2004 Darien Lake GT
Pictures and commentary by Natilena.
The Darien Lake Adventure
Oh My! I finally made it!
Well it wasn't an awful drive and and I no trouble at all at the border. With only one quick stop to get some of that odd coloured money the American's use (and to visit a scary sort of bathroom) I made the trip in just over 2 hours. Passed through 2 speed traps too.. yay me!
Meet the Group Pt1
L to R: Skie, Malakost, Dart, Lycron, Garland
Meet the Group Pt2
Kerriariadne, Belsambar (who said he was only here to scare the young children), Rufus (sort of hiding), Skie, and Malakost
Err..Where to now?
We started out chatting a little outside and the meeting point (I was last to arrive), and again just inside security. Belsambar had to empty all the stuff out of large pockets of his new coat I did get my minimum of 10 hugs from Kerri. Everyone always saying where to now? :) We started with the Viper and then the Mind Eraser I believe. This is Skie and Kerri in front, Belsambar's hair and Lycron following.
Where was that we were going again?
Lycron, Garland and Malakost behind him.
Walking the Park
Skie, Belsambar and Lycron with a little Garland head in the background.
The Booga Struts?
Garland, Rufus, Dart, Kerri, Malakost, Lycron and all pretty dry at this point too, even with the rain.
I see you Rufus!
Rufus trying to hide behind Dart
Just a little wet?
Belsambar, Skie and Lycron only looking a little wet after the log ride. What does Kerri suggest? "we're already wet.. lets go on Grizzly Run, the water rapids adventure!"
Everyone looks a little more wet
Except for Rufus in the corner there, he's still mostly dry. Garland was smart too. Belsambar, Skie, Malakost and Lycron all look a little more wet though.
Damp Booga
Kerri looking nice and wet and a little cold as well.
Because what else do you do when you're already soaking wet and its cold and raining.. you dry off on the fastest roller coaster you can find, right? Its the The Superman!
The Line Up
The one thing about this place in the rain is the line ups were not too long to get onto the rides. This was the longest one we waited in. Left us lots of time for talk about all sorts of TFC related subjects. This was an amazing coaster too, it really rocked. I would have been happy riding just that all day long. I also so Kerri grab on really tight on the way up the hill but we all had a great time riding. It moves so fast the rain actually stings your face.
Pulling Into the Station
Belsambar fixing his hair, Skie chatting up the ladies in the next car and Lycron tucked in behind.
(SOMEone claims Lord Nash made an appearence, cast a charm person on me and ordered me to take the picture. I take no responsibity for my actions for these ticks)
The Approach
As Skie told it, "And in the picture, to the left is Lycron, and to the right is myself. They were giving out free samples of mustard and pretzels, and I think between Me, Lycron, and Bel, we got like 15 things of pretzels.. and god knows how many things of mustard. hehe, but it was fun."
The Hug
What I remember is the "Mustard Man's" friend and his latex gloves decending on poor Lycron and Skie for their unexpected attack on the Mustard Man, he had murder in his eyes.
the Mind Eraser
After the mustard man we had some lunch at Subway and split up. Kerri, Skie, Belsambar and Rufus were off to the water park to steal shorts and ogle the cold swimmers (ask them, not me). Here is Garland, Malakost, Me (Natilena), Lycron and Dart behind the camera. We returned to a few of the coasters, this one being the Mind Eraser.
made it back alive!
You can sort of see Malakost there having made it through the Mind Eraser, mind intact.
Lycron says, "oh man, you missed what I said to chris when we were going to the mind earaser. I was like, hang on to your memo'd scrolls we're going in :-P"
Garland, Malakost, Dart and Lycron wait for thier turn on the UFO, one of the few rides I wouldn't go on.
upup and away!
Up they go, if you look closely you can see them all screaming.
I made the right choice
Yup, the ground was a much better place to be.
Do they look dizzy?
The brave adventurers exiting the UFO
The Meeting Spot
Belsambar squeezing the water out of his swimming stuff, Dart and Malakost laughing in the forground. We met back up here briefly to regroup and head back out for more rides.
Its Cold and Wet!
Kerri showing off his goosebumps after swimming for an hour.
Malakost and Skie laughing about something.
We were off to a new twirly ride and I watched the group sadly walk back down the path after hearing the news it was closed temporarily.
Its ON!
And there they all are getting ready and buckling up.
Up they go
I think I made the right choice to stay on the ground for this one too.
Lycron and his prizes, those awful glasses, an extra big eraser and a big ol comb!
Showing Off
Still showing off the prizes, Skie stepped in to get his hair combed.
those glasses
Now Belsambar with the glasses.
Shipwreck Falls
These guys were crazy, we all rode it once then I excused myself to the little elves room to return and find them back on the ride again. There wasn't many people waiting to go on (go figure considering it was cold and wet) so they rode it around about 4 trips.
Shipwreck Falls Still
And here they are again (threatening the little children I believe)
This is not my story to tell, ask one of Belsambar, Skie, or Lycron. It involved a thong, some hugs and a phone number though.
In closing I had a really great time, you're a great bunch of guys and it was fun meeting you all. Thanks for the day!