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Official Information
config config +<option> config -<option>
This command configures some of your character's behavior. With no options,
CONFIG shows you your current settings. With a plus or minus sign and an
option, CONFIG turns that option on or off.
The options are:
AUTOEXIT You automatically see exits. AUTOGOLD You automatically get only gold (COINS AND ITEMS) from corpses. AUTOLOOT You automatically loot corpses. AUTOSAC You automatically sacrifice corpses. AUTOSPLIT You automatically split gold with group members. BLANK You have a blank line before your prompt. BRIEF You see brief descriptions only. COMBINE You see object lists in combined format. ITEMPROP Properties of items in containers are shown. PAGING You have the paginator on or off. (see PAGING and PAGELENGTH) PROMPT You have a prompt. TELNETGA You receive a telnet GA sequence. GLOBALCANT Toggles whether 'cant <number>' is treated as the cant level or as text. Default: <number> is cant level, globalcant off. EXACT Sets whether mob and PC name abbreviation is turned on or off.