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(Log by Samiyah)

The Baths
[Exits: north]
You are in a spacious chamber. Marble benches surround the room, facing in
toward the large bathing pool that fills its center. Steam curls up from its
waters, and you are aware of the warm humidity that fills the air. Water
flows forth from a statue in the center of the pool, keeping it hot
and fresh. A marble archway leads out to the north.

You sleep.

Samiyah sits bolt upright, gasping from a nightmare.
Samiyah catches her breath, her heart beating fast.
Samiyah resettles the blankets around her.

You sleep.

You wake and stand up.
Samiyah gasps, clutching her chest.
Samiyah wraps her arms around her thin frame, hugging herself to still the shivers that shudder through her.

You tell DarkClaw (in common), '*groggily* Sayyida.. I cannot.. stop.. dreaming...'.

Cresom gossips (in common), 'quiet night'.
Cresom gossips (in common), 'or maybe it is because I started drinking early people are staying away'.

DarkClaw tells you, 'What are you dreaming about, Sami?'.

You gossip (in common), '(ooc: your poor sister was commanded by two immortals to sleep and now she can't wake up. :( )'.

You sleep.

Samiyah whimpers, caught in the grip of another nightmare.

DarkClaw tells you, '(*blink* Heck of a state to be in.  :-( )'.
You tell DarkClaw (in common), 'Seraph ordered it, and so did Wish'.

You wake.

Samiyah gasps for breath.
Samiyah slips back unconscious.

You sleep.

Someone tells you, 'wake up'.

You wake and stand up.
Samiyah struggles to wake, rubbing her eyes to chase away the dreams.

Someone says, 'hello, Samiyah'.

Samiyah takes a few breaths to still her racing heart.

You say (in common), 'Hello..?'.

Someone’s wings fold about his body.

You smile happily.
You say (in common), 'Seraph... Hello.'.

Someone smiles happily.
Someone says, 'how do you feel?'.

You say (in common), 'Better, but...'.
Samiyah frowns slightly. 'Haunted.'

Someone says, 'how so?'.

You say (in common), 'Dreams, every time I close my eyes. Bloody, horrible dreams.'.

Someone nods slowly.
Someone says, 'you will get use to them'.

You say (in common), 'They are like ... like quicksand... They pull me in and I cannot seem to escape. Always, I am bearing Similus, and wearing armor, and fighting.'.

Someone says, 'something you don’t want then?'.

You say (in common), ‘I hope it is just a lingering effect from my actions.. Perhaps it will fade in time.'.

Someone says, ‘I told you it would be harsh'.

Samiyah nods. 'You did, Sahib. It was my choice.'
Samiyah says quietly, ‘I needed to know.'

Someone says, 'now you do....with regrets?'.

Samiyah folds her shaking hands and looks in the direction of your voice. "No. No regrets. Though I know how close to death I came. To.. brokenness."

Someone sits down and thinks deeply.

You say (in common), ‘I feel.. I feel different inside. It's hard to describe.'.

Someone sighs loudly.

You say (in common), ‘I can almost feel ..'.

Samiyah blushes a little. 'It sometimes feels like I have wings.'

Someone walks over to you, wrapping his wings around you.

Samiyah pushes her braids back from her bare face and looks up at you.

Cresom gossips (in common), ‘I forgot I had Champas hunting me along with Sendres '.

Someone kisses your forehead then whispers: I am sorry.

More gossips (in common), '*chuckle*'.

DarkClaw gossips, 'Er....'.

You say (in common), 'Why are You sorry?'.
You say (in common), 'You have done nothing wrong - you brought me back from the brink.'.

Cresom gossips (in common), 'and one thing that sucks is I killed Sendres with Champas in the room'.

You tell Cresom (in common), ‘I am awake, brother.'.
He can't hear you.

Someone steps back.

DarkClaw gossips, 'Don't go getting yourself killed. Your sister needs you. She's going through some rough times.'.

Cresom gossips (in common), 'so I only got 6k for killing him while another mob was beating the hell of out of me'.

You say (in common), 'You healed me - and without any souls to strengthen you.'.

Someone says, 'Samiyah....dear one… your soul was shattered'.

You say (in common), 'my... what? I don't...'.
Samiyah looks confused.

Cresom gossips (in common), ‘I have been to see her she just sleep's '.
Cresom gossips (in common), ‘I mark her make sure she is ok but other than that it is nothing'.

Someone starts to speak: I had to.... I had no choice.

Samiyah's brow furrows as she frowns, looking troubled.

You say (in common), 'What did You do?'.

Someone takes a deep breath.

DarkClaw gossips, 'Hmmm. Have you tried cold water? I know it's not exactly kosher, but...'.

You tell DarkClaw (in common), '(softly) I am awake. Sahib woke me.'.

Someone says, 'your soul was shattered and you were dying so I took it and......'.
Someone smashes the wall with his fist.

Samiyah startles, her eyes going wide.
You say (in common), 'What?! '.

Someone whispers: I used my soul to fix yours.

You say (in common), 'Why are you angry about that?'.

Samiyah goes pale, one hand pressing in a fist against her chest.
You say (in common), 'Did it hurt you?'.

Someone says, 'no but you did not want my soul before to entwine with yours, and now they are'.

Samiyah says practically, 'Before, you terrified me and you were threatening my friends, and I denied you as the god of my people.'

You say (in common), ‘I think... if it is not over bold to say... we are well past that point, are we not, Sahib?'.

Someone says, ‘I would agree'.

Samiyah says simply, 'You saved me. My life.. my sanity... is because of You. I will live. I will sing. Because of You.'.

More tells you (in common), 'You awake yet?'.
You tell More (in common), '(softly) I am.'.

You say (in common), 'And it explains so much -- why I feel your wings, and my dreams are of your life.'.

More tells you (in common), 'oh good......how was your nap?'.
You tell More (in common), ‘I am... recovering, but much better.'.

Someone says, 'you will be connected to me in ways that you will never be connected to another person – blood, love, marriage. For that I am sorry'.

You say (in common), ‘I do not think I would want any husband to know what I was thinking. I might think he needed a bath, and he would take offense and beat me.'.

Someone says, 'no husband will ever harm you'.

You say (in common), 'Tribal law would give them the right, Sahib.'.

Samiyah bites her lower lip contemplatively, thinking.
Samiyah says, ‘I think this'... she gestures at her chest, tapping her breastbone, as if to indicate your spirit inside her, 'Will help me understand my brother better. You and he are so much alike, though you both do not see it.'.

You tell Cresom (in common), ‘I am awake, brother.'.
He can't hear you.

Someone says, ‘I make the law remember'.

Samiyah smiles slightly and bows her head. 'Yes, Sahib. You do. I think I should rather like it if you changed that one.'

Someone says, 'a lot will be changed. No husband shall harm you for speaking your mind and you may marry whoever you wish to'.

Samiyah quotes you, 'Those with the spirit shall lead' - then asks, 'What does 'the spirit' mean, exactly, Sahib?'

Someone says, 'wisdom, knowledge, strength, and power. Harness them all and you have the spirit'.

Samiyah chuckles softly. 'Well, that certainly doesn't include me... I am not wise or powerful or strong. Though I have knowledge, and always seek more.'

Someone says, 'you are wise to know your weakness and learn from it. Your songs and poems are powerful. You have the strength to seek the unknown'.

Samiyah smiles faintly. 'You make me seem quite capable, Sahib.' She bows her head in acknowledgement.

Someone says, 'you have gained all them. You hold the spirit in your hands. Now it’s your choice to decide what to do with it'.

Samiyah turns her palms up, the patterns of henna faded upon them.

Someone says, ‘I told you before: strength and power do not come from combat'.

Samiyah asks softly, 'Seraph, why...' She stops, and bows her head. ‘I am sorry. Never mind. I have asked it already. Forgive me.'

Someone says, 'ask me next time. Something is not right with an elder. I am sorry, Samiyah, I must depart'.

You nod.
You say (in common), 'of course, Sahib. Thank you again.'.

Someone leaps into the sky and flies off.

Samiyah says softly, ‘I will not waste the life you have gifted me with'.

You tell Cresom (in common), ‘I am awake, brother.'.

Cresom tells you (in common), 'CHEER everything ok?'.

You tell Cresom (in common), '*evasively* I am ... better.'.

Cresom tells you (in common), 'that doesn't make me feel better. I came and checked on you a couple times. It didn't mean better'.

Cresom arrives from the north.
Cresom makes a complicated-looking gesture.
Cresom draws a funny looking rune on you.

You tell Cresom (in common), 'The Gods commanded me to sleep and heal... a long time... but I am awake now, and should be able to remain so.'.

Cresom says (in common), 'which gods?'.

You say (in common), 'Wish and Seraph'.

Cresom grumbles.
Cresom says (in common), 'why not just .. not talk to them? That I know sounds like a crazy idea… but how about take bad things out of your life'.

Cresom says (in common), 'ok I must sleep some I feel like killing something evil'.
Cresom sleeps.

You tell Cresom (in common), '(I missed everything after me telling you that Wish and Seraph told me to sleep - Hubby was working on our internet router)'.

You tell Wish (in common), '*bowing* Sahib... Did we speak, or was that another of my fever dreams?'.

Cresom tells you (in common), 'All I had to say is - why do you let evils tell you what to do? Why not let people that are good in your life tell you what to do?'.

You tell Cresom (in common), '*shocked* I obey the commands of the Gods, Brother! I do not 'do what evil people tell me to do… I obey Immortals, as we all should. If.. if Belgarion was to tell me to dance a jig, I would tell him to jump off the Fastwater bridge'.

Cresom tells you (in common), 'Those are two evil gods and they have been having you do things that didn't make you better'.

You tell Cresom (in common), 'They are _IMMORTAL_...'.

Cresom tells you (in common), 'they are but there are other immortals you could appeal to'.

You tell Cresom (in common), 'If Pharuin commanded me to sing lewd songs in Market Square, I would not do it. It is not the aura that commands me. It is the Immortality. We must do as we are told. It is Tynian's Law. Not seek away around it, but obey. Simply. Immediately.'.

Cresom tells you (in common), 'it is … but even Tynian said you can appeal if something isn't right'.

You tell Cresom (in common), '... Do you think that sleeping, so as to heal from grievous harm, is not right? Brother... I nearly died. Seraph says that my soul shattered when I touched Similus... and I will tell you - that weapon, it is _alive_ and _aware_ and it ... it hates everything. So yes -- my healing took time. And Divine intervention. I am lucky that Seraph did what he did to save me or I would be a corpse.'.

Cresom tells you (in common), 'No! He is the reason you are searching! I just tried to kill chemosh because I am upset at evil things right now . I was lucky I didn't win because I hate to hurt those of the Lost'.

You tell Cresom (in common), 'No one forced you to hurt him... if you want so badly to hurt someone, come hit me... I am who you are angry with'.

Cresom tells you (in common), ‘I would never hurt you '.

You tell Cresom (in common), 'Better me than a friend who does not deserve it...'.

Cresom tells you (in common), 'He is no friend of mine. He is evil'.

You tell Cresom (in common), '*quietly* There are those of evil who you like. Who you are friends with.'.

Cresom tells you (in common), ‘I just don't normally kill people but something now makes me want to'.

You tell Cresom (in common), 'Ink, you swore you would never harm, is as evil as the sun is bright. I will spar with you if you feel like fighting.'.

Cresom tells you (in common), 'nod ink goes back a long long time but I feel like a fight'.

> c 'protection good'
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
You feel protected.

> c absorb
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
You now absorb directed magic.

> c shield
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
You lost your concentration.

Cresom tells you (in common), 'a spar isn't a fight '.

You tell Cresom (in common), 'Come to temple courtyard.'.

Cresom tells you (in common), 'You keep hurting yourself , so I will start hurting other people till you stop'.
Cresom arrives from below.
Cresom hugs you.

You tell Cresom (in common), 'That is as bad as what Seraph did when first I met him'.

You say (in common), 'If you want to spar, I will spar you. Though I cannot say I will be very entertaining.'.

You wear an ornamented black linen headdress and veil on your head.

Cresom says (in common), 'sister, I don't want to hurt you'.

You say (in common), 'You are saying you will hurt others to make me do something? Is that not what Seraph said? That he would take your soul if I did not sing of him?’

Cresom nods.
Cresom says (in common), 'but that seems to be the only thing you listen to '.

You say (in common), 'He is a GOD, Cresom!'.

Cresom says (in common), ‘I understand that '.

You say (in common), 'if Wish, at this moment, told me to fetch him a fresh fish, I would have to do it. Even if the Tempest itself was awaiting me at the dock.'.

Cresom says (in common), 'but I have Gods on my side'.

You say (in common), '... I don't, Cresom. I must obey.'.
You poke him in the ribs.
You say (in common), 'and so should you.'.
You say (in common), 'People are too disrespectful.'.

You say (in common), 'down'.

Entrance to Temple Courtyard
[Exits: west up]
You stand before a very ornate staircase. The solid marble steps and
polished oak railing lend strength to the temple atmosphere. At the
top of the stairs you can see the beginning of the courtyard.

Cresom arrives from above.
Cresom says (in common), ‘I am not . I have never really been scolded by a immortal '.

You say (in common), 'Perhaps I am just trouble on two belled feet, then.'.
You smile happily.

Cresom says (in common), ‘I respect everything I am told and would do so… but no one makes me hurt myself - no god ever'.
Cresom rests.

DarkClaw gossips, 'Welcome, Hadrian.  :-)'.

> who
8 players.
Sah [ Cl: 5 ] Hadrian the Sahuagin
Hum [ Demigoddess ] DarkClaw, Evolution of the Lost Ones -= Belgarion =-
Hum [ Bard: 30 30 27 ] Samiyah.
Hel [ Wa:30 Ma:30 ] Zarathos, Grounded on the Outskirts of Life *Lost*
Ogr [ Bard: 15 10 4 ] More Lost
Hum [ Ra:23 Cl:24 Tg:18 ] Chemosh has the dealer chip *Lost*
Elf [ Demigod ] Wish, Nashite Foul Sepiod of Alchemy
Hel [ Socrates ] Cresom Deme, I have found true Wisdom.

You gossip (in common), 'Hello, little fish! Please let me know if I can assist you in any way.'.
You gossip (in common), ‘I would warn you to avoid the Sahib Wish, as he sometimes snacks on small fish.'.

Cresom sleeps.

Hadrian gossips (in common), 'Hello. And does anyone want to be an id slave?  :)'.

You gossip (in common), ‘I am glad to assist with identifies. Please come to above the pit.'.

(ID’ing snipped)

Hadrian says (in common), 'thank you again'.
Hadrian bows deeply.
Hadrian leaves west.

You tell DarkClaw (in common), 'May I have your permission to enter?'.

Temple of the Lost
[Exits: west]
A large eye hovers in mid-air here, emitting a soft, purple glow.
(Dark Purple Aura) Chemosh is resting here.
(Dark Purple Aura) Pyre is resting here.
(Intense Dark Purple Aura) DarkClaw is here.

Samiyah touches her hand to her forehead, her lips, and her heart in a tribal gesture of respect.

DarkClaw smiles at you.

You give a sturdy wicker apple basket to Pyre.

> w
Northern Avenue
[Exits: north east south]
You stand on the marble walkway that makes up Northern Avenue.
Although many feet have crossed this ground the marble is not worn
in the least. Darkclaw's temple is to the east.
The sky is cloudy and a warm southerly breeze blows.

You tell DarkClaw (in common), '*quietly* Congratulations, Sayyida, on your new bard.'.

You tell DarkClaw (in common), '*abruptly, almost defensively* Sayyida... do you think I am just a tool of evil?'.

DarkClaw tells you, '*looks at you in puzzlement for a moment* I don't believe so, Sami. What has you asking such a question?'.

You tell DarkClaw (in common), ‘I was accused of it today. *paces restlessly, fidgeting with her veil.*'.

You tell DarkClaw (in common), 'Do I blindly obey you?'.

DarkClaw tells you, 'Blindly? No. But then I haven't commanded you to do very many things.'.

You tell DarkClaw (in common), '...*turns to speak, then stops, and nods, bowing abruptly*'.

DarkClaw tells you, 'In fact, I commanded you to speak to me the other day and you did not. You only responded when your Sahib commanded you.'.

You tell DarkClaw (in common), '(shocked) ...I... disobeyed?!'.
Temple of the Lost
[Exits: west]
A delicious magic mushroom is here.
A large eye hovers in mid-air here, emitting a soft, purple glow.
(Intense Dark Purple Aura) DarkClaw is here.

Samiyah touches her hand to her forehead, her lips, and her heart in a tribal gesture of respect.
Samiyah rushes in, and pleads, 'Tell me to do something else. Command it.'

DarkClaw smiles at you.
DarkClaw says, 'Hello, Sami'.
DarkClaw says, 'My apologies.'.

Samiyah blushes, ducking her head and concealing her face in one of the layers of her veil.
You say (in common), 'Sayyida'.
You say (in common), 'Forgive me... that was rude.'.

DarkClaw says, 'No offense taken. You wish to speak more?'.

Samiyah says meekly, this time, ‘I was going to ask if you might command me to do something else. I am trying to understand better...'
You say (in common), 'Why sometimes I must, but once I did not.'.

DarkClaw says, 'You were praying to your Sahib at the time. I would not have even commanded you had your Sahib not asked me to.'.

You blink.
You blink.

DarkClaw looks at you.

Samiyah says quietly, 'The Sahib asked it of you?'

DarkClaw nods once, a lock of her raven hair falling over one eye, "Well...it was more of a command from him."
DarkClaw chuckles, evidently amused.

Samiyah asks, her voice shocked, 'The Sahib ordered you to?'

DarkClaw says, 'You were not responding and I was...eager to find out what was troubling you.'.

Samiyah wrinkles her brow in thought.
You say (in common), 'Perhaps it was because I was seeking Him with all of my heart, that I did not have enough awareness to answer.'.

DarkClaw says, 'He was being quite stubborn and refusing to come to you because...'.
DarkClaw clamps her lips closed tightly and shakes her head.

Samiyah says quietly, "I was not worthy. I was weak. It angered him."

Pyre tells you (in common), 'Think you can get me a water container?'.

You tell Pyre (in common), ‘I can.. give me a moment? I speak with your Sayyida'.

Pyre tells you (in common), 'Of course'.

You say (in common), 'a moment, to go help your little one?'.

DarkClaw scowls at you, not angrily, but with a touch of scorn. "On the contrary, Sami, he feels you are quite worthy."

Samiyah touches her hand to her forehead, her lips, and her heart in a tribal gesture of respect.

(Sami goes to Wintermeet and fights a Centaur Hunter with limited success, but is eventually able to obtain a waterskin and saddlebag, which she gives to Pyre.)

Temple of the Lost
[Exits: west]
A delicious magic mushroom is here.
A large eye hovers in mid-air here, emitting a soft, purple glow.
(Intense Dark Purple Aura) DarkClaw is here.

Samiyah touches her hand to her forehead, her lips, and her heart in a tribal gesture of respect.

DarkClaw says, 'Welcome back.'.

You say (in common), 'Thank you, Sayyida'.

You say (in common), 'Pyre asked for some help'.

DarkClaw says, 'Were you able to assist?'.

You say (in common), ‘I did'.

DarkClaw says, 'Thank you.'.

You say (in common), 'though a bit bruised in my pride..'.

DarkClaw blinks.
DarkClaw says, 'Howso?'.

Samiyah rubs her side, where a dark bloodstain blooms.
You say (in common), ‘I expected an easy victory, but the centaur hunter nearly kicked my ribs in.'.

DarkClaw drops her gaze to follow your hand's movements, her eyes flaring briefly, almost unnoticeably, "Sami...there is something I should warn you of."

You say (in common), 'Yes, Sayyida?'.

DarkClaw says, 'It is...not wise to be in my presence when you are bleeding.'.

Samiyah's brow furrows as she frowns, looking troubled.
You say (in common), ‘I do not think you would hurt me.'.

DarkClaw says quietly, "Yet you know that I have hurt others in the past."

You say (in common), 'So the stories said, yes.'.

DarkClaw says, 'You are safe from me at the moment, but it is not always the case.'.

You say (in common), ‘I do not understand you and Ghazkull, Sayyida. If you hunger, why do you not eat?'.

DarkClaw hesitates, trying to find the words, not even knowing how, to explain. "You are aware that I have some good in me, yes? That I am not all evil.'.

You say (in common), 'Yes.'.

DarkClaw says, 'It is that part of me which stops me.'.

Samiyah considers a moment.
You say (in common), 'Should my compassion for the stag prevent me from eating a steak when I am ravenous?'.

DarkClaw scowls and flicks her gaze over the room in mild irritation. "Is it wrong for an immortal to take the life of a babe? How do you justify that?"

You say (in common), 'Must you kill, to be sated? Or can you not simply take .. some?'.

DarkClaw sighs and shakes her head. “No. That was merely said to point out that not everything makes sense.”

Samiyah considers her words carefully. 'Sayyida.. it seems to me that, even should a steak leap upon your very plate, you would refuse it out of nobility, and let yourself starve and weaken, out of love for the deer.'.

DarkClaw slumps backwards to lean against her altar, her voice softening, "Perhaps you are right. I just...am so used to fighting it. Perhaps I fear letting go."

Samiyah again pauses to choose her words carefully. 'When we walk the same path, over and over, Sayyida, it is difficult to see that sometimes, it branches… And there are other roads to take...'.

DarkClaw looks down at the floor in thought, a brief smile touching her lips, "A friend told me recently, in different words, that I had become too soft."

You say (in common), 'of that, I do not know.. but it seems that if you must warn all those around you, that they cannot be weak around you.. because of your own weakness and need... that is a predicament for a leader to be in. For do your people not look to you to be strong for them, when they are weak?'.

DarkClaw says, 'They do. And I guess I needed you to remind me of that.'.

You smile happily.
You say (in common), 'You did say that you thought that perhaps we were destined to meet, that I might help you see what you already know..'.

DarkClaw says, 'Now....as for our earlier discussion....'.

DarkClaw smiles briefly and nods. "You have a very good memory. No wonder you are an excellent bard."

Samiyah searches among her bags for a moment and pulls out a small leather book, it's pages ruffled and well-marked. She extends it gravely.
You say (in common), ‘I write everything down.'.

DarkClaw raises a brow, half-raising a hand in typical response, then thinking better of it. "That is yours and yours alone to see, Sami. Your secrets are in there. Your lessons. Your knowledge."'.

Samiyah nods, and slides the book back into its bag.

DarkClaw says, 'You are so much more than only a bard, though, if you would but see it.'.

Samiyah glances at you quizzically. "It is what I am, Sayyida. Seraph," (his name comes surprisingly easy to her lips, "says I shall lead the tribe one day.. but I am not overly sure of that. We shall see.'.

DarkClaw pushes away from the Eye and walks towards the bookshelves, scanning their contents as she moves down the length of the wall. She says, 'You have strength, determination, the desire to learn, compassion, tact...all great leadership traits.'.

DarkClaw stops abruptly, as if a realization suddenly struck her.

Samiyah asks, 'What is it, Sayyida?

DarkClaw says, ‘I was thinking more of what characteristics you possess...and the thought struck me...'.

Samiyah looks at you curiously, raising one eyebrow.

DarkClaw turns to you, her expression a mixture of emotion. "Perhaps I abstain...because I do not wish to put myself too far above them."

Samiyah blinks, confused. 'Forgive me, Sayyida, but I do not follow. You abstain because you wish to be close to mortals? not distant?'

DarkClaw shakes her head distractedly. "Not exactly...But to lead, sometimes you have to...stand aside and learn from others... And if I just take, whenever I wish, perhaps I fear my compassion will wane and I will start listening less and just take, take, take.'.

You say (in common), 'But now, Sayyida, you do not take at all -- not even when your people would.. I would guess? .. offer..?'.

DarkClaw looks away again, unable to hide her displeasure. "Some would not."

Samiyah takes a breath and releases it.
You say (in common), 'Sayyida.. the ways ... '.
You say (in common), 'In..'.
Samiyah sighs in frustration.
You say (in common), ‘I will not speak ill.'.
You say (in common), 'Forgive me.'.
Samiyah touches her hand to her forehead, her lips, and her heart in a tribal gesture of respect.

Northern Avenue
[Exits: north east south]
The sky is cloudy and a cold northern gust blows.

The Kitchen
[Exits: west]
A small white fountain gushes forth here.
(Dark Cyan Aura) Kandan is here.

DarkClaw emerges from a thick layer of mist as it dissipates and seeps into the ground, a soft whisper filling the area.

Samiyah touches her hand to her forehead, her lips, and her heart in a tribal gesture of respect.

DarkClaw stands two feet in front of you, a stubborn look crossing her features, tension visible in her frame.

You say (in common), 'Sayyida?'.

DarkClaw says, 'You are right.'.

You blink.
You say (in common), ‘I am?'.

DarkClaw's lips twitch in half-amusement. "It is I who am being the weak one."

Samiyah says quietly, ‘I did not say so.'
You say (in common), 'Those words of disrespect were not my words, Sayyida.'.

DarkClaw shakes her head and takes in a deep breath, letting it out slowly, "No, you did not. I am just admitting that I am."

Samiyah clasps her hands and looks at you gravely. "What will you do?"

DarkClaw says, 'After I kick myself for letting it take not one, but TWO mortals to convince me?'.

Samiyah blushes, ducking her head and concealing her face in one of the layers of her veil.

You say (in common), ‘I do not know how our conversations turn in to those where you feel I am giving lessons, Sayyida... that is never, ever my intent.'.

Samiyah looks at you earnestly. "I... like you. I see often that you are unhappy. I wish that was different."

Samiyah's brow furrows as she frowns, looking troubled.
You say (in common), 'perhaps 'unhappy' is the wrong word, but..'.
You say (in common), 'there is a .. a .. tension? '.

DarkClaw smiles openly, "Restrained? Reserved?"
DarkClaw says, 'Unsated.'.

Samiyah says softly, 'That of one rejected, who is not being cared for properly.'

You say (in common), 'a Deity should be... full of energy and the love of their people. Resplendent and powerful and sated with their worship... or so they teach it in the desert... which..'.
Samiyah sighs heavily.
You say (in common), 'Is not always right.... but in this...'.
Samiyah looks at you earnestly.
You say (in common), 'Perhaps?'.

DarkClaw's smile fades quickly. "I have their love and their worship. It is my own fault that I am not sated, not theirs."

You say (in common), ‘I spoke to the Sayyida Katrana recently and had told her and Aoide that I had given up part of my spirit to Seraph. Sayyida Katrana was horrified, and bid Aoide never, ever do the same. I said that I had done it, and would do it a thousand times, if my God required it. If I knew of that need, and did not meet it, I would be failing in my duties. They did not understand it...'.
Samiyah frowns, tugging on one of her braids in frustration.

DarkClaw raises a brow. "I do not know Katrana very well. She and I have...for some reason...never really talked. We remain distant from one another."

Samiyah starts to speak, but then falls silent.
You nod.

DarkClaw says, 'But that is beside the point. I understand what you are saying.'.

You say (in common), 'And I will endeavor not to ... to..'.
Samiyah glances down at her bloody shirt.
You say (in common), 'Wave a steak in your face.'.

DarkClaw says, 'And I also understand that, by not opening myself fully to who, and what, I am...I am not giving all of myself to them. I just had not thought of it that way. Perhaps even that is not the exact way to word it.'.

Samiyah says quietly, in an odd way that makes you think she is not saying all: "The Sahib would do anything in his power to strengthen me."

DarkClaw says, 'I'm not being the Goddess I could be to them.'.

Samiyah looks at you sideways from beneath the edge of her veil. Her smile is light, and teasing. "I do not think that sitting on you would work. So I will not offer you a goblet, until you have already had .. well.. many!'. The smile slips off of her lips as she murmurs, 'Though.. to be honest.. it is not proper of me to offer it at all. Forgive me, Sahib.' Samiyah's hand slips up to her eyes, rubbing lightly.

DarkClaw smiles and shakes her head, a soft chuckle escaping her lips, "I would prefer to drink from the source, Sami, but thank you. A goblet would not keep it as warm.'. DarkClaw winks suggestively at you.

You shiver. Brrrrrrrrr.

DarkClaw shrugs, "It is what I am."

Samiyah nods, the movement causing her veil-charms to chime.
You say (in common), 'It is, Sayyida.'.

DarkClaw says, ‘I must go for now.'.

Samiyah nods, the movement causing her veil-charms to chime.
You wave.

DarkClaw grins and bares her fangs. Tendrils of fog rise from the ground, twisting their way up and around her form to shroud it from view.