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A Warning

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'Samiyah'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'Hello Sayyida!'.
Samiyah tells you (in common), 'how are you?'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), '*ponder* I am weighed down with heavy things'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'I am sorry you are weighed down.. I could come and .. well.. drumming isn’t very soothing..'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'how are you?'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'I am.. I am okay.'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'simply okay?'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'simply okay. Facing some challenges but trying to be brave'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'what sorts of challenges?'.
You tell Samiyah (in common), 'and you are very brave'.
You tell Samiyah (in common), 'too brave, maybe'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'Well Belgarion and Teva are still chasing me... and I failed so many location quests I am not able to do more and so I switched to mobmastery quests and failed two.. and I am worried about Tross.. And about Sahib ... so .. much to think about'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'Tross?'.
You tell Samiyah (in common), 'that pastry-loving..fellow?'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'yes'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'there is this other fellow named Venom who says young innocents are "delicious"'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'and now Tross is in Alchemy so I cannot help her'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'yes - I suppose you cannot'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'and I am worried for her.'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'I will keep an eye out for her if she will let me'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), '.. but it is all manageable.. I just have to be brave and cautious'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'may I ask you a question?'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'of course'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'in your tribe, is it ever appropriate to break an oath? Ever forgiven if one has a very good reason?'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), '*thinks* Oathbreaking is a very serious thing, in the tribe'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), '*nod* as it is in the eyes of the Triat followers'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'I have never yet broken one '.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'and what if you swore two oaths that contradicted each other?'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'ooohhh that would be a hard one'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'yes'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'Oaths to gods are above oaths to family .. and oaths to family is above oaths to friends .. and those, above strangers..'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'it would be'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'So I would say honor the one to the one who is closest in your heart for breaking oath with them is harder to fix'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'I am no oath breaker'.
You tell Samiyah (in common), 'once I made an oath that I failed to uphold by avoiding it more than anything'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'Who did you swear it to?'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'to My Mistress, the Lady Cordir, and in the spirit of the Silent Sister'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), '*gasp* to THREE gods!? well, You better make ot right!'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'Yes, that is my job - not to avoid that which I have promised - but this is not an easy thing for me to discuss and not why I sought you out'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'Because you have a burden?'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'no, yes'.
You tell Samiyah (in common), 'well, another burden'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), '*simply* You are my friend. How can I help?'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'Sami, remember when we spoke of scorpions?'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'Yes - you felt the Sahib was a scorpion. I remember.'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'Yes. I fear that I may have been right. But I do not know. Only the gods can truly know all that he does'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), '... could you come to Riverhold?'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'yes, I will come'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'some things should be said in person'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'we should meet somewhere safe'.

A Tiny Chapel
[Exits: north south]
Curiosity may not kill the cat, but it might get this child in trouble.
(Dark Blue Aura) Samiyah is here.

Samiyah smiles happily.

Aoide sinks to the ground in exhaustion.
You rest.

Samiyah says (in common), 'You do not look well'.

You say (in common), 'I am not well'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'Are you not sleeping now?'.

You say (in common), 'not much, but not in the way you were unable to sleep'.

Samiyah kneels on the floor next to you.

You say (in common), 'my dreams are all of my own making'.

Samiyah nods.

You say (in common), 'Sami, remember how you worry about Tross?'.

Samiyah nods.
Samiyah says (in common), 'Yes'.

You say (in common), 'for she is young and naive and there is one who seeks to harm her for it?'.

Samiyah nods.

You say (in common), 'I think that your Sahib is preying on you in such a way. Please forgive me for my insolence'.

Samiyah bites her lower lip, but listens.

You say (in common), 'and if Tross were to befriend.. What was his name? That one you think is after her?'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'Venom'.

You say (in common), 'Venom. If Tross were to befriend Venom and swear to us that he meant her no harm even if we saw him manipulate and abuse her.. who would you believe?'.

Samiyah sighs quietly.

You say (in common), 'but I know you have faith in him'.
You say (in common), 'and you *say*...you believe'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'Aoide.. You know that Sah.. er.. Lord .. Wish..'.

You say (in common), 'yes?'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'he did an Alchemy on me'.
Samiyah says (in common), 'that made me See?'.

You say (in common), 'I did not, no'.
You say (in common), 'are you alright?'.
You say (in common), 'did it hurt?'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'Yes and no. Like being scoured by a sand storm - with raw skin but feeling cleaner and lighter than ever before - it is hard to explain. It stripped away all seeming and lies'.

You say (in common), 'and?'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'from both Sahib and from Wish and that is how I saw Wish as he is and wrote my poem that he ate and then HE saw himself but that is the side part'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'I Saw Seraph. I know that yes.. he did not always tell me the truth or shaded it or did not speak all but... BUT... I also saw when he DID Sahib has watched me all of my life. And yes - he was a VERY bad man. But when I gave him some of my soul it was like Wish eating my poem - a little. Not as dramatic and no throwing up. But it was an Alchemical change and it is helping him to be Good. He is sometimes .. very scary..'.
Her voice breaks a little.
Samiyah says (in common), 'He shouts and thunders and breaks things. But he genuinely cares about me. He honestly does'.

You say (in common), 'I hope so. I know you have things to work on but I would say two more things'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'I have a part of his spirit in me and he has a part of mine'.

You say (in common), 'three more things'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'And right or wrong... He is the god of my people.'.
Samiyah falls quiet, the rush of words finally tapped out.
Samiyah nods in recognition to you.

You say (in common), 'first: I once knew a boy - We were the same age - Back when I was living in the Dwarven Kingdom. As a child this boy always had a pet of some sort but he kept losing them or so we thought. We discovered later than he would capture and tame them - birds and cats and other things - and then slowly torture them to death'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'Aoide.. I am not thirteen like Tross. You don’t have to tell me things in tales'.
Samiyah smiles happily.
Samiyah says (in common), 'you can just tell me'.

You say (in common), 'I am a bard, after all'.

Samiyah giggles.

You say (in common), 'that is all'.

Samiyah laughs.
Samiyah nods.
Samiyah nods.

You say (in common), 'that boy loved his pets as well'.

Samiyah nods.

You say (in common), 'but he killed them and your god has taken from you your friends, your joy in serving others and I fear the day the light in your eyes will blink out and you will be nothing but a shell. Again, forgive me'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'And if Sahib wants to kill me. . He can. He is my God. It is his right.'.

You say (in common), 'it is a parable!'.
You say (in common), 'not KILL you'.
You say (in common), 'kill *you*'.

Samiyah says (in common), '..oh'.

You say (in common), 'the thing that makes you Samiyah, that makes your thread an opal color instead of a blue or a white or a searing yellow'.

You say (in common), '#2:'.
You say (in common), 'we spoke of oaths. I have made three. Did you know that I have taken Geasa?'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'why do you take birds?'.

You say (in common), 'is that a sort of bird in the desert?'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'They honk very loud and bite. They have them all over - not just the desert'.

You laugh.
You say (in common), 'interesting. No, Geasa are a thing of the Chosen of Fate - which the Lady Weaver allowed me to take, even though I am of the Wyld Hunt'.

You say (in common), 'OH'.
You say (in common), 'you mean geese'.
You snicker softly.

Samiyah says (in common), 'white? yellow beak'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'oh'.
Samiyah says (in common), 'is it not.. what is that other word?'.

You say (in common), 'no, these are sacred oaths. Geasa. It is no secret that I have taken them, but it is not widely known. The ceremony was private and sacred in which I swore three things: First, to never speak an untruth. Second, to aid the Hunt in their hunts. Third, to record things I find as a bard and share them with my following'.

Samiyah nods.

You say (in common), 'remember that: that those three things are oaths I have sworn before my Goddess and her sisters - for the Lady Cordir is second only to Katrana in my devotion. If not for her, I would have never continued learning as a bard'.

Samiyah nods.

You say (in common), 'Third: Your Lord has angered mine and the Lady Weaver'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'And is one the promise you did not keep?'.

You say (in common), 'no! I have never lied! I have avoided the hunt - aided in ways that did not involve cutting threads myself, for I don't have the stomach for it. I did not *break* the oath, but I was not true to its spirit'.

Samiyah nods.
Samiyah says (in common), 'I am sorry I did not mean to make you angry'.

You say (in common), 'I am not angry at you, Sami. But you must hear what I am saying. Lord Seraph has angered the two Gods to whom I have sworn oaths'.

Samiyah bites her lip and nods.
Samiyah says (in common), 'Are they going to battle?'.

You say (in common), 'he has done a very wicked thing and I fear'.
Aoide stops, unable to continue for a minute.

You say (in common), 'I fear that our friendship may not survive their war'.
Aoide turns away with tears in her eyes.

Samiyah blinks.
Samiyah says (in common), '.. I..'.

You say (in common), 'I do not know that it will not, but it is becoming increasingly difficult. Can you not see that?'.

Samiyah asks, bewildered, "Not even this way?" She puts one finger over her lips and winks.

You laugh.
You say (in common), 'Always that way for me. But what if you no longer wish it? If someday the rift is so great between the one to whom you have sworn and the one I worship? But, remember my first oath: I will always be here as a friend if you still wish it'.

Samiyah smiles happily.
Samiyah nods.
Samiyah says (in common), 'I hope they do not fight. I like you and Sagan and Tes and that fishy fellow'.

You say (in common), 'They will. There is no way around it at this point. Not unless Lord Seraph ceases to be him and Lady Katrana ceases to be her'.

Samiyah worries at her lower lip.

You say (in common), 'Have you heard of a man named Cirth?'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'No.'.
Samiyah reaches up and unpins her decorative brooches.
Samiyah unwinds the cloth around her hair.
Samiyah slides all the fabric back and aside.
Samiyah removes her veil.

Aoide drops her gaze respectfully.

Samiyah looks at you bare-faced, then blinks. "No. I meant you to see."

Aoide looks at Samiyah's face.

You smile happily.
You say (in common), 'hello, friend'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'hello, Sayyida-friend'.

You say (in common), 'Please think about what I have said and please: Read the tale of Cordir and Cirth and the time that he needed saving, *even though* he claimed he did not'.

Samiyah sits down and thinks deeply.
Samiyah says (in common), '... Aoide...'.

You say (in common), 'yes?'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'is..'.
Her face goes as pale as it can, her eyes wide.
Samiyah stammers, "..oh."
Samiyah bows her head breaking eye contact.

You say (in common), 'Sami..?'.

Samiyah stares down at her clasped hands. "Yes, Sayyida?"

You say (in common), 'Do you understand? We spoke of oaths earlier. I must follow my Lady first'.

Samiyah nods a little.

You say (in common), 'should I be forced to choose'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'I understand. You must keep oaths to gods and family first. They are the most sacred'.

You nod.

Samiyah whispers, "I understand."

Wish tells you, 'Is it true that the Hunt has been ordered after Seraph's followers?'.
Wish tells you, 'and One in particular?'.

You tell Wish (in common), 'It is true'.

Wish tells you, 'Aha! So Samiyah now has at least three followings looking to...how do you put it? "Cut her thread."'.

You tell Wish (in common), 'it is a dangerous time for her, yes'.

Wish tells you, 'I would very much like her corpse. I do not care about her equipment. But I need her corpse to complete my Alchemy.'.

You tell Wish (in common), 'Yes. We had heard that.'.
You tell Wish (in common), 'My Lady has no interest in your experiment'.

Wish tells you, 'What do you mean?'.

You tell Wish (in common), 'I mean, I have no idea what will happen to her corpse'.
You tell Wish (in common), 'she has not commanded we give it to you'.
You tell Wish (in common), '..should we get it first'.

Wish tells you, 'I see. But has she commanded that it NOT be given to me?'.
Wish tells you, 'I have no desire for the equipment...simply the flesh.'.

You tell Wish (in common), 'no, she is concerned only for the Hunt itself'.

Wish tells you, 'I see. So, I ask you then, Aoide. Will you please provide the corpse to me should you acquire it?'.

You tell Wish (in common), '*ponder* I would say no. But I will do this instead..'.
You tell Wish (in common), 'I will ask Samiyah'.
You tell Wish (in common), 'she has been known to give of herself to help others many times in the past'.
You tell Wish (in common), 'but I do not wish to cut her thread'.
You tell Wish (in common), 'and I will do her Rebirth no dishonor by allowing her corpse to be used against her will'.

You nod.
Aoide mumbles, praying to the air, "Please let it not be so."

Samiyah nods.
Samiyah says (in common), '"but if it does.."'.
Her voice breaks again.

You say (in common), 'I will blame your Lord for all the days of my life'.
You say (in common), 'for putting us in the position'.

Wish tells you, 'I understand honor. However, in this case I must have her corpse, and at that point it is not as if she really will need it.'.

You tell Wish (in common), 'If Lady Katrana commands me to do so, I will give it to you'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'It isn't because you are mad at me.. you would tell me if you were..'.

You tell Wish (in common), 'perhaps you would have a better case convincing her'.

Wish tells you, '*nod*...agreed'.

You say (in common), 'not mad, no, not at you anyway. FURIOUS at Lord Seraph on behalf of my Mistress and her sister'.

Samiyah says (in common), '.. is your Sayyida mad at me?'.

You say (in common), 'and for somehow tricking you into believing he has your best interest at heart'.

You frown. What's bothering you?
You say (in common), 'I do not know'.

Samiyah says (in common), '..Teva hunts.. because he is told to so I forgive him. You must do as the Gods say. Belgarion hunts because he has a mean heart and I do not forgive it'.

You say (in common), 'you don't understand, Sami. This is not just because our lady bids it. We are LIVID. What your Lord has done is an abomination, an affront to what we hold most sacred. Surely there is something.. some sacrilege you can compare it to'.

Samiyah says (in common), '.. If...'.
Samiyah says (in common), 'I ...'.

You say (in common), 'something unforgivable'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'Sayyida Katrana called it a bomb mumble'.

You tell Wish (in common), 'but Lord Alchemist..'.
You tell Wish (in common), 'I wish you no ill will'.
You tell Wish (in common), 'I apologize if I was rude'.

Wish tells you, 'You were...abrupt...rude is too strong. I accept your apology, Aoide. I know you mean me no ill will.'.
Wish tells you, 'And I understand the conflict you are under.'.

You tell Wish (in common), 'thank you'.
You tell Wish (in common), 'and yes, I never had much tact'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'abomi..'.
Samiyah says (in common), 'something'.
Samiyah says (in common), 'The worst bad of bad'.
Samiyah says (in common), 'I understand'.
Samiyah says (in common), 'sacrilege'.

You nod.
You say (in common), 'yes, that'.
You say (in common), 'this is no small feud'.
You say (in common), 'no matter of a bit of flesh for an experiment'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'But that is not why I am asking. If I die because the gods order it... I can live with that. If I die because friends hate me for something I did not do.. That... I cannot bear'.

You say (in common), 'and if you die because your Lord has used you? has harmed others, knowing you will pay? Willingly used you as a shield?'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'I do not think he would'.

You say (in common), 'and I do think he would'.

Samiyah says (in common), '.. But I will ask Him'.

You nod.
You say (in common), 'then I suppose that is all I have the right to ask you - and now I have to go. But you MUST NOT leave this room until I am gone. I am not ready.. I need to think.. I'.

Samiyah blinks.

You say (in common), 'please'.

Samiyah says (in common), '.. okay..'.

You say (in common), 'just wait here until I am away'.

You stand up.

A Tiny Chapel
[Exits: north south]
Not much to look at, this single room house of worship is filled with
plain, rough plank benches facing an equally plain, rough pulpit. There
are no windows, only a single door behind the priest's place at the
front of the chamber. In the silence, one can almost hear the desperate
whispered pleas for a good catch, for a bountiful harvest, for those
little whimsies of luck and nature that mean survival in a broken little
town such as Riverhold.
Trudging along carrying buckets of water, this villager heads home.
(Dark Blue Aura) Samiyah is here.

You say (in common), 'thank you for listening, Samiyah'.
You say (in common), 'and remember what I have said'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'I will'.
Samiyah repins her veil.
Samiyah looks around.


Log by Aoide

(For the three hours of an extended round mobhunt, the Wyld Hunt pursued Samiyah. While they were often in zone, or caught up to her in a safe room, neither spells nor swords fell before she slipped away. Aoide, Sagan and Ink pursued their quarry with as much focus as she escaped it. After the mobhunt was over, the Hunt ended. This is what occurred afterwards.)

Opening a portal to The Riverhold Town Hall and School.
The Riverhold Town Hall and School
[Exits: north south]
Curiosity may not kill the cat, but it might get this child in trouble.
(Dark Red Aura) Tross is resting here.
Singing under her breath, Elvalee prepares the next lesson.

You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
You draw a wizard mark rune in the air.

Ink ftells, 'hmmm'.

Tross says (in common), 'Aoide..?'.

Ink ftells, 'not here'.

You say (in common), 'yes?'.

Ink ftells, 'rest tes'.

You say (in common), 'oh, I'm sorry'.
You say (in common), 'I was invisible'.

You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.

Tes ftells, 'no?'.
Tes ftells, 'zing!'.

Tross says (in common), 'No, I saw ya. Or maybe you were, but I still saw ya.'.

You say (in common), 'not a very good invis then'.
You laugh.

Tross says (in common), 'I focus really really hard.'.

You say (in common), 'that's a good skill to learn'.

You frown. What's bothering you?
You say (in common), 'your weapon isn't enchanted'.

Tross says (in common), 'I know, it kept zapping me so I got one off the pit.'.

Ink ftells, ‘I gotta pop tross a weapon'.

You say (in common), 'does Alchemy have no high level mages to enchant for you?'.

You nod.

You say (in common), 'Ah! There's an evil mage'.
You say (in common), 'I bet Reacher will do it for you'.

Tross says (in common), 'I don't see folks often, just mister Wish.'.

Katrana ftells, 'About to head out:('.

Tross says (in common), 'Oh this thing is junk. Ink said he'd get me a weapon... but he doesnt have to and he didn't seem to want to.'.

You laugh.
You say (in common), 'he doesn't want to do much, but he will'.

Tross says (in common), 'I wasted practices to learn swish language for him to say I was a dust bunny'.

Cresom gossips (in common), 'Hunt night to roam '.

Sagan gossips (in common), 'ANSWER: WHAT IS EVERY NIGHT?'.
Sagan gossips (in common), '(in the form of a question)'.
Sagan gossips (in common), '((Jeopardy))'.

You comfort her.

Tross rests.

Ink ftells, 'sags'.
Sagan ftells, 'what it is'.
Ink ftells, 'her tracks here'.

Cresom gossips (in common), 'snicker'.

Tross says (in common), 'I really need to ask you something.'.

You say (in common), 'yes, he insists on speaking that language'.

You say (in common), 'ok, let's hear it'.

Tross looks pretty uncomfortable.

Ink ftells, 'what are you doing'.
Sagan ftells, 'I chased her here :p'.
Reacher ftells, 'who?'.
Ink ftells, 'haha'.

Samiyah touches her hand to her forehead, her lips, and her heart in a tribal gesture of respect.

Sagan ftells, 'she left right before I got here'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'Sayyida.'.

You say (in common), 'it's okay Tross, I won't yell'.

You ftell, 'she's in riverhold'.
Ink ftells, 'sami'.

You say (in common), 'Sami'.

Tross says (in common), 'probbly best for Sami to hear it too.'.

Ink ftells, 'how often do you think she vtexes through nydia'.

Tross says (in common), 'She said a bunch of hunt is after her.. right?'.

You say (in common), 'though she's off again'.
You nod.

Katrana ftells, 'okay cuddlies I need to get to sleep'.
Katrana ftells, 'Hunt well dear ones'.

Ink ftells, 'nods kat'.

Reacher ftells, 'Night Kat, good to see ya'.

You say (in common), 'yes, that is true'.

Katrana ftells, '<3'.
You ftell, 'night!'.

Tross rubs his neck, looking uncomfortable again.

You say (in common), 'go on...'.

Tross says (in common), '..does your lady want her .. after? her body I mean?'.

Tross blurts the next bit.
Tross says (in common), 'It’s just that if she's gonna die I don't want her to have to die twice if she could die once.'.

Aoide smiles with understanding.
You say (in common), 'No, Tross'.
You say (in common), 'My Lady is only interested in punishing Lord Seraph'.
You say (in common), 'she has no use for Samiyah's body'.

Tross says (in common), 'Could I - uh. Have it?'.

You say (in common), 'she has even given us permission to return all of Sami's items if we wish'.

Tross says (in common), 'I'd make sure it was treated respectful like.'.

You ponder the question.
You say (in common), 'Lord Wish asked me the same question earlier'.
You say (in common), 'and I told him I would ask Samiyah what she wants'.

Tross nods.
Tross nods.

Ink ftells, 'aoide, I have a weapon for tross!'.

You say (in common), 'since she's the type who would probably say yes'.

You ftell, 'great!'.

Ink ftells, 'it's not enchanted though :('.
You ftell, 'make reach enchant it'.
Ink ftells, 'reachy?'.
Reacher ftells, 'who is tross?'.
Ink ftells, 'some noob'.
Reacher ftells, 'i'm at pit'.

Tross says (in common), 'That's why I was sayin maybe she should be here.'.
Tross says (in common), 'the thing is..'.
Tross says (in common), 'she might have to say no.'.

You say (in common), 'I'm sure she would come speak to us if we asked'.

You gossip (in common), 'Samiyah'.

Ink ftells, 'brt'.
Ink ftells, 'sami at GH'.

Tross says (in common), 'cuz it'd help Wish, and Seraph doesn't like him'.

You nod.
You say (in common), 'true'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'yes, Sayyida'.

Tross says (in common), 'so .. keep that in mind. If it happens.'.
Tross says (in common), 'I don't want her to have to die twice.'.

You say (in common), 'but I would not want to say yes if she does not wish is'.
You say (in common), 'I care about her very much'.

Samiyah arrives from the south.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'can you come to the Riverhold schoolhouse?'.

You smile at her.

Ink ftells, 'thanks reach'.
Reacher ftells, 'sure'.

You say (in common), 'Tross has a question for you'.

Samiyah blinks.

Ink ftells, 'come get me please, aoide?'.

You say (in common), 'and if you'll wait for just a minute, I will bring your weapon Tross'.

Guild Hall
[Exits: north east south west]
(Light Red Aura) Tes is here.
(Light Red Aura) Ink is here.
(Dark Cyan Aura) Cresom is here.

Ink smiles at you.

Tes rests.

You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.

Opening a portal to The Riverhold Town Hall and School.
The Riverhold Town Hall and School
[Exits: north south]
(Dark Blue Aura) Samiyah is here.
Curiosity may not kill the cat, but it might get this child in trouble.
(Dark Red Aura) Tross is resting here.
Singing under her breath, Elvalee prepares the next lesson.

Samiyah says (in common), 'What's wrong, Tross?'.

Tross says (in common), 'Uh.'.

Ink says (in sahuagin), '*beep*boop*'.

You say (in common), 'ok, give her the weapon fish boy'.
You say (in common), 'and then leave'.
You say (in common), 'this is girl time'.

Samiyah looks at Ink.

Ink pokes Tross in the ribs.

Tross says (in common), 'Hey! Stop that'.
Tross pokes Ink in the ribs.
Tross scowls.

Ink says (in sahuagin), 'Tross, can you hear me?'.

Tross eats an oatmeal cookie.
Tross says (in common), 'I don't speak fish'.

You say (in common), 'but you said...!'.

Samiyah glances at the two hunters, and shakes her head. "I am sorry, Tross. I cannot stay."

Aoide shuts her mouth.

Samiyah leaves south.

Ink says (in sahuagin), 'd o y o u u n d e r s t a n d t h I s?'.

Tross says (in common), 'I learned comprehend!'.
Tross utters the words, 'qawscanduspunsoe'.

Ink shows his approval by clapping his hands together.
Ink says (in sahuagin), '*beep*boop*'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'Samiyah! It is safe here. I will not ask you to leave. If you wish to wait until Ink is gone, I will tell you'.
You tell Samiyah (in common), 'but Tross asked that we both be here'.

Tross says (in common), '.. see? I learned it for things like -that-'.

Ink says (in sahuagin), 'Tross, the Swish has gathered the item you requested'.
Ink says (in sahuagin), 'Please ready yourself for delivery *beep*boop*'.

You snicker with him about your shared secret.

Samiyah tells you (in common), '...sayyida.. you made it gently clear today that YOU are not safe...'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'No, I am not.'.
You tell Samiyah (in common), 'but this room is'.
You tell Samiyah (in common), 'is it not?'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'I fear your ability as much as Ink's, if not more.'.

A gigantic meteor falls from the sky and slams into the floor of the Town Hall.

Ink kicks the meteor.
Ink sits down and thinks deeply.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'He can cut my body. You can cut my heart.'.

Tross dives for a bench.

Ink says (in sahuagin), 'oh, look...'.
Ink gives a fishing spear to Tross.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'Would you prefer if we spoke in the Guild Hall?'.

Tross stops using a heavy mace.
Tross wields a fishing spear.
Tross drops a heavy mace.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'or I can tell Tross that she cannot speak to us both at once'.

Tross brandishes it.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'if you wish'.

Tross grins evilly.
Tross says (in common), 'Thanks, mister.'.

Ink says (in sahuagin), 'BE CAREFUL WITH THAT THING!'.
Ink nods in recognition to Tross.
Ink looks at Tross.

Samiyah tells you (in common), '*faintly, voice shaking* .. I need a moment. I need to think.'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'of course'.

Ink ftells, 'what'd you tell her aoide!'.
You ftell, 'who?'.
Ink ftells, 'sami'.
You ftell, 'when?'.
Ink ftells, 'just now?'.

Tross says (in common), 'This one hurts less to use'.

Ink ftells, 'she's catching her breath'.
You ftell, 'Tross wanted to talk to her'.
Ink ftells, 'ahh'.
You ftell, 'and Sami said she's afraid to come in here with us in here'.
You ftell, 'and I told her it's a safe room'.
You ftell, 'but she's still scared'.
Ink ftells, 'haha wuss!'.
You ftell, 'I dont see why'.
You ftell, 'we cant even kill her'.
You ftell, 'group me again'.
Ink ftells, 'we aren't skilled'.
You ftell, 'nope'.

Tross says (in common), 'the thing is...'.

You raise your eyebrow.

Tross says (in common), 'I'll ask her, when I see her'.

Ink ftells, 'is she there with you?'.
You ftell, 'no'.
Ink ftells, 'hmmm'.
Ink ftells, 'she's out and about then'.

You nod.
You say (in common), 'very well'.

Tross says (in common), 'the thing is...'.

You ftell, 'oh, she is here'.

Tross says (in common), 'she might not -want- to say no, but she might -have- to.'.

You say (in common), 'Tross, she is here'.

Samiyah leans against the doorway and nods.

Ink ftells, 'nod'.

You nod.
You say (in common), 'Yes'.

Tross says (in common), 'Good, that'll be easier'.

You say (in common), 'but I think she should get to choose'.

Tross nods in recognition to you.

Samiyah says (in common), '... I am standing right here..'.

ou ftell, 'I could probably convince her to let me kill her'.

Samiyah looks at Tross.
Samiyah looks at you.

Ink ftells, 'that's the cheap way!'.
You ftell, 'though that's not as fun, perhaps'.
You ftell, 'better than what you guys did'.
You ftell, 'useless'.
Ink ftells, 'we'll do it right'.

Samiyah blinks at Aoide's appearance.

Aoide drops her gaze to the floor.

Ink ftells, 'frankly it's tough to do with 3 people'.
You ftell, 'you do it all the time'.

Tross says (in common), 'I needed to ask you something Sami. Its just .. I don't want you to die. And now you said hunt's after you too.'.

Samiyah nods.
Samiyah says (in common), 'It has been ordered by three gods.'.

Tross looks really uncomfortable.

Samiyah shrugs.

Aoide looks really uncomfortable too.

Samiyah says (in common), 'There is nothing I can do about that except try to honor Sahib.'.

Tross nods in recognition to Samiyah.

Aoide mutters.

Tross says (in common), 'If they get you .. hunt I mean..'.

Samiyah nods.

Tross blurts.
Tross says (in common), 'would it be ok with you if I took care of your body, after?'.

Samiyah blinks.
Samiyah blinks.
Samiyah blinks.
Samiyah says (in common), '.. why?'.

Tross speaks in a rush of panic to her blinks.
Tross says (in common), 'Then everybody'd stop hunting you! You wouldn't have to die again. I don't want to see you hunted.'.

Samiyah glances at Aoide, reproach in her gaze.
Samiyah says (in common), 'They aren't going to stop, Tross.'.
Samiyah says (in common), 'My god has angered their god.'.

You say (in common), 'Teva might'.

Tross frowns.

Samiyah says (in common), 'I don't care about Teva.'.

You say (in common), 'No? You wish him to hunt you still?'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'I don't care about Belgarion.'.

Tross says (in common), 'She's pretty good about handling Teva. You should've seen her, Aoide!'.

Tross grins evilly at Samiyah.

Samiyah looks at Tross and nods, her face distant.

You say (in common), 'I believe you'.

Tross rubs the back of his neck.
Tross says (in common), 'Still though. Things happen.'.

Samiyah nods.
Samiyah says (in common), 'I expect I will die.'.
Samiyah says (in common), 'And then die again.'.
Samiyah says (in common), 'and then die again.'.
Samiyah says (in common), 'and again.'.
Samiyah says (in common), 'and again.'.
Samiyah says (in common), 'and again.'.

Tross looks at Sami, horrified.

Samiyah says (in common), 'But my Sahib will hold my spirit in his hands, each time, keeping me safe.'.

You say (in common), 'Samiyah, the dying aside'.
You say (in common), 'listen to Tross'.
You say (in common), 'she is trying to honor *her* Lord'.
You say (in common), 'in a way that requires you the least amount of pain'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'she hasn't said anything except taking my body.'.
Samiyah says (in common), 'but did not answer why.'.

You say (in common), 'true'.
You say (in common), 'I just assumed..'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'I want to hear it said.'.
Samiyah says (in common), '"I am going to bring your lifeless husk to my god of tentacles and slime who will do horrible things to it, SO HE CAN CONVINCE HIMSELF HE ISN'T AN ELF!!!"'.

Samiyah breathes hard, shaking with exhaustion and stress.

Tross says (in common), '*quietly* Sami...'.

You say (in common), 'No, this is good'.
You say (in common), 'more yelling'.

Samiyah turns her face to look out the door, so neither of you will see tears.

You say (in common), 'less...sitting over there and letting people walk all over you'.

Samiyah says softly, 'I have been doing very, very little sitting for the last many hours.'

Tross says (in common), 'She isn't! You should've seen how brave she was with Teva.'.

You say (in common), 'I *believe* you'.
You say (in common), 'I did not mean to imply you do nothing'.
You say (in common), 'I'm saying, you should be yelling more'.

You say (in common), 'but you did not answer the question, Tross'.

Tross says (in common), 'Well how could I, everyone else is yellin and talkin and you gotta admit this is kindof awful - and awkward.'.

You nod in recognition to her.
You say (in common), 'it is, yes'.
You say (in common), 'this whole situation is rotten'.

You say (in common), 'Samiyah, please look at me'.

Samiyah removes the decorative brooches holding her veil in place.
Samiyah unwinds the dark linen folds of fabric that cowl her hair.
Samiyah lifts the last drape that conceals her face.
Samiyah stops using a white linen blindfold.

You thank Samiyah heartily.

Samiyah turns and faces you both, face pinched and frightened, tear tracks down both cheeks.

Tross offers out her hand immediately.

Samiyah shakes her head slightly.

You say (in common), 'Samiyah. Should I hold your corpse in my hands, I swear on the Weaver, the Wyrm, and the Wyld'.

You say (in common), 'that I will take nothing from it'.
You say (in common), 'that it will be returned to you undefiled'.
You say (in common), 'unless you should otherwise indicate'.
You say (in common), 'I will heal you and regear you and restore your lyricals'.
You say (in common), 'and then I will hunt you and kill you again. And again. And again...until your God returns that which he SHOULD NOT HAVE TAKEN'.

### [The Magistrate says, 'Well, if you want Tes hauled in, it will cost you 6972 gold.']

You ftell, 'ouch Tes'.

Samiyah bursts into tears.

Samiyah makes a complicated-looking gesture.
The air shimmers as Samiyah creates a portal here.

** (See Next Chapter for what happened from the time she left to when she returns) **

A dark shadows engulfs the room

You say (in common), 'whoops, Tross'.

Tross scowls.

You say (in common), 'I tend to get hot-headed'.


Aoide stares into the shadows.

You say (in common), 'THEN WHY DO YOU HAVE THEM'.
You say (in common), 'they ARE NOT YOURS'.

Tross says (in common), 'WHY ARE WE YELLING?'.

Someone walks out the shadows.

Aoide shakes with rage.
You say (in common), 'Because, Tross, THIS God has insulted not only Lady Katrana but the Great Lady Weaver herself'.

Someone says, 'they came willingly'.

You say (in common), 'I doubt it. All we have is your word on it, which you have to admit, is a little too convenient'.

Someone says, 'and second of all, I was going to give them to Cordir'.

You say (in common), 'but you didn't'.

Tross looks baffled, half listening as she peers about.

Someone says, 'she threw me out before I could'.

You say (in common), 'and they are not hers to have EITHER - souls are not playthings and even if they were'.

Someone says, 'she could put them back in the weave'.

You say (in common), 'THEY SHOULD HAVE NEVER LEFT'.

Someone says, 'they have chosen to'.

You say (in common), 'again, on your word'.

Tross says (in common), 'This isn't important right now, where is -Sami-'.

You say (in common), 'hiding from me'.
You say (in common), 'maybe there is somewhere she would feel safe'.

An elf and half elf steps out the shadows

You say (in common), 'her temple or a favorite hiding spot'.

Someone says, 'ask them'.

Tross says (in common), 'Well what do I know! I've barely left town'.

You say (in common), 'No. I will not fall for your tricks.'.
You say (in common), 'I have seen what you have done to Samiyah'.
You say (in common), 'The purest of all who walk the realm'.
You say (in common), 'how should I know what is real and what is magic?'.

Someone says, 'if Cordir wants them I am not hard to find'.

You say (in common), 'If it was that simple, we would not be here'.

Someone says, 'but to watch Katrana dance like a puppet for her sister....makes me feel sorry for her'.

You say (in common), 'Is it puppetry to defend the one you love?'.

### [Tross tells Samiyah (in common), 'its not safe! You dont' have to always be risky to be brave Sami!']

Tross leaves north.

You say (in common), 'if that is so, your own bard is nothing more than a puppet'.
You say (in common), 'for she represents you much better than you deserve'.

Someone says, 'Cordir knew what Katrana would do'.

You say (in common), 'and if Cordir wanted to stop her, she would have'.
You say (in common), 'She has more power and experience in an *eyelash* than you will ever have'.

Someone says, 'of course she does'.

You say (in common), 'then why?'.

Aoide stops as her voice breaks.

You say (in common), 'Why torture her so?'.

Someone says, 'but even I knew as soon as she walked in my hall the outcome of events'.

You say (in common), 'And what was that?'.
You say (in common), 'that you would start a war?'.
You say (in common), 'demand your truest follower to give up all those she loves?'.

Someone says, 'why cause I seen two lost souls and I figured I would make a truce with Cordir'.

You say (in common), 'a truce with Cordir with the SOULS of those she loves?!'.
You laugh.
You say (in common), 'you clearly do not know the Lady Weaver well'.

Someone says, ‘I know she is blinded by hatred'.

You say (in common), 'and it is your job to teach her otherwise I suppose?'.
You say (in common), 'just like it is your job to sacrifice Samiyah on the altar of your conceit?'.

### [Somewhere, Samiyah watches the sun fall.]

You say (in common), 'If you cared about her AT ALL'.

Someone says, 'think of this aoide'.

You say (in common), 'if you *actually* cared about restoring good in this realm, You would not feel the need to "call a truce" by stealing souls. Souls safely protected'.

Someone says, 'listen for a moment, and think about what im going to say'.

Aoide shuts her mouth and folds her ams abruptly.

Someone says, 'if I was going to start a war, I would have destroyed the souls in front of Cordir. But I didn't. Instead I brought them to her'.

Aoide bites her tongue and narrows her eyes in concentration.

Someone says, 'and SHE refused to take them. Then sends her sister knowing I would not give them to her, also knowing that would enrage Katrana to attack me'.

### [Samiyah says (in common), 'my throat is too swollen.']

You say (in common), 'It comes down to trust, Lord Seraph. I trust the Lady Weaver. I trust her because I know her. I know what she does. Who she loves, and what she will not do. She would *not* start a war out of spite. My Lady Katrana? She does love a good Hunt. She sometimes gets excited by the blood. But that this was masterminded somehow by Cordir? A LIE'.

Someone says, 'and I served under Katrana for a long time'.
Someone says, ‘I even paid respects to the wyld in my hall'.

You say (in common), 'Yes, so I hear. And I will tell you this now: I do not know how to hurt a God. I cannot attack you. I cannot hold souls in my hand with which to threaten you. But you have stolen from me my truest friend and for that, I will hate you always'.

Someone says, 'think about it a moment aoide'.

You say (in common), 'and I will cry each time I see her run from me in fear, out of devotion to you when you have done nothing but bring her pain'.

Samiyah touches her hand to her forehead, her lips, and her heart in a tribal gesture of respect.
Samiyah says (in common), 'Yes, Sahib?'.

Tross arrives from the north.

Someone says, 'do you want to leave Samiyah?'.

Samiyah blinks.
Samiyah says (in common), 'What, Sahib? Why would You ask that?'.

You say (in common), 'Don't you use her as a pawn in this fight.'.

Someone says, 'since no one can see but me that Cordir is using people'.

Samiyah asks with an anxious face, 'Is this another test, Sahib?'
Samiyah drops to her knees.

You say (in common), 'It will not convince me, you snake! She would do anything you ask of her'.

Someone says, 'no, Samiyah, people seem to think I hold you to me. I control you'.

You say (in common), 'And instead, she is falling apart. Just LOOK at her. If you cared *at all* you would see what she is becoming, how she can barely look anyone in the eye'.

Tross frowns.

Someone says, 'Cordir can't hurt me so she runs to her sister to do her dirty work'.

You say (in common), 'Oh, that is where you are wrong. Cordir could BURY you. But the thing closest to Cordir's heart has always been her followers. To see one of them in pain is agony to her and Lady Katrana both. And so they believe, mistakenly it seems, that you are the same'.

Samiyah glances back and forth between the arguing two, tears of confusion and upset streaming silently down her face.

Someone says, 'she has cut my thread yet I stand before you stronger then before'.

You say (in common), 'but it seems than watching your beloved suffer emboldens you than pains you and that is where the Lady Weaver may have been wrong. I think she gives you too much credit'.

Someone says, 'Samiyah if you want to leave you can, it's your choice'.

You say (in common), 'If Cordir wished it, your very thread would burn from the Pattern but SHE IS NOT YOU. She does not control people thus'.

Someone says, 'she cannot harm me'.

Samiyah cries out, agonized, 'Sahib, why do you always doubt me? Why do you ever ask me to leave?!'

Someone says, ‘I am not doubting you'.

Samiyah buries her face in her hands. 'I have chosen and chosen and chosen again and again, and it is always You, who has my spirit in your hands.'

You say (in common), 'and when I have to cut her thread'.

Aoide points to Samiyah.

You say (in common), 'and I die inside as I watch her fear me, I will blame you, always you'.

Someone says, ‘I am showing Aoide you have choices'.

You say (in common), 'and if you would LOOK AT HER you would see that she suffers for you and you care not'.

Someone says, 'hold out your hand, Aoide'.

Aoide holds out a hand defiantly.

Someone pulls the half elf's soul from the air and puts it into a gem.

Someone places the gem in Aoides hand.

You say (in common), 'and the other?'.

Someone says, 'Cordir can come get it herself'.

Aoide turns her back to the shadow.
And then shifts again, trying to turn her back to something unseen.

You say (in common), 'Samiyah... I do not know that this will call off the Hunt. You should stay away from me until I know for sure'.

Samiyah shrugs listlessly, still kneeling at Seraph's feet.

You say (in common), 'somehow I doubt holding "just one soul" ransom is any better than both'.

Aoide glares at the shadows.
You say (in common), 'You are killing her.'.
You say (in common), 'and if I could, I would kill you for it'.

Someone says, 'when Cordir gets off her high horse she can have it'.

You say (in common), 'do NOT speak about the Lady Weaver that way'.

Someone says, 'Samiyah stand'.

Samiyah moves clumsily to her feet.

Someone says, ‘I will speak if the ice queen any way I choose to'.

You scowl.
You say (in common), 'get your sisters right'.
You say (in common), 'it's Katrana that's the ice queen'.

Someone says, 'no she isnt'.

You say (in common), 'Like I said - you don't know your history very well. Though The Three help you if you call her that'.
You laugh.

Someone says, 'no I walk with the immortals now. Things are different then what mortals see'.

You say (in common), 'Be that as it may, the Lady Weaver is not heartless. She has *bled* for thankless souls who despise her still'.

Samiyah glances at Seraph, and nods, acknowledging His words.
Samiyah closes her eyes. Takes a slow breath. Releases it.
Samiyah breathes, the words barely audible: No weakness.
Samiyah opens her eyes and squares her shoulders, determined.

Aoide looks at Samiyah, concerned.

Someone says, 'she hates for no reason and uses her sister for her own deeds'.

Samiyah turns and bows carefully before the Wyld Hunt bard.

You say (in common), 'then let this be between you and her and leave Samiyah out of it'.

Someone says, 'you put her into this - your god and Cordir'.

Samiyah slips one hand up to her neck, holding one of the many braids that tumble down the side of her face.

You say (in common), 'Oh no. She has been in the middle of this since you first came back to this realm. You will command her to be strong until she breaks in two. I doubt they have willow trees in the desert but I was raised in the treetops. I know what the wind can do'.

Someone kisses Samiyah on the forehead.
Someone utters the words, 'bless'.

Samiyah closes her eyes, swallows hard, and tries not to show relief in her expression.

Someone steps back in the shadows.
Samiyah leaves south.

Aoide crumples into a heap, carefully cradling the gem in her hand.
Aoide sobs silently.

Tross rubs the back of his neck awkwardly.

Aoide looks up, remembering you were here.

You say (in common), 'I'm sorry you had to see that, Tross'.

Tross finally lays a hand on her shoulder, equally awkwardly.

You say (in common), 'that is..*sniff* NOT a good way to speak to an immortal'.

Tross says (in common), '.. you're a real bard though. Always finding words.'.

You say (in common), 'too many words'.
You say (in common), 'Tross..'.

Tross says (in common), 'Yeah?'.

You say (in common), 'I don't think she will trust me anymore. In fact, I told her not to and I know Seraph has told her she cannot be friends with you either. But... could you just, cheer her up every once and a while?'.

Tross says (in common), 'I think he just said she can't help me with stuff.'.
Tross says (in common), 'but I don't really know.'.
Tross rubs his neck again.

You nod.

Tross says (in common), 'I don't know.'.

You say (in common), 'that's a lot to ask of you'.
You say (in common), 'you're just a kid'.

Tross says (in common), 'But I know I can try.'.

You say (in common), 'and not sticking around, you've said'.
You say (in common), 'but..'.
You say (in common), 'I've never sailed much'.
You say (in common), 'but isn't there something on a ship that cracks if it gets too dry and stiff?'.
You say (in common), 'something that needs to stay soft to hold up well?'.

Samiyah arrives from the south.
Samiyah says (in common), '.. I am sorry, Tross.'.

Tross says (in common), 'lots of stuff like that. Most wood.'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'we will finish your song another time.'.
Samiyah touches her hand to her forehead, her lips, and her heart in a tribal gesture of respect.
Samiyah leaves south.

You nod.
You say (in common), 'I am worried that she is like that wood. Getting far too tight and not soft enough. She used to be so soft and now.. Now, if he isnt the end of all that is good in her. I will be'.

Tears fall down Aoide's cheeks.

Tross looks a bit overwhelmed.

You say (in common), 'I'm sorry, I did it again'.

Tross says (in common), '... all mister Wish wants is to think of himself as a cuttlefish.'.

You laugh.
You say (in common), 'you were wise to choose such a following'.

Tross says (in common), 'my Da says ... sometimes you can't fight a storm. You just have to tie up the sails and hold on tight.'.

You say (in common), 'well, this feels like a storm to me'.

Tross nods in recognition to you.
Tross says (in common), '.. just hold on tight. They all end.'.

You say (in common), 'Yes, let's hope this one blows over quickly. I'm sorry I ruined your conversation. Perhaps she will be more willing to listen without me around'.

Tross says (in common), '...and if Sami gets thrown off, or you do - well, cuttlefish are at home in the water, right? Even blown off not everything's hopeless.'.

You laugh.
You say (in common), 'true'.

You say (in common), 'perhaps we can all lock ourselves in your temple and practice mad alchemy'.
You say (in common), 'it would be a nice change of pace'.

Tross grins evilly at you.
Tross says (in common), 'How come he wants Cordir to come herself?'.
Tross says (in common), 'I met her once. She stole my pastries.'.

You say (in common), 'I don't know'.
You say (in common), 'I don't know what goes on in the realm of the gods'.

Tross says (in common), '..bet you will someday.'.

Aoide looks surprised.
You say (in common), 'Oh no, I doubt that'.

Tross looks at you.

You say (in common), 'they'll probably bury me in a nameless grave after the way I spoke to an immortal tonight'.

Tross says (in common), 'Maybe that too.'.
Tross grins evilly at you.

You say (in common), 'but I know this'.
You say (in common), 'you were lucky to have met Lady Cordir'.

Tross says (in common), 'How come?'.

You say (in common), 'and if I had to pick a side, I'd pick her over Lord Seraph any day'.

Tross says (in common), 'It didn't feel really lucky'.

You say (in common), 'she is the reason I'm still a bard'.
You say (in common), 'well, she can be a bit severe'.

Tross says (in common), 'She did give me cake though.'.
Tross says (in common), 'so I guess he isn't all bad. Wish says she's wise.'.

You nod.
You say (in common), 'she is very wise'.
You say (in common), 'she has been living for thousands of years'.
You say (in common), 'and she was a mage once'.
You say (in common), 'like you'.

Tross says (in common), 'I learned to zap things like that weapon did me.'.

You say (in common), 'well that's something!'.

Tross blinks.
Tross says (in common), 'Oh. I think I forgot to thank Ink!'.

You say (in common), 'sokay'.

Tross says (in common), 'he was here in the middle of everything.'.

You say (in common), 'he's a pest anyway'.
You say (in common), 'a cute one though'.
You say (in common), 'if you like dwarfy fishes'.

Tross says (in common), 'Dwarves sink, doc said so'.

You say (in common), 'yes, but some people say sailors stink'.

Tross says (in common), 'he said that's why Tynian invented 'fly.

You say (in common), 'oh, SINK!'.

You snicker softly.

You say (in common), 'probably'.

You say (in common), 'Tross...'.

Tross says (in common), 'Yeah?'.

You say (in common), 'if I give you something for Samiyah'.
You say (in common), 'something harmless'.
You say (in common), 'will you give it to her for me?'.

Tross says (in common), 'sometimes harmless things turn out different than you think - but sure, yeah.'.

You nod.
You say (in common), 'wait here, then'.

Aoide scribbles a note on the page.

O wenn ein Leben
vollig stieg und aus Wolken des eigenen Herzleids
niederfallt: so nennen wir Tod diesen Regen.

You give a torn-out page to Tross.
You say (in common), 'give it to her in a safe place'.
You say (in common), 'and tell her to get rid of it before she leaves'.

Tross says (in common), '..what's it say?'.

You say (in common), 'so she doesn't think it's a trap'.
You say (in common), 'something that I hope will make her happy'.

Tross nods in recognition to you.

You say (in common), 'and now I have to go lie down'.
You say (in common), 'yelling at unseen beings gives me a headache'.

Tross says (in common), 'probably a good time to head below.'.

You nod.
You say (in common), 'thank you'.
You say (in common), 'good luck convincing her'.
You wave.


(Log by Sami)

Aoide says (in common), 'Samiyah. Should I hold your corpse in my hands, I swear on the Weaver, the Wyrm, and the Wyld, that I will take nothing from it. That it will be returned to you undefiled, unless you should otherwise indicate. I will heal you and regear you and restore your lyricals and then I will hunt you and kill you again. And again. And again...until your God returns that which he SHOULD NOT HAVE TAKEN'.

Samiyah bursts into tears.
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.

Opening a portal to Nasha's Home.
Nasha's Home
[Exits: south]

You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
You draw a wizard mark rune in the air.

(Sami flees to...)

The Hall of the High Order
[Exits: north]
(Blue Aura) A hand-lettered open book rests upon a black iron pedestal.

Sirka arrives from the north.
Sirka leaves north.

Samiyah waits until Sirka leaves and then throws herself down on the goatskin rug before the fireplace and sobs.

Chico ftells, 'You looking for anything in particular, Seraph?'.

You ftell, '*soft voice* I think sahib is busy a moment.'.

Chico ftells, 'Ok. Nature calls, I am guessing'.

Tross tells you (in common), '.. Sami? Can we forget all this stuff a minute and can I just come sit with you?'.

### [Aoide says (in common), 'I have seen what you have done to Samiyah']

> c portal home
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.

Opening a portal to Nasha's Home.
Nasha's Home
[Exits: south]

You tell Tross (in common), '.. our spot'.

A Large Oak
[Exits: north down]
The branches of a massive oak surround you in a world of rustling
green leaves and deep brown bark. It is peaceful here, the sort of
place one could set their cares and worries aside. A robin has her
nest in the crook of a branch, and one spot on a particularly wide
lower branch looks perfect to perch upon and daydream.
The sky is cloudy and a cold northern gust blows.
With an acorn grasped in his paws, a squirrel pauses to watch you.
With an acorn grasped in his paws, a squirrel pauses to watch you.
With an acorn grasped in his paws, a squirrel pauses to watch you.

Tross tells you (in common), 'it's not safe! You don't have to always be risky to be brave Sami!'.

You tell Tross (in common), '.. that is where I am waiting.'.

Tross tells you (in common), 'but i'm here!'.

Tross arrives from below.
Tross says (in common), 'sami, somewhere else'.

You say (in common), 'if she comes to kill me, she comes to kill me'.
You say (in common), 'and I will run.'.

Tross says (in common), '..crikey.'.

### [Aoide says (in common), 'that you would start a war?']

Tross rubs the back of his neck; say Uh.. I saw the date palm again.

Samiyah nods, leaning back against the tree trunk, still shaking and unsteady.

Taliesin ftells, 'is Lord Seraph on?'.

Tross offers an apple wordlessly.

You ftell, 'he is, but I think he is talking to someone right now'.

Samiyah takes it, examining the green fruit.

Tross gets a delicious green apple from bag made from doe hide.

You say (in common), '.. I can't actually eat.'.

Tross gives you a delicious green apple.

You say (in common), 'it's a bard magic.. I don't get hungry, but..'.

Tross says (in common), 'It'd probably get all over.. but it might distract things.'.

Samiyah watches the sun fall.

Tross looks at you.

### [Somewhere, Aoide shuts her mouth and folds her arms abruptly]

Tross says (in common), '..do you want to tell me a story?'.

Samiyah wrinkles her brow in thought.
Samiyah wrinkles her brow in thought.

Samiyah pulls out a small clay ocarina and puts it to her lips, giving a slight trill of notes.
Samiyah explains, 'That's the noise we'd use to call the goats in from pasture.'

You say (in common), 'I can't think of any stories, so..'.
You say (in common), ‘I will sing you the first song I ever wrote.'.

Tross smiles happily.
Tross nods in recognition to you.

You say (in common), 'I used to tend the goats'.
You say (in common), 'with the other children of the tribe.'.
You say (in common), ‘I would take the night watch, overlooking the ocean.'.

Samiyah sings, 'Greedy little goatsies wand'ring 'cross the sand!
Samiyah sings, 'eating all the grasses, just because you can!
Samiyah sings, 'You would eat my shoeses, you would eat a tree!
Samiyah sings, 'You would eat that carrion, or even! eat! me!
Samiyah stops the song.

You sigh.

Tross grins evilly at you.

You say (in common), 'no, someone else wants to eat me, now.'.
You say (in common), 'not a goat.'.
You shiver. Brrrrrrrrr.

Samiyah says softly, 'I am sorry, Tross.'

Tross says (in common), '... goats got out of their pen once and chewed on the ships stairs.'.

Tross says (in common), 'what for?'.

You say (in common), 'I can't sing.'.
You say (in common), 'my throat is too swollen.'.

Tross says (in common), 'Do you feel a little less shaky from trying?'.

Samiyah wrinkles her brow in thought.
You say (in common), '.. yes.'.

Tross looks satisfied and smiles. He taps his temple.
Tross says (in common), 'distraction.'.

Chico ftells, 'I could use an ID or 7'.
You ftell, '.. for myself, I would stay doing what I am doing.'.
You ftell, 'for a brother in need, I will be in the guild in a moment.'.

You say (in common), ‘I must go'.

Chico ftells, 'no urgency, but I am hands full'.

You say (in common), 'one of my brothers in the Order needs help'.

Tross says (in common), '..okay.'.
Tross nods in recognition to you.

### [Aoide says (in common), 'I cannot hold souls in my hand with which to threaten you']

You ftell, 'on my away'.

Chico ftells, 'bags full'.

Hadrian ftells, 'I have scores for you, too, Samiyah. :)'.

You ftell, 'thank you all'.

Samiyah rises and drops a quick kiss on the top of your head.

Sirka ftells, 'it makes the following stronger so it helps'.

The Pit
[Exits: east up]
This is the room of last resort. If you are weaponless, armorless,
or in need of something you can't afford, this is where you go to
depend on the generosity of others. Veteran adventurers often come
here to unload equipment they can't use, can't sell, or just want to
donate to the less fortunate. Be warned, less scrupulous individuals
have been known to dump cursed equipment here, merely for the pleasure
of seeing the poor suffer. Less than vigilant janitors have left grim
evidence that a choice piece of equipment is occasionally wanted by
more than one person.

A grand staircase leads to the temples above.
A pit for donations dominates the room.
(Dark Blue Aura) Sirka is resting here.
(Dark Blue Aura) Chico is resting here.
(Invis) (Dark Cyan Aura) Cresom is here.

Seraph [GS] tells you, 'come to me now'.

Samiyah touches her hand to her forehead, her lips, and her heart in a tribal gesture of respect.

You say (in common), 'pardon, sahib needs me'.

Sirka ftells, 'hands full sami'.

The Riverhold Town Hall and School
[Exits: north south]
A heavy mace has been left lying here.
(Invis 71) (Intense Dark Blue Aura) [GS] Seraph is here.
(Light Red Aura) Aoide, The Past Grand Finder, is resting here.
Singing under her breath, Elvalee prepares the next lesson.

Samiyah touches her hand to her forehead, her lips, and her heart in a tribal gesture of respect.

Tross arrives from the north.

You say (in common), 'Yes, Sahib?'.

Seraph says, 'do you want to leave Samiyah?'.

(and from there, it continued)