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                       Halloween Zombie Wars 2011

In honor of Bliss' return to the world she hosted TFC's first Zombie Wars. Nine teams participated in building and equpping their Zombie over a couple weeks with the final fight occuring on the evening of Nov. 1st, 2011.

Everyone gathered to view the event which had a couple hiccups off the start which involved the Zombies attacking Hedschott and Swyth rather thank their Zombie opponent. With the issues resovled, the fights were ON!

In the first rounds Arnol beat out Splattergut, Olom won the day from Mr. Chitlins, Jack O'Lantern beat Rob Zombie quite soundly and a last fight between Snow Wight and Oscar Wyld was decided in favor of Snow Wight. Meat Fist who had a bye then fought Arnol to win a place in the semi- finals.

Meat Fist then fought Olom winning out after a very long battle. In the contest of Snow Wight vs Jack O'Lantern, Jack came out on top. A quick battle to determine 3rd place was then fought between Olom and Snow with Snow Wight confirming his right to 3rd place.

The final battle between Meat Fist and Jack O'Lantern was a long one with both Zombies almost evenly matched throughout the battle. It came down to the final rounds with only a swing or two's difference in HP left when Meat Fist managed the last couple hits to take out Jack O'Lantern finally and WIN the Zombie Wars for 2011.

Congratulations to Meat Fist (Ridley, Malgrunt, Rastlin) for 1st place and to Jack O'Lantern (Swyth, Darius, Priel) who took 2nd. Lastly, thanks to all who participated!

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