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Cordir (I)
Lady of Fate
Triat Weaver
Ebon Bard
Created Fall of 1995
Status Active
Race Human
Hometown 2x:Midgaard
Current: N'Kai
Classes Mage
Spouse Keller Amberlin D'Augustine
Deamhan An-Shalach
Partner Abe
(See Trivia)
Children Mireya An-Shalach
Areas Written Tier Sh'Halen
Dessert Island
Immorted AMBSDR: Jan 10, 99
ATTNDT: April 14, 1999
DEMI: June 21, 1999
LESSER: Dec 31, 1999
Suspension: Oct 23, 2001
AMBSDR: Oct 26, 2001
ATTNDT: Nov 6, 2001
DEMI: Dec 3, 2001
LESSER: May 22, 2002
RETIRE: June 29, 2008
GODDESS: January 22, 2011
Following Chosen of Fate
Admin Duties TFC Website Admin[1]
Wiki Admin Staff (2011-present)
Cordir, Weaver of Fate

Cordir - Deamhan - Mireya

Mud Contributions:


As a mortal, Cordir's primary contribution to the mud was as an RP catalyst and participant, drawing a wide variety of people into RP that didn't generally participate in it, including Madman himself, Molo, Daelin and Sirak. She wrote and posted poetry on a wide variety of topics, a collection of which is found in her Ebon Book. She was an active writer, creating two areas (see below), as well as writing colorful emotes, descriptions and props for mud-wide quests such as Lorna's Dwarven Pirate Invasion.


Cordir was extremely active in hosting storytelling competitions, scavenger hunts and trivia contests, both large and small. She hosted "Fateful Hours" - a role-play focused gathering of her followers (and other guests) - and Bardic Circles on a semi-monthly basis for several years. She served as the officiant for a number of weddings, including those of non-followers. She also crafted individual personal challenges such as The Great Race, Triat Mastery Quests, and co-authored Class Mastery Quests. For the mud populace at large, her greatest contribution was the TFC Timeline, a personal historical project of hundreds of logs that was later donated to the MUD and merged with one by Marisa. This can be seen on the Home Page.


Cordir focuses on the running of quests: Coded & uncoded scavenger hunts, Trivia, Cat & Mouse, Bug Hunt, and other challenges. She also has a standing promise to auction off something "interesting" whenever 15 or more players are online (at the same time she is): Please read and understand Cordir Auction Rules before bidding. As the Patroness of Bards, she enjoys the opportunity to preside over Bard Council Reviews, and does so whenever possible. She is a regular contributor for the TFC Wiki and also serves as a Site Administrator.

Additional/Ongoing Projects:

  • 120 Bard Memorization phrases in use.
  • Wrote three existing Socials (Gag, Boggle, Bah) and submitted three that were not (Thwap, Tipcap and Tkiss).
  • Wrote several Algenara Help phrases in use.
  • Created over 60 pieces of clothing and equipment for the Snowman Wars.
  • Created the Tarot card reading performed by Bethany of the Adventurer's Inn on the Mountain of Knowledge.
  • Created all of the unique clothing for the mobs in the Adventurer's Inn on the Mountain of Knowledge.
  • Created a set of "Good" and "Evil" +Charisma clothing for brides and grooms - see her on Mud for use!
  • Wrote well over 100 documented player descriptions: see her TFC Forum post for more information.
  • Wrote well over 100 documented restrings for both following members and others, including 'full sets' for Mordith, Ink, Clue, Katrana, Boromir and others.

Areas & Temples:

Current Description:

The Ebon Weaver stands Incarnate before you, Her inky eyes as clear and empty
as obsidian.  An unfelt wind stirs Her hair, making it ebb and flow, a shroud 
to veil Her person.  A aura of power flows about Her, shifting hues from cyan 
to inky starlit sable to an earthy, ancient purple.  The barest hint of black
flames dance about Her - only seen out of the corner of your eye - pulsing in
time to her heart beat.  Her face turns upward, looking into the Pattern that 
is Her charge, seeing your soul's representation within it. An instant is all
She needs to read the Thread of your life.  Present, future and past are Hers 
to see.  When Her gaze turns to you, there is no mercy or kindness within it,
only an empty, screaming void that hints of unspeakable losses: love, life, a
deliberate death of self. She clasps Her hands before her, concealing the one
spot of color upon her - a long, slashing scar of bright crimson upon a palm.
Her voice is as cold and stark as the icy Wasteland when She speaks, a harsh 
whisper:  "What do you wish of me?" 
Cordir is bathed in the essence of charisma.
Cordir is in perfect health.

Cordir is using:
<used as light>     (Weak magic)     (Dancing) ancient ebon flames
<worn on finger>    (Moderate magic) the Band of the Stormreaver
<worn on finger>    (Moderate magic) the Band of the Stormreaver
<worn on body>      (Moderate magic) a long, flowing gown of black spidersilk
<worn on feet>      (Potent magic)   (worn on ankle) a thin silver chain
<worn about waist>  (Moderate magic) a narrow belt of braided black spidersilk
<worn as shield>    (Moderate magic) (Bloody) a gentleman's sacrifice
<wielded>           (Moderate magic) a swept-hilt rapier of ebon platinum
<held>              (Powerful magic) a Staff of Fear
<worn with pride>   the Ebon Sigil Odegra
<worn with pride>   (Tattooed) (Writhing) The Covenant of the Chosen

For 13+ years of Mortal & Immortal Descriptions & WHO list titles, visit Cordir - Descriptions

Character History:

(Additional history items/logs found on her Timeline.)

Player Provided Information:

Mortal Trivia:

  • When Thaygar was promoted to God, during the span of time between when the Ebon Hand was disbanded and his office was removed, he gave Cordir the key to the temple and his altar. She was able to unlock it and obtain the holy symbol of the Ebon Hand at will.
  • Gwyrdain was engaged to Cordir when she was a mortal member of the Silver Fellowship (Approximately 1997: An Engagement). For various reasons, the wedding never occured. (This information is not common knowledge and is currently obscured from Gwyrdain's memory. No reference to such should be made in-character unless the PC in question has direct knowledge and cruelly intends to start a cascade of events that could result in the restoration of Gwyrdain's memory - and incurring Cordir's wrath.)
  • While she was a mortal member of the Silver Fellowship, Cordir served as its Silver Witch. Because of her dedication, Gryphon gave her the informal title of Paladin, as he said she was doing more for the following than their (actual) paladin, Wren.
  • During the last brief moments of 2x (on October 27, 1997), everyone was free to PK like crazy, if they so desired. Half the mud had a (KILLER) or (THIEF) flag, including Cordir. ### DarkClaw killed by Cordir at By the Temple Altar ### Sadow killed by Cordir at By the Temple Altar. It was the only time in which she PK'd anyone who did not volunteer for it. :)
  • During her quest (given by Khore) to gain permission to wed Deamhan An-Shalach, Cordir completed certain the tasks while carrying "a small infant" instead of wielding a weapon, as Mireya An-Shalach had just been born.
  • As a mortal who was known as the "Ebon Bard," Cordir was more than a little irritated that Jerald took "Bards" has his following concept. Her irritation was such that he declared to his followers that she was to be treated as if she was Evil aligned, in a board note. [ 2] Jerald: Cordir. \ Fri Jun 19 17:12:21 1998 ] To followers of: Jerald \ Since Cordir has made it clear that she feels I am a 'farce' and takes exception to my existance and sphere of influence, you are to treat her as though she were evil, or better yet have nothing to do with her.

Immortal Trivia:

  • Cordir had every intention of being a Nashite Immortal, and had permission from Sirak to do so. However, she was Excommunicated (by Molo) as an Ambassador when she wed Deamhan An-Shalach, a non-Nashite.
  • Cordir gave her following many internal quests. For one, she challenged them to write of how their life would have been, had they not joined Fate. She joined them in this task, writing of an alternate life, had one decision been made differently: Weaver Embraced
  • In 2002, Cordir made an entry for Tamar's Halloween Costume Contest, and was the winner. The subject? Cordir, the Evil PK'er.
  • Cordir's Avatar (for Avatar Wars in 2004 & 2006) was Lanae, based on Lanfear. Her Snowman, for Snowman Wars, was Phraustea.
  • Cordir received mentions in BlissPoll 2000: Most Enigmatic Immortal, Most Lovable Immortal, Best Immortal Entrance to a Room, and Best Immortal Departure from a Room.

General Trivia:

  • There are four mobs named after Cordir's player - one, using her legal name (zone written by Molo), another two using her nickname (zones written by Foolkiller & Molo), and a fourth using a youthful version of her legal name (zone written by Cordir).
  • Cordir's daughter (Mireya An-Shalach) was in Isolas' following, and Isolas' son (Delan) was in Cordir's following. This was as much from the rebellion of the children as it was the deep trust that the immortals had in one another to safeguard each other's progeny.


Cordir has the dubious privilege of a variety of 'firsts'...

  • First TFC Bride slain at the wedding by the Groom
  • First Immortal petitioner to have prior RP raised as a potential problem/warning flag
  • First immortal retired/denied as punishment but allowed to go back through the Ambassador/Attendant promotion cycle to regain her position as an FLI
  • First Non-God+ Webmaster for TFC's home page

Immortality Petition(s)

  • Petitioned for Immortality twice, once in 1997 and once in 1999:

[112] Cordir: Immortality Petition (Part 1 - sorry)// Sun Feb 16 20:40:31 1997 // To: Immortal
Long have I known that Fate held a strong hand in my life, and that nothing is truly "chance" - from fleeing my home in Southshire, hearing the voices of the Triat in my mind and heart, and subsequent service to Lord Thaygar, to my being taken by the Arch-Lich, to Gryphon's acceptance of my service. Now, much of who and what I am to be has been made clear to me, and I can see the fullness of that potential just out of my grasp, waiting for one last bridge to be crossed before its full bloom. Therefore, I, Cordir, would hereby petition to be granted Immortality to pursue what I believe is the destiny and purpose of my life - the service and protection of others and the tending of the Tapestry of the Pattern Web of Fate. I respectfully await your decision. - Cordir

[113] Cordir: Petition Part II: Out of Character // Sun Feb 16 20:45:57 1997 // To: Immortal
OK.. here's the nitty gritty stuff... what the heck I"d like to do "upstairs". (Just FYI, I plan on having very strong links to the following of another individual who is seeking Immortality, and more will be added if/when she applies and is accepted, as well)
Order Name: The Strands of the Web
Order Alignment: Good
Aspect/Sphere of Influence: The Life Aspect of Fate
Title : The Weaver of the Web, also "The Grey Lady"
Nashite Title (if accepted by the Council) : The Oracle of Nash
Holy Symbol : (tattooed)(writhing) The Sigil of the Web
Follower Title Keyword : Web
Order Dictates: Service to all. Honor in all things. Forgiveness and Growth.
My temple description is complete, as are the requirements for entry, personal description, web page info, entry/exit strings, you name it. All of these can be submitted for approval whenever you wish. Once more, thank you for your consideration of me as an Immortal Applicant. I can be emailed at (email address removed) or paged at (pager number removed) with any questions. (RL name removed)

[14] Immortality Petition
From: Cordir
Subject Immortality Petition
Date: sun Jan 3 l0:50:l7 1999
To: Immortal
Long have I known that Fate held a strong hand in my life, and that nothing is truly 'chance' - from fleeing my home in Southshire, hearing the voices of the Triat in my mind and subsequent service to Lord Thaygar to my being taken by the Arch-Lich, to Gryphon's acceptance of my service. Now, much of who I am and what I may yet be has been made clear to me, and I can see the fullness of that potential just out of my grasp, waiting for one last bridge to be crossed before its full bloom.
Therefore, I, Cordir, would hereby petition to be granted Immortality to pursue what I believe is the destiny and purpose of my life the service and protection of others, through leadership and guidance of a following. I am aware that it is both an honor and a burden, a great responsibility and trust, and feel I can shoulder it with grace.
I respectfully await your decision.

Personal Timeline:

Cordir - Timeline

Immortal Entrance and Exit:

A ebon light appears, and expands into a shadowy web-like Pattern before you.
Cordir fades in from the shadows.
The Pattern fades into wisps of darkness, scattered about the chamber.

Cordir raises her hand in a graceful gesture of summoning.
An ebon light appears, and expands into a shadowy web-like Pattern.
Cordir fades into the Pattern.
The Pattern fades into wisps of darkness, scattered about the chamber.

Player Information:

Abe & Cordir's Wedding, 2004

I've been playing TFC since Summer of 1995, with an intermittent break after Retirement in June of 2008. My ex-room mate Gryphon introduced me (and several of our friends, including Ivarr the Disenchanted, ZARA, Nameless Demonspawn, Yvon, Polnevdra Zrelendar, Taffron and others) to mudding. My first character was Kestrel Loriah a cleric in Coleman's Mirth, and my second, Lena, a Kindred Vampyric under Khore. Not surprisingly, I have never played an active PK'er, although some of my mortals HAVE gotten debt through one mad-cap roleplay or another. It was meeting Thaygar in the winter of 1995 that inspired me to create Cordir, who would become my primary (and highest level) character. When granted the privilege of Immortality, my deepest enjoyment of TFC blossomed. I had the joy of leading the Chosen of Fate for nine wonderful years; a better group could not be hand-picked from the heavens. Each and every one of them have my thanks for the contribution they brought.

I've had the delight of meeting several dozen TFC'ers from all over the USA at multiple GTS in Los Angeles and Arizona, and spoken to some on the phone (and video) from across the globe. (I love to communicate, and can be followed on Twitter @lady_cordir ) Several meetings of folks from the MUD bloomed into friendships that I treasure still today - and one became the love of my life and my husband. :)

I play live in the Midwest, and am generally online in the evenings during the weekday (6 PM-ish CST through 11 pm-ish), and weekends, on and off most of the day. (Yep: Nerd.) For further information, please visit User:Cordir.


  1. Please Note: Cordir was NOT a god+ when she served as the TFC Website Admin - but rather a Lesser Goddess.