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Drakar’s Recruitment

(Log by Seithr)

You tell Drakar (in common), 'Have you given thought to once again having a home, Grimward Tiger?'.

Drakar tells you (in common), 'I am reflecting and considering my options..'.

You tell Drakar (in common), 'It is not an easy decision to make, I'll grant.'.
You tell Drakar (in common), 'Hutt has the women, though. *winks*'.

You tell Drakar (in common), 'As well as some old power players. *shrug* But that's not important to you, I warrant.'.

Drakar tells you (in common), '*laugh* I would make my decision based on that, hmm?'.

You tell Drakar (in common), '*grin* Well, no, but Tigers do have a fierce hunger, do they not?'.
You tell Drakar (in common), 'And you need to be fed properly in order to battle well, yess?'

Drakar tells you (in common), 'I'm following you.. *grin*'.
Drakar tells you (in common), 'I was intent on hearing you talk about Tiger's appetites...'.

You tell Drakar (in common), '*grins slowly, moving around behind you and trailing a single fingernail across your neck, her mouth close to your ear*'.

You tell Drakar (in common), '*her whisper dances across your flesh heatedly* Come to where you know you'll be sated.'.

Drakar tells you (in common), '*ponders* A witch could seek comfort in so many places...'.

You tell Drakar (in common), '...You wonder why I chose here?'.
You tell Drakar (in common), 'Or are you referring to other kinds of comfort?'.

Drakar tells you (in common), 'I am curious as to where you invited me...mind sorcery is not one of my gifts..'.

You tell Drakar (in common), 'Ahh...well, I did mention Hutt. I was inviting you into our fold, though with sneaky means of doing so. You've caught me. *wink*'.

Drakar tells you (in common), 'Silly witch, do you really think your tricks will work on me?'.

Drakar tells you (in common), '*grins*'.

You tell Drakar (in common), '*grins back* If I try hard enough, perhaps? *slides an arm around from behind and strokes your chest, nipping at your ear lightly*'.

Drakar tells you (in common), 'Dear Seithr...I am a man Tiger of great resolve and personal abstain..*wink*'.

You tell Drakar (in common), '*nuzzles the bit of flesh above your beating pulse* Well...perhaps you would enjoy a good chase, then. *abruptly pulls away and runs off*'.

Drakar tells you (in common), 'I'm 864 years old..I can't run! *mumbles* Younglings....'.

You tell Drakar (in common), '*laughs and continues on running* Good! I need a good head start!'.

      • Some Travel and time later ***

The Kitchen
[Exits: west]
Any experienced adventurer can tell you that it isn't always easy to
find food. For new adventurers this task is even more difficult.
Originally this room was built to feed those adventurers who could not
do it for themselves. Dues negotiations with guild members forced
cutbacks in the staff and building maintenance so that all that is left
now is a fountain where you can still get a drink.
A small white fountain gushes forth here.
Drakar is here.

You grin happily at him.

Drakar grins wickedly.

You say (in common), 'Love that grin.'.

You say (in common), 'It makes me wonder what you're thinking.'.

Drakar says (in common), 'I rarely let others know, hmm?'.

You raise your eyebrow at him.
You say (in common), 'Why not? Sometimes a hint can go a really long way.'.
You wink suggestively at Drakar.

Drakar whistles appreciatively.
Drakar looks at you.
Drakar says (in common), 'Mangey!?!'.

Drakar pokes you in the ribs.

Seithr grins lopsidedly and shrugs.

You say (in common), 'I like to get dirty.'.
You wink suggestively at Drakar.

Drakar sits down and thinks deeply.

You chuckle.

You say (in common), 'It's from wandering the rough terrains, fighting nasty creatures, etc.'.
You say (in common), 'Not like I don't bathe.'.

Drakar laughs.

Seithr discreetly sniffs an armpit.

Drakar says (in common), 'I like to bathe.'.

You say (in common), 'Of course. Tigers love the water.'.

Drakar says (in common), 'well… with others, too'.

Seithr grins wide. "Even better."

Drakar says (in common), 'I'm great.'.
Drakar says (in common), 'at swimming..'.

Seithr raises a brow and kicks at the floor idly. "I assume the more stokes an artist does, the better a swimmer gets."

Drakar says (in common), 'Well, it’s all about practice, really'.

Drakar says (in common), 'Form is important.'.

Seithr nods quickly. "As is method."

Drakar says (in common), 'Absolutely. I would wager that I am the best swimmer that you have ever seen.'.

Seithr grins again, her eyes dancing with amusement. "I would love to witness that sometime."

Drakar says (in common), 'Perhaps when the mood strikes me..'.
Drakar snickers softly.

Seithr tilts her head slightly, unable to hide a small pout. "Did I fail my duties in helping the mood along?"

Drakar says (in common), 'Was that your duty? I thought maybe you just wanted to?'.
Drakar grins wickedly at you.

You laugh.
You say (in common), 'Good answer. And I did.'.

Mnaramenth arrives from the west.
Mnaramenth drinks water from a fountain.
Mnaramenth pokes you in the ribs.

You grin happily at him.
You hug him.

Mnaramenth says (in elven), 'you busy?'.

You say (in common), 'Umm...'.

Drakar grins to himself. What IS he thinking about...?!

Mnaramenth chuckles, evidently amused.

Seithr looks to Drakar, then back to Mnar.

Drakar laughs.

You say (in common), 'Not yet?'.

Mnaramenth says (in elven), 'I could leave you two to play'.
Mnaramenth laughs.

You snicker softly.

Mnaramenth leaves west.

You ftell, 'Are we going to exp?'.

Mnaramenth ftells, 'When you're done molesting Drakar'.

You ftell, 'Just flirting really. LOL'.

Mnaramenth ftells, 'well maybe that's why he's not already on ftell :P'.
Mnaramenth ftells, 'molest him a little'.

You ftell, '*laugh* Ouch.'.

Mnaramenth ftells, 'might wanna take it somewhere other than Kitchen though :P'.

You ftell, 'I didn't take him here.'.

Mnaramenth ftells, 'So take him somewhere now *cackle*'.

You tell Drakar (in common), 'I have been advised to molest you so you'll hurry up and get on ftell.'.
You snicker softly.

Drakar throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!

You grin happily.

Drakar says (in common), 'Is that my going price now?'.
Drakar laughs.

You say (in common), 'Well....at least you feel wanted!'.
You wink suggestively at Drakar.

Drakar says (in common), 'Well, you have a point. Appeal to my ego..'.
Drakar grins wickedly.

You smile happily.
You say (in common), 'Seithr 1, Drakar 0?'.

Drakar sits down and thinks deeply.

You say (in common), 'Ignore that.'.
You laugh.

Drakar says (in common), 'That is not appealing to my sense of competition..'.
Drakar grins wickedly.

You say (in common), 'No, which is why I wanted you to ignore it.'.
You cough.

Drakar snickers with you about your shared secret.

You say (in common), 'There are much more interesting things to pay attention to.'.

Drakar says (in common), 'This is true..'.

Seithr sulks visibly, studying you. "Surely I'm attractive enough. I'm an elf! So what is your hesitancy? You have not yet made a single move."

You say (in common), 'Perhaps I come on too strong.'.
You sigh at yourself. You MUST be lonely.

Drakar says (in common), 'I'm sorry, someone....already has my heart..'.
Drakar says (in common), 'Well..'.
Drakar says (in common), 'No...'.
Drakar says (in common), 'Thats a lie.'.
Drakar grins wickedly.

You chuckle at his joke.
You say (in common), 'I wasn't asking for your heart.'.

Drakar says (in common), 'The pursuit is fun for me.'.

You say (in common), 'I see. So I took all the fun out of it for you.'.
You frown. What's bothering you?

Drakar says (in common), 'I didn't say that.'.
Drakar says (in common), 'You haven't caught me, yet..'.
Drakar tickles you - hee hee hee.
Drakar grins wickedly.

Seithr laughs and squirms. "No, it seems the other way around. STOP!"

Drakar says (in common), 'There is a point to prove here..'.

You say (in common), 'Are you going to enlighten me?'.

Drakar says (in common), 'If you ever ask me to chase you, eventually I will catch you because you'll come to me..'.
Drakar winks suggestively.

You raise your eyebrow at him.
You say (in common), 'Is that so?'.
You say (in common), 'Wait...'.

Drakar says (in common), 'Historically..'.

Seithr frowns in sudden realization of her doing just that.

Drakar says (in common), 'It's an advance form of chasing that I learned..'.
Drakar says (in common), 'Umm...'.
Drakar says (in common), 'Yeah. Advanced.'.
Drakar grins wickedly.

You smirk at his saying.
You say (in common), 'I know better than to speak my mind on THAT one.'.
You say (in common), 'I should go.'.

Drakar says (in common), 'Discretion is the better part of valor?'.
Drakar says (in common), 'Go?'.
Drakar says (in common), 'Where?'.

Venom arrives from the west.

You say (in common), 'To bed.'.

Venom looks at Drakar.
Venom bows deeply.

You curtsey to Venom.

Samiyah arrives from the west.

Drakar looks at Venom.

Samiyah looks at Venom.

Venom looks at Samiyah.

Samiyah leaves west.

Venom looks at you.

Drakar says (in common), 'Well then, goodnight I suppose..'.

You smile at him.

Venom grins evilly, his elongated fangs glistening.

Seithr frowns at Venom's grin. "I am not food."

Drakar says (in common), 'My fangs are bigger.'.

You grin happily at him.

Samiyah arrives from the west.

The Charmed One

(Log by Samiyah)

Venom gossips (in common), 'Sycora, could you be a sweet heart and fill this bag with steaks for me?'.

You frown. What's bothering you?

You tell Sycora (in common), 'hello..'.

Sycora tells you (in elven), 'hello'.

Venom gossips (in common), 'What a sweet heart.. You see, if you ask nicely, people do help you.'.

You tell Sycora (in common), '*hesitantly* once you told me that Someone told you to help me. May I ask who that was?'.

Sycora tells you (in elven), ‘I swore I would not say, but it’s someone close to you'.

You tell Sycora (in common), 'Was it the Sahib Seraph?'.

Sycora tells you (in elven), ‘I cannot say, I swore an oath'.
Sycora tells you (in elven), 'why do you ask?'.

You tell Sycora (in common), 'I ask because … a spell has been cast on you that you do not know about and I hoped that Someone could help break it'.

Sycora tells you (in elven), 'a spell?'.

You tell Sycora (in common), 'Yes. A spell. '.

Sirka (unseen) ftells, '-Info- Venom has advanced to level 12.'.

You ftell, '*glare*'.

Sirka ftells, '?'.

You ftell, 'Venom.'.

Sirka ftells, 'lol'.

You ftell, 'bad man.'.

Sirka ftells, ‘I didn't do it'.

Sycora tells you (in elven), ‘I do not feel different'.
Sycora tells you (in elven), ‘I feel fine'.

You tell Sycora (in common), 'No.. you wouldn't.. you would just be very willing to do the tasks that the person who cast the spell on you wants you to do.. have you been making a lot of steaks lately?'.

Sycora tells you (in elven), 'hmm yes I have'.

You tell Sycora (in common), 'and strangely you want to give them to a certain person, don’t you?'.

Sycora tells you (in elven), 'yah - it is kinda odd'.

You tell Sycora (in common), '... it is evil magic is what it is! '.

Sycora tells you (in elven), 'odd'.

You tell Sycora (in common), 'He brags of it to others, how he has cast this magic on you and makes you do as he wants with you all unawares'.

You tell Sycora (in common), 'I do not know how to break the spell.. but I have some ideas..'.

Ceremonial Room
[Exits: east]
(Dark Purple Aura) Venom is here.
(Dark Blue Aura) Melven is resting here.

Venom arrives from the east.
Venom bows deeply.
Venom grins evilly, his elongated fangs glistening.

(Sami leaves and goes to...)

Entrance to Temple Courtyard
[Exits: west up]

Sycora tells you (in elven), 'nod'.

You tell Sycora (in common), 'I suppose the most important question is - does it bother you if someone has cast evil magic on you?'.

Sycora tells you (in elven), ‘I must depart - I will return - and it does'.

You tell Sycora (in common), 'do you want it gotten rid of?'.

Sycora tells you (in elven), 'of course'.

Venom arrives from the west.
Venom leaves west.