Syntax: quaff <potion>
QUAFF consumes a potion in your inventory, unleashing its magical effects (both good and bad) on you and you alone. At lower levels, only the good effects of a potion are executed.
Potions come in two types - Limited and Random. Limited potions have effects not informed by their description. Some exist as clever ways to fool the unsuspecting into using the wrong potion in their inventory.
To quickly get random potions, use the merchants. Buy a potion, if it isn't what you want sac it, and buy another.
If a potion is random, the effect can be determined by the color descriptions per the list below:
Note: '3.x' denotes that it is a spell for that color if that is a remaining version 3 potion.
Potions By Color
Potion Color | Spell 1 | Spell 2 | Spell 3 |
Azure | Cure Blindness | **** | **** |
Black | Jump | Necroport | Confusion |
Blood red | Teleport | Dispel Magic | **** |
Blue | Waterbreath | Weaken 3.x | **** |
Bright White | Cure Blindness | **** | **** |
Brown | Protection Good | **** | **** |
Bubbling | Cure Poison | **** | **** |
Burgundy | Weasel totem | **** | **** |
Charcoal | Detect Magic | Blindness | Unicorn Totem |
Chrome | Armor | Fear | Boar Totem |
Clear | Pass Door | **** | **** |
Clear Red | Recall | **** | **** |
Frosty Orange | Fly | **** | **** |
Glittering | Jump | **** | **** |
Glowing | Remove Curse | Strength Spell | Owl Totem |
Gold | Poison | Detect Good | Stone Skin |
Green | Detect Hidden | Cloak of protection | Refresh 3.x |
Grayish | Fly | Stone Skin | **** |
Grey | Stone Skin 3.x | **** | **** |
Greyish | Refresh | Sanctuary | **** |
Indigo | Cause Critical | **** | **** |
Magenta | Sanity | Cause Disease | **** |
Mauve | Weaken | **** | **** |
Misty | Shield | **** | **** |
Orange | Cure Poison | **** | **** |
Platinum | Bless | Blindness | **** |
Pink | Protection Evil | **** | **** |
Purple | Cure Critical | Harm | **** |
Red | Infravision | Cure Light | Word of Recall |
Silver | Detect Evil | **** | **** |
Sparkling | Immunity | Absorb | Shield |
Teal | Detect Invis | Curse | **** |
Turquoise | Cure Mute | Unfetter | **** |
White | Invis | Deafness | **** |
Yellow | Heal | Sleep | **** |
Potions by Spell
Potion Spell | Color |
Armor | chrome |
Absorb | sparkling |
Bless | platinum |
Blindness | charcoal |
Cloak of protection | green |
Cure Blindness | bright white |
Cure Critical | purple |
Cure Light | red |
Cure Poison | orange |
Cure Mute | turquoise |
Curse | teal |
Detect Evil | silver |
Detect Good | gold |
Detect Hidden | green |
Detect Invis | teal |
Detect Magic | charcoal |
Dispel Magic | blood red |
Fly | frosty orange |
Harm | purple |
Heal | yellow |
Infravision | red |
Invis | white |
Pass Door | clear |
Poison | gold |
Protection Evil | pink |
Protection Good | brown |
Refresh | greyish |
Remove Curse | glowing |
Sanctuary | greyish |
Sanity | magenta |
Sleep | yellow |
Stone Skin | gold |
Strength Spell | glowing |
Teleport | blood red |
Waterbreath | blue |
Weaken | mauve |
Word of Recall | red |