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Catching Up - Log by Samiyah

Theros has entered the game.

You smile at her.
You blink.

You say (in common), '.. her?'.

Theros says (in common), 'I mutated'.

Theros curtseys gracefully.

You say (in common), 'oh dear.'.

You say (in common), 'so... I wound up going to the ball, afterwards.'.

Theros raises an eyebrow.

You say (in common), 'Not because an Evil asked me to, but because a Kindred did.'.
You say (in common), 'Though we showed up after it was officially over. '.

Theros says (in common), 'It must be Sami.'.
Theros curtseys gracefully.

You smile happily.

You say (in common), 'I'm sorry, I thought your detect sees me now.'.

> vis

Theros says (in common), 'I don't always try'.

Theros says (in common), 'And how did that go?'.

You say (in common), 'Wind and I danced, and that was very nice.'.

Theros smiles happily.
Theros says (in common), 'I mean...'.

Theros giggles.

You say (in common), 'Venom was polite, once I was there, but beforehand, he said he was glad I wasn't there as it would spoil his appetite.'.

Theros says (in common), 'Ahh.'.

Theros says (in common), 'He has been strangely nice to me of late'.
Theros says (in common), 'ish'.

Samiyah hesitates. 'While I was waiting for Wind, I went to Sanguinna.'

Her voice fades off at the end, not finishing her thoughts on that topic.

You nod.
You say (in common), 'he was strangely polite at the event.'.

Theros says (in common), 'I remain suspicious'.

You nod.
You say (in common), 'A scorpion does not shed its sting.'.

Theros says (in common), 'That's what I said. The scorpion and the frog.'.

Theros says (in common), 'did you do anything in Sanguinna?'.

You say (in common), '..Sanguinna is a good place to meditate. And think.'.

Theros says (in common), 'Any particularly moving thoughts?'.

You say (in common), 'Wind arrived just in the nick of time.'.

Theros says (in common), 'ahh'.

You say (in common), 'I was changing out of my dress and was going to destroy it, just as his sister greeted him.'.

Theros says (in common), 'whoever is that?'.

You say (in common), 'the Sayyida DarkClaw.'.

Raage arrives from above.

You say (in common), 'She is his Maker, but they've known each other for so long, and are so close in age, that they refer to themselves as siblings'.

Theros says (in common), 'Oh, I guess I didn't know'.

Raage smiles at you.

Theros says (in common), 'What ho, Raage'.

Raage beams a smile at Theros.

You say (in common), 'and not as Chyld and Mother.'.

You bow before him.

Raage bows deeply.

Theros says (in common), 'I see'.

You say (in common), 'it was a very interesting event. I enjoyed the dancing, though I arrived too late to see others dance, and the meal was over.'.

Theros says (in common), 'do drama?'.
Theros says (in common), 'do death or dismemberment?'.

You say (in common), 'none that I saw, but.. we left at the first hint of malice.'.

Theros says (in common), 'sorry, I guess I am sduffy'.

You say (in common), 'no one died, that I saw... though the Sayyida had some blood on her throat..'.

Raage chuckles, evidently amused.
Theros says (in common), 'curious'.

Samiyah glances away, a touch embarrassed.
Samiyah blurts out suddenly, 'I performed three of the four parts of the Song of Night, in Sanguinna, but.. it was awful.'

Theros sits down and thinks deeply.
Theros says (in common), 'was there audience besides the moon?'.

You shake your head.

Theros says (in common), 'It seems well to speak it aloud in any case'.

You nod.
You say (in common), 'Sometimes that's the best way to hear flaws in a work.'.

You sigh.
You say (in common), 'And it has many.'.

Theros says (in common), 'Perhaps the critic is overly severe...'.

You say (in common), 'I know when it sounds right... and it didn't. It kept straying back to known paths instead of being brave into new places.'.

Theros says (in common), 'I know you will continue to refine away the impurities'.

You nod in recognition to him.
You nod.

Theros says (in common), 'hrmm'.

You say (in common), '.. and it... wasn't... honest. Not as much as it should be. Must be.'.

Theros says (in common), 'Is there no way to immerse yourself in the... er …mode that you intend?'.

You smile happily.
You say (in common), 'it is one reason I went to Sanguinna.'.

Theros says (in common), 'double hrmm'.

You say (in common), 'It is the Song of Night. Of the Kindred. That is a Kindred place. I found I could not even speak the words about Nicholai. They were not truthful enough.'.

You ponder the question.

You say (in common), 'I also learned…it is not easy to climb trees while wearing a dress.'.

Theros says (in common), 'Do you know what truthful-enough things you want to say? Just not how? Or do you search still?'.

You say (in common), '... There are things that if they are not said, that is a wisdom. And other things that must be said, or it is a lie. I am still searching for that balance.'.

Theros says (in common), 'That sounds precarious'.

You nod.
You say (in common), 'Yes.'.

Theros says (in common), 'Are you next going to have back at or take a breather?'.

You ponder the question.
You say (in common), 'I am going to keep working on it.'.

Theros nods.

You say (in common), 'it needs to be sung. It wants to be. But only if it is right.'.

Theros says (in common), 'It is ok to take a break and return if you need to. But I suppose that has been done before?'.

You nod.

Theros says (in common), 'I trust that you know best.'.

You say (in common), 'Though I might write something silly about what happened earlier today.'.

Theros says (in common), 'I think I will scamper a bit. Sorry that I can't be of more help'.

You blink.
You say (in common), 'You are always helpful and I appreciate you listening.'.

Theros scratches his head.
Theros says (in common), 'That is the easy part, I am afraid'.

You say (in common), '..no. Some say that they are listening, but they are thinking of everything else.'.
You say (in common), 'You _listen_.'.

Samiyah admits, 'it's one of the reasons that I like performing for you.'

Theros smiles happily.

You smile happily.

Theros says (in common), 'I can listen better'.
Theros says (in common), 'but I do get restless, too'.
Theros says (in common), 'sights to see.'.

You nod.
You bow deeply.
You wave.

Aid to an Ally, and Questions of Blood - Log by Samiyah

3 players.
Sah [ Wa:16 Ma:30 Th:16 ] Theros, Contrarian and Mystic
Hum [ Bard: 30 30 30 ] Samiyah is seeking a god+ for a restring
Hum [ Wa:11 Cl:15 ] Bulvye Lost for 20 yrs..now I am V--V

You tell Bulvye (in common), '.. pardon the impertinence of the question, but.. are you Kindred?'.

Bulvye tells you (in common), 'I am lost...yeas'.

You tell Bulvye (in common), 'well, not all Lost are Kindred, and not all Kindred are Lost... '.
You tell Bulvye (in common), 'Are you both?'.

Bulvye tells you (in common), 'I am lost and a vamp...if thats what your askin?'.

You tell Bulvye (in common), 'Yes. That is what I am asking.'.

Bulvye tells you (in common), 'yes I am then...hehe'.
Bulvye tells you (in common), 'why do you wanna know? if ya dont mind me askin'.

You tell Bulvye (in common), 'well, I am an Ally to the Lost... so it is my pleasure and duty to assist you however I can... and I have learned that some of the Sayyida DarkClaw's Chylder have an .. odd.. reaction to me. But you're human and Kindred.. so you should be okay. It's the Elven vampires of her bloodline that find... that .. well. Have problems with my blood.'.

Bulvye tells you (in common), 'great...but I am fairly new...so forgive me if I dont trust you'.
Bulvye tells you (in common), '..well elves kinda get on my nerves too...but they do come in handy..eventually...hehe'.

You tell Bulvye (in common), 'It's more that I get on their nerves than the other way around. It's something about the music in my blood calls to them. but since you're human, you probably won't hear it. I just try to keep track of Kindred, so I know they'll react.'.

Bulvye tells you (in common), 'maybe your blood is true...thats the key'.

Recall Room
[Exits: west]
(Dark Purple Aura) Bulvye is here.

You smile happily.

Bulvye grins evilly.

You say (in common), '.. and yes. You can trust me. I do not have any skill at lying and the Sayyida herself said that she posted a letter to all her Lost, that they would know I am an Ally.'.

Bulvye says (in common), 'well I am evil by nature...so I will not promise the same'.

You say (in common), '.. Oh. So.. You have skill at lying? Or you cannot be trusted? Or .. both?'.

Bulvye says (in common), 'thats up to you to decide...'.

Samiyah bites her lower lip, one hand toying with one of her many braids as she examines you.

You ponder the question.

You say (in common), 'well. The Al-Shaitan is still my enemy, but many of the Lost name me a friend: Nicholai, foremost. Also, Raage, I think. '.

Bulvye says (in common), 'ok...i will give you this...i will help you...and you will help me...the minute that is in question...is the moment you decide your fate'.

You blink.
You say (in common), 'that sounds somewhat.. ominous. But yes. I will trust you, until you tell me or show me I should not.'.

Bulvye says (in common), 'it is what it is...take it or leave it'.

You nod.

Bulvye says (in common), 'I will not judge those who do not harm me...but those who do...be aware of the repercussions'.

You ponder the question.
You say (in common), 'I am not a violent person. I don't go around attacking people or trying to harm those who haven't harmed me.'.

Bulvye says (in common), 'nay do i...but...i am not scared of death...i am death..re-incarnate...and I will not hesitate to throw forth mine and my followings wrath'.

Samiyah says patiently, 'Yes, but as I keep saying, I'm not someone you need to be wrathful about. I'm an ally to lost. And I'm here to help.'

You bow deeply.
You say (in common), 'pardon me.'.

Alone at Home - Log by Samiyah

Bulvye gossips (in common), 'well...am I here alone?'.

You gossip (in common), 'No :)'.

Theros gossips (in common), 'no'.

Bulvye gossips (in common), 'hey...someone ...and someoone'.

Theros gossips (in common), 'What ho, Bulvye'.

Bulvye gossips (in common), 'all I see are someones...hehe'.
Bulvye gossips (in common), 'come on...show yerselves'.

> vis
You gossip (in common), Tis I. Sami.'.
You gossip (in common), 'Then there's also Theros and Oaliega.'.

Bulvye gossips (in common), 'well it is nice to see who I am talkin too...i dont see no oaligego'.

Bulvye gossips (in common), 'I dunno you guys...an I like what you guys have doen with this mud...i played here 20 years ago{ I know that sounds like a long time} nut its true....i was'.
Bulvye gossips (in common), 'dammit'.
Bulvye gossips (in common), 'hehe'.

You gossip (in common), 'I have been here nearly that long as well, in other forms. It's home.'.

Theros gossips (in common), 'we probably remember you :)'.

Bulvye gossips (in common), 'anyway...i feal like this mud deserves more'.

You gossip (in common), '(Or have logs..)'.

Theros gossips (in common), 'more... ?'.

You gossip (in common), 'Ponies!'.

Theros gossips (in common), 'jokes?'.

Bulvye gossips (in common), 'I am an old school nobody..heheh'.

You gossip (in common), 'it needs more ponies!'.

Theros gossips (in common), 'er'.

Bulvye gossips (in common), 'ya know what was funny...20 years ago I wouldnt be scared to message tyinuin'.
Bulvye gossips (in common), 'today he was on...and I was scared as hell....hehehe'.
Bulvye gossips (in common), 'I know I spelled it wrong too'.

Theros gossips (in common), 'interesting. I feel the opposite way'.

Bulvye gossips (in common), 'I aam a 20 year old newbie...back then ..he wasnt the only imp on here'.
Bulvye gossips (in common), 'not to say I am 20 years old....thats the last time I played this mud I mean'.
Bulvye gossips (in common), 'toku was head of FK's foloowing..molo had the conclave...all that'.
Bulvye gossips (in common), 'sorry if I am boring you guys but....i am trying to wait for my kids to go to bed so I can put there prexansts out'.

You gossip (in common), 'You aren't. Just running about doing things.'.

Bulvye gossips (in common), 'ok ay...thanx theros...and someone...heheh'.

Bulvye gossips (in common), 'sami..ya left me and never finished...but thats ok...i am ready to leave anyay'.

You gossip (in common), 'I thought we had said everything twice...'.

Bulvye gossips (in common), 'prolly..yer right..i like you'.

You tell Bulvye (in common), 'please let me know if I can be of help :)'.

Bulvye tells you (in common), 'I will'.

Bulvye gossips (in common), 'I guess...night all...mery xmass and all that...have a good one'.

You gossip (in common), 'good night and merry christmas to you as well'.

Reminded of a Deal - Log Snippet by Samiyah

Ninja arrives from above.

You give a tunic of leaf-green leather to Ninja.
You give a quilted cloth belt to Ninja.

Ninja wears a quilted cloth belt about his waist.

Ninja shows his approval by clapping his hands together.
Ninja bounces onto your lap.
Ninja gives you a long and passionate kiss.

You scream. ARRRRRRRRRRGH!!!!!

Ninja looks at Ninja.

You say (in common), 'aaack!!!!'.
You say (in common), 'NO!'.
You say (in common), 'DO NOT'.

You glare icily at Ninja.

Porthas says (in common), 'what's wrong'.

You say (in common), 'we have covered this before.'.
You say (in common), 'You do NOT do those things.'.

Porthas looks at Ninja.

You say (in common), 'Remember our deal?'.
You say (in common), 'No naked, no kissing, no touching...'.

Ninja sits down and thinks deeply.

You say (in common), 'and I don't kick your teeth down your throat.'.

Porthas looks at Ninja.
Porthas says (in common), 'I have a wrist that I can loan you'.

Mish says, 'I'm glad I could store this for you, Porthas.'.
Mish gives a studded leather bracer to Porthas, and flashes him a wicked grin.

You ponder the question.
You say (in common), 'I would not recommend loans'.
You say (in common), 'Ninja can be a little ... reckless..'.

Porthas winces. Ouch!
Porthas sits down and thinks deeply.

You say (in common), 'Think of him as wilder than the Archmage.'.

(Sami runs about gathering limited items.)

The Kitchen
[Exits: west]
A small white fountain gushes forth here.
Ninja is here.
A gingerbread man stands here, reminding you of your childhood.

You give a pair of stained gardening gloves to Ninja.

Ninja wears a pair of stained gardening gloves on his hands.

Samiyah makes spooky ghost noises.

Ninja jumps.

Fare thee well!