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(A Race Across The Realm)
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(Reposted with permission from the Defenders of the Sun website. All comments are by Tiax.)

# Log: Racing with Silvanus across the realm
# Date: 270702
# Players: Tiax, Silvanus
# Special: Silvanus thought he could beat Tiax with running across the mud from one place to another.

% I just told Silvanus to come to my hometown, where the start will be of the race.

A Clearing in Some Shrubbery
[Exits: north east up]
You are in a clearing surrounded by a wall of the valley and some thick
shrubbery.  The wall of the valley blocks your way south and the shrubbery
seems impassable to the west.  The smell and noise of the camp are not as
bad here, it seems like a good place to rest.  While you do so, you can 
study the strange grey vortex swirling above you.
You feel a warm wind.

You ftell, 'If you know what my hometown is :)'.

% In the meantime at Silvanus

A steeply sloping access passage
[Exits: south up]
You are on a narrow ledge, following the course of the Snowwater River
through this tunnel. The deafening noise of the river makes it hard
to think here, but you can see that the river is flowing down from 
above and leaving through a grate to the south.
(Invis) (Light Green Aura) Silvanus is here.

A blinding flash occurs. When you can see again,
Silvanus is standing before you.

You ftell, 'Oh dear! You don't know where I live!'.

Silvanus smiles happily.

Silvanus ftells, 'hehe'.
You say, 'Where did you go first?'.
Silvanus says (in common), 'DH'.
You roll your eyes.
Silvanus chuckles, evidently amused.
You say, 'Well ok...you can only make up by one thing now'.
Silvanus says (in common), 'Forgot, brainfart'.
You say, 'Show your speed and agility'.
Silvanus says (in common), 'Of course'.
You say, 'Ok, racing rules...no transport of whatsover but walking or teleporting...'.
Silvanus nods.
You say, 'We're going to visit Phriti today, ready?'.
You say, 'When I nod we go'.
Silvanus says (in common), 'Hmm'.
Silvanus scratches his head.

The Inn
[Exits: west]
Rooms are available for those wanting to spend the night, and a large
common room provides a place to dine if you are hungry. It may not be
fancy, but it is clean, the food is good, so what more could you really 
ask for? 
Phriti offers to sell you some dinner.

Silvanus says (in common), 'Ok but I am guessing...'.
You say, 'You do know where he is...'.
You say, 'That's part of the race'.
You say, 'ready?'.
Silvanus says (in common), 'Like I said I am guessing'.
Silvanus says (in common), 'Vortex allowed?'.
You say, 'You see me, so check zones :)'.
% If he could keep up that is *MUAWHAHAHAHAHA*

You shake your head.
You grin mischievously.
Silvanus nods.

Silvanus utters the words, 'stone skin'.
Silvanus's skin turns to stone.
You say, 'No other transport but walking and teleport'.
You say, 'ok here goes'.
You nod.
Silvanus nods.

% Insert the walk here, nothing interesting happening. This is hardly a minute
% later.

Okay, you have landed.

The Inn
[Exits: west]
Rooms are available for those wanting to spend the night, and a large
common room provides a place to dine if you are hungry. It may not be
fancy, but it is clean, the food is good, so what more could you really 
ask for? 
Phriti offers to sell you some dinner.

% No trace of Silvanus however.

In the Dense Undergrowth
[Exits: north east]
Vines hang from the trees, tall ferns cover the ground, and assorted bushes
have grown together into almost one living organic wall, making movement
difficult at best. It looks like few people have ever passed this way and 
surely none have bothered to cut a trail through this tangled growth. Doing
so perhaps is your task, your claim to fame. Or perhaps there is a reason
no trail has been cut...maybe you should consider the legends which tell
of the gruesome end met by the last soul who tried to cut trail here.
The sky is cloudy and a cold northern gust blows.
(Invis) (Light Green Aura) Silvanus is here.
A mosquito flies past your head.
A strangely colored vine lies here.

% Note the irony ;)
You ftell, 'How did you get there so fast?'.
You ftell, 'Ok next race you can choose targets'.
Silvanus ftells, ':)'.
You ftell, 'I don't wanna wait all day :P'.
Silvanus ftells, 'I still have not found Phriti'.
You ftell, 'Nah, you should have asked someone :P'.
Silvanus ftells, 'Aran was my second choice'.
You ftell, 'If you see him you'll say, 'Oh yeah'!'.
Silvanus ftells, 'I should went there first'.
You ftell, 'I didn't see you pass me either..'.
Silvanus ftells, 'I never did'.
You ftell, 'And first part was the same anyway'.
Silvanus ftells, 'nod nod'.
You ftell, 'You still coming to him?'.
You ftell, 'You can vortex and portal now if you want'.
Silvanus ftells, 'Gave up you are already there arent you?'.
You ftell, 'Only for 10 mins or so :P'.
You ftell, 'I'm exaggerating :)'.
Silvanus ftells, 'Huh'.
Silvanus arrives from the west.
% Finally!

Tiax takes a look at his watch.

Silvanus ftells, 'Why couldnt I find this place?'.
Silvanus ftells, 'Jees'.
You ftell, 'I don't know'.
You ftell, 'You know it know huh?'.
Silvanus ftells, 'Yeah.'.
Silvanus ftells, 'Safe room'.
You ftell, 'Ok you can go next, else it wouldn't be fair'.
You ftell, 'I wouldn't want you in danger'.
Silvanus ftells, ':)'.
Silvanus ftells, 'OK'.
Silvanus leaves west.

% Silvanus goes out to find his starting point, for his race.

You ftell, 'where are you going?'.
Silvanus ftells, 'Think of a good one'.
You ftell, 'Ok let me know'.
Silvanus ftells, 'Thinking of a good one'.
You ftell, 'I don't know all either, so it might be not such a good idea to let you choose :)'.
You ftell, 'I do want a mob name or a room name at least :)'.
You ftell, 'Rather a mob then a room, they are easier to remember'.
Silvanus ftells, 'You heard of the Grand mistress of magic?'.
% Who doesn't know her?

You ftell, 'from where do we run?'.
Silvanus ftells, 'Have you heard of her?'.
You ftell, 'I'm not gonna tell :P'.
Silvanus ftells, 'Cause I will have to fight to get to her'.
You ftell, 'You need any spells before we go?'.
Silvanus ftells, 'Invis please'.
Silvanus fades out of existence.
You ftell, 'It's your choice'.
Silvanus ftells, 'Ready?'.
You ftell, 'you just nod'.
Silvanus nods.

% We are both racing towards the grand mistress of magic, till a maze area
% I was again ahead of him. But who passes here?

Silvanus arrives from the south.
Silvanus leaves east.

% More mazing to do :(

You ftell, 'last time you get to choose'.
Silvanus ftells, 'Why is that?'.
You ftell, 'mazes bah'.
Silvanus ftells, 'That is why I chose it'.

% When finally gotten out, it's not so hard anymore.

The audience chamber
[Exits: north east south west]
You are in a large chamber. Small bolts of energy leap from wall to wall,
crackling with power. The floor is a swirl of indeterminable colors and
patterns ever changing. Bright bursts of color seem to explode into the air
and fade again at random times. All this splendor plays about and draws
attention to a large throne in the center of the room, it seems to be cut
from a single enormous emerald.
(Invis) (Light Green Aura) Silvanus is here.
(White Aura) The Grand Mistress of Magic is sitting here.
(Light Blue Aura) A large calico cat is here.

Ah, don't take it so hard.
% I am a sore loser!

You ftell, 'Ok go to some safe room :)'.

Grand Entrance
[Exits: east down]
You stand in an ivory and ebony colored marble room.  The hushed
tones of the room give a sense of what is to come.  You see a 
plaque hanging in mid-air.
(Invis) (Light Green Aura) Silvanus is here.

You grin mischievously.
Silvanus smiles happily.
You say, 'Ok you beated me'.
Silvanus says (in common), '1 to 1'.
You say, 'Yeah, but this one was tougher'.
You say, 'And I had more chance of getting it then you'.
Silvanus nods.
You say, 'So for 10 sp you can gain a rank'.
You say, 'Do you agree?'.
Silvanus says (in common), 'Sure'.
You say, 'Ok then you are hereby Soldier'.
You grin mischievously.
You pat Silvanus on his back.
You bow deeply.
You wave.

# End Scene