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Sleep is Calling - Log by Sparhawk

The Heart of the Tree
[Exits: down]
Thick branches heavy with foliage encircle a hollow area in the heart of
the tree. The foliage is too thick to see the outside world, but is lit
by the soft glow that emanates from the branches. A warm white light
bathes the small area here. Leafy branches jutting into the enclosed
space provide areas resembling soft beds of leaves which look inviting to
the weary wanderer. You notice a carving in the tree.
The sky is cloudy and a warm southerly breeze blows.

Sparhawk sighs sadly and looks up at the sky.
Sparhawk closes his eyes as he remembers memories from his mortal life.
Sparhawk's eyes flicker back and forth as the flood of his kindred memories pass through him.
Sparhawk remembers the feeling of love, battles won, battles lost, becoming Ordained
Sparhawk opens his eyes and remembers his more recent memories
Sparhawk sighs sadly as he remembers what he's lost.

DarkClaw tells you, 'You seem very content right now.'.

You tell DarkClaw (in common), 'Content? Nay, my maker'.

DarkClaw tells you, 'I felt your happiness through the bond.'.

You tell DarkClaw (in common), 'I was just...remembering things. But, I am far from happy. Sleep is calling for me'.

Sparhawk wipes away a single tear running down his face.

DarkClaw tells you, 'Sleep as in...normal rest or...the undetermined length?'.

You tell DarkClaw (in common), 'Sleep as in the undetermined length. The kind that beckoned Khore and other Kindred of old'.

DarkClaw tells you, 'You are far too young to be sleeping for long.'.

You tell DarkClaw (in common), '*removes some of his already thin barriers allowing deep sadness, anger and hatred to pass through*'.
You tell DarkClaw (in common), 'I dont think you want me to fill the valleys and seas with blood. I have lost...so much, so quickly'.

DarkClaw tells you, 'No...I would rather you find your strength and willpower to fight it again. You have far too much of an existance...dare I say PURPOSE ahead of you.'.

You tell DarkClaw (in common), '*whispers* I feel nothing ahead. Only sadness and death'.

DarkClaw tells you, 'You feel too much. You need to force yourself to LIVE as well as feel.'.

You tell DarkClaw (in common), 'Why would I want to live after such losses?'.

DarkClaw tells you, 'Simple...because, to choose not to would be to give up.'.

You tell DarkClaw (in common), '*whispers quietly* I would rather give up than see another day *closes one of his thin emotional barriers cutting off all sadness being shown*'.

DarkClaw tells you, '*growls* Then you are a fool! Where is the Sparhawk I took under my wing...he who was so alive?! He is still within you. I am ordering you...Chyld...to find him again.'.

You tell DarkClaw (in common), '*snarls*'.
You tell DarkClaw (in common), '*with as much venom as he can muster* I will do it when it pleases me.'.
You tell DarkClaw (in common), '*a littler calmer* The Sparhawk you once new died when he realized he was alone '.

DarkClaw tells you, '*softer, yet still with stubborn determination* You are not alone...you only FEEL alone. You still have me.'.

You tell DarkClaw (in common), 'I lost you the moment I left Lost. I lost all the people I considered brother and sisters in arms'.

DarkClaw tells you, '*chuckles and shakes her head slowly* Chylde...you will never lose me as long as our bond remains... and it shall.'.

You tell DarkClaw (in common), '*tries to control some of his pent up anger then sighs*'.
You tell DarkClaw (in common), '*closes off another weak part of the bond:Anger*'.
You tell DarkClaw (in common), 'I am unneeded in the realm. I dont feel the same love I once received'.

DarkClaw tells you, 'Because you're not letting yourself...and do not bother trying to seal yourself off entirely from me. It's not possible.'.

You tell DarkClaw (in common), 'No, I haven't in a while - Put yourself in my shoes, my Maker'.

DarkClaw tells you, 'I don't need to. I know how you suffer. We ALL suffer. But you still have purpose. And you still have my love. Look beyond your anger and sadness. Find your pride and your reason for living.'.

(a small wait)

You tell DarkClaw (in common), '*growls and whispers, "Let me suffer in peace"'.

DarkClaw tells you, '*raises a brow in challenge* Would you let me suffer from Venom in peace?'.

You tell DarkClaw (in common), '*growls* Would you rather me not care at all? The amount I care for the people around me is endless.'.

DarkClaw tells you, '*chuckles and wraps her arms around you, pulling you into her embrace* You don't have the capacity not to care, Spar. You were never meant to be that empty.'.

You tell DarkClaw (in common), '*frowns and wraps his arms around you tightly*'.

DarkClaw tells you, 'Tell me I am wrong.'.

You tell DarkClaw (in common), 'You're not wrong. But occasionally, its proper for me to just. Stop caring. No matter who it is over'.

DarkClaw tells you, '*stiffens somewhat, feeling like your words were also meant for her as well* Yes...perhaps.'.

You tell DarkClaw (in common), 'I can never not care for you my Maker, my Love, my Queen. No matter how much I feel I shouldn't'.

DarkClaw tells you, '*pulls back, kissing your forehead, then letting her hands rest atop your arms while searching your gaze* I only want to see you happy again.'.

You tell DarkClaw (in common), '*stops himself from kissing the Immortal and states* I'll be happy again. It'll take time and patience. And understanding. *runs a hand down your arms towards your waist and squeezes*'.

DarkClaw tells you, '*nods slowly but offers a warm smile* Just know that I am here, always, for you.'.

### [Somewhere, Sparhawk wraps his arms around the elder Kindred and squeezes him roughly ]

DarkClaw ftells, 'blink Did...Spar just HUG you, Nich??!'.

Nicholai ftells, 'um, maybe? I was looking at my mob list'.

Worried About Eluch - Log by Sami

You tell Ghazkull (in common), '*smiles* Hello, Wind!'.

Ghazkull tells you (in elven), '*smiles warmly* hello!'.

Ghazkull arrives from the west.
Ghazkull makes a complicated-looking gesture.
Ghazkull draws a funny looking rune on you.

You quaff a jar of spiked lemonade.
You are wrenched from the room!

Inside a Spacious Pavilion
[Exits: east]
An orb of yellow light hovers here, giving off a soft glow.
An incredibly stuffy-looking mage is here, reading a tome.
An elderly artificer is here, industriously carving a staff.
An alchemist is working here, mixing together all kinds of things.
You are forcibly thrown to the ground!

You stand up.

You tell Ghazkull (in common), 'ack'.

(She starts making her way back to the Guild.)

### [Somewhere, Eluch smiles weakly and dissapears into the hallway, more stumbling then walking.]

Eluch arrives from the north.
Eluch leaves up.

You tell Eluch (in common), '*smile* Hello, Eluch! Are you in need of any aid?'.

Eluch tells you (in common), 'I...I don't fell well..but, I'm sure it's something I ate...'.

You tell Eluch (in common), 'Do you need a poison cure?'.

The Office of the TFC Housing Authority
[Exits: west]
(Dark Cyan Aura) Ghazkull is here.
(White Aura) Wendell waits patiently while you decide where to live.

You smile happily.
You say (in common), 'Sorry about that, Wind..'.

Eluch tells you (in common), '*he pulls his hands around his face, trying in vain to hide a pain he doesn't comprehend*'.

Ghazkull turns towards the scent and sound, eyes unable to see their source.

Eluch tells you (in common), '*quietly* I..will..be ok..thank you..'.

> vis

Ghazkull smiles at you.

You tell Eluch (in common), '*frowns* *hesitantly* You don't sound okay...'.

Eluch tells you (in common), 'perhaps I just long to speak with my Goddess...I feel troubled..I...'.
Eluch tells you (in common), '*quietly* I..don't want to hurt her...'.

You tell Eluch (in common), '*coaxingly* Come to Wendell.'.

Sparhawk looks at Ghazkull.
Sparhawk hugs Ghazkull.
Sparhawk squeezes Ghazkull fondly.

You tell Eluch (in common), '*gently* C'mon. Come over.'.

Sparhawk says (in common), 'Wanna know the lesson I learned Ghaz?'.

Eluch arrives from the west.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'Don't trust Golson?'.

Sparhawk says (in common), 'Thats a given'.

Sparhawk bows before Eluch.

Eluch stumbles in, trying to balance himself against the walls.

Sparhawk raises an eyebrow at Eluch.

Ghazkull ponders what Eluch is talking about.

Samiyah walks quickly to Eluch with a smile, laying a cautious hand on his arm. She says over her shoulder, 'Sparhawk, we need your Maker.'

Ghazkull glances at Eluch, slight concern for one of his Sisters flock on his brow.

Sparhawk says (in common), 'Whats wrong with him'.

Samiyah casts a strong curative spell.

> c 'give health' eluch
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
You feel weaker.
gt strength down

Samiyah staggers a moment, as the spell drains her energy and gives it to Eluch.

Sparhawk eyes dart between the Bard and Ghazkull.

Eluch evades the prying eyes in shame, his eyees dialating at the curative magic.

Ghazkull looks at Eluch.

Samiyah says softly, no judgement in her voice, 'Eluch, you just need a little help, is all. Here. Rest.'
Samiyah will try to ease him to the floor, if he will allow it, her hand guiding him with a light, downward pressure on his arm.

Eluch fidgets restlessly against her aid, his aura darkening.

Sparhawk utters the words, 'uwwjiuhl'.

Eluch screams loudly!

Sparhawk utters the words, 'uwwjiuhl'.

Eluch darts up quickly, racing away.

Eluch leaves west.

Samiyah murmurs, 'Easy...' 

Ghazkull blinks.

(Sami runs to...)

Temple of the Lost
[Exits: south west]
A large eye hovers in mid-air here, emitting a soft, purple glow.

An Elemental Lair
[Exits: north]

The Office of the TFC Housing Authority
[Exits: west]
(Dark Cyan Aura) Sparhawk is here.
(Light Red Aura) Ink is resting here.
(Dark Cyan Aura) Ghazkull is here.
(White Aura) Wendell waits patiently while you decide where to live.

You sigh.
You say (in common), 'he was too fast.'.

Ghazkull makes a complicated-looking gesture.
Ghazkull draws a funny looking rune on you.

You say (in common), 'I don't know where he went.'.
You say (in common), 'but I fear for his health.'.

Sparhawk cracks his knuckles.

You tell Eluch (in common), '*gently* Eluch..?'.

Sparhawk says (in common), 'Would you like me to track him down?'.

Ghazkull glances at Sparhawk, 'Did you notice anything odd about that one?'

Sparhawk chuckles, evidently amused.
Sparhawk says (in common), 'Odd? Thats putting it lightly'.

Eluch tells you (in common), '*his response seems inaudible to untrained ears, slow hisses intertwined with that of the old tongue*'.

Sparhawk says (in common), 'Did you notice any fang marks?'.
Sparhawk raises an eyebrow at you.

You shake your head.

Sparhawk sits down and thinks deeply.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'aside from the obvious Terror, that was dripping off of Him'.

You tell Eluch (in common), '*quickly casts Tongues*'.
> c tongues
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.

Sparhawk agrees with Ghazkull 100%.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'It was not Kindred'.

You say (in common), 'I think we need to find him'.

Sparhawk sits down and thinks deeply.
Ghazkull sits down and thinks deeply.

Guild Hall
[Exits: north east south west]
(Invis) (Dark Cyan Aura) Ghazkull is here.

You say (in common), 'follow me?'.

Ghazkull now follows you.
Ghazkull joins your group.
Ghazkull leaves north.

You tell the group (in common), 'I'm going to check Sanguinna'.

Eluch tells you (in common), '*quietly, his words dripping in the archaic venom of thoras) I am become death, fool..'.

Ghazkull tells the group (in common), 'checking half-elf camp'.

Outside a Dark Forest
[Exits: east west]
To the east lies a dark forest, foreboding and threatening. Legend named
the place "The Forest of Fear" and with good reason it seems. So perhaps
it would be better not to venture into there and instead go back where
it is safe, even if it means going through the smelly mud of riverbank to
the west.
The sky is cloudy and a warm southerly breeze blows.

You tell the group (in common), 'he isn't in Sanguinna'.

Sparhawk tells you (in common), 'He was not at Jacek, Deepwood, Og or the swamp west of Og'.

You tell Sparhawk (in common), 'not in DH, Half Elf, Sanguinna.'.

You tell Sparhawk (in common), 'he's sleeping, somewhere, I think'.

Eluch tells you (in common), '*the force has subsided..*for now*..he will not remember anything that took place recently*'.

You tell Eluch (in common), '*frowns, biting her lip* WOuld you not introduce yourself, that I would know my better?'.

Sparhawk tells you (in common), 'You check Plant I'll check Masters/Candle and Abott'.

Eluch tells you (in common), 'Umm..I'm Eluch :) I think we've met! *smiles youthfully*'.

You tell Eluch (in common), 'OH. Well. Hello, Eluch. Yes. we met recently. How does your head feel?'.

You tell the group (in common), 'he is awake and has no recollection of what happened'.
You tell Sparhawk (in common), 'he is awake and has no recollection of what happened'.

Eluch tells you (in common), 'Umm..errm..it's fine :) Why do you ask?'.

You tell Eluch (in common), 'because I saw you holding it earlier'.

The Lower Hall
[Exits: east south west]
(Invis) (Dark Cyan Aura) Ghazkull is here.
(Dark Cyan Aura) Sparhawk is here.
(Dark Purple Aura) Eluch is here.

You smile happily.

Eluch tells you (in common), 'Oh..ermm...'.

You say (in common), 'Hello..'.

Eluch smiles happily.

Ghazkull makes a complicated-looking gesture.
Ghazkull draws a funny looking rune on Eluch.

Eluch says (in common), 'HI!'.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'in case you try that again'.
Ghazkull snickers softly.

Sparhawk nods.

Eluch says (in common), 'Huh?'.

> title seeks the Sayyida on a matter of urgency

Ghazkull regards Eluch critically, nostrils flaring slightly as he detects something.

Eluch says (in common), 'so..umm..how are you all..doing?'.

Sparhawk stands behind Ghazkull, ready to back him up at a moments notice.

You say (in common), 'I am fine. I am just waiting for Lexie.'.

Eluch asks tenatively, feeling an unusual tension.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'We are fine, we are concerned for you'.

Eluch says (in common), 'umm..concerned?'.
Eluch says (in common), 'well..I can't be pretty irresponsible sometimes..'.
Eluch says (in common), 'hehehehe'.

Sparhawk says (in common), 'These actions weren't the ones of an irresponsible man'.

Eluch says (in common), '..actions?'.
Eluch scratches his head.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'You came in to the Housing Office, looking completely out of sorts, Alm... Samiyah was trying to help you to rest and you
screamed and ran off'.

Eluch says (in common), 'I...'.
Eluch shakes his head.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'so we started looking for you'.

Eluch says (in common), 'I was in the Temple...'.

Eluch says (in common), 'but..I haven't seen any of you today..'.
Eluch scratches his head.

Eluch says (in common), 'are you pullin my ears?'.

Sparhawk says (in common), '... I dont joke around.'.
Sparhawk says (in common), 'I have no reason to at such times'.
Sparhawk mutters angrily to himself.

Eluch laughs half-heartedly, observing the moment as not being one of levity and quickly quieting.

Eluch says (in common), '..oh....'.

Samiyah says in a gentle tone, 'Eluch... I went to your temple, and your Sayyida's office, and you were not there.'

Ghazkull murmurs, almost under his breath, 'something isn't right'

You say (in common), 'It was the _first_ place I went, when you left.'.

Sparhawk looks at Ghazkull and nod silently before looking back at Eluch.

Samiyah notices the young man's troubled demeanor, and lightens her tone to a more joking one. 'Were you hiding under the furs, then?'

Eluch s' demeanor finally changes to one of fear, realizing this type of memory lapse is becoming habit.

Eluch says (in common), 'I..well..I'm..not sure..'.
Eluch says (in common), '..perhaps I was in living lands..I remember that..earlier..'.
Eluch says (in common), 'or..later..'.

Eluch sighs quietly.

Ghazkull sits down and thinks deeply.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'We Need Bels'.

Sparhawk says (in common), 'Well, the best you got is me and Sami'.

Ghazkull nods.

Sparhawk says (in common), 'And I'm not exactly the nicest person'.
Sparhawk points at you accusingly.

Ghazkull raises an eyebrow at Sparhawk.

Samiyah glances over at Sparhawk, her expression a touch frustrated. She stands, walks over to Sparhawk, and punches him - lightly - in the shoulder.
Samiyah murmurs, 'Cut that out. You are. You're just hurt. Now quit it.'

Sparhawk growls angrily at Samiyah.

Samiyah raises an eyebrow slowly. 

Eluch says (in common), '..I'm..ok, I promise. I've always had a poor memory..'.

Eluch says (in common), '..I'm sorry to keep you all concerned..'.

You gossip (in common), 'LEXIE!!'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'SAMIYAH!'.

You say (in common), 'Eluch, it's okay! We just worry about people. Because that's what we do.'.

Eluch says (in common), '..I think I need to get some rest..again..I'm..'.

Eluch mutters quietly, "..sorry.."

You say (in common), 'No.'.
You say (in common), 'Don't be sorry.'.
You say (in common), 'Be _well_'.

Eluch leaves south.

Sparhawk turns to Ghazkull and says, "He never had such a bad memory while I was in Lost"
Sparhawk shakes his head then sighs.
Sparhawk points to the general area where Eluch had been.

The Gifts of the Night and Natural Talents - Log Snippets by Samiyah

Ghazkull looks at you.

You say (in common), '.. may I show you something, that your Sister and Nicholai made?'.

Ghazkull raises an eyebrow speculatively, 'Of course, Almond'

Samiyah runs her fingers through the darkness that flits about her, drawing it outward.

You stop using the protection of the night.
You give the protection of the night to Ghazkull.

Ghazkull gasps slightly as he takes the garment.

Ghazkull blinks.
Ghazkull gives you the protection of the night.

You wear the protection of the night about your body.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'am i only one lost link?'.

Sparhawk gossips (in common), '*raises his hand*'.

Sanitarium gossips (in minotaur), 'Nope'.

Ghazkull gossips (in elven), 'negative, Commander'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'Ok, General, carry on your duties! *salutes*'.
Lexie gossips (in common), 'oye, wasn't there just a crash? why does Capt. still want to kill me'.

You gossip (in common), 'no, there wasn't a crash'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'hrm'.
You gossip (in common), 'you can tell if there was a crash, if you type TIME, and it's the same :P'.

Sparhawk gossips (in common), 'Hehe'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'i knew that...'.

Ghazkull gossips (in elven), 'But Lexie reads in Typos'.
Ghazkull gossips (in elven), 'So she'd probably misread it anyway *grin*'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'Yes, yes that's it'.

Ghazkull gossips (in elven), '*whispers*I got your back Commander'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'You know how everyone is born with a natural talent?'.
Lexie gossips (in common), 'well, finding typos is mine! oh and one other talent, but that's it'.
Lexie gossips (in common), 'i can't sing, dance, play a flute or anything'.

### [Somewhere, Sparhawk mutters to himself and states, "Some people are just TOO loud"]

Lexie gossips (in common), 'I think everyone should say what their natural talent is'.

Raage gossips (in common), 'orchestral movements in the dark'.

Ghazkull gossips (in elven), 'are we applying for a Job?'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'isn't that a song'.

Raage gossips (in common), 'actually it was an 80's group'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'perhaps another job, General'.

Raage gossips (in common), 'but its also my natural talent'.

Sanitarium gossips (in minotaur), 'I can lift a lot of weight and I hit like a train'.

Sparhawk gossips (in common), 'CHOOO CHOOOO'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'Well, Sanitarium..you're hired!'.
Lexie gossips (in common), 'Raage, I'm still considering that talent'.

Raage gossips (in common), '*wink wink nudge nudge*'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'hehe'.

Ghazkull gossips (in elven), '*ponder* my natural talent...'.
Ghazkull gossips (in elven), 'living in US timezone while residing in the UK?'.
Ghazkull gossips (in elven), 'umm...'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'that helps, but I need more'.

Lexie tells you (in common), 'can try truspeak in a few'.

A Few Of Those Lexie-ish Things - Log by Samiyah

Lexie gossips (in common), 'Sami, I want you to be proud of me. I took a teeny bard and found that Master's shop'.

You gossip (in common), 'excellent! '.
You gossip (in common), 'I have a song for you!'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'and...some typos'.
Lexie gossips (in common), 'OMG! a song!'.

Sparhawk gossips (in common), 'Do we all get to hear it?'.

You gossip (in common), 'No!'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'hehe'.

Sparhawk could use something to cheer him up.

You say (in common), 'It's Lexie's song, so only she should hear it.'.

Lexie tells you (in common), 'when do i get to hear it, and where'.

You smile at Ghazkull.

Lexie hugs you.

You grin wickedly.

You say (in common), 'Hi Lexie!'.

Lexie salutes General Ghazkull.

Lexie hops around. Perhaps she's part frog?

You say (in common), 'So... I have a song for you!'.
You say (in common), 'is there somewhere quiet we could go?'.

Ghazkull salutes Commander Lexie.

Lexie says (in common), 'I'm so excited!'.

Ghazkull sits down and thinks deeply.

Lexie grins wickedly at Ghazkull.

Lexie says (in common), 'where would you like'.
Lexie says (in common), 'I'll go where you wish'.

You say (in common), 'it's up to you. Just quiet.'.
You say (in common), 'the Amphitheater is traditional.'.

Lexie says (in common), 'Pick for me?'.

You say (in common), 'Amphitheater'.

Lexie nods.

You say (in common), 'Wind, would you excuse me?'.

Ghazkull nods reluctantly, 'Of course'

Ghazkull kisses you.

Ghazkull makes a complicated-looking gesture.
Ghazkull draws a funny looking rune on you.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'may I beg an invis so I may go exploring?'.

Samiyah rises on tiptoe and lays a kiss on the Kindred's lips, her eyes closing for the brief contact, until a smile breaks the kiss.

You say (in common), 'Of course!'.

> cast 150 'improved invis' Ghazkull
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
Ghazkull fades out of existence.

Someone bows deeply.

The Storytelling Amphitheater
[Exits: west]
(Invis) (Hide) Lexie is resting here.
(Invis) (Hide) Lord Theros, The Grand Finder and Past Grand Finder, is here.

You say (in common), 'Hi Lexie!'.
You say (in common), 'Theros! This is for Lexie....'.

Samiyah bites her lip.

Lexie says (in common), 'He can listen of course'.
Lexie says (in common), 'anyone that venerates me can!'.

You say (in common), 'er..'.

Lexie says (in common), 'unless you don't wish it'.

Theros says (in common), 'Am I here?'.

You say (in common), 'ready?'.

Lexie nods in recognition to you.
Lexie is so excited that she cheers just for the hell of it.

Samiyah fidgets nervously.

Lexie smiles at you.

You say (in common), 'so...'.
You say (in common), 'the name of the piece...'.
You say (in common), 'is "These are a Few Of Those Lexie-ish Things.."'.

Lexie cheers you on, confident that you will win.
Lexie cheers you on, confident that you will win.
Lexie cheers you on, confident that you will win.

Samiyah nods to her assembled musicians, who strike up a very spritely, bouncy tune.

(It sounds almost polka-ish... and very reminiscint of the Hills being Alive with.
... something..)

Samiyah sings, 'L-Qs and Mobhunts, and grapefruits, and fishes'.
Samiyah sings, 'Choc-late and thieve's cant and burning the dishes'.
Samiyah sings, 'Threat'ning opponants, while causing boys DINGS!'.
Samiyah sings, 'These are a few of those Lexie-ish things!'.

Samiyah sings, 'Killing the Captain while wielding a bucket'.
Samiyah sings, ' "Girl Power RULZ so you boys can just suck it!" '.

You blush. Your cheeks are burning.

Lexie laughs.
Lexie laughs.

Samiyah sings, 'Guarding her flower, her ranks and her blings!'.
Samiyah sings, 'These are a few of those Lexie-ish things!'.

Samiyah sings, 'When her cat bites!'.

### Somewhere, Someone cheers on Winston!'.

Samiyah sings, 'When her link drops!'.
Samiyah sings, 'When she "OH MY GODS!"'.
Samiyah sings, 'We simply all grin at her Lexie'ish things'.
Samiyah sings, 'And then we don't feel so flawed!'.

Samiyah sings, 'Flirting with Teva then swinging a backstab,'.
Samiyah sings, 'So skilled at combat - more deadly with her gab'.
Samiyah sings, 'Died to a magman: the news page it stings!'.
Samiyah sings, 'That's just another quite Lexie-ish thing!'.

Samiyah sings, 'Teasing a Vicar and chasing down Theros'.
Samiyah sings, 'Ob-li-vi-ous to the nuance of Eros'.
Samiyah sings, 'Worshipped a Booga, and evil she brings!'.
Samiyah sings, 'That's just another quite Lexie-ish things!'.

Samiyah sings, 'When she goes SPLAT!'.
Samiyah sings, 'When she CR's'.
Samiyah sings, 'When she wins a quest ..... (?!?)'.
Samiyah sings, 'We simply all grin at her Lexie'ish things'.
Samiyah sings, 'And tell her she did her best!'.

Lexie cheers you on, confident that you will win.

Samiyah sings, 'Gossip, she lights up, she wants Veneration'.
Samiyah sings, 'From every Elf, human, gnome and crustation!'.
Samiyah sings, 'Dwarves don't escape, nor do bird-folk with wings'.
Samiyah sings, 'It's just another loud Lexie-ish thing!'.

Samiyah sings, 'Dun is her brother, but no, it's like THAT'.
Samiyah sings, 'They pair up often to make big mobs go SPLAT!'.
Samiyah sings, 'Getting in trouble for upgrades to rings'.
Samiyah sings, 'It's just another loud Lexie-ish thing!'.

Samiyah sings, 'when she gets lost!'.
Samiyah sings, 'When she just whines'.
Samiyah sings, 'When she acts so blonde!'.
Samiyah sings, 'We simply all grin at her Lexie'ish things'.
Samiyah sings, '(But wonder if we've been conned...)'.

Samiyah sings, 'Rage-quitting when she falls into a burn room'.
Samiyah sings, 'Dragons will make all her con-tain-ers go boom!'.
Samiyah sings, 'Of all of her exploits, this bard she will sing,'.
Samiyah sings, Cause there's a lot of these Lexie-ish things!'.
Samiyah sings, 'Com-pe-ti-tive doesn't really quite cover'.

Samiyah sings, 'When a new rank type our Lexie discovers'.
Samiyah sings, 'Whether its jump rope or be-hea-ding! Kings'.
Samiyah sings, 'That's not the least of the Lexie-ish things!'.

Samiyah sings, 'When she wiz-marks,'.
Samiyah sings, 'when she bad ports,'.
Samiyah sings, 'When she Oh-EMM-GEES,'.
Samiyah sings, 'We simply all grin at her Lexie-ish things'.
Samiyah sings, 'And beg for Unfetter... PLEASE!'.

Lexie laughs at you mercilessly. Hmmmmph.

You bow deeply.

Lexie claps at your performance.

Lexie cheers you on, confident that you will win.
Lexie cheers you on, confident that you will win.

Theros looks around.

You say (in common), '.. was it sufficiently silly, Theros?'.

Theros says (in common), 'Am I here?'.

Lexie gives you 30000 gold.
Lexie says (in common), 'for now!'.

Theros showers you with confetti!

You grin wickedly.
You bow deeply.

Raage shows his approval by clapping his hands together.

You say (in common), 'well, I think that you are'.

Theros claps at your performance.
Theros says (in common), 'Huzzah!'.

Theros looks around.
Theros bows before DarkClaw.

Ink gossips (in sahuagin), 'hello lordess of fangs'.

DarkClaw beams a smile at Theros.

Ghazkull gossips (in elven), 'Good Evening, Sister'.

DarkClaw gossips, 'Good evening, brother!'.

You bow before her.

Lexie hugs DarkClaw.
Lexie bounces onto DarkClaw's lap.

DarkClaw squeezes Lexie fondly.

Lexie says (in common), 'ok afwish, i'll be on my boat'.

Relaying Concerns about Eluch - Log by Samiyah

You say (in common), 'Sayyida.. do you have a moment?'.

DarkClaw smiles happily.
DarkClaw says, 'I do, Sami, yes.'.

You say (in common), 'forgive me, Sayyida, my thoughts pulled me elsewhere.'.
You say (in common), 'I would speak to you about Eluch, one of Yours..'.
You say (in common), 'If You have a moment..'.

DarkClaw frowns and nods to Sami. "It would seem several are rather concerned about Eluch lately, myself included."

You say (in common), 'Earlier, he said his head hurt, and then he was speaking in another language and growling'.

DarkClaw blinks at what you said, seemingly stunned.

DarkClaw says, 'He didn't remember how he got to the temple recently or me following him.'.

You say (in common), 'And he apologized, afterwards, though he didn't seem to know what had happened, or what he did, or really, what he was
apologizing for'.

You say (in common), 'he said he wasn't feeling well, before..'.

Someone hugs DarkClaw.

Ghazkull tells you (in elven), '*tiredness*'.

DarkClaw says, 'I will have to have a talk with him and study him more intently.'.

Someone smiles at you.

You smile happily.

You say (in common), '.. hello... Wind?'.

Drakar has granted you the ability to see him when he is invis.
Drakar says, 'I'm afraid not.'.

You say (in common), 'Oh! Sahib Drakar'.
You bow deeply.

You say (in common), 'I would have sworn I could smell Wind here, a moment ago.'.

Drakar looks sidways at both ladies, his eyes narrowing ever so briefly.

Drakar says, 'You both look troubled this eve..'.

You say (in common), 'we are worried about young Eluch.'.

Drakar says, 'I sense his behavior has been erratic..'.

DarkClaw nods in recognition to Drakar.
DarkClaw says, 'He is definitely not himself.'.

Drakar settles in, resting his frame crossways against the floor of the Amphitheater.

You say (in common), '.. You asked about Wind..'.
You say (in common), 'He is present, if You wanted to talk to him..'.

Drakar says, 'I wasn't interrupting, was I?'.

You shake your head.
You say (in common), 'we had just finished'.

Drakar nods in recognition to you.
Drakar says, 'excuse me, please..'.

Samiyah glances at the Tiger, stretched out and luxurious, and quickly glances away.

You bow deeply.

With Wind - Log Snippet by Samiyah

You tell Ghazkull (in common), '*cautiously* Do you have Company at the moment?'.

Ghazkull tells you (in elven), 'I do not, Raage just left'.
Ghazkull tells you (in elven), 'or rather'.
Ghazkull tells you (in elven), 'as far as I know, I don't have company'.

You bow deeply.

The Office of the TFC Housing Authority
[Exits: west]
(Dark Cyan Aura) Ghazkull is here.
(White Aura) Wendell waits patiently while you decide where to live.

You smile happily.

Ghazkull smiles at you.

You say (in common), 'Someone was speaking to me earlier today about you, and I saw them briefly, and didn't know if they'd come to talk to you or not'.

Ghazkull sits down and thinks deeply.
Ghazkull says (in elven), 'I haven't spoken to anyone besides yourself, Star, Eluch (or whoever he was) and Sparhawk'.

You nod.
You say (in common), 'I do not know if this Someone wishes to be revealed, but He was concerned about your well being.'.

Ghazkull blinks.
Ghazkull says (in elven), 'concerned for _my_ well-being?'.

You nod.
You say (in common), 'Yes.'.

Ghazkull sits down and thinks deeply.
Ghazkull says (in elven), 'I.. can't think who it could be. Everyone I know is able to reach me, or would not hide.'.

Samiyah chews on her lip in distress, unknowingly causing a bead of blood to spring up. "I just don't know if I can or should reveal their presence."

You tell Thomas (in common), 'Hello, Thomas! Are you in need of any help?'.

Thomas tells you (in common), 'I am headed to the Living Lands, to gain strength. Any recommendations?'.

You tell Thomas (in common), 'come to Wendell first'.
You tell Thomas (in common), 'and I'll give you an invis.'.

Thomas tells you (in common), 'Where might that be?'.

You tell Thomas (in common), 'Lower Hall. North and East of Mish.'.

Thomas tells you (in common), 'I am without potions of recall, might you be able to assist me?'.

You tell Thomas (in common), 'Oh! Of course, I can'.

Thomas tells you (in common), 'I am on the path from Took to Living Lands.'.

You tell Thomas (in common), 'I shall be right there. What kind do you prefer?'.

Thomas tells you (in common), 'Any that will work.'.

You say (in common), 'I will be right back, WInd - I have to go help Thomas a moment.'.

You kiss him.

(She heads to Riverhold)

Ghazkull tells you (in common), 'can you use Staves?'.

You tell Ghazkull (in common), 'I can, yes.'.

You buy a jar of spiked lemonade.
You buy a jar of spiked lemonade.

You put a jar of spiked lemonade in a saddlebag.
You put a jar of spiked lemonade in a saddlebag.

Ghazkull tells you (in common), 'come back here a moment?'.

You buy a jar of spiked lemonade.
You buy a jar of spiked lemonade.
You put a jar of spiked lemonade in a saddlebag.
You put a jar of spiked lemonade in a saddlebag.

You tell Ghazkull (in common), 'of course..'.

The Office of the TFC Housing Authority
[Exits: west]
(Dark Cyan Aura) Ghazkull is here.
(White Aura) Wendell waits patiently while you decide where to live.

Ghazkull gives you a driftwood staff.

You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
You draw a wizard mark rune on Ghazkull.

You say (in common), 'for Thomas? '.
You say (in common), 'or for me?'.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'he may find the spell helpful'.
Ghazkull says (in elven), 'use it on him and return it?'.

You nod.
You say (in common), 'of course'.

Ghazkull smiles happily.

(She goes and helps Thomas)

Manacles - Log Snippet by Samiyah

Opening a portal to Ghazkull.
The Office of the TFC Housing Authority
[Exits: west]
(Dark Cyan Aura) Ghazkull is here.
(White Aura) Wendell waits patiently while you decide where to live.

You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
You draw a wizard mark rune on Ghazkull.

Ghazkull makes a complicated-looking gesture.
Ghazkull draws a funny looking rune on you.

Thomas tells you (in common), 'Thank you for your kindness. I hope I can repay you soon enough.'.
You tell Thomas (in common), 'No need! I like helping folks.'.
You stop using a driftwood staff.
You give a driftwood staff to Ghazkull.

Ghazkull smiles happily.

Ghazkull yawns and stretches slightly.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'It is getting early'.

Ghazkull sits down and thinks deeply.

You nod.
You say (in common), 'You must be tired.'.

Samiyah reaches up to lightly caress the side of your face, fingertips sweeping from the side of your brow down your cheek, to your jawline.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'I am rather'.

Ghazkull smiles at the touch.
Ghazkull gets well-worn black leather manacles from bag made from warrior hide.

Samiyah allows her thumb to drift to your lips, caressing them for the briefest moment, before letting her hand fall away.

Ghazkull gives you well-worn black leather manacles.

You blink.
You blink.
You blink.
You say (in common), 'uh...'.
You say (in common), 'Wind..?'.

Ghazkull laughs.

Ghazkull says (in elven), '(the stats)'.

A pair of black leather manacles lies here, showing signs of heavy use.
You see the following faint symbols: [m|AC 4 da:3 con:3 chr:1 3#]

Ghazkull says (in elven), '(and yes, I realised after I handed them to you)'.

You give well-worn black leather manacles to Ghazkull.

You say (in common), 'er....'.

Ghazkull puts well-worn black leather manacles in bag made from warrior hide.

You say (in common), 'Those are.. uh... Lovely?'.

Ghazkull laughs.

Samiyah frowns, obviously fibbing, so as not to offend.

Ghazkull laughs.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'I thought they had stats on them that you wanted'.
Ghazkull grumbles.

You smile happily.
You say (in common), 'Thank you.'.

Ghazkull coughs and blushes.

Samiyah glances at you speculatively. 

Ghazkull yawns once more, and seems to sag slightly on his feet.

You say (in common), 'Sparhawk and the Sayyida were very.. erm.. aggressive with one another... is that something that you enjoy as well?'.

Ghazkull laughs.

Samiyah nods in the direction of the bag with the manacles.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'I honestly don't know, I don't know why I picked them up'.

You say (in common), 'Golson kept suggesting I wear those!'.

Ghazkull blinks.
Ghazkull blinks.

Samiyah can't help but allow a bit of outrage to show in her voice.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'that doesn't sound like something a cuddly bunny would suggest'.

You say (in common), 'Cuddly like Lexie is cuddly with her swords when hugging Sparhawk on his level.'.

Ghazkull laughs.
Ghazkull says (in elven), 'that sounds about right'.

Ghazkull says (in elven), 'however'.
Ghazkull says (in elven), 'it is really getting early'.

Ghazkull reaches down and pulls you into a tight embrace.

Samiyah's eyes scan your form, taking in the weary droop of your shoulders, and the slight red tone to your eyes. "you should rest.."

Samiyah lets out a happy sound as you draw her close, fitting her body to yours, and lifting her chin in a hopeful petition for a kiss.

Ghazkull laughs slightly as he murmurs, 'we're way past the petitioning stage'

Samiyah grins and blushes a touch. 'Well, I didn't know if you were too tired...' She runs a fingertip along your arm, caressingly. 

Ghazkull lowers his head slightly, his lips meeting yours.

Samiyah rises on her tiptoes, her hands sliding up your arms to tangle in your hair at your nape, lifting herself up to your mouth.
Samiyah nibbles a touch at your lower lip, tasting you.

Ghazkull raises an eyebrow, a slight look of amusement on his face.

You kiss him.

Ghazkull kisses you warmly before releasing you reluctantly from his embrace.

You say (in common), 'Good night, Wind.'.

Samiyah's eyes say more than a simple farewell, her gaze fixed on your face.. no.. your mouth.

Ghazkull gets an impish grin on his face as he turns to leave, 'Good Night, Almond' he says, and starts humming a strangely familiar tune as he fades into the background.

Ghazkull has left the game.

You giggle.
You say (in common), 'WIND! You peeked!!'.

Castaway - Log Snippet by Samiyah

You tell Portobello (in common), 'are you the castaway?'.

Portobello tells you (in sahuagin), 'who!?'.

You tell Portobello (in common), 'that keeps getting thrown overboard'.

Portobello tells you (in sahuagin), 'haha yeah :P'.

You tell Portobello (in common), 'buy a ticket, silly!'.

Portobello tells you (in sahuagin), 'i did'.
Portobello tells you (in sahuagin), 'i don't wanna wear it though!'.

You tell Portobello (in common), 'are you HOLDING the ticket?'.

Portobello tells you (in sahuagin), 'and the ticket says captain meryls sailing ship so i didn't hold it!'.
Portobello tells you (in sahuagin), 'i figured captain Ix'tuk'is'a'hard'name could just go to heck instead!'.

You tell Portobello (in common), 'Captain Ak'ash'ek?'.

Portobello tells you (in sahuagin), 'that's the dood'.

You tell Portobello (in common), 'she's a girl!'.

Portobello tells you (in sahuagin), 'ack! who put a girl in charge?!'.

You tell Portobello (in common), '....'.

The Lower Hall
[Exits: north up]
(Light Red Aura) Pharuin is here.
(Translucent) Lord Theros, The Grand Finder and Past Grand Finder, is here.
Mish Leigh Salvandor will use her contacts to help you... for a price.

Portobello arrives from above.

You mutter to him.

Portobello pokes the invis.

Samiyah acks and jumps back out of range.

==Idle Chatter / Eathor / Golson's Accusations - Log Snippet by Samiyah==

Theros looks around.

You smile at Theros.

Theros blinks.

You say (in common), 'so... did you like the song that you did not hear?'.

Theros smiles happily.
Theros says (in common), 'Oh yes, it was a delight'.
Theros says (in common), 'I was throwing confetti in the corner'.

You ponder the question.
You say (in common), 'were you really? Or is that a fibbing?'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'Eathor!!!'.

Theros smirks.

Someone gossips (in common), 'Liar! No Eathor's here.'.

Theros says (in common), 'really'.
Theros says (in common), 'what's fibbing?'.

You gossip (in common), 'Hi Eathor! I sang earlier, but most everyone missed it, thankfully.'.

Someone gossips (in common), '*doh*'.

You say (in common), 'Saying a thing so as not to hurt anyone's feelings, that might not be entirely true, but is well meant?'.

Theros says (in common), 'fascinating'.

DarkClaw gossips, 'Good evening, Rockstar.'.

Theros has left the game.

> cast 150 'improved invis' Portobello
Your spell does not go off.

>cast 150 'improved invis' Portobello
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
Portobello fades out of existence.

> cast 150 'improved invis' Pharuin
Your spell does not go off.

> cast 150 'improved invis' Pharuin
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
Pharuin fades out of existence.

> c 'improved invis' kelek
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.

You scold Kelek.

> c 'improved invis' theros
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
Theros fades out of existence.

Golson says (in common), 'careful theros'.
Golson says (in common), 'sami is helping hunt pk'.
Golson says (in common), 'they are imp invis'.

You say (in common), 'Careful, Golson, at accusations of silliness.'.

Someone says (in common), 'I'm going to phos vortex, for you Golson'.

Someone smiles happily.

Someone says (in common), 'to help!'.

You say (in common), 'I don't help people PK.'.

Someone says (in common), 'help!'.

Someone says (in common), 'Careful, Theros'.
Someone says (in common), 'Oh, good grief'.

You say (in common), 'I was also trying to invis Kelek'.
You say (in common), 'but he was already invis'.

Someone says (in common), 'Golson will change his mind about killing you'.

Someone says (in common), 'perhaps'.
Someone says (in common), 'then I will learn'.

Someone gossips (in common), 'as per Golson request, vortex phosphated'.

Someone nods.

Kelek says (in common), 'you guys crack me up'.

> c 'improved invis' kelek
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
Kelek fades out of existence.

Someone tells you (in common), 'im vis'.

You tell someone (in common), 'you aren't, no.'.
You tell someone (in common), ':)'.

Someone tells you (in common), ':)'.

Someone bows deeply.

> c 'improved invis'
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
You fade out of existence.

Eluch Is Sorry & The Shape of Theros' Mark - Log Snippet by Samiyah

You tell Eluch (in common), 'Hello, Eluch!'.

Eluch tells you (in common), 'hi!'.

You tell Eluch (in common), 'We met earlier.. How are you doing?'.

Eluch tells you (in common), 'yeah..I'm much better..I'm sorry for earlier..was just overworked..tired I guess..'.

You tell Eluch (in common), 'please do not apologize, Eluch.. You did not do anything wrong.'.

Eluch tells you (in common), 'thanks for not making me feel silly :) '.

You tell Eluch (in common), 'You don't seem silly in a bad way to me :)'.
You tell Eluch (in common), 'a good way, maybe.. *she drawls teasingly*... '.

Theros makes a complicated-looking gesture.
Theros draws a funny looking rune on you.

Samiyah examines the rune.

You say (in common), '(what does it look like?)'.
You say (in common), '(and where is it placed)'.

Theros smirks.

Theros says (in common), 'a starfish upon the brow'.

Eluch tells you (in common), 'could I ask just a small favor?'.

You tell Eluch (in common), 'what's that?'.

Samiyah crosses her eyes trying to see the mark.
Samiyah reaches up and tries to feel for the mark, to get a sense of its shape.

Eluch tells you (in common), 'since your eye sight is better than mine..would you let me know if you see anybody that might be considered dangerous?'.

You tell Eluch (in common), 'There is someone hidden from me, right now... two someones..'.
You tell Eluch (in common), 'I can see .. oh, wait, one someone.'.
You tell Eluch (in common), 'I can see you, Theros, Lexie, and me. But there's someone else lurking about'.

Eluch tells you (in common), 'hmmmm'.

You tell Eluch (in common), 'I think it's Golson.'.
You tell Eluch (in common), 'Being grumpy.'.
You tell Eluch (in common), 'Yes. Mage/Ranger/Thief. Golson.'.

Eluch tells you (in common), '*groan*'.
Raage has entered the game.
Raage seems to take on an unholy glow as he holds the scored astral relic.

You blink.
You say (in common), 'Hello..'.

A Question for the Ebrethil - Log Snippet by Samiyah

Raage smiles at you.

You say (in common), 'oh!'.
You say (in common), 'Stuff!'.
You say (in common), 'I have stuff for your Sayyida'.
You say (in common), 'could you pass it along?'.
You say (in common), 'lexie has stuff, too'.

You tell Lexie (in common), 'Lexie!'.
You tell Lexie (in common), 'it's a Lost! '.

Raage nods.

(Stuff is given to Raage to pass along)

You say (in common), 'Your Sayyida said something the other day and I have been thinking about it ever since.'.
You say (in common), 'She said, I was almost like an Ally to the Lost. '.
You say (in common), 'But that Venom wouldn't like it.'.
You say (in common), 'So _she_ couldn't make me an ally.'.
You say (in common), '... Could the Ebrithil?'.

Raage says (in common), 'venom is odd'.

Granger chuckles, evidently amused.

Samiyah thinks you just said a mouthful.

Raage says (in common), 'and doesn't appear to often in this realm'.
Raage says (in common), 'I wouldn't put much weight into what his opinion might be'.

You say (in common), '.. but She does.'.
You say (in common), '.. thus my question.'.

Raage tells you (in common), 'any more items?'.

You shake your head.

You tell Raage (in common), 'Lexie had some'.
You tell Raage (in common), 'but she's afk'.

Raage gossips (in common), 'lexie a tell pls?'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'maybe, if the price is right'.

Raage says (in common), '*I* think we can always use allies'.

You ponder the question.
You say (in common), 'could you maybe talk to the other Ebrethil? See what they think?'.
You say (in common), Cause maybe if it's a group vote thing, Venom can't take it out on Her?'.

Raage nods in recognition to you.

You smile happily.
You bow before him.
You thank Raage heartily.

Raage bows before you.

Theros Seeks Entertainment - Log Snippet by Samiyah

Theros gossips (in common), 'tap, tap'.
Theros gossips (in common), 'is this thing on?'.

You gossip (in common), 'it is, Theros.'.

Sparhawk gossips (in common), 'What?!?!?'.

Theros gossips (in common), 'where is my Entertainment?'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'Afk of course'.

Theros gossips (in common), '*whistful sigh*'.
Theros gossips (in common), '*cough* lame'.
Theros gossips (in common), 'if you're not playing quit so your marks will face faster'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'no!'.

Theros gossips (in common), 'some are in my special spots'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'no they're mine :P'.

Theros gossips (in common), 'I will dual you for them'.
Theros gossips (in common), 'er'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'oh? I love duels'.

Theros gossips (in common), 'I will also duel you for them'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'hehe'.

Theros gossips (in common), 'let the battle of wits begin'.
Theros gossips (in common), 'you lost'.

Lexie gossips (in common), 'wait i wasn't ready'.

Theros gossips (in common), 'again?'.

Argos gossips (in common), 'don't let sparhawk play hes only 1/2 armed'.

Theros gossips (in common), 'nice, Argos. I don't normally LOL'.
Theros gossips (in common), 'sorry, snuggles'.
Theros gossips (in common), 'odd, still not obscured'.

Someone gossips (in common), 'well one moment, afk again. *some* people don't know how to put in printer ink'.

Theros gossips (in common), 'oh yes. when you're tech support... good grief'.
Theros arrives from above.
Theros sighs loudly.

Sparhawk raises an eyebrow.
Sparhawk says (in common), 'Lexie leave you?'.

Theros utters the words, 'safhar'.
Theros says (in common), 'hrmph'.

Theros leaves up.

Preparation For Christmas - Log Snippet by Samiyah

Theros makes a complicated-looking gesture.
Theros twiddles his thumbs and a ball of bright yellow light appears.
Theros gets a ball of bright yellow light.
Theros puts a ball of bright yellow light in a christmas stocking.
(x many)

Sparhawk says (in common), 'Lights?'.
Sparhawk blinks.
Sparhawk sits down and thinks deeply.

Theros says (in common), 'going to string christmas lights'.

You smile happily.

Theros gets a ball of bright yellow light.
Theros puts a ball of bright yellow light in a christmas stocking.
You make the gesture necessary to invoke your spell.
You twiddle your thumbs and a ball of bright yellow light appears.
(x many)

Theros says (in common), 'Oooo'.

(and yet more)

Theros says (in common), '34. that's ok'.
Theros says (in common), 'what say we make a string of lights'.

You smile happily.
You say (in common), 'do you need help?'.

Theros says (in common), 'that stretches from Dwarvenhold temple to Plantation Gazebo'.

You say (in common), 'Oh. We'll need more than 35...'.

Theros says (in common), 'but not today'.

Sparhawk says (in common), 'So many lights'.
Sparhawk giggles.

Theros says (in common), 'what colors can we make?'.

Sparhawk makes a complicated-looking gesture.
Sparhawk twiddles his thumbs and a ball of bright blue light appears.

Sparhawk says (in common), 'Blue, Yellow. red'.

Theros says (in common), 'maybe an alternating pattern the whole way?'.

Sparhawk makes a complicated-looking gesture.
Sparhawk twiddles his thumbs and a ball of bright blue light appears.

Theros says (in common), 'on christmas'.

Incriminating Videos - Log Snippet by Samiyah

Sparhawk sits down and thinks deeply.
Sparhawk says (in common), 'I wonder if Cordir got my log'.

Theros says (in common), 'was it up to snuff?'.

Sparhawk says (in common), 'Edited and everything'.

Theros says (in common), 'log of you licking people?'.

Sparhawk says (in common), 'No, thats a video. And thats private'.

Theros says (in common), 'eep'.

Sparhawk winks at Theros.

Theros says (in common), 'eep'.

Sparhawk says (in common), 'Your fault your venerator likes me'.
Sparhawk shrugs.

Theros says (in common), 'veneratee'.

Sparhawk says (in common), 'Same thing'.

Theros says (in common), 'why is it my fault?'.

Sparhawk says (in common), 'Your the main fish!'.

Theros says (in common), 'what does that have to do with logs or licking or private videos?'.
Theros scratches his head.

Sparhawk says (in common), '95% of the logs of me licking people are of me licking you'.
Sparhawk throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!

Theros says (in common), 'ick'.

Sparhawk snickers softly.
Sparhawk shrugs.

Theros says (in common), 'at least you're getting omega 3's'.

Sparhawk snickers softly.
Sparhawk nods his head in agreement.

Theros utters the words, 'safhar'.
The air shimmers as Theros creates a portal here.