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(Gallery of Wisdom)
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Revision as of 12:31, 28 December 2011

Short Description: an old, well-used red quill pen
Long Description: A long crimson red plume lays here, it's tip cut at a slant for use as a quill.

Short description: the Book of Wisdom
Long Description: A sword lays across the cover of this large golden book.

Look Altar Book:
A heavy wooden frame bears the weight of this massive tome,
raising it to comfortable reading level no matter the reader.
The huge golden dragonhide bound book lies closed, the sword
resting atop it passing through the loop of a heavy leather
strap that holds the tome shut. Upon the cover in glowing
letters are the words, "We Walk In The Light of Wisdom."

If only the book were open! Surely it contains all the
knowledge in the world.

Look: sword
The Sword of Wisdom is five feet in length and has a handle of bone
from some huge creature. Inscribed upon one side of the shining blade
are the names of the Ordained who followed the path of Wisdom under
Plato's leadership: Dekar, Wylin, Teluin, Shon, Tassadar, Hutt.
Space remains on the other side, for those who give a similar oath to
the new leader of Wisdom, Hutt.

Short Description: a brooch of a golden book and sword
Long Description: This brooch is in the shape of a book and sword.

Look brooch book sword
This circular brooch bears a raised image of a thick book, its surface
cleverly textured to resemble dragon hide. Laying at a diagonal across
the tome's cover is a gleaming blade made of mithril with a bone handle.
This tiny replica of Hutt's holy altar is worn by those who follow the
path of Wisdom.

The Gallery of Wisdom
You stand in the holy place of Hutt, Lord of Wisdom. It is clear that this
masterpiece of a temple was built upon the foundations of an older Academy.
The lower sections of the walls are ancient timbers, dark with age. The upper
areas and ceiling are newer wood, carefully joined with the old, making a
beautiful blending of modern and ancient. Display cases of glass and oak
alternate with stunning oil paintings and towering book cases. Proud banners
of deep blue and gold drape down from the ceiling, guiding the eye up to where
a mural of Plato covers the surface.

Two PAINTINGS and two display CASES draw your eye to the north wall.
Between them, a massive slab of stone bears two important messages:
Hutt's CHAIN of Command and Hutt's RULES.

Three exquisite pieces of ARTWORK hang on the east wall, draped in
velvet. They immortalize the leaders that Hutt followed in his days
of youth: Okk, Plato and Boromir.

The south wall has an ornate array of weapons displayed in a fan shape
swords of every size and kind. All of them show wear and tear from
battle. Some are chipped, others are shattered into long shards bound
back into place by magic.

A line of long padded benches which provide a place for study or rest
line the western wall, interrupted by the doorway. The slate board upon
the wall reads, "Requirements For ENTRY." Flanking either side of the
doorway stand two iron GOLEMS.

Around the edges of the ceiling, rich looking banners of blue and gold
hang down, creating a frame for a massive mural of the Demigod Plato.
His expression is both firm and kind, as he gazes down on the people
who have followed in his footsteps.

The original flooring was damaged in places. Those boards have been
removed and replaced with planks of some strange transparent material.
Inside the slabs, ghostly figures can be seen: the souls of the wicked
that Hutt laid to rest in his days of mortality.

Look slab:
The massive stone block bears two messages for visitors to read:

  • Hutt's CHAIN of Command
  • Hutt's RULES

LOOK: rule rules
. . . . . . . . HUTT'S RULES FOR WISDOM . . . . . . . .

  1. This is a game. If you are not here to have fun, LEAVE THIS TEMPLE NOW!
  2. Insert all of TFC's Rules Here. (That means, obey TFC rules at all times!)
  3. Obey Hutt in all things.
  4. We are a GOOD following. Do not bring dishonor to us.
  5. Do not initiate conversations with other Immortals. This keeps immortal

conflict down. If you have an issue or problem, take it to Hutt, first.

  1. Follow the Chain of Command (Look Chain for specifics)
  2. There may be times you are ordered to PK someone. This order may only come from Hutt or an Ordained. This order must be carried out. (Don't worry, this will not happen often!)
  3. Player-Killing is only permitted if the individual is on our List. (Our Enemies List is on the Board List. Read it often!)
  4. Ftell is our private means of communication. It can get a little wild and crazy some times. If you feel another member has crossed the line of appropriateness, log the conversation and send it to Hutt for his review.)
  5. Help newbies but show wisdom in doing so. Your death accomplishes nothing. In assisting others, you may make a new friend!
  6. Check the board messages each login. Things change.
  7. What you wear and what Hutt carries, belongs to the following. It is not "yours." Followers share in equipment equally. When helping a newbie, be prudent in your gifts and use common sense.
  8. If Hutt is only visible to the following or to you individually, do not reveal his presence to others.
  9. One more time: This is a game - have fun!!!

LOOK: chain command

| |
| Those who have been Ordained are Hutt's "right hands" and |
| must be obeyed at all times. Instructors should let their |
| wisdom flow freely to the following. Instructors are in a |
| leadership role, and should conduct themselves accordingly: |
| like leaders and role models. Members of each rank should |
| always pass along their knowledge and experience to those |
| smaller and younger than they are. The following titles |
| are requested but not required: |
| |
| Philosopher of Wisdom - Hutt |
| Professor of Wisdom - Any Ordained |
| Instructor of Wisdom - (Effective level 30 and higher) |
| Teachers of Wisdom - (Effective 20 - 29) |
| Students of Wisdom - (Effective 10-19) |
| |

LOOK: paintings painting
The first oil painting depicts the wickedly lush Bliss, Goddess of
the Ash Moon Coven, at the height of her power and influence. She is
flanked by Vex Ironwolf and Lins Lin, two of her mightiest and most
adaptable warriors. On the frame, a small plaque reads: The Coven.

The second oil painting depicts the shrouded, skeletal figure of Molo,
Master of the Black Conclave of Nashite at the height of his power and
influence. He is surrounded by a his black-clad minions, showing the
great power in sheer numbers. A small plaque reads: The Black Conclave

LOOK: cases case
The armor in the left hand case is battered and nearly destroyed,
having been wracked by spell after spell. Acid burns and the lash-
marks left by hurricane force winds scar the surface.

The armor in the right hand case has been demolished, bearing the
marks from dozens of weapons - sword slashes, the crushing damage
of maces, the piercing stab of a dagger.

Both seem potent reminders of some past battle of epic proportions.

LOOK: entry requirements
Below are the minimum requirements for entry. Others may be levied at
Hutt's whim.

  • Humor: Have the desire to have fun
  • Honor: Be known as one who keeps their word
  • Reputation: Be a player in good standing, with no history of offenses
  • Non-Aggression: Those on the Wisdom Black List are never accepted
  • Dedication: Be willing to undertake and complete a quest

LOOK: golem golems
Iron golems, crafted by ancient and powerful magic, guard the entryway.
They look well-tended, and as if they could be called into service at
any moment. One is garbed in the robes of a scholar, and the other is

LOOK: artwork artworks
Three immortals are represented in this painting: The tiny (but
always hungry) Okk, a glowing blue figure in scholar's robes that
must be Plato, and an ancient, smiling man, around whom the winds
of the Nexus blow: Boromir.