her stuff on the floor then wades in the pool and starts cleaning.

Samiyah gathers up your clothing and belongings, and lays it in the circle.
Samiyah spreads out each item.

You get a decanter of holy water from a saddlebag.
You hold a decanter of holy water, which feels very warm to your touch.

Samiyah takes your clothing and sprinkles them with holy water from the decanter.

You stop using a decanter of holy water.

Samiyah chants, 'May the sacred drive away the profane!'

You get the Incense of Enlightenment from a saddlebag.

You stop using a golden orb.
You light the Incense of Enlightenment and hold it.

Samiyah smudges your clothing with the smoke rising from the incense.
Samiyah chants, 'May any clouds of judgment be removed!'

You stop using the Incense of Enlightenment.

Samiyah scatters salt over your clothing.
Samiyah chants, 'May only that which is pure, remain!'

You say (in common), 'When you are fully clean, step into the circle.'.

You get a plain white robe from a saddlebag.

Sycora's skin turns red from scrubbing.

Sycora says (in elven), 'i think i'm done'.

Samiyah gestures for you to enter the double circle.

Sycora says (in elven), 'wanna get my back?'.

Samiyah blushes, ducking her head and concealing her face in one of the layers of her veil.

You shake your head.
You say (in common), 'I'm sure it's.. um.. fine.'.

Sycora says (in elven), 'well i can't do it myself'.

You say (in common), 'erm... '.
You say (in common), 'okay..'.

Sycora says (in elven), 'look, you got boobs, i got boobs - no big deal'.

You cough.
You say (in common), 'in my culture... things are.. different'.

Samiyah gets a strip of linen from a saddlebag.
Samiyah catches up the bar of soap and lathers the cloth.

Sycora says (in elven), 'well in mine things are different'.

Samiyah gestures for you to turn around.

Sycora turns her back towards you.

Samiyah scrubs the cloth quickly over Sycora's back and shoulders, bathing her efficiently.

Sycora laughs.

You say (in common), 'rinse?'.

Samiyah steps back away from the pool, next to the double circle.

Sycora dips down rinsing off.

Samiyah gestures for you to enter the double circle.

Sycora walks over and steps into the circles.

Samiyah smiles and nods, carefully not looking at your nude form.
Samiyah extends the robe in your direction.

You give a plain white robe to Sycora.

You say (in common), 'wear that, please.'.

You tell Venom (in common), '(*your connection to your ranger slave seems.. fogged.*)'.

Sycora wears a plain white robe about her body.

You hold a decanter of holy water, which feels very warm to your touch.

Samiyah flicks some of the holy water over you.
Samiyah chants, 'May the sacred drive away the profane!'

You stop using a decanter of holy water.
You give a decanter of holy water to Sycora.

You say (in common), 'Drink that, please.'.

Sycora drinks from the decanter.

As you consume the holy water, its dispel evil ***DEMOLISHES*** an evil connection!

You tell Venom (in common), '(*a disgusting wash of purity sweeps over the connection between you and your Charmed One*)'.
You tell Venom (in common), '(*the liquid sensation leaves behind a maddening, burning pain as it Dispels Evil.)'.

You light the Incense of Enlightenment and hold it.

Samiyah smudges you with the smoke rising from the incense.
Samiyah chants, 'May any clouds of judgment be removed!'

You stop using the Incense of Enlightenment.
You give the Incense of Enlightenment to Sycora.

You say (in common), 'Hold that, please'.

Sycora lights the Incense of Enlightenment and holds it.

The smoke wafts around you, bringing a sense of calm and focus.

Samiyah gets a handful of salt from a sack of salt.
Samiyah scatters salt lightly over you, the small grains sticking to your damp skin and hair.
Samiyah chants, 'May only that which is pure, remain!'

As the salt settles over you, you feel grounded and connected to the energies of the earth.

You nod.
You say (in common), 'now that we have purified the outside, we will purify the inside.'.

You get some tawny sand from a saddlebag.
You say (in common), 'Stick out your tongue.'.

Sycora opens her mouth and slowly licks her lips as she sticks out her tongue.

Samiyah sprinkles the grains of sand upon your tongue.
Samiyah makes a face. 'Sorry, it doesn't taste very good -- but .. eat that.'

You give some tawny sand to Sycora.

Sycora eats some tawny sand.

You get a flask of bright orange liquid from a saddlebag.
You give a flask of bright orange liquid to Sycora.

You say (in common), 'And heal the wounds left behind by this evil spell...'.
You say (in common), 'please drink that.'.

Sycora quaffs a flask of bright orange liquid.

You say (in common), 'Lastly, we will remove any outside connections.'.

> c unfetter sycora
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
Your spell failed.

You say (in common), 'would you step north?'.

> n
Lower South-Western Courtyard
[Exits: north east south up]

Sycora arrives from the south.

You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
Your spell failed.
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
Your spell failed.
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
Your spell failed.
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
Your spell failed.

Samiyah wrinkles her brow in thought.

Sycora says (in elven), 'problems?'.

You say (in common), 'well, the spell isn't working quite as it usually does'.

You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
Your spell failed.
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
Your spell failed.

Sycora says (in elven), 'what spell?'.

You say (in common), 'I just get a message that the spell failed.'.
You say (in common), '(unfetter)'.

The Baths
[Exits: north]
A pile of gritty sand lies here, part of an old sandpainting kit.

Sycora arrives from the north.

You get the varnished iron wand from a saddlebag.
You give the varnished iron wand to Sycora.

You say (in common), 'that may well work.'.

You say (in common), 'please zap yourself'.

Sycora holds the varnished iron wand in her hands.
Sycora zaps herself with the varnished iron wand.
Sycora stops using the varnished iron wand.

You tell Venom (in common), '(you feel a connection being painfully severed abruptly.) '.

Samiyah nods with satisfaction.

You say (in common), 'well... how do you feel? Any urges to go and make steaks and give them to the Foul One?'.

Sycora says (in elven), 'nope'.

You say (in common), 'May I have the wand?'.
Sycora gives you the varnished iron wand.

You thank Sycora heartily.

You say (in common), 'Now...'.
You say (in common), 'I was told that if you do not have some means of support and strength, that the Foul One could simply charm you again'.
You say (in common), 'so .. please consider joining a following, or spending time with others...'.

You smile at her.

Samiyah carefully sweeps up the sand and salt.

You get some gritty sand.
You put some gritty sand in a saddlebag.

Sycora says (in elven), 'well i do not believe in gods and i'm not well liked'.

You say (in common), 'I can try to be your friend, if you will let me'.

Sycora sits down and thinks deeply.

You say (in common), 'we did not start off well, when we first met, but perhaps that could change?'.

Sycora says (in elven), 'i do owe you a favor'.

You blink.
You say (in common), 'Why do you say that?'.

Sycora says (in elven), 'you removed this curse so i owe you'.

You shake your head.

      1. [Scrye group-tells (in common), 'I should leave you to tend to your slave.']

You say (in common), 'No... it is my duty from the Sahib to help anyone who is harmed by evil.'.
You say (in common), 'Is he attempting to communicate with you at all?'.
You say (in common), 'I would imagine he might be a bit .. concerned... feeling the connection severed.'.

Venom yells (in common), 'What meddling have you done sand-goat!'.

You ponder the question.
You say (in common), 'well. That would be him being concerned, yes.'.

Sycora says (in elven), 'well its my belief to pay my debts'.

You smile at her.
You say (in common), 'if you wish.'.
You say (in common), 'but I would rather just be friends - and there is no debt between friends.'.

Sycora says (in elven), 'when you need me my blade and magic is yours'.

You smile at her.

You say (in common), 'Perhaps you can teach me things, like hunting and tracking'.
You say (in common), 'Tross says that tracking is very helpful.'.

Sycora says (in elven), 'can be'.

You say (in common), 'well, he hasn't dared approach'.
You say (in common), 'which is good'.
You say (in common), 'though he is lurking about'.
You say (in common), 'stay here a moment'.

Lower South-Western Courtyard
[Exits: north east south up]

> c phosphate
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
This place feels a little too artificial.

The Baths
[Exits: north]
( 2) (Token magic) A magical spring flows from the ground here.
Sycora is here.

You say (in common), 'drat'.
You say (in common), 'I cannot phosphate here.'.

Sycora says (in elven), 'i need food'.

You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
A Magic Mushroom suddenly appears.
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
A Magic Mushroom suddenly appears.
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
A Magic Mushroom suddenly appears.

You say (in common), 'could you alarm for Venom please?'.
You say (in common), 'he is sneaky.'.

Sycora gets a Magic Mushroom.
Sycora eats a Magic Mushroom.
Sycora gets a Magic Mushroom.
Sycora eats a Magic Mushroom.

Sycora utters the words, 'arabraw'.
Sycora leaves north.

You gossip (in common), 'I need to stay with a friend for a ... er.. well.. maybe not.'.

The Pit
[Exits: east up]
A pit for donations dominates the room.
(Dark Purple Aura) Venom is here.
(Invis) Sycora is here.

Venom grumbles.
Venom slaps you across the face leaving a distinct stinging sensation.

Sycora curtseys gracefully for you.

Samiyah covers her mouth with one hand as she gasps in surprise.

Venom says (in common), 'You foolish sand-goat'.

Samiyah's hand slides to her cheek and she glares at you.

You say (in common), 'Do not ever strike me again.'.

Venom says (in common), 'do NOT meddle with my magics!.'.

You say (in common), 'I told you that I would stop you. I have learned how to break your charm. And I will do it again and again.'.

Venom says (in common), 'You have stopped nothing, naive girl.'.
Venom throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!

You say (in common), 'She is no longer charmed. her will is her own.'.

Venom says (in common), 'Have you ever heard the expression, "There is more than one way to skin a bard?|"'.

You say (in common), 'No. I haven't. It sounds made up.'.

Venom says (in common), 'You will pay for your interference.'.

You say (in common), 'That may well be true.'.

Venom growls.
Venom leaves east.

You say (in common), 'But it is worth it to free someone.'.


(Log by Sami)

You ftell, 'Hello, Sahib!'.

Seraph ftells, 'hello all'.

You ftell, 'I defeated some Evil! *beams and bounces a bit with excitement*'.

Seraph ftells, 'how sami'.

You ftell, 'I broke an evil enchantment!'.

Seraph ftells, 'gratz sami'.

You ftell, ':)'.

Odie ftells, 'so whats it mean when you broke an evil enchantment?'.

You ftell, 'well..'.

Odie ftells, 'maybe im a raging moron'.

Melven ftells, 'nod..'.
Melven ftells, 'me too'.

You ftell, 'Venom casts spells on people and charms them and forces them to do his bidding.'.
You ftell, 'He Charmed two different people.'.

Melven ftells, 'ah'.

You ftell, 'one person consented, so .. while that's horrible, I didn't do anything about that. The other person did NOT consent... so I worked to
break the enchantment and did research with a very very ancient mage and he gave me some suggestions on how to do it. . . and it worked!! And he is
_hopping_ mad.'.

Odie ftells, 'well when he gets in range ill have a special macro set for him "c ri venom"'.

You ftell, '*grins mischievously*'.

Sirka ftells, 'lol'.
Sirka ftells, 'and i will have c 'dispel evil' venom'.

You ftell, '*ponder*'.
You ftell, 'I have rift and dispel evil...'.
You ftell, 'but mine are awful. :('.

Sirka ftells, 'yeah but ours hits like mack trucks'.

You ftell, '*nods*'.
You ftell, 'none of my spells hit hard'.

Odie ftells, 'mine doesn't yet'.

You ftell, 'but my feet...'.
You ftell, 'that's another thing entirely'.

Odie ftells, 'but at his level a kick hitting him would hurt also'.
Odie ftells, 'he has the attitude like Tes'.

You ftell, '.. I like Tes. '.
You ftell, 'but i do NOT like Venom.'.

Sirka ftells, '-Info- Venom has advanced to level 14.'.

Odie gossips (in common), 'OOOOOO'.

Tynian gossips, 'Cognrats, Venom'.

Kandan gossips (in common), 'Gratz on level'.

Bortex gossips (in common), 'Gratz Venom'.

Sirka ftells, 'is he about ready for me to toast him yet?'.

Venom gossips (in common), 'Thank you all.'.

You ftell, 'Venom (XLI): Male Elf 13 Mage, 11 Warrior, 11 Thief (Eff. 19)'.
You ftell, '... soon.'.

Charmed, I'm Sure

(Log by Sami)

Guild Hall
[Exits: north east south west]
This huge room is the meeting place for all known adventurers of the
world. Due to special magics set upon the room, going north will allow
you instant transport to your hometown, no matter what your race may
be. The room is filled with many people, most of them wannabe
adventurers, but scattered amongst the throng of people you spot more
than a few living legends. It is rumored that even immortals visit
this place upon occasion.

Venom tells you (in common), '*curses your name as he finishes his last steak*'.

You tell Venom (in common), '*smiles and bows*'.

Venom arrives from the north.
A halfling youth arrives from the north.

A halfling youth bows before you.

Samiyah's brow furrows as she frowns, looking troubled.

A halfling youth says (in halfling), 'z yyyu itc munyn...'.

You shrug.
You say (in common), 'I don't speak that language.'.

Venom says (in common), 'I guess that doesn't matter since nobody was talking to you.'.
Venom grins evilly, his elongated fangs glistening.

> l venom
Venom says (in common), 'Come along young friend... I am hungry...'.

The charm on a halfling youth wears off, and he returns from where he came.

You giggle.

Venom leaves north.

You say (in common), 'Whoopsie. I guess he didn't like you much, either...'


(Log by Sabella)

The Lower Hall
[Exits: north up]
This hallway must have been built by giants! It is huge! Then
again, there are more than a few giants that belong to The Guild, so
it may just be so. A stairway leads up to another hallway above.
A ball made of bright red light is here.
A copy of the TFC Daily News lies here.
Belgarion, The Past Grand Finder, is here.
Mish Leigh Salvandor will use her contacts to help you... for a price.

An aura of darkness has been purged!

Sabella grumbles.

Sabella gossips (in common), 'Greetings, darlings'.

Wish gossips, 'Hello Sabella'.

Sabella gossips (in common), 'WISH! There you are!'.

Wish gossips, 'Here I am. I have heard you have been looking for me. Which, I must admit, fills me with both interest and trepidation.'.

Sabella gossips (in common), 'I have! Though I heard the most dreadful news and I hope it isn't true.'.

Wish gossips, 'Do you wish to join the Alchemists? '.

Sabella gossips (in common), 'I'm nothing to be afraid of, Wish, dear.'.

The Coral Cave
[Exits: south]
Nessa is here.
(Intense Dark Red Aura) Wish is resting here.

Wish bows before Sabella.

Belgarion gossips (in common), 'what could this news be?'.

Nessa grins evilly at you.

Wish waves a hand idly around him.

> L wish
Before you stands a strange elven man with
mezmerizing, translucent skin. It flashes and wavers with
many bright hues, helping him to both blend into his
surroundings, and convey his quickly changing emotions.
His eyes are uncommonly large, even for an elf, and you
begin to feel uncomfortable when you notice that they never
seem to blink. With those menacing eyes he seems to be boring
into the cold depths of your very soul...
Wish is bathed in the essence of charisma.
Wish is in perfect health.

Wish says, 'welcome to Coral Cave, Sabella'.
Wish smiles happily.

Sabella visibly wilts a bit. 'It's true, then... all those lovely tentacles...'

Wish's shoulders slack a bit.
Wish nods in recognition to Sabella.

Sabella says (in common), 'Hello, Nessa'.

Sabella paces around Wish, examining his new form.
Sabella sighs..
Sabella says (in common), 'I had such plans for those tentacles..'.

Wish says, 'yes, it is true, Sabella. My form has been...Alchemized. However, I am working to get it back'.

Nessa scurries out.
Nessa giggles.

Sabella brightens.

Wish says, 'I have pretty much all that I need for my own alchemy'.

Sabella says (in common), 'get them back?'.
Sabella likes that idea.

Wish nods in recognition to Sabella.
Wish says, 'I have brewed a potion...and obtained the final ingredient - the Catalyst, as one might say.
Wish smiles happily.

Sabella doesn't seem particularly following the conversation as she examines you.

Wish says, 'but...there is just one thing'.

Sabella says (in common), 'hmm?'.
Sabella says (in common), 'What's that?'.

Sabella breaks off her rather close perusal.

Wish says, 'I have been exploring the pleasures of this form..and finding them...interesting. Compelling, even'.

Sabella smiles slowly. 'Indeed?'

Wish sidles a bit closer to Sabella.
Wish says, 'I have been having certain...urges. Urges, which, having been the only sentient Cuttlefish, I never truly have had before'.

Sabella smirks slightly, and says, "I have been hearing tales about them... something about desserts and a sweet tooth.'.

Wish says, 'yes, there is that.. and yet... This is something more. Something...more mature'.

Sabella arches one eyebrow, the expression wickedly inquisitive.
Sabella asks, a world of inquiry in a single word: 'Oh?'

Wish blushes visibly.

Sabella teases, 'Steak and potatoes?'

Wish says, 'not quite'.

Sabella says (in common), 'What, then?'.

Wish says, 'well, I have never experienced pleasures of the flesh'.
Wish's face turns bright red.

Sabella lightly strokes her fingertips down your face, as if to ease away the blush. She asks softly, 'and do you wish to?'.

Wish shivers with nervous excitement.
Wish fumbles his words.
Wish says, 'I....I ....yes, I believe I do'.

Sabella tilts her head to one side, regarding you.
Sabella says (in common), 'There are as many diverse pleasures of the flesh to be had, as there are different types of fish in the sea.'.

Wish's eyebrows shoot up with intrigue.

Sabella says (in common), 'Some are sweet and gentle and kind... some are brutal and bloody and ugly - but all pleasures of the flesh are a sacred sacrament of one form or another. Some leave you aching for more, and others leave you begging for mercy.'.

Wish says, 'I see...'.

Sabella asks in a voice of surprising gentleness, 'What is it that you wish to learn? You will bear this form for a very, very long time, if you wish to learn it all.'.

Wish says, 'Although I wish to explore them all, the most interesting are those that make me feel powerful, and in control.'.

Sabella smiles slowly. 'Indeed?'

Wish says, 'Yes. Is it not the Alchemist's deepest wish? To control the Change?'.

Sabella says (in common), 'I do not know much of Alchemy. My magic is of a more base kind.'.

Wish says, 'I believe, in the end, they may be one and the same. Magic, reduced to its base...is mastery over Change. Having the patience...the will...to wait and then releasing it at the right moment'.

Sabella gets a slightly dreamy look in her eye, remembering an encounter containing just such elements as you describe.

Sabella nods.
Sabella says (in common), 'When do you wish to begin your lessoning?'.

Wish says, 'Do you, Sabella, wish to instruct me in these things?'.

Sabella blinks away the memory and answers in a somewhat formal tone, 'It was the task given to me by Sirak and Molo. To serve in that capacity:'

Wish frowns.

Sabella says (in common), 'Whether it was giving instruction or serving as a vessel or being a playground for others to enjoy. It is what I live for.'.

Wish says, 'This I understand, Sabella...but I must inquire...it is my nature.'.

Sabella gestures at her body.
Sabella says (in common), 'it is what I was made for.'

Wish says, 'Very good then. I would have it be your own choice, not the choice of another, even if from Sirak or the Lich. This I would demand, in fact.'.

Sabella says (in common), 'So I would answer: Yes. I would enjoy instructing you in discovering your path to mastery.'.

Wish bows before Sabella.
Wish says, 'So I am honored then, to have you as my teacher'.

Sabella smiles.
Sabella says (in common), 'Excellent.'.

Wish says, 'You, Sabella, are always welcome in Coral Cave. To enjoy its comforts, in my presence or absence.'.

Sabella drops into a curtsey, her head bowed.

Wish smiles happily.

Sabella says (in common), 'There are some schools of thought that say, 'to be able to Master, one must first serve.' I do not necessarily agree or disagree with that statement. It depends on the individual. There are some, who by their nature, are unable to bend a knee.. and others, who are able to do so, within the context of the lesson.'.

Wish tells you, 'You and I, our interactions have been few. But I believe you know my ego not to be too large'.

Sabella nods.

Wish tells you, 'Within the context of a lesson, I am willing to serve...to learn'.

You tell Wish (in common), 'Excellent.'.

Sabella takes a step closer to you, her hand rising to rest on your chest, just above your heart.

Wish straightens up, looking down at Sabella with affection.

Sabella lets her fingertips read your pulse as her thumb lightly strokes the skin through your clothing.

Sabella says (in common), 'The first lesson is this: to master another, you must know what you wish of them.'.

Wish extends his neck out, closing his eyes, feeling her touch.
Wish whispers, almost breathlessly..."First...to kiss."

Sabella arches one eyebrow, the expression wickedly inquisitive.
Sabella says (in common), 'Indeed? Oh, my dear, dear, Wish... there are as many kisses as there are types of squid.'.

Wish opens his eyes, looking Sabella directly in the eyes.
Wish says, 'The kiss of the Sepiod then. Entwining... grasping... squeezing...Engulfing.'.

Sabella says (in common), '.. passionate.'.
Sabella slides her hands up your chest and onto your shoulders, exerting a firm pressure. 'Then.. kneel.'

Wish kneels slowly, his gaze never leaving Sabella's.

Sabella follows you smoothly to the sandy floor of the cave, her knees to either side of yours, straddling your lap. She guides your hands to the curve of her waist and hip.

Wish reaches down, cupping Sabella from behind firmly to support her.

Sabella slides her fingers along your scalp, fingertips and nails lightly grazing the skin, the pressure increasing steadily as her hands slide to the back of your skull. She draws you closer, her grasp firm.

Wish moves with Sabella, his hand grasping her even more firmly, pulling her into his body.

Sabella's lips find yours, her body nestled tightly against you, her arms holding you close, entwined.

Wish presses his lips against Sabella's, enjoying their perfect suppleness, the earthy smell of her skin.

Sabella's teeth catch at your lower lip, tugging at it, her tongue flicking at the edges of your mouth.

Wish opens his mouth slightly, his tongue extending out to touch Sabella's.

Sabella makes a soft, predatory sound in the back of her throat as she squirms in pleasure at the contact.

Wish breaths in Sabella's breath, each inhale causing his body to tense and his muscles to firm.

Sabella draws your tongue into her mouth with a hard, fast suction, pulling on it just slightly.

Wish allows his tongue to explore her mouth, his lips pressed firmly against hers.

Sabella ensures that the rest of her body is in contact with yours, squirming deliciously in your grip, as her tongue and lips entwine with yours.

Sabella makes a sound of approval and draws back.
Sabella says (in common), '.. an excellent first effort, Student.'.

Wish reaches out toward Sabella with his lips, not wanting it to end.

Sabella rises, her heartbeat loud in your Immortal ears, stepping just out of reach.

Sabella offers you a hand to rise.

Wish almost clambers after her, his desire physically obvious.
Wish says, 'thank you, Sabella. That was...immensely pleasurable'.

Sabella smiles slowly and nods.

Wish says, 'I do hope our next encounter is...longer'.

Sabella says (in common), 'I enjoyed it very much.'.

Wish bows before Sabella.

Sabella says (in common), 'until the next time.'.

Wish nods.
Wish smiles brightly, his body and face glowing.
Wish waves happily.

Sabella waves.

Wish disappears into the ether.

Sabella smiles languidly, her eyes drifting closed for a moment, as her fingertips slide over her mouth, savoring the memory of the kiss.

Sabella shivers in delight. Brrrrrrrrr.