Template:Info pc

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Revision as of 17:25, 16 January 2011 by Tynian (talk | contribs)
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{{Info pc
|name           = character's name
|generation     = Generation (instance) of character (i.e. I, II, III, etc.)
|created        = Creation date (RL calendar)
|status         = active/inactive/retired/unknown
|race           = character race
|hometown       = character hometown
|classes        = character's (mortal) class(es)
|last_seen      = RL date character was last seen (if inactive)
|followings     = following membership(s)
|spouse         = In game spouse
|partner        = In game partner
|children       = In game children
|parents        = In game parents
|relatives      = In game relatives
|areas_authored = Areas written
|immorted_on    = RL date character immorted
|followings_led = following(s) led as FLI
|portfolio      = Area Coordinator, Code writer, etc.