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Latest revision as of 15:41, 6 June 2013


(Log by Sami)

You rest.
You smile happily.

Tross smiles at you.

>ch tross
Tross is in perfect health.

You nod.

Tross gets a brightly embroidered green vest from bag made from horrifyingly hideous bug hide.
Tross gets a studded leather wrist guard from bag made from horrifyingly hideous bug hide.

Samiyah regards your bag with an expression of unease bordering on revulsion.

Tross gets an apple pie from bag made from horrifyingly hideous bug hide.
Tross eats an apple pie.

Tross grins evilly at you.

Tross says (in common), 'isn't it cool?'.

You shudder from the sheer thought of it.

You say (in common), 'It is a giant yuckky BUG!'.

Tross says (in common), 'I know! He managed to make a whole bag out of it, it almost looks alive still'.
Tross sounds fairly excited still about his new prize.

You shudder from the sheer thought of it.
You say (in common), '... I do not like bugs.'.

Tross says (in common), 'Oh. It is kindof realistic. *he tucks it beneath his other bag*'.

You nod.

Tross says (in common), 'Portobello made it for me.'.

Samiyah gets out her note book and turns to a blank page.
Samiyah chews on the end of the quill and stares at the page.

Wish looks at Tross.

Tross says (in common), 'One sec. That kid is screaming again'.

Tross stands up.
Tross leaves north.
Tross arrives from the north.
Tross rests.

Samiyah closes her book with a sigh, the page still blank.

>ch tross
Tross has a few bruises.

You frown. What's bothering you?

Tross says (in common), 'what're you working on?'.

Samiyah glances at your bruises with concern.

Tross says (in common), 'Look at this one, it looks like a fish head!'.
Tross shows one off proudly.

You blink.
You say (in common), 'so it does...'.

You say (in common), 'I must .. i am expected to perform for my final level'.
You say (in common), 'I cannot put words to paper.'.

Tross says (in common), 'How come?'.

You say (in common), 'Because all of the things that fill my heart right now I do not know the outcome to'.

Tross says (in common), 'Maybe you can write about that. Not about the things.. but about uncertainty'.

Samiyah smiles crookedly, saying, "because by the time I perform it they may have come to pass."

Tross says (in common), 'would that make the uncertainty now not worth singing?'.

You nod.
You say (in common), 'old news'.

Tross says (in common), 'but maybe helpful for someone else feelin' that way.'.

You say (in common), 'Maybe. I will think on it. I just don't know how to write on it in a way that does not sound like a yearling goat bleating for its momma.'.

Tross laughs.

You say (in common), '.. i have a pass from Natilena.'.

Tross says (in common), 'what kind of a pass?'.

You say (in common), 'Which I am considering using.'.

You say (in common), '.. to not perform.'.

Tross says (in common), 'you don't like performing?'.

You say (in common), 'usually, yes.'.

Tross says (in common), 'are you in a hurry?'.

You say (in common), 'Sahib has commanded I reach that goal with all speed'.

Tross says (in common), 'Oh. Well then use the pass. It seems a shame though. Its a big event, you should have a big performance to always remember it by.'.

Pharuin gossips (in common), 'friendship power!'.

You say (in common), 'I will be the fourth bard ever to make it'.
You say (in common), 'but Aoide and Eathor did very exciting things'.
You say (in common), 'and I .. I do not have anything like that to do'.

Tross says (in common), 'Maybe talk to them. I bet they didn't have anything like that either, until they had to.'.
Tross says (in common), 'then... well when you need things you figure out a way.'.

You say (in common), 'You are very wise for one so young.'.

Tross says (in common), 'Unless you're Da, I guess.'.
Tross says (in common), '*said a little bitter*'.

You say (in common), '...still no word?'.

Tross says (in common), 'Nope. But whatever.'.

Samiyah moves to kneel next to you, not touching but present.

You say (in common), 'But you are learning of strengths in you that you did not have until they were needed, are you not?'.

Tross shrugs.
Tross says (in common), 'I've been practicing a lot.'.
Tross says (in common), 'there are some good teachers here.'.

You say (in common), 'What sort of wizardly things can you do?'.

Tross says (in common), 'I don't want to be a wizard any more *attitude again*'.

You say (in common), 'Oh. I am sorry, I am behind on the news. What is it you are studying?'.

Tross says (in common), 'I'm trying to learn to follow tracks. On -land-.'.

You pause a moment to think.
You say (in common), 'Okay....Count to three, then track me.'.

(Sami runs down the dirt road, ducks into a hut, through the garden, through the fields, out through the mill, along the river path, and to the chapel.)

Tross arrives from the north.
Tross grins wide.

You clap your hands together.

You say (in common), 'WELL done!'

Tross says (in common), 'Elvalee gave me some suggestions before I left.'

You say (in common), 'where did I go?'

Tross grins evilly.
Tross says (in common), '.. right here.'
Tross winks suggestively at you.

You laugh.
You say (in common), 'What path did I take?'

Tross says (in common), 'This one.'

You raise your eyebrows.

Tross takes off.
Tross leaves north.

Tross tells you, 'except you went east into a hut once.'

You say I do not know now to track.'

Tross says 'Its pretty interesting, seeing what was going on when you weren't even there.'

You grin happily.
You nod.

(Tross practices several skills)

You say, 'She seems to be able to reach most things.'

Tross says (in common), 'I guess I better go practice some more. I'll see you round, okay Sami?'
Tross stands up.

You wave.

Tross leaves south.

Anduin (Sort of) Roleplays!!

(No, not really.)
(Log by Sami)

Anduin tells you (in elven), 'I thought you were sworn to celibacy!'.

You tell Anduin (in common), '"bint" is "daughter of" -- "ikhayyatun" is sister of.'.

Anduin tells you (in elven), 'eww, that makes it grosser'.

You tell Anduin (in common), 'you are the disgusting one with such a perverse mind.'.

Anduin tells you (in elven), 'DID WE JUST BECOME BESTFRIENDS?'.

You tell Anduin (in common), '..... no.'.

Anduin tells you (in elven), 'watch Step Brothers'.

You tell Anduin (in common), '... if you are recommending it, that means it is probably not a good idea.'.

Anduin tells you (in elven), 'I was referencing it :P'.
Anduin tells you (in elven), 'they both ask each other things and have the same answer, like handsomest man: John Stamos. Then he says 'DID WE JUST BECOME BESTFRIENDS?' and the guy'.
Anduin tells you (in elven), 'replies 'YEP!.