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The Lost

(Log by DarkClaw)

Venom ftells, 'Evie... Are you busy or could you help me kill a mob?'.

Evie ftells, 'Just regen after that mm'.
Evie ftells, 'Won't be too long :-)'.

Venom ftells, 'Excellent. No worries, time is abundant.'.
Venom ftells, 'How are you liking having your sight back?'.

Evie ftells, 'hehe, it's lovely'.
Evie ftells, 'Thank you'.

Venom ftells, 'No problem. It made more sense for you to have it.'.

Evie ftells, 'Well, I wasn't *entirely* blind... soul sense is kind of like seeing fuzz without glasses'.
Evie ftells, 'But just like glasses, someone/thing would have to be in front of my nose :-p'.
Evie ftells, 'There, all done, where would you like to meet?'.

You ftell, 'In other words, if it was a "snake", it would bite you.'.

Evie ftells, 'hehe'.

Evie ftells, 'Yup'.

Venom ftells, 'nydia'.

Evie ftells, '*nod* omw'.

Venom ftells, 'We have to go kill an abbott'.
Venom ftells, 'I need some wine...'.

Evie ftells, 'heh, DC, Taliesin asked ghaz and I yesterday why we were so nice'.

You ftell, 'What did you do that was so nice?'.

Evie ftells, 'my reply was that we're evil, not rude'.

Venom ftells, 'Nice answer.'.

You ftell, '*laugh* *nod* Indeed.'.

Evie ftells, 'No clue, I was just in the room :-p'.

You ftell, 'Agreed. A great answer.'.

Evie ftells, 'And then I felt old. I then said that every time I hear Jiminy Cricket I flick him off my shoulder'.

Venom ftells, 'ok let's nail him'.

Evie ftells, 'It went over his head :-/'.

You [GS] tell Evie, 'Please be careful. He spoke of charming a ranger recently.'.

Evie tells you (in common), '*nod*'.

You ftell, '*grin*'.

You [GS] tell Evie, 'And I know that he uses wine in his charm spell.'.

Evie tells you (in common), 'Oh. hehe. duly noted!'.

Venom ftells, 'I also need some dung, but I can get that.'.
Venom ftells, 'talk about wrong turn'.

You [GS] tell Evie, '...And dung. *sigh*'.

Venom ftells, 'Thank you, Evie.'.

Evie ftells, 'You're welcome!'.

You [GS] tell Venom, 'Who are you intending to charm this time, Venom? Evie is too smart to fall for it...and I can't imagine Corri doing so either.'.

Venom prays, 'A Demi-Lich knows no peer. My next charm will be a success as always.'.

You [GS] tell Venom, '*quirks a brow* That did not answer my question.'.

Venom tells you (in common), '*grin* You noticed that huh???'.
Venom tells you (in common), 'If I told you, that would hurt my chances of success... You could block me.'.

You [GS] tell Venom, 'I could still block you if I chose to.'.

Venom tells you (in common), 'Not if you aren't looking...'.

You [GS] tell Venom, 'Perhaps I need to watch you more often, then.'.

Venom tells you (in common), 'An excellent excuse Madam!'.

You [GS] tell Venom, 'Excuse?'.

Venom tells you (in common), 'Well, you already can't keep your eyes off me. Now you have an excuse...'.

You [GS] tell Venom, '*rolls her eyes and smirks* I don't watch you as often as you might like to think. I watch you no more than the others.'.

### Venom has advanced to level 3.

You ftell, 'Grats.'.

Venom ftells, 'Thank you, Madam.'.

You ftell, 'So you have pick lock already.'.

You ftell, 'Hmmm'.
You ftell, 'Zarathos might have some use for you.'.

Venom ftells, 'Anything the Lost Ones need from me, they shall have.'.

You ftell, 'Your gesture to Evie was very thoughtful...and, I confess, unexpected.'.

Venom ftells, 'I have told you Madam, my focus is not wealth.'.
Venom ftells, 'Material things to me are nothing.'.

You ftell, 'I don't consider a TS amulet wealth, more a tool to use in your other goals.'.

Venom ftells, 'It could have been useful yes and would have made life easier.'.
Venom ftells, 'But I have the only tool that I absolutely need.'.
Venom ftells, 'My wit.'.
Venom ftells, 'Besides... the item will get more use this way and thus is more productive for the Lost.'.

You ftell, 'I'll grant you that.'.

Venom ftells, 'Or did you think I was purely selfish?'.

You ftell, 'The truth?'.

Venom ftells, 'Always.'.

You ftell, 'I would expect you to do nothing without it having some purpose beneficial to you yourself.'.

Venom ftells, 'Being generous does benefit me in my relationships with those I trust.'.
Venom ftells, 'So you were partly right'.
Venom ftells, 'I can't have everyone thinking I am pure evil, I need to show a soft side at times.'.
Venom ftells, 'and like I said, I assign no value to trinkets'.
Venom ftells, 'So it was a large gesture at a small price'.

You ftell, 'I'm sure she's extremely grateful, regardless.'.

Venom ftells, 'Oh I know she is, she has shown her appreciation....'.

You ftell, '....'.

Venom arrives from the west.
Venom bows before you.

Venom says (in common), 'Happened upon this, thought you might enjoy it...'.
Venom gives you a bowl of chocolate ice cream.
Venom leaves west.

You [GS] tell Venom, '*stares after you for a moment, then looks to the bowl of ice cream in her hands with surprise, unsure of what to think*'.

Venom tells you (in common), 'Honestly, I happened to be grabbing a bucket and thought I would grab that while I was there'.

You [GS] tell Venom, 'Thank you for the thought.'.

You ftell, '*munches on her bowl of ice cream quite contentedly* I'm...detained for a little bit.'.
You ftell, '*sets the bowl aside and blinks* I need my office.'.
You ftell, 'I should stop stalling.'.

Venom ftells, 'Indeed Madam.'.

The Charming

(Log by Venom)

You say (in common), 'How much?'.

Sycora says (in elven), '2k'.
Sycora says (in elven), 'also depends on the job'.

You say (in common), 'Really? Gold?'.

Sycora says (in elven), 'but we can work that out later'.

You say (in common), 'I can pay you something far better....'.

DarkClaw ftells, '*sets the bowl aside and blinks* I need my office.'.

DarkClaw ftells, 'I should stop stalling.'.

Sycora says (in elven), 'what's better than cash?'.

You get a dozen long-stemmed red roses from an egg casing.

You whisper to her.

You give a dozen long-stemmed red roses to Sycora.

Sycora sits down and thinks deeply.

You say (in common), 'Friendship, of course...'.

Sycora says (in elven), 'i'm not well liked'.

You ftell, 'Indeed Madam.'.

Sycora says (in elven), 'but what the hell'.

You say (in common), 'I like people who are not well liked, we have things in common...'.

Sycora now follows you.


Temple of the Lost
[Exits: west]
A large eye hovers in mid-air here, emitting a soft, purple glow.
(Invis 71) (Intense Dark Purple Aura) [GS] DarkClaw is here.

Sycora arrives from the west.
Sycora says (in elven), 'if the job is big we will talk gold after'.

You say (in common), 'The job is very easy...'.

Sycora says (in elven), 'i'm not allowed in here'.

You say (in common), 'Are you certain?'.

Sycora says (in elven), 'you Goddess kicked me out some time back'.

You say (in common), 'She will never know... we'll only be here a minute.'.
You get a bottle of red wine from an egg casing.
You say (in common), 'Before we depart, let's have a small drink...'.

> 8 players.
Hum [ Wa:30 Th:30 Cl:30 ] Eldric has had his soul saved by the high order
Hum [ Cl:28 Wa:25 Th:14 ] Sirka, The Thing of The High Order
Hum [ Wa:30 Th:30 Cl:30 ] Bolaon Dalgreen -= WISDOM =-
Elf [ Ra:20 Th:15 Ma:24 ] Sycora roaming dying same old stuff
Min [ Sh:25 Wa:24 ] Odie,
Hum [ Bard: 30 30 29 ] Samiyah bint Seraph ukhayyatun Cresom: H.Order
Hum [ Lesser Goddess ] [GS] DarkClaw will bite for food. V V -= Belgarion =- <Inv 71>
Elf [ Th: 3 Wa:11 Ma:11 ] Venom, Dark Blood-Letter and Demi-Lich of the Lost

Sycora raises an eyebrow.

You give a bottle of red wine to Sycora.

Sycora says (in elven), 'I'm not that type of girl'.

You say (in common), 'Just to relax us for the journey....'.
You say (in common), 'Oh, it's safe, I promise.'.

Sycora takes a little sip of the wine.
Sycora gives you a bottle of red wine.

You smile at her.
You say (in common), 'See?'.

You get a bucket of ice from an egg casing.

Venom begins a slow incantation, hypnotizing Sycora.

You get a ball of mastodon dung from an egg casing.
You say (in common), 'For a bond, to last long, to stay strong...'.

Venom rubs some dung on Sycora with his thumb, then himself, "An adhesive.."

You put a ball of mastodon dung in a bucket of ice.

Sycora looks at her thumb.

You get a bottle of sweet smelling perfume from an egg casing.

Venom chants, 'Draw to my scent, forever your descent..'

Venom sprays himself with the perfume.

Venom chants, 'To seal the spell, the curse of the Gods!'

You drop a bucket of ice. As it hits the floor, it vanishes in a flash.

A thundering voice screams, 'HOW DARE YOU DESECRATE HOLY GROUND!'
Great fear overcomes you as your soul screams in pain.

Venom utters the words, 'charm butcher'

Sycora gets a glazed look in her eyes.

You say (in common), 'Repeat after me, Sycora!'.
You say (in common), 'You will be my willing butcher!'.

Sycora says (in elven), 'i will be your willing butcher'.

You say (in common), 'You may now place (Charmed) in your title, and go about your business.'.

Sycora shakes her head.
Sycora says (in elven), 'so what did you want?'.

You say (in common), 'Oh, nevermind.... My uh.. appointment canceled...'.
You smile happily.

Sycora says (in elven), 'oh'.

You say (in common), 'But yeah I checked the rule book and uh... You can't come in here...'.
You say (in common), 'Sorry'.
You wave goodbye to Sycora.

Sycora says (in elven), 'i better run before your Goddess comes along'.
Sycora curtseys gracefully.
Sycora leaves west.


(Log by Venom)

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'And now I have a butcher....I just wanted to show you how harmless my magic is. Now I have a butcher!'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), '...who?'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'Sycora, of course... don't you see her title?'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'Why would you even tell me about what you are doing? I am only an ignorant desert goat. Leave me out of your gloatings.'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'Oh, I just thought a virtuous goat like yourself would take it upon herself to save these people. But alas, you "goods" don't care... *turns away glancing back over his shoulder*'.

Sycora tells you (in elven), 'do you have a bag for steaks?'.

You tell Sycora (in common), 'Yes.'.

Sycora tells you (in elven), 'I don't know why but I feel like I should get you some'.

You tell Sycora (in common), 'Well how kind and thoughtful... I'm in the GH'.

Sycora arrives from the north.

You give a backpack to Sycora.

Sycora leaves west.

Samiyah tells you (in common), '*rolls her eyes* I think you need to work on your lines more. A brand new bard could have delivered that less bad.'.

DarkClaw gossips, 'Hello, everyone.'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'Maybe, or maybe my goal is not what you think.'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'I will stop you in any way I can from hurting innocents.'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'I was hoping you would say that.'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'And no, I do not know what you are up to but it is no good, that I am sure of.'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'You see, I'm not just gloating Sami... I want you to try and save them.'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), '*sighs quietly, admitting in a low voice* I do not know how except to stop it where I can. I do not know anything about your mini-lich magic.'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'Exactly. So now you face a bargain worse than Maurice's.'.

Someone gives you a backpack.
Someone curtseys gracefully for you.

You bow deeply.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'I obviously stand to gain from you saving these wretched Charmed Ones. Or I would never have been gloating. So you must choose if you want to save them, knowing I have devised a way to gain from this. Or allow them to remain my slaves... forever.'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'I am told that both Verminard and Sayyida DarkClaw consented to his Charming so there is nothing I will do about that. As for Sycora.. that I will have to think on. '.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'Sycora still doesn't even know... there was no consent. You alone will decide Sycora's fate, and prevent future charming.'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'What do you want?'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'Let me know if you decide to save Sycora, and I will offer you a deal.'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'tell me what you want. I am not agreeing to anything without getting guidance from the Sahib and perhaps even Sayyida.'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'In the near future Ghazkull will be providing me with the name of a secret item, he is bound to do that. And he cannot talk about the details; he has given his word on the matter. When he gives me the name of this secret item, I will require someone to fetch it. Naturally I am still too young and weak. You will choose between fetching me the item without questioning its use, or.. Sycora remains mine, and possibly others in the future. '.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'Then I can give an answer now: No. I may not help evils.'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'You are not helping me... You are making a trade. The item, for a realm free of my charms. No more taking people's will away from them. I suggest you talk it over with those you trust... I know what others say about you means a lot to you.'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'You are a snake and I do not trust your word. There are many in Lost who could fetch a thing'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'I will swear it before my Goddess, may she slay me and torture me forever should I break my word.'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'So that must mean that it is important that it be me and that means it could be a bad thing you wish to do - directed at me or Ghazkull. So: No.'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'I intend to do nothing directed at you nor Ghazkull. The one who retrieves the item must not be a Lost One. That is all that matters... You I offer this to because you are strong like a goat and I had a hunch you would care enough about others to free them from my spell.'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'You should not be charming people.'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'That is just your opinion. Maybe DarkClaw torture me for eternity if I break my word on the matter.'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'But you have made yourself a goat. Have Sycora fetch your thing.'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'Sycora's charm is for steaks alone, I have not yet the strength to do much more.'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'Try asking her nicely. It is amazing what people will do - just to be nice - when you are not trying to force them into doing it'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), '*snorts in derision* I leave the matter with you. I can go on charming, or you can make a deal and save innocent minds.'.

DarkClaw ftells, 'Are you on any type of quest?'.

You ftell, 'No'.

You ftell, 'Just chatting'.

DarkClaw ftells, '*nod*'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'YOU are not worth a rift from Seraph to help.'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'You are not helping me. We are making a trade.'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'I do not trust you to make a trade no matter what oaths you swear.'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'But you trust DarkClaw?'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), '...*struggles* ... in some things... but not in all.'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'So then you should trust that if she swears to enforce the deal, it will be done.'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), '... maybe, maybe not. '.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'I leave the matter with you sand-goat. If you do nothing I will charm another unwilling victim on the next night with no moon.'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'You are an evil little man. Your evil acts are not my responsibility but know that threatening a bard is never, ever wise'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'You have the chance to do something. If you do nothing then you choose to allow my evils. Like I said, I suggest you discuss the matter with your advisors.'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'That is very false and evil logic'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'Maybe so. But it is true all the same.'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'YOUR actions fault can only fall on YOU'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'Sami-"I will stop you in any way I can from hurting innocents."'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'go away evil mini lich. I am not helping you.'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'Tides turn fast in your world...'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'I will STOP you. Not help you'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'Unfortunately sand-goat... I cannot be stopped.'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'I will figure out ... something. I do not know what but I will.'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'Then farewell and good luck. *bow* My trade will remain open should you come to your senses.'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'why even bow when all you do is threaten and insult'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'I see things differently my dear, good manners above all else. I haven't made any threats...'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), '"you will do what I want Or else I will.." is a threat'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'That doesn't sound like something I would say... I believe I said... I will do this regardless, unless you make a deal... very, very different.'.

DarkClaw ftells, 'You seem content in the kitchen. Perhaps you should be a cook instead of a Demi-Lich.'.

You ftell, 'I am just distracted with Sami'.
You ftell, 'But you are right... this doesn't suit me'.

Sahib’s Counsel

(Log by Sami)

Seraph smiles at you.

Samiyah looks distraught.

Seraph says, 'What's wrong?'

Samiyah mutters, "Venom."

Seraph says, 'What about him?'

You say (in common), 'He is pure poison, just like his name.'.

Seraph says, 'Agreed. What did he do now?

You say (in common), 'he is trying to mailblack me.'.

Seraph says, 'How so?

You say (in common), 'I told him I would not help an evil and that is that.'.

Seraph nods.
Seraph says, 'What did he want you to do?'

You say (in common), 'Fetch a thing for him.'.

Seraph says, 'What did he want you to get and why?'

You say (in common), 'I don't know what or why.'.
You say (in common), 'Threats and insults and trickeries'
You say (in common), 'That's all he knows how to do.'

Seraph says, 'I wonder if you got it and destroyed it.'
Seraph says, 'But..'
Seraph says, 'There has to be a reason he wants you to do it.'.

You say (in common), 'He won't send anyone else so that is more reason not to do it.'

Seraph folds his hands behind his back.

You say (in common), 'Because some days ago, he was saying I was perfect for some plan of his, except for You.'

Seraph walks around, looking like he is in deep thought.
Seraph says, 'No, it is best you do not do as he asks.'
Seraph says, 'Let him find someone else.'

You nod.
You say (in common), 'Yes, Sahib'.
You bow deeply.

Seraph says, 'When he speaks to you, do not answer back, no matter many times he tries.'
Seraph says, 'For a couple of days -- maybe he will let something slip.'.

You nod.
You say (in common), 'Yes, Sahib. I will ignore him.'.

Seraph says, 'Just to see if he gets angry and slips up.'.

You say (in common), 'Understood, Sahib.'

Seraph smiles at you.
Seraph says, 'So smart you are.'

Seraph kisses your forehead.
You feel righteous.

You say (in common) 'No... not very.. but I know when I need guidance and this was .. complicated and hard.'

Seraph says, 'You are smart.'
Seraph says, 'When you don't understand something, you seek someone who does.'
Seraph says, 'Instead of learning the hard way.'
Seraph smiles at you.

You say, 'I knew that when he kept trying to blame me for actions he will choose to do in the future that it was likely to be trickery.'

(A bit later)

The Hall of the High Order
[Exits: North]

Seraph smiles at you.
Seraph says, 'How are you doing?'.

Samiyah sits on the floor near your throne.

You say (in common), 'I am well... though worried about this Venom thing.'.
You say (in common), 'he hasn't tried to speak to me since I woke up.'.
You say (in common), 'But I will ignore him when he does.'.

Seraph nods.
Seraph says, 'Good.'

Seraph says, 'How is your brother?'.

You say (in common), 'he seems well.'.

Seraph says, 'And besides Venom, how are you?'
Seraph says, 'When we both have time, we will have to sit and chat like old times.'

You say (in common), 'I would like that..'

Seraph smiles happily.
Seraph says, 'So would I.'

You say (in common), 'I was helping the new bard -- please forgive my distraction.'

Seraph says, 'That is fine. Always help the unaligned, unless they prove otherwise.'.

You say (in common), 'Yes Sahib. Plus, I especially like to help bards. I do not help Generation anymore and it makes him mad.'

Seraph laughs.
Seraph says, 'he picked his family.'

You nod.

A Bloody Future

(Log by Sami)

Cresom tells you, 'Hello, Sister'

You tell Cresom, 'Hello, Brother!'

Cresom tells you, 'How ya doin?

You tell Cresom, 'Well... worried. venom tried to blame me for future bad things he has not yet done, if I do not do something for him.'

Cresom tells you, 'Just let him grow some. I'll kill him. :)'

You tell Cresom, 'Thank you, Brother!'

The Seduction and Feeding

(Log by DarkClaw)

The Kitchen
[Exits: west]

(Dark Purple Aura) Venom is resting here.

You ftell, 'You seem content in the kitchen. Perhaps you should be a cook instead of a Demi-Lich.'.

Venom ftells, 'I am just distracted with Sami'.
Venom ftells, 'But you are right... this doesn't suit me'.

Venom arrives from the west.
Venom gets steak made from giant eagle from a backpack.
Venom eats steak made from giant eagle.
Venom gets steak made from elven defender from a backpack.
Venom eats steak made from elven defender.
Venom rests.
Venom says (in common), 'MMmmmm free steaks.'.

You say, 'Ghazkull treating you well, I take it?'.

Venom says (in common), 'These are from my new butcher....'.

You say, 'Indeed? You are actually shopping now for food?'.

Venom shakes his head.
Venom grins, eyes glinting with a deep evil, "Sycora is my butcher now..."

DarkClaw blinks in surprise. "Sycora...seriously."

Venom nods.
Venom says (in common), 'Female, and ranger.'.
Venom says (in common), 'Perfect....'.
Venom says (in common), 'The charm is only for steaks, she'll be fine.'.

You say, 'That's...genius!'.
You laugh.

Venom smiles happily.
Venom says (in common), 'Not sure where Verminard has been... I've been going it alone.'.

You say, 'He's been around very little.'.
You say, 'Perhaps the charm is wearing off.'.
You shrug.

Venom says (in common), 'Perhaps... it doesn't work very well on the absent...'.

You say, 'You should have added a condition to it, then.'.

DarkClaw raises a brow at you suddenly. "Did you think to include the fact that you wanted Sycora to get the actual corpses as well, or did you not think of that?"

Venom says (in common), 'She takes an empty bad and fills it with steaks, how she does it is of no concern to me.'.

DarkClaw shrugs and runs her fingers lightly over the edges of the scrolls dominating the bookshelves. "Good enough, then."

Venom says (in common), 'I must say... I already enjoy relearning the art of thievery.'.
Venom says (in common), 'Soon I will be picking pockets and backstabbing.'.
Venom grins evilly.

DarkClaw glances back to you briefly and smirks. "Fitting."
DarkClaw turns back to the shelving unit, pretending to divide her attention. "Did you know...that my father is a mage?"

Venom raises an eyebrow.
Venom ponders a moment, 'I did not know that, Madam... A battle mage?'

DarkClaw turns back to you once again, folding her arms over her chest and leaning back against the shelves in an attempt to appear relaxed.

You say, 'One of, if not the, most powerful in RhyDin.'.

Venom appears to be paying full attention, no longer attempting to be coy.
Venom says (in common), 'Do his books still exist?'.

DarkClaw shrugs and searches your face for a moment, "Perhaps. I haven't looked for them."

Venom quirks a puzzled eyebrow, 'But, why not..? Surely they contain great spells!'

You say, 'My mother's father cured me of any interest in magehood.'.

Venom says (in common), 'That must have been a hard life... At least now the power of magic is yours completly.'.

You say, 'I saw to it that I would not become...like him.'.

Venom says (in common), 'Something in him that you wanted to avoid?'.

You say, 'I wanted to avoid EVERYTHING about him.'.

Venom nods.
Venom says (in common), 'You don't have to tell me why, unless you want to...'.

Crunch ftells, 'who does odie follow'.

You ftell, 'Seraph'.

Crunch ftells, 'ah'.
Crunch ftells, 'well i had stuff purge so i'm a eunuch or however you spell it '.

You say, 'I am not one to hate...not often...'.

You ftell, 'LOL'.
You ftell, 'I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh, but the way you put it...'.

Venom says (in common), 'Oddly enough, I am not one to hate either... I find it distracting.\'.

DarkClaw pushes away from the shelf and moves to stand before you, leaning in close, her eyes flashing with restrained violence, "I -HATE- him."

Venom is taken back a bit at seeing this side of you, 'eeeasy..okay..'
Venom says (in common), 'Not to abandon you Madam, but I think I should perhaps practice my skills.'.

You nod in recognition to him.

Venom stands up.
Venom bows before you.
Venom leaves west.

Venom tells you (in common), '(damn sami keeps calling me "mini-lich")'.

You [GS] tell Venom, '(*laugh*)'.

### Venom sacrifices an immaculately beautiful long stem rose to you.

You [GS] tell Venom, '*frowns at the rose, thrown off-guard, unsure if she should even given mention of it*'.

Venom prays, '*grins at the thought of catching you off-guard* You act like nobody ever gave you a long stem rose....'.

You [GS] tell Venom, '*scowls and quickly stuffs the rose none too gently into a bag* Of course they have. I just didn't expect it from you.'.

Venom prays, 'Fine, then I hope it pricks you..'.

You [GS] tell Venom, '*studies you intently as if she were searching for something, then lets out a weary sigh* Venom...'.

Venom prays, 'You no longer find what you're looking for when you search my eyes.'.

You [GS] tell Venom, '*softly* I'm not even sure what I was searching for.'.

Venom prays, 'And there is the problem that causes your sigh. You need to take me less seriously, and stop looking into my eyes. What you sought from me was...lower. Let your eyes rest upon the parts of my body where they will find what you are -really- seeking. Roses and chocolate are fine gifts for a mistress, they do not imply any emotional attachment.'.

Venom prays, 'Don't you agree?'.

You [GS] tell Venom, '*lets her eyes drift over your form slowly, unable to keep from subconsciously doing so, her response somewhat hollow* They don't have to imply anything.'.

Venom tells you (in common), '*combs his hair back with his fingers, drawing them down his neck, lingering on his pulse* Then stop over thinking, just let our thing happen... I won't interfere with your command, nor your love... I want only your sweat. And I may even send you a flower once in a while, secretly... *eyes narrowing upon you* besides, I can tell it's been too long for you...'.

You [GS] tell Venom, '*follows the movement of your hands, eying the beating pulse beneath your skin, finding herself standing before you and reaching up to brush her fingers over it reverently*'.

Venom arrives from the west.
Venom snatches you into his grip.
Venom gives you a long and passionate kiss.
Venom leaves west.

Venom tells you (in common), 'Madam... even now my passion grows. Beware we don't fall into a repeat of our last heated encounter...'.

You [GS] tell Venom, '*pulls away from you, though more hesitantly this time, her heated gaze once more blazing a trail over your form* No strings...no tricks...'.

((Adult Content Snipped))

DarkClaw growls and continues to feed from the wound in your neck, her movements slowing, nails still firmly sunk into your flesh.

Venom relaxes in your grip, allowing the pain to flow as does the blood.

DarkClaw pulls back, licking the puncture marks closed and burying her head against you, chest rising and falling quickly with her breathing.

Venom embraces you weakly, feeling a sudden spell of dizziness.

DarkClaw comes back to herself and looks up at you, wide-eyed with grim realization of what she's done.

Venom begins to go limp, staggering in your embrace.

DarkClaw curses beneath her breath and shifts her embrace around you, carefully lowering you to the temple floor before you fall.

Venom glances through slit eyelids, barely conscious.

DarkClaw looks over your unmoving form, taking in your overly pale complexion and deathly appearance, cursing herself once more.

DarkClaw partially shifts one hand to that of her tiger form and slashes across one wrist with a claw, tearing it open.

Venom clutches his mid-section in a sudden agony.
Venom winces. Ouch!

DarkClaw hesitates, closing her eyes and raising her head in a silent plea for aid, then reopens her eyes and lowers her wrist to your mouth, pressing it down.

DarkClaw whispers, "Don't you dare let me down, Venom."

Venom weakly licks at the wound at first when suddenly his eyes flash open huge and red, grabbing with both hands, he gulps madly!

Venom's eyes flutter, changing back and forth from red to black.

DarkClaw grits her teeth and clenches her hand into a fist, causing the blood to flow more freely past your lips.

Venom groan's angrily between gulps, eye's changing back and forth, a wild internal battle raging.

DarkClaw yanks her wrist away suddenly and hisses, "Enough!"

Venom leaps to his feet, one eye red, one black. Blood drips down his chin and onto his bare chest.

DarkClaw pauses as she brings her wrist to her mouth to seal the open wound, her gaze unable to tear away from the sight of you before her.

Venom mutters in a dark tone, 'I am free, yet constrained...what have you done to me Goddess of blood!'

Venom shakes his head.
Venom says (in common), 'Madam.. '.

Venom looks around.

DarkClaw backs away from you, unsure, her expression a mixture of emotion. "None of this should've happened."

Venom says (in common), 'No, Madam... this had to happen. I feel my former self inside, like another version of me.'.
Venom says (in common), 'He wants to take me over, but he cannot.'.
Venom says (in common), 'I have control, for now.'.

DarkClaw shakes her head mutely and gathers the mists about her, disappearing from your view once again.

Base of the Oak
[Exits: west up]
Some wild flowers grow here, untouched by mortal hands.
Violets grow in small bunches here.
(Glowing) The altar glows brightly beside the tombstone.
(Blue Aura) The tombstone of the Dark Mother lies here, surrounded by flowers.
(White Aura) Ybarra's shade floats dimly before you.
A small black cat sits here purring next to the old man.
(White Aura) An old man sits in the corner smiling to himself.

Venom tells you (in common), 'When I return, we will discuss this. I feel better than ever and you Madam... you were wonderful'.

Venom tells you (in common), 'Be well.'.

DarkClaw looks around her surroundings frantically, her eyes finally settling on Ybarra, and she crumples to the ground beneath the gnarled oak.

DarkClaw shuts her eyes tightly and curls herself into a ball, vaguely aware Ybarra's comfort, unable to accept it.

### Ghazkull has connected.

Ghazkull prays, 'Star?'.

You tell Ghazkull, '*stirs slightly and groans, her voice cracking* Noooo, not now....please not now...'.

Ghazkull prays, 'as you wish, I am at your command *bows silently*'.

You tell Ghazkull, 'I...it wasn't a command.'.

Ghazkull prays, 'I meant that I would be here when you wish to speak'.
Ghazkull prays, 'but know that I am concerned for you'.

You tell Ghazkull, '*whispers* It wasn't supposed to happen...'.

Ghazkull prays, 'what wasn't?'.

You tell Ghazkull, 'Venom, he....*groans and falls silent*'.

Ghazkull prays, 'where are you?'.

You tell Ghazkull, '*nothing*'.


(Log by DarkClaw)

Venom ftells, 'Good Evening Madam.'.
Venom ftells, 'Yet another uneventful level.'.

You ftell, '*nod*'.

Venom ftells, 'I have made a small change to my desc and title'.


Elf [ Th: 5 Wa:11 Ma:11 ] Venom, Dark Blood-Sucker and Mini-Lich of the Lost

You ftell, 'Looks good.'.

Venom ftells, 'I figured Sami would get a kick out of the mini-lich but she doesn't really talk to me so I have no way of knowing'.

You ftell, 'It will most likely infuriate her. *smirk*'.

Venom ftells, 'How are you feeling?'.

You ftell, '*a bit short* I'm fine. You?'.

Venom ftells, 'I feel better than ever. I feel a dark presence inside me, but I feel like I have it under control.'.

You ftell, '*murmurs* For now.'.

Venom ftells, '*lazily winking at you* You Madam were everything I hoped. I may never see other women the same.'.

You ftell, '*starts a little at your statement and licks her lips* A shame.'.

Venom ftells, 'I have not yet attempted to feed... I have felt to desire to do so.'.

You ftell, 'You won't...for a time. Mine will sustain you longer than a mortal's.'.

Venom ftells, 'I feel your presence still in my veins. But I'm not so sure it's the blood.'.

You ftell, '*blinks* What do you mean?'.

Venom ftells, 'It may just be lingering passions... you were so intense. I knew if I got you hot enough, what you had in you'.

You ftell, '*turns her attention away quickly, unable to hide her uneasiness entirely from your perception* You said yourself that I am a slave to my emotions...Passion is only one of them.'.

Venom ftells, '*pauses to reflect, then a light comes on* Oh... I would hate to see you if you lost your temper then.'.

You ftell, 'I'm not sure I believe that.'.

Venom ftells, 'Allow me to rephrase that... I wouldn't want you to lose it on me. Although the rift was pretty bad...'.

You ftell, '*quirks a brow and turns back to you* I'm not sure I believe that, either.'.

Venom ftells, '*casual shrug* I still have memories of many women doing many things, I have never known a passion like your fanged kiss. I am regaining my powers and strength, yet I feel as though I have seen something for the first time.'.

You ftell, 'At least I didn't let you down.'.

Venom ftells, 'I must know the extent of your regret over losing control before I say something foolish.'.

You ftell, '*gives you a hard look* If you cared about my regrets none of it would've happened. Surely you haven't gone soft on me now.'.

Venom ftells, '*laughs directly at you as though with pity* I never soften! I am merely working towards deciding my sexual future. If you feel a great regret, I will move on to someone else. If not then I know I have to try to get as much of you as possible. I can have no mortal women after the places you have brought me. But if I cannot have you again, I must make plans.'.

You ftell, '*rakes her gaze over your form again from afar, languidly, her eyes darkening again with desire* My regret...is my own.'.

Venom ftells, 'Good, then do not curse me to suffer through the attention of mortal whores.'.
Venom ftells, 'We will taste each other’s flesh again and you will bear the guilt in silence. Can you manage that?'.

You ftell, '*her eyes narrow dangerously, flashing a brilliant crimson in anger* Drinking my blood does NOT give you leave to give me orders.'.

Venom ftells, 'I'm not giving you an order. I'm giving you the rules of how I want my private life to work. If we can meet in silence, I would have only you as a lover. If you cannot bear the guilt in silence, I will suffer with lesser stock.'.

You ftell, '*shrugs and looks away again* Your loss. I will bear my guilt however I see fit to bear it.'.

Venom ftells, 'Our secret is not yours alone to reveal. Have you considered that perhaps I prefer nobody knowing?'.

You ftell, '...It's a little late for that, don't you think?'.

Hutt tells you, 'your title sounds like you're one of them homeless people on the side of the road in town holding a will work for food sign'.

You tell Hutt, '*snicker* I feel like that sometimes.  :-P'.

Venom ftells, 'Ah right. I forgot about that. How will that be dealt with?'.

You ftell, 'I have no idea. I suppose it depends on who else was listening.'.

Venom ftells, 'People talk. My main concern when I asked about your guilt was only to confirm that you wouldn't scamper off, whimpering into the night. I need more of you.'.

You ftell, '*smirks uncharacteristically and tilts her head to the side* You shouldn't stroke my ego so.'.

Venom ftells, 'I normally do not. But in this case...'.

You ftell, '*sobers, clearing her expression* Don't worry your pretty little head. You will have more of me.'.

Venom ftells, '*snarls at your patronizing*'.
Venom ftells, 'Madam, I must go now, but know this. For each of your quips...there will be ..whips'.

You ftell, '*narrows her gaze again, growling* You will only get the chance to whip me once.'.

Venom ftells, '*Raises the corner of one eyebrow slightly* Then I'll have to make it count...'.
Venom ftells, 'Be well Madam.'.

You ftell, '*growls louder in response, fists clenching*'.

Venom ftells, 'Temper temper...*spank* *wave*'.
### Venom has quit.