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            "962": {
                "pageid": 962,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Re-roll",
                "revisions": [
                        "contentformat": "text/x-wiki",
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                        "*": "== Introduction ==\nRerolling refers to the process of getting a different set of [[stats]] during the character creation process.  The term is derived from the paper and dice version of role-playing wherein players would actually roll dice and cross-reference a table in the game manual to generate their characters statistics.  If they were unhappy with their statistics, they could re-roll.\n\n== Statistical Analysis ==\n\n=== Mage ===\n==== Human ====\nA statistical analysis of approximately 2500 re-rolls was performed to determine the approximate distributions of the levels for each stat.  The analysis was performed for a Human Male Mage.  The results reflect that Mages receive a bonus on INT and DEX.  The results are summarized in the table below:\n\n{|class=\"wikitable\"\n|-\n!Stat Level\n!STR\n!INT\n!WIS\n!DEX\n!CON\n!CHR\n!LUC\n|-\n|LOW||41%||0%||41%||9%||40%||43%||41%\n|-\n|BAVG||24%||23%||23%||33%||22%||24%||21%\n|-\n|AVG||16%||29%||16%||29%||18%||15%||17%\n|-\n|AAVG||11%||28%||12%||20%||12%||11%||13%\n|-\n|HIGH||4%||15%||4%||5%||4%||3%||3%\n|-\n|MAX||4%||5%||4%||4%||4%||4%||4%\n|-\n|}\n\nGraphically the distributions are shown below:\n\n[[File:reroll_graph.jpeg]]\n\n==== Elf ====\nA second analysis was performed for approximately 850 re-rolls to determine the effect race has on statistics for a given class.  Since INT and DEX are appeared to be primary and secondary stats for mages, Elf was selected since they rank 2nd in INT and DEX likely making them an ideal choice for a mage.  The results seem to reflect this conclusion.  Compare the INT and DEX distributions between the Elf Mage and the Human Mage.  The results are summarized in the table below:\n\n{|class=\"wikitable\"\n|-\n!Stat Level\n!STR\n!INT\n!WIS\n!DEX\n!CON\n!CHR\n!LUC\n|-\n|LOW||37%||5%||41%||21%||40%||41%||44%\n|-\n|BAVG||26%||23%||26%||27%||24%||19%||23%\n|-\n|AVG||18%||25%||16%||25%||15%||27%||14%\n|-\n|AAVG||11%||13%||11%||9%||13%||7%||12%\n|-\n|HIGH||4%||16%||4%||10%||4%||3%||4%\n|-\n|MAX||5%||18%||3%||7%||4%||4%||3%\n|-\n|}\n\n[[File:reroll_graph_elma.jpeg]]\n\n=== Warrior ===\n==== Human ====\nA statistical analysis of approximately 500 re-rolls was performed to determine the approximate distributions of the levels for each stat.  The analysis was performed for a Human Male Warrior.  The results reflect that Warriors receive a bonus on STR and DEX.  The results are summarized in the table below:\n\n{|class=\"wikitable\"\n|-\n!Stat Level\n!STR\n!INT\n!WIS\n!DEX\n!CON\n!CHR\n!LUC\n|-\n|LOW||0%||39%||41%||9%||42%||47%||40%\n|-\n|BAVG||22%||21%||23%||32%||18%||18%||23%\n|-\n|AVG||32%||17%||16%||31%||17%||16%||18%\n|-\n|AAVG||27%||14%||13%||19%||15%||12%||11%\n|-\n|HIGH||14%||4%||4%||5%||4%||4%||4%\n|-\n|MAX||5%||4%||4%||3%||4%||4%||5%\n|-\n|}\n\n[[File:reroll_graph_huwa.jpeg]]"
            "4037": {
                "pageid": 4037,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Reacher",
                "revisions": [
                        "contentformat": "text/x-wiki",
                        "contentmodel": "wikitext",
                        "*": "{{Info pc\n|name           = Reacher\n|incarnation    = \n|styled_as      = \n|imm_rank       = \n|created        = September 5, 2011\n|status         = Active\n|retire_date    = \n|race           = {{Race|Human}}\n|hometown       = \n|classes        = {{Class|Mage}}<BR>{{Class|Ranger}}<BR>{{Class|Ordained}}\n|last_seen      = \n|followed       = [[Katrana]]\n|spouse         = \n|partner        = \n|parents        = \n|children       = \n|relatives      = \n|areas_written  = \n|immorted_on    = \n|following      = \n|portfolio      = \n}}\n[[Category:Wyld Hunt]]\n\n== Mud Contributions: ==\n<BR>\n== Current Description: ==\nAs you look at him he appears lost in thought.  Then, suddenly,\nhis face contorts and his concentration falters... his appearance\nflickers and then HE changes.  It looks now as if his face and\nbody have been twisted by some sort of grotesque magic spell\ngone wrong.  Then, just as quickly, he regains his composure\nand his original appearance re-emerges as if nothing at all\noccured.  He seems to have cast some sort of enchantment to\nchange how he looks.  He looks perfectly normal when this\nenchantment is working properly.  Quietly, you peer at him for\nseveral moments longer.  You feel as if you have encountered a\nvery odd character, indeed.\n\nReacher is in perfect health.\n\nReacher is using:\n<used as light>     (Glowing) a red dragon's eye<BR>\n<worn on finger>    (Artifact magic) a simple ring<BR>\n<worn on finger>    (Artifact magic) a simple ring<BR>\n<worn around neck>  (Invis) (Moderate magic) a golden medallion<BR>\n<worn around neck>  (Potent magic) a Necklace of Fangs<BR>\n<worn on body>      (Invis) (Artifact magic) (Glowing) (Humming) the enchanted suit of leather<BR>\n<worn on head>      (Powerful magic) a quilted cloth hat<BR>\n<worn on legs>      (Powerful magic) a pair of quilted cloth peasant pants<BR>\n<worn on feet>      (Moderate magic) stout brown leather boots<BR>\n<worn on hands>     (Moderate magic) the glowing remnants of stolen souls<BR>\n<worn on arms>      The Emerald Vambraces<BR>\n<worn about body>   (Invis) (Moderate magic) an aura of darkness<BR>\n<worn about waist>  (Potent magic) (beer stained) a greenish-blue tartan kilt<BR>\n<worn around wrist> (Potent magic) a cuff of claws<BR>\n<worn around wrist> (Moderate magic) (Humming) the dirty peridot bracelet<BR>\n<wielded>           (Artifact magic) a knotted cudgel<BR>\n<wielded off-hand>  (Moderate magic) (Bloody) a pair of hunting shears<BR>\n<worn with pride>   the Ebon Sigil Odegra<BR>\n<worn with pride>   the Ebon Sigil Odegra<BR>\n<BR>\n== WHO Lists: ==\n 03/24/14  Hum [ Or:29 Ra:30 Ma:30 ] Reacher, the Hound's pet.                     *Wyld*\n<BR>\n== Character History: ==\n<BR>\n== Trivia: ==\n<BR>\n== Player Provided Information: ==\n<BR>\n== Personal Timeline: ==\n<BR>\n== Player Information: ==\n<BR>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n<BR>\n<BR>"