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(log by Wish)

Wish: hey there folks

DarkClaw: Welcome back, Wish.

Cordir: Hello, Wish.
Cordir: I was hoping to see you.

Seraph: you win Cordir. I give up. I’ll just sit in my hall and keep to myself

Cordir: Excellent! Delighted to hear it Seraph.

Seraph: good

Wish: sooo...whats going on folks?

You get a light pastry from a piece of red volcanic glass.
You eat a light pastry.

DarkClaw: Just catching up with Nich.

Cordir: I need to talk to you in a moment
Cordir: a matter of some importance

Wish: oh..sorry, seraph...when I said "folks", I was not referring to you

Seraph: oh ok
Seraph: sorry

Wish: Oh? Well, would you like me to come to you, or would you like to come to me?

Cordir: I will be there shortly

Wish: That's okay, Seraph! Just busting your balls!
Wish: (not really)
Wish: (was totally serious)
Wish: Just kidding!
Wish: (not one bit)

Seraph: either way sorry

Wish: heh

Cordir fades into existence, wreathed in ebon flame and sable shadow.

Wish is startled by Cordir's sudden arrival.
Wish barely has time to wipe the frosting off his face.

You say, 'oh...hi Cordir'.
You bow deeply.

Cordir regards you gravely for a moment, ignoring the pastry crumbs.

Wish slowly, puts a light pastry back into his keepsake...hoping Cordir does not notice.

You say, 'Uh what can I do for you, Cordir?'.

Cordir says, 'Do you know what Geasa are?'.

You say, 'No, I am afraid I do not.'.

Cordir says, 'Hmm.'.
Cordir says, 'Well. That complicates things.'.

You say, 'Are they large birds that migrate north in the summer?'.

Cordir says, 'and no.. they are not birds.'.

Wish puts a finger to his chin in contemplation.

You say, 'Is it the fat left over when you cook bacon?'.

Cordir says, 'I shall have to think on this if you do not have the proper historical context.'.
Cordir shakes her head.

You say, 'Wait,. wait'.
You say, 'This is fun, don't tell me!'.
You say, 'hmmm....'.

Cordir regards you gravely.
Cordir shakes Her head.
Cordir gathers the shadows around herself, ebon flames outlining her for a moment.

Wish thinks carefully, certain that his future depends on knowing the answer.

Wish: no fair!
Wish: Three strikes is normally the way this works!

Cordir: I wasn’t there to play games, Wish.
Cordir: it was a serious matter of great honor and responsibility

Wish: *sigh* well, you have to give me a heads up, Cordir! You know me better than that! Just popping in with a serious question with no warning!

DarkClaw: *quirks a brow*

Cordir: "I need to talk to you in a moment - a matter of some importance" was the clue.

Wish: hmmm...oh yeah...good point
Wish: Well, my sincerest apologies then for not listening as I should have.

Cordir: *nods*
Cordir: You were distracted by pastries, it seems.

Wish: huh? I.. uh...*sigh* they are really good, Cordir.
Wish: Can I get another chance? I promise to take it seriously.
Wish: You have my word, as Foul Sep... uh.. Elf

Cordir: you may.

Wish: Then you are welcome to join me, or summon me, as you prefer.

Cordir has transferred you.
A Midnight Garden
[Exits: south]
(Intense Light Cyan Aura) Cordir is here.
(White Aura) A distressingly large, shiny black spider weaves webs here.

You bow before her.
You bow before the guardian spider.
The guardian spider looks around, startled.

Wish smiles happily at Cordir.

You say, 'Hi Cordir!'.

Cordir is seated at one of the benches, looking up into the Tapestry.
Cordir says, 'Hello, Wish.'.

Wish looks from Cordir, her face serious, to the Tapestry.
Wish isn't sure if he should continue smiling.
Wish's face takes on a purposefully serious look.

Cordir says, 'Do you know what Geasa are?'.

You say, 'I believe I do...'.

Cordir says, 'Tell me.'.

You say, 'A Geasa is a vow or spell, of obligation or prohibition'.
You say, 'Someone who violates a Geasa is generally under punishment of dishonor or death.'.

Cordir nods.
Cordir says, '.. I have been without them for a long time.'.
Cordir says, 'Mine were given to my Chosen.'.
Cordir says, 'Which is gone.'.

You say, 'Do you mean you Chosen were given a geis?'.
You say, 'Or do you mean you were under such a thing?'.

Cordir says, 'Each Chosen had three at minimum'.
Cordir says, 'as did I.'.

You say, 'I see.'.

Cordir says, 'mine were given to the following.'.
Cordir says, 'the following's dissolution ended them'.

You nod.

Cordir says, 'when I gave Triat Mastery Quests to Vale and Ink and Aoide'.
Cordir says, 'I asked each to give me a Geas.'.
Cordir says, 'Only Aoide completed he quest.'.

Wish nods solemnly.

Cordir says, 'Tradition dictates three.'.
Cordir says, 'She and I spoke and it came to me that I should ask this of you'.
Cordir says, 'and of Katrana.'.

Wish's eyebrows raise up in surprise.

You say, 'uhh...me? What would you ask of me?'.

Cordir says, 'think on - quite seriously - and give me a Geas.'.

You say, 'uh...I...I am speechless.'.
You say, 'May I ask some questions?'.

Cordir says, 'yes'.
Cordir says, 'Though Aoide might be best'.

You say, 'I just want to make sure I understand the situation'.
You say, 'First, you gave a Triat Mastery quest to Aoide, Vale, and Ink'.

Cordir nods.

You say, 'And with the successful completion of the quest, they were each to give you a Geas.'.

Cordir nods.

You say, 'However, since only Aoide completed her quest, you are seeking two others to give you a geas in replacement for Vale and Ink's.'.

Cordir says, 'Precisely.'.

You say, 'This is going to take some serious thought.'.
You say, 'I do not see why I would ever want to place you under a vow of honor. '.
You say, 'Who am I to judge you, or your honor?'.

Cordir says, 'Someone I trust.'.

Wish blushes with appreciation at the compliment.

Cordir says, 'Will you do this thing for me?'.

You say, 'Trust is a powerful thing, Cordir. I do not take it lightly that you place your trust in me.'.

You say, 'However, I must learn more about these Geasa'.

Cordir nods.

You say, 'For me to simply give you one without fully understanding the parameters and the consequences would be...unwise Alchemy/'.
You say, 'Are these geasa private? Might you tell me what one Aoide has given you?'.
Cordir says, 'I thank you for that. This is .. a sacred thing.. to me. To those of my Faith.'.
Cordir says, 'She has not given it yet.'.

You nod.

Cordir says, 'I do think speaking with her would be helpful.'.

You nod.

You say, 'And so I shall, so I shall. '.
You say, 'It is important, I would think, to make sure there are no conflicting Geasa..'.
You say, 'Since, it would be assured that you would violate one...or both'.
You say, 'Which leads to my final question...'.

Cordir nods and says gravely, masterfully concealing the slightest trace of humor: "You wouldn’t want my head to explode."

You say, 'Were you... someone of your Faith... to violate a geas.. what would be the punishment?'.

Cordir says, 'It varies.'.
Cordir says, 'Geasa have been broken.'.
Cordir says, 'I have been forced to break mine in the past when a follower’s actions required the gravest response.'.

You nod.

Cordir says, 'Punishment and absolution have varied'.
Cordir says, 'from a vow of silence and solitude to a Loss of all of the physical self and belongings.'.

You say, 'You do realize I have an iconoclastic mischievous streak in me. For instance, the first thing that comes to mind is to give you a geas to never take a geas'.
You say, 'I wouldn't do it, of course'.
You say, 'But I am going to fantasize about the results, if you don't mind.'.

You nod in recognition to her.

Cordir says, 'I thought that not only would you -eventually- take it seriously, given that you asked for Triat Mastery once long ago, but that .. that quick and devious intellect of yours would enjoy the process of creating it'.

You smile happily.
You nod.
You say, 'Oh, the possibilities are veritably swirling...'.

Cordir nods.
Cordir says, 'Thank you.'.

You bow deeply.

Cordir bows deeply.

You say, 'I am honored to be one to provide you with a Geas, Cordir'.
You say, 'I ask Lord Nash for the wisdom to choose wisely.'.
You say, 'So you gain power from adherence to your geas.'.

Cordir reaches out and cups your cheek briefly and nods.

You say, 'And, as importantly....'.
You say, 'So your head does not explode.'.

Wish nods solemnly at Cordir, admiring her head.

Cordir's lips twitch as she suppresses a smile, nodding gravely instead.

Cordir nods.

You say, 'As a friend, I must ask this:'.
You say, 'Is there anything further you would want me to know before giving you a geas? Any preference, or cautionary information?'.

Cordir says, 'I would say to research what has been given before'.

You nod in recognition to her.
You say, 'It shall be done.'.

Cordir says, 'and that the power I wield'.
Cordir says, 'must have its checks and balances'.

You smile happily.

You say, 'I must check in in the outerworld'.
Cordir nods.

You hug her.
You smile happily.

Cordir blinks.
Cordir slowly returns the embrace, shaking slightly as the contact causes her to Read your Thread.

Wish looks at Cordir with the deepest respect and regard.

You say, 'Threads...threads...so much concern for threads...'.
You say, 'Mine is what it is...I fear it not!'.

Cordir says, 'They are terribly important.'.

Wish looks at the Tapestry...daring it to stare him back in the eyes.

Cordir says, 'Touch causes me to see them in that instant - like a wave crashing over me unexpectedly rather than choosing to walk into the ocean'.

You say, 'I see...I did not realize it was that disconcerting.'.

Cordir says, 'It is why I do not - generally - touch anyone.'.

You say, 'And here I am, thoughtlessly exploring the new tactile sensations brought by this body.'.

Cordir says, 'I just experienced your entire life, Wish, in a single instant…including those explorations.'.

You blush. Your cheeks are burning.
You say, 'ummm...that's...good to know'.

Cordir says, 'If I am expecting the contact .. I can barrier myself.'.
Cordir says, 'It is only when it is unexpected...'.
Cordir shrugs.
Cordir says, 'at least as a Goddess it does not cause physical pain any more'.

You say, 'Well, I shall refrain from doing that again. I do not wish you discomfort.'.

Cordir says, 'or simply give me a moment's indication or warning.'.
Cordir smiles at you.

You say, 'How about we exchange a private signal of mutual friendship? '.

Cordir says gravely, "If you wish, though hugs are quite nice."

You smile happily.
You say, 'As you prefer. I agree, hugs are nice. But a thumbs up, and an underarm honk can be fun too.'.

Wish gives Cordir a thumbs up while making his armpit honk.
Wish tosses in a wink for good measure.

You say, 'It's not quite the same as a hug, is it?'.

Cordir regards you and sighs.
Cordir says, 'No, Wish.'.

You smile happily.
You wave.
You say, 'okay, gotta run'.

Cordir waves happily.


(Log by Cordir)

Seraph arrives from a puff of smoke.
Seraph says, 'yes?'.

Cordir paces around Her garden, not looking at you.

Seraph says, 'another rift coming?'.

You say, 'What mischief have you wrought with Evelyn and Ghazkull?'.

Seraph says, 'none. I returned something he should not be without'.

You say, 'The peridot?'.
You say, 'Or had you taken her soul and put it in one of your gems?'.

Seraph says, 'Part of her soul is in the gem. The other is in the realm of souls'.
Seraph says, 'No. His keepsake. I never touched it'.

You say, 'Did you take her soul?'.

Seraph says, 'No, part of it is in his keepsake like it always been'.
Seraph says, 'the rest is in the realm of souls'.
Seraph says, 'I told Darkclaw to reunite her'.

You say, 'You are making no sense'.

Seraph says, 'why'.

You say, 'did you take the gem he left in Tamar's office?'.
You say, 'or was it some gem of your creation?'.

Seraph says, 'Ghazkull always had a piece of her soul with him'.
Seraph says, 'he buried it and I pulled his keepsake from the sand'.
Seraph says, 'the rest of her soul is in the realm of souls'.
Seraph says, 'so DarkClaw should work on a way to get in there and make Ghazkull’s wife soul complete'.

Cordir says suspiciously, "and what of this vow you gave Star not to walk the plane of souls again?"

Seraph says, 'I’m not going in'.

You raise your eyebrow.
You say, 'why?'.

Seraph says, ‘I don’t want to'.
Seraph says, 'now please excuse me I have a throne to sit upon alone'.
Seraph disappears instantly.

You say, '... you.. giving up a weapon.. a form of power..?'.
You growl.

Seraph arrives from a puff of smoke.

You say, 'I did not excuse you'.
You say, 'You.. giving up a source of power..'.

Seraph stands silent.

You say, 'a weapon...'.
You say, 'voluntarily?'.
You say, 'Explain.'.

Seraph says, 'everyone makes choices'.
Seraph says, ‘I made mine'.

You say, 'Because I trust that as far as I can throw Tynian.'.

Seraph says, 'that is your choice to make'.
Seraph says, 'now please excuse me'.
Seraph disappears instantly.

### Seraph has quit.

It Counts

(log by Sami)

You tell Ghazkull (in common), '*silent smile*'.

Ghazkull tells you (in elven), '*returns the smile warmly*, how fare you against the Hunt, Sami?'.

You tell Ghazkull (in common), 'Thus far... so good.. though they have not pursued me in a few days.'.
You tell Ghazkull (in common), 'so I suppose that doesn't really count..'.

Ghazkull tells you (in elven), 'any time you are not sitting in the guild and actively following your Sahib's command, it counts'.
Ghazkull tells you (in elven), 'being Pursued can take many forms.'.

You tell Ghazkull (in common), '*blinks* '.
You tell Ghazkull (in common), 'Well, then. I suppose I should get out of the guild :)'.

Ghazkull tells you (in elven), '*smile*'.

You tell Ghazkull (in common), 'so.. Sahib was concerned when he knew about me drinking from the cauldron to show you it was blood..'.
You tell Ghazkull (in common), 'I think he thought maybe I _wanted_ to drink blood, because I had fed you.'.
You tell Ghazkull (in common), '...is there.. I mean... Is there anything I should know about, other than I smell like pastry...?'.
You tell Ghazkull (in common), 'is having fed you going to do anything else besides that?'.

Ghazkull tells you (in elven), 'may I beg a few moments before I get back to you? I am in discussion with DarkClaw at this moment in time'.

You tell Ghazkull (in common), ‘I did not mean to interrupt'.

The Lullaby

(log by Sami)

Seraph has granted you the ability to see him when he is invis.

Seraph ftells, 'hello'.

You ftell, '*smile* Sahib'.

You ftell, 'how are you this evening, Sahib?'.

Seraph ftells, 'tired'.

You ftell, 'what makes you weary, Sahib?'.

You ftell, '(or was that ooc?)'.

Seraph ftells, '(both)'.

You ftell, '*softly* Would that I could ease your burdens, Sahib. Instead, I can only seek not to add to them.'.

Seraph ftells, ‘I am fine Samiyah'.

You ftell, '*not convinced*... Yes, Sahib..'.

You ftell, 'would you like me to sing you a lullaby?'.
Seraph ftells, 'sure'.

You ftell, '*ponder* Now I shall have to see if I know any that don't involve goats..'.

Seraph ftells, 'goats will be fine :)'.

You ftell, 'well, I wrote one when I was a little girl..'.
You ftell, 'that I sang to the goats..'.
You ftell, 'when I was tending them on the bluffs above the sea, at the desert's edge..'.
You ftell, 'it's very silly, though..'.
Seraph ftells, 'sing away'.

You ftell, '*sings* , 'Greedy little goatsies wand'ring 'cross the sand!'.
You ftell, '*sings* , 'eating all the grasses, just because you can!'.
You ftell, '*sings* , 'You would eat my shoeses, you would eat a tree!'.
You ftell, '*sings* , 'You would eat that carrion, or even! eat! me!'.

You ftell, '*sings* , 'Noisy little goatsies, you are oh so loud!'.
You ftell, '*sings* , 'Bleating at the stars, oh what a noisy crowd!'.
You ftell, '*sings* , 'Butting heads then whining, when your head is hurt'.
You ftell, '*sings* , 'Sell you to the nomads, Noisy! Inna! Yurt!'.

You ftell, '*sings* , 'Busy little goatsies, please lay down and rest!'.
You ftell, '*sings* , 'you should be asleep, so to be at your best.'.
You ftell, '*sings* , 'Even if you count sheep, just to help you fall,'.
You ftell, '*sings* , 'I won't tell your mommas, Goto! Sleep! All!'.

You ftell, '*softens her tone down to a whisper, extending her hands in a gesture of quiet.*'.

You ftell, '*sings* , 'Sweetest little goatsies, now you all at rest'.
You ftell, '*sings* , 'When you're simply quiet, when I like you best'.
You ftell, '*sings* , 'Sleep until the morning, do not stir awake'.
You ftell, '*sings* , 'Back to greener pastures, Sami-girl! Will! Take!'.

You ftell, '*sings* , 'Baddest little goatsies! Stop your wander-un!.
You ftell, '*sings* , 'Straying off oasis, under angry sun.
You ftell, '*sings* , 'Scorpion'll getcha! Cry when you are stung!.
You ftell, '*sings* , 'So stay close, my goatsies, 'Til! My song! Is done!.

You ftell, '*sigh* it is a very very silly song, Sahib.'.

Seraph ftells, '*claps* wonderful'.

You ftell, '*blush* ..I was six, sahib. '.

Seraph ftells, ‘I found it wonderful'.
Seraph ftells, 'great job'.

You ftell, '*bow*'.

You ftell, '*hopefully* Can you fall asleep now?'.

Seraph ftells, 'my eyes are very heavy'.

Seraph ftells, 'it seems Cordir made a grave mistake'.

You ftell, 'Oh, that is Ghazkull's Sayyida?'.

Seraph ftells, 'yes'.

You ftell, 'Tross says she steals pastries and leaves mushrooms as a mean trick.'.

Seraph ftells, 'maybe'.

Seraph ftells, 'it seems she released ghazkull’s wife’s soul into the weaver without fusing it together'.

You ftell, 'that sounds bad :('.

Ghazkull tells you (in elven), 'please can you pass a message to your Sahib for me?'.

You tell Ghazkull (in common), 'of course..'.

Ghazkull tells you (in elven), 'tell him I'm not sure what he was apologizing to me for, but I accept it.'.

You ftell, 'Ghazkull says, "Please tell your Sahib that I am not sure what he was apologizing for, but I accept it."'.

Seraph ftells, 'nod'.

You tell Ghazkull (in common), 'He acknowledged this.'.

Ghazkull tells you (in elven), 'thank you'.

The Dance

(log by Sami)

Seraph ftells, 'is there a show with the song?'.

You ftell, 'a show?'.

You ftell, 'I don't understand, sahib'.

Seraph ftells, 'when you sing the song do you dance?'.
Seraph ftells, 'or just sing it'.

You ftell, '*blink* No, sahib..'.
You ftell, 'it was for goats..'.
You ftell, 'besides..'.
You ftell, '*embarassed* '.
You ftell, 'I do not know how to dance.'.
You ftell, 'I am very clumsy.'.

Seraph ftells, '*looks suprised* what?'.

You ftell, '*blushing miserably* I do not know how to dance.'.
You ftell, 'I have two bad feet.'.

Seraph ftells, 'come to the hall'.

You ftell, 'yes, Sahib.'.

The Hall of the High Order
[Exits: north]
(Blue Aura) A hand-lettered open book rests upon a black iron pedestal.
(Invis 71) (Intense Dark Blue Aura) [GS] Seraph is here.

Samiyah touches her hand to her forehead, her lips, and her heart in a tribal gesture of respect.

Seraph smiles at you.

Samiyah beams a smile up at you.

Seraph rises from his throne and walks towards you.

Samiyah watches you approach, curious.

Seraph holds out his hand.

You blink.

Samiyah lays her hand in yours hesitantly.

Seraph says, 'may I have this dance?'.

You say (in common), 'Sahib.. I do not know how..'.

Seraph grins happily at you.
Seraph says, 'trust me'.

Samiyah nods, murmuring, 'always.. but I also trust myself to step on your feet..'

Samiyah bites her lower lip, staring at her feet.

Samiyah removes the decorative brooches holding her veil in place.
Samiyah unwinds the dark linen folds of fabric that cowl her hair.
Samiyah lifts the last drape that conceals her face.

Seraph bows to you then gently pulls you in. He wraps one hand around your waist.

Samiyah blinks in surprise at the close proximity, but follows your guidance.

Seraph takes his other hand and holds yours pointing to the west.
Seraph says, 'ready?'.

Samiyah swallows hard looking up at you with doubt all over her face, but nods.

Seraph says, 'here we go'.

You say (in common), '..wait..'.

Seraph says, 'yes?'.

Samiyah looks up at you and asks, gesturing with her hand clasped in yours, '...Would you take off your helm?'

Seraph says, 'of course'.

You smile happily.

Seraph removes his helm and lays it on the throne, then re-takes his postion.

Samiyah lays her hand in yours once more.

Seraph smiles at you.

Ghazkull tells you (in elven), 'Apologies for the delay, a few matters to take care of.'.

Seraph says, 'ready?'.

Samiyah bites her lower lip, staring down at her feet intently.
Samiyah nods, staring nervously at her feet.

You tell Ghazkull (in common), '.. um.. Sahib is .. uhm... teaching me how to dance...'.

Seraph floats up off the floor holding you close.

You blink.

Seraph sweeps you into a romantic waltz.

Samiyah covers her mouth with one hand as she gasps in surprise.

You say (in common), 'Aack..'.

Ghazkull tells you (in elven), '*a light chuckle*, dance as in 1, 2, 3, 4? or dance as in, The Dance?'.

Seraph and Samiyah dance all through the hall.

Samiyah forces herself to remain calm and quiet in your grasp, apprehension slowly fading to delight.

You giggle.
You say (in common), 'it is much easier when feet are not on the floor, Sahib!'.

You tell Ghazkull (in common), 'I do not understand, but.. there is music and no stumbly feet!'.

Seraph and Samiyah dance on the walls all over.

Samiyah covers her mouth with one hand as she gasps in surprise.

Hadrian ftells, 'back :)'.

Seraph ftells, 'hello'.

You ftell, 'Hello, Hadrian! '.

You ftell, 'Sahib is teaching me how to dance!'.
You ftell, ‘I did not know feet went in the air for that!'.
You ftell, 'I was doing it wrong!'.

Hadrian ftells, 'Fascinating.'.

You giggle.

Samiyah beams a smile up at you.

Hadrian arrives from the north.

Seraph gently lands back on the floor

Seraph beams a smile at Hadrian.

Hadrian snickers softly.
Hadrian says (in common), 'If the dance is done - 1 id, Samiyah? :)'.

Samiyah giggles as her feet reach the floor once more.

You say (in common), 'That wasn't nearly as full of tripping and falling as I expected!'.

You ftell, 'nodnod, sure'.

Ghazkull tells you (in elven), '*smile* I shall leave you to it then'.

Seraph says, 'it is done'.

Seraph sits upon his throne of bones.

You tell Ghazkull (in common), 'he is done :)'.

Hadrian ftells, '(put her on ice & ice skates next time, heh heh heh)'.

You smile at Seraph.

Seraph ftells, 'for sure lol'.

You say (in common), 'did it make You tired enough to sleep?'.

You ftell, '(aaack!!)'.
You ftell, '(sami does NOT like cold!)'.

Seraph nods.

You smile happily.
Seraph says, ‘I must depart sorry hadrian'.

Hadrian ftells, 'okay... :)'.

Samiyah moves over to the throne and catches up Seraph's hand, pressing a respectful kiss on it. "Rest well, Sahib."

Seraph says, 'can I do anything before I got?'.

You say (in common), 'You have done something amazing, Sahib!'.

Samiyah beams brightly, then realizes her face is still bare.
Samiyah catches up her veil and puts it back on swiftly.

Seraph kisses Samiyah on the forehead.

Seraph pats Hadrian on his back.

Samiyah loops the yards of fabric over her hair and around her face, tucking everything back into place and pinning it.
You say (in common), 'Thank You Sahib'.

Hadrian saw nuttin'.

Seraph says, 'seems you will be questing soon hadrian'.

Hadrian says (in common), 'Questing?'.
Hadrian says (in common), 'ack!'.

Someone says, 'oh 1 more thing more thing, Hadrian. Samiyah is my daughter'.

Samiyah touches her hand to her forehead, her lips, and her heart in a tribal gesture of respect.

Hadrian says (in common), 'That explains much.'.
Hadrian winks suggestively.

Someone says, 'good night all I might return later'.

Samiyah falters, 'Did someone think otherwise?'

You say (in common), 'Like Anduin and his filth?'.


(log by Sami)

The Storytelling Amphitheater
[Exits: west]
You are in a small amphitheater. Several rows of curved marble benches
curl comfortably around a raised dais. The high ceiling and polished
stone walls are shaped to reflect the voice of the speaker at the dais,
letting them be heard throughout the room. An open archway to the west
leads out into a small courtyard.
(Hide) (Dark Purple Aura) Ghazkull is resting here.

You say (in common), 'Hello, Ghazkull'.
Ghazkull smiles happily.

You say (in common), 'I am sorry to make you wait.'.

Ghazkull laughs.
Ghazkull says (in elven), 'I seem to remember I kept you waiting for a LONG time'.

You nod.
You say (in common), 'and I did not like it, so I try not to do that to you!'.

Samiyah grins mischievously.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'so now we are partially even'.
Ghazkull smiles happily.

You say (in common), 'so..'.
You say (in common), 'has either of your Sayyidas been able to tell you more about what.. '.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'So what can I do for you today? I apologize but your questions came during a very deep conversation'.

Samiyah pauses to let you speak.

Ghazkull closes his eyes, remembering the conversation.
Ghazkull says (in elven), 'ah yes... I haven't been able to speak to DarkClaw about it, she was called away... but I stand by what I said once before'.

You say (in common), 'er.. what did you say before?'.

Samiyah looks puzzled.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'this was a while ago, not long after my change. I did not physically drink from you, so I am unsure of the.. ah.. effects, for want of a better word'.

You say (in common), '.. but I smell like pastries to you.'.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'pastries..'.

You say (in common), 'That's what Tross eats every day'.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'so I have heard.'.

You say (in common), 'you said it was like something you want to eat every day and.. I don't have to eat.. I actually.. can't.'.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'it was a bad analogy, if I remember correctly. We settled on another one that was still not perfect'.

You say (in common), 'well, it was better than the other one that made me cry, so I am holding to it until you give me one that is better.'.

Ghazkull laughs.
Ghazkull says (in elven), 'fair enough'.

You say (in common), 'Pastries, not missing mothers.'.
Samiyah says firmly, determined not to get weepy.

Ghazkull nods.
Ghazkull gained a Sister today.
Ghazkull smiles happily.

You say (in common), 'You did? Who?’.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'DarkClaw...'.

You blink.
You say (in common), 'But I thought ..'.

You ponder the question.
You say (in common), 'I thought that she Made you a vampire made you her son in a vampire sort of way the way Sahib is my father..'.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'It is confusing, I think of her more as a sister, than a Mother'.

You nod.
You ponder the question.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'but, I digress'.

Samiyah asks hesitantly, '.. What, if anything are we, save that which cannot be said?'

Ghazkull blinks.

You say (in common), 'not that .. that isn't quite enough... I just didn't know if there was a term for it.'.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'I can only speak for myself regarding the Bond between us, Sami. I do not know what the reverse connection would be, given that I drank your blood from a cup, and not from your body'.

Samiyah shifts uneasily at just the mention of her body.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'were it the latter, it would be easier to understand, I feel'.

You say (in common), 'so because of the cup, what everyone keeps worrying about .. isn't there?'.

Samiyah looks at you curiously, raising one eyebrow.
You say (in common), 'am I understanding right?'.

You say (in common), 'Sahib thought I WANTED to drink blood!'.

Samiyah makes a face of disgust, her nose wrinkling.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'I don't know where he got that notion from'.

You say (in common), 'Sayyida DarkClaw.'.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'I told him that you drank it as if to show me in my near delirious state, what I should do as a mother would coax a babe to suckle'.

Samiyah makes a gesture of embarrassment. "Ghazkull, men do not speak.. make mention.. of such things.."

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'maybe that is why it sounded... wrong as I said it.'.

Samiyah blushes, ducking her head and concealing her face in one of the layers of her veil.

You say (in common), 'Well. I am glad that it doesn't seem to be doing the dreadful things people worried about. I don't really feel any differently about it, or you, than I did before. Maybe it was a magic cup.'.
You shrug.

Ghazkull laughs.
Ghazkull drinks water from a delicate emerald crystal goblet.

Ghazkull holds the goblet up to the light, 'it doesn't look magical, it's very pretty however.'

You nod.
You say (in common), 'it is.'.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'I found another like it recently'.
You nod.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'but I kept this one'.

You smile happily.
You say (in common), 'is it special to you?'.
You get a black rose from a sack of ill-gotten loot.

Ghazkull smiles happily.

Samiyah breathes the fragrance of the rose, careful to avoid the thorns.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'I guess in a way it is, it was an important part of events.'.

You nod.

Samiyah tucks the rose away safely.

You say (in common), 'I should be going, I am afraid.'.

Ghazkull nods.
Ghazkull says (in elven), 'of course'.

You say (in common), 'Sahib commanded me to level..'.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'you have a command to obey'.

You say (in common), 'And I have not done anything towards it today.'.
You nod.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'Be Well'.
Ghazkull bows deeply.
Ghazkull says (in elven), 'and Good Luck'.

Samiyah says awkwardly, 'I am trying very hard to be good.'

You smile at him.

More Scary than the Balrog

Room of Records
[Exits: east]
This simple room has many plaques hung on its walls. With just a quick
glance you recognize names and events that have made history and inspired
many to even greater deeds so that their names would also be inscribed
here. It's possible, given valiant effort, great deeds, and a (in)famous
reputation, that your name might be added here.

A book on a lectern provides an index to all the different plaques.
(Dark Cyan Aura) Belsambar is here.
(Dark Blue Aura) Hadrian is resting here.

You say (in common), 'Hullo'.

Belsambar nods in recognition to you.

> l Belsambar
The poor soul this once was found a mask, and was
transformed into the gruesome creature before you.
Posessed by the soul of the ogre it was made from,
who's bride met a gruesome end on their wedding night,
he now prowls the night, seeking his lost love to
complete their honeymoon...

Sadly, the soul cannot distinguish between his love,
and any other sentient being...and it sees YOU...

<used as light> (glowing) The glow of love
<worn on finger> a wedding band of entwined silver and gold strands
<worn on finger> a bit of string from a magpie's nest
<worn around neck> An Amulet of Madness
<worn around neck> ragged fang marks left by a lost girl
<worn on body> (glowing) Crude symbols of desire written in mud
<worn on head> A mask, made from the face of a forlorn ogre.
<worn on legs> (faded) A ragged kilt of muddy silk and chainmail
<worn on feet> A pair of wicked black spiked heels
<worn on hands> (shimmering) arcane magics born of fearless insanity
<worn on arms> Telltale signs of a crushing embrace
<worn about body> The pervasive scent of bog-water 'perfume'
<worn about waist> (shimmering) An ebon dragon-scale loincloth
<worn around wrist> (shredded) A bloody hand-fasting ribbon
<worn around wrist> (shattered) a manacle from the wall of the asylum
<wielded> A massive, two-handed 'salami'
<Held> A bottle of firebreather
<worn with pride> The fervor of an ogre in rut
<worn with pride> (Under the kilt) a blue ribbon

Belsambar leads a charmed life.
Belsambar is in perfect health.

Belsambar looks at you.

You shudder from the sheer thought of it.
You say (in common), 'AACK!'.

Belsambar raises an eyebrow.
Belsambar says (in common), 'I looked not lick'.

You say (in common), 'I am glad I did not really look at you before you helped me with the balrog'.

Belsambar throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!

You say (in common), 'because you are more scary-looking than it was'.

Belsambar says (in common), 'Yeah yeah, I need to write a new desc :P'.

> mobmastery start
You are to kill a clown spectre. You have 20 ticks to complete this task.

You gossip (in common), 'Belsambar! I thought you were going to empty the circus for me so I would stop getting clown specters!'.

You gossip (in common), 'You woke them up, and now they keep getting on my mobmastery list!'.

Belsambar gossips (in common), 'I said 'might'...also gotta remember my troops had been at it for 4 days straight with me killing Circus mobs :P'.
Belsambar gossips (in common), 'so...they need some rest'.

You gossip (in common), ':('.
You gossip (in common), 'well.. darn. :('.

Belsambar gossips (in common), 'and since right now you and me are the ONLY two large players on...lest you want to help me...:P'.

The Sayyida’s Message

(log by Sami)

Ghazkull tells you (in elven), 'I almost forgot, DarkClaw asked me to say Hello *smile* and now i'm off again'.

You tell Ghazkull (in common), '*blink*'.
You tell Ghazkull (in common), 'oh..'.

You tell Ghazkull (in common), 'I..'.
You tell Ghazkull (in common), '..thank you.'.

You tell Ghazkull (in common), 'and next time..'.
You tell Ghazkull (in common), 'Please tell me'.
You tell Ghazkull (in common), 'what does "Ebrithil' mean?'.
Ghazkull tells you (in elven), 'I'm not entirely sure of the exact meaning of the word, you would need to ask DarkClaw, it is the title she gives to her 'High Council' as it were'.

You tell Ghazkull (in common), '*impressed* Ooooh...So.. I should listen to your advice more, then!'.
You tell Ghazkull (in common), '*flashes a crooked grin*'.


(log by Sami)

You gossip (in common), 'Are you bored, Belsambar?'.

Belsambar gossips (in common), 'boreD?'.

You gossip (in common), 'Yes. Are you bored?'.

Belsambar gossips (in common), 'What'd you do now? :P'.

You gossip (in common), '*giggle*'.

You tell Belsambar (in common), 'just exp'ing'.

t Belsambar *giggle* Every time I use that word, you go very quiet and stop talking to me :P
They aren't here.

An Oath Requested

(log by Sami)

You say (in common), 'If anything bad should happen and I should fall in combat - you must swear to me that you will NOT allow my .. shell.. to fall into the hands of Wish's people. Sacrifice it to the gods if you must, but .. they wish to do Bad Things to it. Will you so swear?'.

Belsambar scratches his head.
Belsambar says (in common), 'What sort of things do they wish to do? I can think of things Conclave and Arcanes would have done with a corpse'.
Belsambar scratches his head.

You say (in common), 'but it would be... it would be naked, and .. people would be seeing my flesh, and... that is haraam, a .. a abomination..'.

Belsambar scratches his head.

You say (in common), 'so please.. I do beg you.. Do not allow it.'.

Belsambar says (in common), 'You know.. I wonder - Does he need you entire body....'.

You shudder from the sheer thought of it.

Belsambar says (in common), 'or just a fillet of meat, so to speak'.

Samiyah cries out at the thought, pressing her hand to her mouth in horror.

You say (in common), 'you don't understand.. it is sacrilege. It is the-worst-of-worsts.'.

Belsambar says (in common), 'alchemy is?'.

You say (in common), 'the defilement of the fallen.'.

Belsambar says (in common), 'ahhh'.
Belsambar gets steak made from Belsambar from a saddlebag.
Belsambar juggles steak made from Belsambar.

You say (in common), 'and being .. touched .. and seen... by ..'.
You shudder from the sheer thought of it.

Belsambar puts steak made from Belsambar in a saddlebag.

Samiyah averts her eyes.

Belsambar says (in common), 'I don't ascribe to such beliefs...but if I did'.

You say (in common), 'I will pray for the peace of your soul, for it cannot find true rest '.

Belsambar says (in common), 'I don't think as much of my blood would be in TFC soil'.
Belsambar says (in common), 'My soul hasn't found rest for several thousand years...doesn't seem to bother it too much'.

(Back to exp)

You say (in common), 'Belgarion has a pair of scrolls that he says - and DarkClaw says - are written in my blood. Though I do not know how that could be'.

Belsambar scratches his head.


(log by Sami)

Samiyah wrinkles her brow in thought.

You say (in common), ‘I just realized'.

Belsambar raises an eyebrow.

You say (in common), 'we are the blind, leading the blind.'.

You giggle.

Belsambar says (in common), 'How so?'.

You say (in common), 'we are both wearing the blindfold.'.

Belsambar laughs.
Belsambar says (in common), 'yes well...what -other- way is there to travel with the SuicideMage'.

You giggle.
Belsambar cracks his knuckles...the magics around his hands flare and crackle of their own.


(log by Sami)

You say (in common), '..Belsambar... you never promised...'.

Samiyah looks troubled.

Belsambar chuckles, evidently amused.

You say (in common), '.. are you unwilling to?'.

Belsambar says (in common), 'I promise, little desert Bard'.

Samiyah's eyes close in relief.
Samiyah touches her hand to her forehead, her lips, and her heart in a tribal gesture of respect.
Samiyah makes a gesture of thanks, bowing slightly over her clasped, henna-dyed hands.

You say (in common), 'Thank you, Venerable One.'.

Belsambar says (in common), 'For all that I consider Wish a friend...I personally feel, from what I have heard, that there are other options than what he is pursuing'.

You say (in common), '.. I like the Sahib Wish as well, but am forbidden to do anything to aid him,.. even if I did not have the revulsion that I do over what he wishes to do with me.'.

You say (in common), 'and if I have not said it.. Thank you for your help'.

Tricks and Whips and …’s .. Oh My

(Log by Sabella)

You gossip (in common), 'How's tricks?'.

Shilea gossips (in common), 'pimpin.

You gossip (in common), 'Put em to work!'.

Shilea gossips (in common), 'my whip's in the shop :('.

Ghazkull gossips (in elven), 'I have a spare!'.

You gossip (in common), '*perk*'.

Ghazkull gossips (in elven), 'It's nothing special though'.

You tell DarkClaw (in common), 'so... what made you rush off last night?'.

DarkClaw tells you, '*snuggles up to you and nuzzles your neck, nipping playfully, trying to distract your thoughts* Hey, you sexy woman.'.

Temple of the Lost
[Exits: west]
A large eye hovers in mid-air here, emitting a soft, purple glow.
Ghazkull is here.
(Intense Dark Purple Aura) DarkClaw is here.

Ghazkull smiles at you.

DarkClaw grins evilly at you.

Ghazkull sits down and thinks deeply.

Sabella grins naughtily in greeting.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'at least I had one'.
Ghazkull gets a spiked whip from an egg casing.
Ghazkull gives you a spiked whip.
Ghazkull says (in elven), 'enjoy'.
Ghazkull grins evilly.
Ghazkull leaves west.

Sabella walks to the vampiress, then stops dead as she is handed the whip.

DarkClaw blinks, clearly shocked by Ghazkull having that in his possession.

You say (in common), '...ohmy.. isn't THAT a fun toy...'.

The earth trembles beneath your feet!
The earth trembles beneath your feet!

DarkClaw says, 'He...um...'.

You say (in common), 'handing out presents then dashing off..'.
You say (in common), 'Why didn't he stay a while...'.

DarkClaw says, 'Perhaps he wanted you to break it in on me first.'.
DarkClaw winks suggestively at you.

You ponder the question.

Sabella says quite seriously, letting the coils of the whip slither to the floor, "I can do that."
Sabella glances at you searchingly. "If you feel you need purging and catharsis for something.."
Sabella raises one brow, glancing at you through her lashes.

DarkClaw echoes the serious expression and turns away, quickly raking a hand through her hair. "I don't. And the answer to your question..."
DarkClaw says, 'It was...well, Bels.'.

You blink.

Sabella slides the braided leather through her fingers caressingly. "hmmm."
Sabella coils the whip carefully, thinking.

You say (in common), 'Ah. The boyfriend connection?'.

DarkClaw nods once. "He's his uncle. YOU...are one thing. Bels...an entirely different matter altogether.'.

Sabella considers.

You say (in common), 'fair enough.'.

DarkClaw glances at you and narrows her gaze slightly. "Speak your mind, Sabella."
DarkClaw says, 'I know you have more to say than that.'.

Sabella smiles gently. "Such things aren't my concern, really. You got uncomfortable. I understand and respect your reasons why."

Sabella reaches out and caresses your cheek. "I was enjoying it. I was disappointed when it stopped"

DarkClaw's lips part and she leans into your touch, eyes half closing, "I know."

Sabella runs her thumb caressingly along the crest of your cheekbone.
Sabella's voice is surprisingly gentle as she asks:
You say (in common), '...has he invited you to feed from him yet?'.

DarkClaw presses into you, wanting...needing more...then stiffens suddenly at your words, "No."

Sabella nods and sighs, maintaining the caress.

You say (in common), '.. do you want me to talk to him again?'.

DarkClaw grumbles, "He's usually always off fighting or gathering gold...always busy..."
DarkClaw lowers her gaze to your chest, lifting a hand to brush along the skin of your collarbone.

You say (in common), '(i have to go. work meeting just got called)'.

DarkClaw says, '(Okay. I'm kinda busy here, too!)'.

You nod.

DarkClaw says, '(We can pick it up later.)'.