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Official Information

On rare occasions, crashes and such damage player files. Backups are
done regularly, so if a problem occurs and your player file
ceases to exist or is damaged, log in a new character and leave a note to
tell us what happened. If possible, the file will be restored from the
latest backup available. If the character was started after backup, or
some other problem makes restoration impossible, the character will have
to be restarted.

At this point, the character "lives" again...but in a different state
than before the "accident". What will and will not be done to "upgrade"
the character to near its prior status?

TFC always has had a rule of not allowing reimbursement of equipment. The
reason is simply that it is impossible to verify that it ever existed,
and while not all people cheat, some would so we will not open that can
of worms. This also goes for particular stats within a character - they
are not recorded and cannot be verified.

NOTE: This comment on no equipment reimbursement covers equipment lost in
ANY way - reboot, crash, theft, mob ate it, and so on...

Levels may be reimbursed up to the point they can be verified, as
leveling writes a message into the MUD logs. However, just as a player
file may somehow get messed up or damaged, so, too, can the logs...therefore
only what is verifiable will be used in making level reimbursement. This
also requires an Implementor. Even though you may be given back one or
more levels, you are NOT guaranteed the same level gains as you received
previously -- they may be higher or lower.

These rules were created in order to keep cheating from occurring, but
also to keep all a player's hard work from going "down the drain."
Equipment can always be replaced, maybe not as quickly as you might like,
but it can be replaced.