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(Aphelion's End)
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Aphelion’s End

Aphelion tells DarkClaw (in common), 'May I have audience, Lady?'.

DarkClaw tells Aphelion, 'When I am through protecting one of mine, of course.'.

(a brief pause)

DarkClaw tells Aphelion, 'You may have that audience now.'.

Temple of the Lost
[Exits: west]
A large eye hovers in mid-air here, emitting a soft, purple glow.
(Invis) (Dark Purple Aura) (White Aura) Venom is sleeping here.
(Intense Dark Purple Aura) DarkClaw is here.

Aphelion makes a brief, almost military-like bow, her eyes maintaining contact with yours.

Aphelion says (in common), 'Greetings, Lady.'.

DarkClaw says, 'Good evening, Aphelion.'.

Aphelion's voice shows a touch of strain, though it is carefully schooled to politeness.

Aphelion says (in common), 'Venom has ended our bargain.'.

Aphelion indicates her waist, bare of his squire's belt.

Aphelion says (in common), 'And though you have no cause to give answer, I would ask: Do you have any other Chylder?'.

DarkClaw raises an eyebrow at you.

Venom wakes and stands up.
Venom rests.
Venom leaves west.

DarkClaw says, 'I do, yes...though I'm curious why you ask such a question.'.

Aphelion removes her helm, running her hand through her hair, a touch of frustration in the gesture.

Aphelion says (in common), 'My father, Count Draven Seremela, is dying. I sought the blood of a Kindred, because the books of lore in our family library mention it as being one of the greatest powers of healing on this earth. We know it will not cure him... but we hope to give him just enough years for me to attain my majority.'.

Aphelion's voice is bitter as she says, 'Kayrron's laws do not permit a woman to inherit until her twenty-fifth birthday. I am but twenty-one.'.

DarkClaw blinks at the familiar name of Draven, brows furrowing and shaking her head distractedly before she stiffens and stops abruptly.

DarkClaw whispers, "Kayrron?"

Aphelion says (in common), 'Aye.'.

DarkClaw says, '*said in disbelief, old pain returning to the fore and crossing her features* ...You're from Kayrron.'.

Aphelion says (in common), '.. I am... '.
Aphelion speaks cautiously, examining the expression on your face.

Aphelion says (in common), 'Aphelion Morwen Elizabeth Seremela, daughter of Draven Alexander Thomas Seremela, of the House of Seremela, Fourth County of Kayrron...'.

Aphelion makes a gesture of embarrassment. 'The names are a family tradition, for the first Count. All males must have the name Draven somewhere, for the founder, and all females must take "Morwen" for the 'dark lady' he loved.'.

DarkClaw struggles to regain her composure, shaking her head again and swallowing hard. "Draven is dead. I saw him die by sunlight."

Aphelion frowns as your words sink in. 'I do not ... Count Draven was no vampire, that we know of... Though he loved one... Thus our library. But that was many generations ago, and the story may have grown in the telling.'.

DarkClaw finally calms, nodding once and letting the rest of your words sink in. "I doubt you will have an easy time acquiring blood from one of mine."

Aphelion's shoulders sink almost imperceptibly before she steels herself once more. 'I am a Seremela. We are used to dealing with difficult times.'

Aphelion says (in common), 'Other than Venom... are there other Kindred I might bargain with?'.

DarkClaw studies you quietly, examining your appearance and taking note of your determination. "There are several, but only two others are my chylder. Ghazkull Mahsong and Tyran."

DarkClaw says, 'I warn you, though...should you harm either of them, your corpse will be mine.'.

Aphelion inclines her head and hastens to assure you: "I seek only a vial of their blood. Not their life."

DarkClaw holds up a hand to quiet your further words.

DarkClaw says, 'Also, should I find that you have used the vial for any other purpose...your corpse will be mine. Kindred blood is not a toy, nor a tool...it is something much more precious.'.

Aphelion withdraws a small, odd knife of ancient bone from a sheath at her hip, and slashes her left palm. She speaks the words ritually, and with emphasis: "On my blood, I vow it."

Seraph gossips, 'good evening'.

Aphelion gossips (in common), 'Good evening, Lord Seraph'.

DarkClaw growls at the sudden sight of blood, her fists clenching, and she quickly moves to stand directly in front of Aphelion, staring hungrily at the open wound.

DarkClaw gossips, 'Grats, Pie.'.

Pie gossips (in common), 'Thank you! :)'.

Aphelion startles at the Deity's swift movement, taking an instinctive step backward, closing her fingers around her palm.

DarkClaw stalks you, reaching down and taking hold of your wrist, forcing the fingers open. Slowly, she brings your hand to her mouth and licks at the blood, holding your gaze.

Aphelion says quietly, but with steel in her voice, 'You do not have my consent.'

DarkClaw lifts her head from your wrist, her expression hardening. "Immortals don't need permission. And you should be careful when subjecting a vampire to your blood.'.

Aphelion pulls at her wrist in the Goddess's grasp to no avail, but upon realizing her strength is far outstripped, does not struggle... for the moment.

Aphelion says in the same steely voice, 'I am not one of Yours. Release me.'

Seraph steps out the shadows.
Seraph says, 'another vampire in the creation?'.

Aphelion answers sharply, 'No!'

Someone wings fold about his body like armor.
Someone says, 'you should be more polite little one'.

Aphelion schools her tone and says calmly but firmly, 'Not impolite, Lord Immortal - merely emphatic. I have no desire to be Kindred.'

DarkClaw seems oblivious to the other immortals' presence, a low growl coming from within her throat as she quickly pulls Aphelion against her own form.

Seraph says, 'why not? It will cure your ailing father'.
Seraph grins slyly.

Aphelion works to keep her breathing - and pulse - as calm as possible, that plan going out the window as she is yanked forward.

Aphelion growls, 'Lady, NO!'.

Seraph says, 'Do it, Star. Change her.'.

DarkClaw snakes her fingers into Aphelion's hair and yanks her head to the side roughly.

Someone throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!

Aphelion fights hard, but to no avail, her hands shoving against the vampire's shoulders, then punching with all her strength.

DarkClaw sinks her fangs in deep above Aphelion’s pulse.

Seraph says, 'enjoy death, little one'.

Salathis arrives from the west.
Salathis grins evilly.
Salathis leaves west.

Aphelion moans in refusal and pain as the fangs sink deep. Her efforts grow more desperate and grim, but her mortal strength is nothing against that of a vampire Immortal.

Aphelion’s struggles lessen as the blood drains from her into the vampire's hungry mouth. "No!"

DarkClaw groans, drinking from the warrior's throat greedily, her nails digging into her human flesh.

Seraph says, 'Star, you're going to drain her completely'.
Seraph says, 'I suggest you stop'.

Aphelion's knees buckle, and she tries to use the momentum to twist out of the vampire’s grasp.

Seraph says, 'Star?'.

DarkClaw snarls around her victim's neck at Seraph's words, not wanting to listen, not wanting to note the weakening of Aphelion's body and the slowing of her pulse.

Someone looks at Darkclaw.

Aphelion shoves weakly one last time as her strength fades, her eyes sinking closed and her head falling back bonelessly.

Seraph tilts his head slightly to one side.

Seraph gently places his hand on DarkClaw's shoulder.
Seraph says, 'enough, Star'.

DarkClaw struggles with her inner demon and pulls back hesitantly, her form shaking, her breath heaving.

Someone looks down at the young one.
Someone says, 'close one, Star'.

DarkClaw looks back to Seraph, eyes wide, then back to Aphelion, lowering her to the ground and kneeling beside her.

Aphelion's pulse stumbles and slowly fades into nothingness.

Seraph says, 'better fix that problem'.

DarkClaw lets out a high cry of alarm and calls to her animal form, shifting her hand partially to claws and slicing her wrist open, holding it to the girl’s mouth.

Aphelion shifts imperceptibly as the blood seeps into her mouth, drop by drop.

Seraph walks around Aphelion looking her over.

Belgarion arrives from the west.
Belgarion says (in common), 'dying?'.

Seraph says, 'vampire'.

Belgarion nods.

DarkClaw whispers, "That's it, chylde...feed."

Aphelion chokes, gagging at the sweetness filling her mouth, still struggling against the need.

Belgarion grumbles.

Aphelion swallows the blood at last, shuddering as it works its way into her belly.

DarkClaw shifts her other hand back to its usual form and wraps her fingers about her forearm, forcing the blood out more quickly.

Aphelion weeps silently as she drinks the blood, the last of her watery tears shed.

Belgarion leaves west.

Aphelion groans, the sound a half-gurgle, as her belly twists.

Aphelion gasps as the crimson fluid works its way through her veins in a fiery torment.

DarkClaw pulls her hand back and stands, watching you, her expression schooled.

Aphelion struggles to move away, gain some semblance of control, before she cries out in agony, doubling over.

Belgarion arrives from the west.

DarkClaw looks to Belgarion quickly, then back to Aphelion's prone form.

DarkClaw says, 'It will be over soon, chylde.'.

Belgarion says (in common), 'should I leave'.

Aphelion writhes on the floor in agony, her hands desperately clawing at the earth of the temple floor, her head thrashing back and forth, trying not to scream.

DarkClaw says, 'No. It's...not necessary.'.

DarkClaw backs up against Belgarion for comfort.

Belgarion holds her against him.

Aphelion loses the battle with the pain, a high, long, drawn out shriek escaping her as DarkClaw's blood washes away death from her flesh and replaces it with immortal life.

DarkClaw winces at the scream, fighting with the desire to leave the temple. "I hate this part."

Aphelion sprawls bonelessly on the floor, blessedly losing consciousness.

Aphelion wakes, without drawing breath, and gazes at her Maker.

Aphelion says in a voice hoarse from screaming, 'Lady... that is ill done. You have ended our family's line.'

Aphelion shifts restlessly upon the floor, moving into a low crouch, unsteady.

DarkClaw opens her mouth, then closes it again with a headshake of denial, finally speaking, "You ended it yourself by tempting the beast within."

Aphelion glances about the chamber, taking note of those present.

>l Belgarion

Belgarion nods in recognition to you.

Aphelion staggers as she tries to rise, her body not responding properly.

Belgarion says (in common), 'should I help her?'.
Belgarion sits down and thinks deeply.

DarkClaw says, 'If she wishes it, Belg.'.

Angriff arrives from the west.

DarkClaw says, 'But be careful...she is hungry still.'.

Aphelion snarls softly, 'Stay... away... ' A careful, '..please..' is tacked on at the end. She closes her eyes, struggling for any semblance of control.

Belgarion chuckles, evidently amused.
Belgarion nods.

Angriff leaves west.

Belgarion says (in common), 'well I should go see if Ort wants to play'.
Belgarion chuckles, evidently amused.

Aphelion presses her back to the wall of the chamber, her eyes closed, jaw tightly clenched shut against the Thirst that burns in her.

DarkClaw says softly, "Aphelion...I will not apologize for what I am...but please know that I would not have done this without the temptation of your blood.”

Aphelion glances over, her gray eyes darkened to steel. 'You - an Immortal Kindred - so out of control that a blood oath makes you take what is not offered?'

Aphelion grabs her stomach, doubling over in renewed pain.

DarkClaw closes her eyes briefly, then reopens them, hardening herself against your accusations.

Aphelion forces herself to stand upright and turns her face so she cannot see Belgarion in her line of sight.

DarkClaw says, 'You will understand soon...when the beast refuses to let go of you.'.

Aphelion cries out through clenched teeth as the hunger tears at her.

Venom raises an eyebrow at you.

DarkClaw commands. "Venom. Feed her."

Venom says (in deep monotone), 'I do not take orders from you.'

DarkClaw utters the words, 'fuyh'.
DarkClaw's soul rift *** ANNIHILATES *** Venom!

Venom grins evilly, his elongated fangs glistening.

DarkClaw growls, "FEED HER!"

Venom looks at you.
Venom examines Aphelion closely.
Venom says (in deep monotone), 'She should feed soon... '

DarkClaw snarls at Venom.

Venom says (in deep monotone), 'Venom is sleeping...'

Aphelion watches the exchange, jaw clenched tightly, hands balled into fists against the stone wall, using all her strength to maintain some bit of control.

Venom says (in deep monotone), 'Are you certain this is what you want?'

DarkClaw starts, only now realizing the change in voice, not being Venom's. "...You."

Venom pushes a single bloodied claw into his own throat, allowing the blood to flow down onto his crimson vest.

DarkClaw holds up a hand quickly, "No."

Aphelion looks on in poorly hidden disgust mingled with need.

Aphelion rises from her crouch against the wall, stalking towards Venom.

Venom turns his back on DarkClaw, walking closer to Aphelion.

DarkClaw moves closer to Aphelion, holding her back, her voice more stern. "No!"

Venom says (in deep monotone), 'Drink, and you shall know the power to save your father.'

Aphelion goes motionless at her Maker's command.

DarkClaw says, 'Do not drink from him. It is unsafe. Go...find your victim elsewhere, then return to me.'.

Venom stands directly in front of the weakened priestess, rich immortal blood still pumping from his neck.

Aphelion takes a half-step forward, her eyes locked on Venom.

DarkClaw growls at Venom and hurls him away with a blast of power.
DarkClaw says, 'GET OUT of my temple!'.

The Riverhold Town Hall and School
[Exits: north south]
Curiosity may not kill the cat, but it might get this child in trouble.
Singing under her breath, Elvalee prepares the next lesson.

Aphelion collapses, landing heavily on her knee, weak from hunger.

Venom now follows you.
Venom joins your group.

Venom says (in deep monotone), 'You cannot fight this hunger. Drink, and your father will live.'

Angriff now follows you.

Venom disappears suddenly.

Aphelion gasps at the vampire's sudden disappearance, looking about wildly.

Angriff joins your group.
Angriff is now guarding you.

The Southern Side of the Town Square
[Exits: north east south west]
Thick, dark mud covers the ground here, making footing treacherous.
His tail wagging, a long-haired black dog watches you curiously.
A chill wind seems to dance around this strange blue-eyed child.
Angriff arrives from the south.

Angriff utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'.
You are surrounded by a white aura.

> k child
Your crush decimates Boreal.

Your crush devastates Boreal.
Your crush devastates Boreal.
Your pound decimates Boreal.
You deftly move out of the way of Boreal's attack.
Your armor deflects Boreal's attack.

Your crush decimates Boreal.
You attack, but it wasn't close to where Boreal was.
Your pound decimates Boreal.
You dodge Boreal's attack.

> Your spiritual hammer MASSACRES Boreal.
Boreal is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points.
You hear Boreal's death cry.
As Boreal disintegrates, her equipment hits the ground.
Many gold coins fall to the ground.
get all.coins

Aphelion blinks at the girl’s sudden discorporation.

> e
The South-East Corner of the Town Square
[Exits: north south west]
Thick, dark mud covers the ground here, making footing treacherous.
Liberally spattered with mud, this half-elf child is quite a mess!
Liberally spattered with mud, this half-elf child is quite a mess!
Angriff arrives from the west.

> k child
Your crush maims a filthy child of the village.
Your crush devastates a filthy child of the village.

(combat snipped)

Your crush devastates a filthy child of the village.
A filthy child of the village is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points.
You hear a filthy child of the village's death cry.
You get 60 gold coins from the corpse of a filthy child of the village.
You split 60 gold coins. Your share is 30 gold coins.
The corpse of a filthy child of the village contains:
a pair of rough, homespun pants
(Weak magic) a pair of ring mail leggings

Aphelion looks down at the child's body and shakes her head.

In the Common Room of the Lemming
[Exits: north up]
(White Aura) A Warden of the Frontier stands here alert for trouble.
(White Aura) A Warden of the Frontier stands here alert for trouble.
Her tanned hands lithe and fluid on her lute's strings, Jahrie strums a tune.
His bowed legs and swaying walk reveal this man to be an intoxicated sailor.
Tall and broad shouldered, this man carries his weapons with ease.
Smiling sweetly, Mitzi invites you to stay a while.
Angriff arrives from the north.

> k warden
A Warden of the Frontier's armor deflects your attack.
Your crush wounds a Warden of the Frontier.

(combat snipped)

Your crush mauls a Warden of the Frontier.
A Warden of the Frontier is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points.
You hear a Warden of the Frontier's death cry.
You see nothing like that in the corpse.
The corpse of a Warden of the Frontier contains:
(Weak magic) a banded mail girth
a heavy longsword
stout brigandine armor
splinted cuisses

The ghost of a Warden of the Frontier shimmers and solidifies slightly.

Angriff stops following you.
Angriff utters the words, 'hjfilla'.
Angriff invokes the unholy power of DarkClaw's omnipotence!
Angriff glows with an incandescent black light.
The ghost of a Warden of the Frontier is utterly destroyed by DarkClaw's unholy might!

Aphelion snarls as she overcomes the warden, drinking from his throat.

Angriff snickers softly.
Angriff covers his neck.

Angriff utters the words, 'gaiqhjabral'.
Angriff is surrounded by a white aura.

Aphelion leaps back to her feet, glaring at where the ghost shimmered. 'I am damned!'

Angriff says (in common), 'i turned it'.

Aphelion looks down at the bloody mess at her feet.

Angriff utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'.
A Magic Mushroom suddenly appears.

Angriff utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'.
Angriff gets a Magic Mushroom.
Angriff eats a Magic Mushroom.

Angriff utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'.
A Magic Mushroom suddenly appears.

Angriff gets a Magic Mushroom.

Aphelion stumbles away from the scent of mortal food, her stomach heaving.

Angriff eats a Magic Mushroom.

The Riverhold Town Hall and School
[Exits: north south]
(Dark Blue Aura) Tildian is resting here.
Curiosity may not kill the cat, but it might get this child in trouble.
Singing under her breath, Elvalee prepares the next lesson.
Angriff arrives from the north.

Aphelion snarls at the young mortal, her eyes wild, and hurries past.

(She attempts to go to the Lost temple, but finds the door locked.)

The Storytelling Amphitheater
[Exits: west]
Angriff arrives from the west.

Angriff laughs at you mercilessly. Hmmmmph.

You rest.

Angriff throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!
Angriff says (in common), 'got lost then couldn't get in'.

Aphelion collapses upon the nearby benches.

Angriff pokes you in the ribs.

Aphelion says (in common), 'I am truly lost and damned, now..'.
Aphelion says (in common), 'my family name ends with my death..'.

Venom examines Aphelion closely.

Aphelion pours water from a container onto a bit of cloth, scrubbing the blood from her face and armor.

Angriff licks forgotten blood from Aphelion's armor.
Angriff says (in common), 'salty'.

Angriff says (in common), 'temple is unlocked btw'.

Temple of the Lost
[Exits: west]
A large eye hovers in mid-air here, emitting a soft, purple glow.

Angriff says (in common), 'i sometimes get lost too'.
Angriff snickers softly.

DarkClaw chuckles at Angriff's joke.
Belgarion chuckles, evidently amused.

Aphelion gives a stiff, pained bow before her Maker.

Angriff puts is hands together and plays ring-around-the-rosie.

Belgarion grins evilly.

DarkClaw takes note of Aphelion's revived color, nodding her approval. "Welcome home."

Aphelion makes a brief, almost military-like bow, her eyes maintaining contact with yours.

Aphelion says (in common), '.. I cannot go back to Kayrron now. Kindred are forbidden by the Prince. One of them seduced his lover.'.

Belgarion smiles at you.
Belgarion looks at you.

Aphelion return's Belgarion's gaze.

DarkClaw says, 'No. You will remain here, with the rest of the Lost... under my care.'.

DarkClaw approaches Aphelion slowly, pausing directly before her. "You will worship me."

Aphelion tries to resist the Immortal's command, closing her eyes and saying in a gasp, 'I gave my vows to Onieros at my first blood.'

Angriff says (in common), 'oreos?'.

DarkClaw responds quietly, "Onieros is beyond your reach now."

Aphelion bows her head in defeat.

>You now worship DarkClaw!
You are zapped by a heavy mace.
You are zapped by the Symbol of the High Mage of Kuroth.
You are zapped by the Symbol of the High Mage of Kuroth.

Angriff grits his teeth and fumes with rage.
Angriff says (in common), 'i will kill her anyway'.

DarkClaw has accepted you into the following!
Checking for practice reimbursement:
Reimbursing 2 practices for detect evil.
Reimbursing 2 practices for remove curse.

DarkClaw ftells, 'Welcome, Aphelion.'.

Aphelion ftells, ‘... Lost...'.

Belgarion chuckles, evidently amused.

DarkClaw raises an eyebrow at Angriff.

You nod in recognition to Angriff.

Angriff ftells, '..die..?'.

Belgarion says (in common), 'you’re really in a mood tonight'.
Belgarion chuckles, evidently amused.

Belgarion ftells, 'hello Aphelion'.

Aphelion ftells, ‘*tentatively* ..Hello, Belgarion'.

Angriff ftells, 'hi'.

Aphelion ftells, ‘.. Angry One.'.

Venom (unseen) ftells, '(in deep monotone) Welcome Aphelion. I look forward to many adventures with you in the near future.'.

Angriff ftells, 'have fun with that'.
Angriff ftells, 'kill the angry elf eh?'.

Angriff closes the door.

Belgarion ftells, 'LOL'.

Aphelion cocks her head at the unfamiliar voice. "Who was that speaking?"

DarkClaw says, 'That was...someone who is not chosen company.'.

Angriff says (in common), 'me?'.
Angriff says (in common), 'i can leave'.

DarkClaw says, 'Not you.'.
DarkClaw says, 'The Lich.'.

> d
The Lower Hall
[Exits: north up]

Venom was last here, traveling up.

Rhyvn is here.
(White Aura) The newsboy stands here selling newspapers.
Mish Leigh Salvandor will use her contacts to help you... for a price.

Rhyvn bows before you.
Rhyvn says (in common), 'congrats.'.

Aphelion snarls softly, her eyes dilating at the sight and scent of you.

[Exits: north east south west down]