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Revision as of 19:47, 27 March 2011

Official Information

A bot (From the word robot) is essentially a program running on a player's
computer that receives input from the MUD, processes it, and then takes some
action, all without the intervention of the human player. Most MUD clients
allow this to be done in the form of triggers, which watch for text and issue
some command when that text is seen. With a bot running, someone can "play"
the MUD without actually being near their computer at the time. This type
of playing, whether for the purpose of gaining xp, casting spells on friends,
or practicing skills, is not permitted here and unfortunate things have been
known to happen to characters that have abused this use of triggers.

A related term, cyborg, is used to refer to someone who has augmented their
typing skills with triggers for many situations, thus making themselves
"part computer". This type of playing is permitted, though those who do it
to extremes are usually considered unskilled players. It should be noted
that characters are responsible for all actions they make, including those
they make by triggers. This means that if your triggers make you attack
someone you did not mean to attack, you still have earned the penalties
for the attack, for example. It should also be noted that if you attempt
to trick someone else's triggers into making them break the rules, you will
probably share whatever misfortune they earn.