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The Dance – Log by DarkClaw

Venom ftells, 'Greetings, Madam.'.

You ftell, 'Good evening.'.

>note read 10
[ 10] Venom: An Invitation.
Mon Dec 8 15:02:54 2014
To: all

*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****
**                                                   **
**        First Annual Kindred Masquerade Ball       **
**                                                   **
**                  A Celebration of                 **
**                        EVIL                       **
**                                                   **
**                                                   **
**        All are invited to attend the dance        **
**        in the Entrance to Temple Courtyard        **
**           (Saturday Dec 20th, 6pm. EST)           **
**                                                   **
**                                                   **
**         Music and drinks will be provided         **
**       Formal dress and Masks are encouraged       **
**                                                   **
**                                                   **
**                     PRIZES FOR:                   **
**                                                   **
**            - Best Dressed  (most evil...)         **
**            - Best Dressed Zombie                  **
**            - Highest Level Charmie                **
**            - Most Evil Restring                   **
**                                                   **
**      Prizes include cash, spheres, and +6's       **
**                                                   **
*****     *****     *****     *****     *****     *****

You ftell, '*blinks at your note*'.

Venom ftells, 'As with any good Masquerade, Madam... All is not what it seems.. *cackle!*'.
Venom ftells, 'back later'.

###Venom: Quit
###Aphelion: Entered Game

Grantsight set for Aphelion.

You ftell, 'Good evening, Aphelion.'.

Aphelion ftells, '*Bows formally* Good evening, Lady. '.
Aphelion ftells, '*hesitates* Would you have time to speak on a matter?'.

You ftell, 'Of course'.

Aphelion ftells, 'You have heard of the Masquerade?'.

You ftell, 'I just did, yes.'.

Aphelion ftells, 'Venom invites me to attend as his personal guest. Knowing his machinations, I can only surmise he intends ill in some form or fashion... whether as an opportunity to trick me into drinking of his blood, as he has sworn he will do.. or to rouse Your anger by ill behavior'.

You ftell, '*growls in irritation and jealousy* Or both.'.

Aphelion ftells, '*nods* Or both. I would not be a tool used against you, Lady. The simplest course is refusal of his invitation, and avoiding it altogether.'.

You ftell, 'He will try something else, regardless, if that fails.'.

Aphelion ftells, 'What are your wishes in this regard? If you wish to feel him out and see what he is up to, I will accept. If you prefer to avoid it, I will decline. I am yours to command.'.

You ftell, '*hesitates, considering carefully* It matters not. Do whichever you are more comfortable with. As I said, he will try something else, regardless. I can ignore it if he is trying to rouse my anger again.'.

Aphelion ftells, 'then perhaps it is a wiser course for his 'prey' to be aware and wary, then some unknowing innocent.'.

You ftell, 'Agreed.'.

Aphelion ftells, '*nods* Very well, then. I shall endeavor to ... *glances down at her armor* .. find a suitable dress for the Ball.'.

You ftell, 'Let us see what game he is up to now.'.

Aphelion ftells, '*nods silently*'.

Playing Fairy Godmother (?!?) - Log by Cordir

You auction, 'for sale: one restring, may only be used on a mask for the ball (see notes) Min bid 5k'.

Venom auctions (in common), '5k'.

Belsambar auctions (in common), '5k'.
Belsambar auctions (in common), '15k'.

Venom auctions (in common), '25k'.

Portobello gossips (in common), 'what note?!'.
Portobello auctions (in common), '30k'.

Vendetta auctions (in common), '32k!'.

Portobello auctions (in common), '35k'.

You auction, 'you are bidding on a -restring- mind you.'.

Vendetta auctions (in common), 'wait what are we bidding on'.
Vendetta auctions (in common), 'oh'.

Belsambar auctions (in common), 'I only have 15k :P'.
Belsambar auctions (in common), 'or I'd bid higher'.

Vendetta auctions (in common), '36k'.

Portobello auctions (in common), 'I still don't see the note :P'.
Portobello auctions (in common), '40k'.
Portobello auctions (in common), 'but whatever it is, I want to be stylin.

Vendetta auctions (in common), '41k'.
Vendetta auctions (in common), 'me too!'.

You auction, 'hold bidding'.
You auction, 'I thought folks could see the note'.
You gossip, 'tell me when it's visible'.

Portobello gossips (in common), 'thought imm notes posted instantly?'.

Venom gossips (in common), 'It is not an imm note'.

Portobello gossips (in common), 'well, that complicates things'.

Vendetta gossips (in common), 'I’m confused'.
Venom gossips (in common), 'The note should be visible any minute'.

Portobello gossips (in common), 'it's up'.

Vendetta gossips (in common), 'oh pretty!'.

You auction, 'for sale: one restring credit useable only on a mask for the ball. (yes I will provide writing assistance if requested)'.

Vendetta auctions (in common), 'I need a dress too, can I buy another vowel'.

Portobello auctions (in common), '41k'.
Portobello auctions (in common), 'err, 42k'.

Vendetta auctions (in common), 'no!'.
Vendetta auctions (in common), '45k'.

Portobello auctions (in common), '75k'.

Vendetta auctions (in common), 'oh Mr. money bags'.

Portobello auctions (in common), 'you could gold that in like 15mins :P'.

Vendetta auctions (in common), 'I cannot'.
Vendetta auctions (in common), '75.5k'.

Vendetta auctions (in common), 'do you think if I bid 90k I could get a mask AND a dress restring? :)'.

Portobello auctions (in common), '80k'.

You auction, 'I think asking me to change what I am auctioning to suit you is a bad idea'.

You auction, '80k once'.

Vendetta auctions (in common), ':('.

You auction, '80k twice'.

You auction, '80k sold to Portobello'.

The Lower Hall
[Exits: north up]
(Token magic) A ball made of bright blue light is here.
(Dark Purple Aura) Venom is here.
(Light Red Aura) Portobello is here.
Mish Leigh Salvandor will use her contacts to help you... for a price.

Venom thanks Portobello heartily.

Portobello beams a smile at Venom.
Portobello nods.

Venom says (in common), 'I'm sure we can make this fun '.
Venom smiles happily.

Venom says (in common), 'TC brawls are only 1u should there be any disagreements'.

You say, 'so.. do you wish creative assistance beyond what is already available to you?'.

Portobello snickers softly.
Portobello says (in common), 'yes, please'.

You say, 'very well'.

A Midnight Garden
[Exits: south]
(White Aura) A distressingly large, shiny black spider weaves webs here.

Portobello arrives from a puff of smoke.

Portobello bows deeply.

You say, 'do you have a costume idea?'.

Portobello says (in common), 'not a clue'.
Portobello says (in common), 'I just found out about it :P'.

Portobello gives you 80000 gold.

Cordir already knows what she's wearing...

Portobello says (in common), 'and I've never been to a masquerade'.

Portobello laughs at you mercilessly. Hmmmmph.

Portobello says (in common), 'well, something evil, clearly'.

You say, 'think phantom of the opera'.
You say, 'or king Louis xiv'.

Portobello says (in common), 'what's that?'.

You say, 'ornate costumes'.
You say, 'with a stylized mask'.

### Venom has quit.

Portobello says (in common), 'I'd like to appoint you my personal wardrobe designer'.

You say, 'you have to at least give me a theme'.

Portobello snickers softly.
Portobello says (in common), 'I'd like to be evil'.

You say, 'what, to you, is the embodiment of evil?'.

Portobello says (in common), 'well, me, of course'.

You say, '....'.

Portobello says (in common), 'Shall I masquerade as myself?'.

Cordir says resignedly "if you wish"

Portobello says (in common), 'You say (in common), 'great, now *I'M* the "bad guy".'.'.
Portobello says (in common), 'Belsambar says (in common), 'you're always the bad guy'.'.

Portobello says (in common), 'oh.. oh...'.
Portobello says (in common), 'maybe I'll be <DELETED>'.

Portobello says (in common), 'a <DELETED>'.
Portobello says (in common), 'yes, a <DELETED> indeed'.

You say, 'now that'.
You say, 'has possibilities'.

Portobello nods.
Portobello shows his approval by clapping his hands together.

You nod.
You say, 'let me do some pondering'.
You say, 'and I will email you some ideas'.

You nod.

You say, 'I am getting ideas'.
You say, 'you will have an email tonight'.

Portobello nods.
Portobello tells you (in common), 'Thank you :)'.

Portobello disappears in a puff of smoke.