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(Log by Wish)

Cordir: Wish.
Cordir: Hello.

DarkClaw: Hiya, Wish.

Wish: i see this place is crawling with Nashites...hard to breath

7 players.
Elf [ Demigod ] Wish, Nashite Foul Sepiod of Alchemy <Inv 71>
Dwa [ Sh: 8 ] Qekt the Dwarf
Min [ Bard: 11 7 1 ] Pyre the Lost Minotaur
Hel [ Socrates ] Cresom Deme, I have found true Wisdom.
Hum [ Anfa an Caillte ] Belgarion Foul Betrayer *LOST* **DarkClaw**
Hum [ Demigoddess ] DarkClaw, Evolution of the Lost Ones -= Belgarion =-
Hum [ Triat Weaver ] Cordir: Lady Stormreaver, Patroness of Bards

Cordir: ...*raises eyebrow*
Cordir: *bitterly* Do I count on that sarcastic list, or not? I'm curious.

Wish: sarcastic list!

Cordir: Wish.
Cordir: Come here.

DarkClaw: Uh oh.
DarkClaw: You're in trouble.

Cordir: .. He also isn't paying attention.

DarkClaw: More punishment ensues!

Wish: who isn't?

Cordir: You.

Wish: where is here, exactly?

Cordir: *points in front of her*

Wish: *gulp*

>goto cordir
A Midnight Garden
[Exits: south]
A comfortable looking wooden stool stands here.
A mirror is here, showing, through dust, your reflection.
(Intense Light Cyan Aura) Cordir is here.
(White Aura) A distressingly large, shiny black spider weaves webs here.

You bow before her.

Cordir indicates the stool.
Cordir says, 'Sit.'.

You sniff sadly. *SNIFF*

Cordir waits, hands clasped before her.

Tentacles in a squiggling mass gently consume the stool, pulling the mass of Wish up on to it.

Cordir looks at you.
Cordir turns and faces the mirror, clearing away the dust with a wave of icy wind.

Wish blinks up at Cordir, one tentacle idly playing with the dust on the floor.

Cordir turns back to face you. 'What do you see?'

She indicates the mirror's surface.

You say, 'hmmm'.
Wish points a tentacle tentatively at the mirror.
Wish leans in slightly, his ectoplasmic mass gurgling.
Wish peers into the mirror intently.

Cordir walks around behind you, her bare feet moving soundlessly.

Wish snaps his 4th and 5th tentacles together.
You say, 'I got it. This is a test, right?'.

Her reflection behind you in the mirror nods.

You say, 'You are testing me to see if I am a vampire!'.

Her lips twitch slightly, and she shakes her head silently.

You say, 'That's good, because I definitely see my reflection.'.

Cordir holds your gaze in the mirror. 'When I was ... broken... and you learned of it...'

You shiver. Brrrrrrrrr.

Cordir says, 'Did you seek to know more? Or did you think it none of your concern?'.
Cordir watches you in the mirror.

You say, 'Well, I wanted to know more...and I queried for more, if I recall correctly.'.
You say, 'But there was a point where I did not want to violate your privacy.'.
You say, 'I tried to help you as I could.'.

Cordir says, 'But by that point, I knew that something was ... wrong. Broken. '.
Cordir says, 'Not the extent, but.. the knowing.'.

You nod.

Cordir remains standing behind you, her hands clasped, watching you in the glass.
Cordir says, 'And if something was wrong. Broken. in you...'.
Cordir says, 'Would you wish to know it?'.

You say, 'Well certainly!'.
You say, 'Oh my god!'.

Cordir walks back to the mirror.

You say, 'Is there something wrong with me?'.

Cordir lays her hand upon it, shattering it with a touch.

Wish alarmingly reaches all his tentacles up to touch his head, his beak, his round eyes!

You say, 'hmmm I don't feel broken'.
You say, 'Sometimes I get rashes when I'm out of the water too long...dry skin.'.

Cordir turns to face you once more, her expression calm but sad.
Cordir says, 'No. You do not feel broken to yourself.'.
Cordir says, 'So is it wrong of me to reveal where the shattered pieces lie?'.
Cordir says, 'And wrest away that comfortable veil?'.

You say, 'Well, I suppose if the shattering is going to do more harm than the brokenness, I suppose not.'.
You say, 'it's like this'.
You say, 'There is a stabbing victim.'.

Cordir stands amidst the broken glass and listens to you.

You say, 'You rush to the scene. He might die, he might live. The knife is embedded in his chest. What do you do?'.
You say, 'Do you rip out the knife?'.
You say, 'No. That would ensure the victims death, as he would immediately bleed out.'.
You say, 'The Knife itself is keeping him alive...at least temporarily'.
You say, 'You find a doctor...a surgeon...to gently ease the knife out while cauterizing the broken blood vessels'.
You say, 'and then you hope for the best'.
You say, 'So, if, as you claim, I am broken and yet can't feel it, I ask you this:'.
You say, 'Do you wish to be a well meaning knife ripper? Or a surgeon?'.

Cordir closes her eyes a moment and nods.
Cordir says, 'Do you recall the days of my mortality when I was in the Black Conclave?'.
Cordir says, 'I think that it pre-dates your birth...'.

You say, 'I do, as another'.

Cordir says, 'I was .. taken.. by Molo, by force. As a weapon to harm another.'.

You nod.
You say, 'I know of the tale.'.

Cordir says, 'My defilement was to cause further injury to Keller. I was.. collateral damage.'.
Cordir says, 'Keller was the goal.'.
Cordir says, 'But that is beside the point.'.
Cordir says, 'I struggled.'.
Cordir says, 'This little fly would not go quietly into the maw of the spider'.
Cordir says, 'I struggled. I disrupted the web.'.
Cordir says, 'It was decided to veil my memories.'.
Cordir says, 'Molo cast a spell to lessen what I knew.'.
Cordir says, 'It was not done in kindness - it was done for convenience.'.
Cordir says, 'Sometimes.. a seeming such as that... such as when I cast that same horrific spell upon myself..'.
Cordir says, 'to take the hurt from a thing and make it possible to heal..'.
Cordir says, 'Sometimes it can heal. But when the bandage becomes the flesh..'.
Cordir says, 'and one has grown into the other, inseparable..'.
Cordir shrugs slightly. "there is no quick tearing it off."

Cordir looks down at the shards around her feet.
Cordir says, 'Healing is possible.'.
Cordir says, 'Even through the greatest of wounds.'.
Cordir says, 'Know that.'.

Wish nods quietly, his tentacles hanging slack.

Cordir cups your cheek in one hand for a brief moment, her eyes sad.
Cordir turns and walks through the shards towards a more shadowed part of the garden.
Her voice trails behind. 'You may, if you wish, go. I have said what I needed to say.'

You say, 'Cordir, may I ask you one last question?'.

She glances over her shoulder. "Yes."

You say, 'Could it not be that in some cases, the transformation into another thing...is the healing?'.

Cordir smiles faintly. 'Your Alchemical Change..?'

You smile happily.
You say, 'Quite possibly.'.

Cordir says at long last, her voice quiet. 'I will think on it. I do not believe so. But I will think on it further.'

You nod.
You say, 'As will I'.
You say, 'I feel your sadness when you gaze upon me. I would not have that.'.
You say, 'Know that I am happy as I am. '.

Cordir says, 'You are too much a mirror for me, to look upon without discomfort, Wish.'.

You say, 'Then should you not be as happy as I?'.

Cordir shakes her head slightly, the shorn ends of her butchered hair brushing her shoulders.

You say, 'Then I am less a mirror, and more a piece of glass upon which you see only a partial reflection as you gaze through beyond.'.

Cordir inclines her head in acknowledgement.

You say, 'Partial reflection...another conundrum'.

Cordir says, 'You are joyful in your ... transformation. I was not. And you are right - that taints what I see.'.
Cordir gazes down at her left hand, rubbing the palm with the thumb of her right.
Her lips form a name, but even the breath of sound is too private to fall on ears.

You say, 'From my earliest memories, my tentacles were strapped around the neck of my tormentor... my final tormenter at least. Killing him brought be great pleasure'.
You smile happily.

Cordir blinks as a thought occurs to her.
Cordir shakes her head with a half-laugh. 'Best not to know' she murmurs.

You say, 'what were you considering?'.

Cordir says, 'We see different things in the mirror. I sought to bridge a gap. It is nothing.'.

You nod.

Cordir makes a gesture of casualness with her hand, dismissing the thought.

You say, 'I am still perplexed by the idea of a partial reflection'.
You say, 'how does the glass decide to only reflect part of the light?'.

Cordir says, 'When the dust was upon the mirror - did it cast a true reflection?'.
Cordir says, 'If a mirror is under water - the same question - does it reflect truly?'.

You say, 'I suppose it does not.'.

Cordir nods.

You smile happily.
You say, 'Darkclaw is hogging all the followers!'.
You say, 'make her stop'.

Cordir smiles slightly.
Cordir says, 'Shall I worship you, then?'.
Cordir says, 'Just to make you feel better?'.

Wish swoons with anticipation.

Mischief glitters in Her gaze.
Cordir kneels amidst the shadows and shards of glass.

You say, 'hmmm '.

Cordir lifts Her hands to the heavens.

You say, 'Oh Cordir, I could not have a friend worship me.'.

Cordir says, 'Oh, Great and Mighty and Terrible ... '.

You say, 'that would be wrong'.

Cordir fades off.

You laugh.

Cordir shrugs.
Cordir says, 'I tried.'.

You nod in recognition to her.

Wish helps Cordir to her feet with his tentacle.

Cordir grasps your hand to rise.

You say, 'It is enough that you would think of me.'.

You say, 'But in the end, I suppose I only need a few followers to sustain myself'.

Cordir says, 'More than you would think, oh second-most-favorite Anathema.'.

You say, 'Okay, this Anathema thing.'.
You say, 'Let us address this, shall we?'.

Cordir blinks at your firm tone.
Cordir says, 'Certainly.'.
Cordir clasps Her hands before her.

You say, 'I attacked one of your followers, unprovoked...when I was mortal.'.

Cordir says, 'More than one.'.
Cordir says, 'Three.'.

You say, 'Yes, but it only took one, I think.'.

Cordir shakes her head.
Cordir says, 'Death once. Attacks, thrice.'.

You say, 'ahh...who did I kill? I don't recall.'.

Cordir says, 'Pol.'.

You say, 'ohhh...poor pol'.
You say, 'yeah, i remember that one'.
You say, 'Didn't I apologize for that?'.

Her voice has an undercurrent of steel to it.
Cordir says, 'You did not.'.
Cordir says, 'You did it again, instead.'.

You say, 'Pol twice?'.

Cordir says, 'yes.'.

You say, 'Didn't I return his equipment or in some small gesture provide remuneration?'.

Cordir says, 'Such things are beside the point.'.
Cordir says, 'You cut his Thread.'.

You say, 'Yes, I suppose so.'.

Cordir says, 'And no. You kept his Martini. Perhaps because Kethran took your blood-cups'.

You say, 'oh yeah...Kethran still has those'.

Cordir says, '...I could not destroy them.'.
Cordir looks chagrined at her own sentimentality.

You say, 'i never should have attacked Kethran..that was a big mistake'.
You say, 'Okay, so if I apologize, what else must I do to no longer be Anathema?'.

Cordir says, 'Well, you would seek the forgiveness of the one you wronged.'.
Cordir says, 'You would write a formal letter stating your intent never to harm the Chosen of Fate...'.
Cordir's voice goes sad.
Cordir shrugs.
Cordir says, 'It is all meaningless, now.'.

You say, 'well, atonement is never meaningless'.
You say, 'since in the end, it is usually more for the person doing the atonement'.

Cordir says, 'Do you regret your actions?'.
Cordir says, 'Or do you regret that it created barriers?'.
Cordir arches an eyebrow inquisitively.

You say, 'The latter.'.
You say, 'I do not regret who I once was.'.
You say, 'I was Foul Sepiod of the Black Conclave'.
You say, 'I had a role to play...tasks to perform.'.

Cordir says, 'You were, aye.'.

You say, 'I was not harmless, I know, but I was gentler and kinder than most.'.

Cordir says again, 'You were, aye.'

You say, 'Did not the Chosen of Fate measure actions on a scale?'.

Cordir says, 'Rabhadh, then Anathema.'.
Cordir says, 'Those who Hunted and Harmed, and those who slew.'.
Cordir moves through the garden, her expression thoughtful, pacing slowly.

You say, 'well, I apologize for harming your followers.'.

Cordir stops and faces you.
Cordir says, 'You have my full forgiveness.'.

You bow before her.

Cordir whispers something, and the enormous spider creeps off to do .. something.
The guardian spider disappears in a mushroom cloud.

You say, 'thank you. That means a lot.'.
You say, 'Should I encounter Pol..or Kethran...I shall apologize to them as well.'.

Cordir says, 'Kethran still walks the world.'.

You say, 'I do not recall the third.'.

Cordir says, 'the death of Pol was all it took to make you Anathema.'.
Cordir says, 'Two attacks on him, one on Kethran, would have made you Anathema anyway.'.
Cordir says, 'but you succeeded in your first effort.'.

Cordir says, 'Pol was ancient when Tokugawa was young.'.
Only the slightest touch of reproof is in her voice.

Wish looks down sheepishly.
You say, 'there was a time i had moderate skills in that area'.

Cordir says, 'You did. And he... a champion and hero... had lost his.'.
Cordir says, 'That... as much as I have blamed you all these years... is not on your shoulders.'.

You say, 'Well, it is a weight off of them, nonetheless.'.

Cordir nods in acknowledgement.
Cordir says, 'As for the other...'.

Cordir glances at the mirror shards.

Cordir says, 'I will leave be.'.

You say, 'If you change your mind...be a surgeon.'.

Cordir smiles faintly. 'I do not know how.'
Cordir says, 'I do things by full measure alone.'.

You say, 'Then perhaps it is not your job to extract the knife...if there even is one.'.
You say, 'Perhaps one more...gentle...'.

Cordir nods slightly, turning her face in such a way that, were her hair still a cascade, would hide it.
Cordir clears her throat and when she turns back, her face is a calm mask.

Wish stretches his 5th and 2nd tentacle high into the air, ectoplasm spraying gently.

Cordir says, 'Go in peace, Wish.'.

You bow deeply.
You wave.

Wish disappears silently, his quivering tentacles leaving a slimy trail of ectoplasm as he fades into the ether.

You feel righteous.

Wish: thanks

Cordir: *nods silently*

You tell Cordir, 'good night cordir'.

Fare thee well!