Area Header
The syntax for the header is:
A: This is the string "#AREA " without the quotes. Following the string,
on the same line, is a bunch of text which MUST be laid out precisely in
order to keep the area list in neat columns.
B: This is the level range. It starts with a { followed by the low range
followed by the high range followed by a }. The field with is 7 positions,
and all must be used with { in the first position and } in the 7th.
C: This is the author's name. It starts with a space in position 8,
followed by up to 8 characters for the name. Unused character places
should be padded with spaces. Position 17 must be a space.
D: This is the name of the area. It starts in position 18. You are
allowed up to 20 characters for the name, but you do not have to pad the
unused positions with spaces.
E: This is the tilda (the squiggly hyphen).
F: This is the area wide flag denoting the kind of area it is. It is a
letter "F" followed by a space followed by a value. The value is chosen
from the appropriate part of the flag list, and these values may be
This an example of an area header:
#AREA { 1 2} Author Area_Name~ F 1
If this block is used, it is IMPERATIVE it is the FIRST line of the file.