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Mugen McLovin
Following The Nashite Magi

Mud Contributions:

Current Description:

You are using: <used as light> (Glowing) a red dragon's eye [!geAGAN|mrk:30 hr:2 dmg:2 1#] <worn on finger> (Artifact magic) (Glowing) (Mystical) the jeweled ring of Aes Sedai [gm|AC 0 hr:8 dmg:6 mrk:30 1#] <worn on finger> (Artifact magic) three distinct scars forming the Magi crest [mAGAN|AC 0 hr:7 dmg:6 mrk:30 1#] <worn around neck> (Artifact magic) the Amulet of Hate [!OLemAGNR|AC 0 mrk:30 luc:-5 svs:-3 dmg:3 str:3 5#] <worn around neck> (Quivering) The Caustic Eye of Ancalagon the Black [!OL|AC 1 dmg:2 svs:-10 3#] <worn on body> (Invis) (Artifact magic) (Glowing) (Humming) the enchanted suit of leather [!ghim|AC 5 ac:-10 ma:15 svs:-4 dmg:3 1#] <worn on head> (Artifact magic) a pitchblack hood [m|AC 11 hr:2 hr:3 dex:6 mv:10 1#] <worn on legs> (Moderate magic) (Dirty) a pair of faded blue jeans [m|AC 3 dmg:3 dmg:3 2#] <worn on feet> (Potent magic) a pair of elven chain boots [m|AC 11 wis:3 mr:2 int:3 1#] <worn on hands> (Moderate magic) a pair of heavy cloth gloves [m|AC 5 wis:2 con:3 1#] <worn on arms> (Moderate magic) a pair of animal hide armlets [m|AC 3 svs:-3 svs:-3 4#] <worn about body> (Moderate magic) a girth of Ebon Dragonscale [m|AC 6 hr:3 dmg:3 2#] <worn about waist> (Moderate magic) a seashell belt [!m|AC 1 svs:-4 hr:3 5#] <worn around wrist> (Moderate magic) an animal hide wrist guard [m|AC 3 chr:1 dmg:3 1#] <worn around wrist> (Moderate magic) the scorching smoky quartz bracelet [m|AC -3 wis:3 int:2 2#] <wielded> (Artifact magic) Similus, Mace of Suriel [emNDAGAN|7-15 hr:6 dmg:5 1#] <wielded off-hand> (Moderate magic) a broad sword [m|2-9 chr:3 7#] <worn with pride> (Artifact magic) (Humming) the Bar of Mastery [hm|mrk:30 chr:2 1#] <worn with pride> (Artifact magic) (Glowing) a wet lipsticky kiss from Ramona [!OLgm|mrk:30 svs:-3 1#]

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