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Ptarchyzk (I)
Athiest Muggle
Status Inactive
Race Human
Classes Mage
Last Seen March 19, 2011


Mud Contributions:

Current Description:

Your gaze slides past the tall, slender figure, as unremarkable as any of the hundreds that travel through the city. Something about it, though, pulls your eyes back for a second look. But he's gone. Scanning the area, you spot him again, some distance away. Again, your gaze slides over him, as if he simply wasn't important enough or different enough to notice... that in itself makes you force yourself to look deeper.

From his height, your first thought is 'Elven'... but the breadth of his shoulders swiftly paints a truer picture. Brown hair is cropped short, but a forelock falls boyishly over his piercing blue eyes. However, the assessing, sarcastic, almost arrogant gaze that meets yours is certainly not that of a foppish or callow youth, but rather one who has survived alone for decades and has little to no patience for the foolishness, ineptitude or dogma of others. Worn leathers fit snugly over a body that is wiry but capable, accenting the smoothness of his movement as he glides towards you. His weapons are quiet at his side, but his hands don't stray far from their grip. A slight smirk creeps over his lips as he meets your eyes, and nods. Then he is gone, sliding away to hide in plain sight once more.

Upon examination, you realize that this specimen of humanity called
Ptarchyzk is in perfect health.

Character History:


  • Ptarchyzk is listed on plaque27 in the room of records:
Ptarchyzk becomes The Final Challenge's first level 40 muggle. 
It is 3pm on Kelir the 14th, the month of the Testing of Fates,
in the year 2629. (December 18th 2003) 
Hum [Wa:30 Th:30] Ptarchyzk, Atheistic Muggle Sneak Extrordinaire.TMQFC.
  • Credited as being one of the factors that led to the downfall of the Arcanes, Ptarchyzk the Warrior Thief has always been an independent cuss more than willing to cause a riot. Enraged by Uriel killing him then attempting to use his own EQ to try and bribe him into following Torchbearer, Ptarchyzk began a one thief crusade. NO Arcane was safe from Ptar's INFO... and that info went right to the Pk'ers in range.
  • In his slow 3x days, Ptarchyzk is known to have broken into Cordir's temple and braided a bunch of her spiderwebs into a hammock (in which, Okk (and others) is rumored to enjoy hiding oranges.)
[ 14] Ptarchyzk: Muggle for sale, update
Sun Dec 28 13:28:27 2003
To: all
Up for auction to the highest bidder.
One level 40 Muggle's worshipping abilities.
Yes, I'm still an Atheist.. but hey. I've had lotsa requests.

Ptarchyzk Top Dog Muggle.
Bidding closes Dec 31, midnight game time.
Cordir has the highest bid so far, with Bliss and Grimace in a close second.
Wylin deserves an honorable mention, because I know how much Beer means to him.
I just don't value it as much. :>

Come on Imms! Bid well and often! Time's running short!

Personal Timeline: