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(WHO List - 05/07/2003 (Plus Rankings and Wizlist))
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Latest revision as of 12:57, 19 September 2012


> 31 players.
Elf [ Wa:16 Ma:15 Th:12 ] Shylok Jaelre is living in a perFate world!
Dwa [       Wa:11       ] Whiskey and Seven
Hum [    Sh: 1 Ra:15    ] Target kills the spark to enjoy the DARK.
Hum [    Th: 8 Wa:15    ] Cytoxan is a sinfully hard pill to swollow
Hlf [    Wa:27 Cl:30    ] Fobro,     Scribe of the FoLK -Wyrm-
Hum [      Demigod      ] Triston wonders what in the Sin you are talking about
Elf [ Ra:24 Ma:22 Th:20 ] Ripper, Demonic Wraith of the Empire of Darkness.
Hum [      Wyrmling     ] Mistyfier, Healer of FoLK     -Weaver-
Elf [ Ma:25 Th:25 Ra:25 ] Boromir Ambassador of Fate...Taoiseach...*Wyrm*
Elf [    Ra:11 Ma:15    ] Teren al'Calis, moonlighting ranger of the FoLK
Hum [    Triat Weaver   ] Cordir, Lady of Fate, oathed to the Stormreaver
Hel [       Th:28       ] Silence Lustful Inventory Relocation Expert of Dark
Hum [ Ra:30 Cl:30 Th:30 ] Abe Stormreaver: Sentry to the Chosen of Fate
Elf [    Ma:23 Wa:25    ] Azeworai: PROTECTOR of his Wiccan Queen
Hel [    Wa:29 Cl:30    ] Quarnel didn't know this thing was armed...  *fate*
Hel [    Cl:22 Wa:15    ] Wolfwood: Kindred of the FoLK -Wyld- 909
Hel [    Ma:15 Ra: 9    ] Eliste Vo'Luna giggling mage-slave, wanders w/FoLK
Hum [    Cl:11 Ra:15    ] Schwartz says, 'Sporting goods, aisle 12'   *fate*
Hel [ Cl:20 Ra:18 Th:15 ] Dart,    Dragoon of the Rose
Hum [      Ironwolf     ] Vex, Inquisitor of the Ashen Moon   --*Lexie*--
Hum [    Wa: 6 Cl:15    ] Shadowman follower of the FoLK
Hlf [    Wa:17 Th:15    ] Qeiri: Fate's little female halfling muggle
Dwa [ Bard:  13   6   2 ] Tilly searches for scores as she practices her tune
Ogr [ Bard:  24  20  11 ] Oook, the Wandering Trouble-dour.  [of Fate!(tm)]
Gno [       Sh: 3       ] Almond the Gnome Girl
Min [    Ma:18 Wa:12    ] Pikonah: Insanity rhymes with Vanity. -SIN-
Elf [ Ma:27 Wa:26 Th:20 ] Ihsahn, Chosen of Fate.  *Oook Fan Club*
Ogr [       Wa:26       ] Draco, Jabbuk Saruk d'lil Veldrin
Elf [    Ma:19 Ra:15    ] Aerith, The Young Goblin of Fate.
Elf [ Th:29 Ma:29 Ra:28 ] Ananasi Aleitros: Say "Moosey Fate!" [Taoiseach]
Elf [    Wa:17 Ma:20    ] Serene:Drop your linen and start your Sinnin +Lust+\

Shylok ftells, 'we are 1/3 of the mud right now aren't we?'.


----------------------------GREATER GODS-------------------------------------
               Nayr(NE)                      Tokugawa(CG)
               Khore(LE)      Tamar(CG)      Darkmoon(CE)
----------------------------LESSER GODS ------------------------------------- 
Molo           Robert         Cordir         Plato          Bliss
----------------------------DEMIGODS ----------------------------------------
Vorax          Kerriariadne   Solanthas      Tiax           Clue
Katrana                       Majere                        Triston
-------------------------ATTENDANTS [1 PER FLI]------------------------------
                              Coleman (Kerriariadne)
----------------------------AMBASSADORS -------------------------------------
----------------------------RETIRED -----------------------------------------
Maurice(I)     Ivorytiger(I)  Madman(I)      Sirak(G)       Nalya(G)       
Jaxxon(G)      Slash(L)       Siren(L)       Sinclair(L)    Kalten(L)      
Syla(L)        Foolkiller(L)  Thaygar(L)     JohnPaul(L)    Zarous(L)      
Tel(L)         Slyxx(D)       Daliah(D)      Raze(D)        Simon(D)       
Caradoc(D)     Splat(D)       Psykill(D)     Dirkstrom(D)   Ozmo(D)        
Assilem(D)     Estrelle(D)    Ginny(D)       Aahz(D)        Ironbrain(D)   
Gryphon(D)     Cerebus(D)     Bumblefoot(D)  Jerald(D)      Pyros(D)       
Rhina(D)       Masher(D)      Elladan(D)     Nicademus(D)   Larry(D)       
Asia(D)        Okk(D)         Morimox(D)     Torchbearer(D) Kim(D)         
Whitehawk(D)   Gavin(D)       Tripper(D)     Xavier(D)      Artanis(D)     
Athorne(D)     Cyrix(A)       Malkav(A)      Rudolf(A)      Nina(A)        
Raistlin(A)    Dadon(A)       Mekt(A)        Steelblade(A)  Natas(A)       
Combee(A)      Adso(A)
Only Lesser and Demigods may be worshipped.

Mob Mastery Ranks

The following are the top mobmastery questors that currently exist in this
realm, as of Tue May  6 20:32:40 MST 2003.

They have demonstrated their knowledge of the world by walking the world,
finding mobs from different regions and locales, and killing them. 
Complete enough mobmastery quests, and you, too, can be listed among this
mobmastery elite. 

                    ***   1. LEXIE         111   ***

                    ***   1. LINS          111   ***

  2. Vex           110                 3. Whoz          106
  4. Mordith       105                 4. Gytar         105
  5. Maldobar      104                 5. Kerson        104
  5. Wolfgang      104                 6. Lanfear       100
  6. Mael          100                 7. Wylin          94
  8. Tiberius       93                 9. Coulter        92
 10. Rath           91                11. Aiken          90
 11. Kaldred        90                12. Rubicant       89
 12. Kain           89                12. Kantor         89
 12. Aries          89                12. Noctus         89
 12. Natilena       89                12. Revenant       89
 13. Sicarian       88                13. Dracos         88
 13. Anduin         88                13. Thingone       88
 14. Adso           87                14. Tylorn         87
 14. Sylarn         87                14. Indiga         87
 14. Aster          87                14. Maimer         87
 14. Lorax          87                14. Keat           87
 15. Kaern          86                16. Wistom         85
 16. Khorlan        85                16. Maeron         85
 16. Garland        85                17. Jet            84
 17. Shon           84                17. Uriel          84
 17. Skeeve         84                18. Drakar         83
 18. Teluin         83                18. Mandrake       83
 18. Pitt           83                19. Fei            82
 19. Clue           82                20. Athorne        80

XP Ranks

The following characters have earned the most experience within TFC, as 
of Tue May  6 20:32:40 MST 2003.

                    ***   1. LINS         2748932   ***

  2. Gytar        2566675                 3. Vex          2495368
  4. Noctus       2472874                 5. Natilena     2382947
  6. Maldobar     2358906                 7. Tylorn       2341160
  8. Brenick      2326912                 9. Thingone     2307297
 10. Rubicant     2285693                11. Nicholai     2269024
 12. Wylin        2249593                13. Kerson       2186691
 14. Keat         2186555                15. Anonymous    2183789
 16. Kaldred      2180899                17. Indiga       2162752
 18. Lanfear      2162588                19. Mordith      2134937
 20. Sicarian     2129627                21. Wish         2084694
 22. Aries        2067028                23. Maimer       2051729
 24. Lexie        2004938                25. Orpik        1987104

Gold Ranks

>help goldrank
These are the "TFC Twenty-five," the 25 richest characters in this
realm, current as of Tue May  6 20:32:40 MST 2003:

                    ***   1. MAXIMUS      5348797 (3.2%)   ***
  2. Mordon       5048106 (3.0%)                 3. Dakkon       4096471 (2.5%)
  4. Vecna        4083657 (2.4%)                 5. Lins         3899042 (2.3%)
  6. Werqwram     3026675 (1.8%)                 7. Lanfear      2894587 (1.7%)
  8. Drago        2769775 (1.7%)                 9. Baconbits    2439003 (1.5%)
 10. Nazinthas    2359828 (1.4%)                11. Kaul         2351456 (1.4%)
 12. Oak          2243985 (1.3%)                13. Montyhaul    2117180 (1.3%)
 14. Leroy        2105612 (1.3%)                15. Legolas      2069471 (1.2%)
 16. Vex          2013702 (1.2%)                17. Sylarn       1951765 (1.2%)
 18. Aries        1904453 (1.1%)                19. Wolfgang     1855195 (1.1%)
 20. Cevon        1854189 (1.1%)                21. Malkil       1817157 (1.1%)
 22. Kira         1814170 (1.1%)                23. Kain         1717231 (1.0%)
 24. Claire       1695124 (1.0%)                25. Daelin       1635221 (1.0%)

Total gold outstanding: 166899676
1494 total characters.

Location Quest Ranks:

>help lqrank
The following have the highest cumulative location quest scores,
as of Tue May  6 20:32:40 MST 2003.

                    ***   1. QUARNEL       10111   ***

  2. Natilena      10012                 3. Wish           8054
  4. Sicarian       4961                 5. Kerson         3959
  6. Noctus         2295                 7. Fenrir         1376
  8. Lexie          1251                 9. Vex            1002
 10. Izzy            894                11. Regul           631
 12. Oetharm         612                13. Nessa           584
 14. Clue            562                15. Skeeve          538
 16. Korran          475                17. Lins            463
 18. Wylin           389                19. Pitt            369
 20. Taibh           358               

Mob Hunt Ranks:

> mobhunt rank
The progressive jackpot is at 22550 gold coins.
Recent top scores for contests that achieved at least round 5:

     NAME              SCORE    MOBS KILLED   ROUND     TIME                  
  1. Vex                 166             29       8     2003-04-22 13:39:24   
  2. Aerith              136             26      10     2003-05-04 14:39:14   
  3. Aerith              126             33       9     2003-05-03 17:00:17   
  4. Noctus              114             30       8     2003-04-10 16:06:30   
  5. Quarnel              66             22       7     2003-05-06 18:46:34   

Rank: Justified

> rank justified

  1: Solaron                              2: Maximus                            
  3: Thrall                               4: Tiberius                           
  5: Dart                                 6: Sicarian                           
  6: Ambiant                              7: Ink                                
  8: Thingone                             8: Malakost                           
  9: Rhayl                               10: Kaz                                
 11: Merkderk                            11: Xant                               
 12: Coulter                             13: Mandrake                           
 14: Indiga                              14: Sylarn                             
 15: Alex                                15: Xander                             
 16: Dekar                               16: Alexander                          
 17: Kilrath                             17: Wario                              
 18: Rubicant                            19: Vex                                
 19: Kel                                 19: Azkral                             
 19: Venthaladir                         20: Aster                              
 20: Locke                               20: Azeworai                           
 20: Taelanus                           
You didn't rank in this category.

Rank: Oppressed:

> rank oppressed
  1: Grale                                2: Seraph                             
  3: Atmos                                4: Wired                              
  4: Nibbler                              5: Viper                              
  6: Serene                               7: Katvina                            
  8: Ephiny                               9: Eliste                             
 10: Neon                                11: Carrie                             
 12: Rincewind                           13: Taelanus                           
 13: Spartacus                           14: Fistandan                          
 15: Silence                             15: Wunk                               
 15: Floyd                               15: Dracon                             
 16: Belsambar                           17: Boyardee                           
 17: Mistyfier                           18: Titan                              
 19: Skie                                20: Valas                              
 20: Rhayl                               20: Qualin                             
You didn't rank in this category.

Rank: Punishers:

> rank punishers
  1: Mandrake                             2: Sicarian                           
  3: Maeron                               4: Rubicant                           
  5: Indiga                               5: Locke                              
  5: Kaz                                  6: Wish                               
  6: Lexie                                6: Aster                              
  7: Tylorn                               7: Kel                                
  7: Wylin                                8: Judge                              
  9: Kilrath                              9: Talyn                              
  9: Dekar                               10: Dart                               
You didn't rank in this category.

Rank: Wanted:

> rank wanted
  1: Sako                                 2: Kefka                              
  3: Malakost                             3: Ink                                
  4: Alexander                            5: Sarik                              
  6: Auron                                7: Solaron                            
  8: Trunks                               8: Jobano                             
  9: Azeworai                            10: Sylarn                             
 11: Maximus                             11: Ecnelis                            
 11: Malcom                              12: Alex                               
 12: Xander                              12: Xant                               
 13: Wario                               13: Telek                              
 13: Draco                               14: Valgar                             
 15: Zimmiz                              15: Azkral                             
 15: Thingone                            16: Vex                                
 16: Merkderk                            17: Tiberius                           
 18: Alucard                             18: Thrall                             
 19: Coulter                             20: Takeda                             
 20: Valin                              
You didn't rank in this category.