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(Samiyah - Level 25 Bard Review)
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Revision as of 23:24, 17 December 2012

You say (in common), 'This performance needs some explanation.'.

Natilena nods.

You say (in common), 'It was commissioned - of a sort - '.
You say (in common), 'and it is an endeavor to tell a complex tale.'.

More sits down and thinks deeply.

You say (in common), 'Not all of it is kind.'.
You say (in common), 'Though I warned the one who required it, that they might not like what they heard.'.

You say (in common), '(one sec, cat approachign keyboard)'.

DarkClaw laughs.

More snickers softly.

Boromir cheers the cat on.

You say (in common), '(sorry)'.

You say (in common), 'the tale unfolds thusly...'.

Samiyah recites, 'As my steps have travelled 'round the world for many years '
Samiyah recites, 'I've seen some acts of cruelty, come face to face with fears '
Samiyah recites, 'I've heard of foulest tortures and I've witnessed blood and pain '
Samiyah recites, 'Been exposed to death and horror, time and time a-gain '

Samiyah recites, 'But mortal terrors pale before Immortal threat of wrath '
Samiyah recites, 'A note demanded that I write - a song of Seraph's past '
Samiyah recites, 'Polite, my re-ply, but was firm: Of you, I cannot sing '
Samiyah recites, 'For your deeds are never fair, you only mis'ry bring '

Samiyah recites, 'I thought the matter ended, 'til I saw a wicked grin '
Samiyah recites, 'He backed me to a corner, laughed, and said in voice of sin, '
Samiyah recites, '"What would be worse - harming you? - or all that you hold dear? '
Samiyah recites, 'Now tell my tale, oh little bard, or they'll have cause to fear." '

Samiyah recites, 'He knelt before me, wings pulled back, and looked me in the eyes '
Samiyah recites, 'And ran a finger down my cheek, a threat in kindness' guise '
Samiyah recites, ' "So will you do this thing for me?" he asked with voice so cold '
Samiyah recites, 'I stammered yes, my friends to guard, that he not steal a soul. '

Samiyah recites, 'Thus angrily, surrendered will, agreeing to his task '
Samiyah recites, 'But swore I wouldn't write a word, until I knew his past '
Samiyah recites, 'He smirked and nodded, told his tale, then ordered me to write '
Samiyah recites, 'I shook my head, refusing, having not learned all I might '

Samiyah recites, 'I wouldn't let _his_ answers be the sum of all I learned '
Samiyah recites, 'Re-searched, read, and interviewed, and studied pages turned '
Samiyah recites, 'Until at last, was ready, and to paper, quill I put '
Samiyah recites, Til pages filled and ink was spilled, my fingers stained like soot '

Samiyah turns over her hands, revealing the evidence.

Samiyah recites, 'I've scratched out lines and crumpled pages, disatisfied with all '
Samiyah recites, 'My efforts, words could not contain, encompassed in a scrawl '
Samiyah recites, 'But here and now, present to you, the tale of Seraph's life '
Samiyah recites, 'No pleasantries, no happy end - it is a work of strife. '

Samiyah takes a deep breath and continues.

Samiyah recites, 'The being known as Seraph was once but a frightened boy '
Samiyah recites, 'Abandoned by his family, no happiness or joy '
Samiyah recites, 'A life of thiev'ry on the street, oft' beaten when he failed '
Samiyah recites, 'His master was a bastard brute, who truly should be jailed '

Samiyah recites, 'Then one day, a task was set, to thieve a weapon-smith '
Samiyah recites, 'And failing, he was snatched right up, clenched in an ogre's fist '
Samiyah recites, 'They beat him with a metal chain, and whips 'til almost dead '
Samiyah recites, 'Then heated up an iron fork, burned eyes out from his head '

You shudder from the sheer thought of it.

Samiyah recites, 'The eyes are naught, or so they say, but windows to the soul '
Samiyah recites, 'That child screamed and all went black - the peace of death his goal '
Samiyah recites, 'But lifted up, into a light, and there an "angel" stood '
Samiyah recites, ' "I feel the hate inside of you, and absence there of good." '

Samiyah recites, 'Into that corpse, the "angel" breathed, returning gift of life '
Samiyah recites, 'And sent him back, to earthly plane, to sow a path of strife '
Samiyah recites, 'Souls to steal and souls to take, for souls kept him alive '
Samiyah recites, 'The first to fall was Marion, the death he did contrive '

Samiyah recites, 'Soon thereafter, he was found, by Kerri in the Dark '
Samiyah recites, 'Given home, and honors all - still learning all the arts '
Samiyah recites, 'The Booga speaks most fondly of his Ordained Sur-i-el '
Samiyah recites, 'Honors gave his chief Ordained, who's rage burned hot as hell. '

Samiyah recites, 'Mystic armor, mighty blades - for great were the rewards '
Samiyah recites, 'And added greatly to the bags that Booga loved to hoard '
Samiyah recites, 'Then one day it hit him, with the ringing of a bell -- '
Samiyah recites, 'And there within the Booga's tree, in love the Seraph fell '

Samiyah recites, 'Mystaya was his wicked muse, the woman he would wed '
Samiyah recites, 'And for a time was happy, til his love by Tiger bled '
Samiyah recites, 'He swore revenge - let Aslan die! - for Talyn's desperate crime '
Samiyah recites, 'A love for love, the price to pay, in justice so sublime '

Samiyah recites, 'But interposed, the Weaver stood, Her eyes of deepest black '
Samiyah recites, '"If you should slay my Handmaid sweet, there is no turning back. '
Samiyah recites, 'Anathema named, Alliance hurt, and from you turn my face '
Samiyah recites, 'Where once a hand of friendship oft, just coldness in its place." '

Samiyah recites, 'Thus turned from path of Vengeance, he bitterly was forced '
Samiyah recites, 'And helpless rage turned deep within, with words so foul and coarse '
Samiyah recites, '"This love, it only weakens me: I cannot keep her long!" '
Samiyah recites, 'But each time thought to set aside, his heart proclaimed it wrong '

Samiyah recites, 'That wicked core of burning need, the thirst a soul could slake '

Samiyah recites, 'Came manifest in evil lies, all goaded by his mate '
Samiyah recites, '"Oh help me out, I need your aid!" he pled to Maja, whom '
Samiyah recites, 'Agreed to help "dispel a 'Clave", but only found his doom '

Samiyah recites, 'Locked within a Captain's place, blinded, crushed and slain '
Samiyah recites, 'A Nexus-friend was fooled and died, his gear was 'Staya's gain. '
Samiyah recites, 'Years, they passed, and many learned, to trust was but to die '
Samiyah recites, 'Then left behind by god and kin, he gazed up to the sky '

Samiyah recites, 'There must be more, beyond this Realm, I must leave it behind '
Samiyah recites, 'That distance might be sword to cleave through last of oaths that bind '
Samiyah recites, 'years would pass, the seasons sped, while absent Seraph stayed '
Samiyah recites, 'At last, returned, to Gods above, another vow was made '

Samiyah recites, 'I'll stand among you, serve the young, Immortal lessons learn '
Samiyah recites, 'But within me, there's a need, a fire wicked burns '
Samiyah recites, 'Born to sorrow, born to hate, and born to now Ascend '
Samiyah recites, 'And in my presence, trembling souls, before me knees to bend '

Samiyah recites, 'He followed through, was lifted high, his mortal shell to shed '
Samiyah recites, 'And in his name, his minions slew, 'til streets ran wet and red '
Samiyah recites, 'He crafted a new leg-a-cy, and gave a name -- the Vir '
Samiyah recites, 'There from a wicked throne of bone, the Seraph did not stir '

Samiyah recites, 'Many were the conquests of his favored scarlet souls '
Samiyah recites, 'Golson, Mas and Hedschott, all contribute to his goal: '
Samiyah recites, 'Let chaos spread - and lies and hurt - to make the whole world bleed '
Samiyah recites, 'Perhaps so all that suffering, would assuage his dark need '

Samiyah recites, 'For hungered, still, the Seraph did - that hollow void inside '
Samiyah recites, 'It made him reckless, to a fault, and wrongfully decide '
Samiyah recites, 'In a rage, he slew an oathed, and then - the rumor goes '
Samiyah recites, 'It was to friends from earthly plane, their eq quickly flowed '

Samiyah recites, 'The story's garbled - but the fact - he was not cast from high '
Samiyah recites, 'Means there is some question, and we may not e're know why '
Samiyah recites, 'He left his place, he left behind, his people and his throne '
Samiyah recites, 'November twenty, in Oh-Nine, this History has shown '

Samiyah recites, 'Many weeks would pass, until, the Seraph showed his face '
Samiyah recites, 'And with his re-turn, from him fell, the last Immortal grace '
Samiyah recites, 'It was the Spring, in April mid, the Seraph was Retired '
Samiyah recites, 'The Vir was gone, they said so long, their charter had expired '

Samiyah recites, 'Cen-tur-ies sped by with naught a hint of blackest wings '
Samiyah recites, 'Then DarkClaw found him in her home - and Chaos did he bring '

Samiyah glances at the Lady.

DarkClaw nods in recognition to you.

More bows before DarkClaw.

Samiyah recites, 'A growled need, a dark desire - for stronger was his thirst '
Samiyah recites, 'Three souls to gain, or else he'd steal: Belgarion'd be first '

Samiyah recites, 'She wept! She raged! How could he force, a woman to decide '
Samiyah recites, 'Between her friends and twixt her love, the choice she'd not abide '
Samiyah recites, 'She sought advice, she sought to hire, a Bard to tell the tale '
Samiyah recites, 'And spread a warning through the streets, through cities and through dale '

Samiyah recites, 'Samiyah spoke of desert charms, of salt and bonds of faith '
Samiyah recites, 'Four Elements not close at hand, but Spirit the fifth makes '
Samiyah recites, ' "Call your folk, and keep them close - like desert cat he hunts '
Samiyah recites, 'Culling out the wayward sheep, the wounded and the runts. '

Samiyah recites, 'Be the shepherd, ward them all, and get them through the night: '
Samiyah recites, 'Those shared vows will help you stand against this horrid fright." '
Samiyah recites, 'Heartened, Lady went her way, with troubled Bard behind '
Samiyah recites, 'For she the bonds of Faith rejects, alone and unaligned '

Samiyah recites, 'It wasn't long before he heard of little Bard's advice '
Samiyah recites, 'And thwarted, he began to watch - then spoke and named a price '
Samiyah recites, 'She'd do his bid, and spin his tale, or else her friends would fall '
Samiyah recites, 'But found that this was not enough - he wanted her as thrall. '

Samiyah recites, ' "I am the one who hears your prayers, To whom your people pray '
Samiyah recites, 'I've watched you for the longest time, through dark and light of day '
Samiyah recites, 'I'm here to help, you must believe, It's really for your good '
Samiyah recites, 'For without hate there is no love - I wish you understood." '

Samiyah recites, 'What Gods decree, we must abide - they cannot be gainsaid - '
Samiyah recites, 'And as my tale comes to a close, I'm filled with fear and dread '
Samiyah recites, 'For if it is - as Seraph says - he is my destiny '
Samiyah recites, 'I face the future yet unwrit, unknowing what will be. '

Samiyah falls silent and clasps her hands.

Natilena sits down and thinks deeply.

Samiyah lays a hand across her chest, modestly lowers her eyes, and curtseys.

DarkClaw moves closer to Sami to offer comfort.

Natilena says, 'written well but yes, an interesting tale that'.

>You received Bards' Council approval for level 25 at 2012-12-17 21:16:51.