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A Bargain Struck - Log by DarkClaw

An Elemental Lair
[Exits: north]
The darkness of this room is almost consuming, save for the faint glow from
the fireplace set into the Southern wall, the light strong enough to highlight
the beautiful tapestry hanging above it. The burning embers within the hearth
seem to come alive and dance over what's left of the charred logs, causing
shadows to play upon the huge pile of furs spread across the rocky floor. To
the east is a writhing vortex that allows no hint of what lies beyond its
currents, the shifting shadows of the floor echoing its rhythm in movement.
The sound of water can be heard coming from the west, a large sheet of rain
pouring in from the skies above, through the open ceiling. Odd that it only
inhabits that space. To the north stands a barricade made of solid ice, no
hint of exit visible upon or around its surface.

Venom yells (in halfling), 'May I enter?'.

You yell, 'Yes'.

Venom arrives from the north.
Venom strolls in casually.

DarkClaw looks up as your scent enters her office.

Venom says (in common), 'I suppose you received your invitation.'.

You say, 'I did, yes.'.
You say, 'I think it's a wonderful idea.'.

Venom grins evilly, his elongated fangs glistening.

Venom says (in common), 'As always, there is more to it than meets the eye.'.

Venom winks suggestively.

You say, 'Yes. I've obviously been curious what's up your sleeve now.'.

Venom says (in common), 'You'll be attending then?'.

You say, 'Of course. What would a Kindred masquerade ball be without the Kindred Queen?'.

You smirk.

Venom says (in common), 'Excellent. Now, there is a small matter that perhaps you can assist me with.'.

You say, 'Though I'm curious why you wanted to make sure I was there.'.

Venom says (in common), 'You're curiosity will have to go unsatisfied.'.

You raise your eyebrow at him.

Venom says (in common), 'I do need help though'.

You say, 'You're actually asking for my help with something?'.

Venom nods.

Venom says (in common), 'Indeed'.

You say, 'Go on...'.

Venom says (in common), 'I will require a maquerader's mask. I was hoping we could use your powerful magicks to reform my cloche into something more suitable'.

DarkClaw folds her arms over her chest and leans against the hearth. "One can't be purchased at a vendor?"

Venom says (in common), 'We both know that I must have something unique. I am above petty vendors'.

DarkClaw smirks and rolls her eyes. "Ahh, but of course. Venom can't be seen in anything but the very finest."

Venom says (in common), 'Naturally. Although I do not value material wealth in the way I value my goals and studies, I do have standards'.

You say, 'There will be a price.'.

Venom says (in common), 'I would hope so.'.

You say, 'Are you willing to pay the price for it?'.

Venom says (in common), 'I must first know what that price is, I cannot agree sight unseen'.

DarkClaw beckons you closer with a single finger.

Venom smooths his dark hair back and preens his vest clean of lint.
Venom strides confidently before you, practically nose to nose.

DarkClaw inhales your scent deeply, dragging her nose across your jaw till her lips brush your ear. "A dance".

Venom chuckles, evidently amused.

Venom says (in common), 'Madam, you will have your dance.'.

Venom bows before you.

You say, 'Done, then.'.

A Conflict of Corsets and Crinolines - Log by Aphelion

(Concurrent with prior log)

>3 players.
Hum [ Ra:30 Tg:30 Cl:30 ] Aphelion: so much Lost..
Hum [ Sh:29 Wa:17 ] Grazzt a vengeful Shaman of Unity
Elf [ Bard: 10 10 9 ] Xander: The Lost Virtuoso.

Your eyes tingle.
DarkClaw has granted you the ability to see her when she is invis.

DarkClaw ftells, 'Hello, Aphelion.'.

Venom ftells, 'Greetings, Aphelion'.

You ftell, 'Hello, Lady.'.
You ftell, 'Venom.'.

Xander ftells, 'Aphelion, it is nice to meet you.'.

You ftell, 'Hello Xander'.

You ftell, '..a masquerade... Interesting'.

Venom ftells, 'Indeed.'.

You ftell, '*glances over, her expression guarded* Your invitation is most courteous. I will consider it.'.

Venom ftells, 'If you cannot decide within two nights, I must know, that I can ask another.'.

You ftell, 'You will have your answer in that time.'.

DarkClaw ftells, 'You should attend, Aphelion. It will be nice to relax for a change.'.

You ftell, 'If it is Your Will, Lady, then I am your obedient servant in all things.'.

DarkClaw ftells, 'I would not order you to attend. I'm suggesting that it might be fun for you.'.

You ftell, 'I left fun behind when I died, Lady.'.

Venom ftells, 'Nonsense, there are plenty of pleasure for the Kindred of the realm.'.

You ftell, 'I have my duty. There is nothing else.'.

Venom ftells, 'Are you planning to remain with us for a while Aphelion?'.

You ftell, 'in what regard?'.

Venom (unseen) ftells, 'Long enough to train with me in some exercises?'.

You ftell, 'Ah. Sadly I am not able to venture forth at this time. I have not yet fed.'.

Venom (unseen) ftells, 'I understand. I must also finish my business with DarkClaw before adventuring'.

You ftell, 'speaking of food...'.
You ftell, 'has anyone seen Eluch of late?'.

Venom (unseen) ftells, 'I have only seen him once this week'.

You ftell, '*murmurs* a pity.'.

DarkClaw ftells, 'He was on as recent as yesterday.'.
DarkClaw ftells, 'I smelled his scent within the temple.'.

You ftell, 'Thank you, Lady.'.
You ftell, 'tormenting, isn't it?'.

You ftell, 'if you wish, Venom, and the spot in which you seek to train in will accommodate, I could rest nearby and provide regular Sanctuary spells.'.

Venom ftells, 'That sounds like a good idea to me'.
Venom ftells, 'But first I must finish with DC'.

You ftell, '*nods*'.
You ftell, '*bites back all else she might say*'.

Venom ftells, 'We are fashioning a masquerade mask for the ball'.

Venom ftells, 'We should not be much longer'.

You ftell, 'Ah. I suppose I should consider such things...'.
You ftell, 'Unless a cuirass is considered formal attire'.

Venom ftells, 'I think you can do better.'.

You ftell, '*grimly* I have not been out of armor in several years. This should prove interesting...'.

Venom ftells, 'You may feel liberated'.
Venom ftells, 'Or perhaps even vulnerable'.

You ftell, 'Neither of which are particularly welcome emotions'.

Venom ftells, 'You are formidable, you can deal with it'.

You ftell, '*shrugs* I am a soldier and I will battle - even if the conflict is with corsets and crinolines'.

Classtitle Silliness - Log by Cordir

5 players.
Hum [ Triat Weaver ] Cordir: Lady Stormreaver, Patroness of Bards <Inv 73>
Elf [ ANGRY ELF ] Angriff, Commander of the Lost Nation.
Hel [ Th:26 Wa:24 Ma:30 ] Venom, Progeny of the Ancients. *Al-Shaitan*
Hum [ Lesser Goddess ] DarkClaw k'Treva: Lost Ancient Chylde of Ybarra. *AOB* <Inv 72>
Hum [ Wa:30 Th:30 Ma:30 ] Lexie, Soul-Devouring NashiTe Succubus *D*A*M*

A TEMPORARY classtitle has been set.

Venom gossips (in common), 'Hrm'.

A TEMPORARY classtitle has been set.

Venom gossips (in common), 'I just noticed my class title.'.

Lexie gossips (in sahuagin), 'haha'.

Lexie cants, 'knock knock'.

Venom cants, 'who's there'.

Lexie cants, 'boo'.

### [Venom tells Ozzy (in common), 'What an idiot']

Lexie cants, 'Ozzy!'.
Lexie cants, 'm Lord'.

Ozzy cants, 'Heya my slave'.

Lexie cants, ';)'.

Ozzy cants, 'Sorry went afk'.

Lexie cants, 'can Kelek and Ozzy have titles too? :)'.

### [Somewhere, Ozzy is tired]

A TEMPORARY classtitle has been set.
A TEMPORARY classtitle has been set.

7 players.<BR>
Hum [     NOT AN ELF    ] Kelek Wrong side of Heaven, Righteous side of Hell
Hum [   ALSO NOT A ELF  ] Ozzy The Sith Lord
Hum [    Triat Weaver   ] Cordir: Lady Stormreaver, Patroness of Bards <Inv 72>
Elf [     ANGRY ELF     ] Angriff, Commander of the Lost Nation.
Hel [    NAUGHTY ELF    ] Venom, Progeny of the Ancients. *Al-Shaitan*
Hum [  Lesser  Goddess  ] DarkClaw k'Treva: Lost Ancient Chylde of Ybarra. *AOB*
Hum [    WANTS AN ELF   ] Lexie, Soul-Devouring NashiTe Succubus *D*A*M*

Ozzy gossips (in common), 'LOL Love it'.
Ozzy gossips (in common), 'Not an elf'.

Venom gossips (in common), 'I hope Santa doesn't see my title...'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'coal for you'.

Ozzy gossips (in common), 'He more than likely has you flagged as potential threat for stealing the toy bag'.

Angriff gossips (in common), 'Christmas is a paganist holiday'.

DarkClaw gossips, 'I'm pretty sure word got to Santa about you LONG before now.'.

Venom gossips (in common), 'Santa will be getting backstabbed'.

Ozzy gossips (in common), 'hehe'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'I'll sick Rudolph on you'.

Ozzy gossips (in common), 'DIE BY MY HANDS'.

A Grand Marble Entryway
[Exits: south up]
(Token magic) A magical spring flows from the ground here.
(Artifact magic) A magical spring flows from the ground here.
(Dark Purple Aura) Angriff is here.
(Dark Purple Aura) Venom is sleeping here.

You wake him.
You give a chunk of coal to Venom.

Venom utters the words, 'improved identify'.
Venom chuckles, evidently amused.

Venom gives a chunk of coal to Angriff.
Venom says (in common), '100kg'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'Arena?!'.
Lexie gossips (in common), 'Ammq?!'.

Angriff gossips (in common), 'I wait for Santa to come sneaking through my chimney and bludgeon him to the back of the head with my star'.

Angriff says (in common), 'lol'.

Ozzy gossips (in common), 'Ok that was soo good I had to put it on'.

Angriff gives a chunk of coal to Venom.

Venom drops a chunk of coal.
Venom sacrifices a chunk of coal to DarkClaw.

Jealousy - Log by Cordir

Lexie gossips (in common), 'Mmmmm me wants a Naughty Elf'.

DarkClaw gossips, '*growls low*'.

Lexie gossips (in common), '?? Why the growl....'.

DarkClaw gossips, '*quietly* You cannot have him.'.

Lexie gossips (in common), '*sigh*'.

Venom gossips (in common), 'You can come try if you want, but you will find out why they call me naughty'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'sounds very delicious, indeed'.

### DarkClaw is visible to all mortals.

DarkClaw gossips, '*glares at Lexie uncharacteristically*'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'My Precious'.
Lexie gossips (in common), 'eek'.
Lexie gossips (in common), 'My Pet..I don't mean to upset you :('.

DarkClaw gossips, 'You can FIGHT him, but you cannot HAVE him. He belongs to...the Lost.'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'I think he just needs a little bit of humility, care of Girl Power, Inc.'.
Lexie gossips (in common), 'Aye, I know. But I still think, since you have been my pet forEVER, he is my grandbaby pet?!'.

DarkClaw gossips, 'He is, yes. Something like that. Though I'm sure he won't cooperate.'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'That's fine, I can de-claw him!'.

Venom gossips (in common), 'Let's try that and see what happens...'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'or put those little booties on that make the claws not sharp'.

DarkClaw gossips, '*smirk* Venom in booties? That's an amusing thought.'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'little kitty booties'.

DarkClaw gossips, 'Are you going to give him a cap and mittens, too?'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'Oooh yes'.

DarkClaw gossips, '*chuckles and shakes her head* They won't go with his vest.'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'hehe'.

DarkClaw gossips, 'And I think he glued that thing on.'.

Meddling - Log by Cordir

Lexie cants, 'OMG'.
Lexie cants, 'how can you silence me!'.

Venom cants, 'I just did'.
Venom cants, 'and I'm waiting outside'.

Lexie cants, 'it's a punishment worse than death'.
Lexie cants, 'well I’m totally not ready'.

Venom cants, 'I know...'.

Lexie cants, 'hehe'.
Lexie cants, 'hey that song Something From Nothing is not bad'.

### Kelek has connected.

Lexie cants, 'keeeeleeek'.

Kelek cants, 'lex'.

Venom cants, 'stop working against me Lexie'.

DarkClaw cants, 'Lex Luthor?!'.

Lexie cants, 'hah'.
Lexie cants, 'how am I working against you, dear'.

Venom cants, 'You were going to mark Kelek'.
Venom cants, 'to prevent me'.

Lexie cants, 'no, I thought he was already marked'.

Venom cants, 'Lies!'.

Lexie cants, 'hehe'.

DarkClaw cants, 'He's accusing you of meddling. Just like he accuses all women of doing.'.

### [Kelek says (in common), 'now mark me']

Venom gossips (in common), 'How did you ever escape my fool proof trap!!!??'.

Kelek cants, 'there mark all gone'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'I freely admit I meddle'.

Venom cants, 'problem solved'.