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===Ghazkull's Journey===

Square of the Grande Plaza
[Exits: (south) (west) up]
The Plaza here is pristine ... clean, unblemished, resplendent ...
except for the occasional hole winding downward ... as if dug into
the floor by some burrowing beast. Nonetheless, some intelligence,
some sentient is maintaining this quadrant of the Plaza ... if you
only knew who ...

You attack and narrowly miss a chthonian hatchling.
You attack and narrowly miss a chthonian hatchling.
A chthonian hatchling looks at your fighting style and smirks.

You over-extend your attack slightly, pulling you off-balance!
You deftly move out of the way of a chthonian hatchling's attack.

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.
Your force shield shimmers then fades away.

You do all you can just to defend yourself.
Your stab wounds a chthonian hatchling!
A chthonian hatchling outmaneuvers your dodge attempt.
A chthonian hatchling scratches you.

Your magic missile maims a chthonian hatchling!
A chthonian hatchling is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points.
You hear a chthonian hatchling's death cry.
You get 12 gold coins from the corpse of a chthonian hatchling.
The corpse of a chthonian hatchling contains:

You are surrounded by a force shield.
You fade out of existence.

Someone says, 'And what are you hunting, Heartbringer?'.

Zarathos ftells, 'ok'.
Zarathos ftells, 'found him'.

DarkClaw tells you, 'Sac up'.

A juvenile chthonian arrives from the west.

You gasp in astonishment.

You ftell, 'umm'.
You ftell, 'I might have to cancel'.

Zarathos ftells, 'why?'.

You ftell, 'think Cordir is annoyed'.

You are looking for a Night Young of N'Kai. You have 50 ticks left.

DarkClaw ftells, 'Why?'.

You ftell, 'because I was killing things in N'Kai'.

DarkClaw ftells, 'Ahhh'.

You say (in elven), 'I was hunting a Night Young'.

Someone says, 'do not let me keep you'.

Zarathos ftells, 'your call'.

Someone says, 'carry on your way'.

You say (in elven), 'I apologize if I have offended you'.

Zarathos arrives from the south.
Zarathos says (in common), 'fol'.

Someone says, 'In no way, Ghazkull'.

You ftell, 'one sec'.

Someone says, 'Please - continue your task.'.

You bow deeply.

Zarathos says (in common), 'sorry, didn't mean to interrupt'.

You say (in elven), 'thank you'.

Someone says, 'You did not, Zarathos'.

Zarathos nods.

Someone says, 'all is well.'.

Zarathos smiles happily.
A chthonian hatchling arrives from the west.

(they travel to....)

Plaza Perimeter Walkway
[Exits: north east]
It is black as Oblivion here. Rubble from Iridium Avenue has rained
down here, blocking the way south. The rose marble walkway goes on,
continuing to the east, but blocked to the west by debris.
A map of the Citadel Plaza has been inscribed on this wall, but is heavily damaged.
(Invis) (Dark Purple Aura) Zarathos is here.
A Night Young of N'Kai lies enmeshed in a magical prison-web.

Zarathos nods.

>Con night
A Night Young of N'Kai is no match for you.

Your pierce wounds a Night Young of N'Kai.
Your pierce mauls a Night Young of N'Kai.

Your pierce wounds a Night Young of N'Kai.
A Night Young of N'Kai's armor deflects your attack.
Your armor deflects a Night Young of N'Kai's attack.

Your magic missile MUTILATES a Night Young of N'Kai!
A Night Young of N'Kai is DEAD!!
Congratulations! You have killed your target.
You receive 288 experience points.
You hear a Night Young of N'Kai's death cry.
You get 16 gold coins from the corpse of a Night Young of N'Kai.
The corpse of a Night Young of N'Kai contains:
(Glowing) an iridium bracelet

Someone says, 'Congratulations.'.

You fade out of existence.

Zarathos ftells, 'right one?'.
Zarathos cheers you on, confident that you will win.

You ftell, 'nod'.

Zarathos utters the words, 'gjfzzl'.
Zarathos waves goodbye to you. Have a good journey.

You say (in elven), 'Thank you, If you will, I would continue looking around? I have fond memories of this place'.

Zarathos utters the words, 'safhar'.
The air shimmers as Zarathos creates a portal here.

Someone says, 'by all means'.

You bow deeply.

>Butcher corpse
You really messed that corpse up.

You grumble.

Someone arches an eyebrow inquisitively.

You say (in elven), 'maybe it was for the best'.

Someone says, 'What is that?'.

You say (in elven), 'I messed up the corpse I tried to butcher'.
You say (in elven), 'I did not enjoy having to kill anything in this place'.

Someone says, 'the creatures are aggressive'.
Someone says, 'there is little you can do to prevent it.'.

Someone walks to the north.

Granite Cavern
[Exits: north south]
(Invis) Phasing in and out of visibility, a larval polyp flies through the air.

Someone walks to the north.

Granite Cavern
[Exits: north south]
A Marker Slab has been erected in the center of the room.

> Look slab
Turn back now, while the Sigil shines, great and strong and bright.
Turn to hearth and turn to home, the call of warmth and light.
Leave here now, before you meet the Spawn of Black and Night.

Run and hide, while the Sigil holds; live and strive and know.
Run to peace, and the strength of friends; be and act and grow.
Leave here now, before you glimpse the Spawn of N'Kai below.

Go fast, make haste, and warn of the perils nigh.
Go now, don't wait, or seek out the reasons why.
Leave before you find the Spawn, for then ye surely die.

Someone walks to the north.

Granite Cavern
[Exits: north south]

Someone walks to the north.

End of the Granite Cavern
[Exits: south down]
This is the Last Bore, the tunnel that connected the Plaza to the
black caverns of N'Kai. Strong winds howl here, flowing into small
holes in the ground. The source of the winds is a mystery - there
SHOULDN'T be any wind ... yet it rages like a storm here ...

A Marker Slab has been erected in the center of the room.
The Sigil Draktha floats in the air here, warding the cave below.

Someone smiles faintly.

Ghazkull stares at the Sigil.

> Look Sigil
Pulsing red and black, the Sigil Draktha writhes and contorts before
you, shifting in time the magical flow sealing N'Kai below. Briefly,
the Sigil fades, and then resurges in power. The Sigil is weaker now
than it once was. One day it will fail altogether ...

> Look Down
Below is N'Kai the black, cave of fetid breath.
Sealed for now, by magics human, it has given us our Death.

Below lies N'Kai the dark, antithesis of Light.
Held at last, it cloaks our souls in everlasting Night.

Below stand N'Kai the pit, eater of souls and life.
Do not enter, for few survive its viciousness and strife.

If you enter, the Sigil holds YOU, down with the fetid breath.
Unless you escape otherwise, you enter to meet Death.

Someone says contemplatively, 'Do you recall... that all four Shamans spoke for you at your joining?'
Someone says, 'That was an extreme rarity.'.

You ponder the question.
You say (in elven), 'I do'.

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

You say (in elven), 'I have a record of it'.
You say (in elven), 'I did not realize it was a rare event'.

Someone says, 'Extremely.'.

You say (in elven), 'then I was honoured, way beyond my realization'.

Someone says, 'and to have Tamar as your sponsor - another uniqueness.'.
Someone says, 'I had never allowed one outside Fate to stand as a sponsor.'.

You sniff sadly. *SNIFF*
You say (in elven), 'I miss Tamar greatly'.

Someone says, 'I have not seen her in a very long time.'.

You nod.

Someone says, 'Will you enter N'Kai with me, Ghazkull?'.
Someone is now guarding you.

You say (in elven), 'if you will give me a moment, then I would be glad to'.

Ghazkull closes his eyes briefly, taking a few deep breaths as he does so.
Ghazkull opens his eyes, a faint smile appearing on his lips.

Cordir leaves down.

You say (in elven), 'I am ready'.

Cave Conjoining N'Kai
[Exits: north]
You are below the Sigil Draktha, near N'Kai the Black. You
have no escape but to go onward, for the Barrier seals you
within here just as forcefully as it does the Spawn. Bones
lie scattered about, strewn above a dried pool of blood.

A Message has been scrawled on the bloody floor.
(Intense Light Cyan Aura) Cordir is here.

> Look Message
I have the e
seen nd of N'Kai and retur to be
ned, only

      sealed in he        he              Run, do

re with t Darklings. not go


rd, for I have nd of N'Kai, and be

 the                  seen the e                 yond,
Crypt of Dar-G of Eight.

olmeth, the Sender RUN!

(Cordir leads him to....)

The Shore of Lake Hali
[Exits: east south down]
Black ice, dark and opaque, extends in a plain about you,
forming a lake of dark, slick perfection. You have landed
on the shore of that body, a dark cliff rising before you
to the north. An octagonal door has been cut into it, and
an octagonal pit opens downward. The eldritch monstrosity
emanating from them horrify you, urging you to retreat.
(Intense Light Cyan Aura) Cordir is here.
Shar-Ti, Duergar Shaman of the Dhole, worships her totem here.

Cordir nods in recognition to Shar-Ti.
Shar-Ti nods in recognition to Cordir.

You bow before her.
Shar-Ti looks around, startled.

Cordir unlocks the door.
Cordir opens the door.

Cordir leaves north.

A Midnight Garden
[Exits: south]
The breathtaking loveliness of a midnight shadowed garden embraces you. The
night sky is filled with stars... no, not stars, but strands of light which
shimmer at the edges of sight. The soft call of unseen birds provides sweet
melody to please the ear and the low hoot of an owl echoes out of the trees,
only to be answered by the harsh, mocking scream of a carrion crow. A thick
tangle of web-shrouded crimson briar roses marks the boundaries of the area
and every conceivable variety of flower blooms within, despite the darkness.
At the center of the garden lies an ornate multi-tiered fountain, ebon fire
lighting the cascades from within. Benches have been placed invitingly in a
semi-circle around the stone basin of the fountain, set just inside a thick
band of mithril.
(Intense Light Cyan Aura) Cordir is here.
(White Aura) A distressingly large, shiny black spider weaves webs here.

Cordir closes the door.

You gasp in astonishment.

Cordir says, 'Welcome.'.

>Look Guardian
The huge black widow spider glares at you, its eight jewel-like eyes gleaming
with crimson balefire. Its mandibles are daggers of ivory, dripping with some
ichorous poison. It hisses balefully, saying, 'This is no place for a mortal
to be!' and gestures abruptly with one chitinous leg, dismissing you.
The guardian spider leads a charmed life.
The guardian spider is in perfect health.

You say (in elven), 'am I safe to go visible?'.

Cordir nods.
Cordir says, 'She will give you no harm.'.

You nod.

You say (in elven), 'if I may look around?'.

Cordir says, 'now you know one of the hidden secrets of N'Kai.'.
Cordir says, 'Oh, of course.'.
Cordir says, 'please.'.
Cordir seats herself at the edge of the fountain, and gestures around the garden.

> Look North:
Ghazkull examines the briar.

Ghazkull wanders over to the northern part of the garden, recoiling slightly at the cobwebs.

Ghazkull shivers. Brrrrrrrrr.

You say (in elven), 'I have never been able to completely get over that'.

Look West:
To the west, the briars give way to a small pathway that winds through the
roses. In the distance, a small cottage can barely be seen, the light from
a lantern illuminating its door. The structure is sheltered within a stand
of oaks. It looks like a comfortable, cozy home, just big enough for two.

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

Cordir murmurs, 'I can hear your stomach grumbling from here.'

Cordir utters the words, 'create food'.
A Magic Mushroom suddenly appears.

Cordir utters the words, 'create food'.
A Magic Mushroom suddenly appears.

Cordir utters the words, 'create food'.
A Magic Mushroom suddenly appears.

You snicker softly.

You get a Magic Mushroom.
You get a Magic Mushroom.

You eat a Magic Mushroom.
You are no longer hungry.

You are too full to eat more.
You are too full to eat more.

You bow deeply.

Cordir nods.

You are thirsty.

You drink water from an antelope hide waterskin.
You do not feel thirsty.

Cordir drinks water from the fountain.

You drink water from an antelope hide waterskin.
You do not feel thirsty.

Ghazkull looks off in the distance to the cottage on the horizon.

Cordir frowns slightly, tinged with embarrassment.
Cordir says, 'Forgive me. I did not think.'.
Cordir says, 'You may well have other tasks that you need to attend to.'.

You shake your head.

Cordir says, 'You are welcome here at any time - it need not be at this moment.'.

You say (in elven), 'I had been thinking about N'Kai a lot recently'.

Cordir says, 'it is a place of transformation.'.

You say (in elven), 'and I got a chance to hunt here, so I resolved to look around when I had finished'.

Cordir says, 'You hunted the Citadel.'.
Cordir says, 'N'Kai itself...'.

You nod.

Cordir says, 'is beyond your capabilities at this time.'.

Ghazkull glances up at the web above him.

You say (in elven), 'my apologies, I interrupted you in my eagerness to explore'.

Cordir says, 'not at all'.
Cordir says, 'I have been watching through your eyes.'.

You nod.

Cordir says, 'there is much more to see, but perhaps another time?'.

Cordir says, '(the office is vastly smaller than my temple, honestly)'.

You laugh.

Ghazkull inhales the strong fragrance from the roses.

Cordir plucks one of the blooms, neatly avoiding the long thorns.

Cordir gives you a black rose.

A black rose rests here.

>hold rose
You don't have a hand free to hold a black rose.

You stop using a fishing spear.
You hold a black rose in your hands.

> look void
Void... where prohibited.
This pun is included solely for the edification of Boromir.

You groan loudly.

Cordir snickers softly.

You say (in elven), 'aha'.

You say (in elven), 'the word cocoon is spelled incorrectly in the description'.
You say (in elven), 'hence why I missed it'.

Cordir says, 'oh dear'.

Ghazkull ponders whose remains are in the cocoon.

Cordir says, 'Rincewind.'.

You nod.
You say (in elven), 'I remember THAT one'.

Cordir nods.

> look crow
An ancient crow, feathers a glossy sable black, sits within the briars,
glaring balefully at you. It screams, the sound raucous and grating. A
sense of power emanates from it and its scarlet eyes are hate-filled.

Her eyes seem to follow your movements and she ruffles her feathers menacingly.

Ghazkull takes a few steps backwards, muttering a few words to make sure his protections are up.

Cordir says, 'Macha will bring you no harm in my presence.'.

You say (in elven), 'It is but a reflex'.

(Ghazkull begins examining the threads in the Pattern)

> L fuchsia
As your eyes flow over the fuchsia thread, the image of a graceful
and lovely elven woman comes to your mind's eye. She has the pale
skin and crimson eyes of a vampire, but her smile - though fanged -
is warm and friendly. An aura of power surrounds her, glowing with
an Immortal's strength as she tends to those in her care.

DarkClaw tells you, '*hugs*'.

You tell DarkClaw (in elven), 'good night *hugs*'.

You smile happily.
You say (in elven), 'forgive me if I am incorrect, but...'.
You say (in elven), 'the fuchsia, thread'.

Cordir arches an eyebrow inquisitively.

You say (in elven), 'is that... DarkClaw? or another'.

Cordir says, 'It is the last Scion of Lord Khore.'.

You nod.

Cordir says, 'The Lady Clue, Incarna of the Wyrm.'.

You gasp in astonishment.
You say (in elven), 'I remember Clue.'.

Cordir nods.

You say (in elven), 'so many names I remember, so few remain'.

> l silver
Lightly touching a finger to the silver strand within the Pattern,
you sense that it reveals a moment trapped in time from some years
in the distant past. You see a moonlit elven garden, curtained off
from the rest of the Realm by a delicate wall of spider-webs: near
twin to where you stand now. A preternaturally still figure stands
gracefully tall, looking up at the night sky. He turns, and a slow,
sensual smile lights up his face, revealing ivory fangs. "Love? I
hadn't expected you this ear-- You're not her." The smile disappears
instantly, to be replaced by chilling menace. "Who are you? What are
you doing looking among my Lady's private things? You are _not_ welcome
here." He makes an abrupt, angry gesture with one pale hand. There is a
sudden flash of darkness, and your eyes sting; this vision of the past
fades away.

You blink.
Ghazkull rubs his eyes.
You shudder from the sheer thought of it.
You say (in elven), 'that did not feel good'.

Cordir shakes her head.
Cordir says, 'No.'.
Cordir says, 'But my memory of Deamhan is a vivid one.'.

You nod.

>l midnight
As your gaze brushes the midnight strand, you catch a glimpse of a
city silhouetted by night. Frowning, you look closer, for there must
be more... Straining your eyes, you finally see what the Weaver does:
Standing on a wire stretched taut above a shadowed alley is a dark,
lean figure, his outline barely visible in the pale starlight. His
arms are held out to the night sky and his head is tipped back, as
if watching the infinity above. A feeling of calmness radiates from
him, and despite the powerful chilling wind he seems unrushed. He is
waiting, but for what? Suddenly a cat dashes across the rooftops,
drawing your eye, and when you look back, the figure is gone...

The Lady's expression does not change, but sorrow echoes in her eyes.

Ghazkull tilts his head quizzically to one side, unsure what to make of what he has just seen.

Cordir murmurs, 'My Shadow.'

Ghazkull murmurs, 'Nyx?'

Cordir nods.

Cordir utters the words, 'create food'.
A Magic Mushroom suddenly appears.

Cordir utters the words, 'create food'.
A Magic Mushroom suddenly appears.

> L blackfire
Gazing into the blackfire strand, you become surrounded by the lightless void.
Searing, unseen flame licks at you as you vainly try to find something other
than endless black silence around you. The fires make no sound, the burning
of your flesh makes no sound, and your ongoing efforts to find any point of
reference make no sound. You hear a calm, measured voice calling from every-
where at once, in perfect Old Thoras. It says, 'It has been this One's
observation that few enjoy visiting Him in these environs. Worry not. This
one will find thee, in time."

>l shroud-grey
An icy power radiates from the shroud-grey thread. With that aura of cold,
a complex swirl of emotions cascades around you: Love. Loss. Pride. Hurt.
Tenderness. Jealousy. Hopefulness. Hopelessness. Friendship. Hesitation.
Acceptance. Abruptly, the Weaver's presence veils this thread, severing
your contact with it, and all you sense is gentle reproof at your curiosity.

You blink.
Your cheeks are burning.

Cordir blushes slightly as well.
Cordir rises from the bench and walks the garden, Her hand trailing through the roses and thorns without a care.

You say (in elven), 'I believe I have seen everything, although please show me anything I may have missed'.

Cordir says, 'I think you have seen it all'.

You nod.

Cordir says, 'You are one of the few welcome here at any time.'.

You gasp in astonishment.

Cordir says, 'Simply let me know should you wish to return.'.

You say (in elven), 'I am truly honoured, Lady'.
You bow deeply.

Cordir says, 'I was honored by your faithful service.'.

You smile happily.

You say (in elven), 'It was my pleasure, I would have followed you to the void if circumstances had allowed it.'.

Cordir closes her eyes, shaking her head.
Cordir says, 'No.'.
Cordir says, 'I am glad you did not.'.
Cordir says, 'Live on. Learn. Grow.'.
Cordir says, 'I must go.'.

You nod.

Cordir says, 'May the Three ever guide you.'.

You bow deeply.