The Temple of Lord Nash
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Revised 01/15/2012 by Cordir
The Temple of Lord Nash The exact size of this huge hall is not discernable by standard methods of measurement. The arches of the vaulted ceiling are a dim, shadowy outline far above. The floors and walls are stone, polished obsidian with swirls of purplish basalt. A dark miasma seeps from the floors and walls, a physical remnant of the many dark rituals this place has born witness and host to. Tortures and sacrifices, bindings and enchantments, prayers and pleading: this unholy Temple to the Creator and Destroyer of Worlds, Lord Nash, has stood witness to them all. (Red Aura) A large plaque rests upon the surface of this ornately carved pedestal. (Glowing) a statue of Lord Nash stands before you in utter perfection. Look pedestal This pedestal appears - at first glance - to be ornately carved wood, black with age. Yet when you peer at it more closely, the material is revealed to be something entirely different: dozens of bones, intricatly fitted together to create an unholy whole. Skeletal fingers hold up slabs of femurs, forming a table-like surface, upon which rests a large plaque and an open black book. Look black book open The first page of this large tome bears the name of each of those Immortals who has given allegiance to the worship of Lord Nash: SIRAK - Lord of the Junior Nashites, Son of Lord Nash, Unholy Pontiff MOLO - Master of the Black Conclave of Nashite, Unholy Pontiff OZMO - Lord of House Jhereg, Unholy Pontiff PRIMAL - Lord of the Watchers GRYPHON - Lord of the Silver Fellowship, Justicar of Nash SIMON - Lord of the Nashite Clan Chiselhammer ASIA - Mistress of the Cauldron of Pain of Nashite OKK - Lord of Life's Blood of Nash and Nashite Circle of Faces XAVIER - Nashite Aretha of Draoi SCHWARTZ- Master of the Nashite Circle of Choice ISOLAS - Phantom of the Nashite Magi, Unholy Pontiff Look page2 second The second page of this tome bears the names of those who gave their sacred vows to their Lords and Masters, becoming Ordained in Nash's unholy service: CONCLAVE : Guartwog, Tylorn, Maldobar, Rage, Sargas, Stouthbound, Chronic, Specious, Rath, Dundrave, Soulcrush, Avarice MAGI : Cider, Tay, Keff, Totec, Turalurayay, Kaleb, Kodak, Matthias, Homicide, Quick, Marian CHOICE : Luckyboy, Sybill DRAOI : Martyr FACES : Mong, Whitehawk, Ravaged Look plaque The plaque lists the names and dates of Lord Nash's Unholy Pontiffs: Sirak 10/94-6/95 4/96-5/96 Molo 2/96-4/96 5/96-8/96 Ozmo 8/96 to 1997 Molo 1997 to 2011 Isolas 2011 - Present Look NORTH: A floor to ceiling tapestry woven from gem-set silks and linens depicts the Crest of Lord Nash in all of its terrible glory. An offering bowl made of thick hammered gold rests before it, with a variety of tithes within: coins, jewels, the spoils of war, a lock of hair, a spilling of blood. To either side, grows a dark and gnarled tree, taken from the Grove of the Draoi, watered in the blood of those who opposed the Will of Lord Nash. Look EAST: A massive tapestry in gray and black and crimson depicts the Symbol of the Duergar Clan ChiselHammer: a Hammer and Anvil superimposed on an eclipsed starburst. A plaque underneath reveals its origin: "The Unforgiving One, Lord Simon the Duergar" Beneath the tapestry, resting in state upon a raised platform, is a black iron Cauldron, its contents foul and ancient. Upon its front, an image of a minotaur, face contorted in a rictus of pain, has been raised. Look SOUTH: To the south lies a large onyx table. Twelve massive thrones of black wrought iron set with gems encircle it. A second outer ring of chairs wreathes them. For each of those who gave their allegiance - and that of their worshippers - to Lord Nash, a place of state and of glory is prepared and waiting. Beyond the table, three banners hang upon the wall: In the center, an aegis of gleaming silver upon a blue field bears the the Seal of Nash. To the left of it, a ragged scar is embroidered on a celestial purple field. To the right, a holy reliquary is blazoned. Beneath, a small plaque identifies each: Gryphon, Justicar of Nash, Lord of the Silver Fellowship. Okk, the Guardian Spirit, Lord of the Circle and of Life's Blood. Schwartz, Master of the Nashite Circle of Choice. Look WEST: A low bookshelf is nearly hidden by a massive tapestry depicting the the Mark of the Black Conclave: a burning symbol of the Arch- Lich embedded on the Unholy Crest of Lord Nash. The power of the Conclave and its indelible imprint upon the lives of believers - and non-believers alike - is evident in the richness of the many trophies and offerings laid before the banner: a king's ransom of treasures and artifacts, and more grisly tokens: a long-rotted and shrivelled heart, an elven skull, a broken Paladin's blade. Look UP: The vaulted ceiling far above is shrouded in shadow, yet for a brief moment, glints of moon and starlight can be seen, as if the night sky was somehow enclosed within this space, or perhaps the view mirrors or echos that of another place. Look DOWN: Under foot, the stone is a glossy and slick slab of obsidian. Near the altar, the stone is worn rough by the application of penitant knees. A pair of channels runs from before the altar in a complete circut around the chamber, its purpose not immediately evident. At the very edges of the temple, a eerie scarlet glow can barely be seen, as if it were the reflection of a distant light source. Look bookcase case bookshelf This simple, non-descript, low wooden bookshelf is easily missed in comparison to the grandeur of the tapestry that hangs above. Within it, a series of slim volumes rest: a book in elvish, with "Jhereg" written upon the spine. Another is a book of spells - a painful shock meeting any who would attempt to read this personal record of magics (and lessons) learned. Look volume1 1.volume jhereg The first volume is written in elvish script, the paper ancient and cracked. It is titled "Why I Worship Lord Nash and You Should, Too." 'Among the many teachings of Lord Nash, many truths can be found. Many people find different ways to glorify Lord Nash and improve themselves, and thus it should be... Lord Nash is in everything, and mortal limits and limitations do not allow the embracing of every path. To the Jhereg, the most important lesson of Lord Nash is his proof of the ability of a mortal to transcend all limitations and become a model of true perfection. This is a true revelation and a gift for us to thank Him for, eternally. The members of this House are thus charged to emulate the path of Lord Nash and strive to perfect themselves in all they do. Accept failure only as a lesson lf limitations to be defeated and never surrender. Freedom lies in the purfication of the self through excellence.' Look scarlet eerie glow light Around the very edges of the chamber, a faint crimson glow can be glimpsed. Upon further examination, it appears to be the ghostly echo or reflection of a powerful magic circle, bound about by sigla and seals. Look throne thrones Each throne is a massive, towering thing. At the head of the table, rests the seat of Lord Sirak, Son of Lord Nash. At its foot is that of the current Unholy Pontiff, an honor held by Isolas Starleaf, the Phantom of the Nashite Magi.
Original, Author Unknown:
This huge hall's exact size is not discernible by standard measurements. The many buttresses and arches form a tracery of shadowy dimness. The floors and walls are covered in slabs of polished stone, apparently obsidian with swirls of purplish basalt. Much magic has evidently been placed here, for an evil darkness seeps from the walls and floor, making the whole chamber seem uncomfortable and nerve-racking. In the center of the hall is a large plaque sitting on an ornately carved pedestal. Look NORTH: A tapestry depicts the Crest of Lord Nash. Look EAST: A tapestry depicts the Symbol of the Duergar Clan ChiselHammer, a Hammer and an Anvil superimposed on an eclipsed starburst. Look SOUTH: A large onyx table surrounded by three mighty thrones and many lesser chairs. Look WEST: A tapestry depicts the the Mark of the Black Conclave, a burning symbol of the Arch-Lich embedded on the Unholy Crest of Lord Nash. Look PLAQUE: The plaque lists the names and dates of Lord Nash's Unholy Pontiffs Sirak 10/94-6/95 4/96-5/96 Molo 2/96-4/96 5/96-8/96 Ozmo 8/96 to Present