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(Aphelion meets Venom)
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January 8, 2014

==01/08/14: Things To Be Enjoyed==
(Log by Aphelion)

Venom smiles happily.
Venom bows deeply.

Aphelion curtseys, her back straight and eyes holding yours.

Venom says (in halfling), 'wyv yvu itc bunwuna rpu ywyunrevuna yubu,'.

Venom says (in common), 'How are you finding the adventuring life?'.
Venom says (in common), 'pardon that wretched tongue.'.

Aphelion glances at your mouth.

Venom grins evilly, his elongated fangs glistening.

Aphelion says (in common), 'It is well enough. Like practice drills.'.

Venom says (in common), 'Indeed.'.
Venom says (in common), 'Repetitive, but necessary.'.

Aphelion says (in common), 'It is easy to get into the rhythm of it.'.
Aphelion rolls her shoulders, stretching the muscles.

Venom says (in common), 'Much like a dance, no?'.

Aphelion half-chuckles. "Of a sort."

A Magic Mushroom suddenly appears.

Aphelion says (in common), '...this.. I do not enjoy.'.

Venom says (in common), 'I understand.'.

Aphelion gets a Magic Mushroom.
Aphelion eats a Magic Mushroom.

Venom says (in common), 'Not my preferred diet either'.

Aphelion glances at you and murmurs, "I should think not."

Aphelion practices butcher.

Venom says (in common), 'Steaks are good...'.

Aphelion says (in common), 'Steaks with mushrooms.. not bad.. grilled to rare with a wine glaze... quite nice.'.

Venom says (in common), 'Anything grilled with wine is nice.'.

Venom utters the words, 'qcandusahz gsfuio'.
A magical spring flows from the ground.

Venom washes his claws in the water.
Venom drinks water from a magical spring.
Venom drinks water from a magical spring.

Aphelion leans against the door frame, observing you.

Venom says (in common), 'One moment'.
Venom leaves north.

You hear something's death cry.

Venom arrives from the north.
Venom drops the corpse of a friendly, furry long-haired black dog.

Venom says (in common), 'Let's see those butchering skills'.

>Butcher corpse
The steak made from friendly, furry long-haired black dog looks very filling.

Venom gets steak made from friendly, furry long-haired black dog.
Venom juggles steak made from friendly, furry long-haired black dog.

Venom sniffs the fresh, bloody steak.
Venom eats steak made from friendly, furry long-haired black dog.

Venom wipes a drop of blood from the corner of his lip, his eye trained hard upon you.

Aphelion regards you. "And how did it taste?"

Venom says (in common), 'It was good, for dog... I prefer young maiden.'.

Venom glances at Elvalee, 'Though I have been known to enjoy a school marm from time to time as well.'

Aphelion says (in common), 'a cannibal, then?'.

Venom says (in common), 'Cannibal, oh no, what a primitive term. I prefer, Vampyre!'.

Aphelion's tone is carefully grave. "Well, of course. I meant sustenance other than the blood you must have."

Venom says (in common), 'For that I have been making due with whatever lays about.. I'm a light eater outside of my nocturnal pleasures...'.

Aphelion says (in common), 'I would have imagined your tastes more particular, for some reason.'.
Aphelion gestures at your fine clothing and demeanor.

Venom says (in common), 'Sustenance to me is a trivial thing, so much more of my focus is spent on proper feedings...'.
Venom grins evilly, his elongated fangs glistening.

Aphelion tilts her head to one side, her hands clasped before her.
Aphelion says (in common), 'A touch of a surprise.. but I suppose one must set priority.'.

Venom raises an eyebrow.
Venom says (in common), 'Do put away that jugular, young lady.'.

Aphelion says (in common), 'It is not available for your thirst, Milord Kindred.'.

Venom chuckles, evidently amused.
Venom says (in common), 'Dear girl, everything is available to my thirst at my own whim. So straighten that head.'.

Aphelion says dryly, her tone reciting a long held phrase, "I am saving myself for marriage."

Venom laughs.
Venom says (in common), 'You know, not everyone enjoys such a choice. Some have it taken...'.

Aphelion straightens her posture, however.

Aphelion says (in common), 'Young swains have attempted their wooing .. and yes.. more than once, I have suffered -briefly- the fumblings of drunken fools...'.

Aphelion continues, "but Father taught me weaponry for a reason.."

Venom nods.

Aphelion says quietly, "I guard my honor."

Venom continues to nod approvingly, scanning your posture as though for the first time.
Venom looks at you.

Venom says (in common), 'You carry that mace as though you were born with it.'.

Aphelion quotes, "If only you were a boy!!" and sighs, glancing down at the weapon.

Aphelion says (in common), 'Father taught me himself, and he was an officer in the Guard.'.

Venom says (in common), 'You are much different than the young ladies of the realm.. I'm not yet decided if I like it. Very hard...Very lean, strong, yes... Innocent in ways, yet not in others... I'm not sure yet if I have use for you, but at least you are interesting.'.

Aphelion says (in common), 'I am...'.
Aphelion's voice catches as a private memory sweeps in.

Aphelion says (in common), 'Father called me his twilight. Not a bright, girlish sunny day.. not the darkness of night.'.

Venom says (in common), 'Your father seems to have influenced you greatly. What sort of a man was he?'.

Aphelion says (in common), 'The eldest son of the House. He served as an officer in the guard, as i have said.. then as a diplomat. And yes... He was my greatest influence.'.

Venom says (in common), 'No doubt he was firm.'.

Aphelion says (in common), 'Not unduly so. But fair.'.

Venom says (in common), 'Does he live?'.

Aphelion says (in common), 'He does... though not in good health.'.

Venom says (in common), 'I see.  So long ago I have forgotten the concerns of a failing health and age, so long ago I have forgotten that others suffer from loses.  It seems I have become somewhat jaded to death itself.'.

Aphelion's lips curve in a wry smile, "A luxury the Kindred have long enjoyed."

Venom nods.
Venom says (in common), 'Alas, my tale is even older than that, for I have known immortality long before this incarnation. I have been driven by a single solitary goal for thousands of years, and it evades me still.'.

Aphelion's brow rises a brief moment in startled question before she schools her expression.

Venom says (in common), 'This is only the most recent of my lives... I am much older than I appear, I assure you.'.

>l venom

Aphelion says (in common), 'You appear .. vigorous.. aplenty.'.

Venom nods.

Venom says (in common), 'I was gifted with a young body, very strong... plus I have been embraced. But my essence is old...'.

Aphelion glances at the scars upon your throat. "Ungently, it seems."

Venom's lip curls up on one side in an amused grin, partially in hate.
Venom says (in common), 'indeed.  Attacked by my own progeny... How fitting an end to what was a near victory.'.

Aphelion says pensively, "When Death comes for me, I hope I meet it on the field. Not curled in bed, wasted away to nothing."

Venom says (in common), 'Age comes for all, but Kindred.'.

Aphelion says (in common), 'Many a soldier has died young....'.
Aphelion gestures her slung weapon.

Venom says (in common), 'Yes, many a mortal soldier.'.

Venom smiles happily.
Venom says (in common), 'I must continue my practices. Be well, young cleric.'.

Aphelion's gaze sharpens, and her grey eyes flicker to your mouth.

Aphelion nods.

Venom grins evilly, his elongated fangs glistening.
Venom leaves south.

Aphelion murmurs a blessing: 'May your Dreams be true.'.