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=== A Song Of Sami ===
(Log by DarkClaw)

Tynian says, 'We are gathered here today for Alfonse's bard review.'.
Tynian beams a smile at Alfonse.
Tynian says, 'The stage is yours, when you are ready.'.

Alfonse nods.

You gossip, 'Bard review in the amphitheater for anyone else that wishes to come, but hurry!'.

Belgarion ftells, 'i have never seen Tynian head up a bard review'.

You ftell, 'I have. *smile*'.

Belgarion ftells, 'heh'.

Alfonse coughs.

You ftell, 'Though not often.'.

Alfonse says (in common), 'This is to a bard, whom I look up to. I sorta have to, as I live under the ocean.'.

Tynian grins mischievously.

Mutex arrives from the west.
Mutex bows deeply.
Mutex rests.

Alfonse sings, 'Come along with me'
Alfonse sings, 'To a place under the sea'
Alfonse sings, 'Beneath all the flotsam'
Alfonse sings, 'Rumors sink to the bottom'

Alfonse sings, 'Come along with me.
Alfonse sings, 'All slips into the sea'
Alfonse sings, 'We'll gaze up at the sand'
Alfonse sings, 'To where our tale began'

Alfonse pauses and look in Samiyah direction.
Alfonse takes a breath.

Samiyah fidgets, toying with the fringed edge of one long end of her veil.

Alfonse sings, 'Deep past the desert veil'
Alfonse sings, 'There, a bard, she hails'
Alfonse sings, 'Corruption hides its past'
Alfonse sings, 'All power held by caste'

Alfonse sings, 'A mother hides her kin'
Alfonse sings, 'To let new life begin'
Alfonse sings, 'Lost in a new world'
Alfonse sings, 'Into Chaos she is hurled'

Alfonse sings, 'The young bard starts anew'
Alfonse sings, 'Her words are sweet and true'
Alfonse sings, 'The Angel wished to stay'
Alfonse sings, 'New benevolent way'

Alfonse takes a breath.

Alfonse sings, 'In time she will believe'
Alfonse sings, 'All words of the Sahib'
Alfonse sings, 'His will 'round her entwine'
Alfonse sings, 'And Opal redefined'

Alfonse draws in a breath.

Samiyah lowers her brows somewhat, frowning a touch.

Alfonse sings, 'In helping those in need'
Alfonse sings, 'She yet breaks Seraph's creed'
Alfonse sings, 'She answers any call'
Alfonse sings, 'His faith in her will fall'

Samiyah coughs.
Samiyah blushes, ducking her head and concealing her face in one of the layers of her veil.

Alfonse draws a breath.

Alfonse sings, 'Come along with me'
Alfonse sings, 'To a place under the sea'
Alfonse sings, 'Beneath all of the flotsam'
Alfonse sings, 'Rumors sink to the bottom'

Alfonse takes a breath.

Alfonse sings, 'Come along with me'
Alfonse sings, 'To find a creature of the sea'
Alfonse sings, 'Tentacles and a beak'
Alfonse sings, 'Sepiod what you seek'

Samiyah winces. Ouch!
Samiyah covers her face, knowing what is coming.

Tross listens more attentively.

Alfonse draws a breath.

Alfonse sings, 'The battle lines are drawn'
Alfonse sing, 'And she named "Seraphs Pawn"
Alfonse sings, 'So many gods declare'
Alfonse sings, 'Him foul and never fair'

Alfonse takes a breath.

Alfonse sings, 'Though oft forbidden to'
Alfonse sings, 'She pens a line or two'
Alfonse sings, 'Cast safe in bottled glass'
Alfonse sings, 'Wish finds her words so crass'

Alfonse breathes in.

You ftell, 'You're missing a good performance, lich.'.
Venom ftells, '*hiss*'.

Samiyah murmurs, 'It wasn't trash. I washed it extra good. Everyone knows you send messages in bottles.'

Alfonse beams a smile at Samiyah.

Alfonse sings, 'Her gaze was Alchemized'
Alfonse sings, 'And tore away his guise'
Alfonse sings, 'In anger, the, he eats'
Alfonse sings, 'True words were not a treat'

Alfonse sings, 'Rage and anguish keen'
Alfonse sings, 'And ne're a tentacle seen'
Alfonse sings, 'Wish changed into an elf'
Alfonse sings, 'And did not know himself'

You comfort Someone.

Alfonse take a breath.

Alfonse sings, 'To fix this horrid fate'
Alfonse sings, 'His potions to abate'
Alfonse sings, 'He needs a catalyst'
Alfonse sings, 'Samiyah, on his list!'

Samiyah nervously glances at DarkClaw's gesture, and scoots further down the bench away from where Someone might be lurking angrily.

Alfonse take a breath, and glances at DarkClaw.

You say, '...Uh oh.'.

Alfonse sings, 'So with DarkClaw declares'
Alfonse sings, 'We'll give the bard a scare'

Alfonse sings, 'Until we gain that shell!'

Alfonse sings, 'We'll make her life a hell'

Samiyah looks at Belgarion.
Samiyah looks at you.

DarkClaw sighs and avoids Samiyah's gaze.

Alfonse closes his eyes, and takes breath.

Alfonse sings, 'Locked in a frozen place'
Alfonse sings, 'With tears upon her face'
Alfonse sings, 'He come and says: be first'
Alfonse sings, 'Her oath is uncoerced'

Samiyah nods.

Alfonse takes breath, posture rising.

Alfonse sings, 'Seraph sees the gain'
Alfonse sings, 'Of making Sami train'
Alfonse sings, 'To flee and run and hide'
Alfonse sings, 'His "Bunny" is his pride'

Samiyah smiles a little at that.

Alfonse takes a big breath.

Alfonse sings, 'Come along with me'
Alfonse sings, 'To a place under the sea'
Alfonse sings, 'Beneath all the flotsam'
Alfonse sings, 'Rumors sink to the bottom'

Alfonse sings, 'Come along with me'
Alfonse sings, 'To where stories seep into the sea'
Alfonse sings, 'We'll gaze up from your ground'
Alfonse sings, 'And hear the tales trickle down'

Alfonse pause and looks about.
Alfonse draws breath.

Alfonse sings, 'He wanders then to find'
Alfonse sings, 'Two loved ones "left behind"'
Alfonse sings, 'And when He took their souls'
Alfonse sings, 'The Wyldess gave the goal'

Alfonse draws short breath.

Alfonse sings, 'His actions cross the line'
Alfonse sings, 'Of evil, not Divine'
Alfonse sings, 'To Three: a Thread to cut'
Alfonse sings, 'They see him as corrupt'

Alfonse breathes.

Alfonse sings, 'Lord Seraph's will and might'
Alfonse sings, 'Keeps daughter's head upright'
Alfonse sings, 'Her faith shines ever clearly'
Alfonse sings, 'But others are so leery'

Alfonse breathes.

Samiyah nods, remembering.

Alfonse sings, 'Two Hunters seek and find:
Alfonse sings, 'Fled one - into a bind'
Alfonse sings, 'Soul from flesh was cast'
Alfonse sings, 'Quarry caught at last'

Samiyah shivers, wrapping one arm around her torso, the other stealing up to rub the side of her head where Sagan's weapon struck.

Alfonse frowns and takes a breath.

Alfonse sings, 'Her shell they did not keep'
Alfonse sings, 'As in His arms, she weeps'
Alfonse sings, 'Respect and honor gave'
Alfonse sings, 'Her soul held from the grave'

Alfonse sings, 'He whispers: You have grown'
Alfonse sings, 'In ways could not be shown'
Alfonse sings, 'This is no clever ruse'
Alfonse sings, 'You -Are- just what you choose'

Samiyah nods.

Alfonse smiles toward Samiyah, and takes breath.

Someone glares at Alfonse.

Alfonse sings, 'Come along with me'
Alfonse sings, 'To a place under the sea'
Alfonse sings, 'Beneath all the flotsam'
Alfonse sings, 'Rumors sink to the bottom'

Alfonse sings, 'Come along with me'
Alfonse sings, 'Samiyah eternally'
Alfonse sings, 'Tales not writ in sand'
Alfonse sings, 'Will live forever on land'

Alfonse take a breath, and looks at his audience.
Alfonse bows deeply.

Samiyah applauds, blushing, staring at the floor.

Belgarion beams a smile at Alfonse.

You clap at his performance.
You smile at him.

Alfonse says (in common), 'Thank you for attending'.

Tross claps.

Tynian grins mischievously.
Tynian says, 'Well.'.

You say, 'Well done, bard.'.
You say, 'Long, but well done.'.

You grin evilly.

Someone reluctantly applauds Alfonse.

Belgarion says (in common), 'was interesting'.

Someone says, 'Yes, quite....interesting.'.

Alfonse smiles happily.

Someone says, 'I must say, I was not happy'.

Tynian says, 'That was an attention getter. I'm sure it'll cause quite a stir.'.
Tynian grins mischievously.

Alfonse blinks at someone.

Belgarion says (in common), 'it will i am sure'.
Belgarion chuckles, evidently amused.

Samiyah scoots further down the stone bench.

Someone says, 'I am too fair!'.

Tynian says, 'Well done'.

      1. Alfonse has earned Bards' Council approval for level 10.