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[ 18] Jasmine: Call To Arms!!!
Sun Oct 8 00:32:14 2000
To: all
A vile sickness named Nashism has plauged this realm for to long. This is but a simple call to those of you that will join with Chaos, to rid this realm of that which has left a sour taste in our mouths for to long. I make a simple but truthful statment to all of this relm. Stand with us united and the Nashites are certain to fall. Stand aside and turn a blind eye to Nashism and be recognized as a neutral.


Stand as a Nashite and DIE!!!!!!

Its time to stand up and rid this realm of these vile beings that worship a false god,

It is know to us that have been enlightend by the truth that NASH does not exist. It is known that Nashism is but a thought placed in the heads of many by a powerful Lichen named Molo! It is time to tear that thought from the minds of our bothers and sisters that this evil Lichen has place in them.

The sadness of it however is that the Lichen's spell is so strong that only the repeated deaths of its victoms will release them from his power. KILL THEM UNTIL THEY RENOUNCE NASH! FOR THIS IS THE WAY WE MUST SAVE OUR BOTHERS AND SISTERS!


simply place a {NH} in your title and stand up and be counted among the true people of TFC

[ 20] Asia: Re: Call to Arms.
Sun Oct 8 14:09:49 2000
To: all
Just a few comments and questions on this.
First is this an offically approved group?
Second if this is any offically approved group goods and evils can't be in groups together unless this has changed recently .
Third, isn't chaos and orgainization totally opposite? How can somebody who is chaotic start a orgainized group with a single goal?
And last but not least, how do you guys figure on converting immortal Nashites?
Asia, Nashite Mistress of Pain

[ 23] Jasmine: Re: Asia
Sun Oct 8 19:19:56 2000
To: all
First question Since this is a nashite ran mud how could we possiblly hope to obtain approval for a anti-nash group. No its not approved.
Second statement:No, goods and evils can not group together. Yet we need not to group to aid each other in the death of a nashite.
Third question: Chaos is just that chaos you expect us not to be orgainized therefore we do Chaos is defined by the unexpected! Gotcha!!!!
Last Question:Immortals are not of mortal concern, but if an immortal is being controled by another immortal then there is no reason not to believe that another immortal would not come to your aide and cleanse your mind of Nashism.

Not the first I'm sure but one of the biggest NASH HATERS today!

[ 25] Molo: an entertaining call to arms?
Sun Oct 8 21:41:05 2000
To: all

Dear Jasmine,

Your note was amusing enough that I thought I'd respond to it. Here you are.

1. The term 'Nashism' is improper grammer. If you knew anything about the Nashite faith, you'd know this. The 'vile sickness' that you refer to is called 'Nashite'.

2. As the Nashite Mistress of Pain noted, it seems against your faith's tenants to 'unite' anything. A Chaotic Evil following calling itself 'Chaos' and asking others to unite under their banner to strike down evil is very amusing.

3. "Stand as a Nashite and DIE!" I think you typo'd but I can't be certain. I am almost certain you meant "Stand against the Nashites and DIE!" as you have so many many times.

4. Your simple 'truth' as you call it, that Lord Nash does not exist and the thought that you shall become this realms 'savior' actually came close to making me giggle (I said close, it actually only made me smirk).

5. I'd like to point out that according to the 'deathtoll', your following has 286 deaths vs my Conclave's 108. Even adding Asia's following (130 deaths), your following has individually more than the vastly greater total number of this realms Nashite population. Your following is also only a few months old vs two followings which have been reported since the deathtoll has been in place. Are you sure you should be leading the charge?

6. Let's not forget about pkstats. Your following not only has a fraction of our total kills, but a fraction of the adjusted kills and half of the success percentage of kills per attack. Did you say you were qualified to lead this attack on my faith?

I do hate to spoil any fun, especially when I am having most of it but I do believe you are just being chaotic afterall and attempting to cause more chaos.

I'll speak for my Conclave and the other Nashites in saying, bring it on.

Lord Nash will appreciate YOUR sacrifices and it does not matter to Him if you praise his name with love, hate or non-belief. To be a Nash Hater, one has already acknowledged His existance. Thank you.

Molo the Arch-Lich
Master of the Black Conclave of Nashite

[ 28] Jasmine: Election
Tue Oct 10 18:04:26 2000
To: all
Pending the approval or disapproval of the {NH} Clan, I will be takeing nominations for who the fine people of TFC think should lead such a mighty cause.

Nominiations should be posted in note form to me or all if you wish and must be limited to, any non-nashite. Nominations will only be accepted by non-nashites as well, but if the lost care to post a nomination, I'm sure will all get a chuckle out of it!

Should the {NH} clan be offically sanction by the Immortals of TFC a ballet will be held listing the names of the top 10 nonminee's.

In order to keep the voting fair and not tampered with I most likely will inlist one of our fine attendants to assist with the voting process. That is if they'll help!

[ 26] Jasmine: Call To Arms ***CORRECTIONS*** (Long Note)
Fri Oct 13 17:32:09 2000
To: all
A vile sickness named Nashism has plauged this realm for to long. This is but a simple call to those of you that will join with Chaos, to rid this realm of that which has left a sour taste in our mouths for to long. I make a simple but truthful statment to all of this relm. Stand with us united and the Nashites are certain to fall. Stand aside and turn a blind eye to Nashism and be recognized as a neutral. Or Stand as a Nashite and DIE!!!!!! Its time to stand up and rid this realm of these vile beings that worship a false god,

It is know to us that have been enlightend by the truth that NASH does not exist.
It is known that "Nashism" is but a thought placed in the heads of many by a powerful God named Sirak!
It is time to tear that thought from the minds of our bothers and sisters that this evil God has place in them.
The sadness of it however is that Siraks generals Molo and Asia are strong adversaries and their followers will require repeated deaths to release them from their power.


Simply place a {NH} in your title and stand up and be counted among the true people of TFC

Pending the approval or disapproval of the {NH} Clan, I will be taking nominations for Who the fine people of TFC think should lead such a mighty cause. Nominations should be posted in note form to all or me if you wish and must be limited to, any non-nashite. Nominations will only be accepted by non-nashites as well, but if the lost care to post a nomination, I'm sure will all get a chuckle out of it!

Should the {NH} clan be officially sanction by the Immortals of TFC a ballet will be held listing the names of the top 10 nominee's. In order to keep the voting fair and not not tampered with I most likely will in-list one of our fine attendants to assist with the voting process. That is if they'll help!
