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Message In A Bottle

(log by Wish)

The Coral Cave
[Exits: south]

A light clinking sound catches your notice.

Wish says, 'hmmm'.

> l west
Jagged coral outcroppings covered in colorful sea anemone make up the west
wall. Here and there, embedded in the coral, are a number of objects which
have found their way into the cave and then been encased by the living coral.
You can just make out a giant ships anchor, rusted and leaning precariously;
the golden hilt of a sabre sticks out of the coral like a fist; a framed
painting covered in coral dust; and a massive chipped tusk upon which the
skeleton of a huge fish has been impaled.


Wish says, 'what is that sound?'.

> Look down
The floor of the coral cave is made of soft, white sand. Some magical force
prevents the sand from sticking to your feet, and the experience of walking on
it is exceptionally pleasant.

There is a large piece of rotted ship's wood hanging here, raggedly engraved as
if by acid. Peering closer, you can make out crude writings which describe the
core values of Alchemy:

1. Alchemy is the art of spiritual and physical transmutation. Seek to manifest
change in others, and understand that which transforms you.

2. Place your Alchemist brethren first, above self.

3. Be accountable and learn from reflection.

4. The practice of Alchemy has consequences. Learn to live with yours.

5. Lord Nash is the first and greatest of all Alchemists. Worship him, or do
not worship him, but never forget his gifts.

> L east
The east wall appears to be a Nashite devotional, depicted by three expertly
carved panels that have been chiseled out of the coral wall. The panels
depict some of the most important events in Nashite history. Beneath each
panel is small, engraved seashell.

Wish: Anyone else hear that sound?

DarkClaw: Good morning, Wish.

A slight shadow flickers overhead.

Wish: good morning

> L up
The roof of the cave is high above you, and seemingly naturally made from the
center of the massive coral formation. Light streams through cracks in the
ceiling. Peering up through them, you make out huge kelp fronds and schools of

Wish frowns. What’s bothering him?

> L South
The round door to the cave is just to the south. It is made of a single large
clam shell. The only feature on the door is a spiral keyhole.
The clam is open.

Something un-fish-like bobs in the water, tapping up against the coral cave roof.

The Coral Cave
[Exits: south]
Glittering white sand covers the floor of this room, curling in tiny swirls
across the room as if by some unseen current. The cave appears to have
naturally grown within the center of a massive coral formation, and you are
unable to detect any sign of intentional construction. The coral walls pulse
with life, as sea creatures dart in and out of tiny crevices, and colorful
coral fronds sway to and fro like leaves in the wind. Sunlight gently streams
into the room through cracks in the coral ceiling, bathing everything in an
eerie bluish cast. Some magical force must be at work here, since you appear to
be completely underwater, and yet able to breathe without difficulty. The
only exit is to the south, through a small carved out of the coral wall.
(Token magic) This bottle has traveled far - nicks and scratches mar its surface.

Wish: A bottle just fell into Coral Cave

DarkClaw: A bottle...of?


Wish: I don't know yet...there it was again! That sound!
Wish: Has a pirate ship wrecked in the Sea?

The glass bottle taps against the coral, moved by the waves. *Clink!*

Wish: Someone is throwing trash in my Cave!!!!

>get bottle
You are not permitted to get items from the ground.

DarkClaw: You should flog them.

>eat bottle
You do not have that item.

Wish: And I need a follower to come clean up!

DarkClaw: Enlist the help of Taliesin.

Wish: This is not good.

The bottle bobs in the waves.

Wish removes a mortar and pestle from his cloak.

Wish gets a mortar of alchemically charged gold from bag made from octopus hide.
Wish gets a squid-headed pestle of pure silver from bag made from octopus hide.

DarkClaw: What does the message say?

> L bottle
This green glass bottle probably once held a sailor's ration of rum. Now, no
liquid swirls in its depths: instead, a tightly rolled piece of paper is the
only contents. A cork has been jammed quite deeply into the neck, to keep an
air and water tight seal.

Wish: I don't know yet

> get paper bottle
It is closed.

> open bottle
You open a corked bottle, battered by the currents.

> Look in bottle
A corked bottle, battered by the currents contains:
(Purple Aura) (Powerful magic) (Glowing) (Humming) a tightly rolled, slightly damp parchment [ghmNDNRn|L30 remove curse true seeing 0#]

Wish: it looks like there is a scroll of some sort in the bottle

> get scroll
You are not permitted to get items from the ground.

> L in bottle
A corked bottle, battered by the currents contains:
(Purple Aura) (Powerful magic) (Glowing) (Humming) a tightly rolled, slightly damp parchment [ghmNDNRn|L30 remove curse true seeing 0#]

DarkClaw: It could be a message saying you've inherited a ton of riches!

Cordir: well what does it say?

> examine scroll
That object is nowhere to be found.

> L in bottle
A corked bottle, battered by the currents contains:
(Purple Aura) (Powerful magic) (Glowing) (Humming) a tightly rolled, slightly damp parchment [ghmNDNRn|L30 remove curse true seeing 0#]

Wish: Well, it looks to be a remove curse, true seeing scroll
Wish: quite powerful

Cordir: I would think with your tentacles you would have no difficulty fetching it out.

Wish: But it's dirty!
Wish: Do you have any idea what kind of nasty things Pirates carry?

> L in bottle
A corked bottle, battered by the currents contains:
(Purple Aura) (Powerful magic) (Glowing) (Humming) a tightly rolled, slightly damp parchment [ghmNDNRn|L30 remove curse true seeing 0#]

> get all bottle
You see no bottle here.

Cordir: ah. well then... purge your temple.
Cordir: easy to fix.

Wish: how do I do that?

> get scroll
You are not permitted to get items from the ground.

Cordir: clean it with fire

Wish: nod

Western Avenue
[Exits: north east west]
You stand on the marble walkway that makes up Western Avenue.
Although many feet have crossed this ground the marble is not worn
in the least. Wish's temple is to the north.
The sky is rainy and a warm southerly breeze blows.

> purge

The Coral Cave
[Exits: south]
(Token magic) This bottle has traveled far - nicks and scratches mar its surface.

> get scroll
You are not permitted to get items from the ground.

> L in bottle
A corked bottle, battered by the currents contains:
(Purple Aura) (Powerful magic) (Glowing) (Humming) a tightly rolled, slightly damp parchment [ghmNDNRn|L30 remove curse true seeing 0#]

Cordir: the temple will clean itself eventually

Wish begins mixing in his mortar furiously.

Cordir: wait long enough and POOF

Wish: yes, that may be the better choice
Wish: Some follower may have need for the scroll
Wish: I don't want to touch it.
Wish: Frankly, it should not have found its way in here.

Cordir: well ocean currents do tend to swirl things about
Cordir: let me know if you want it disposed of before your temple tends to it

Wish: I am still examining the object, but thank you Cordir.

> examine bottle
This green glass bottle probably once held a sailor's ration of rum. Now, no
liquid swirls in its depths: instead, a tightly rolled piece of paper is the
only contents. A cork has been jammed quite deeply into the neck, to keep an
air and water tight seal.

> open bottle
It's already open.

> L in bottle
A corked bottle, battered by the currents contains:
(Purple Aura) (Powerful magic) (Glowing) (Humming) a tightly rolled, slightly damp parchment [ghmNDNRn|L30 remove curse true seeing 0#]

> get all bottle
You see no bottle here.

> get all
You are not permitted to get items from the ground.

The open bottle begins to take on water.

> L in bottle
A corked bottle, battered by the currents contains:
(Purple Aura) (Powerful magic) (Glowing) (Humming) a tightly rolled, slightly damp parchment [ghmNDNRn|L30 remove curse true seeing 0#]

Wish: I can't get the scroll out of the bottle...
Wish: I need help...

Cordir: I am afraid you will likely have to touch it

Wish: *shiver*

Cordir: Perhaps as Star suggested a mortal can help you

Wish: I don't want to touch this at all...can you touch it for me please?

Cordir: do you want me to just destroy it?

Wish: No, don't destroy it

Cordir: or are you asking me to dispose of your garbage?

Cordir fades into existence, wreathed in ebon flame and sable shadow.

Wish: Oh no, not at all

Cordir gets a corked bottle, battered by the currents.
Cordir raises an eyebrow.

Wish: just get the scroll out of the bottle...that's probably clean

Cordir offers you the bottle.

Wish squiddles away from Cordir, moving to the far side of Coral Cave.

Wish shakes his head.

Cordir gets a tightly rolled, slightly damp parchment from a corked bottle, battered by the currents.
Cordir gives you a tightly rolled, slightly damp parchment.
Cordir leaves south.

Wish: Thank you Cordir

Cordir: you are welcome Wish

Wish: You may wish to wash your hands after touching the bottle.
Wish: Seriously, pirates are nasty creatures
Wish: Who carry all sorts of diseases.
Wish: Some, I have heard, can rot your nose.

Cordir: Fire purifies everything.

Wish: That's a cure worse than the disease, I fear.

Cordir: I bathe in ebon flame, Wish.

Wish: And yet you smell so good..no hint of charcoal at all.

> examine parchment
A bit of paper has been tightly rolled up for a journey via bottle.
If this item were destroyed, don't expect it to re-appear.

> examine paper
Carefully unrolling the parchment with your tentacles, a slightly damp (and
thus somewhat illegible) writing is revealed.

> Look writing
They say, 'in Vino Veritas' - for me a pinch of snuff
Just a little tiny bit - but fortunate - enough
For a time, the webs were cleared, and for a time, the lies
I saw those present stripped of all deception and disguise
Were there both? Of course there were - though I spoke it nay
For there was truth there also, that was clear and plain as day
One stood before me, waiting for my words to cast aside
One stood there also, waiting there, that he would know the lie
But peace obtained, with truth and lie - I saw his core intent
To shape, to guide, to burn away, my broken miscontent
To heal a soul so shattered that the pieces scattered wide
And translate from a culture that most any would deny
Another watched, trembling within, his Alchemy to work
But within him secrets lie, within him falsehoods lurk
That one believes reflections that are thrown from broken glass
And never sees the one within, of how the die was cast
We are the sum of all we are - both truth and lie entwined
And sometimes baring all to see would be the most unkind
Your path is yours, and mine is his, in this, I know the end
But even though your trust is gone, I still shall call you friend

Wish: This..this...parchment...this is a game!
Wish: Where is Seraph!

Cordir: so has your mystery been solved?

Wish: No, it has only grown.
Wish: A message, written on powerfully enchanted parchment by on the surface mortal hands.

Cordir: is it a fun mystery? does someone die horribly?

Wish: I am not pleased. Not...at...all.

Cordir: hmm. well. if you are displeased I guess it isn't a fun mystery

DarkClaw: You should know the answer to that, Cordir.

Cordir: I know a _possible_ answer to it
Cordir: but the future is not yet woven

Wish: There is no mystery. There is only meddling by Seraph, who has clearly put his one and only follower up to this.

Cordir: oh his mouse?

Wish: Only immortal power could have written this scroll.

Wish: His mouse you call her? Now, I am not so sure anymore.
Wish: I tend to think she may have transmutated...into cat.

Cordir: I call her mouse because she seems from all the stories to be more timid than the usual desert rats
Cordir: I have no use for any of the desert ... folk.

Wish: Perhaps you do not...But I promise you, timid she is not.

Cordir: well I am tired of hearing about her and Seraph so incessantly

Wish: I am sure you are. However, I recommend you take another look at this desert cat.
Wish: She is now fully the right hand of Seraph.

Cordir: Lovely.

Wish: It is a role she has accepted willingly...with no illusions...
Wish: Those, I stripped away with a bit of powerful alchemy.

DarkClaw: I think she has plenty of illusions. *smirk*

Wish: And so, if Seraph is meddling in the Tapestry...Attempting to read the Pattern...
Wish: Then rest assured, she will be a party to his plotting.
Wish: If not the actual tool of its implementation.

Cordir: she sounds like quite the troublemaker then

(Wish fades from the Realm)

Seraph: Hi

Cordir: welcome back
Cordir: I'm afraid that Wish has his tentacles in a tizzy.
Cordir: be warned.

Seraph: Why

Cordir: you see, some pirates threw trash overboard and it is a horrible mystery and you are to blame.
Cordir: or at least that's all I was able to decipher

Seraph: Hmm.

Cordir: Since I generally find you to be the root of most disruptions, it seemed plausible.

(Seraph fades from the Realm)
(Wish returns to the Realm)

Wish: I am back

Wish puts a squid-headed pestle of pure silver in a piece of red volcanic glass.
Wish puts a mortar of alchemically charged gold in a piece of red volcanic glass.

Wish: Where is that scoundrel, Seraph?!
Wish: Probably out feasting on baby seal meat.

### Seraph: Connected

Wish: Seraph! What tricks are you up to, Soul Sucker? And why do you choose to further involve me in them? *glares angrily at Seraph*

Seraph: wish if I knew what you was talking about then I might be able to enlighten you

Wish: Claiming ignorance, huh? Typical..*spitting* Well, I will play your petty game then. Someone: I assume either you or your little play thing, has dirtied my home by tossing in a nasty pirate’s rum bottle.
Wish: That would be insult enough, but it was compounded by what was in the bottle.

Seraph: *laugh* I do find that amusing. But I do not drink

Wish: It was not foul pirate’s drink, you heathen. It was a parchment, upon which was written a presumptuous and arrogant poem.

Seraph: hmm what did it say?

Wish: Meet me at Mish and I will show it to you...Although I presume you already know its contents.

Cordir: now I am curious

The Lower Hall
[Exits: north up]
This hallway must have been built by giants! It is huge! Then
again, there are more than a few giants that belong to The Guild, so
it may just be so. A stairway leads up to another hallway above.
A copy of the TFC Daily News lies here.
Mish Leigh Salvandor will use her contacts to help you... for a price.

Seraph appears before you.
Cordir fades into existence, wreathed in ebon flame and sable shadow.

You glare icily at Seraph.

Seraph shivers and suffers.
Seraph's poison scratches himself.

Wish barely bows at Seraph's presence.

You bow before her.

Seraph says, 'back off, fish, and show me'.

Cordir nods in recognition to you.

Seraph shivers and suffers.
Seraph's poison scratches himself.

Wish says, 'Seraph.. you would do well to stop addressing me as fish. I may not have many followers, but they are far more powerful than your single play thing.'.

Seraph shivers and suffers.
Seraph's poison grazes himself.

Seraph says, 'yes, yes... show me the note'.

Seraph shivers and suffers.
Seraph's poison grazes himself.

Wish holds open the scroll for Seraph to read with his tentacles.

Seraph shivers and suffers.
Seraph's poison grazes himself.

Cordir sighs loudly.

Wish laughs at Seraph mercilessly.

Cordir utters the words, 'cure poison'.
Seraph looks better.

Seraph says, 'A piece of paper. So?'.

Wish says, 'What? You can't read, heathen?'.
Wish says, 'Do they not teach that in soul sucking school?.
Wish says, 'Apparently not.'.

Seraph says, 'nothing there to read'.
Seraph says, 'maybe I need to eat more fish'.

Wish says, 'Of course there is. Perhaps you need your eyes checked. Here, Cordir, transfer the scroll to Seraph so he may look at it up close.'.

Cordir blinks.

Wish says, 'Please'.

Cordir says, 'first I am told to take out your trash...'.

You sigh.

Wish says, 'Requested, Cordir, requested...for assistance.'.

Cordir says, 'and now I am your secretary?'.

Wish says, 'no, Cordir, never "secretary"...I have someone else for that.'.

Cordir gives a tightly rolled, slightly damp parchment to Seraph.

Wish says, 'Thank you, Cordir'.
Wish bows humbly to Cordir.

Wish says, 'now...read it...the handiwork of your pet. Did you put her up to this, Seraph?'.
Wish impatiently taps the floor with one of his tentacles...

Seraph says, 'I did not. But it is cute'.

Wish frowns. What’s bothering him?
Wish says, 'It is arrogant, presumptuous, and rude!'.

Seraph says, 'I had nothing to do with it'.

Wish says, 'I do not believe you. Your pox-ridden hand is in everything she does now.'.

Cordir gives you a tightly rolled, slightly damp parchment.

Wish says, 'thank you, Cordir'.

Cordir gathers the shadows around herself, ebon flames outlining her for a moment.

Seraph says, 'if and I say IF she did it, it would be by her choice not mine'.

Wish laughs.
Wish says, 'Yes, she has made her choice. The two of you are like a hideous cabal of roaches.'.

Seraph says, 'so now why don't you, fish, and the ice queen go make up more stories about me, for I find you and her entertaining'.

Seraph steps into the shadows.

Wish: Be warned, God of No Temple: your little games do not sit well with me. Homeless heathen god. That is all you are. All you will ever be.

Seraph: a game I am not playing. Maybe your focus should be somewhere else

Wish: When I see your little heathen pet, I will punish her for her presumptions...her arrogance.

Seraph: hmm... try.

Wish: If she ever...ever...sullies my Cave with her presence again...even through a virtual "message in a bottle"...I will make her corpse a permanent companion to the living coral.

Seraph: yes fish. Now, be gone, you are boring me

Wish: Yes. I suppose a God as bereft of intellect as yourself would be bored by that which he barely understands. The only thing you find entertaining is the playing of souls like a single string guitar. Fine. Since you have no Temple for me to defile...and never shall have one...I shall remove to my glorious Cave.

Seraph: run fish to your fake god and ask him what to do


(log by Wish)

The Pit
[Exits: east up]
A grand staircase leads to the temples above.
A pit for donations dominates the room.
Samiyah is here.

Samiyah bows deeply.

Wish: Time for punishment

DarkClaw: *grin*

Wish glares at Samiyah, furiously.

Samiyah says (in common), 'Hello Sahib'.

Wish pointedly does not return the bow.
Wish says, 'Do not "hello Sahib" me, Samiyah'.

Samiyah involuntarily takes a step back at the glare.
Samiyah blinks.
Samiyah says (in common), 'Very well. Hello, Lord Wish'.

Wish says, 'I will only ask you once: did you toss Pirates trash into Coral Cave?!'.

Wish taps his 7th tentacle impatiently.

Samiyah says indignantly, "I did not throw _trash_ anywhere! I abided your word and did not step foot inside."

Samiyah looks at Wish.
Samiyah blinks.
Samiyah looks again.
Samiyah looks at Wish.

Wish shifts uncomfortably beneath Samiyah's gaze.

Wish says, 'A filthy pirates bottle of rum, filled instead with a magical parchment, fell into Coral Cave, Samiyah. This parchment, which was an arrogant and presumptuous poem, has your fingerprints all over it.'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'If you are a castaway and you are trying to send a message, you put it in a bottle. That is what all the stories say!'.

Wish says, 'I see.'.

Samiyah's voice falters. "I am sorry you found it arrogant and that word. I did not mean it to be."

Samiyah says (in common), 'and the bottle - it was not filthy - I washed it myself!'.

Wish says, 'Did you use sulphuric acid to wash it? Or bleach at least?!'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'Soap, Sa.. Lord Wish. I used soap.'.

Wish laughs.
Wish says, 'Pirates rum bottles are filthy...soap probably did nothing but feed the germs. But that is beside the point.'.
Wish says, 'Even a clean bottle tossed into Coral Cave is not appreciated.'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'You found it displeasing. That is clear. I apologize for unintended offense.'.
Samiyah bows deeply.
Samiyah curtseys gracefully.
Samiyah leaves east.

Wish says, 'Let me be clear: if you have something to say to me..say it plain. Do not hide behind rhymes and riddles.'.

> Goto Samiyah
The Riverhold Town Hall and School
[Exits: north south]
Samiyah is here.
Singing under her breath, Elvalee prepares the next lesson.

Wish says, 'Did I excuse you, Samiyah?!'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'I do not need your permission, Sah..Lord Wish.'.
Samiyah leaves north.

      1. Seraph: Connected

You tell Samiyah, 'I order you to return to me. Now.'.

Samiyah arrives from the north.
Samiyah bows deeply.

Wish says, 'Sit down. Now.'.

Samiyah rests.

Wish says, 'Do not talk until I am finished speaking.'.

Samiyah nods.

Wish looks at Samiyah coldly.

Seraph appears before you.

Slowly a tentacle begins to rise up, like a cobra.

Samiyah reaches up and checks that her veil is in place.

Wish says, 'Samiyah, twice have you offended me today. First, by tossing your bottle into my Coral Cave.'.

Seraph says, 'having fun, fish?'.

Wish pointedly ignores Seraph.
Wish says, 'and Second by not even giving me enough respect to hear my complaint of your behavior.'.

Samiyah opens her mouth to protest, then closes it wordlessly.

Seraph steps in front of Samiyah.

Wish says, 'You can protect her all you wish, Seraph. She will hear me. She will listen.'.

Seraph staring at Wish not taking his eyes off of him.

Wish says, 'If you have something to say to me, say it plain as day. Do not hide your thoughts behind rhymes and riddles.'.

Seraph says, 'Samiyah, did you do what Wish says?'.

Wish says, 'Nod if you understand, Samiyah.'.

Samiyah struggles to speak, her eyes wide.

Seraph says, 'Samiyah....'.

Wish says, 'Second, Samiyah, you will never again cause trash of that filthy nature to enter Coral Cave.'.

Seraph says, 'did you do what Wish says you did?'.

Samiyah prays, "Sahib, I cast a bottle into the water and let it drift as the stories say to. I did not enter."

Seraph says, 'why?'.

Samiyah prays, "Because the song was within me and the words were there to be said."

Wish says, 'Finally, Samiyah, you will show me and all other immortals enough respect NOT TO WALK OUT IN THE MIDDLE OF A CONVERSATION!!'.

Samiyah bows deeply.
Samiyah nods.

Wish says, 'Now. You may speak by first answering this final question. What did you intend with your parchment?'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'A bridge.'.

Wish blinks twice at Samiyah.
Wish says, 'Speak plainly, bard. A bridge to what? And what do you know of images in broken mirrors?!'.
Wish's tentacle begins to quiver slightly, held in the air ready to strike.

Seraph steps aside.

Samiyah enunciates carefully, "a bridge. To repair ones broken. "

Wish groans in frustration.
Wish says, 'This is a difficult one, Seraph...'.

Seraph says, 'what is broken?'.

Wish says, 'I do no envy you, with followers like this.'.

Seraph nods in recognition to you.
Seraph says, 'she will be fine'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'Everything. Everyone.'.
Samiyah says (in common), 'That is what the poem was about.'.

Wish says, 'Will she? I am not so sure. She has been rude to me. Arrogant.'.

Samiyah looks at Seraph.
Samiyah looks at Wish.
Samiyah looks at Samiyah.

Wish says, 'In what way? Be specific, woman. What is broken? Who is broken?!'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'Everyone is.'.

Seraph says, 'I think she was trying to be friends with you'.

Wish frowns at what Seraph did.
Wish says, 'friends? with me?'.
Wish says, 'Seraph, are you and I friends?'.

Seraph says, 'what does the last line say, fish?'.
Seraph laughs at you mercilessly. Hmmmmph.

Samiyah says (in common), 'I was saying that I can choose how I see you - just as you have chosen how you see me.'.

Wish says, 'I tell you this: I care nothing for what you choose, Samiyah. I told you this before. You follow Seraph. That is your choice, made freely.'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'It is.'.

Wish says, 'He bears ill-will to me. To the world. And so you now, do you. Whether you know it or not.'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'But I still will not name you my enemy.'.
Samiyah shrugs.

Wish says, 'What you deem us makes no difference to me. But friends we are not, nor have we ever been. I tried to help a foolish desert girl. I was clear about my purpose in helping. It was not altruistic.'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'I am not a bad person for all you and others saying it is so'.

Seraph says, 'it seems, fish, no one controls her'.

Wish says, 'You are right about that, heathen. And I am fine with that.'.

Samiyah smiles happily.
Samiyah says (in common), 'see? I am my own creature'.

Seraph says, 'heathen'.
Seraph laughs.

Wish says, 'I am proud actually that she willingly made her choice.'.

Samiyah looks at Wish.

Seraph says, 'you think I bring ill will towards everyone, yet you harvest known killers. She will choose her own path whether it be you or I, Star, Hutt, whomever'.

Samiyah glances at the raised limb and then at Wish.
Samiyah stops using an ornamented black linen headdress and veil.
Samiyah turns the side of her face to Wish.

Wish says, 'What she has not done, and what I am most disturbed by, is her refusal to accept the consequences of her choices.'.

Seraph says, 'but know this, fish, I will hold your followers souls in my hands'.

Wish says, 'As for me harboring killers, well, there is evil, there is death...and then there is you, Seraph.'.

Seraph says, 'yes a step above: a Higher Order of things'.

Wish says, 'Your intentions, which I am still deciphering, are larger than simply a killing here or there. Do you deny it? Your wish to own souls like marbles in a bag And so, Samiyah, you have made your choice to align yourself with this "Higher Order" of evil.'.

Seraph says, 'no, I will not deny it, fish. For the greater good, fish, I will collect'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'Is it your wish that I stop avoiding Teva, as he says you have given him Orders in regards to me?'.

Wish says, 'Samiyah, I will not express such a wish. With you, or another non-follower, I will only enforce common courtesy.'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'I do not know why you wait to strike me when you have ordered my death. Or did Teva lie?'.

Wish says, 'Teva did not lie. Your death has been ordered. But it is not for me to do.'.
Wish lowers his tentacle...slowly...

Seraph's wings fold around him.

Samiyah re-veils, her eyes on Wish as she does so.

Wish says, 'The order will remain in place, as long as you deny what you have chosen.'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'I am sad that you would order your person to do a thing you would not do yourself'.
Samiyah wears an ornamented black linen headdress and veil on her head.

You glare icily at her.
Wish says, 'You know why I restrain myself, Samiyah.'.

Seraph says, 'it seems she is not sure what she has chosen, fish'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'I do not.. But the ways of Immortals are confusing to me.'.

Wish says, 'Out of respect for Seraph...what little I have left. You are his follower. I may not harm you directly unless you truly, deeply offend me. My tentacle was raised in anger and perhaps with folly.'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'I know what I chose, Sahib. The god of my father and his father before him.'.
Samiyah bows before Seraph.
Samiyah says (in common), 'I chose the one who has healed and helped me'.

Seraph says, 'oh Samiyah'.
Seraph says, 'have you?'.

Wish says, 'It would seem even your own God doubts you, Samiyah.'.
Wish throw back his head and cackle with insane glee!

Samiyah says (in common), '... and yet you doubt it?'.

Seraph says, 'yet you openly proclaim this fish not your enemy'.

Samiyah stands up.
Samiyah bows deeply.

Wish says, 'He wants to know the same thing I want to know: your commitment to his Higher Order.'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'please excuse me gentlemen'.
Samiyah leaves south.

Wish frowns. What’s bothering him?
Wish says, 'And again she leaves.'.
Wish says, 'This time disobeying a direct immortal order.'.

Seraph says, 'so it seems'.

Seraph tells Samiyah, 'Come back.'

Samiyah arrives from the south.

Wish frowns. What’s bothering him?

Samiyah reluctantly returns.

Seraph says, 'wish is my enemy. Is he yours, Samiyah?'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'You are my god. That is what I know.'.

Seraph says, 'that does not answer my question'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'No, Sahib. It does not.'.
Samiyah bows deeply.

Seraph says, 'you are a friend to my brother and sisters - you are my friend'.
Seraph says, 'you are my brother and sisters enemy - you are mine'.
Seraph says, 'think about it, Samiyah'.

Samiyah obediently ponders your words.
Samiyah looks around.

Seraph's wings fly open as he leaps to the sky.
Seraph disappears instantly.

Samiyah says (in common), '...farewell, Sahib.'.

Wish says, 'It would seem you have a dilemma.'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'I do not see one.'.
Samiyah says (in common), 'He is my god.'.
Samiyah says (in common), 'But my choices are my own as He has always commanded'.

Wish says, 'Seraph certainly appears to see one.'.
Wish says, 'He asked you a direct question. You did not answer it.'.

Samiyah says softly and sadly, "No. I suppose I did not."

Wish says, 'You continue to hide behind "my choices are my own" without accepting responsibility for the choices you make!'.
Wish says, 'You may not live both in and out of the water, Samiyah!'.
Wish says, 'Either get wet, or stay out of the ocean!'.

Samiyah looks at Wish.

Wish says, 'That is what I have been telling you all this time.'.
Wish says, 'You want to follow Seraph? Fine. Then embrace him fully, and all his goals and methods.'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'I embrace the Seraph that I know. Who heals and comforts.'.

Wish says, 'Did you not hear his words? I am his enemy. That is him also!'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'Who watches over me and hears my prayers'.
Samiyah says (in common), 'and who sometimes does a lot of yelling...'.
Samiyah says (in common), 'who has a bit of my soul in his and his in mine.'.
Samiyah says (in common), 'I cannot refute or repudiate that.'.
Samiyah says (in common), 'We are bound.'.

Wish says, 'Do you think that is all there is to him, Samiyah? Are you not multi-layered and complex? Why would he be different?'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'But I do not and will not hate as he does.'.

A soft voice whispers, "But you already do."

Samiyah frowns.
Samiyah says , "I do not!"

Wish says, 'It does not matter if you hate or not, Samiyah. You have a chosen a path that facilitates his hate.'.
Wish says, 'You help pave the road of his ill-intentions.'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'How?'.

Wish says, 'As he has plainly said, here and now, he seeks to own more souls. He seeks a Higher Order of evil.'.

Samiyah frowns.
Samiyah says (in common), 'He said "higher order"'.
Samiyah says (in common), 'he did not say "higher order of evil"'.

Wish says, 'I asked him "Do you deny it? Your wish to own souls like marbles in a bag?"'.
Wish says, 'and he said "No, I will not deny it." '.
Wish says, 'That is what you align yourself with Samiyah. '.
Wish says, 'His Higher Order'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'Does Nash own the soul of those who give him worship?'.

Wish says, 'I do not believe so, no.'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'to be sure, he uses their heads for a relief target'.

Wish says, 'Lord Nash does not need to own souls'.

DarkClaw: She is as blind as a bat.

Wish: yes, she is

Wish: But I am tired of trying to get her not to fly into walls.

DarkClaw: *nod*

Samiyah says (in common), 'Lord Wish.. hate me if you choose to.'.
Samiyah says (in common), 'strike me if you choose to.'.
Samiyah says (in common), 'Your choices are not mine.'.
Samiyah says (in common), 'Seraph is my God but my choices are my own.'.

Wish says, 'I do not hate you, Samiyah. You have become a desert cat, with claws that I am wary of. I wish to declaw you.'.
Wish says, 'I wish to remove your ability to lay down more paving stones on Seraph's road of ill-intentions.'.

Samiyah extends her henna-patterned hands.
Samiyah says (in common), 'I am sure Teva will take care of that for you Lord Wish'.
Samiyah says (in common), 'he is as he says an excellent dancer'.

Wish says, 'Indeed, he is.'.

Her hands shake a bit but she keeps them outstretched.

Wish says, 'I have said my piece, Samiyah. You may leave to consider it...or forget it, as you choose.'.

Samiyah bows deeply.
Samiyah draws her hands back.

Wish bows before Samiyah.
Wish says, 'And no more trash in Coral Cave. '.

Samiyah whispers, "my poem is not trash."

Wish eats a tightly rolled, slightly damp parchment.

Wish is suddenly motionless.
Wish grabs his 2nd stomach with a tentacle.

Samiyah looks at Wish.

Wish's face cringes in a grimace.

Samiyah says (in common), 'I washed it, I promise!'.
Samiyah says (in common), 'It was not germy'.

Wish looks at Samiyah, obviously frightened!

Samiyah says (in common), 'But the ink, I don't know about'.

Wish grabs his first third stomach with his hand...his teeth clenching tightly!

Samiyah says (in common), 'Sahib? What is wrong?'.

Wish says, 'What...what?! '.

Samiyah says (in common), 'Are you alright?!'.

Wish bends over, mucous dripping uncontrollably from his nose.

Samiyah says (in common), 'what "what"!!??'.

Wish begins to shiver, his skin turning from red, to green, to yellow...settling on a sickly pale flesh color.

Samiyah tears off a bit of linen from the bottom of her veil and hands it to you.

Samiyah gossips (in common), 'Are there any Alchemists present I do not see?'.

Samiyah glances at you worriedly.
Samiyah says (in common), 'You look quite awful, Sahib'.

Samiyah pushes one of the chairs over towards you.

Wish falls to his knees, his hands and arms holding his body off the ground....
He begins to gag and vomit on the floor, bits of paper mixed with bile and foam.
Wish retches again and again...the heaving coming in wave after wave.

Samiyah says (in common), 'aack!!'.
Samiyah hops back muttering something about blood and feeding people things.
Samiyah makes herself approach and lay a gentle hand on your ... shoulder(?)

The vomit pools beneath Wish's elven head, glistening a sickly green and white.
Wish turns his head, looking up at Samiyah with clear distress and confusion.

Samiyah moves Wish's head out of the vomit so he does not choke on it.
Samiyah says (in common), 'shhh... gently, Sahib...'.
Samiyah makes soothing sounds, lightly patting your upper limbs.

Wish vomits one last time, nothing coming now except bile.

Samiyah wrinkles her brow in distress.

Wish says between retches "What...have you done...to me, Samiyah?"

Samiyah gossips (in common), 'NATILENA!!! Are you there Sayyida!?!?'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'I didn't do anything put write a poem, Sahib!'.

Wish uses the chair to steady himself, slowly raising himself to his...feet?

Samiyah says (in common), 'And say what I saw!'.
Samiyah looks at you anxiously.

Wish keeps a hand on his lone stomach, grimacing in pain now and again...still very pale.

Samiyah looks at Wish.
Samiyah offers Wish the black linen once more.

Wish says, 'Bring me a mirror, Samiyah...quickly...NOW!!'.

Wish takes the black linen, acknowledging Sami's kindness with a nod, and wipes his mouth.

Samiyah says (in common), 'Mirror, Sahib? I.. they. I don't own one.. they are forbidden'.

Wish says, 'Forbidden?'.

Wish coughs.
Wish coughs.
Wish coughs.

Samiyah says (in common), 'I have heard of them but .. '.
Samiyah says (in common), 'The Tower of the Master and the Lady is said to contain one...'.

Wish says, 'Something has changed.....what have you done to me?!'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'I did nothing, Sahib. You ate my poem.'.

Wish looks down at his arms, his legs, his feet.
Wish says, 'Where are my tentacles?!'.
Wish says, 'Where are my suckers?!'.
Wish says, 'Where AM I?!!'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'You are in Riverhold..'.

Wish sits down heavily in the chair.

Samiyah says (in common), 'and since you had me smell that alchemy thing... I have seen you as I see you now. I thought perhaps it was an illusion..'.
Samiyah kneels on the floor not wishing to be taller or at higher elevation than an immortal.

Wish says, 'I...I must go. I must find myself. Your parchment...your poem....it has..changed me. You say this was not its purpose?!'.

Samiyah says (in common), '.. I am sorry Sahib - you said there would be consequences'.
Samiyah says (in common), 'I did not know the alchemy would affect you, too'.

Wish groans, clutching at his neck...
Wish whimpers "No, no no...no...I will NOT BE!!"
Wish staggers to his feet.
Wish says, '...home...'.

Wish waves his hand and disappears, his Elven body slipping into the ether as if through the leaves of a forest.

Samiyah says (in common), 'Ohmy'.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), 'Forgive me Lady but Wish needs your help. He should not be alone. Please help him!!'.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, 'I will go, Samiyah. Thank you for informing me.'.

(Samiyah goes to the Temple and stands outside the Coral Cave.)

Samiyah yells (in common), 'Sahib I will not enter but I have sent help!'.
Samiyah sits down and thinks deeply.

Samiyah paces back and forth.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), 'is he ok?!'.

Samiyah paces back and forth.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, 'I'm not sure. I'm with him now.'.

Samiyah paces back and forth.

The First Stage=

(log by Wish)

The Coral Cave
[Exits: south]
Glittering white sand covers the floor of this room, curling in tiny swirls
across the room as if by some unseen current. The cave appears to have
naturally grown within the center of a massive coral formation, and you are
unable to detect any sign of intentional construction. The coral walls pulse
with life, as sea creatures dart in and out of tiny crevices, and colorful
coral fronds sway to and fro like leaves in the wind. Sunlight gently streams
into the room through cracks in the coral ceiling, bathing everything in an
eerie bluish cast. Some magical force must be at work here, since you appear to
be completely underwater, and yet able to breathe without difficulty. The
only exit is to the south, through a small carved out of the coral wall.

Wish sleeps.

DarkClaw wakes Wish.

You shiver. Brrrrrrrrr.

DarkClaw takes note of your pallor and gently awakens you.

Wish looks around the room, confused.

DarkClaw says, 'You look terrible, Wish. What happened?'.

Wish says, 'Ddd..DarkClaw?'.
Wish says, 'I am unwell.'.
Wish says, 'I am...not myself.'.

Wish looks down at his limbs...his hands, his feet...he begins rubbing them, as if trying to slough them off.

DarkClaw says, 'I can see that.'.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), 'he ate my poem and got sick like Ghazkull'.
Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), 'I want to help but would be disobeying if I did'.
Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), 'he said not to enter'.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, 'Of course. And you would have to suffer the consequences.'.

Samiyah paces back and forth in front of the cave.
Samiyah paces back and forth in front of the cave.
Samiyah paces back and forth in front of the cave.

Samiyah tries to peek inside.

Wish groans loudly.
Wish says, 'What has happened to my body?!'.

DarkClaw raises a brow, her features twisting in confusion as she notices your limbs.
DarkClaw says, 'You are...Elven.'.
DarkClaw says, 'A rather sickly looking Elven, but still.'.

Wish says, 'I AM NOT ELVEN!?'.
You shiver. Brrrrrrrrr.
You shiver. Brrrrrrrrr.
You shiver. Brrrrrrrrr.

Wish says, 'This is wrong, this is bad.'.
Wish says, 'DarkClaw, please, please tell me this is a joke.'.
Wish says, 'Say you see tentacles, do you not?'.

DarkClaw shakes her head sadly, "I don't see tentacles...at all. What, or who, did this to you?"

Wish reaches up to touch his beak, his hands retracting in horror as he finds lips and teeth there instead.

Wish says, 'I...ate the parchment that Samiyah gave me...I had no further use for it...so I ate it, as we always do.'.
Wish says, 'And I immediately felt ill!'.
Wish says, 'I still feel ill...I feel horrible.'.
Wish says, 'This is Seraph's doing!'.

Samiyah paces back and forth, nervously tugging on one of her braids.

Samiyah calls out, "Sahib! Wish! Are you alright?"

Samiyah paces back and forth, nervously tugging on one of her braids.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), '*anxiously* is he ... '.

Samiyah paces back and forth, nervously tugging on one of her braids.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, 'He is...changed.'.

Samiyah paces back and forth, nervously tugging on one of her braids.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, 'But very much alive.'.

Samiyah paces back and forth, nervously tugging on one of her braids.

DarkClaw says, 'CRAP! After all the talk of the scrolls, and you let yourself eat that?!?'.

Wish says, 'I did not recite it, Star!'.
Wish says, 'I simply ate it, as if it were trash. '.
Wish says, 'How else am I to dispose of things?'.

DarkClaw says, 'It doesn't matter, Wish. If the ink contained a spell of sorts...'.

Wish leans back against the coral, breathing heavily.

Wish says, 'I am a new Immortal, Star. I don't know of these things.'.
Wish says, 'I did not even think I could be affected in this way.'.

Wish cringes as a muscle in his back begins to spasm.

Wish says, 'oh no'.

DarkClaw sighs. "You are going to have to get acclimated to your..limbs...until we can figure out how to undo it."

Wish says, 'DarkClaw, I have no mirror.'.

Wish reaches up and touches the side of his head.
Wish gasps in horror.

Wish says, 'I have...pointy ears.'.

Wish growls in anger and frustration.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), 'I saw him... when he did the alchemy...'.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, 'What alchemy? What did he do when?'.

DarkClaw waves a hand, causing the sand crystals from the floor of the cave to swirl and rub together, eventually creating a mirror of sorts.

Wish takes the mirror from DarkClaw, his hands shaking as he holds it up to look at himself.

Samiyah tells Wish (in common), 'May I have your permission to enter?'.

DarkClaw looks at Wish.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), 'it was a thing he made'.
Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), 'of seraph and himself and me'.
Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), 'and he had me sniff it'.
Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), 'and I saw... Him.'.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, 'I'm confused, Samiyah. What did he make the thing for? And how did you see him then?'.

Wish's eyes widen in complete disbelief. Before him stands an Elven man, his pale skin tattooed elaborately...even the eyes.
Wish drops the mirror to the ground, listlessly.
Wish looks up at DarkClaw, anger and frustration clearly upon his face.

Wish says slowly, menacingly..."They will pay for this, Star. Yes, they will pay."

Samiyah tells Wish (in common), '*firmly* I am sorry. I am going to disobey you because I am worried about you'.

Samiyah arrives from the south.

Wish glares at Samiyah with hatred.
Wish says, 'GET OUT OF MY CAVE!'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'Hedidanalchemythinganditmademeseehimandiwroteapoemandheatetthatiswhathappened'.
Samiyah leaves south.

Wish closes the clam.

DarkClaw says, 'Easy, Wish. We might be able to undo it. We need time to check our resources and put our heads together.'.

Wish paces around the room, staggering here and there, as his knees buckle under him.
Wish says, 'Yes, undone, it must be. '.

DarkClaw says, 'There has to be a way. Otherwise you wouldn't have been able to be changed in the first place.'.

Wish says "This, this....thing.." Wish pulls at his flesh, trying to rip from himself "This thing must be removed from me."

DarkClaw says, 'Well, you can't remove it THAT way.'.

Wish says, 'No? Watch me.'.

Wish walks over to the West wall, and grabs the hilt of the pirate saber.
Wish slides the pirate saber from the wall, and raises it over his other outstretched hand.

DarkClaw lets out a frustrated breath and walks after you, snatching the saber from your grasp. "DON'T BE RIDICULOUS!"

Wish says, 'It will grow back, Star...and be as it should be.'.

Wish collapses in a heap on the sandy floor.

DarkClaw says, 'You don't know exactly how much was changed.'.

Wish says, 'What is the point of being Immortal, if I am so easily changed? If I am so easily brought down?'.

Wish looks up at DarkClaw, tired and scared.

DarkClaw kneels down beside you, "Even we immortals have to watch out for threats. You will learn. We all had to."

Wish nods to DarkClaw...sadly acknowledging his own ignorance.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, 'When you saw him, Samiyah...did you see him as an Elf or as his other form?'.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), 'as an elf. when he did the alchemy.'.
Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), 'I looked and looked and each time I looked he shivered'.
Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), 'so I wrote a poem on a scroll I found and put it in a bottle and cast it on the waves'.
Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), 'because he has said not to enter as I am "Seraph's spawn"'.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, 'Where did you get the ink that you used?'.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), 'it is octopus ink. I found it on my travels'.
Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), 'there is a very old octopus under the dessert island'.

DarkClaw tells Samiyah, 'There is?'.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw (in common), 'Yes. By the sunken ship. in a cave.'.

DarkClaw says, 'Samiyah says it was octopus ink used on the scroll that she found on her travels.'.

Wish says, 'Samiyah, samiyah, samiyah...always Samiyah. I rue the day I even took notice of that...that...woman. I was a fool. '.

DarkClaw nods and says, "I'm merely telling you so we have a starting point to work with."

Wish nods in recognition to DarkClaw.
Wish says, 'You are a friend, DarkClaw. A good friend. Without you, without the Lost...I would be nothing. I want you to know that. Whatever happens.'.

DarkClaw says, 'That is not true.'.

Gore arrives from the south.
DarkClaw beams a smile at Gore.

Wish ftells, 'hello gore'.

DarkClaw says, 'Hello, stranger.'.

Gore says (in common), 'aha too me ages to remember where temple was'.

Wish ftells, '(in the middle of RP)'.

Gore grins evilly.
Gore sleeps.

Wish ftells, '(I am on the floor, collapsed. I have been made to see myself as I really am..a heavily tattooed elven man)'.
Wish ftells, '(I have lost all cephalopod appearance)'.

DarkClaw says, 'You have earned your immortality, Wish, without me.'.

Wish smiles at DarkClaw.
Wish says, 'Perhaps, DarkClaw, we cannot attain anything without friends. And now, I need your help again'.

Gore ftells, 'shocking'.

Gore wakes and stands up.

DarkClaw raises an eyebrow at you.
DarkClaw says, 'What would you ask of me?'.

Wish says, 'I can't go out...not looking like this. I shall work on an Alchemical repair here, in Coral Cave. However, I shall need...ingredients... My followers, such as they are, may need the help of Lost to gather them.'.

Wish says, 'As for Samiyah...she is naive...I know. She says she means no ill-intent, and then follows one who means ill intent to everyone.'.
Wish shakes his head.

DarkClaw says, 'You have our help.'.
DarkClaw sighs loudly.

Wish staggers to his feet, bowing unsteadily to DarkClaw.

DarkClaw says, 'She isn't seeing the entire picture, and is blinded by hope.'.

Wish says, 'Talk to her. Perhaps she has the key to my...transformation. Octopus ink...I must start there.'.

Wish ftells, 'Teva!'.
Wish ftells, '(in middle of RP)'.

Teva ftells, 'Wish'.

Gore ftells, 'hello'.

Teva ftells, 'hey gore'.

Wish ftells, '(Ate bad juju...I have lost my Cephalopod visage and now see myself as a tattooed elven man)'.

Teva ftells, 'lol'.

Wish says, 'It will take me some time to compile the list, DC...I will post it'.

DarkClaw says, 'Let me know, Wish. As I said, you have our help, always.'.

Wish smiles weakly at DarkClaw.

DarkClaw says, 'We WILL fix it.'.

Gore arrives from the south.
Teva arrives from the south.

Gore looks at you.
Gore leaves south.

DarkClaw grins and bares her fangs. Tendrils of fog rise from the ground, twisting their way up and around her form to shroud it from view.

Wish rests against the wall of the cave.

Teva ftells, 'ohh strad'.
Teva ftells, 'gonna hit him'.

Wish ftells, 'kill him..and Samiyah'.
Wish ftells, 'and everyone not Lost!'.
Wish ftells, 'Kill them all.'.

Teva ftells, 'Samiyah runs fast'.
Teva ftells, 'I been workin on her'.

Wish ftells, 'nod nod...she calls it "your dance"'.

DarkClaw: Welcome back, Seraph.

Seraph: thanks

Teva ftells, 'of course strad is centered around Samiyah'.

Wish ftells, 'hmmm....'.
Wish ftells, 'I assume they can see my invis'.

Teva ftells, 'nod'.
Teva ftells, 'immortal invis sucks'.

Wish ftells, 'used to work well at one time'.

Teva ftells, '-The Crimson Corner- Somewhere, Strad is waiting for Samiyah to come back.'.
Teva ftells, 'oh come on strad just walk out of gh'.
Teva ftells, 'I chased Samiyah for hours Sunday'.

Wish ftells, 'heh...at least she let you'.
Wish ftells, 'and didn't just log off'.

Teva ftells, 'nod'.

Wish ftells, 'my transformation was at her hands...inadvertently'.
Wish ftells, 'Samiyah will need to be tricked...'.
Wish ftells, 'in some way'.

who wish
1 player.
Elf [ Demigod ] [LE][ ] Wish, Nashite...Foul...Alchemy

Samiyah paces back and forth.
Samiyah paces back and forth.

Someone says, ‘good afternoon

Someone nods in acknowledgement of Strad.

Samiyah says, (in common) ‘Sahib?’.’

Someone nods in acknowledgement of Samiyah.

Samiyah says, (in common) ‘Bad things happened when You left Sahib.’.
Someone says, ‘like?’,

Samiyah says, (in common) ‘Sahib Wish is in great distress.’.

Someone says, ‘why?’.

Samiyah says, (in common) ‘And as I helped you.. when you were ... hurt... I would help him too If I can....’.

Someone says, ‘what are you asking of me? .’.

Samiyah says, (in common) ‘Nothing, Sahib.’.

Someone says, ‘then why is wish in great distress? .’.

Samiyah says, (in common) ‘Strad can you help me get to the Desert Island?’.

Samiyah says, (in common) ‘He ate my poem and it made him very sick.’.

Someone laughs.

Samiyah says, (in common) ‘so I went to check on him and he shouted.’.

Someone says, ‘oh.’.

Strad nods.

Samiyah says, (in common) ‘thank you!

Someone says, ‘and how is wish's illness any concern of mine.’.

Samiyah says, (in common) ‘There is an octopus there… could you kill it?’.

Someone says, ‘who?’.

Samiyah says, (in common) ‘It is not, Sahib. I feel badly he is ill.’.

Strad says, (in common) ‘Sure. Gimme a minute.’.

Samiyah nods in acknowledgement of Strad.

Someone says, ‘I do not. He is my enemy there for no concern to me.’.

Samiyah nods sadly. "I understand, Sahib."
Samiyah says, (in common) ‘I do not like to see anyone hurting.
Samiyah says, (in common) ‘not elfsquid or fallen angels

Someone says, ‘a lot will and he and his worshippers will hurt also. Did you not hear him command Teva to kill you?’.

Samiyah says, (in common) ‘His choices are his own, Sahib. You taught me that.’.

Someone says, ‘yes, I did. But my enemies are supposed to be yours yet you want to help everyone.’.

Samiyah says, (in common) ‘who is NOT your enemy, Sahib?

Samiyah tells DarkClaw, ‘He is gone.. is he better?’.
Samiyah tells DarkClaw, ‘I sent a friend to get him some tentacles if it will help...’.

Someone says, ‘Boromir.’.

Samiyah says, (in common) ‘That is a short list, Sahib’.

Samiyah thanks Strad.

Samiyah gives the mantle of an ancient octopus to Teva.
Samiyah gives the tentacles of an ancient octopus to Teva.

Samiyah says, (in common) ‘for your Lord. To make him feel better.’

Teva says, (in common), ‘They are limited.’.

Samiyah says, (in common) ‘just give them to him

Teva says, (in common), ‘Maybe if you ask nicely.’

Samiyah says, (in common) ‘Please oh deadly and frightening Teva of the mighty backstab, please give those to Lord Wish.’.

Teva says, (in common), ‘Sarcasm. Nice.’
Teva puts the mantle of an ancient octopus in a bag.
Teva puts the tentacles of an ancient octopus in a bag.

Seraph tells Samiyah, ‘Think about it. Either fully believe, and respect my choices or not.’

Samiyah tells Seraph, ‘ worship you. But you have always told me to make my own choices.’
Samiyah tells Seraph, ‘Is that no longer true?’

Seraph tells Samiyah, ‘You do as you wish, Samiyah, that is true.’.

Samiyah mutters softly.

Seraph tells Samiyah, ‘but there will come a time to believe in your brothers and sisters, or follow your own path.’.

Samiyah tells Seraph, ‘I am sorry that yet again I disappoint and displease you sahib.’.

Samiyah tells DarkClaw, ‘I gave the octopus things to Teva but he says I am sarcastic and I do not think he gave them to Wish.’

Seraph tells Samiyah, ‘you don’t but there will come a time it will be your brothers and sister and our cause, or the need to help everyone.’.

Samiyah tells Seraph, ‘*softly* That day is not yet here Sahib.’.

Seraph tells Samiyah, ‘Think about it.’.

Samiyah tells Seraph, ‘Yes Sahib.’.

Seraph steps in the shadows.