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Allies - Log by Samiyah

You tell Venom (in common), '*with laughter in her voice* Well, hello, Most Esteemed Al'Shaitan Ally! Is there anything I can do to assist one of the Lost?'.

Venom tells you (in halfling), 'Yes, as a matter of fact there is.'.

You tell Venom (in common), 'what might that be?'.

Venom tells you (in common), 'You can go back to school and review the definition of "Al'shaitan"'.

You tell Venom (in common), '"One who must be opposed to the last breath and drop of blood." I know it well. But for the Sayyida's sake, and the sake of my oath to the Lost..'.
He can't hear you.

Soloman gossips (in common), 'can someone cant and tell venom hes deaf '.

You gossip (in common), 'he's probably asleep.'.

You tell someone (in common), '"One who must be opposed to the last breath and drop of blood." I know it well. But for the Sayyida's sake, and the sake of my oath to the Lost..'.
You tell someone (in common), 'I would at least make the effort of civility.'.

You tell Glimmerbeard (in common), 'Hullo. Is there anything I can do to assist as an Ally of the Lost?'.

Glimmerbeard tells you (in dwarven), 'im foing well thanks'.

You tell Glimmerbeard (in common), 'Okay :)'.

Venom is gathering info on you.

You tell Venom (in common), 'I am in Living Lands, helping Malkil.'.
You tell Venom (in common), 'What else do you want to know?'.

Venom tells you (in common), 'Nothing that I have not already discovered.'.

You tell Theros (in common), 'What ho, Theros! *smiles*'.

Theros tells you (in common), 'What ho. :)'.
Theros tells you (in common), 'someone :)'.

Sparhawk tells you (in common), 'Do you see Venom still?'.

You tell Sparhawk (in common), 'I don't, but he's hidey.'.

Sparhawk tells you (in common), 'Thus the reason as to why I'm sitting in my temple'.

Xander's Introduction - Log by Samiyah

You tell Xander (in common), '*smile* Hello, Xander!'.

Xander tells you (in elven), 'Hello! Good to see you.'.

Xander tells you (in elven), 'I don't suppose you have heard word of the performance I had last night? I wished you to be there, but'.
Xander tells you (in elven), 'I had an opportunity to perform in front of the Lady DarkClaw, and I decided to go for it.'.

You tell Xander (in common), 'I have not... what happened? Did you do well?'.

Xander tells you (in elven), 'Well, I passed! heheh, so good enough I suppose'.

You tell Xander (in common), 'was She kind?'.
Xander tells you (in elven), 'She seemed nice, yes.'.

You tell Xander (in common), 'do you still wish me to introduce you?'.

Xander tells you (in elven), 'I do, please.'.

You tell Xander (in common), 'I shall.'.

(Some time later...)

DarkClaw gossips, 'Hello'.

You gossip (in common), 'Greetings, Sayyida!'.
You gossip (in common), 'There is someone I would like to introduce you to, if you do not mind company...'.

DarkClaw gossips, 'I don't mind at all, Sami.'.

You tell Xander (in common), 'do you have a moment?'.

The Kitchen
[Exits: west]
A small white fountain gushes forth here.
Xander is here.

You smile at him.

Belgarion gossips (in common), 'is there a bard out there that would like some scrolls'.

You tell Belgarion (in common), 'Greetings, Belgarion. Is there anything I may do to assist an Ally today?'.

Xander gossips (in elven), 'Why yes, yes there is.'.

Xander tells you (in elven), 'I do have a moment'.

You smile happily.

Xander bows before you.

You say (in common), 'follow me'.

Xander now follows you.

Belgarion tells you (in common), 'shoot i cant right now lol'.
Temple of the Lost
[Exits: south west]
A large eye hovers in mid-air here, emitting a soft, purple glow.
(Intense Dark Purple Aura) DarkClaw is here.
Xander arrives from the west.

You bow deeply.

Belgarion tells you (in common), 'i am looking to pop a weapon'.

Xander smiles nervously.
Xander bows deeply.

You say (in common), 'Xander, I have the honor and pleasure of introducing you to the Queen of the Kindred...'.

Belgarion tells you (in common), 'umm i think its the spider mace'.

You say (in common), 'the Sayyida DarkClaw.'.

DarkClaw smiles at you.

You tell Belgarion (in common), 'I can help fight the mob if you know where it is.'.

Xander says (in elven), 'Queen DarkClaw....good to meet you (formally!)'.

Belgarion arrives from the west.

Belgarion smiles happily.

Belgarion tells you (in common), 'gotta find out which one it is foor sure'.

Belgarion looks at Xander.

DarkClaw turns to the young bard and smiles, warmly, razor-sharp fangs full revealed as she moves closer. "Good evening, Xander."
DarkClaw says, 'Welcome to our home.'.

Xander cringes back sligtly.

You say (in common), 'Xander is looking for a home, and asked me of the Gods.'.

Belgarion says (in common), 'how are you xander'.

Xander nods in recognition to you.

Xander says (in elven), 'I am well. Thank you.'.

You say (in common), 'I said that the Lost is filled with experienced individuals, who might be willing to teach him.'.

Belgarion chuckles, evidently amused.
Belgarion says (in common), 'jeez i know nothing'.

Belgarion throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!
Belgarion says (in common), 'have to go to Nich for that'.

Belgarion chuckles, evidently amused.

DarkClaw reaches out, resting a hand calmly on his arm. "No need to be frightened. I won't harm youu."

Samiyah tilts her head to one side and says with all seriousness, 'There is no one in this world who knows more of Magecraft and sorcery than the Eldest, Nicholai.'.

Belgarion nods.

DarkClaw says, 'Agreed.'.

Xander apologizes, as he is in and out.
Xander blushes.

Belgarion says (in common), 'there are those that will tell you they do'.

Samiyah grins a little teasingly, glancing at the Goddes. 'I heard he is his very own magic category..'

Xander says (in elven), 'I am surely looking forward to meeting Nicholai. Many have spoken highly of him'.

Belgarion mumbles my uncle.

Xander says (in elven), 'But I have been looking forward to being introduced to you as well, Queen DarkClaw.'.
Xander says (in elven), 'Do you prefer Queen? Or Lady, Or Mistress, or ? '.

DarkClaw chuckles at Samiyah's comment and nods. "He is definitely that. I am sure he has some tricks up his sleeves that even we Gods do not know of."

You say (in common), 'The Archmage, Belsambar, is also very learned, but far more .. erm... dangerous to be around. Things tend to explode.'.

DarkClaw turns back to Xander at his question. "Actually...I prefer DC...or my given name of Star."

Belgarion says (in common), 'if i were you i would stay well away from him until your,,, umm ready?'.

Xander chuckles, evidently amused.

Belgarion blinks at DarkClaw, seemingly stunned.

Xander says (in elven), 'Which, Belgarion, Nicholai or Belsambar?'.

Belgarion says (in common), 'Belsambar'.

DarkClaw says, 'Stay away from Belsambar entirely if you wish to keep your sanity.'.
DarkClaw laughs.

Belgarion says (in common), 'things never seem to ,,well go as you planned'.
Belgarion says (in common), 'he is very good at confusing conversations though'.
Belgarion chuckles, evidently amused.

Xander snickers softly.
Xander says (in elven), 'Good to know, Queen DarkClaw.'.

DarkClaw says, 'More like a master.'.

Belgarion laughs.
Belgarion nods in recognition to DarkClaw.

DarkClaw frowns slightly at Xander's formality, raising a brow.

Belgarion whispers to himself "Star again?"
Belgarion sits down and thinks deeply.

Belgarion seems lost in thought.

DarkClaw says, 'Xander...do you know which path you seek?'.

Xander says (in elven), 'Hmmm'.
Xander doesn't wish to be too formal.

Belgarion chuckles, evidently amused.
Belgarion says (in common), 'nope not here you dont'.

Belgarion grins evilly.

Xander says (in elven), 'I am in search of a path, Queen DarkClaw. (or do you prefer just DarkClaw, or...?)'.

Belgarion says (in common), 'DC '.

Xander says (in elven), 'DC?'.

DarkClaw grumbles slightly. "DC or Star is fine."

Belgarion nods.

Xander smiles happily.
Xander says (in elven), 'Oh, Star, that is lovely'.
Xander says (in elven), 'If you do not mind, I would like to call you Star.'.

Xander smiles happily.

Belgarion says (in common), 'you have to make sure you pay attention to her lest you invoke her wrath'.
Belgarion throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!
Belgarion grins evilly at DarkClaw.

DarkClaw beams a smile at Xander.

Xander says (in elven), 'As far as a path, Star, as you may have gathered from my poem last night'.

DarkClaw says, 'Star is my given name.'.

Xander says (in elven), 'I am searching.....Samiyah however is one I greatly trust, and she recommended I meet you....'.

DarkClaw says, 'You are Lost.'.

Belgarion says (in common), 'that was her wrath you done did it she smiled run for your life'.
Belgarion throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!
Belgarion hugs DarkClaw.

Xander nods in recognition to DarkClaw.

DarkClaw grins evilly at Belgarion.

Xander looks at Belgarion and cringes back slightly.
DarkClaw hugs Belgarion.

Belgarion grins evilly at Xander.
Belgarion says (in common), 'kk i have to go'.

Samiyah shifts her weight slightly, reaching out a hand to lay it ever so briefly on Xander's arm, comfortingly.

DarkClaw says, 'Take care Belg.'.

Belgarion says (in common), 'shes a great person though xander really'.

You bow before him.

Xander bows before Belgarion.

Belgarion bows before you.

Xander waves happily.

Belgarion bows before Xander.

DarkClaw beams a smile at Belgarion.

Belgarion waves happily.

Xander says (in elven), 'Nice to meet you, and thank you for the advice.'.

Belgarion grins evilly.
Belgarion utters the words, 'xafe ay candusqarr'.
Belgarion invokes recall magic.
Belgarion disappears suddenly.

Xander says (in elven), 'Yes, Star....I think that perhaps I am Lost.'.

DarkClaw says, 'Then perhaps this path is calling to you, though that is not my decision to make, but yours.'.

Xander smiles happily.

DarkClaw says, 'It does seem rather...coincidental that the Fates brought you to Samiyah, who happens to be an ally to us.'.

Xander grins wickedly.
Xander nods.

You say (in common), 'I have been keeping an eye on him for a bit.'.
You say (in common), 'I am always listening for song.'.

Xander says (in elven), 'And what would the next step be if I were to make that decision?'.

Xander smiles at you.
Xander says (in elven), 'Sami has more faith in my Bardly abilities that I deserve, I think'.
Xander chuckles, evidently amused.

DarkClaw says, 'Oh? I was witness to your bardly abilities last eve and was quite impressed.'.
DarkClaw lowers herself to a sitting position atop her coffin, crossing her legs and watching the both of you.

DarkClaw says, 'As far as the next step...I would have you read our rules posted here in the temple, then give your vow of worship.'.
DarkClaw says, 'But I hope you are not wearing anything anti-evil.'.

Xander blushes.
Xander says (in elven), 'I currently have an AE weapon that Samiyah had enchanted for me....so I would have to acquire a new weapon.'.

DarkClaw says, 'Every situation can be dealt with tactfully.'.
DarkClaw nods in recognition to Xander.

Xander smiles happily.
Xander nods.

Xander has read your rules.
Xander says (in elven), 'and I believe they are fair and true.'.

DarkClaw beams a smile at Xander.
DarkClaw says, 'Thank you. I don't believe in pulling the reins too tightly.'.

Xander says (in elven), 'If you are accepting....I believe I would like to travel my path with the Lost....'.

Xander is zapped by the Symbol of the High Mage of Kuroth.

DarkClaw grins evilly at Xander.

DarkClaw says, 'Thank you.'.

DarkClaw looks to Sami, smiling warmly. "And thank you, Sami."

Samiyah bows formally, touching fingertips to forehead, lips and heart. "Of course, Sayyida."

You see nothing special about him.
Xander has a special twinkle in his eye.
Xander is in perfect health.

Xander is using:
<used as light> the light of hope
<worn around neck> (Artifact magic) a Major Amulet of True Seeing
<worn on body> (Powerful magic) a quilted cloth formal dress
<worn on head> (Potent magic) a quilted cloth hat
<worn on feet> (Moderate magic) stout brown leather boots
<worn on arms> (Moderate magic) a set of carved ivory armbands
<worn about waist> (Moderate magic) a quilted cloth girdle
<worn with pride> 4 ribbons

You say (in common), 'aack'.

Samiyah averts her eyes.

You say (in common), 'PANTS'.

DarkClaw looks at Xander.
DarkClaw chuckles, evidently amused.

You cough.

Xander bows deeply.

DarkClaw says, 'You just now noticed?'.

Xander says (in elven), 'Thank you, Samiyah, for introducing me.'.

You say (in common), 'I will .. uh.. step out, while you are getting.. settled..?'.
You say (in common), 'No, I hadn't...'.

Your cheeks are burning.
You cough.

Venom tells you (in common), 'I have to go, but I will definitely kill you in the morning...'.

You tell Venom (in common), 'You can try...'
They aren't here.

Impure - Log Snippet by Samiyah

Sparhawk gossips (in common), 'Hrm'.
Sparhawk gossips (in common), 'This is weird'.
Sparhawk gossips (in common), 'Sami, your invis right now correct?'.

You gossip (in common), 'yes.'.
Sparhawk gossips (in common), 'I just pumped my TS by 580 '.
Sparhawk gossips (in common), 'Nothin'.
Sparhawk gossips (in common), 'I still dont see you.'.

You gossip (in common), 'I guess your heart isn't pure. Or something. '.

Sparhawk gossips (in common), 'snicker'.

I Want Your Life - PVP Log by Samiyah

The Chamber of the Iron Fangs
[Exits: north south (west)]
The chamber is small and passageways lead out of it, but what catches your
attention immediately is the huge pair of iron fangs that hang suspended
from the ceiling. There is a brilliant glow about the iron fangs and its
aura shifts even as you watch. There is a picture of a cat-like creature
carved into the stone beneath the fangs. You feel a deep sense of peace.

Venom arrives from the south.
Venom makes a complicated-looking gesture.
Venom draws a funny looking rune on you.
Venom makes a complicated-looking gesture.
Venom draws a funny looking rune in the air.

You ponder the question.
You say (in common), 'What do you want?'.

Venom says (in common), 'Your life.'.

(Spelling up snipped)

The Musty Passage
[Exits: east west]
The passage travels east and west. The walls are tight here, and the
claustrophobia is nearly unbearable...

Venom arrives from the east.

Venom utters the words, 'noselacri'.
You manage to channel some of the power out of Venom's spell!

> c 'dispel magic' venom
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.

You evade Venom's attack.
You evade Venom's attack.
Venom's pierce injures you.
Your hammer fist MUTILATES Venom.
Your reverse elbow strike MUTILATES Venom.

<759hp(769) 445ma(586) 659mv(661)(29) 3858gp ft: Venom > c 'dispel magic' venom

Venom gets a small black spider from bag made from elven child hide.

<759hp(769) 445ma(586) 659mv(661)(29) 3858gp ft: Venom >
Venom eats a small black spider.
Venom's skin turns to stone.
Venom is surrounded by a white aura.
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.

<759hp(769) 430ma(586) 659mv(661)(29) 3858gp ft: Venom >
You dodge Venom's attack.
You deftly move out of the way of Venom's attack.
Your knee strike devastates Venom.
Your uppercut devastates Venom.

<759hp(769) 430ma(586) 659mv(661)(29) 3858gp ft: Venom >
Venom utters the words, 'noselacri'.

<759hp(769) 430ma(586) 659mv(661)(29) 3858gp ft: Venom > c v
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
Your vampiric touch wounds Venom.
You gain 16 hit points!

<775hp(769) 405ma(586) 659mv(661)(29) 3858gp ft: Venom > TICK IN 2 SECONDS.

You deftly move out of the way of Venom's attack.
You deftly move out of the way of Venom's attack.
You dodge Venom's attack.
Venom deftly moves out of the way of your attack.
Your outer crescent kick devastates Venom.
Your uppercut devastates Venom.

<775hp(769) 405ma(586) 659mv(661)(29) 3858gp ft: Venom > c sil

Venom utters the words, 'gurunsoqz'.
Silence envelops you!

<775hp(769) 405ma(586) 659mv(661)(29) 3858gp ft: Venom >
5 players.
Elf [ Bard: 6 6 5 ] Xander the Elf
Hum [ Wa:30 Th:30 Ma:30 ] Lexie, Venerable NashiTe Succubus of Dark Alchemy
Hum [ Ma:18 Th:18 ] Malkil the RatLord is Lost *WereRAT*
Hel [ Th:24 Wa:24 Ma:30 ] Venom, Progeny of the Ancients.
Hum [ Bard: 30 30 30 ] Samiyah is seeking a Greater God :)

<775hp(769) 405ma(586) 659mv(661)(29) 3858gp ft: Venom >
People near you: [Auto Spell ON]
You twist around to lessen the impact of Venom's attack.
You dodge Venom's attack.
You dodge Venom's attack.
Your round kick devastates Venom.
Your palm heel strike devastates Venom.

<775hp(769) 405ma(586) 659mv(661)(29) 3858gp ft: Venom >
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
Your spell had no effect.

<775hp(769) 355ma(586) 659mv(661)(29) 3858gp ft: Venom > c v

Venom utters the words, 'noselacri'.
Venom's spell does not go off.

You evade Venom's attack.
Venom's pierce injures you.
Venom deftly moves out of the way of your attack.
Your backhand devastates Venom.
Your jump inner crescent kick devastates Venom.

<757hp(769) 376ma(586) 661mv(661)(29) 3858gp ft: Venom >
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
Your vampiric touch wounds Venom.
You gain 15 hit points!

<772hp(769) 351ma(586) 661mv(661)(29) 3858gp ft: Venom > c v

Venom utters the words, 'noselacri'.

<772hp(769) 351ma(586) 661mv(661)(29) 3858gp ft: Venom >
You twist around to lessen the impact of Venom's attack.
You dodge Venom's attack.
You dodge Venom's attack.
Your jump round kick devastates Venom.
Your jump front kick devastates Venom.
Your palm heel strike devastates Venom.

<772hp(769) 351ma(586) 661mv(661)(29) 3858gp ft: Venom >
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
Your vampiric touch wounds Venom.
You gain 14 hit points!

Venom utters the words, 'noselacri'.
You dodge Venom's attack.
Venom's pierce injures you.
Your head butt devastates Venom.
Your front kick maims Venom.
Your round kick decimates Venom.
Your inner crescent kick devastates Venom.

<774hp(769) 326ma(586) 661mv(661)(29) 3858gp ft: Venom > c 'dispel evil'
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
Your dispel evil MUTILATES Venom.

<774hp(769) 311ma(586) 661mv(661)(29) 3858gp ft: Venom > c 'dispel evil'

You evade Venom's attack.
You deftly move out of the way of Venom's attack.
Your front kick decimates Venom.
Your knee strike decimates Venom.
Venom leaves east.
Venom has fled!

<774hp(769) 311ma(586) 661mv(661)(29) 3858gp ft: none >
Cast the spell on whom?

<774hp(769) 311ma(586) 661mv(661)(29) 3858gp ft: none >
5 players.
Elf [ Bard: 6 6 5 ] Xander the Elf
Hum [ Wa:30 Th:30 Ma:30 ] Lexie, Venerable NashiTe Succubus of Dark Alchemy
Hum [ Ma:18 Th:18 ] Malkil the RatLord is Lost *WereRAT*
Hel [ Th:24 Wa:24 Ma:30 ] Venom, Progeny of the Ancients.
Hum [ Bard: 30 30 30 ] Samiyah is seeking a Greater God :)

<774hp(769) 311ma(586) 661mv(661)(29) 3858gp ft: none >
People near you: [Auto Spell ON]

You tell Venom (in common), '.. I will keep it, thank you very much. '.