AW - Creating an Object

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From any of the navigation bars, select OBJECTS. This brings you to the Objects Index Page:
Object Index.png

Select the New Object button. This brings you to the Object Edit Page:
New Object.png

  • Vnum: This is the vnum of the object. As a default, this is system generated, and will increase as you make additional rooms. The first vnum is 0. Users CAN edit this field, but it isn’t recommended.
  • Keywords: These are the specific keywords for interacting with the object. You should use nouns only, not adjectives (especially not colors, as this can cause someone to attempt to eat/quaff the object instead of a potion or pill in their inventory). [E.G: fish head]
  • Short Description: this is the description of the object as you are interacting with it. [E.G: a rotting fish head]. The short description should not begin with a capital letter or end with punctuation.
  • Long Description: This is the description of the object as it appears on the ground. Including all applicable flags (such as Invis, Magic, or alignment-based flags), the long description should not exceed 80 characters. [E.G: Flies circle around this rotting fish head.]
  • Object Type: Select the type of object. Depending on your choice, this will cause additional options to appear, for example AC, spell charges and spell types, number of drink units, liquid types, carrying capacity, etc.)
  • Flags: What are the effects on the item? This is where you will select each type. TAKEABLE is a default setting. Unclick it if you do not want mortals to be able to pick up the item. All items with magical affects must have the Magic flag selected. When you add Applies to an object, this flag should be automatically set by the Apprentice's Workshop. Flags affect how many characters you have available for your long description!
  • Worn: (Generally) all items should have a worn slot. This must match the reset if it is to be worn by a mob, so take notes!
  • Weight: This is the object weight. Object weight can affect weapons – too heavy a weapon, and the mud will automatically make it a two-handed weapon.
  • Cost: Leave this field blank. The mud assigns a cost to all items when it is sold to a shopkeeper. This should only be used with the permission of the Area Coordinators.

Click Create Object when all applicable fields are completed. Once the object is created, you can add extra descriptions to it if you wish, or magical applies:
Object Applies.png

*Apprentice's Workshop User Guide * AW - Creating an Area * AW - Navigating an Area * AW - Creating a Mobile * AW - Creating a Room * AW - Creating an Object * AW - Creating a Reset *