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Original Source Zarous' Webpage

The Story of Zarous's Paladin

Friends and Followers

While I pondered how to use my newly acquired god-powers, and experimented on my hapless new followers, I took some advice from a seasoned explorer: Talen.

We were somewhere, Mithas or the Half-Elf encampment (once an immortal, you tend to forget some things that used to be important in order to remember others that you never knew you could know.)

Anyway, Talen and Marisa were there, and Talen asked, "So how goes the God business?"

I said, "Well, I'm still a little woozy from the transformation by MadMan" and fought back a dizzy spell from saying the word woozy.

Marisa gave me a hug, I think her hugs have developed a healing quality in their own right. I felt better. I'm still puzzled as to why though.

Talen was examining a parchment of some kind, he put it down a little and peered over it as Marisa and I sat down on the marble steps (must have been Mithas) next to him. "You have a Paladin yet?" he asked.

"No, not yet..." I muttered. I'd been trying to ignore that problem for awhile, but it kept coming up. Fortunatly/unfortunatly I forgot to switch off my mouth...

"If you don't mind my saying so... you really shouldn't ignore obtaining a Paladin" Talen said, folding up his paper and putting it away in his shirt. He continued, "I've noticed that gods who put off obtaining a Paladin don't do nearly as well as those that find one early on"

I thought thoughtfully... Talen has a sense about these things, and it sounds like good advice too. Maybe I should consider looking into this despite it being so forboding on my mind.

After a while, Marisa gave Talen that familiar look to Talen, the one I see so often when I'm thinking that says, "Zarous isn't actually here right now... so you can stop trying to interact with him Talen". This time I caught myself and managed to wave goodbye to Talen and Marisa as they waved back and strode down the stairs together.

Over the next couple days, I thought about what kind of person I wanted to find. I watched potential candidates as they went about their business of survival and exploration.

Finally, some morning, I decided I had wasted enough time and stood up. Apparently It had rained as I sat there on the stairs, my leather armor was soaked. It was no matter. I would dry off on my travels.

The Random Approach

I went to the nearest human warrior and offered the position to him. Strange, I cant recall his name now, I guess its one of those things that gives way to make room for more information. Anyway, he asked for his Quest to join my following and was off to fulfill it. Resting in my temple, I thought I would watch him on his travels for amusement. Down the stairs... through the Guild halls... to that poor back alley in Midgaard, where he stops to talk with two bright red auras. Hmm, he might be in danger. I listen in on their conversation:

The red looks at quester, "Your equipment looks terrible, you should come with me, I'll help you get some better stuff"

My questor examines the title of the red and replies "Well, I'm kinda busy, I'm looking for such and such item"

Red aura says in a sinister voice "Follow me and we'll kill someone for equipment, then we'll all go find your whatchamacalit"

And my Questor proceeds to follow this red aura.

I was paralyzed! I couldn't believe my eyes and ears. I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't asleep, "Ouch!". Nope I'm awake. Before I know whats happening all three of them rush the guild and Frostflower, taken unawares, is dead. Ambushed in the guild by the three thugs.

"Yeah, this guy is gonna be my Paladin, when pigs fly!" (which I always thought was a bad expression since they can fly... if you know the right spell, and propell them with sufficient velocity.)

I quickly flew down to the guild as they were quickly looting Frostflowers still warm corpse.

"Just what do you think you are doing? Are these the actions of a Paladin?" I raged. He was not a follower of mine yet so I could not give him the Soul Rift that he so richly deserved.

"Umm... " he said. The two red auras made themselves scarce.

"In addition to your original quest you will bring it back in a bag made from the Goblin General if you still think you are of the mettle for the job" my words boomed throughout the Guild. His armor clanked and clattered from my tirade. "AND" I continued, "If I find someone else for the job before you have completed your quest... You're through."

There was no way he was going to complete that for at least a few levels. I stomped back up the stairs to the temple area. I quickly searched the land far and wide for anyone that would fit the bill.


I saw Skarfester was arguing with the Baker over the price of some bread in Midgaard. He looked like a likely candidate. I checked some references, they said he was helpful and eager to learn, a real Adventurer. At that moment, that would do. So I flew over to the bakery in Midgaard.

"But yesterday bread was 11 gold why is it 13 today? thats not fair." Skarfester exclaimed to the hulking Baker.

"Tough, I don't like your face today... in fact its 15 gold now that you've complained" the Baker replied.

Skarfester noticed me as he sighed and pulled out some coins. "Oh, Hi there" he said.

I explained that I was seeking a paladin... told him my tenants and special rules of a Paladin. He agreed. I was still thinking about what I'd like to do to the first quester.

"Bring a side of beef up to my temple, and you may worship me. Then we'll talk more about a Paladinship" I explained. He was off immediately. A simple task that shouldn't take but an instant for a seasoned traveller.

As I was walking back to my temple, assured that there would be justice in my little corner of the world, Jarkeld shows up and says "Hiya." My heart sank.


Jarkeld is an aspiring follower of mine who had asked about becoming my Paladin while I decided to put off the decision. He has all the right qualitys and the moment he said Hiya, I was in dispair. I sat on a bench on southern avenue in the temple area for a while to try and decide what to do.

I remembered the honesty of Lord Cerebus and his tenants of Justice and Fairness. It was then that I knew what I had to do. Skarfester was in the temple waiting for me. I called Jarkeld to meet us there. With Jarkeld and Skarfester in attendance at my temple, I explained the events leading up to this moment.

"Therefore, I will ask both of you if you will yield to the other for the position of Paladinship"

You could not only hear a pin drop, you've could heard it fall. Jarkeld was I think, still astonished at the actions of the first quester.

Skarfester recovered first and said "I will yield to Jarkeld, if he asks me to."

As we turned to Jarkeld, he snapped out of his trance to comprehended what Skarfester had said. He thought for a moment, and then resolutely said... nothing.

Skarfester and Jarkeld were both standing there in the quiet sunlight, a moment I'll always remember. Finally I interjected, "Well, thats about the most noble thing I've ever seen, But _I'm_ still screwed." We chuckled a little.

Then I decreed, "A final quest for Paladin will then decide who will be my First." They both nodded in agreement, as I put them both to a test of endurance and knowledge.

I revealed a list of five items from across the world on the surface of the pool. "The first of you to return with three of these five items will be the victor and be ordained immediatly. Go with my blessing"

Once they had gone, I wondered for a moment if I had done the right thing. The spirit of Cerebus was with me again and indicated that my decision was Just.

A short while later Skarfester was the first to arrive back at the temple. I looked at him and knew that he had succeded. I recalled Jarkeld to the temple not to spite him, but that I knew he would want to be there. And on that fateful day, Skarfester was ordained as my first Paladin, with Jarkelds blessings as well.


Once we performed that task, I took Jarkeld aside, "If ever there is an opportunity for me to ordain a second Paladin, you have my word that you are it."

Maintaining your sanity and compassion while carrying a "Kill Me" sign on your back for all evil to see is a task that most followers can understand and respect. My followers understand that Skarfester sacrifices alot to be who he is.

But also know this: Jarkeld is also held in as-high regard to me for his actions on that day.