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03/06/2013: The Wary Stranger

(Log by Samiyah)

You tell Tross (in common), 'Hello, Not-Quite-A-Stranger Tross!'.

Tross tells you (in common), 'mumbles something back, a basic 'Hi'.'.

You tell Tross (in common), '*smiles warmly* Please let me know if I can help you in any way.'.

Tross tells you (in common), 'ok. ...really not supposed to talk to strangers.'.

You tell Tross (in common), 'But .. we have introduced ourselves, so we are not entirely strangers anymore!'.

You tell Tross (in common), 'And it is my job to look out for younglings who are wandering about alone.'.

Tross tells you (in common), ‘I can take care of myself.'.

You tell Tross (in common), '*smiles* Everyone needs a little extra help some times, no matter how capable they are.'.

Seraph says, 'have you spoken to tross?'.

You say (in common), 'yes, but he is very suspicious'.
You say (in common), 'and does not like it when I talk to him'.
You sigh.
=== Wish, the final component, and a warning===

You bow before him.

Wish says, 'Welcome, Tross...'.

You say (in common), 'Hi'.

Wish idly waves a hand and a comfortable lounge chair swirls up from the sand and coral floor.
Wish says, 'Should you wish to relax.'.

Tross sits cross-legged in it and pulls out a pastry.

You say (in common), 'You get your magic fixed?'.

Wish shakes his head.
Wish says, 'I have not'.
Wish says, 'I am missing a crucial ingredient to the Alchemy.'.
Wish says, 'without it, I have nothing but...well...goo'.

You say (in common), 'what's missing?'.

Wish says, 'I am missing the catalyst for the change. '.
Wish says, 'I need the essence of what brought me to this state to reverse me back'.
Wish says, 'That is the blood...the flesh...the corpse...of my tormentor.'.

You say (in common), 'Oh. Well what is - OH.'.

Wish says, 'Samiyah's corpse, to be exact.'.
Wish says, 'Only with that may I complete the Alchemy and again be whole.'.

You say (in common), 'Samiyah! I knew she was up to something.'.

Wish says, 'Until that is brough to me, I must remain here..in Coral Cave'.
Wish nods in recognition to you.
Wish says, 'She does not understand her own actions...the power she has wielded.'.

You say (in common), 'She kept 'I'm here to help' and 'what do you need' and I wasn't born yesterday mister. '.

Wish says, 'She says she meant no harm...but harm she has done.'.
Wish says, 'Be wary of her, Tross'.
Wish says, 'Be wary of her the way one may be wary of an electric eel'.
Wish says, 'It means no harm...and yet it kills if you touch it.'.

You say (in common), 'I can take care of myself.'.

Wish nods in recognition to you.
Wish says, 'I am sure you can'.

Wish says, 'But everyone can use a warning sign now and again.'.

=== Wish, the delight of pastries===

You get a light pastry from bag made from doe hide.
You eat a light pastry.
You are no longer hungry.

Wish says, 'You do seem to have a thing for pastry, it would seem.'.

You nod in recognition to him.
You say (in common), 'want one?'.

Wish considers Tross for a moment...
Wish says, 'That is very generous of you. Certainly, I shall try one.'.

You say (in common), 'Da said I should buy from the vegetable seller while he was gone, but these are much better.'.

You give a light pastry to Wish.

Wish examines the pastry curiously.

A light pastry makes your mouth water.

Wish sniffs it, uncertain.
Wish says, 'I am most accustomed to eating fish.'.

You say (in common), 'they're different kinds sometimes. Apple and cheese and things.'.
You nod in recognition to him.

Wish says, 'That is pretty much all I have ever eaten.'.

You say (in common), 'I don't miss that part of ship life. I mean fish is good, but it isn't pastries.'.

Wish sticks out his tongue and gently licks the top of the pastry.
Wish's eyes open wide with delight.
Wish says, 'Wow...I..I had no idea..'.

Tross grins, satisfied, and takes a big bite of his.

Wish takes a big bite of the pastry, closing his eyes and savoring the sensation.

You say (in common), 'see? Better than fish or cabbage any day.'.

Wish says, 'It's..even sweeter than conch organs.'.
Wish smiles happily.

Wish eats a light pastry.
Wish devours the entire pastry.

Wish says, 'That was wonderful, thank you Tross.'.
Wish licks his bea..his lips.
Wish smiles happily.

Tross is obviously pleased.

You say (in common), 'Good huh? Uh. Don't tell my da that's all I'm eating when you see him.'.

Wish nods at Tross, reassuringly.

=== Tross, about Da===

Wish says, 'One thing, Tross, I don't know who you "da" is.'.

Wish says, 'When was the last time you saw him? You seem a bit young to be walking the world without him.'.

You say (in common), 'Oh. Most folk call him Fin, but his long name is Drefin.'.

Wish says, 'hmm "Drefin" you say? I don't know anyone by that name.'.

Wish says, 'What is his hometown?'.

You say (in common), 'I dunno really. I couldn't come with him on the boat this time, so he left me with Algenara and said he'd get me next trip.'.

You say (in common), 'hometown? We've always lived on boats, or whatever city it stopped at. He walked me from Rowen Docks to that camp place.'.

You say (in common), 'I figured he'd come here to find me, since it's most like the sea.'.

Wish looks hungrily at Tross eating the pastry.

You say (in common), 'Uh..'.

Tross peers in his bag.

You say (in common), 'Oh, I got plenty.'.

Tross holds out another in sticky hand.

Wish follows Tross's every hand motion.

You give a light pastry to Wish.

Wish licks his lips again, eagerly.
Wish says, 'Thank you, Tross!'.

Tross looks a bit edgy at this demigod regard.

Wish says, 'These things are delicious.'.
Wish gobbles down the pastry in one huge bite...barely taking time to chew it.
Wish eats a light pastry.
Wish's eyes roll into the back of his head, as he murmurs to himself, "I had no idea."
Wish says, 'I am going to have to find a regular supply of those.'.

=== Wish was a cuttlefish - the summary ===

You say (in common), '... You've never had anything but fish?'.

Wish says, 'Well, I have had bread, I suppose.'.
Wish says, 'But that's not sweet.'.

You say (in common), 'Gosh! How long has that Samiyah kept you trapped in here?'.

Wish sighs loudly.
Wish says, 'Samiyah has not trapped me here...I choose to stay here..'.

You say (in common), 'but you said!'.

Wish says, 'I do not wish to go out...not looking, not feeling this way.'.

>Look Wish
Before you stands a strange elven man with
mesmerizing, translucent skin. It flashes and wavers with
many bright hues, helping him to both blend into his
surroundings, and convey his quickly changing emotions.
His eyes are uncommonly large, even for an elf, and you
begin to feel uncomfortable when you notice that they never
seem to blink. With those menacing eyes he seems to be boring
into the cold depths of your very soul...

You say (in common), 'Oh. The flashy skin? It's kindof neat.'.

Wish says, 'It's...it's complicated, Tross.'.

You say (in common), '...and your eyes aren't -that- big. Okay they're a little weird.'.
Tross shuts up. He offers a pastry.

Wish nods.

You give a light pastry to Wish.
You say (in common), 'I didn't mean anything by it'.

Wish eats a third pastry...this time more slowly, eyeing Tross carefully.
Wish says, 'It's okay, Tross'.
Wish says, 'It's...well...it's complicated.'.
Wish says, 'I appear as an Elf...but before Samiyah and her doings, I was something else entirely. '.

You frown. What's bothering you?

Wish says, 'And it is that which I wish to return to.'.

Tross stands, frown still in place.

You say (in common), '..An Ogre like Gore?'.

Wish shakes his head.
Wish says, 'No, not like Gore.'.

Tross sits again, a bit slowly.

Wish gestures around the room...to the walls of Coral Cave.
Wish says, 'What does this place look like to you?'.

You say (in common), 'an underwater cave... but I can breathe. It's cool.'.

Wish smiles happily.
Wish nods.
Wish says, 'This is my home...I still feel comfortable here, although I do not quite fit anymore.'.
Wish says, 'What kind of creature do you think might live in a home like this?'.

You say (in common), 'were you a merman?'.

Wish smiles happily.

Tross looks at Wish's legs.

Wish says, 'That is a good guess...but no, Mermen live in cities.'.

You say (in common), 'They've got those pointy ears a little bit.'.

Wish says, 'I was not...humanoid...is the term, I believe.'.
Wish says, 'I was...I AM...a Cephalopod...Sepiod to be exact.'.

Tross begins to look alarmed.

Wish eyes Tross curiously.
Wish sighs loudly.

You say (in common), 'Uh - I'm not a fish ...'.

Wish says, 'No, you are not.'.

You say (in common), '..what's a 'sepiod'?'.

You say (in common), 'is that those little things with the wavy skirt that flash colors and dodges back and forth?'.

Wish says, 'Some are, yes.'.
Wish says, 'Sepiod are similar to octopuses, squid...'.
Wish says, 'In my case, I am Wish, the Cuttlefish'.

Tross considers this only briefly.

You say (in common), '...Cool!'.

Wish smiles at you.
Wish says, 'Yes...it is...I mean it was cool.'.

You say (in common), 'I didn't know fish had gods.'.

Tross looks suddenly suspicious.
You say (in common), 'you aren't pulling my leg are you?'.

Wish says, 'No, I am not...although lately there has been some discussion of my sanity.'.
Wish says, 'It would appear, what I and other mortals believed me to be when I was mortal, was not who I was.'.
Wish says, 'My appearance...and my self perception were of what I described...a cuttlefish.'.
Wish says, 'However, I have now come to know that I was also..somehow...this elf you see before you.'.
Wish says, 'It was my self-perception that Samiyah stripped away.'.
Wish says, 'And it is that self-perception of who I was that I am attempting to restore with my Alchemy.'.
Wish says, 'I do not feel...myself...in this skin.'.
Wish says, 'Do you understand, Tross?'.

You say (in common), 'Some.'.

Wish smiles happily.

You say (in common), 'If it was your self perception when you were mortal .. how did other people see you that way too?'.

Wish says, 'This world, Tross, it is a magical place.'.

You say (in common), 'maybe there was always a little bit of being a god in you.'.

Wish smiles at you.

You say (in common), 'just make sure you do it right, with the alchemy...'.
You say (in common), 'you have to find a way to make pastries still taste good.'.

Wish says, 'Yes, perhaps...Lord Nash was always my guide...Or perhaps if one believes hard enough, if one acts so completely, one may convince the world.'.

=== Tross and Da ===

Wish says, 'Are you sure your Da will meet you here?'.
Wish says, 'I mean, this is a bit out of the way...'.

You say (in common), 'I don't know for sure. But he'll start looking near the docks and near water I bet.'.
You say (in common), 'and I last saw him just west of Algenara.. so this is kind of the closest place like that.'.
You say (in common), '..its just, I didn't think he'd take this long.'.

Wish says, 'Hmmm...how long has it been, exactly?'.

You shrug.
You say (in common), 'I dunno. A bit I guess. I've been practicing magic, so this doesn't happen again'.

Wish smiles happily.
Wish says, 'Well, we could leave a note for him somewhere, if you like'.
Wish says, 'In the meantime, you are always welcome here.'.
Wish says, 'I am sure he is just delayed.'.

You say (in common), 'nah. He can't read.'.

You nod in recognition to him.

Tross wipes his hands on his pants and stands again.

Wish says, 'hmmm...well, if I see or hear from him, I will certainly let you know.'.

You say (in common), 'Thanks. Good luck with your Uh. Eel problem.'.

Wish smiles at you.

Wish says, 'I wish there was some gift I could give you...as thanks for your generosity.'.
Wish says, 'I am not allowed to provide spells or some such to non-followers.'.

You say (in common), 'you said you'd look for da, didn't you?'.

Wish nods in recognition to you.

Tross nods, satisfied.

You wave.

===Wish's offer===
(Wish offers to have his followers keep an eye on Tross)

Wish says, 'I am unable to protect you myself because you are not a follower, but I can at least do that.'.

Wish bows before you.

Tross considers him.

Wish says, 'Would you like that? And of course you are always welcome here, and safe here.'.

You say (in common), '... why would you do that?'.

Wish says, 'There are a number of reasons. .First, someone like you, a boy on his own, can always use a little help.'.
Wish says, 'Second, you have been very kind to me...expressing concern for my well being, and bringing me...delicious pastries.'.
Wish says, 'Thirdly, you expressed interest in my Alchemy...and few do that these days.'.
Wish says, 'and finally, I believe we both can learn from each other. Me from you, and you from me.'.

Tross considers again, then nods finally.

Wish smiles happily.

You say (in common), 'well that sounds alright then.'.

Tross sticks out his hand.

Wish shakes your hand.
Wish smiles happily.
Wish says, 'I shall notify my followers that you are to be aided in every way.'.

Nero arrives from the south.

Wish says, 'Tross, please meet Nero'.

Nero says (in common), 'sup'.

Wish says, 'Nero is a devoted follower'.
Wish says, 'and VERY learned about this world, and about Alchemy'.

Wish says, 'You could learn much from him.'.

Tross wipes his sticky hand on his pants and sticks out his hand.

Wish says, 'Nero, please meet Tross'.

You say (in common), 'Hi'.

Wish says, 'Tross is a very independent young boy who is waiting for his da to return from a sailing trip.'.
Wish says, 'Tross has been quite kind to me during my illness.'.

Nero shakes your hand.

Wish says, 'Nero, please help Tross as he needs to grow and keep him safe if you can.'.

You say (in common), 'I can take care of myself.'.

Wish says, 'If you come across his da, a sailor, please let him know that Tross is often here in Coral Cave'.

Wish nods in recognition to you.

Wish says, 'Yes, Tross, you can'.

You nod in recognition to him.

Tross looks mollified.

Nero says (in common), 'ok'.

Wish says, 'Just think of Nero as a helping hand.'.

Wish says, 'He will provide you with an occasional spell to help you on your way.'.

Nero utters the words, 'armor'.

You feel someone protecting you.

Wish smiles happily.

You say (in common), ‘.. well. Thanks Mister Wish.'.
You bow deeply.

Wish nods in recognition to you.

Wish says, 'you may simply call me Wish'.

You say (in common), 'my da would lick me.'.

===Samiyah conversation - What's her angle?===

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'How are you this day?'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), '...ok. Look whatddya want lady?'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), '*Firmly* to do as the Gods have commanded - to watch over the young and help them.'.

You tell Samiyah (In common), '*realization* Oh!'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'I take that duty very seriously, Young man, so you can expect me to KEEP checking on you! (said firmly but not angrily, as if dealing with a wayward child'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'Well I'm not gonna -stop- you.'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'Good!'.
Samiyah tells you (in common), 'So where are you from? And where are your parents? I am from the desert.'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), '*proudly* He's a sailor.'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'Oh! Are you from one of the seaports, then?'

You tell Samiyah (in common), '.. boats. I travel with him. I'm not here long.'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'well I have heard a boat is like its own village'.
Samiyah tells you (in common), 'my village was very very small and isolated like a boat'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), '*a bit bragging* Oh, a boat's like living -everywhere-. You get to go from port to port and meet all kinds of people.'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'that sounds quite interesting!! a perfect life for a bard!'
Samiyah tells you (in common), 'have you ever considered a career in music.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'Boy. You're lots of stuff, aren't you. Me, I'm going to be a sailor. and a wizard.'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'Oh! No - I am just Sami. I am a bard.'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), '*with automatic retort* Even I know better than that. And I would even without hearing other stuff.'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), '*curiously* what do you mean, "you know better than that?" I AM Sami and I AM a bard'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'you said just a bard. You're more than that.'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), '*smile* no... not really :)'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'Sure, Leddy. *politely, but with a tone of 'whatever you say'*'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'Has someone been telling you strange stories? Because you - a sailor's child - should know that they are often untrue '.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'No one is just one thing. My da's a sailor, and my da, and a decent carpenter when he needs to, and a bunch of stuff.'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'you have not even seen me do anything except say hello! Never heard me... *sigh* Never mind. Believe that you wish, Tross. I am only a Bard.'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'You're a zealot too.'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), "Those sound like someone else's thoughts ... because you do not know me well enough to say that on your own.")'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'It seems you have fallen in with opinionated folks. Hopefully they are looking out for you. I will not "bother" you any more.'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'Well how do you like that! They are so my thoughts! YOU said the reason you wanted to help was because you wanted to serve the gods and you took '.
You tell Samiyah (in common), 'it seriously. That's why I say you're a zealot.'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'I said that the gods command us to help - if some of us obey and some do not, that does not make the obedient ones "zealots"'.
Samiyah tells you (in common), 'it makes them good people!'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'I dunno. Who says that as their first reason though? Still sounds like its zealotous to me.'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'I think that word does not mean what you think it means.'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'Well. I guess you're the bard - what's it mean?'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'unreasonably and unusually fervent - it only takes a good heart to care about others. Not religious belief as big as a dragon.'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'I do not know what stories you have been told but I am a good person and I help little ones. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar.'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'Well if you just wanted to help because you care, why didn't you say that instead of saying because you're god says to.'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'its like those people who always wanted me to go to school. They didn't even know my name.'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'Because you are a very suspicious person and i thought if i framed it in terms of Tynian's command - which it is - then you might be more comfortable'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'Well... are you going to tell me I should be in school?'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'Why should I? I did not go to school.'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'are you going to tell me I shouldn't live on boats with my da?'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), 'cuz that’s usually what people who come out of the blue all friendly wanting to help mean..'.

Samiyah tells you (in common), 'Why would I do that? I do not like or trust boats but i know other people do.'.

You tell Samiyah (in common), '*mollified* .. well okay then.'.