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12/28/13: Preparations

(Log by Samiyah)

The Lower Hall
[Exits: north up]
(Dark Cyan Aura) Teva is resting here.
Mish Leigh Salvandor will use her contacts to help you... for a price.

Samiyah touches her hand to her forehead, her lips, and her heart in a tribal gesture of respect.

Samiyah says (in common), 'Hello, Teva'.

Teva says (in common), 'heya'.
Teva says (in common), 'how’s life treating cresom’s sister?'.

Samiyah wrinkles her brow in thought.

Teva says (in common), 'well he is your brother right?'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'he and I played tag last night with items he wanted me to keep and i wanted to give back'.

Samiyah nods.
Samiyah says (in common), 'yes, he is.'.

Teva snickers softly.
Teva looks at you.

Samiyah turns over her left palm, showing an oathing-scar there.

Teva drools on himself.

Samiyah looks at you curiously, raising one eyebrow.

Teva snickers softly.
Teva says (in common), 'looks nice that is all :)'.

Samiyah says (in common), '.. what does?'.

Teva says (in common), 'the eq?'.
Teva raises an eyebrow.

Samiyah says (in common), 'Oh.'.

Samiyah says (in common), 'it isn't all artifactual like Cresom'.

Teva says (in common), 'no kidding'.
Teva says (in common), 'neither is mine'.
Teva says (in common), 'but then again i do not need it to be'.

Samiyah nods.

Samiyah pauses a moment and thinks.
Samiyah says (in common), 'I must go and make some preparations. Be well.'.

Samiyah gossips (in common), 'Teva, would you be willing to locate for 'hope' - I'm looking for the light.'.

Teva gossips (in common), 'sure'.
Teva gossips (in common), 'spriti has it'.

Samiyah gossips (in common), 'thank you'.

...Samiyah gets the light of hope from the corpse of Spriti.

...Samiyah gets a bat wing from a chest.

...Samiyah gets a decanter of holy water from the corpse of Chaplain Jerrold.

...Samiyah gets the Incense of Enlightenment from the corpse of an Ebon Young of N'Kai.

...Samiyah gets some aqua sand from a pile of rubble.
...Samiyah gets some tawny sand from a pile of rubble.
...Samiyah gets some gritty sand from a pile of rubble.

...Samiyah gets a vial of green slime from a sturdy chest.

<nowiki>###<nowiki> [Somewhere, Venom stiffens and raises his chin as if a foul warning breezes by on the winds of change. His heart sinks in fear.]

12/28/13: The Ritual

(Log by Samiyah)

On the Rock Outcropping
[Exits: (north) south]

Samiyah gets a skull-shaped phylactery from a ball of mastodon dung.

(Samiyah removes all of her clothing and places it in bags.)

You are using:
<worn with pride> the marks of a vampire's kiss
<worn with pride> the scent of almonds and the desert winds

Samiyah gets some gritty sand from a saddlebag.
Samiyah pours the sand out onto the stone floor, forming two circles.
Samiyah drops some gritty sand.

Samiyah gets some tawny sand from a saddlebag.
Samiyah traces another circle using the tawny sand around the desert sand circles.
Samiyah drops some tawny sand.

Samiyah gets some aqua sand from a saddlebag.
Samiyah takes the aqua sand and pours it in a careful circle enclosing the other two.
Samiyah drops some aqua sand.

Samiyah gets a plain white robe from a saddlebag.
Samiyah gets a cloth bandage from a saddlebag.

Someone tells Samiyah (in common), 'hello!'.

Samiyah tells someone (in common), 'i cannot see you..'.
Samiyah tells someone (in common), 'i am a little blind right now'.

Someone tells Samiyah (in common), 'oh dear.'.
Someone tells Samiyah (in common), 'it is Rhyvn - can I be of assistance?'.

Samiyah gets the robe and cloth from the bag and lays them nearby.

Samiyah tells someone (in common), 'I am.. well.. I am doing a thing right now to destroy the phylactery, but I am in a dangerous place'.

Someone tells Samiyah (in common), 'I see...what can I do?'.

Samiyah tells someone (in common), 'and while I would have loved and wished for your help... I cannot leave where I am, at this point.. would you hold me in your thoughts, and offer prayers for success?'.

Someone tells Samiyah (in common), 'yes! And if there is anything I can do please let me know!'.

<nowiki>###<nowiki> [Somewhere, Rhyvn waits nervously.]

Samiyah carefully sets down the bucket of water from the Well of Life inside the larger circle.

Someone tells Samiyah (in common), 'Is my teacher with you?'.

Samiyah tells someone (in common), 'No. I am alone. I could not wait any longer. It was too dangerous.'.

Someone tells Samiyah (in common), 'Oh dear! This is not good.'.

Samiyah murmurs to herself, '...and alone is sometimes the right way to go. This has always been between you and I, Venom. And so it remains.'

Samiyah places all of her belongings in the larger circle of sand.

Samiyah gets the Incense of Enlightenment from a saddlebag.

Samiyah lights the Incense of Enlightenment and holds it.
Samiyah carefully smudges the incense over all of her belongings.

Samiyah gets a decanter of holy water from a saddlebag.
Samiyah sprinkles her belongings with the potent holy water.

<nowiki>*<nowiki> You feel a stirring of alarm and an urgent command. *

Samiyah's right hand spasms, as if to upend the decanter, spilling its precious contents, but she stops herself.

Samiyah shakes her head, murmuring, 'No, Mayhem. I will not stop. I will do this thing.'

Samiyah chants, 'May the sacred drive away the profane!'

Samiyah sprinkles her possessions with more of the holy water.

Samiyah smudges the clothing a second time, chanting, 'May any clouds of judgment be removed!'

Samiyah scatters her belongings with desert salt.
Samiyah murmurs, 'By air, and earth, by salt and sand, let all that is impure, be cast out.'

A red aura, with no body to encompass, rises up out of the phylactery.
The crimson aura floats to the south, fleeing to the Temple of the Lost.

Samiyah takes note of the aura's passage and nods quietly to herself.

Samiyah steps into the second, smaller circle.
Samiyah kneels beside the bucket of water from the Well of Life.
Samiyah dips the cloth into the bucket and bathes herself, from head to foot.

Samiyah murmurs, 'What is cleansed, is pure. Let all that remains, be without taint.'

Samiyah smudges herself with the incense.
Samiyah murmurs, 'May all clouds of judgment be removed.'

Rhyvn tells Samiyah (in common), 'is your father with you?'.

Samiyah tells Rhyvn (in common), 'No. I am alone.'.

Rhyvn tells Samiyah (in common), 'oh dear.'.

<nowiki>###<nowiki> [Somewhere, Rhyvn is getting worried.]

Samiyah dabs some of the holy water upon her forehead, each eye, her lips, and heart.

Samiyah murmurs, 'May my thoughts, my sight, my speech, and my heart be free of his influence.'

Samiyah sets the phylactery down upon the stone floor of the cave and opens its hinged lid.

Samiyah gets the light of hope from a saddlebag.

<nowiki>###<nowiki> [Somewhere, Rhyvn stomps her foot and wonders where Bels is!]

Samiyah smiles at the light, and the one that inspired its inclusion in this ritual.

Samiyah puts the light of hope in a skull-shaped phylactery.

Samiyah murmurs, 'fill it with its opposite'
Samiyah murmurs, 'Thank you, Nicholai, for your wisdom...'

<nowiki>###<nowiki> [Somewhere, Venom's eyes glow an intense red. He buries himself in the soil where he was embraced, weak with helpless rage.]

Samiyah cups her hands and catches up a handful of the water of the Well of Life. She pours it carefully into the open phylactery.

Samiyah murmurs, 'All night ends with the dawn. All death ends with new life. Let the cycle of his night be broken.'

<nowiki>###<nowiki> [Somewhere, Venom's skin begins to smolder. He writhes in agony.]

Samiyah takes up the decanter once more, and pours some into the phylactery.

Samiyah murmurs, 'where there is goodness, light and hope, evil cannot truly triumph.'

Samiyah drinks from the decanter, her body spasming in pain as the dispelling properties of it wash through her.

Samiyah quaffs a vial of green slime, her body shuddering both at the taste and it’s powerful dispelling properties.

Samiyah closes her eyes a moment, then calls a spell of healing, granting its gift to herself.

Samiyah gets a small silver cross from a sack of ill-gotten loot.

Samiyah puts the symbol of faith in the phylactery, activating its magics as she does so.

Samiyah closes the lid quickly, yet still streams of sunlight pour out through the seams of the lid.

The ruby eyes of the skull glow as if from within, illuminated by the sunlight trapped within the phylactery.

Samiyah gets a mining hammer from a saddlebag.
Samiyah utters the words, 'enchant weapon'
A mining hammer glows blue.
Samiyah wields a mining hammer.

Samiyah strikes the gemstone eyes of the phylactery with full force.
Samiyah’s strike ***DEMOLISHES*** the gemstone eyes of the phylactery.

Shards of gemstone fly outward, peppering the bard with crystalline splinters.

Samiyah gets a skull-shaped phylactery.
Samiyah holds a skull-shaped phylactery in her hands.

A skull-shaped phylactery contains:
the light of hope
a small silver cross, streaming sunlight
water from the Well of Life

Samiyah gets a bat wing from a sack of ill-gotten loot.
Samiyah eats a bat wing.

You are using:
<held> a skull-shaped phylactery
<worn with pride> the marks of a vampire's kiss
<worn with pride> the scent of almonds and the desert winds

Samiyah rises, and steps out of the circle, facing the lake of fire.

Over the Lava Lake
[Exits: north east south west]

A large flare explodes off the lava lake and hits you!
A skull-shaped phylactery ignites and burns!

<454hp(606) 531ma(531) 658mv(661)(482187) 59024gp ft: none > s
On the Rock Outcropping
[Exits: north (south)]

You are using:
<worn with pride> the marks of a vampire's kiss
<worn with pride> the scent of almonds and the desert winds

Rhyvn tells Samiyah (in common), 'I am here if you need anything!!!'.

Samiyah tells someone (in common), '*her voice weak and pained* .. it is done.'.

Someone tells Samiyah (in common), 'are you ok?'.
Someone tells Samiyah (in common), 'where are you now?'.

Samiyah gets an intricately braided band of silver from a bag of ill-gotten loot.
Samiyah wears an intricately braided band of silver on her left finger.

Samiyah tells someone (in common), 'at the edge of the lake'.

Rhyvn tells Samiyah (in common), 'can you make it back to the guild?'.

(Once the band is back in place, Samiyah wears her other clothing and gets herself settled and sorted out.)

Samiyah tells Rhyvn (in common), 'yes.. i am ... um.. getting clothed again.'.

Rhyvn tells Samiyah (in common), 'what happens now...?'.

Samiyah tells Rhyvn (in common), 'i am still ... recovering ... the ritual left me very lightheaded.'.

Rhyvn tells Samiyah (in common), '*nod* Can I get you anything?'.

Samiyah tells Rhyvn (in common), 'No.. I will make my way back to the guild shortly.'.

Rhyvn tells Samiyah (in common), 'ok.'.

Samiyah tells Rhyvn (in common), 'I am still healing.'.

Samiyah gazes out to the north, where the lake flames and burns.

Samiyah says softly, 'Don't underestimate goats. They bite.'

Samiyah gathers up her things.

Samiyah makes a complicated-looking gesture to invoke her spell.
Samiyah utters the words, 'hurricane'

The hurricane winds blow away all of the circles of sand and holy water, purging the area of the ritual components.

Samiyah says (in common), 'Earth and Air, Salt and Sand... and spirits of those who aided me... I thank you. Go in peace.'.

[Exits: north east south west down]
(Dark Cyan Aura) (White Aura) Dimwit is resting here.
(Invis) Rhyvn is here.

Rhyvn smiles happily.

Rhyvn bows before Samiyah.

Samiyah smiles wearily at Rhyvn.
Samiyah says (in common), 'It is done.'.

Rhyvn says (in common), 'you were so brave, to go alone.'.
Rhyvn says (in common), 'I...'.
Rhyvn looks at you.

Samiyah says slowly, '.. it seemed right. This has always been my battle against him. A very personal thing.'

Rhyvn says (in common), 'what will he do now?'.

Samiyah says with quiet certainty, 'He will rage. And he will plan. And he will rebuild. . . And then he will seek revenge.'

Rhyvn nods.
Rhyvn shivers uncomfortably.
Rhyvn says (in common), 'I hope I'm not here when he finds out...'.

Samiyah tilts her head to one side. 'Oh. He knows already. I felt him.'
Samiyah says (in common), 'the phylactery is destroyed. But Mayhem yet lives.'.

Rhyvn shivers uncomfortably.

Drakar says, 'Hello'.

Rhyvn smiles happily.
Rhyvn bows deeply.

Samiyah touches her hand to her forehead, her lips, and her heart in a tribal gesture of respect.

Drakar smiles quietly.

Rhyvn says (in common), 'hello.'.

Drakar says, 'How are you all fairing this day?'.

Samiyah smiles uncertainly, feeling a little overwhelmed. 'Please excuse me.'

The Hall of the High Order
[Exits: north]
(Blue Aura) A hand-lettered open book rests upon a black iron pedestal.

Samiyah curls up on her goat skin rug, and sleeps.

12/28/13: A Discussion with Drakar

Drakar tells you, 'You were asleep for quite some time, Samiyah..'.

You tell Drakar (in common), '*bows slightly* .. I was, Sahib Drakar. '.

Drakar tells you, 'How do you feel?'.

You tell Drakar (in common), 'weary, yet, but ... blessedly clear. I hear no hauntings and whispers. '.

Drakar tells you, '*nods carefully* And your dreams...?'.

You tell Drakar (in common), 'Only those of joy.'.

Drakar stretches his cat-like form against the ground, waiting for someone to take notice.
Drakar smiles quietly, keeping his fair distance from her.

Drakar says, 'But..you still...feel that it is not over..'.

Samiyah bows her head in courteous acknowledgement of the deity's entry.

You say (in common), 'Al-Shaitan is not defeated. Only weakened.'.
You say (in common), 'Mayhem yet exists, and will recover from this injury and inconvenience to plot again.'.

Drakar says, 'This much I know.'.
Drakar nods in recognition to you.

You say (in common), '.. but _today_... I count a victory.'.

Drakar says, 'And in the future..how will you intend to combat him?'.

Samiyah pauses a moment, to answer with head and not heart. 'Carefully. Not recklessly or with passion. Not in floundering re-action, but in action.'

Drakar gestures to the heavens, flowers of lavender appear in the air and fall soothingly to the ground.
Drakar nods in recognition to you.

Samiyah smiles at the flowers, and gathers up a stem of the lavender, tucking it away in a bag to gift to a friend later.

Drakar says, 'You know...I was...there..when...'.
Drakar he pauses, sighing softly before continuing.

Drakar says, 'I was present when Jamilla changed Him.'.

You blink.

Samiyah says slowly, 'I did not know that.'

Drakar says, 'Nor did they..'.
Drakar says, 'For whatever reason, I was beckoned by the sands that day..'.

Samiyah looks at you - first sidelong - then directly. "And what were your thoughts?"

Drakar says, 'Strangely..I was... Indifferent. Perhaps under different circumstances with different mortals..I would feel...different. But, it did not bother me to see Him taken against his will as he has done to so many others.'.

Drakar struggles through his words, trying to reconcile his emotional disconnect from "mortal" matters now.

You say (in common), 'That is a field that he plowed and sowed and watered. The harvest was of his own making.'.

Drakar says, 'Aye, I suppose so..'.
Drakar says, 'So..why didn't you..destroy it sooner?'.

You say (in common), 'I tried, but it was an artifact of great power, and resisted ... lesser.. attempts.'.

Drakar nods in recognition to you.
Drakar says, 'Surely your Lord could have disposed of it..but yet...he did not?'.

You say (in common), 'He did not.'.

Samiyah hesitates a moment, then speaks. 'Honestly, it is an artifact of great evil, that involves the trapping of souls....'
Samiyah continues, 'It being in Seraph's possession did not strike me as .. wise.'

Drakar grins wryly.

Drakar says, 'I considered offering my aid..but, I understood what that would mean.. I even reasoned with the Dreammaster.'.

Drakar shivers uncomfortably.
Drakar says, 'He is not reasonable.'.

You blink.
You say (in common), 'the Archmage says he is but a shade of Onieros, the Lord of Dreams '.

Drakar nods in recognition to you.
Drakar says, 'If the magic of the God's would have been used on such an artifact... it would have destroyed the artifact...and most likely, whoever it was attached too.. which at the time, was both yourself and the Al-Shaitan, hmm?'.

You say (in common), 'I tried to change it, by pouring myself into it. That only made it stronger... and connected to me... so .. yes. I think ... it might have been very bad, had Seraph destroyed it.'.

Drakar nods in recognition to you.

You say (in common), 'though.. if the world was rid of Venom, that might have been a fair price to pay..'.

Drakar says, 'I only know of his nature - I have spoken to him fleetingly..'.
Drakar says, 'However, on my Ascension, he fumed with rage and jealousy..'.

You blink.

You say (in common), 'why would your Ascension cause him pain?'.

Drakar smiles quietly.
Drakar says, 'He wished to possess to power to become an immortal..'.

You nod.
You say (in common), 'that makes sense, then.'.

Drakar stretches against the floor, skirting the edge of the pit.
Drakar says, 'So then...will you try and cut his thread?'.

You say (in common), 'I will. A Lich with no Phylactery and no body to inhabit...is simply a ghost that can be laid to rest.'.

Drakar says, 'But even so, Samiyah..something tells me that you don't believe it shall be so easy..'.

Samiyah smiles a little. "No. But I will find a way."

You say (in common), 'He is Al-Shaitan.. and it may take that last drop of blood and last breath of life to defeat him. '.

Seraph has granted you the ability to see him when he is invis.

You ftell, 'it is done, Sahib.'.

Seraph says, 'hello'.

You ftell, 'the phylactery is destroyed.'.

Drakar beams a smile at Seraph.
Drakar says, 'Greetings..'.

Samiyah touches her hand to her forehead, her lips, and her heart in a tribal gesture of respect.

Seraph says, 'hello drakar and samiyah'.

You say (in common), 'Hello, Seraph.'.

Seraph ftells, 'what did nicholai get?'.

You ftell, 'When we went to the phoenix? He picked up the white crown.'.
You ftell, 'speaking of which, could you Relieve me of the blue crown'.
You ftell, 'i wore it by accident'.

Drakar says, 'My congratulations on the success of your snowman last eve..'.

Seraph says, 'Samiyah and belsambar did all the work'.

Drakar coyly circles around the the opposite side of the pit, leaving the High Order on the opposite side.

Drakar says, 'Well then, congratulations on the success of the snowman, Samiyah..'.

Samiyah touches her hand to her forehead, her lips, and her heart in a tribal gesture of respect.

Drakar silently watches back and forth between the Lord and mortal, measured and careful.

Seraph ftells, 'why was nich there?'.

You ftell, 'because he had the keys.'.
You ftell, 'we did not group.'.

Seraph says, 'I’ll bbl when im home'.

You nod.

Seraph has removed your ability to see him when he is invis.

Drakar says, 'Did the Lord depart us again?'.

You nod.
You say (in common), 'He comes and goes rather quickly that way.'.

Drakar closes his eyes momentarily, taking a deep breathe.
Drakar says, 'Yes, he is gone.'.

Drakar nods in recognition to you.

Drakar says, 'The Al-Shaitan is devious, a tactician who plans horror...'.
Drakar says, 'Am I accurate in saying this?'.

You nod.
You say (in common), 'that is as true as saying the sun is bright.'.

Drakar says, 'And you must destroy him?'.
Drakar says, 'And lay him with the wraiths..'.
Drakar raises an eyebrow.

You nod.

Drakar says, '....so you have a plan?'.

Samiyah chuckles softly. 'No. Not as of yet. Simply dealing with the phylactery has been my sole focus for some time.'

Drakar grins subtly, his bright blue aura illuminating the entirey of the empty space.
Drakar says, 'This I understand. But I assure you, he is already plotting his next step..'.
Drakar says, 'Sometimes you can't fight fire with water. You have to fight fire...with fire..'.

Samiyah considers. 'I will not become that which I hate and oppose. But... there is merit in what you say.'

Drakar says, 'I'm sure you will figure it out.'.

You say (in common), 'I am not the wisest of creatures. I leave that to those like Nicholai. But I will find a way.'.

Drakar mutters a phrase in old common. A warm glow of light encompasses her, soothing and comforting. You feel blessed.

You say (in common), 'I thank You for your blessing, Sahib Drakar.'.

Drakar says, 'I respect what you stand for, Samiyah. I don't typically mettle in most affairs of mortals. But, perhaps, if you ever need guidance. You can call upon me.'.

Samiyah lays a hand across her chest, modestly lowers her eyes, and curtseys.

You say (in common), 'I thank you. I will remember.'.
You smile happily.

Drakar nods in recognition to you.
Drakar says, 'Now, if you will excuse me..I have a few things I must tend to..'.

Samiyah touches her hand to her forehead, her lips, and her heart in a tribal gesture of respect.

You say (in common), 'of course'.
You say (in common), 'be well. may you ever have shade and sweet water.'.

Drakar kneels in prayer, uttering something incomprehensible before dematerializing before you.

12/28/13: Chit-Chat

Cresom tells you (in common), 'Hello Sister =)'.

You tell Cresom (in common), 'Hello, brother'.

Cresom smiles at you.

You say (in common), 'I have good news'.

Cresom raises an eyebrow.

You say (in common), 'the phylactery has been destroyed.'.

Cresom is so excited that he cheers just for the hell of it.

Cresom says (in common), 'does venom know yet?'.

You nod.
You say (in common), 'he felt it.'.
You say (in common), 'I am sure of it.'.

Cresom says (in common), 'I can't imagine he was happy at all'.


The Pit
[Exits: east up]
A steak of Jahrie, a traveling bard catches your eye.
A pit for donations dominates the room.
Haedirn is here.
A gingerbread man stands here, reminding you of your childhood.

You give a dwarven 'We Rock!' miners amulet to Haedirn.
You give a dwarven 'We Rock!' miners amulet to Haedirn.
You get a ring of the usurper from a saddlebag.
You get a ring of the usurper from a saddlebag.

People near you:

Samiyah touches her hand to her forehead, her lips, and her heart in a tribal gesture of respect.

You say (in dwarven), 'hello, Archmage'.

> lang com
You now speak the common tongue.

Haedirn bows deeply.

Belsambar nods in recognition to you.

Samiyah does not meet Belsambar's gaze, staring instead at his feet.

Belsambar says (in common), 'wvrpnyau?'.

You ponder the question.
Samiyah might be confused.

You now speak the common tongue.

Haedirn says (in common), 'why is someone staring at your feet? '.

Belsambar gets a magenta potion with greyish swirls from a saddlebag.

> vis

Belsambar gives you a magenta potion with greyish swirls.

> quaff magenta
You quaff a magenta potion with greyish swirls.
Samiyah is about as sane as she usually is.
You feel less tired.

Samiyah makes a gesture of thanks, bowing slightly over her clasped, henna-dyed hands.

Belsambar says (in common), 'how goes things Songbird?'.

Samiyah says, still looking at the floor, 'The phylactery is destroyed.'

Belsambar says (in common), 'Well...congratulations'.

You nod.

Belsambar nods in recognition to you.
Belsambar says (in common), 'You're looking much better...stronger, one might say'.

You smile happily.

Samiyah touches her hand to her forehead, her lips, and her heart in a tribal gesture of respect.

>l self
Hope, love, and a new-found sense of strength shine within the blessedly clear,
deep chocolate brown eyes of the desert woman before you. While not unscathed,
her recent battles against despair and darkness have helped strip away the self
doubt and uncertainty that so often branded her demeanor and actions. Her chin
is raised and her shoulders squared as she calmly awaits the repercussions of an
act of defiance (meddling, some might say) against the forces of evil, ready to
face her fears and name them, giving them no additional power over her. Sister
to one in blood and another in oath, a mentor to her Choir of bards, and friend
to those of every walk of life and aura, Samiyah walks her own road: a child of
the desert sands, a woman of the world beyond the veil, daughter to a God and a
song within the heart of the Wind.

Belsambar says (in common), 'perhaps more sure of yourself...but you've definitely grown...I'm proud of you, Songbird'.

Samiyah lays a hand across her chest, modestly lowers her eyes, and curtseys.

Cresom looks at you.

Belsambar looks at Cresom.
Belsambar says (in common), 'you're still dressed like a nashite'.

Cresom says (in common), 'who is saying that '.
Cresom says (in common), 'i will kill you '.
Cresom says (in common), 'just so you know '.

Belsambar snickers softly.
Belsambar pokes Cresom in the ribs.
Belsambar says (in common), 'If anyone has the right and ability to say that, I do :P'.
Belsambar licks Cresom.