The Throne Battle

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Here is the log of the battle of the Demon King. Enjoy reading it.

<417hp(417) 238ma(251) 535mv(29221) 4193390gp >
Chronic brandishes the tattered guardian staff.
Craige is surrounded by a white aura.
UuKrul is surrounded by a white aura.
Someone is surrounded by a white aura.
Rocky is surrounded by a white aura.
Chronic is surrounded by a white aura.
You are surrounded by a white aura.
Liam is surrounded by a white aura.
Stouthbound is surrounded by a white aura.
Chronic's staff blazes bright and is gone.

ROUND #1 Vecna enters the Throne Room alone. Vecna is immediately attacked by the minions of King Ebencaleneezer though Ebencaleneezer
does not appear to be immediately present.
<417hp(417) 238ma(251) 535mv(29221) 4193390gp >
The Throne Room of the King
[Exits: none]

The guardian daemon was last here, traveling down.

A large chest sits in the corner. A heavy silver lock hangs on it.
The demon prince.
(White Aura) A arcanoloth stands guard.
(White Aura) A arcanoloth stands guard.
(White Aura) A arcanoloth stands guard.
(White Aura) Prince E'krie studies you carefully.
(White Aura) Prince Vordak sneers at your impertinence.
(White Aura) A arcanoloth stands guard.

Your magical protection blocks a guardian demon's attack.
A guardian demon mauls you.
Your magical protection blocks a guardian demon's attack.
A guardian demon wounds you.
Your magical protection blocks a guardian demon's attack.

<381hp(417) 251ma(251) 533mv(29221) 4193390gp >
A guardian demon utters the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
You LOSE 50 experience points!
You are drained of 50 experience points.
You lose 50 mana!
You lose 106 movement!
A guardian demon's energy drain injures you.
Your slice decimates a guardian demon.
Your slice devastates a guardian demon.
You dodge someone's attack.
You parry someone's attack.
You parry a guardian demon's attack.
You parry a guardian demon's attack.
You dodge someone's attack.
You dodge someone's attack.
Your magical protection blocks Vordak's attack.
Vordak mauls you.
Your magical protection blocks Vordak's attack.
A guardian demon overpowers your parry attempt.
A guardian demon wounds you.

ROUND #2 Vecna attempts to silence though it does not work! King Ebencaleneezer has naturalized the room in anticipation of the attack.
<329hp(417) 201ma(251) 427mv(29271) 4193390gp > c silence
Your magic does not seem to take hold.

A guardian demon dodges your attack.
Your slice devastates a guardian demon.
Your magical protection blocks a guardian demon's attack.
You parry a guardian demon's attack.
Your magical protection blocks a guardian demon's attack.
Your armor deflects a guardian demon's attack.
You parry a guardian demon's attack.
A guardian demon's attack goes wild, and he almost hits himself!
Vordak mauls you.
Your magical protection blocks someone's attack.
Someone overpowers your parry attempt.
You dodge someone's attack.
You parry someone's attack.
Your magical protection blocks a guardian demon's attack.
Your armor deflects a guardian demon's attack.

<303hp(417) 151ma(251) 427mv(29271) 4193390gp >
A guardian demon utters the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
You LOSE 39 experience points!
You are drained of 39 experience points.
You lose 30 mana!
You lose 85 movement!
A guardian demon's energy drain injures you.
Vordak utters the words, 'judifgz'.
You feel unclean.
Someone utters the words, 'judifgz'.
A guardian demon utters the words, 'pabraw'.
A guardian demon's harm spell wounds you.

<275hp(417) 71ma(251) 342mv(29310) 4193390gp >
UuKrul zaps you with the chromatic adamantine wand.
A warm feeling fills your body.

Round #3 Vecna is cursed and taking heavy damage through his sanctuary spell. The Conclave has arrived now and Uukrul has immediately zapped Vecna with a heal wand. Liam targets the first prince with a dispel magic wand as planned but King Ebencaleneezer had evidently learned that and had disguised a duergar princeling as a demon. Chronic zaps Vecna with a heal wand.

<375hp(417) 71ma(251) 342mv(29310) 4193390gp >
Your slice devastates a guardian demon.
A guardian demon dodges your attack.
A guardian demon dodges your attack.
Stouthbound's crush injures a guardian demon.
You parry a guardian demon's attack.
You dodge E'krie's attack.
E'krie injures you.
You parry E'krie's attack.
Your armor deflects a guardian demon's attack.
Your magical protection blocks a guardian demon's attack.
You parry E'krie's attack.
Your magical protection blocks E'krie's attack.
E'krie laughs at your fighting style, and chooses to toy with you.
You dodge Vordak's attack.
Your armor deflects Vordak's attack.
Someone devastates you.
You parry someone's attack.
A guardian demon injures you.
Your armor deflects a guardian demon's attack.

<322hp(417) 71ma(251) 342mv(29310) 4193390gp >
Liam zaps a duergar princeling with a golden wand.
Chronic zaps you with the rainbow redwood wand.
A warm feeling fills your body.

<417hp(417) 71ma(251) 342mv(29310) 4193390gp > brandish

A guardian demon utters the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
You LOSE 28 experience points!
You are drained of 28 experience points.
You lose 14 mana!
You lose 68 movement!
A guardian demon's energy drain injures you.
A guardian demon utters the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
You LOSE 53 experience points!
You are drained of 53 experience points.
You lose 11 mana!
You lose 54 movement!
A guardian demon's energy drain hits you.
E'krie utters the words, 'qpurr hajqp'.
E'krie's chilling touch injures you.
Vordak utters the words, 'fuyh'.
Vordak's soul rift devastates you.
Someone utters the words, 'qpurr hajqp'.
Someone's chilling touch injures you.
A guardian demon utters the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
You LOSE 42 experience points!
You are drained of 42 experience points.
You lose 9 mana!
You lose 44 movement!
A guardian demon's energy drain hits you.

Round #4 Vecna brandishes a heal staff after having taken 195 points damage through his sanctuary.
<325hp(417) 37ma(251) 176mv(29433) 4193390gp > You brandish a red and white staff.
A warm feeling fills your body.

<417hp(417) 37ma(251) 176mv(29433) 4193390gp >
Liam's magical protection blocks a duergar princeling's attack.
Liam's armor deflects a duergar princeling's attack.
Liam's crush hits a guardian demon.
Chronic's pierce grazes a guardian demon.
Chronic's pierce hits a guardian demon.
Craige's crush injures a guardian demon.
UuKrul's slice hits a guardian demon.
UuKrul's slice injures a guardian demon.
A guardian demon dodges your attack.
Your slice devastates a guardian demon.
Stouthbound's crush hits a guardian demon.
Stouthbound's crush hits a guardian demon.
Your armor deflects a guardian demon's attack.
Your magical protection blocks a guardian demon's attack.
Your armor deflects a guardian demon's attack.
Your magical protection blocks a guardian demon's attack.
Your magical protection blocks a guardian demon's attack.
You dodge E'krie's attack.
Your magical protection blocks Vordak's attack.
You parry someone's attack.
Someone mauls you.
You parry someone's attack.
You parry someone's attack.
You parry a guardian demon's attack.

Round #5 Vecna attempts to dispel magic King Ebencaleneezer who has obviously cast a high level improved invisibility spell on himself and finds that the King has also protected himself with an absorb spell. <396hp(417) 37ma(251) 176mv(29433) 4193390gp >

UuKrul zaps you with the chromatic adamantine wand.
A warm feeling fills your body.

<417hp(417) 37ma(251) 176mv(29433) 4193390gp >
A guardian demon utters the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
You LOSE 53 experience points!
You are drained of 53 experience points.
You lose 7 mana!
You lose 35 movement!
A guardian demon's energy drain injures you.
A guardian demon utters the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
You LOSE 55 experience points!
You are drained of 55 experience points.
You lose 6 mana!
You lose 28 movement!
A guardian demon's energy drain wounds you.
E'krie utters the words, 'pabraw'.
E'krie's harm spell decimates you.
Vordak utters the words, 'qpurr hajqp'.
Vordak's chilling touch hits you.
Someone utters the words, 'pabraw'.
Someone's harm spell maims you.
A guardian demon makes a complicated-looking gesture.
Liam deftly moves out of the way of a duergar princeling's attack.
Liam's magical protection blocks a duergar princeling's attack.
Liam's crush grazes a guardian demon.
Liam's crush hits a guardian demon.
Craige's crush hits a guardian demon.
UuKrul's slice hits a guardian demon.
UuKrul's slice hits a guardian demon.
Your slice devastates a guardian demon.
Your slice decimates a guardian demon.
Rocky's crush hits a guardian demon.
A guardian demon is DEAD!!
You receive 19 experience points.
A guardian demon hits the ground ... DEAD.
Rocky gets 540 gold coins from the corpse of a guardian demon.
Your armor deflects a guardian demon's attack.
You parry a guardian demon's attack.
Your magical protection blocks E'krie's attack.
You parry E'krie's attack.
Your magical protection blocks Vordak's attack.
Vordak stumbles and almost falls!
Your magical protection blocks someone's attack.
You dodge someone's attack.
Your magical protection blocks a guardian demon's attack.

Round #6 One of the guardian demons has fallen yet three more remain as well as the two demon princes and the King himself. We learn this round that the demons are better prepared than we thought. Some of them are cloaked.
<312hp(417) 24ma(251) 113mv(29522) 4193390gp > c 'dispel magic'
Liam zaps E'krie with a golden wand.
The white glow around E'krie's body fades.

Your spell does not go off.

<312hp(417) 9ma(251) 113mv(29522) 4193390gp >
Liam's magical protection blocks a duergar princeling's attack.
Liam's crush hits E'krie.
A guardian demon dodges your attack.
Your slice devastates a guardian demon.
A guardian demon was unhurt by the attack.
Rocky's crush hits a guardian demon.
A guardian demon was unhurt by the attack.
Stouthbound almost loses his footing!
You parry a guardian demon's attack.
Your magical protection blocks a guardian demon's attack.
Your magical protection blocks a guardian demon's attack.
You parry E'krie's attack.
You dodge E'krie's attack.
You parry someone's attack.
Someone decimates you.
You parry a guardian demon's attack.

<284hp(417) 9ma(251) 113mv(29522) 4193390gp >
A guardian demon utters the words, 'znqrjoculo'.
A guardian demon utters the words, 'judifgz'.
E'krie utters the words, 'fuyh'.
E'krie's soul rift devastates you.
Vordak utters the words, 'qpurr hajqp'.
Vordak's chilling touch hits you.
Someone utters the words, 'judifgz'.
A guardian demon utters the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
You LOSE 47 experience points!
You are drained of 47 experience points.
You lose 1 mana!
You lose 22 movement!
A guardian demon's energy drain injures you.

Round #7 The demons are fight causing massive damage through Vecna’s sanctuary. He has taken a total of 402 points damage now through the sanctuary. Chronic and Uukrul both heal Vecna using wands and Vecna brandishes a heal staff which is expended and explodes!
<231hp(417) 8ma(251) 91mv(29569) 4193390gp >
Chronic zaps you with the rainbow redwood wand.
A warm feeling fills your body.

<331hp(417) 8ma(251) 91mv(29569) 4193390gp >
UuKrul zaps you with the chromatic adamantine wand.
A warm feeling fills your body.
You brandish a red and white staff.
A warm feeling fills your body.
Your staff blazes bright and is gone.
Liam deftly moves out of the way of a duergar princeling's attack.
Liam deftly moves out of the way of a duergar princeling's attack.
Liam's crush hits E'krie.
Craige's crush injures a guardian demon.
Craige's attack goes wild, and he almost hits himself!
UuKrul's slice hits a guardian demon.
A guardian demon dodges your attack.
Your slice devastates a guardian demon.
Rocky looks at a guardian demon's fighting style and smirks.
Your magical protection blocks a guardian demon's attack.
Your magical protection blocks a guardian demon's attack.
You parry E'krie's attack.
E'krie hits you.
You parry E'krie's attack.
You dodge Vordak's attack.
You parry someone's attack.
Your magical protection blocks someone's attack.
You dodge someone's attack.
You parry a guardian demon's attack.
You parry a guardian demon's attack.

<410hp(417) 8ma(251) 91mv(29569) 4193390gp >
Stouthbound utters the words, 'rift'.
Stouthbound's spell does not go off.

Round #8 King Ebencaleneezer lets loose with a nasty soul rift on Vecna while Vordak launches a harm spell.
<410hp(417) 8ma(251) 91mv(29569) 4193390gp >
A guardian demon makes a complicated-looking gesture.
E'krie utters the words, 'qaiyjguai'.
Vordak utters the words, 'pabraw'.
Vordak's harm spell mauls you.
Someone utters the words, 'fuyh'.
Someone's soul rift *** ANNIHILATES *** you.

<303hp(417) 8ma(251) 91mv(29569) 4193390gp >
Liam's armor deflects a duergar princeling's attack.
Liam's armor deflects a duergar princeling's attack.
Liam's crush hits E'krie.
Chronic's pierce grazes a guardian demon.
UuKrul's slice hits a guardian demon.
UuKrul's slice hits a guardian demon.
A guardian demon dodges your attack.
Your slice decimates a guardian demon.
Stouthbound's crush injures a guardian demon.
Stouthbound's crush hits a guardian demon.
Your magical protection blocks a guardian demon's attack.
You parry a guardian demon's attack.
Your armor deflects a guardian demon's attack.
E'krie stumbles and almost falls!
You dodge Vordak's attack.
You parry Vordak's attack.
You dodge someone's attack.
Your armor deflects a guardian demon's attack.
You parry a guardian demon's attack.

<303hp(417) 8ma(251) 91mv(29569) 4193390gp >
Liam utters the words, 'lightning bolt'.
Liam's lightning bolt hits E'krie.
Rocky's kick scratches a guardian demon.

Round #9 A tick goes by as Vecna receives several well placed rifts and harm spells from the demons.
<323hp(417) 27ma(251) 151mv(29569) 4193390gp >
Stouthbound utters the words, 'rift'.
Stouthbound's spell does not go off.

<323hp(417) 27ma(251) 151mv(29569) 4193390gp >
A guardian demon utters the words, 'judifgz'.
Vordak utters the words, 'fuyh'.
Vordak's soul rift EVISCERATES you.
Someone utters the words, 'pabraw'.
Someone's harm spell wounds you.
A guardian demon makes a complicated-looking gesture.
A duergar princeling looks at Liam's fighting style and smirks.
Liam's crush hits E'krie.
Chronic's pierce grazes a guardian demon.
Chronic's pierce grazes a guardian demon.
Craige's crush injures a guardian demon.
A guardian demon dodges your attack.
Your slice devastates a guardian demon.
Your slice decimates a guardian demon.
Rocky's crush hits a guardian demon.
Stouthbound's crush hits a guardian demon.
Stouthbound's crush hits a guardian demon.
Your armor deflects a guardian demon's attack.
Your armor deflects a guardian demon's attack.
Your magical protection blocks a guardian demon's attack.
Your armor deflects Vordak's attack.
You dodge Vordak's attack.
You parry someone's attack.
You dodge someone's attack.
You parry a guardian demon's attack.
A guardian demon decimates you.

Round #10 Uukrul and Chronic more than earn their pay as they continue to zap Vecna with well placed heals from their wands.
<211hp(417) 27ma(251) 151mv(29569) 4193390gp >
UuKrul zaps you with the chromatic adamantine wand.
A warm feeling fills your body.

<311hp(417) 27ma(251) 151mv(29569) 4193390gp >
Rocky's kick scratches a guardian demon.

<311hp(417) 27ma(251) 151mv(29569) 4193390gp >
Craige utters the words, 'yrawzgculatz'.
Craige's spell does not go off.
Stouthbound utters the words, 'rift'.
Stouthbound's soul rift injures a guardian demon.

<311hp(417) 27ma(251) 151mv(29569) 4193390gp >
Chronic zaps you with the rainbow redwood wand.
A warm feeling fills your body.

<411hp(417) 27ma(251) 151mv(29569) 4193390gp >
Liam parries a duergar princeling's attack.
Chronic's pierce hits a guardian demon.
Craige's crush hits a guardian demon.
A guardian demon dodges your attack.
Your slice devastates a guardian demon.
A guardian demon is DEAD!!
You receive 15 experience points.
You hear a guardian demon's death cry.
You get 432 gold coins from the corpse of a guardian demon.
The corpse of a guardian demon contains:


Rocky's crush hits a guardian demon.
Stouthbound's crush hits a guardian demon.
Your magical protection blocks a guardian demon's attack.
Your magical protection blocks a guardian demon's attack.
Your magical protection blocks Vordak's attack.
You dodge Vordak's attack.
Someone looks at your fighting style and smirks.
Your magical protection blocks a guardian demon's attack.

Round #11 A second guardian demon is dead. Ebencaleneezer and his princes seem upset as they all launch harm spells at Vecna.
<411hp(417) 27ma(251) 151mv(29554) 4193822gp >
E'krie utters the words, 'pabraw'.
E'krie's harm spell wounds you.
Vordak utters the words, 'pabraw'.
Vordak's harm spell maims you.
Someone utters the words, 'pabraw'.
Someone's harm spell maims you.
A guardian demon makes a complicated-looking gesture.

<318hp(417) 27ma(251) 151mv(29554) 4193822gp >
Rocky's kick grazes a guardian demon.

<318hp(417) 27ma(251) 151mv(29554) 4193822gp >
Craige utters the words, 'yrawzgculatz'.
Craige's flamestrike scratches a guardian demon.
Stouthbound utters the words, 'rift'.
Stouthbound's soul rift hits a guardian demon.

<318hp(417) 27ma(251) 151mv(29554) 4193822gp > blynd

Liam's armor deflects a duergar princeling's attack.
Liam's crush injures E'krie.
Liam's crush hits E'krie.
Craige's crush injures a guardian demon.
UuKrul's slice hits a guardian demon.
UuKrul's slice hits a guardian demon.
A guardian demon dodges your attack.
You parry a guardian demon's attack.
A guardian demon mauls you.
You parry a guardian demon's attack.
You dodge E'krie's attack.
E'krie wounds you.
Your magical protection blocks Vordak's attack.
Your magical protection blocks Vordak's attack.
You parry Vordak's attack.
You parry someone's attack.
Your magical protection blocks someone's attack.
You parry a guardian demon's attack.

Round #12 Vecna has taken a total of 765 points damage from the demons so far and only two of the four arcanoloth are dead and Eb and his princes both still stand. Uukrul zaps Vecna again as Vecna throws sand into the King’s eyes, blinding him.
<274hp(417) 27ma(251) 151mv(29554) 4193822gp >
UuKrul zaps you with the chromatic adamantine wand.
A warm feeling fills your body.
Ok. They're blinded!

<374hp(417) 27ma(251) 151mv(29554) 4193822gp >

Rocky's kick scratches a guardian demon.
A guardian demon makes a complicated-looking gesture.
E'krie utters the words, 'judifgz'.
Vordak utters the words, 'fuyh'.
Vordak's soul rift devastates you.
Someone utters the words, 'pabraw'.
Someone's harm spell mauls you.

<314hp(417) 27ma(251) 151mv(29554) 4193822gp >
Craige utters the words, 'yrawzgculatz'.
Craige's flamestrike grazes a guardian demon.

<314hp(417) 27ma(251) 151mv(29554) 4193822gp >
Liam utters the words, 'lightning bolt'.
Liam's lightning bolt scratches E'krie.
A duergar princeling looks at Liam's fighting style and smirks.
Craige's crush hits a guardian demon.
UuKrul's slice grazes a guardian demon.
A guardian demon dodges your attack.
Your slice decimates a guardian demon.
Rocky's crush injures a guardian demon.
Your magical protection blocks a guardian demon's attack.
Your magical protection blocks E'krie's attack.
E'krie devastates you.
Your magical protection blocks E'krie's attack.
Your magical protection blocks Vordak's attack.
Your magical protection blocks Vordak's attack.
You dodge someone's attack.
You dodge someone's attack.
Your armor deflects a guardian demon's attack.
Your magical protection blocks a guardian demon's attack.
A guardian demon's attack goes wild, and he almost hits himself!

Round #13 More harms spells from the demons strike Vecna, Uukrul and Chronic continue to heal Vecna though Uukrul’s wand now explodes!
<285hp(417) 27ma(251) 151mv(29554) 4193822gp >
Rocky's kick grazes a guardian demon.

<285hp(417) 27ma(251) 151mv(29554) 4193822gp >
E'krie utters the words, 'pabraw'.
E'krie's harm spell wounds you.
Vordak utters the words, 'pabraw'.
Vordak's harm spell devastates you.
Someone utters the words, 'sausabru'.
Liam deftly moves out of the way of a duergar princeling's attack.
Liam's crush hits E'krie.
Liam's crush hits E'krie.
Craige's crush hits a guardian demon.
UuKrul's slice injures a guardian demon.
UuKrul's slice hits a guardian demon.
Your slice devastates a guardian demon.
Rocky's crush hits a guardian demon.
Stouthbound's crush hits a guardian demon.
Your armor deflects a guardian demon's attack.
Your armor deflects a guardian demon's attack.
You parry E'krie's attack.
Your magical protection blocks Vordak's attack.
You dodge someone's attack.
Someone almost loses his footing!

<229hp(417) 27ma(251) 151mv(29554) 4193822gp >
Chronic zaps you with the rainbow redwood wand.
A warm feeling fills your body.

<329hp(417) 27ma(251) 151mv(29554) 4193822gp >
UuKrul zaps you with the chromatic adamantine wand.
A warm feeling fills your body.
UuKrul's wand explodes into fragments.

Round #14 Our group is doing massive amounts of damage to the demons and another guardian falls. Vecna is hit again with a rift, harm spell and energy drain.
<417hp(417) 27ma(251) 151mv(29554) 4193822gp >
Craige utters the words, 'yrawzgculatz'.
Craige's flamestrike hits a guardian demon.
Liam utters the words, 'lightning bolt'.

<417hp(417) 27ma(251) 151mv(29554) 4193822gp >
Rocky's kick scratches a guardian demon.

<417hp(417) 27ma(251) 151mv(29554) 4193822gp >
Liam's magical protection blocks a duergar princeling's attack.
Chronic's pierce grazes a guardian demon.
Chronic's pierce hits a guardian demon.
A guardian demon is DEAD!!
You receive 29 experience points.
You hear a guardian demon's death cry.
Chronic gets 296 gold coins from the corpse of a guardian demon.
Your magical protection blocks E'krie's attack.
Vordak tries to trip you!
You parry Vordak's attack.
You parry Vordak's attack.
You parry a guardian demon's attack.

<417hp(417) 27ma(251) 151mv(29525) 4193822gp >
Stouthbound utters the words, 'cure blindness'.

<417hp(417) 27ma(251) 151mv(29525) 4193822gp >
E'krie utters the words, 'pabraw'.
E'krie's harm spell wounds you.
Vordak utters the words, 'fuyh'.
Vordak's soul rift decimates you.
Someone utters the words, 'sausabru'.
You feel very sick.
A guardian demon utters the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
You LOSE 23 experience points!
You are drained of 23 experience points.
You lose 5 mana!
You lose 30 movement!
A guardian demon's energy drain injures you.

Round #15 The battle rages on with Vecna taking a beating from the spells of the demon lords, Chronic heals Vecna again as Vecna quaffs a heal potion.
<355hp(417) 22ma(251) 121mv(29548) 4193822gp >
Liam deftly moves out of the way of a duergar princeling's attack.
Liam's crush hits E'krie.
E'krie dodges your attack.
E'krie dodges your attack.
Rocky almost loses his footing!
Stouthbound looks at E'krie's fighting style and smirks.
Your magical protection blocks E'krie's attack.
Your magical protection blocks E'krie's attack.
Your magical protection blocks Vordak's attack.
Your magical protection blocks Vordak's attack.
Someone tries to trip you!
You parry someone's attack.
You parry someone's attack.
Your magical protection blocks a guardian demon's attack.
Your magical protection blocks a guardian demon's attack.

<355hp(417) 22ma(251) 121mv(29548) 4193822gp > quaff potion

Chronic zaps you with the rainbow redwood wand.
A warm feeling fills your body.

<417hp(417) 22ma(251) 121mv(29548) 4193822gp >
Craige utters the words, 'yrawzgculatz'.
Craige's flamestrike scratches E'krie.

<417hp(417) 22ma(251) 121mv(29548) 4193822gp > You quaff a bright orange potion with white swirls.
A warm feeling fills your body.
Your awareness improves.

<417hp(417) 22ma(251) 121mv(29548) 4193822gp >
Stouthbound utters the words, 'cure blindness'.

<417hp(417) 22ma(251) 121mv(29548) 4193822gp >
E'krie utters the words, 'pabraw'.
E'krie's harm spell wounds you.
Vordak utters the words, 'qpurr hajqp'.
Vordak's chilling touch hits you.
Someone utters the words, 'fuyh'.
Someone's soul rift MUTILATES you.

Round #16 Er’Krie the demon prince dies this round after rifting Vecna one last time. The king, a demon prince and one more guardian remain afterwards.
<345hp(417) 22ma(251) 121mv(29548) 4193822gp >
UuKrul holds an acorn in his hands.

<345hp(417) 22ma(251) 121mv(29548) 4193822gp >
UuKrul utters the words, 'dispel magic'.

<345hp(417) 22ma(251) 121mv(29548) 4193822gp >
A duergar princeling overpowers Liam's parry attempt.
Liam's crush hits E'krie.
Liam stumbles and almost falls!
Chronic's pierce hits E'krie.
Chronic's pierce hits E'krie.
Craige's crush hits E'krie.
UuKrul's slice hits E'krie.
E'krie dodges your attack.
E'krie dodges your attack.
Stouthbound's crush injures E'krie.
Your magical protection blocks E'krie's attack.
You parry E'krie's attack.
You dodge Vordak's attack.
Your magical protection blocks Vordak's attack.
Someone wounds you.
You parry someone's attack.
Your armor deflects a guardian demon's attack.

<326hp(417) 22ma(251) 121mv(29548) 4193822gp >
Rocky's kick grazes E'krie.

<326hp(417) 22ma(251) 121mv(29548) 4193822gp >
Craige utters the words, 'yrawzgculatz'.
Craige's flamestrike grazes E'krie.

<326hp(417) 22ma(251) 121mv(29548) 4193822gp >
UuKrul utters the words, 'dispel magic'.
E'krie utters the words, 'fuyh'.
E'krie's soul rift devastates you.
Vordak utters the words, 'pabraw'.
Vordak's harm spell devastates you.
Someone utters the words, 'pabraw'.
Someone's harm spell devastates you.
Liam deftly moves out of the way of a duergar princeling's attack.
Chronic's pierce hits E'krie.
E'krie is DEAD!!
You receive 60 experience points.
You hear E'krie's death cry.
Chronic gets 44 gold coins from the corpse of E'krie.
You parry Vordak's attack.
Your magical protection blocks Vordak's attack.
You parry someone's attack.
Someone stumbles and almost falls!
Your armor deflects a guardian demon's attack.
You parry a guardian demon's attack.

Round #17 Liam brings down Prince Vordak’s sanctuary. Vecna is poisoned.
<212hp(417) 22ma(251) 121mv(29488) 4193822gp >
Liam zaps Vordak with a golden wand.
The white glow around Vordak's body fades.

<212hp(417) 22ma(251) 121mv(29488) 4193822gp >
Chronic zaps you with the rainbow redwood wand.
A warm feeling fills your body.
You shiver and suffer.
Your poison grazes yourself.

<326hp(417) 26ma(251) 136mv(29488) 4193822gp > quaff potion
You quaff a white potion with bright orange swirls.
A warm feeling fills your body.

<417hp(417) 26ma(251) 136mv(29488) 4193822gp >
A duergar princeling almost loses his footing!
Liam's crush injures Vordak.
Your attack goes wild, and you almost hit yourself, instead!
Stouthbound's crush injures Vordak.
You parry Vordak's attack.
You parry Vordak's attack.
Your armor deflects a guardian demon's attack.
Your armor deflects a guardian demon's attack.

<417hp(417) 26ma(251) 136mv(29488) 4193822gp >
Craige utters the words, 'yrawzgculatz'.
Craige's flamestrike hits Vordak.

<417hp(417) 26ma(251) 136mv(29488) 4193822gp >
UuKrul utters the words, 'chill touch'.
UuKrul's chilling touch hits Vordak.

<417hp(417) 26ma(251) 136mv(29488) 4193822gp >
Vordak utters the words, 'pabraw'.
Vordak's harm spell maims you.
A guardian demon utters the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
You LOSE 41 experience points!
You are drained of 41 experience points.
You lose 5 mana!
You lose 27 movement!
A guardian demon's energy drain wounds you.

<360hp(417) 21ma(251) 109mv(29529) 4193822gp >
Rocky's kick scratches Vordak.

Round #18 The Conclave concentrates their firepower on the prince.
<360hp(417) 21ma(251) 109mv(29529) 4193822gp >
Liam's crush hits Vordak.
Chronic's pierce hits Vordak.
Chronic's pierce hits Vordak.
You do all you can just to defend yourself.
Rocky's crush hits Vordak.
Stouthbound's crush hits Vordak.
Your magical protection blocks Vordak's attack.
You dodge Vordak's attack.
Your magical protection blocks a guardian demon's attack.

<360hp(417) 21ma(251) 109mv(29529) 4193822gp >
Craige utters the words, 'yrawzgculatz'.
Craige's flamestrike injures Vordak.

<360hp(417) 21ma(251) 109mv(29529) 4193822gp >
UuKrul utters the words, 'dispel magic'.

<360hp(417) 21ma(251) 109mv(29529) 4193822gp >
Stouthbound's kick hits Vordak.

<360hp(417) 21ma(251) 109mv(29529) 4193822gp >
Chronic zaps you with the rainbow redwood wand.
A warm feeling fills your body.

<417hp(417) 21ma(251) 109mv(29529) 4193822gp >
Vordak utters the words, 'pabraw'.
Vordak's harm spell wounds you.
Someone utters the words, 'judifgz'.
A guardian demon utters the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
You LOSE 22 experience points!
You are drained of 22 experience points.
You lose 4 mana!
You lose 21 movement!
A guardian demon's energy drain mauls you.

<377hp(417) 17ma(251) 88mv(29551) 4193822gp >
Rocky's kick scratches Vordak.

Round #19 Vordak takes his last putrid breath.
<377hp(417) 17ma(251) 88mv(29551) 4193822gp >
Liam's armor deflects a duergar princeling's attack.
Liam's crush injures Vordak.
Craige's crush injures Vordak.
Your slice DISEMBOWELS Vordak.
Vordak dodges your attack.
Rocky's crush hits Vordak.
Vordak is DEAD!!
You receive 67 experience points.
You hear Vordak's death cry.
Your magical protection blocks someone's attack.
You parry a guardian demon's attack.
A guardian demon grazes you.

Round #20 Liam finally turns to that turncoat duergar that was disguised as a demon prince.
<371hp(417) 17ma(251) 88mv(29484) 4193822gp >
Someone utters the words, 'judifgz'.
Liam's armor deflects a duergar princeling's attack.
Liam's armor deflects a duergar princeling's attack.
Liam's crush wounds a duergar princeling.
Liam's crush wounds a duergar princeling.
You stumble and almost fall!
Your magical protection blocks someone's attack.
Your magical protection blocks someone's attack.
Your magical protection blocks a guardian demon's attack.

Round #21 Ebencaleneezer makes his last stand as Uukrul dispel’s his sanctuary spell but not his improved invisibility.
<371hp(417) 17ma(251) 88mv(29484) 4193822gp >
Liam's magical protection blocks a duergar princeling's attack.
Liam's crush wounds a duergar princeling.
Craige's crush hits someone.
UuKrul's slice hits someone.
You do all you can just to defend yourself.
Stouthbound's crush grazes someone.
Someone decimates you.
You parry a guardian demon's attack.

<341hp(417) 17ma(251) 88mv(29484) 4193822gp >
Someone utters the words, 'pabraw'.
Someone's harm spell wounds you.

<325hp(417) 17ma(251) 88mv(29484) 4193822gp >
Rocky's kick scratches someone.

<325hp(417) 17ma(251) 88mv(29484) 4193822gp >
UuKrul utters the words, 'dispel magic'.
The white glow around someone's body fades.

Round #22 The Conclave concentrates on the invisible Ebencaleneezer whose sanctuary is now down.
<325hp(417) 17ma(251) 88mv(29484) 4193822gp >
Liam deftly moves out of the way of a duergar princeling's attack.
Liam's magical protection blocks a duergar princeling's attack.
Liam's crush injures a duergar princeling.
Liam's crush injures a duergar princeling.
Craige's crush injures someone.
You do all you can just to defend yourself.
Rocky's crush injures someone.
Rocky's crush hits someone.
Stouthbound's crush injures someone.
Your armor deflects someone's attack.
Someone tries to trip you!
You parry someone's attack.
Your armor deflects a guardian demon's attack.

<325hp(417) 17ma(251) 88mv(29484) 4193822gp >
Chronic zaps you with the rainbow redwood wand.
A warm feeling fills your body.
Chronic's wand explodes into fragments.

<417hp(417) 17ma(251) 88mv(29484) 4193822gp >
Rocky's kick scratches someone.

<417hp(417) 17ma(251) 88mv(29484) 4193822gp >
Someone utters the words, 'pabraw'.
Someone's harm spell wounds you.
A guardian demon makes a complicated-looking gesture.

<399hp(417) 17ma(251) 88mv(29484) 4193822gp >
Craige utters the words, 'yrawzgculatz'.
Craige's flamestrike scratches someone.

Round #23 Liam finishes off that pesky duergar. The party lets loose on Ebencaleneezer.
<399hp(417) 17ma(251) 88mv(29484) 4193822gp >
Liam deftly moves out of the way of a duergar princeling's attack.
Liam's crush injures a duergar princeling.
A duergar princeling is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points.
You hear a duergar princeling's death cry.
Liam gets 152 gold coins from the corpse of a duergar princeling.
Craige's crush hits someone.
Craige's crush hits someone.
UuKrul's slice hits someone.
Someone dodges your attack.
Your slice EVISCERATES someone.
Rocky looks at someone's fighting style and smirks.
Stouthbound's attack goes wild, and he almost hits himself!
Your armor deflects someone's attack.
Your magical protection blocks someone's attack.
Your armor deflects a guardian demon's attack.

<399hp(417) 17ma(251) 88mv(29484) 4193822gp >
Rocky's kick scratches someone.

Round #24 Ebencaleneezer has no place to go and he knows it.
<399hp(417) 17ma(251) 88mv(29484) 4193822gp >
Someone utters the words, 'judifgz'.
Liam's crush hits someone.
Liam's crush injures someone.
Someone dodges your attack.
Rocky's crush hits someone.
You dodge someone's attack.
Your magical protection blocks someone's attack.
Your armor deflects a guardian demon's attack.
Your magical protection blocks a guardian demon's attack.

<399hp(417) 17ma(251) 88mv(29484) 4193822gp >
Stouthbound's kick scratches someone.

<399hp(417) 17ma(251) 88mv(29484) 4193822gp >
Chronic holds a staff in his hands.

Round #25 King Ebencaleneezer is dead (a whole 91 experience), only a single guardian stands in our way. Craige grabs the corpse.
<399hp(417) 17ma(251) 88mv(29484) 4193822gp >
Liam zaps someone with a golden wand.
Liam almost loses his footing!
UuKrul's slice hits someone.
Someone dodges your attack.
Your slice DISEMBOWELS someone.
Someone is DEAD!!
You receive 91 experience points.
You hear someone's death cry.
You get 384 gold coins from the corpse of Ebencaleneezer.
The corpse of Ebencaleneezer contains:
(Weak magic) the scintillating chrysoprase amulet
a silver key
(Artifact magic) (Glowing) the Ring of Power
(Moderate magic) the Ring of Wisdom
(Moderate magic) the Ring of Might
(Potent magic) a Mark of Chance, embedded in the demon's flesh
Stouthbound's crush hits a guardian demon.
Stouthbound's crush hits a guardian demon.
Your magical protection blocks a guardian demon's attack.

<399hp(417) 17ma(251) 88mv(29393) 4194206gp >
Stouthbound's kick grazes a guardian demon.

<399hp(417) 17ma(251) 88mv(29393) 4194206gp >
Chronic brandishes a staff.
A warm feeling fills your body.

<417hp(417) 17ma(251) 88mv(29393) 4194206gp >
A guardian demon utters the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
You LOSE 54 experience points!
You are drained of 54 experience points.
You lose 3 mana!
You lose 17 movement!
A guardian demon's energy drain mauls you.

<395hp(417) 14ma(251) 71mv(29447) 4194206gp >
Rocky's kick scratches a guardian demon.

<395hp(417) 14ma(251) 71mv(29447) 4194206gp >
UuKrul utters the words, 'dispel magic'.
The white glow around a guardian demon's body fades.

<395hp(417) 14ma(251) 71mv(29447) 4194206gp >
Chronic's pierce hits a guardian demon.
A guardian demon dodges your attack.
Your slice EVISCERATES a guardian demon.
Your slice DISEMBOWELS a guardian demon.
Rocky's crush injures a guardian demon.
Stouthbound's crush injures a guardian demon.
You parry a guardian demon's attack.

<395hp(417) 14ma(251) 71mv(29447) 4194206gp >
Rocky's kick hits a guardian demon.

<395hp(417) 14ma(251) 71mv(29447) 4194206gp >
UuKrul's slice injures a guardian demon.
A guardian demon dodges your attack.
Rocky stumbles and almost falls!
Stouthbound's crush injures a guardian demon.
Stouthbound's crush wounds a guardian demon.
You parry a guardian demon's attack.

<395hp(417) 14ma(251) 71mv(29447) 4194206gp >
Craige gets the corpse of Ebencaleneezer.

Round #26 The last guardian demon dies knowing itself a failure.
<395hp(417) 14ma(251) 71mv(29447) 4194206gp >
Liam's crush hits a guardian demon.
Chronic almost loses his footing!
Craige's crush injures a guardian demon.
A guardian demon is DEAD!!
You receive 15 experience points.
You hear a guardian demon's death cry.

<395hp(417) 14ma(251) 71mv(29432) 4194206gp >
The Throne Room of the King
[Exits: none]
A half circle of six shining marble pillars rise up out of the gossamer matter
forest, as if supporting the heavens above. Amidst the pillars is a throne.
Next to it hangs a banner declaring to all who the master is. After reading
it, your instinct for self preservation comes alive! Where is the exit out?

You managed to trample any tracks that were here...

( 4) The corpse of a guardian demon is lying here.
The corpse of a duergar princeling is lying here.
The corpse of Vordak is lying here.
The corpse of E'krie is lying here.
A large chest sits in the corner. A heavy silver lock hangs on it.
(Invis) (White Aura) Liam is here.
(Invis) (White Aura) Chronic is here.
(Invis) (White Aura) Rocky is here.
(Invis) (White Aura) UuKrul is here.
(Invis) (White Aura) Craige is here.
(White Aura) Stouthbound is here.

<395hp(417) 14ma(251) 71mv(29432) 4194206gp >
Liam throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!
You shiver and suffer.
Your poison scratches yourself.
The corpse of a guardian demon decays into dust.
UuKrul utters the words, 'strength'.
Stouthbound flexes.
Stouthbound says (in common), 'RESPECT MAH AUTHORITAI!!'.
OPEN DOWN You open the slab.
Rocky utters the words, 'judicandus sausabru'.
A warm feeling runs through your body.
The ghost of a guardian demon shimmers and solidifies slightly.

c 'dispel magic' ghost
The ghost of a guardian demon is revealed!
The ghost of a guardian demon slowly falls back to earth.
The ghost of a guardian demon looks much more solid.

Your armor deflects the ghost of a guardian demon's attack.
Your slice EVISCERATES the ghost of a guardian demon.
The ghost of a guardian demon dodges your attack.
Stouthbound's crush wounds the ghost of a guardian demon.
Stouthbound's crush injures the ghost of a guardian demon.
Liam cure poison please.

blynd Ok. They're blinded!

<409hp(417) 3ma(251) 86mv(29432) 4194206gp >
UuKrul utters the words, 'lightning bolt'.
UuKrul's lightning bolt hits the ghost of a guardian demon.
Your armor deflects the ghost of a guardian demon's attack.
Liam's crush hits the ghost of a guardian demon.
Chronic's pierce injures the ghost of a guardian demon.
Chronic's pierce injures the ghost of a guardian demon.
Chronic's pierce hits the ghost of a guardian demon.
Craige's crush injures the ghost of a guardian demon.
Craige's crush hits the ghost of a guardian demon.
UuKrul's slice injures the ghost of a guardian demon.
The ghost of a guardian demon is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points.
The ghost of a guardian demon hits the ground ... DEAD.
The ghost of a guardian demon disintegrates before your eyes.
A handful of gold coins falls to the ground.
Stouthbound gets 10 gold coins.
Craige cannot get items from corpse cuase of ones on grouond.
Rocky utters the words, 'judicandus sausabru'.

The Throne Room of the King
[Exits: down]
A half circle of six shining marble pillars rise up out of the gossamer matter forest, as if supporting the heavens above. Amidst the pillars is a throne. Next to it hangs a banner declaring to all who the master is. After reading it, your instinct for self preservation comes alive! Where is the exit out?

Vecna was last here, traveling in circles.

A ring mail sash has been left here.
( 3) The corpse of a guardian demon is lying here.
The corpse of a duergar princeling is lying here.
The corpse of Vordak is lying here.
The corpse of E'krie is lying here.
A large chest sits in the corner. A heavy silver lock hangs on it.
(Invis) (White Aura) Liam is here.
(Invis) (White Aura) Chronic is here.
(Invis) (White Aura) Rocky is here.
(Invis) (White Aura) UuKrul is here.
(Invis) (White Aura) Craige is here.
(White Aura) Stouthbound is here.

<409hp(417) 3ma(251) 86mv(29432) 4194206gp >

Rocky utters the words, 'judicandus sausabru'.
Rocky utters the words, 'judicandus sausabru'.
The corpse of a guardian demon decays into dust.
The corpse of Vordak decays into dust.
The corpse of a guardian demon decays into dust.
Stouthbound gets 74 gold coins.
UuKrul says (in common), 'I am HUNGRY'.
Stouthbound gets a quilted cloth blouse.
UuKrul groans loudly.
Rocky utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'.
A Magic Mushroom suddenly appears.
Liam gets a pipeweed bread from a pitch black cloak.
UuKrul says (in common), 'Give me that '.
Liam gives a pipeweed bread to UuKrul.
Rocky utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'.
A Magic Mushroom suddenly appears.

UuKrul says (in common), 'I'll id the blouse'.
UuKrul eats a pipeweed bread.
Vecna get key from corpse and unlock chest.

<417hp(417) 22ma(251) 146mv(29432) 4194206gp > l
Stouthbound gives a quilted cloth blouse to UuKrul.
Liam gets a Magic Mushroom.
Liam eats a Magic Mushroom.
UuKrul utters the words, 'improved identify'.
Liam utters the words, 'identify'.
Craige cannot cause of corpses on ground.
UuKrul says (in common), 'ac2 2luck 1wis'.
UuKrul drops a quilted cloth blouse.
Chronic gets The Amulet of Death from the corpse of E'krie.
Liam utters the words, 'detect magic'.
Liam gets a quilted cloth blouse.
The corpse of a duergar princeling decays into dust.
The corpse of E'krie decays into dust.
The corpse of a guardian demon decays into dust.
Stouthbound says (in common), 'give corpse stouthbound'.
Liam snickers softly.
Craige utters the words, 'hfjz gzzuio'.
Liam utters the words, 'detect magic'.
Vecna drop corpse.
UuKrul utters the words, 'shield'.

<417hp(417) 41ma(251) 206mv(29432) 4194206gp >
Ebencaleneezer wears a wooden kite shield as a shield.
UuKrul parries a guardian demon's attack.

<417hp(417) 41ma(251) 206mv(29432) 4194206gp >
A guardian demon utters the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
A guardian demon's energy drain scratches UuKrul.

<417hp(417) 41ma(251) 206mv(29432) 4194206gp >
UuKrul parries a guardian demon's attack.
A guardian demon overpowers UuKrul's parry attempt.
Craige parries E'krie's attack.
Stouthbound parries Ebencaleneezer's attack.
Ebencaleneezer hits Stouthbound.
Stouthbound was unhurt by the attack.

<417hp(417) 41ma(251) 206mv(29432) 4194206gp > blynd
You aren't fighting anyone!

<417hp(417) 41ma(251) 206mv(29432) 4194206gp >
Craige gives you the corpse of Ebencaleneezer.

<417hp(417) 41ma(251) 206mv(29432) 4194206gp >
UuKrul says (in common), 'How nice'.

<417hp(417) 41ma(251) 206mv(29432) 4194206gp >
E'krie utters the words, 'qaiyjguai'.
Craige looks confused.
Vordak utters the words, 'sausabru'.
Ebencaleneezer utters the words, 'pabraw'.
Ebencaleneezer's spell does not go off.
A guardian demon utters the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
A guardian demon's energy drain scratches UuKrul.
E'krie outmaneuvers Craige's dodge attempt.
E'krie hits Craige.
E'krie tries to trip Craige!
Craige parries E'krie's attack.
Vordak hits UuKrul.
Stouthbound parries Ebencaleneezer's attack.
A guardian demon attacks and narrowly misses UuKrul.
UuKrul parries a guardian demon's attack.
UuKrul's slice hits a guardian demon.

<417hp(417) 41ma(251) 206mv(29432) 4194206gp >
UuKrul utters the words, 'dispel magic'.
The white glow around a guardian demon's body fades.

<417hp(417) 41ma(251) 206mv(29432) 4194206gp >
Vecna flee.

<417hp(417) 41ma(251) 206mv(29432) 4194206gp >
E'krie hits Craige.
UuKrul parries Vordak's attack.
UuKrul parries Vordak's attack.
Ebencaleneezer scratches Stouthbound.
Stouthbound was unhurt by the attack.
Ebencaleneezer grazes Stouthbound.
Stouthbound was unhurt by the attack.
UuKrul parries a guardian demon's attack.
A guardian demon scratches UuKrul.
Craige's crush grazes E'krie.
Craige's crush hits E'krie.
Stouthbound's crush hits Ebencaleneezer.

<417hp(417) 41ma(251) 206mv(29432) 4194206gp >
E'krie utters the words, 'pabraw'.
E'krie's harm spell injures Craige.
Vordak utters the words, 'sausabru'.
Ebencaleneezer utters the words, 'pabraw'.
Ebencaleneezer's spell does not go off.
A guardian demon utters the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
A guardian demon's energy drain grazes UuKrul.

<417hp(417) 41ma(251) 206mv(29432) 4194206gp >
Craige gets a cloudy blue potion with brown swirls from a bag of holding.

<417hp(417) 41ma(251) 206mv(29432) 4194206gp >
E'krie hits Craige.
E'krie tries to trip Craige!
Craige parries E'krie's attack.
Vordak grazes UuKrul.
Vordak injures UuKrul.
Stouthbound parries Ebencaleneezer's attack.
Stouthbound parries Ebencaleneezer's attack.
Stouthbound parries Ebencaleneezer's attack.
A guardian demon hits UuKrul.
UuKrul's slice hits a guardian demon.
UuKrul's slice injures a guardian demon.

<417hp(417) 41ma(251) 206mv(29432) 4194206gp >
UuKrul utters the words, 'silence'.

<417hp(417) 41ma(251) 206mv(29432) 4194206gp > flee
You aren't fighting anyone.
E'krie utters the words, 'sausabru'.
Vordak utters the words, 'qaiyjguai'.
Ebencaleneezer utters the words, 'pabraw'.
Ebencaleneezer's harm spell hits Stouthbound.
A guardian demon utters the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
A guardian demon's energy drain scratches UuKrul.

<417hp(417) 41ma(251) 206mv(29432) 4194206gp >
Craige parries E'krie's attack.
E'krie tries to trip Craige!
Craige parries E'krie's attack.
Craige parries E'krie's attack.
UuKrul parries Vordak's attack.
Ebencaleneezer outmaneuvers Stouthbound's dodge attempt.
Ebencaleneezer grazes Stouthbound.
Ebencaleneezer tries to trip Stouthbound!
Stouthbound parries Ebencaleneezer's attack.
Craige looks a little bewildered

<417hp(417) 41ma(251) 206mv(29432) 4194206gp >

Craige quaffs a cloudy blue potion with brown swirls.
Craige's feet rise off the ground.
Craige has restored Craige's mind to normal.
unlock d *Click*

<417hp(417) 41ma(251) 206mv(29432) 4194206gp >
open d You open the slab.

<417hp(417) 41ma(251) 206mv(29432) 4194206gp >
Rocky leaves down.
You follow Stouthbound.
Under the Grate
[Exits: none]

The guardian daemon was last here, traveling up.

(Invis) Rocky is here.
(Invis) (White Aura) Chronic is here.
(Invis) (White Aura) Liam is here.
(White Aura) Stouthbound is here, fighting someone who left??
You follow Stouthbound.
Chronic brandishes a staff.
A warm feeling fills your body.

<417hp(417) 41ma(251) 204mv(29432) 4194206gp >
Under the Grate
[Exits: none]
Dust and the sounds of traffic filter down through the grate above you. Is this some trick, some hallucination created by the demons to toy with you? Or is it real? There is only one way to find out...

You managed to trample any tracks that were here...

(Invis) Rocky is here.
(Invis) (White Aura) Chronic is here.
(Invis) (White Aura) Liam is here.
(White Aura) Stouthbound is here.

<417hp(417) 41ma(251) 204mv(29432) 4194206gp >
Stouthbound's group:
[28 Wa:] Liam 509/509 hp 159/164 mana 513/515 mv 496553 xp
[29 Wa:] Chronic 520/520 hp 259/259 mana 431/433 mv 426262 xp
[30 Wa:] Craige 361/517 hp 46/305 mana 452/452 mv 458731 xp
[27 Ma:] Uukrul 375/591 hp 24/268 mana 149/452 mv 549907 xp
[30 Wa:] Vecna 417/417 hp 41/251 mana 204/535 mv 503968 xp
[30 Wa:] Rocky 521/521 hp 258/258 mana 443/445 mv 639755 xp
[20 Or:] Stouthbound 501/501 hp 201/249 mana 535/537 mv 372079 xp

<417hp(417) 41ma(251) 204mv(29432) 4194206gp >
UuKrul arrives from above.

<417hp(417) 41ma(251) 204mv(29432) 4194206gp >
Craige arrives from above.
Rocky says (in common), 'wonderous'.
Craige shivers and suffers.
Craige's poison scratches himself.
UuKrul shivers and suffers.
UuKrul's poison scratches himself.
The white aura around your body fades.
The corpse of Ebencaleneezer decays into dust.
UuKrul chuckles, evidently amused.
Craige utters the words, 'oculoinfra pueoculoi'.
Rocky utters the words, 'judicandus sausabru'.
UuKrul looks better.
Ebencaleneezer makes a complicated-looking gesture.
Ebencaleneezer draws a funny looking rune on Craige.
Craige gets a white potion with bright orange swirls from a bag of holding.
Liam snickers softly.
Craige quaffs a white potion with bright orange swirls.
You cant, 'we won'.
Vordak utters the words, 'ghaiz gtui'.
Vordak's skin turns to stone.
Ebencaleneezer makes a complicated-looking gesture.

<417hp(417) 60ma(251) 264mv(29432) 4194206gp >
Stouthbound gets the Ring of Power.
Liam get all.

Craige gets the Ring of Might.
UuKrul looks at Ebencaleneezer.
Brenick cants, 'nicely done, you all out already?'.
Stouthbound puts the Ring of Power in a hide bag.
Vordak makes a complicated-looking gesture.
Vordak draws a funny looking rune on UuKrul.
Liam get all.
UuKrul gets a Mark of Chance, embedded in the demon's flesh.
UuKrul gets the Ring of Wisdom.
UuKrul gets a silver key.
UuKrul gets the scintillating chrysoprase amulet.

Craige shivers and suffers.
Craige's poison scratches himself.
A guardian demon utters the words, 'uizug'.
A guardian demon fades out of existence.
Stouthbound smirks.
You cant, 'not yet'.

<417hp(417) 79ma(251) 324mv(29432) 4194206gp > Under the Grate
[Exits: none]
Dust and the sounds of traffic filter down through the grate above you. Is
this some trick, some hallucination created by the demons to toy with you?
Or is it real? There is only one way to find out...

You managed to trample any tracks that were here...

(White Aura) King Ebencaleneezer reclines on his throne.
(White Aura) Prince E'krie studies you carefully.
(Invis) Craige is here.
(White Aura) Prince Vordak sneers at your impertinence.
UuKrul is here.
(Invis) Rocky is here.
Chronic is here.
(Invis) Liam is here.
Stouthbound is here.

We exit the demon realm into Midgaard. Next time you take this seemingly innocent side street, try looking down.

<417hp(417) 32ma(251) 535mv(29432) 4194206gp > A Side Street
[Exits: north south (up)]

You managed to trample any tracks that were here...

A stout smelly merchant is here to trade goods for the city of Dwarvenhold.
Lorna is here.

You bow before her.