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Star’s Request – Off Mud RP

A shimmering at the edge of your vision draws your eye. The Weaver appears, outlined in shadow. She gazes at you for a brief moment, Her head tilted to one side, then speaks. "Guardian mentioned you'd stopped by the garden while I was out. Did you need to speak to me about something, Star?"

DarkClaw paces her temple, her form tense, features agitated. She stops suddenly at the sound of your voice and faces you. "I...yes. I want this gone."

One brow rises and she asks quietly, 'Want what gone?"

DarkClaw growls in frustration, "This...THING...whatever it is. I want it gone". She visibly tries to calm herself then speaks again. "Can you cut different types of threads?"

Cordir clasps her hands before her, examining the vampiress before her. She starts to speak, then pauses, and then starts again, her tone carefully patient and gentle. 'Star... you're going to have to explain a bit. Cutting of threads is generally my Sister's domain. Yes.. I can.. I... Why don't you start from the beginning?"

DarkClaw sighs and meets your eyes boldly. "I want the thread between Venom and I cut."

Blinking, Cordir starts to answer, then stops. She looks at you closely, seeing the anguish and tension clearly evident in the taut lines of your frame and face. Speaking quite softly, she says, 'Star.. Do you recall what I did to myself, to forget Isolas?'

DarkClaw looks down again, then back up, impatiently, though you sense it's not with you. "I am tired of wanti...needing him. Tired of aching for him." She says more softly, “And tired of being ignored by him."

Cordir breaks her gaze from yours, looking around the Temple, her own memories of such things rising painfully to the fore. "I understand such things, more than you might believe - including the icy silences. It is why I forced myself to forget. To sever that connection between he and I."

She turns back to face the Lady of the Lost, and says quietly but firmly, 'Having me intervene would be the greatest mistake you could make in this. Think on this. If the bond .. the thread... is Cut... You will -both- be free to pursue others. But the memories will always be there. How will it affect you to see him with another?"

DarkClaw groans and spins around abruptly, returning to her pacing. "I don't understand. I have NEVER had this problem with ANYONE before. No matter what I do I can't shake him. And it infuriates me to be ignored by him."

Cordir smiles crookedly, her expression wry. 'And he knows it. And it gives him power. He is a sadistic and cruel little thing. But I think at the heart of him... he does not know how to admit to himself how or what he feels about you. No man - especially a man like Venom - can easily acknowledge weakness. If he can ignore you, then he can ignore that which is within him.'

She takes a step closer, catching up the vampire's hands in a rare gesture, squeezing lightly to give comfort before speaking. "If you were to break with him... you know it would have to be fully. Having him within the Lost ... would be untenable, and I think you know that. "

DarkClaw closes her eyes and nods, responding quietly, "I know. I don't...think I have the strength to do so.” She looks back up and forces a tight-lipped smirk to her mouth. "I appear to be doomed. This might even be harder than learning to control the hunger was."

The Weaver's expression is gentle, commiserating. 'It doesn't help, but.. I know what you feel like. But outside influence on this bond isn't the answer. You have to .. not confront, but.. discuss.. with Venom directly. If all you have is need then express that. If there's something else.. express that. All he can do is close the door from his side, and if that happens.. then you have your ending.'

DarkClaw quirks a brow and grins wryly at that thought. "Have you ever tried having a discussion with Venom?"

A soft chuckle escapes Cordir's lips. "I have. Maddening, generally. He's pompous, self-centered, and entirely blind to others." Her tone grows dry. “That's generally described as a sociopath. And not the best choice for a lover. Or even a bedding partner. But.. “

She makes a slight gesture of dismissal, “He is what he is. If you do not speak, you will remain in this state of limbo. If he answers as you know he likely will... then you will have freedom. . . or perhaps you will have that fire you remember so fondly...” She glances away, her expression shuttered.

DarkClaw sighs with acceptance and nods, her gaze turning thoughtful. "I should not have even burdened you with my problems...especially one so trivial."

Cordir looks startled, and murmurs, 'Star. We have known one another for eons. While our closeness has sometimes ebbed and flowed... I'm always happen to listen and advise where I can... Though in some matters, with less experience than others might...' She shifts a little uncomfortably. "If you want me to talk to him on your behalf.. to phrase it that you have asked it of me, but I will not do so without his consent... That might strike the issue from an unexpected angle and get a more honest response from him..?" Her tone goes wry. "Though I'm not exactly one he tolerates with any degree of clear-headedness and openness.'

DarkClaw shakes her head quickly, her eyes widening a fraction. "No...but thank you. I'm not sure he would appreciate anyone 'meddling', as he might call it. I will speak to him."

Cordir chuckles, the sound a touch.. evil. 'Well, yes, it would be meddling. Which I try generally not to do. But i would enjoy seeing the expression on his face.'

DarkClaw grins. "Aye, but he might ignore me even more for it."

A mirroring grin curves Cordir's lips. "Oh, I can't see him ignoring it. I see him storming into your temple demanding to know just what the hell I was talking about. Him? Surrendering to such a .. a Change.. made by Me? Not our Venom."

DarkClaw laughs rather loudly. "Perhaps you're right. To tell the truth, I doubt he would know how to handle it."

The Lady’s voice is colored by a suppressed chuckle. 'Precisely...'

DarkClaw shrugs and shares a grin. "If you wish to annoy him, feel free. I don't think it can cause any more harm, truly."

Cordir tilts her head to one side and fully considers. 'Oh, it would rouse his anger and irritation towards me... which he does not fear to disrespectfully vocalize. I can tolerate that for a good cause. It isn't something I would do simply to .. needle him.. but only if you feel it would help. If it will, then I'll do it. If not...' her voice softens with regret. "Then I think you must."

DarkClaw finally takes her hands from yours and runs one through her hair quickly. "I will speak to him. It's best coming from me, I think."

DarkClaw says softly. "I've missed our closeness, Cordir. I guess I just...forgot how to talk to you? Does that make sense?"

A brief smile curves Cordir's lips and she nods. "Of course. We are, each of us, surrounded and yet alone. It is a simple thing, to lose the ease of such things, over the years. And ..." her tone is honest, if rueful. "We are both strong willed, and easily take offense at things. But you ... have been one of Mine, and I do worry about you, as I do each of them, always."

DarkClaw says, ‘I know that I have not always....taken the path of your approval...or done things you approved of...but I have tried to do right by the realm and its people, regardless of my mistakes.’

Cordir colors slightly, shifting uncomfortably. 'I am not your Deity, Star. It isn't for me to judge - or to make you feel that I approve or disapprove.. You're a woman more than grown. I know you do as you feel best. It's just...' Her lips turn downward for a moment. 'It reminds me how helpless I am, that I cannot take direct action to help my people.'

DarkClaw tilts her head slightly, studying you with a mirrored frown. "I had not given thought to that, but I can certainly understand how frustrating that would be."

The Weaver adds, sotto voce, 'You are one of my people, too, you know. It hurts me to see you distraught and hurt, as much as it pains me to see Ghazkull struggling so.'

DarkClaw finds herself leaning toward the promise of your warmth and comfort, then quickly pulls away, masking the emotion she feels. "I will be fine. I do worry about Ghaz, though...especially now with his prolonged absences."

Cordir reaches up in response to her Chosen’s name, her indigo eyes closing, a pale hand seeking and finding an unseen Thread. A frown appears. ‘Star…’ She opens her eyes and looks at the vampire sidelong, her expression unreadable but he voice touched with worry. ‘I have to go.’

(End scene.)