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(Bardic Circle 08/15/04)
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The Storytelling Amphitheater
[Exits: west]
You are in a small amphitheater. Several rows of curved marble benches
curl comfortably around a raised dais. The high ceiling and polished
stone walls are shaped to reflect the voice of the speaker at the dais,
letting them be heard throughout the room. An open archway to the west
leads out into a small courtyard.
Asher is here.
Ivan is here.
(Dark Cyan Aura) Leda is here.

You tell Sebastian, 'you REALLY might wanna come to the amphitheater....'.

Sebastian arrives from the west.

You say, 'I propose a contest.'.

Sebastian rests.
Sebastian smiles happily.

Leda says (in common), 'No Sebastian'.

You say, 'Storytelling, rhymes, jokes, riddles, or any other manner of entertainment.'.
You say, 'There WILL be a prize.'.

Sebastian says (in common), 'A general was speaking to his troops, "I have good news and bad news".'.

Leda giggles.

Sebastian says (in common), '"We want to good news first".'.
Sebastian says (in common), '"Today you all get a change of underwear" says the general.'.
Sebastian says (in common), '*CHEER* "Well that what is the bad news?'.
Sebastian says (in common), 'You switch with you, and you switch with you, ...'.

Leda laughs.
Leda says (in common), 'Cute'.

You groan loudly.
You say, 'ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww'.

Leda ruffles Sebastian's hair playfully.

Sebastian says (in common), 'I got more'.

Ivan grins wickedly.
Sebastian grins wickedly.

You say, 'was that your best one?'.
Cordir arches an eyebrow inquisitively.

Sebastian shakes his head.

You say, 'then lets hear your best.'.

Sebastian says (in common), 'well it is a matter of opinion'.

Leda snickers softly.

Sebastian says (in common), 'a guy comes to a person who castrates camels and is interested on how it is done'.

Leda laughs.

Sebastian says (in common), 'he asks is told by the name that he takes two bricks and smashes them together to castrate the camel'.

Leda winces. Ouch!

Sebastian says (in common), 'the man cringes and asks "eww doesn't that hurt?"'.
Sebastian says (in common), 'the crastrator replies "not at all I hold my fingers like this"...'.

Leda sits down and thinks deeply.

Sebastian sits down and thinks deeply.
Sebastian says (in common), 'dont get it?'.

Leda says (in common), 'I get it'.

Leda says (in common), 'took a while'.
Leda snickers softly.

Ivan grins wickedly.

Ivan says (in common), 'okay, I will tell a story too'.

You ponder the question.

Cordir doesn't get it, apparently.

Ivan chuckles, evidently amused.

Leda says (in common), 'Lady Cordir, the guy castrated himself.'.
Leda says (in common), 'Which is how he knew.'.

You say, 'ew.'.

Leda nods.
Leda giggles.

Sebastian says (in common), 'the guy asks if it hurts, meaning does it hurt the camel to get his balls smashed'.

Ivan sits down and urges you to sit in a circle around him.
Ivan smiles happily.

Sebastian says (in common), 'but the man thinks does it hurt him and doesn't consider the camel, and says he just keeps his fingers out of the way'.

Leda sits next to Ivan.

Ivan beams a smile at Leda.
Leda beams a smile at Ivan.

Cordir seats herself a short distance from Ivan.

Ivan pokes Sebastian in the ribs.

Sebastian says (in common), 'I thought it was pretty funny when I heard it'.

Ivan grins wickedly.
Ivan says (in common), 'please be seated friend'.

Ivan says (in common), 'gather round friends and foes, and hear ye all of all my woes'.
Ivan says (in common), 'an epic tale of small proportion, free of all distortion'.
Ivan says (in common), 'it all happened on a dark and dreary day...'.
Ivan says (in common), 'step inside your minds and pretend you were there,,,'.
Ivan says (in common), 'you are me and I am you together we walk to and fro'.
Ivan says (in common), 'we're so small there aren't many places are safe to go'.
Ivan says (in common), 'we set out to explore our hometown, looking up and looking down'.
Ivan says (in common), 'stepping into a back alley, the smell of something foul lurks near by'.
Ivan says (in common), 'Suddenly you begin to shake, and something gleeming catches your eye'.
Ivan says (in common), ' 'tis the dagger of a thief who hides in the shadows'.

Sebastian cringes in terror!

Ivan says (in common), 'what he is doing, nobody knows'.
Ivan says (in common), 'unfortunately you don't seem him til too later - he reaches in your pocket and takes all your gold'.
Ivan says (in common), 'chasing him all over the alley, back and forth - back and forth'.
Ivan says (in common), 'then he stops and spins around facing you, pulls out his dagger it goes right through'.
Ivan says (in common), 'you've met your demise at the hands of this brute'.
Ivan says (in common), 'someone how you're alive and he left most your loot'.
Ivan says (in common), 'putting your clothing back on you begin to think'.
Ivan says (in common), 'maybe today was a bad day to leave the house'.
Ivan says (in common), '- the end -'.

Leda claps at Ivan's performance.

You clap your hands together.

Leda smiles happily.
Leda says (in common), 'Nicely done.'.

Ivan smiles happily.
Ivan bows deeply.

Sebastian is so excited that he cheers just for the hell of it.

Ivan stands up and brushes off the dirt.

You say, 'Leda? your turn'.

Leda shakes her head.

Leda says (in common), 'I have nothing prepaired.'.

You [GS] tell Ivan, 'Suggestion: work on the ending a bit. you've got good flow through the first part, but then it ends abruptly.'.

Sebastian says (in common), 'just make something up'.

Ivan tells you, '*nods*'.
Ivan tells you, 'I saw a few typos afterwards too'.
Ivan tells you, 'I was in a bit of a rush'.

Leda says (in common), 'You guys can probably use the prize more than I can. I promise to have something next time.'.

You [GS] tell Ivan, 'its lyrical and poetic, but then it just sorta .. ends. polish that a bit and you've got a nice piece.'.

Ivan tells you, '*smile* thank you'.

You say, 'shall I do one?'.

Leda says (in common), 'Lady Cordir, are Fated hours going to return?'.

Sebastian nods.

You say, 'They may well, Leda.'.

Leda smiles happily.
Leda says (in common), 'That would be nice, I'd participate.'.

You say, 'This is a peice I wrote as a challenge to DarkClaw.'.
You say, 'its posted in the Bards & Papyrus section.'.
You say, 'its a series of lymricks.'.

You say, 'Coleman fills all the world with great glee'.
You say, 'Rhyming, Riddling and slapping his knee'.
You say, 'With his troupe full of mirth'.
You say, 'He's secured quite a berth'.
You say, 'in the tales of this world's history.'.

You say, 'Kerri lurks in the shadows and Dark'.
You say, 'Yelling WHEEEEEEEEEEE just to scare on a lark'.
You say, 'A fun loving fellow '.
You say, 'who's often quite mellow '.
You say, 'Booga's bite is not worse than his bark.'.

You say, 'If, by chance, you are dark, goth, and dead'.
You say, 'Then you'll not get Khore out of your head'.
You say, 'He's a dashing vamp fellow'.
You say, 'Who is edgy, not mellow'.
You say, 'And sleeps in a box lined with red'.

You say, 'Molo skulks unseen down in his Crypt'.
You say, 'Wearing robes that are tattered and ripped'.
You say, 'To Lord Nash he gives praise'.
You say, 'Through his nights and his days'.
You say, 'When he goes vis, the mortals all flip!'.

You say, 'Rhina's back! oh rejoice! she was missed :-('.
You say, 'When she left, you could say Khore was pissed'.
You say, 'Her sweet blossoms he woo'd'.
You say, Til she got in the mood'.
You say, 'Now their kids? Vampire plants, what a twist!'.

Ivan laughs.

You say, 'Whitehawk's aura is blue he'll attest'.
You say, 'and that Hawks are among TFC's best'.
You say, 'With his eyes on his love'.
You say, 'Aoife makes him a dove'.
You say, 'Not a predator, like all the rest'.

You say, 'Wylin tips back a beer and he grins'.
You say, 'When the booze flows, that's one dwarf that wins'.
You say, 'From the size of his mug'.
You say, 'and that noise of GLUG! GLUG!'.
You say, 'Thirst must be the worst of his Sins'.

You say, 'there's a dozen more, but I think we'll stop there.'.
You snicker softly.

You ponder the question.

Sebastian shows his approval by clapping his hands together.

You say, 'well, how to decide between our two bards...'.

Cordir convers with Leda.

You tell Leda, 'opinions?'.

er, confers, that is.

Leda tells you, 'Ivan's was more thought out.'.

You nod in recognition to her.

Leda tells you, 'More realted to TFC'.

You nod in recognition to her.

Leda tells you, 'so he deserves more props'.

Leda tells you, 'related I meant.'.

Leda blushes.

You say, 'Tynian will be distributing prizes'.

You say, 'Ivan, you have won five random scores!'.

Ivan is so excited that he cheers just for the hell of it.

You say, 'Sebastian, for taking second, you have won three random scores!'.

Sebastian is so excited that he cheers just for the hell of it.

Ivan enthusiastically cheers Sebastian to victory.

Leda claps at Sebastian's performance.
Leda claps at Ivan's performance.

Ivan bows before Leda.
Ivan thanks Leda heartily.

Sebastian says (in common), 'next time I will do something original and prepare in advance'.

You say, 'Tyn will catch up to you later.'.

Ivan nods.

You say, 'its always good to have different things on hand'.

Ivan bows deeply.
Ivan nods.

Sebastian nods.

You say, 'that way you can do command performances.'.

Ivan says (in common), 'I need to write more'.
Ivan says (in common), 'last thing I want is to be a bore :-P'.

Sebastian bows deeply.

You say, 'and nothing's wrong with contacting other TFC'ers and asking if you can do some of their work as posted on the Forums.'.
You say, 'Not everyone is really good at writing.'.

Sebastian says (in common), 'I am going to try and get my next level, thanks for the fun cordir'.

You say, 'there's also lots of source material on my site written by TFC'ers.'.

Sebastian bows before Tynian.
Leda curtseys gracefully to Tynian.
You curtsey to him.
Ivan bows before Tynian.

Tynian smiles happily.
You say, 'Lord Tynian, our winner today was Ivan.'.

Tynian says, 'I sure feel welcome!'.
Tynian grins mischievously.

You say, 'He told an original piece on the dangers lurking in the allyways.'.

Tynian nods.

You say, 'Sebastian amused and terrified us with jokes about underwear and camel castration.'.
You shiver.

Leda laughs.

Sebastian grins wickedly.

Tynian says, 'Alrighty'.

Ivan grins wickedly.

You ponder the question.
You say, 'though not neccessarily in that order, or together, mind you.'.

Tynian snickers softly.
Tynian says, 'Indeed!'.

Ivan looks at Tynian.

Ivan says (in common), 'Boy.. I really don't know what I expected... a dwarf yeah... but hrmm'.

Cordir scuffs her foot on the stone floor.
You say, 'I wrote him a description once, but he only uses those he writes himself.'.
You sniff sadly. *SNIFF*

Tynian smirks.

Ivan comforts you.

Tynian says, 'Why improve on genius?'.

Ivan looks at Ivan.
Ivan grins wickedly.

You ponder the question.
You say, 'good point'.

Leda giggles.

Tynian grins mischievously.
Tynian says, 'Okay, Ivan, I give you a choice'.

Leda says (in common), 'Good job guys.'.

Ivan says (in common), 'thank you!'.

Ivan nods in recognition to Tynian.

Sebastian says (in common), 'I was nervous for my first performance, could you tell?'.

Tynian says, 'You can have 5 scores...'.

Sebastian rests.
Sebastian bounces around.

Leda says (in common), 'Sebastian you are definately err funny'.
Leda grins happily.

Tynian says, 'or 10 of any of the following (random): armor, potion, magic, jewelry, shield'.

Sebastian says (in common), 'ever hear of an ogre named Sebastian?'.

Leda says (in common), 'Other than you?'.
Leda shakes her head.

Tynian says, 'It's random, so it may not be worthwhile'.
Tynian grins mischievously.

Ivan says (in common), 'hmmm... I will say scores'.

Tynian nods.

Ivan says (in common), 'I seem to have a hard time finding htem'.
Ivan says (in common), 'them*'.

Tynian says, 'These are also random'.

Ivan grins wickedly.
Ivan nods.

Tynian says, 'I don't know what they are'.

Tynian gives a spell score to Ivan.
Tynian gives a spell score to Ivan.
Tynian gives a spell score to Ivan.
Tynian gives a spell score to Ivan.

Tynian says, 'hands'.

Ivan hums several notes to a song you didn't know existed.

Ivan says (in common), 'nod'.

Tynian gives a spell score to Ivan.

Ivan hums several notes to a song you didn't know existed.
Ivan hums several notes to a song you didn't know existed.
Ivan hums several notes to a song you didn't know existed.
Ivan hums several notes to a song you didn't know existed.

Ivan smiles happily.

You cheer him on, confident in his abilities.

Leda smiles happily.

Sebastian shakes Ivan's hand.

Ivan beams a smile at Sebastian.

Tynian says, 'Alright. Sabastian. Your choice is 3 scores, or 5 random items in the categories I listed for Ivan'.

You say, 'what do you choose, sebastian?'.

Sebastian says (in common), 'scores'.
Sebastian says (in common), 'please'.

Tynian gives a spell score to Sebastian.
Tynian gives a spell score to Sebastian.
Tynian gives a spell score to Sebastian.

Sebastian hums several notes to a song you didn't know existed.
Sebastian hums several notes to a song you didn't know existed.
Sebastian hums several notes to a song you didn't know existed.

You thank Tynian heartily.
You say, 'Thanks, Lord Tynian, for letting me run the contest.'.

Tynian says, 'You're welcome, Lady Cordir'.
Tynian smiles happily.

You smile happily.

Tynian says, 'Thank you for running it'.
Tynian smiles at you.

You say, 'My pleasure.'.