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A less than blessing nudge.

(log by Venom)

The Chapel of Kharad-Delving
[Exits: south]
A profound sense of peace and presence fills this cathedral-like cavern. Easily capable of holding the entire population of Kharad-Delving, this holy place is dedicated to the glory and wisdom of the Creator of the Dwarves, the Lord of All Creation, Tynian the Lifegiver. In honor of the perfect home He gave the Dwarves, the walls and ceiling of this chapel have been left untouched. Rich veins of ore and gems are everywhere, including the many pews that provide seating. A door leads south to the passage beyond. (Glowing) (Humming) An anvil-shaped altar dominates the room.
A chalice of holy water sits upon the altar.
Exuding a sense of peace, the priest lifts his hand in blessing.

Tynian's priest nudges you with his foot and says, "Begone from this
holy place, demi-Lich!"

You raise your eyebrow.
You tell a dwarven priest (in common), 'Don't push me...'.

A dwarven priest says (in dwarven), 'tye puyvw yak!'.

c comp

c comp pri

A dwarven priest says (in dwarven), 'off with you!'.

You say (in common), 'Do not concern yourself with my affairs, holy one.'.

A dwarven priest says (in dwarven), 'Take your vile presence from this
holy place'.

A dwarven priest says (in dwarven), 'Surely you are a spawn of Maurice!'.

You say (in common), 'Mind your Manners, Priest.'.

A dwarven priest scowls.

You say (in common), 'A Demi-Lich comes and goes as he pleases.'.

You drink water from a chalice of holy water.
You are not thirsty.
You feel better!

A dwarven priest gasps in astonishment.
A dwarven priest accuses you for his latest string of bad luck.

You say (in common), 'Fortunately for you, I was leaving regardless.'.
You say (in common), 'But I warn you... I have slain Priests for less.'.

A dwarven priest folds his stout arms and glares. "Out with you!"

You bow deeply.
You say (in common), 'Good day to you.'.
You grin evilly.

(short walk)

Pippenswort's Grocery
[Exits: north]
A halfling citizen nods in your direction.
Pippenswort offers you the finest breads in all the land.

A dwarven priest gossips (in dwarven), 'And Stay Out!!'.

You buy a pipeweed bread.
You eat a pipeweed bread.
You are no longer hungry.

Ghazkull gossips (in elven), '*blink*'.

You gossip (in common), 'Sleep with one eye open, Priest.'.

4 players.
Elf [ Ma:16 Ra:15 ] Ghazkull Mahsong, Heartbringer, Fated, Lost,
Hum [ Lesser Goddess ] DarkClaw will bite for food. V V -=
Belgarion =-
Elf [ Wa: 4 Ma:11 ] Venom, Dark Blood-Letter and Demi-Lich of the Lost
Min [ Professor W ] Ebony Wisdom for everyone and then Tea

Ghazkull ftells, 'need a hand Venom?'.

You ftell, 'No thank you.'.

A dwarven priest gossips (in dwarven), 'You cannot break the sanctity
of Tynian's holy place, foul one'.

You gossip (in common), 'I may be foul, but you are the one with foul
manners. Such a poor host.'.

You gossip (in common), 'Be assured, I will not forget your ignorance.'